Mass production of cold dishes and snacks recipes. Sophisticated cold snacks. Recipes for the New Year

I. Cooking.


The art of cooking - cooking, cooking - one of

ancient professions. Of course, in prehistoric times, cooking was primitive. People instinctively chose some kind of products, especially without taking care of their utility for the body, combination, digestibility. But, mastered fire, learning to cultivate cereals, breed cattle, make clay dishes, a person more and more diversified his food and invented various methods Her cooking. Recent studies of scientists from the University of Humboldt in Berlin showed, for example, that

egyptians who lived - 4 - 3 millennia BC, had significantly

greater choice Food and beverages. Suffice to say that only bread

then 58 varieties were baked. The main product for the first and second dishes was fish - fresh, salty, dried, smoked. Widely used for cooking vegetables: salad, cucumbers, radishes, pumpkin, garlic. But the meat was used only in holidays, and special delicacy were baked geese. Egyptians were able to prepare from milk different types Cheese and cheese.

For hundreds of years, people have changed and improved adults

processing products, created thousands of complex culinary recipes,

adapted ways of cooking to economic, climatic conditions Life and taste requirements. Gradually created national Kitchenswho are an integral part of any national culture.

A variety of products is of great importance. Thanks to it, the nutritional value of the entire daily diet, digestibility of food, is most fully ensured by the physiological needs of the body.

Snacks - one of the features of Russian cuisine, different

a variety of assortment of cold and hot snacks, especially fish, which is not in any foreign cooking. Snacks for the excitation of appetite in front of the main dishes are calculated, so they are prepared by small portions, sharp, piquant to taste.

Characteristic theme.

Snacks are customary to call dishes more or less sharp or salty, which are usually served in front of hot dishes for lunch or dinner.
Snacks can be sandwiches, salads, winegreets, pies, dyeing dishes, jelly, fish, boiled meat, poultry, which can be served with various sauces and seasonings, all kinds of pickles and marinades.
For the preparation of cold snacks of meat and poultry, they use piglets, pork, veal, lamb, beef, sausage, ham, poultry and game. Meat for cold snacks can be prepared by himself or purchase finished video.
If the meat is in a frozen form, then the slower is thawing meat, the less meat juice is lost and nutrients. It is best to defrost meat in the refrigerator, placing it in a deep container.
So that the meat fastened faster, it can be left for 2-3 hours at room temperature. It is not recommended to drain meat in water.
Wash meat you need a whole piece, and then cut to portions. Then the meat is brewed, fried or baked as required in the recipe.
Ready meat need to cut across the fibers with a wide thin slices. You can put on a large dish with even rows, and you can submit portion: meat products - 2-3 pieces for a portion, a poultry - 2 pieces.
On the header to cold meat you can feed fresh vegetables, a good garnish are light vegetable salads. Be sure to serve various sauces.
Ham, buoyanin it is necessary to cut across the fibers with a long thin knife with a narrow blade (knives should always be well sharpened). We must try to slices are thin and smooth.
Finished poultry and game first cut along into two parts, then, depending on the size, divide into several pieces. Slices are laid on the dish, decorate various greens. Garnish can be urea apples, sauerkraut, pickled plums, lingonberry, cranberries, green lettuce leaves. Mayonnaise or sour-sweet sauce can be served to the poultry, and a fruit-berry sauce or a lingonberry jam.
To prepare jelly for fuel dishes, gelatin needs to soak 40-50 minutes in cold water at the rate of 1: 5. In a hot broth or decoction (in which the original product was cooked) add a pre-clumsy gelatin and cook, stirring, on a weak heat to completely dissolve gelatin, without bringing to a boil. Finished jelly leave it to push for 20 minutes, then strain.
To get more transparent jelly, you can add 1 raw broth for 1 raw egg white. White protein, add 1 cup of cold broth, 1 tbsp. Spoon of vinegar or 1 tbsp. A spoonful of lemon juice, pour into hot broth, cover with a lid, put on a weak fire, bring to a boil, remove from the fire and laughed within 20 minutes, then strain.

To prepare cold fish snacks, boiled, fried, salty fish and various seafood are used.
Salt herring snacks are popular from cold fish snacks. It is better to buy a weakly salt, but if the herring is salted, it needs to be pre-winding in cold water, milk or cold infusion strong tea. As a garnish with herring, boiled potatoes are well combined, onion, carrots, beets, salted cucumbers, boiled eggs.
If in the recipe you need fillet herring, then it can be bought in the store in the finished form or prepare yourself. To do this, first carefully gut the herring, wipe inside paper towel, deleting the remains of the internships, remove the skin, wear along the ridge and slowly separate from the bones. Then also separate the second half of herring.
Excellent cold snack Prepare from boiled fish. The smaller the water is taken for cooking, the more tastier the fish turns out. Large fish is recommended to fill with cold salted water so that it gradually boosts, and small-hot. To boiled fresh fish, 1 liter of water is laying 1 t. Spoon of salt, 1 carrot, 1/2 root of parsley, 1 turn onion head, 1 bay leaf, 4-5 black pepper peas. Roots and bows pre-clean.
Sea fish With a pronounced taste, it is better to cook in a spicy brave (to the recipe above, add 1/2 of the celery root, and first the water with roots and seasonings are adjusted to a boil, boil 10 minutes, then poured fish with this decoction) or in a cucumber brine (to A spicy brave is added 500 ml of cucumber brine). From the beginning of boiling to the end of the cooking fish, water should weakly, but continuously boiled. Cut fish with a large sharp knife with latitive slices.
For filling dishes, fish, which is tasty in boiled form, without small bones. Broth or decoction obtained during cooking fish is used for cooking jelly. The amount of the added gelatin depends on the boujonda fortress.
For stuffing, rather fleshy fish are selected. As a garnish, boiled vegetables can be used and served separately in the sauce of horseradish with vinegar or mayonnaise, in which you can add grated horseradish.
Fried, and boiled, specially cooked or purchased in the fish shop are suitable for fish under the marinade.

Meat is a skeletal, transverse muscles of the animal. Meat is one of the important foods in the human diet. Meat richly vitamins group in such as: vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 or PP (nicotinic acid), vitamin B4 (choline), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxin), vitamin B6 or h (biotin), vitamin B9 (folic acid), vitamin B12 (cobalamines), and also contains vitamin E.

Despite the content in the meat of a large number of useful and required substancesMany nutritionists recommend rationally limit its consumption. Total amount of meat and meat products In a human diet, according to nutritionists, should be no more than 20-25% of the total number of food, at low and medium-sized physical exertion. In the case of high physical Loads The share of meat in the diet should be no more than 30-35%. At the same time, if possible, it should be limited to the consumption of fatty meat varieties. At the same time, the meat of birds and fish can be eaten without significant restrictions.

As for fats, which are contained in fish, modern data indicate in favor of fish products. Fatness of fish depends on the place of habitat, age, the proximity of the spawning period and from the view to which the fish belongs.

Fish in the degree of fatty is divided into three groups: fat, medium fat and skinny.

Fat fish: eel, salmon, mackerel, herring.

Fish of medium fatty: Kefal, Carp, Sazan, Tuna, Sultanka, Grucker, Merouney, Sig, Sturgeon, Sardine, Big Sea Cairque, Sword Fish, Trout.

Skinny Fish: Chavel, Cod, Merlusa, Lotsman, Flumba, Lin, Sibas, Sea Yersh (Screepe), Rombo, Dorada, European Fishilla (Sea Damn), San Pietro Fish, Skat, Perch, Salt Fish, Pike and All kinds of crustaceans and mollusks.

In the Mediterranean cuisine, which is considered one of the most useful for health, preference is given to the fish, and not meat; Recipes for this kitchen are different the right relation Products and variety.

Thus, it is better to choose fish, not only guided by its own taste, but also considering the nutritional qualities of health products.

Vitamins determine the biological value of potatoes as a food product. In the potato tubers, the average is contained (in mg per 100g): vitamin C 12; Pp 0,57; B1 0.11; B2 0.66; B6 0.22; Pantothenic acid 0.32; Carotene (provitamin a) traces; Inositis 29. B. minor quantities Biotin (vitamin H) and vitamins E, K, etc. were found.

Organic acids cause the acidity of potato cell juice. The pH value for potatoes is found within 5.6--6.2. Potatoes contain citric, apple, oxal, isolation, milk, pyroinograde, wine, chlorogenic, fry and other organic acids. The most rich in potatoes lemon acid.

Fats and lipids in potatoes constitute an average of 0.10-- 0.15% raw mass. Palmitic, myristine, linoleic and linolenic acid were found in fats. The two latter have an important nutritional value, as they are not synthesized in the animal organism.

Great importance It has potatoes as a source of minerals. In potatoes, they are mainly represented by salts of potassium and phosphorus; There are also sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, chlorine and trace elements - zinc, bromine, silicon, copper, boron, manganese, iodine, cobalt, etc. The total ash content in the club is about 1%, including (in mg %): K2O - about 600, p - 60, - 21, Mg - 23, sa - 10. Minerals are distributed in the club unevenly: most of them in the cortex, less - in the outer core, in the top Parts are more than at the base.

Mineral elements in the club are mainly located in an easily dismantled form and are represented by alkaline salts that contribute to the maintenance of alkaline equilibrium in the blood.

More precisely, the egg contains 12 basic vitamins, with the exception of vitamin C, as well as 96% the necessary organism man minerals, folic acid and indispensable amino acids. The uniqueness of the chicken egg lies in the fact that in its composition you can find almost all macro and trace elements (47) of the periodic Mendeleev system plus the four most important chemical elements - oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, which constitute organic matter, i.e. There are only more than 50 bioelers. Such a number useful substances It is quite explained, because the egg is created by nature to ensure the chicken embryo everything is vital. Eggs - accessible to all the source of niacin necessary for the power of the brain and the formation of sex hormones; vitamin K, providing blood clotting; Holine, which improves the memory and withdrawing poisons from the liver. In the eggs there are many vitamins E, B2, B6, B12, Biotin and folic acidSupplement to development congenital defects In newborns with high energy values \u200b\u200band containing valuable proteins and bioregulators, vitamin A and nicotinic acid. According to the content of vitamin D, eggs are inferior only to fish fat. The chicken egg contains 7.7 grams of fats, with a 3.5 grams - mono-mono-saturated, which are very useful for the heart, 1.7 grams - polyunsaturated and only 2 grams of saturated fats. This combination can be found only in salmon fish and mackerels.

Fresh mushrooms contain a lot of water. With heat treatment, the amount of water in mushrooms is almost doubled or somewhat larger, it is reduced to a minimum when drying. An analysis of the composition of dried mushrooms shows why mushrooms are often called "vegetable meat": in dried mushrooms it is indeed contained a large number of Proteins. However, despite this, the difference from meat is still large, since the mushrooms contain many carbohydrates and fiber that is absent in meat and fish. Around nutrient value Mushrooms conducted a lot of disputes, now in general, everyone is recognized that mushrooms are very useful due to the content of proteins, minerals and vitamins in them. Mushrooms in their composition are closest to vegetables, but they contain more than proteins compared to them.

The cucumber is rich in vitamins, very useful for our body, including such vitamins as: vitamins of group B, vitamin C, vitamin RR. Cucumber is replete with macro and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of our body, including calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine.

The benefits of cheese in the fact that it contains proteins and fats, as well as calcium and phosphorus, such as the growing and aging organism necessary, as well as those who are engaged in effortlessly sports, as the 100 g of cheese accounts for 260 kcal.

In the nutrition, the Fresh Khrena root is used as seasoning to meat, fish dishes, snacks, for sauces, when canning cucumbers, tomatoes. Khreni roots can be used and dried in winter time. Salads are prepared from young gentle leaves.

Horseradish is an important spicy plant, in our country it is cultivated as a uneline or twarm. The greatest application Fuck finds like a spicy-taste additive in cooking, which uses fresh grated or sliced \u200b\u200broots, as well as leaves; As a spice when singing and picking cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, red beets and when sailing cabbage.

Preparation of semi-finished products includes cutting, chopping, cutting tendons, breading, tie, marination.Slicing. Meat cut across the fibers at a right angle or an angle of 40-45 ° so that the portion pieces had a freight look and less deformed.Choosing. Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of meat are chopped by a chopper, pre-moistened cold water. Bringing breaks down the connective tissue, aligns the thickness of the piece, smoothes the surface, gives a piece of shape.Cutting tendons. The tendons are cut to the portion pieces of meat not deformed during thermal processing.Panning. Panish semi-finished products to reduce the flow of juice and evaporation of moisture. Panning contributes to the formation of a beautiful roasted and crispy crust.Spiege. Espigat meat to increase its juiciness, improve taste and aromatic qualities.Pickling. Marinate meat with small or portion slices. Marinity promotes the softening of the connective tissue of meat, gives good taste And fragrance.Semi-finished products are divided into size for large-scale, portion and small-sided. In the clipping there are three parts: a thickened (head), middle and thin (tail). From each part, the corresponding semi-finished product is cut.

Rubber semi-finished products.

Stewed meat is obtained from the upper, inner, side and outer parts of the back leg of 1.5-2.5 kg. At first it is extinguished, and then the finished meat is cut into portions.The swinker meat is prepared from the top, inner, side and outer parts of the back leg of 1.5-2.5 kg. Meat ride along the fibers or at an angle of 45 ° carrots, white roots, stigps. Chilled spiches are injected into the meat using a spying needle.Boiled meat is prepared from the pulp of the side and outer parts of the back legs, the blades, the sublock, sternum, cropping, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg.

Portion semi-finished products.Fillet is cut at a right angle from the middle part of the clipping one sliced \u200b\u200bon a portion of 4-5 cm thick, then give it round shape, do not beat off.Langet cut two pieces on a portion of a thin part of the tenderloin at an angle of 40-45 ° with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm and blocked slightly.Annecot is obtained from thick and thin edges (slices with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm), chopped, tendons and films. Annecot has an oval-oblong shape.Zrazy chops are cut from the inner, upper, side and outer parts of the rear leg pulp (pieces of 1-1.5 cm thick). Then they beat off, mince is put on the middle, wrapped in the form of small sausages and tied with thread or twine.Ground beef is cut from the side and outer parts of the rear leg pulp (pieces with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm) and knocks off.Rumpstex is cut from thick and thin edges, the upper and inner parts of the rear leg pulp (pieces of 1.5-2 cm thick), cut off, cut down the tendons, sprinkle with salt and pepper, wetted in the splas, are breadned in red breading, give the shape.

The treated carcasses of fish and fillets are the main fish semi-finished products. Without any additional preparation, they can be directed to heat treatment for cooking. At the same time, the carcass and fillets of the fish are the basis for the preparation of portion and small-sided semi-finished products, as well as products from the cutlet and none masses.

Forwarkause: fish as a whole; Prepared links of sturgeon fish; portion pieces of carcass (laugh); Portioned pieces of loafal fish with leather and bones, with skin and without bones. Slices cut across the fibers, holding a knife at right angles to the fish. On each piece to prevent deformation during heat treatment, the skin is cut into two or three places.

Foremission used: fish as a whole (mainly for banquets), links (sturgeon fish), portion pieces of loaf fish with skin without bones, without skin and bones. It is allowed to cut the portion pieces of carcasses of fish with a bone-separated pulp (fluster, halice, heck, etc.). Cutting slices are cut under an acute angle (45 °) with wide subtle films. Such pieces are evenly warmed in a small amount of liquid. No cuts on the skin.

For cutting portion pieces of sturgeon fish, the prepared links (stripped from cartilage and bugs) are put on the skin of the skin down and cut into pieces at a sharp angle, cutting the flesh from the skin. The resulting pieces are scald and washed.

Cutlet massit can be cooked from chilled, frostbed and made of well-metered salted fish. In addition, minced industrial manufacturing is used.

Fillet is cut into pieces, add choking in milk or water with a stiveb wheat bread from flour not lower than the 1st grade (without crust), salt, pepper, well mixed, passed through the meat grinder, after which they are mixed and knocked out.

If the cutlet mass is not viscous (from cod, heck, pikes, etc.), then add it to it a raw egg. In the too viscous cutlet mass for increasing looseness, the cooled boiled fish in the amount of 25-30% mass of the pulp raw fish. In the boiler mass you can add milk fresh fish, but not more than 6% of the mass of the pulp by reducing its bookmark.

Cooking technology ( technological maps), range .

Omelet roll with minced meat.


    Chicken minced 500-800 gr.

    bow 2-3 pcs.

    solid cheese 350 gr.

    mayonnaise 250 gr.

    eggs 5 pcs.

    salt, pepper to taste.


Chicken meat we pass through the meat grinder together with the bow and get mince. NOT SOLIM !!! (Solim Omelet). Go to the cooking of omelet. Three cheese on a large grater, add mayonnaise, eggs and well everything is stirred, Solim and at the request of Perchym.Cover parchment paper The baking sheet, we pour the egg-cheese mixture and evenly distribute opposition all over everything. We put bake in the oven to the light ruddy crust. Approximately 5-10 minutes. We get out of the oven omelet and spark from above the already cooked mince. And while the omelet is still hot, we start tightly twist in the roll, gradually rolling it from paper. The resulting roll is worried on foil. We look good and put in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes. After the time of cooking, the roll is getting out of the oven and give it to cool without unwinding foil.Omelet roll with minced meatready. Now the roll can be chopped and served to the table. Sliced \u200b\u200broll laying on a salad leaf.In addition to the roll of omelet and minced mellstuffed hatschampignon and we get a wonderful combination of chicken meat, mushrooms and cheese.


    0.5 kg. liver (B. this case Duck I. goose)

    onions, big 1 pc.

    carrot 1 pc.

    100 gr. butter creamy

    salt, pepper, bay leaf, fragrant pepper

    100 gr. Cheese (for registration)


Wash the liver (the beef liver remove the film) and cut into pieces. In vegetable oil, fry the liver for about 5 - 7 minutes. Onions cut and add to the liver, add a squeezed carrot, bay leaf, fragrant pepper, salt, pepper, some water and 100-15 minutes. Then steamed liver with vegetables cooled and grind 3 times on the meat grinder. Then add softened butter And mix well. Cooked liver pate, cool in the refrigerator, forming sausages or simply laying out in a bowl. It is possible to file a liver pate to the table. We form balls, lubricate them slightly creamy oil and collapse in squeezed cheese.



    meat beef or pork 1.5-2 kg

    carrot 1 piece

    garlic 1 head

    water for cooking meatper 1 kg of meat 1.5 l. water

    carrot, onions and spices for cooking meat.


We take a good piece of meat. Meat with spigoon carrots and garlic. For this, the carrots are cut by thin pavers 3-4 cm. In length and 0.5 cm. In width, garlic, if a large cutting of a teeth on 3-4 parts. In meat, across the fibers with a knife, we make punctures and sat in the resulting holes alternately, then carrot, then garlic. Meat fry on both sides. Meat lay in hot water And quickly bring to a boil. Water should cover meat or take water at the rate of 1 kg of meat 1.5 liters of water. Remove foam, fat and cook without boiling on slow fire. Meat cooking time: pork 1.5-2 hours, beef 2-2.5 hours. Watch the readiness of meat so as not to digest - the meat will decay when cutting. 30-40 minutes before the end of the cooking, we add carrots, onions, you can root parsley, and for 10-15 minutes, salt and add spices: bay leaf, pepper fragrant, black peas and ground pepper. Meat leave cool in the broth. Before serving on the table, they pull out the broth from the broth, we give a stance of the liquid, we have a napkin. Meat cut across the fibers.

Marinated mackerel with onions and carrots.


Mackerel - 1 pc;Onion - 0.5 pcs;
Carrots - 1 pc;
Peter pepper - 5 pcs;
Fascinated pepper -5 pcs;
Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs;
Water - 0.5 liters;
Vinegar (9%) - 5 tbsp;
Salt - 1 tbsp;
Salt - 3/4 tbsp;
Spices for marination - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

Mackerel is a fish that is good for baking and for pickling. Marinated mackerel with the addition of Luke and Carrot is an excellent snack for boiled potatoes. Thanks to the spices, the fish turns out very fragrant. It is quite suitable for festive table. or gatherings in nature and for everyday kitchen.

To prepare the fish we need a mackerel, onions, carrots, salt, sugar, vinegar 9%, bay leaf, peas pepper and fragrant, spices for marination.Skumbrian free from all the internals and remove the head, rinse well with running water and cut into pieces of 1.5-2 cm. In the scenery to cook marinade. Pour water and add all spices: salt, sugar, seasonings for marination, bay leaf and pepper. Put onions sliced \u200b\u200bby half rings and carrots with circles. To bring marinade to a boil, turn off the fire and pour vinegar to the sauinee. Cool up to warm. In the bank layers lay out fish shifting onions and carrots. Pour into the jar of marinade, remove one day in the refrigerator. After putting the fish on the purpose of destination by laying on the plate.

Stuffed Herring "Kaleidoscope".


Herring - 1 pc;
Pepper sweet - 1 pc;
Carrots - 1 pc;
Onions purple - 1 pc;
Egg - 1 pc;
Marinated cucumber - 1 pc;
Gelatin 15 grams;
Sour cream - 200 grams;
Water - 40 ml;
Greens - to taste;
Salt, pepper - to taste;
Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking process:

Herring is one of the most common products on our table. It is difficult to imagine a feast on which some snack from herring would not be present. I want to offer you to prepare an unusual snack, which will surprise and delight guests at the festive table. It looks very impressive and bright.

To prepare a snack we need a walled herring, the onions purple, carrot, pickled cucumber, sweet red pepper, egg, gelatin, sour cream, salt, pepper, greens and lemon juice. Cook pre-carrot and egg. Clear carrots and cut into cubes. Also chopped cubes bell pepper. Grind onions. Herring Disassemble for 2 fillets removing the ridge and small bones. Gelatin pour 40 ml of cold water, warm up to complete dissolution. Mix well gelatin with sour cream, add sliced \u200b\u200bpepper, carrots, onions and boiled egg. Salt, pepper and lemon juice Add to taste. Also add a bit finely chopped greenery and mix well.

To lay out one part of the herring fillet to the inner side. Stay on top half of sour cream-vegetable mass. Cut into thin plates along the pickled cucumber and lay it on top. Then lay out the second part of the sour cream and vegetable mass and cover the second herring fillet inner side. Tightly wrap herring with food film and remove the refrigerator overnight. Well frozen roll cut into a sharp knife.

Forshmak serenity.


Herring - 1 pc.;Onion onion - 1 pc.;Egg SCHMY - 1 pc.;Olive oil - 1 tbsp.;Pepper black ground-to taste.

Cooking process:

Such a snack like Forshmak is well known all over the world as one of the most popular in Jewish cuisine. there is traditional way Its preparations, as well as many options with the addition of various ingredients. Often, new recipes are tastier classic. The prescription preparation of Forsham proposed by me is very saturated, bright tasteFast cooking and can please your guests at the festive table.

Prepare a herring.Cut off your head, remove the skin, divide herring on the fillet. Searel fillet cut into pieces.In the blender send slices of herring, add a sliced \u200b\u200bonion to the same, the egg skeyka, vegetable oil and pepper. Wash in a blender to such a state so that small pieces are preserved, i.e. Not to the status of mashed. Slices of black bread fry slightly on vegetable oil.Wait until the bread will cool.On each piece of black bread, lay out Formak, sprinkle onions from above.

Technical and technological card number 1

For a snack from herring with mushrooms and potatoes

name of raw materials

Gross mass (d)

Net weight (g)

Weight ready Product

Herring salty.


Mass goth. Potatoes


Mass Goth.gribov

Rast., Oil


Technological process:

Perform the primary processing of fish (herring). Herring fillet cut 1,5 cm wide and lay out on a plate. Champignons and boiled potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, fry on vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is put on the plate next to herring.

Design (feed):

The dish "Snack from Herring with mushrooms and potatoes" is released on an oval dish. Power supply for 8 ° C. The term of the dish is no more than an hour.

Quality requirements:

Appearance: - The fish has kept its shape, the potatoes did not boil. Consistency: - firm, tender. Taste: - Incoming products, moderately salty, mushrooms are good, they are not proud. Smell: - the smell of fish and incoming products.

Technological card number 2.

Name of dishes: "Tomatoes with cheese and sardines"

name of raw materials

Gross mass (d)

Net weight (g)

Mass Goth.Prod.


Cheese Brynza

Sardines in oils



Description technological process:

Brynez cut or uncut. Add pieces of sardines, garlic, greens. Slightly pour oil from Sardin and mix. Tomatoes cut into circles. Put the prepared mass on top. Slightly cool.

Vacation dishes:

Stay on the snack plate, decorate dill sprigs.

Quality indicators:

Fish soft, gentle. The taste of moderately salty. Tomatoes neatly sliced, ballflower balls, gentle, salty salty.

Methods of registration and filing.

The design of cold snacks largely depends on the form of dishes. When making cold snacks for feeding on the dish oval form Used longitudinal linear location of products. In this case, the products are cut into slices (Rostable cold, boiled tongue, roast veal, buoyhenin, salmon, hot smoking fish, etc.) laid along the dish so that one piece is closed on 3/4 parts by another.

The side dish is located either along the main product ("fence") or on both sides of the dish. For decoration use greens, lemon, olives, etc.

On dishes round shape The location of the products may be different: the main product is located in the center, and the side dishes - in the form of a border around it or laid the side dish and the main product over the entire surface of the dishes, most often in the form of concentric circles.

With any method of designing the edge of the dishes should be left free. The drawing on the dishes should organically enter the composition of the dishes.

Quality requirements and feed temperature.

The main condition for obtaining benign cold dishes is the use of high-quality raw materials for their preparation.

In fish cold dishes - fish without leather and bones, sliced \u200b\u200bby elongated pieces; Herring exhaled.

The mass of chopped herring should be homogeneous, without lumps, gray, with a cargo consistency.

Pate and meat cheese is prepared in the form of a homogeneous mass, neatly laid and decorated. The color of these dishes is brownish and light gray, taste - gentle, with a taste of the liver and meat, the consistency is soft.

Cold dishes and snacks are prepared before use, before the feed is stored at a temperature of 6 ° C, semi-finished products for dishes - at temperatures. O-6 ° C.

Fish under the marinade, chopped herring, the storage pate is stored 24 hours.

Fish gastronomic products must be well cleaned, neatly cut, sturgeon fish without cartilage and skin, on the surface of salmon, knights should not be traces of fingers. Herring is modeled salted, well cleaned, without a dark film on the inside. Finished chopped herring must contain dry substances at least 40%, fat - at least 9, crash salt - no more than 4 - 6 and have acidity not higher than 0.4% (in terms of acetic acid). The formulation of chopped herring includes 45 - 50% (net) mass of the finished product.

In the filling fish and meat jelly, the elastic, transparent, tasteful and aroma of the concentrated broth, without clouds (especially around the slices of lemon), a layer of its at least 0.5 - 0.7 cm, the boiled fish should be dense, preserving; Meat products have a surface should be without coloring (greening, dark spots etc.); In jelly, jelly should be dense, well frozen, and the products are finely cut and evenly distributed over the entire mass. In dishes refilled by mayonnaise, there should be no signs of its separation (yellowing).

All cold snacks and dishes should be neat and beautifully decorated, have a temperature of 10 - 12C. Taste and color must match this kind Products. No signs of damage are not allowed: change color, signs of zaksania, extraneous smells and a taste. The output must accurately match the established norm.

II. Confectionery production.

Characteristic theme.

Fresh dough and products from it have long become a classic culinary art. Moreover, this type of baking was created at the dawn of the existence of humanity and so far did not lose its relevance. Despite the fact that the last centuries and the millennium were invented by a great many dough varieties, a fresh product is appreciated. modern person For the ease of preparation and a simple set of food prescription. It is not surprising that all sorts of semi-finished products, which also applies to and fresh dough, today are at the peak of their popularity. Thanks to them to prepare a hearty lunch or dinner at home can be quickly and easily.

According to the definition adopted in food Industry, fresh dough is a semi-finished product designed for cooking bakery products of various types. The classic prescription of a fresh dough, invented in ancient times, includes the most simple ingredients - Water, flour and salt. In the course of archaeological research, scientists managed to detect the indication in written sources to the fact that even more than three thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt local residents Preparing dishes and products from fresh dough.

At that time, this type of test was the main and, perhaps, the only one, so fresh baking was the basis of the human diet. Such products, for example, as cakes or Lavash in the East and loaf in Russia, lead their own history from the depths of centuries and have long become a classic of folk culinary traditions.

To date, two main types of fresh dough are known - this is ordinary and blessing. The latter is preparing on wheat flour, milk, chicken Yaitz, sour cream, salts, sugar, as well as soda. Creamy butter, cream or milk are often added to the juice fresh dough.

The recipe for the preparation of an ordinary fresh dough is characterized by a more modest set of products. It requires only water, wheat flour, some vegetable oil and salt. Semi-finished products made of fresh test are perfectly suitable for baking simple bakery products, it is also considered ideal for the manufacture of jewelry designed for home caravas and pies. Fresh dough perfectly holds the form and is not blocked upon subsequent baking.

To prepare fresh dough on our own forces, it is necessary to confuse fresh chicken eggs with sugar, introduce a mixture into water, add salt there, melted butter creamy, flour and knead well. It should be remembered that the fresh dough does not "love" too active kneading, the final consumer and taste properties of the finished baking may suffer from this. To increase these characteristics, fresh dough is recommended to withstand about half an hour in a cool place so that it should be reached. After that, from the obtained semi-finished product, you can sculpt any buns, pies or pies.

Characteristics of raw materials and methods of primary processing.

Flour the powder-like product obtained during grinding grains of bread cereals. Flour is divided into species, types, varieties. The type of flour depends on which grain crop it is made - wheat, rye, soy, corn, etc.

Chemical composition Flour depends on the quality of the grain and the type of grinding.

The flour of coarse grinding compared with the flour of higher grades has a lower energy value and digestibility due to the content of culbage rich shells, but high biological value due to the content of vitamins and minerals in it. The flour contains 6.9-12.5% \u200b\u200bprotein, 0.5-1.6% mineral substances and 14% moisture.

The flour of lower grades contains vitamins of group B. The higher the variety of flour, the less vitamins and mineral substances in it, as they focus mainly in the shells of grain and the embryo, which when receiving flour is obtained.

Rye bakery flour. Luggage wobbing flour, spanning and seeded. The wallpaper flour is obtained by a wobbly grinding, its yield of 95% with noticeable bran particles, gray-brownish color, ash content 1.97%.

The riding flour is produced by a sprinkled grinding, reaching it 87%. The flour contains less than the wallpaper, shells and alarium layer, color is grayish-white, ash content 1.45%.

The seeded flour is obtained by a seeded lump, its yield is 63%. Flour soft, white color, ash, 0.75%. The flour consists of an endosperm with a small impurity of the shells of the alarium layer.

The most important indicators of flour defining it technological propertiesare humidity, content and qualitygluten.

Eggs - enhance food value Test products enriched with proteins, biologically active lipids (phosphatides) and vitamins.

Use fresh eggs, melange and egg powder. Melange is a frozen mixture of egg whites and yolks. Eggs replace with a melange in a 1: 1 ratio. Dried melange cannot be stored, so they defrost only required amount his. Egg powder containsmoisture 6% -7%. For its recovery, it is first poured a bit of warm water (400c -500c), well stirred, and then, continuing to stir, pour the rest of the water. Total take on 100 g of powder 0.35 liters of water. Before use, the powder stirred with water is withstanding about 30 minutes, and then filter. 10 g of egg powder and 30 g of water correspond to one medium-sized egg.

The composition of the chicken egg includes proteins (12.7%), fats (11.5%), carbohydrates (0.7%), minerals (1.0%), water (74.0%), vitamins B1, B2, PP et al. Energy value of 100 g of chicken eggs 157 kcal.

Sugar this is a product consisting of sucrose (C12N22O11). It has a sweet taste and high calorie.Sugar contains an average of 99.8% sucrose and 0.14% moisture. Energy value 100 g Sugar 379 kcal (1588 kJ).

Cottage cheese they are divided into fat - with a fat content of 18%, bold - 9%, low-fat and soft dietary - 4, 9, 11% fat and low-fat.

The nutritional value of cottage cheese is due to a large fat content (9-18%), protein (14-17%), milk sugar (1.3-1.5%), mineral substances (1%). Water content in cottage cheese 65-80%. Energy value of 100 g of grease cottage cheese 232 kcal.

Creamy oil - produced from cream, contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins. Oil can be salted and fused, without strangers and taste, with uniform painting (from white to cream). If the surface of the oil is covered with mold, then it is cleaned. Pure oil It goes for creams for the preparation of sand dough, oil cookies. Before use, the oil is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Creamy oil increases the calorie content of products, improves the taste, enhances their fragrance. Butter butter is not salty, can be replaced with salted, but taking into account the salts contained in it. In the manufacture of cream salted oil can not be applied. In the manufacture of all confectioneryIn addition to the puffs, oil biscuit and cream, butter can be replaced with foiled (1kg oil corresponds to 840 grams of foam oil), it is recommended to store oil at T 2-4 ° C in a warm room in a carefully closed dish, under the influence of light and oxygen, oil is spoiled.

Milk is a valuable nutrient product consisting of water and dry substances, or a dry residue, which includes milk fat and sugar, proteins, and other substances. It has a pleasant taste and contains almost all the food substances necessary for the body. For the preparation of confectionery, use fresh milk and canned products. They improve the taste of the product and increase their nutritional value. Milk solid should be white with a yellowish tinge, without extraneous tastes and smells. Milk is used mainly to prepare yeast dough and creams. It sparkles quickly, so it should be immediately implemented, and if necessary, heated to a boil. Before use, milk is filled through a sieve. Store milk in the refrigerator at T not higher than 8 ° C and not lower than 0 ° C not more than 20 hours. Milk of all kinds should be pasteurized.

Cream produced 10, 20 and 35% fat. Their taste is pleasant, slightly sweetish, color white with a yellowish tint. In the confectionery production cream is used to prepare cream, and as milk substitutes. 35% fatty are suitable for whipping. Before whipping, they are pre-cooled.

A nutmeg walnut is characterized by high oil, the total fat content can reach 35% or more, contains essential oils - up to 11%. The core of a nutmeg has a pleasant aroma, spicy-resinous taste, a little burning, with bitterness. The nutmeg is used in liquor production, in cooking.

A nutmetic color is the dried pulp of the fetus of a nutmess. These are red-brown hemispherical plates with a thickness of about 1 mm. Pleasant aroma And bitter taste is due to the presence of up to 14% of bitter essential oil. Enters the implementation as a whole and hammer form. Apply in cooking, sausage and canned production.

Vanilla - dried unripe pods of the tropical orchid plant.

Motherland Plants - Mexico. In the global market, Vanilla is one of the expensive spices. It is difficult to cultivate, a long-term need for this spice special processing. Unfortunate fruits are subjected to brief lecherous processing, followed by their fermentation in the dark at 60 ° C for a week before the appearance of brown color aroma. Then vanilla pods dried several months outdoors until it appears on the surface white flag Vanillina. In the formation of a sustainable fragrance, Vanillin, Pieperonal and essential oil. Vanilla pods contain 1.7-3% vanillin.

Benign vanilla dark brown, The best varieties of fruit covered with a white crystalline flare with fatty glitter.

Vanilla comes on sale packaged one pod in test tubes. Test tubes are covered with foil and closed with cortical cork.

Vanilla is applied in confectionery production, for liquor and non-alcoholic beverages, sweet dishes (puddings, jelly, souffle, curd paste).

Synthetic vanillin - vanilla substitute. It is a white crystalline powder with a vanilla smell, soluble in water well, has a burning taste. On sale enters pure form and in the form of vanilla sugars, packaged by 2.5-10 g, I am paper bags.

Cardamom - misappropriate dried fruits (seeds) of a herbaceous plant of the family of ginger. As a spice, seeds concluded inside the three-pit fruits are 0.8-1.5 cm long boxes, in which from 9 and 18 small reddish-brown seeds. Seeds have spicy-burning taste with a strong aroma. The content of essential oil ranges from 2 to 8%. Apply a cardamom to aromatize flour confectionery products, in the manufacture of emphasis.

Anis - the fruits of a herbaceous plant, grows in the North Caucasus, Ukraine, in Moldova, Central Asia. Anise fruits 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide have an egg-shaped or pear-shaped; grey colour, sweetish taste, spicy fragrance. Contain essential oil from 2 to 6%. Anise and anise essential oil in bread maker, medicine, cooking, etc. are used.

Preparation of semi-finished products.

Dough for dumplings, dumplings

For these products, very thick (steep) dough is prepared. Waters take as much as the flour can absorb due to the swelling of gluten. Products from such a dough are obtained very dense and you can only cook them. For the preparation of the test, the dough mixing machines are used, the flour falls asleep in the dough, they add water (or a mixture of water with milk for dumplings), heated to 30-35 ° C, eggs, salt and knead the dough until it acquires a homogeneous consistency. The cooked dough is left for 20-30 minutes, closing the napkin or lid, for swelling gluten and giving the elasticity test. When cooking small number The test of the sifted wheat flour of the highest or 1st grade pour into a table with a wooden coating, in the middle of the slides make a deepening, in which water is poured with salt dissolved in it and eggs and knead the dough. The ratio of flour and water for dumps on dumplings and dumplings 1: 0.35.

For cookingpelmeni the finished dough is rolled into a layer with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm and a width of 5-6 cm, the edge of the rolled reservoir is lubricated by the egg. Along the lubricated band at a distance of 3-4 cm One of the other is stuffing balls weighing 7-8 g, then cover them with a strip of dough and cut the dumplings special device. Currently, enterprises use molding semi-automatic.

For minced meat meat (beef, pork, lamb) cut by pieces, passed through a meat grinder, connect with finely angled onions, add salt, sugar, black pepper and cold water (18% -20% of the mass of meat), mix thoroughly. In the mince of pork, you can add fine-chopped white cabbage. You can prepare fish minced meck. For this fillet with skin without bones, cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder together with the prepared onions, add eggs, softened margarine, salt,peppers and stirred thoroughly. The molded dumplings are placed in one row on the covered flour wooden trays and stored until the cooking at 0 ° C. Raming the dumplings is recommended as they demand small batches in wide dishes.

Semi-finished home noodle. In cold water, salt, eggs, stirred, spit flour and knead cool dough (for 1 kg of flour take 200 g of water), sprinkled with flour on top, leave for 25 to 30 minutes. Then use the recipe.

Semi-finished, dough for dumplings. For the preparation of the test, milk is used instead of water and sugar are added, but oil can be put. Cool dough is prepared as for dumplings (per 1 kg of flour 350 - 400 g of milk or water).

Product cooking technology (technological maps), baking mode, assortment.

Mexican Tortyllas.


50 g margarine

300 g of corn or wheat flour

A pinch of salt

½ cup of warm water


Margarine rubbed on a large grater. To sift the flour on the table slide, add margarine, salt to taste.

Knead the dough gradually pouring warm water. Share it on 8 balls, cover with a napkin, give to stand 15 - 20 minutes.

Each ball roll over in a thin round cord with a diameter of 10 - 12 cm.

Fry Tortyllas on a well-heated pan without oil, 2 to 3 minutes on each side.



1. Butyakis N.G. Technology preparation of flour confectionery products. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2004. - 304С.

2. Dragilev A.I. Production of flour confectionery products. - M.: Delhi, 2000. - 446

3. Dubtsov G. G. Food Products. - M.: Higher School, 2001. - 264c

4. Dubtsov G.G. Assortment and quality of culinary and confectionery products. - M.: Publishing House "Mastery", 2002. - 240c.

5. Kovalev N.I. Food cooking technology. - M.: Publishing House "Business Literature", 1999. - 480s

6. Kuznetsova L.S. Technology preparation of flour confectionery products. - M.: Mastery: Higher School, 2001. - 320c.

7. Lovacheva G.N. Standardization and quality control of products. - M.: Economics, 1990. - 239c.

8. Town A.S. Product technology catering. In 2 tons. T. 1 Physical and chemical processes occurring in food products With their culinary processing. - M.: Mir, 2003. - 351 p.

9. Skurichin I.M. Chemical composition of dishes and culinary products. Directory in 2 volumes. - m .:, 1994.

10. TU 28-50-90 "Chilled dough. Semi-finished products. "

11. Furs I.N. Technology production of public catering. - MN: New Knowledge, 2002. - 799С

Sophisticated cold snacks Surprise and delight your loved ones and invited guests. We offer several recipes for consideration.

Sophisticated cold dishes and snacks


Required products:

Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
- Sugar - tablespoon
- Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
- Salt - tea spoon
- Kefir - 520 g
- Flour - 255 g
- Soda harated - ½ h. Spoon
- salad


In a mixer mix all the ingredients for the preparation of pancakes. In the lid Ot plastic bottle Do the hole, pour the dough. Pour the dough with a "grid" to the surface of the pan. Fry pancakes from two sides. At the finished pancake, lay out the salad, stuffing, wrap. Stuffing can be used to your taste. For example, from red fish or onions and roasted mushrooms. Cool the dish and serve to the table.

Puff chicken bay.


Gelatin - 9 tablespoons
- chicken breast
- Sol.
- Easy pepper
- mayonnaise
- Bunch of dill
- Cover of garlic

Stages of cooking:

Boil the breast. You should have about 650 g of broth. Suck it, cool, degrease. To do this, moisten the gauze in boiled ice water And strain through it broth. Put the gelatin, let him swell within an hour. Put on the stove, warm with regular stirring. Divide the broth by 3 parts: 300 ml / 200 ml / 150 ml. Finely chop the greens, mix it with 300 ml of broth. Pour into the form, let it be frozen. Digger splice on fibers, add pepper, crushed garlic and 200 ml broth. Pour the first layer along with greens. Get frozen. Mayonnaise swell the mixer together with 150 ml of broth. The better you choose to beat the liquid, the more tenderly it will be souffle. Final layer Pour over the meat, send to frozen to the cold. Remove the filler "Pulling", cut into the portion pieces.

And how do you?

Cooking complex cold snacks

Vegetables in yogurt.

You will need:

Zucchini - 150 g
- Carrot - 150 g
- frozen green pea - 100 g
- quail egg - 3 pieces
- Natural yogurt - 250 ml
- Gelatin - 20 g
- Sol.

Stages of cooking:

Gelatin soak in half a glass of cool water. Quail eggs Weld up hard, cool, clean. Clean the carrot, cut into small cubes. Wash the zucchini, dry, cut into a small cube. Put in a saucepan, pour hot waterSalt, cook for five minutes. Put the chopped zucchini, boil another 5 minutes. Add green peas, bring all the content to boil. Boiled vegetables throw off on a colander, let me drag the fluid surplus, cool the vegetables. Run the swollen gelatin in microwave ovenMix S. natural yoghurt. In the cooked yoghurt mixture, pour boiled vegetables, mix. Small portion molds unlous food film. Place 2 tablespoons of a vegetable mixture on the bottom. Add one boiled egg to the center, fill the vegetable mixture. Put the dish in the refrigerator, leave for forty minutes before the cooling. Turn over the plates, remove the molds together with the film. Serve

With the onset of summer on a shift of hot dishes and heavy soups, satisfying and fragrant cold dishes, seasonal summer soups and snacks come. Their cooking provides the ability to realize their culinary abilities beginners and experienced hostesses. The main task Cold dishes and snacks are the excitation of appetite, and the preparation of the stomach to take heavy food.

There are no particular differences between snacks and cold dishes, they perform the same role, but the second can be used as a full breakfast or dinner. Cold food will become beautiful decoration Dining or festive table, they are also indispensable on a picnic. Having a culinary book in arsenal, necessary components and minimal amount Time, you can cook real culinary masterpieces that will surprise and delight relatives and invited guests.

Cold dishes from vegetables and mushrooms

The simplest cold snacks are pickled or salted tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage and mushrooms. They will complement any side dish, meat or a fish dish. Also as a snack can be used by zabachk or eggplant caviar and vegetable pies, which are served to the toast.

Real salvation in the heat, when I absolutely do not want hot food, stuffed vegetables and rolls will be stuffed. Without a doubt, they will donate all family members. No less common snack is considered vegetable canapes, so popular on buffets and banquets. From cold dishes, it should be noted around the oscillation, beetter and vegetable salads, they will come to the rescue when absolutely no time to prepare culinary sings.

Cold dishes and snacks from meat, offal and fish

The most popular cold snacks from meat are sausages, bacon, buckhenin and ham. Meat assortment occupies far from the last place on the festive and everybody tables, every hostess will agree with this. From cold dishes need to pay tribute to rolls and salads from chicken fillet, pork and young veal, as well as a hepatic cake.

Fish cold dishes and snacks are not inferior to meat neither in flavoring characteristics nor appearance. Hired herring, Salmon rolls with vegetables and cheese, tartlets with crab meat or cod liver, roasted shrimp with garlic sauce, crucible jelly, trout in pita, sandwiches with butter and red caviar - this list can be continued infinitely. All these dishes and snacks will thorough feeling of hunger and become beautiful alternative Hot food.