Why you need to get vaccinated. Whether or not to vaccinate a child: arguments "for vaccination". So, why are they vaccinated against “mild” childhood infections?

Up to a year, a newborn child is given several vaccinations against the most common and dangerous viruses. The very first vaccination is done on the first day of a child's life.

What diseases can be vaccinated against and should they be given?

In contact with

Immunization calendar

Hepatitis B

Vaccination protects the body from hepatitis B. Anyone can become infected with this virus, do not think that drug addicts or alcoholics are more susceptible to infection. A drop of the patient's blood is enough, because the virus remains in it for two weeks from the moment the blood was taken.

Are there any precautions?

Some health problems may occur on board the boat and others during your excursions. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult with travel clinics. Vaccination is an important tool prevention of infectious and viral diseases, especially in children. Each vaccine is made from non-pathogenic microbial microbes. Injected into the body, they stimulate your child's resistance to protect him from illness. For some vaccines, one injection is sufficient. Others require one or more reminders.

For children, infection is very dangerously. Among adults who contract the virus, 95% of people recover. And among the infected newborns - only 5% of children.

The first vaccination is done directly in the maternity hospital, the rest - in the clinic.

Total spend four vaccinations from hepatitis B. First- within one day of birth second- at the age of one month, third- two months old fourth- in year.

Controversial vaccine

At birth, your baby suffers from vaccination. Despite their usefulness, both personal and collective vaccines are regularly subject to controversy. Reasons for disagreement? The occurrence of certain diseases in children or adults suspected of being directly administered by injection of vaccines. This refers to certain platelet sclerosis suspected in connection with hepatitis B vaccination or autoimmune diseases such as Guillain-Barré syndrome in the case of the influenza A vaccine. Associations such as Alice or Revah demand the right to free choice of vaccination and join the fight for the use of alternative medicines for disease prevention.

For vaccination the weight of the child must be more than 2 kg. In lighter children, the skin is too thin for a needle to be inserted.

After vaccination mother should monitor the reaction of the child's body. There will be swelling and redness at the injection site.

Among adverse reactions weakness, a slight increase in temperature may appear, headache. If you experience an allergic reaction (this is unlikely, but still), you need to see a doctor.

The Importance of Immunization

In the case of diseases that are considered benign, they thereby contribute to natural immunity. But be careful, be extra careful in this matter. Because if there is a risk of unwanted side effects when vaccinated, the risk of serious side effects affects only a very small minority of those vaccinated. These risks are very small compared to the level of protection they provide. Vaccination helped eradicate smallpox, which was once very deadly.

Tetanus, polio, and diphtheria vaccines significantly reduce levels infant mortality in the world. Necessary to protect your child's health, it is also needed on a collective level as it reduces the risk of epidemics, morbidity and infant mortality. As for the appearance autoimmune diseases or plaque sclerosis, although controversy remains, a link has not been proven to date. As for the British Medical Journal, the reference medical publication in the UK.


Tuberculosis transmitted by airborne droplets. This means that as soon as a child passes by a sick person, stands with him in a minibus, there is a risk of infection.

In most cases infection does not lead to disease. However, if the immune system weakens, the virus will begin to progress.

Proper use of the vaccine

In short, vaccination, when required, is therefore a primary and low risk for your child. Your motto: trust your pediatrician and follow his recommendations. To protect your child's present and future health, it is important that he is vaccinated. But not all vaccines are mandatory: some are highly recommended, while others are recommended only in certain cases. It all depends on possible contraindications and the level of risk of contracting the disease. To better tailor the vaccination to your child's needs, feel free to ask your doctor, who will evaluate the benefit/risk balance of each vaccine.

Do this vaccination again in the maternity hospital. The vaccination is done within 3-7 days from the moment the child is born.

Minimum child weight for vaccination should be 2 kg.

Tuberculosis vaccination should be given intradermally, this requires special skills and dexterity, especially considering the thinness of the child's skin.

Only he will be able to judge the need or not to vaccinate his child against a certain disease and when to do it. Please note, however: the final decision on whether or not a child is vaccinated is yours. The decision is not to be taken lightly. Also note that all injections are listed on your child's medical record.

Mandatory vaccines: full stop

This applies to vaccination against whooping cough and Haemophilus influenzae. This calendar is likely to change each year in accordance with the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health. Wizards talk about vaccinations in our forums. Experts agree that vaccines are safe for babies. All vaccines are thoroughly tested before they are approved for use.

Most of the complications are related since wrong introduction vaccines. An ulcer may appear at the injection site, it should be treated with a special ointment, after a while the wound will heal.

Diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

A child can become infected with these diseases in the company of their peers. whooping cough and transmitted by air, and pick up tetanus a child can, for example, by breaking his knees or scratching himself on an object on which bacteria are located.

Can vaccines cause other health problems?

In the past, children with epilepsy or a family history of epilepsy have not been vaccinated against whooping cough. Pertussis vaccine was thought to cause febrile convulsions and epileptic seizures. Since then, studies have shown that this is not the case. Children with epilepsy are regularly immunized against whooping cough.

Can my child receive separate vaccines?

It can be difficult to administer vaccines separately. First, some vaccines are simply not available one by one. Second, your child will need multiple doses of certain vaccines and you will have to wait at least four weeks between different injections. Thus, individual vaccines may extend the timing of vaccination.

Therefore, vaccination is very important. The proportion of children who survived infection with whooping cough is 50%, tetanus - only 30. The vaccine provides reliable protection in 95% of cases.

Do such a vaccination in the clinic at the place of residence v age three months.

After vaccination the reaction of the body will be an increase in temperature to 37-39 degrees. A swelling up to 8 cm in diameter may appear at the injection site.

Why should my child be vaccinated as a young child?

Is there a reason why my child should not be vaccinated

Your child's vaccine may be delayed by several days if he has a fever or is not feeling well. Then he will be vaccinated when he gets better. Some children may need extra help when vaccinated. As a precaution, it is best to have your child vaccinated at the hospital if.

Suffering from a severe allergy to eggs; It has family history seizures or allergic reactions associated with vaccines. Suffering from seizures after a previous vaccine; caused a severe allergic reaction related to a previous vaccine; suffering from a disease that affects immune system such as congenital immune deficiency; followed by treatment involving high doses of steroids that affect the immune system. Vaccination is important to protect your dog, but what about survival when the vaccine's estimated protection is 3 to 7 years?

The child will develop drowsiness, loss of appetite, lethargy, indigestion. This normal reaction, since no vaccination can not affect the body, medicines one way or another they manifest themselves.


Polio- an infectious disease transmitted by contact with a sick person. The virus lives in the pharynx and intestines, the disease is disguised as an acute respiratory disease.

A reminder every year protects him better or puts him in danger? Why do English people using the same vaccine strain only vaccinate their dogs every 2 years? Some cases sudden death dogs after the withdrawal of vaccination say. Vaccination every year will tell you your veterinarian! Here is a protocol table that will be used by most practitioners.

However, your veterinarian should always check general state dogs before the vaccination, because he is solely responsible for the vaccination schedule, it is he who will decide and advise his schedule. Vaccination is not a harmless act and is not without risk. Like any product introduced into a living organism, it can have adverse reactions.

The virus infects brain cells, causing paralysis. There is no effective cure for polio, so early vaccination is the only way.

There are two types of vaccination: oral and subcutaneous, respectively, pharyngeal drops and vaccine injection.

oral vaccination considered more effective, but the medicine should be kept at a certain temperature, and the child should not drink or eat for an hour after instilling the drops.

Allergic reactions Fever Vomiting Immune-mediated anemia Neurological problems. This is why your veterinarian conducts a general examination of your companion before any vaccination, because it is important that your dog is healthy at the time of the injection.

It is not necessary for your dog to be vaccinated every year as recommended by your veterinarian. You will see that most vaccines last 3 to 7 years. It should be noted that most veterinarians live with vaccines and sell croquettes. Therefore, it is not in their interest to lose this cash flow by telling your customers.

The disease of poliomyelitis is most susceptible to residents of the southern regions, where the risk of importing a wild virus is increased.

Get vaccinated at the clinic at the age of three months. Repeat the procedure at 18, 20 months and 14 years.

After vaccination the child should not be exposed to dangers, overheated, subjected to cooling, because the immune system is already weakened for a long time. Vaccination almost never has side effects, very rarely the temperature can rise to 37 degrees.

On the other hand, it is very important to advise the largest number usefulness in having his dog vaccinated annually against cough. Many dogs return dog cough when returning from shows or to a kennel! Every year the vaccination shot is usually taken as medical procedure which has become mandatory. To such an automated point that it is forgotten that this is primarily a medical act. Thus, it is important to ask some questions so that each owner has his own reflection in the freedom of animal health.

V last years teachers are increasingly worried about the strong recommendation of veterinarians for vaccinations. These people, for whom the well-being of their interlocutor is paramount, naturally wonder why their dog should be remembered every year when we humans, including our children, are not subject to "recommendation" so often?

Measles, rubella, mumps

Measles, rubella and mumps (mumps) are considered common childhood illnesses. Picking up one of them is not difficult.

Measles is transmitted by air, accompanied by a huge temperature and a rash. Rubella is transmitted also, but the course of the disease is easier: the rash is accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees.

This leaves room for logical polling. Do dogs need annual vaccinations? Recent Scientific research have shown that this vaccine relapse poses more risks than benefits. In animal health naturopathy, joining their fellow naturopaths in human medicine, practitioners have long established a direct link between survival and the emergence of new and more frequent serious diseases: autoimmune diseases, fibrosarcomas, cancers starting in young adults, cell-mediated hemolytic anemia and etc.

Rarely, rubella can cause inflammation of the brain, a fatal illness. Rubella is extremely dangerous among pregnant women, as it affects the tissues of the fetus. In this case, the child is born either disabled, or a miscarriage occurs.

Mumps is passed in the same way, accompanied by an increase in temperature, an increase in the salivary glands. It can cause infertility, most often in boys.

Because, despite the fact that this medical procedure has become commonplace, the fact remains that the vaccine is not and should not be considered a harmless action without risk. Its too frequent practice can only cause immune, even genetic weakening of our dogs.

What do research in this area show? This gives legal accreditation for the selection of vaccine protocols every 3-4 years, which are maintained by some states, as previously stated. On the other hand, experts in independent veterinary immunology have published similar results, the results of which are the same in all respects: the duration of immunization caused by the vaccine in most cases exceeds three years. They even believe that this vaccine protection in dogs and cats, like in humans, is close to 10 years old.

Vaccinations are done in the clinic at the age of 1 year, vaccination is repeated at 6 years.

After vaccination the injection site may turn red, the temperature will rise. If you have an allergy, you should consult a doctor.

How to prepare?

In several days before vaccination, limit visits with the child to crowded places, you should not pick up other people's microbes.

This is what Dr. Schultz showed quite for a long time; Simply put, his work has shown that most vaccines given to dogs have been developed and are effective for about a decade. What is the interest in having them enter a reminder every day? For it's really keeping them good health which is discussed here.

What is the position of animal health naturopathy in this matter? He joins in the design of major holistic medicines, including the first homeopathy. It is proven here again by research that once the immune response has been created and integrated into the body, it becomes completely useless or even destroys the recall application. Moreover, apply several and throughout life.

Per day before vaccination, the amount of food eaten should be reduced. So the body will spend less energy on its digestion.

Dress the child so that when he comes to the clinic, he will not sweat. So you can avoid a cold, which will last a long time with a weakened immune system. If the child is still sweating, let him cool down, give him a drink.

Limit your child's contact with other people in the clinic. Communicate less in lines. Among all these people there are a lot of sick people, and you don’t need to be sick at all.

Monitoring the reaction of the baby after vaccination

After the vaccination has been done, you need to monitor the reaction child's body. Redness in the injection area and a slight increase in temperature - the reaction is normal.

When Any suspicious side effects are better to play it safe and consult a doctor. These include: a sharp increase in temperature (above 39), swelling of the face, rash, the injection site became inflamed, convulsions began.

After vaccination give your child more to drink, limit his contact with strangers, try to provide favorable conditions for the restoration of immunity.

Withdrawal from vaccinations

Temporary contraindication for vaccination is a weakened immune system.

Can't get vaccinated during the course of the disease or a few days after recovery. This may lead to a new disease.

TO absolute contraindications relate allergic reactions, and when vaccinated against whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria - also diseases of the nervous system.

Vaccinations - pros and cons

Currently, the problem of choosing whether or not to vaccinate is acute in society. There are people who sincerely consider vaccinations to be a universal evil and almost main problem children.

Proponents of conservative methods, on the contrary, advocate the introduction mandatory vaccinations to keep our children healthy. Which of them is right, and what are the pros and cons?

Arguments and statements of opponents of vaccination:

  1. The effect of vaccinations is not fully understood, how exactly the vaccine affects the body and why many vaccinated people still get sick is not known.
  2. The vaccine can destroy natural immunity.
  3. Vaccines contain highly toxic bodies that poison the child's body.
  4. Vaccination can lead to cell destruction - cytolysis.
  5. And animal advocates also single out such a reason as the use of animal cells in vaccines. Thus, the polio vaccine uses the kidney tissue of sick monkeys.
  6. It is better to have many diseases in childhood and develop immunity by adolescence.
  7. Russian drugs are ineffective, and foreign ones are outdated.

Proponents of Universal Vaccination:

  1. Vaccinations against certain diseases, such as rubella, are lifelong.
  2. disease in childhood fraught with lethal outcome so vaccinations are essential.
  3. It's illegal from a legal point of view, but it will be more difficult for an unvaccinated person to get a job. educational institution, Kindergarten or go abroad. Having run around the authorities, you, of course, will achieve justice, but time will be lost.
  4. The main cause of complications after vaccinations is not the quality of the medicine at all. Complications arise when the child's immunity is weakened after an illness or the drug was stored incorrectly.
  5. Modern drugs provide, albeit not complete, but still protection of the body from various diseases.

About vaccinations for doubters – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Instead of a conclusion

Whether or not a child needs a vaccine is up to the mother to decide. If she refuses, she must understand that the entire responsibility for the health of the child lies with her.

In any case, parents have the right to know what vaccination is given to the child, its side effects, contraindications.

Not worth it to give your child into the hands of doctors who do not ask the mother about the presence of allergies, diseases. The professionalism of such people can be safely called into question.

It is these doctors who can accidentally "forget" to warn the mother about the long list of side effects from the drug and the effectiveness of protection, which is only a couple of tens of percent. And remember that you can get one shot at a time, not five in advance!

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It seems that only those who did not get vaccinated died. However, for many, vaccines remain a horror story: if you're lucky, you won't get sick, if you're not lucky, there will be terrible complications. Is it really? AiF asked the most pressing questions to world-famous specialists.

Our interlocutor is Stanley Plotkin, professor, the world's leading specialist in vaccination, developer of rubella vaccines, chicken pox, rabies, cytomegalovirus and rotavirus infections.

Not the ones before

"AiF": - Many Russians refuse vaccination due to fear of complications ...

S.P.:- It is important to understand that will always respond to interference. There are active reactions, although they occur extremely rarely. For example, after a measles vaccine, you may experience a cramp, a fever. But it proves that if a person really got measles without being vaccinated, convulsions in an even more serious form would be inevitable. And here you need to choose: either take a chance and catch a deadly infection, or with the help of a doctor, pick up correct option vaccination, more thoughtful than for healthy people.

It is logical to think that if something happened after vaccination, then the vaccine is the cause of the disease. However, in most cases, many reactions would have occurred without it due to the characteristics of the organism. In addition, you need to understand that most horror stories about disastrous consequences are among the first vaccines that are decades old, such as paralysis after a live polio vaccine. That is why we changed it so that there were no such consequences. Vaccines are much better today.

"AiF": - Does it make sense to get vaccinated against the flu? The flu strain is constantly changing. In the autumn I got vaccinated, but recently I was still very sick.

S.P.:- not 100% effective! Someone will get sick anyway. But to say that you really had the flu and not another respiratory infection from the ARVI series, a special test is needed. So maybe it wasn't the flu, but another infection. It is very important to vaccinate children - they spread the virus. By vaccinating children, we protect adults.

"AiF": - Vaccine against rotavirus infection- development of your laboratory. What is its need?

S.P.:- By the age of 2, he had a rotavirus infection, 1 out of 5 cases required a visit to a doctor, 1 out of 65 required hospitalization, 1 out of 293 died from diarrhea and dehydration. In the United States, after the introduction of vaccination against rotavirus infection in 2006, the incidence immediately decreased significantly. Moreover, even unvaccinated children began to get sick less. Now vaccination against rotavirus is also available to Russian children.

How about us?

We asked Susanna Harit, Professor, MD, Head of the Prevention Department, for her opinion infectious diseases Research Institute of Children's Infections of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia.

"AiF": - Susanna Mikhailovna, why do we not have a vaccination against rotavirus infection and new vaccines are being introduced for a long time?

S.H.: - Ours is still focused on a domestic manufacturer - and there is a reason for this, it is always better to have your own vaccine.

By 2015 we plan to introduce chicken pox vaccination into our calendar. Given that there is a manufacturer, by 2014 a vaccine against pneumococcal infection. A vaccine against rotavirus infection is still under discussion.

"AiF": - Many parents refuse to vaccinate their children. They think: it’s not a fact that the child will get sick, but the vaccine can cause a complication ...

S.Kh.:- Such parents do not see. And we do not have social advertising that would show them. When you do not see, you are not afraid.

On the other hand, vaccines are not holy water, they can cause reactions. In extremely rare cases, there are complications, it is not necessary to hide this. Therefore, WHO recommends that the benefits and risks of vaccination should always be weighed. Benefit is a warning severe complications infections, the risk is possible complications from vaccination.

I will bring a prime example. Encephalitis after measles is one in a thousand cases, after measles vaccination - one in a million doses of the vaccine. But not in all, but only in children who have not previously been diagnosed with severe immunodeficiency. This is a child who has been in the most difficult situation since birth. bacterial infections: either he has sepsis, then pneumonia, then purulent otitis media, etc. For a child to be healthy, and then he suddenly develops a serious illness after vaccination - this does not happen.

In England, about 10 years ago, the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine was linked to autism. As a result, residents of England and other countries began to refuse vaccination. As a result, in 2011 there were 30,000 cases of measles in Europe. Of these, 26 children fell ill with encephalitis, 8 died. And this is prosperous Europe.

"AiF": - Are there children who cannot be vaccinated at all?

S.Kh.:- Not. If the baby is premature, has an oncological disease, immunodeficiency, then the vaccinations can be postponed. The main thing is to set a goal to protect your child. Then the parents, together with the doctor, will find a way out.

What vaccinations are included in the national vaccination schedule

  • From birth to 7 years. Viral hepatitis B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, hemophilic infection, poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, mumps.
  • 14 years. Revaccination: diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis.

What other vaccinations are needed (some are already included in the country's regional vaccination calendars, but not universally introduced)

  • Second revaccination against whooping cough. The first vaccination and revaccination is done up to 1 year and 1.5 years. By the age of 6-7 years, immunity fades away, a second revaccination is needed - the elders get sick, infecting babies, when they have not yet developed immunity after the first vaccination.
  • Vaccine against pneumococcal infection. Causes pneumonia and meningitis, severe otitis media. In modern vaccines, the most common serotypes of the infectious agent are collected.
  • Chickenpox vaccine. Chickenpox in children is fraught with complications up to encephalitis. In adults, it is severe, in pregnant women in 5% of cases it causes fetal death.
  • Rotavirus infection. One of the main reasons for the hospitalization of children under three years of age.
  • Hepatitis A vaccine. The infection is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. In children, the course is mild, in adults it is difficult, with relapses.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV). Prevents cervical cancer (more than 10 thousand women die from it in the Russian Federation every year). The vaccine is given to girls, optimally at 10-13 years old.

What diseases can adults be vaccinated against?

  • Hepatitis A. After the second vaccination, immunity is maintained for life.
  • diphtheria, tetanus- every 10 years.
  • Tick-borne encephalitis- once every 3 years.
  • Flu- yearly.
  • Measles- up to 35 years, if not vaccinated in childhood.
  • Rubella- girls 18-25, not previously vaccinated.
  • Hepatitis B- adults 18-55 years old.
  • Brucellosis, plague, tularemia, anthrax, cholera, typhoid fever, yellow fever, etc.- when there are outbreaks of diseases, certain working conditions (for example, with animals) or when traveling abroad to developing countries.