15 weeks pregnant what happens to the breast. What will ultrasound show? Even a small amount of alcohol significantly harms the baby, and prolonged use of alcohol by the mother leads to the fact that the fetus

Week 15 falls in the fourth month of pregnancy. One of the most exciting and joyful periods - toxicosis is over, mood improves, very soon the first movements of the child will be felt.

What happens to the baby

In fact, the fetus has been moving for at least a couple of weeks. He moves his jaw, lips, moves his arms, but due to its tiny size and light weight the mother simply does not feel these movements.

Outwardly, the baby is gradually changing:

  • hair is clearly visible on the head;
  • the head is round, but its size is still equal to 1/2 the length of the body;
  • the arms are proportional, and the legs during this and next weeks will lengthen intensively;
  • the external genitals are developed;
  • the eyes come closer.

What's going on inside? The rudiments of the organs have long been formed. Now they are separating and developing. The teeth accumulate calcium, the salivary glands begin to work, and the bronchi differentiate in the lungs. They are still filled with amniotic fluid. The spleen is almost ready. A little later, hematopoiesis and the formation of antibodies will begin in it. The skeleton continues to ossify.

The placenta began to work 3 weeks ago, but it is only now fully matured. In the next 7 days, the circulatory system will form in it.

Fruit length and weight

The average length of the fetus at this time is 9-11 cm, weight - 50-70 g. Thanks to the pancreas, the cells of which began to secrete insulin, the baby is actively gaining weight.

What's going on with mom

As for tangible changes in well-being, first of all, it is worth noting the weakening of pressure on the bladder. The uterus is already so large that it does not fit behind the bladder, therefore it gradually moves from the pelvic region to the abdominal cavity. Frequent hikes to the toilet behind!

Again, due to the growth of the uterus, women complain of abdominal pain. But the pain of the stretching ligamentous apparatus is mild, unobtrusive, background. Spasmodic, violent, or persistent pulling pains, especially with secretions, is a completely different matter. With these symptoms, you urgently need to see a doctor.

A dark line crosses out the belly. This is a sign that the body has begun to produce more melanin.

Because of it, the nipples will soon darken, and the skin will begin to react to the sun with freckles and pigmentation. This is not necessarily the case for all pregnant women - only 65-75% of women. Active pigmentation, especially on the face and neck, begins at 12 weeks. It is associated with increased levels of estrogen and progesterone production.

If the second and third trimesters of pregnancy are in the spring-summer, use creams with active photoprotection, wear hats and umbrellas. This will not completely exclude the manifestation of hyperpigmentation, but it will save you from the dark "mask of pregnant women".

Analyzes and examinations

You have already passed the basic tests in the first trimester. If not, you will have to take it now. An obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe additional studies only according to indications, for example, in case of unsatisfactory results of the first screening or feeling unwell.

As for screening, then 15 weeks is the lower limit of the period at which late amniocentesis is done. It is performed for prenatal diagnosis of congenital and hereditary diseases, for example, Down syndrome, Edwards, Martin-Bell syndrome. The procedure is invasive, with the risk of termination or complications of pregnancy 0.5-2%.

Dangers and complications

In rare cases, the 15th week of pregnancy is overshadowed by the last bouts of toxicosis. But they really are the last. From week 16, the work of the digestive system and general condition will significantly improve.

The fetus is active growth musculoskeletal system, milk teeth develop. He needs calcium and he takes it from his mother. If in the diet of a pregnant woman there are not enough foods with calcium or vitamins involved in the absorption of this macronutrient, problems with appearance will not be long in coming.

Take a closer look to see if you have these signs:

  • dry, flaky skin, even if it was previously oily or combination;
  • brittle and flaking nails;
  • profusely falling hair.

A complete set of such symptoms is a characteristic sign of calcium deficiency in the body. You should not completely rely on vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women. They serve only to correct a complete diet, but are not able to completely replace it.

Calcium is abundant in dairy products, greens with dark leaves (parsley, broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage), beans and lentils, nuts, figs, celery.

True, calcium is a capricious macronutrient. For its effective assimilation, you need vitamin D and magnesium.

The changed nature of the discharge is not a cause for concern. It's okay if there is just a little more discharge, but the color remains light, and the smell is slightly sour. Changes in color and consistency, such as the appearance of a thick curd mucus, indicates an exacerbation of a fungal or infectious disease. At this time, thrush appears with itching and profuse leucorrhoea, trichomoniasis worsens, grayish-white spots with an unpleasant fishy odor manifests itself bacterial vaginosis... It is advisable to treat now, while the immunity is not yet weakened, the placenta works in full force, and the pregnant woman did not have time to acquire a complex of concomitant diseases.

Why treat at all? In some countries, half of these infections are not considered dangerous for pregnant women and are not treated, considering the risk intrauterine infection minimal. In fact, yes, the risk of infecting the fetus through the placenta is small, but it is much more dangerous when a child passes through the birth canal to "bestow" a newborn with one of these pathogens.

The peculiarities of the second trimester often confuse women who have just embarked on the path of motherhood. Let's talk about the most disturbing, unusual and funny ones now.

1. The belly is almost invisible, while others have a decent belly at the same time. What's wrong?

Measuring their bellies is a favorite activity of pregnant women! But belly size is always individual feature constitution. This indicator is influenced by a lot of factors:

  • anatomical characteristics of the pelvis (wide / narrow);
  • body mass index;
  • condition of the uterus (first or next pregnancy);
  • condition of the abdominal muscles.

For short periods of time, the difference in the size of the abdomen can be very significant. By 6-7 months, it will flatten, and 90% of women go to give birth with a waist volume of 1 m.

2. Is sex at 15 weeks pregnant allowed or should you wait?

If there are no medical contraindications for intimate life, sex is allowed and even recommended. By the third or fourth month, an increased blood flow is directed to the genitals, due to which it is during these periods that a woman can get much brighter and stronger sensations from proximity. But sex, however, like everything during pregnancy, should be in moderation.

3. The baby seems to be moving. Are the movements of the child already felt at this time?

With a second pregnancy, yes, it may well be felt. Women who are carrying a second child know well what to expect from the first movements, so they can be easily distinguished from manifestations of intestinal activity. In addition, after the first pregnancy, the walls of the uterus become less elastic and dense, so that the tremors and overturns of the fetus are felt earlier and more clearly.

Don't worry about trifles! Enjoy a great time in the second trimester, stay healthy and raise a healthy baby.

15 weeks pregnant - what happens to the baby? The cardiovascular system the child improves significantly. Through the skin you can see vascular network... The heart works so hard that it pumps about 20 liters of blood in 24 hours. Because of this, the skin turns red, although sometimes it acquires pink tint... The production of pigments occurs, which is responsible for the color of the hair.

The work of the intestines is activated due to the fact that the liver secretes bile, and it enters the large intestine. A child at 15 weeks of pregnancy (photo below) empties the bladder more often, the kidneys work much more actively. But, despite this, the child can comfortably be in amniotic fluid ah, because they are cleaned at least ten times a day.

A woman may find a strange brown line that runs from the navel to the pubis. There is nothing wrong with that, because it changes hormonal background organism and melamine (pigment substance) is secreted. After childbirth, the work of the body will improve and the line will disappear.

Be sure to buy special clothes for pregnant women, otherwise the usual clothes will put pressure on the fetus. It is advisable to purchase loose and comfortable clothing.

See your doctor to find out the exact date childbirth. With the help of an ultrasound scan, the doctor will locate the uterus and tell you how long the baby will take.

Pregnancy 15 weeks: fetal development

What does a baby look like at 15 weeks of pregnancy? At 15 weeks of pregnancy, a very important moment comes. The fetal cortex begins to form. The bark will form throughout the month. In the fifteenth week, the left and right hemisphere the fetal brain is covered with grooves and convolutions, and the process of division of nerve cells begins. The central nervous system, which further controls the child's body. In short, the development of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy is active.

The glandular system also begins to develop internal secretion fetus. The glands begin to function, sweat and sebaceous glands... The fetus continues to develop actively at 15 weeks and a system of fetal endocrine glands appears. And in the fruit male at this stage, a male hormone called testosterone is produced. The baby's body is now able to respond to the food absorbed by the mother, since taste buds finally formed.

The most important organs of the body function actively. The heart drives blood through the body. It is capable of driving about 28 liters per day. The first bile is released in the body. It is produced by the gallbladder. In the future, this first bile will form the child's first feces. The kidneys are actively working, they produce urinary fluid, which is excreted by the body directly into the amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid is constantly being updated. Respiratory system the fetus becomes perfect.

During the fifteenth week, the body diligently develops and trains the muscles and lungs. The fetus at 15 weeks of gestation performs many breathing exercises, swallowing and spitting out amniotic fluid... With the help of these exercises, lung tissue is formed, which prepares the child's body for his first breath and a breath of air after birth. As you know, the vocal cords are already formed before this stage, so this week the glottis opens.

During the fifteenth week, muscle tissue is actively developing, as well as the joints of the baby. The fetus performs various movements (floats, rotates, rolls over, somersaults, bends and unbends arms, legs and cams). The bones of the body become stronger, the skin already consists of several layers. However, until now, the skin is thin and transparent, blood vessels appear through it. Also expressed hairline baby, the hairs become thicker, and you can see the eyebrows and eyelashes. The fruit at this time becomes like ordinary child, he is no longer as ugly as he was before. This week, the baby's legs are getting longer than the arms, as expected. The ears are already fully formed, and the fetal body itself is elongated. Average weight the fetus at the fifteenth week is about 70 grams, and its growth (from coccyx to crown) is about 10 centimeters or more. But these sizes do not affect the comfort of the baby in any way. He feels comfortable enough in his mother's belly.


The mother's belly continues to grow. The size increases, and not only in the fetus, but also the uterus becomes larger. Pregnancy is already more visible. But there are also cases when the belly of a pregnant woman begins to grow only from this stage, that is, from the fifteenth week. And before that, the waist just disappeared a little, but the stomach did not increase.

Do not be intimidated by the manifestation dark stripes on the stomach, it goes from the navel to the bottom. This is a temporary strip that will disappear soon after childbirth.

Photo of tummies at week 15

Pain at week 15

Most pregnant women experience abdominal pain by 15 weeks. There are such pains of different nature that arose by different reasons... A typical cause of abdominal pain is the direct and continuous growth of the uterus. During this process, the muscles of the uterus are stretched and held. And then there is some pain. It manifests itself not strongly and no unpleasant sensations does not deliver. Pulling pain with the formation of contractions may also occur. In this case, bloody discharge may appear or the pain radiates strongly to the lower back. Then there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case, you need to see a doctor for help.

If the pain manifests itself in lumbar or back, this can be a sign of pyelonephritis, which is accompanied by pain when urinating, as well as fever.

Pain in the tailbone area may also appear. The causes of this kind of pain can be different. Pain occurs due to pressure from the uterus or displacement of organs. Or pinching of the nerves is possible. During such pain, it is not recommended to sit for a long time, especially on soft surfaces. You can get on all fours to help the pain be less severe. You also need to consult with your doctor and ask him when you can start wearing a bandage. It is quite possible with its help pain in the tailbone or lower back at the fifteenth week of pregnancy can be prevented or reduced. There are cases that after childbirth, the pain in the tailbone continues to get. Then you should consult a doctor.

Headaches can often occur at 15 weeks of gestation. Should not be taken immediately medications, you can try several other ways to get rid of pain. You can walk on fresh air, then have a snack and a cup of tea, take warm shower and how you should rest. All this should certainly help. But if the pain persists, then, as a last resort, you can take a pill of paracetamol.

Sensations at the 15th week of pregnancy

It is believed that the second trimester of pregnancy is the most relaxed and favorable time... But during this period, new sensations also appear. At the fifteenth week, a stuffy nose may appear or nose bleed... Nothing wrong with that. Such phenomena are quite normal for a pregnant woman. They just need to endure.

Darkening of the nipples may also appear. The reason for this is the increased production of melamine. The appearance of age spots, which will disappear after childbirth, is not excluded. At the fifteenth week, cramps in the muscles of the calves of the legs may be enough, nails exfoliate and teeth crumble. Attention should be paid to phenomena of this kind. Such signs indicate a lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman. And calcium is needed not only by the mother, but also by the baby. Therefore, all calcium from the mother's body goes to the formation of the fetus.

Most pregnant women during this period become less attentive and distracted. But don't just lie on the couch. In the absence of any contraindications, you should continue to lead an active lifestyle.

Ultrasound at 15 weeks

Up to 15 weeks already spend ultrasound procedure... Therefore, it will not be some kind of innovation. But in the process itself, you can see a lot of new and interesting things. During this period, you can consider the external genital organs of the child. And if the location of the fetus allows, you can find out the genus of the fetus. You can see how the baby has changed and how he has grown. He can swallow, suck his toe, wiggle his arms and legs, clench his fists. Ultrasound will allow you to monitor the activity of the child.

At the stage this period a child's heart is capable of performing an average of 150 beats per minute and distilling approximately 28 liters of blood.

Photo of ultrasound at 15 weeks


During this period, you do not need to give up sex. At the 15th week of pregnancy, it is not at all contraindicated, provided that there are no various threats. As you know, during sex, the body produces a large amount of endorphins. It is a hormone of happiness. Nice and positive emotions necessary for both the mother and the child. Sex also contributes to good development and training of various muscle tissues, muscles of the uterus too.

But care should be taken when having sex. Deep penetration positions are not recommended. You should also give up hard sex.

The appearance of bleeding

If spotting appears different types, you need to take a break from sex life. If bleeding has opened, you should immediately consult a doctor and establish the cause of the bleeding. At the fifteenth week, bleeding may not indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy at all. Other reasons are possible, for example, mechanical damage to the cervix or various abdominal injuries. Vessels may also burst or a disease such as erosion may appear.

Discharge at 15 weeks

At the end of the bleeding, a spotting type of brown, pink or cream color... Such discharge should not be left just like that. You need to consult a doctor.

Discharge of this type can become more abundant, more liquid and become transparent in color. You should not be afraid and worried. This is due to the increased levels of estrogen in the blood.

There are some signs of discharge, having found which, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and take a smear for analysis to determine infections. The signs are as follows:

  1. Discharge heterogeneity. They can stand out in the form of bubbles, lumps, and may appear and cheesy discharge.
  2. The appearance of an unpleasant and pungent odor... This smell can often be compared to the smell of fish.
  3. The manifestation of dirty marks from discharge on bed or linen.
  4. The color of the discharge is yellow or green. Sometimes purulent appears.
  5. Manifestation of symptoms with discharge. Such as burning sensation, pain when urinating, severe itching, increased body temperature. Irritation of the genitals and their swelling may also appear.

Temperature at week 15

Before the onset of the 15th week of pregnancy, the woman's body gets used to the new condition. And in almost all cases, the body temperature in the fifteenth week does not rise as it did in the first trimester. But sometimes the body temperature is higher than normal. Most often, it rises in the evening. But you shouldn't worry about this if there is no other reason to worry.

But if the temperature is quite high and reaches 38 degrees and above, and can also last for more than one day, you need to immediately drink an antipyretic agent. After all heat for a long time can be not only unfavorable, but also dangerous for the child. To lower the temperature, it is recommended to take paracetamol tablets or medications that contain it.

An increased long-term body temperature during this period can be caused by various infections and diseases. It can be measles, flu, chickenpox and other infectious diseases, for example, an infection of the urinary system - cystitis.


It is not uncommon for pregnant women to get sick with flu or colds. Naturally, such diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In addition to temperature, a dangerous factor for a pregnant woman and for a child is the virus itself and its effect on the body. However, in some cases, an elevated temperature during the second trimester can lead to serious damage to the placenta or even infect the womb.

If at the fifteenth week of pregnancy there is colds, you should immediately consult a doctor. He must prescribe the proper treatment. It is also necessary to follow some of the rules of the regime: plentiful drink with vitamins, simple and light food, stay in bed and do not burden the body. If your throat hurts, you can rinse it with infusions and decoctions of chamomile or sage. Also suitable for gargling saline solution or a solution of soda. In no case should these infusions and solutions be swallowed. When a cough appears, rubbing and inhalation can be done, but this is provided there is no temperature. If a pregnant woman has a runny nose, nasal lavage should be done. You can also use oil tea tree and lubricate the nasal cavity with it, if you are not allergic to this oil.

15 obstetric week of pregnancy is baby-friendly. During this period, the placenta can protect against many viruses and diseases.

Alcoholic drinks

The placenta cannot protect against alcohol, and all alcohol consumed is directed directly to the child. Naturally, the effect of alcohol on the fetus is not positive. You should not take any alcoholic beverages, not only at the fifteenth week, but in general throughout the entire pregnancy.

According to many doctors and nutritionists around the world, the emergence of a great desire to use a particular product is associated with a lack of certain substances in the human body. And very often these substances are not found at all in those products that you so want to use. So it is with a pregnant woman. Often in pregnant women there is great desire drink wine or drink beer. This indicates a lack of proteins in the body. Alcoholic drinks can be replaced with lean meat or nuts. They contain great amount proteins.

Meals at 15 weeks

During the course of pregnancy, you must follow the correct and healthy diet. The body needs the right amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates. All these components are needed for the normal life of the mother and for the development of the fetus. Therefore, at the fifteenth week of pregnancy, food should be varied and healthy. It is necessary to eat a variety of cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs and meat.

You also need to include in the diet healthy fats vegetable origin, which contain vitamin E. It strengthens the placenta. It is recommended that you purchase several vegetable oils that you can add to your food. You also need to eat nuts and seeds.

An important role in the nutrition of a pregnant woman is played by correct proportions nutrients. Proteins take the first place. They need to be consumed in greater quantities than other substances. You should carefully choose meat or fish, as well as properly prepare dishes from them. Doctors and nutrition scientists believe that a pregnant woman should consume about 200 grams of meat every day, which sometimes (namely 2 or 3 times a week) can be exchanged for fish.

Condition of the uterus

During an ultrasound examination, a specialist will evaluate the uterus. At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the myometrium (the so-called muscular layer of the uterus) should have a uniform structure with a thickness of about 2.5 cm.

During this period, the uterus can be easily felt through the abdominal wall. It is located approximately in the middle of the space from the navel to the pubis.


From 15 to 17 weeks are sometimes held already. It is also called second trimester screening. This process involves ultrasound and sampling biochemical analyzes... The purpose of screening is to identify the risk group of pregnant women. Women who are in such a group can give birth to children with various disabilities, for example, a child with Down syndrome or a defect. neural tube... The screening process cannot make any diagnosis, but only determine the proportion of the risk.

The screening, which is carried out in the second trimester, is called the triple test, since it includes the collection of tests for total hCG, analyzes for AFP and free estriol. A triple test is more accurate than a double test in the first trimester. It is for this reason that some gynecologists can do without double test, and already conduct a triple test during the second trimester.

It is believed that dangerous indicator when screening is done, the ratio is 1: 350. With such an indicator, a high-level risk appears and there is a need to prescribe additional tests. However, a pregnant woman has every right to refuse them. Since all further procedures will not be able to accurately determine the development or termination of the pathology. And the indicators on the analyzes may not be good enough for various reasons. Therefore, you should not focus only on the results of the analyzes, since the risk can arise even with good indicators.

Analyzes at 15 weeks

At week 15, a major test is done called the triple test. You can start taking tests from this week, but in no case later than the twentieth. Since this period is considered more suitable for such a test.

HCG levels begin to drop markedly during the second trimester. If the indicators have an increased or decreased level, then there are some violations. Or it could mean that the woman was given the wrong date.

Progesterone at this stage is not isolated as an indicator, since it is ineffective on this period.

Vaginal swabs should be taken for abnormal discharge.

You just need to visit everything scheduled examinations a gynecologist and then there will be no need to worry. The doctor himself will prescribe the appointments and tests to control the pregnancy. You will need tests such as urinalysis and blood tests, as well as blood sampling for hormones and other indicators.

An overgrown belly will require you to find a new sleeping position. Sleep optimally on the left side.


  • If a boy is expected to be born, at the 15th week, the kidneys and adrenal glands may begin to bother the mother, because the male fetus is already producing the hormone testosterone. This should be reported to the doctor and treatment should be undertaken.
  • If the woman had previously genetic diseases or there are other indications, it is at the 15th week that she is ordered to pass an analysis for the composition of amniotic fluid. Carrying out such an analysis at the 15th week is the safest!
  • Due to an increase in the amount of blood, by the 15th week, nasal congestion (rhinitis of pregnancy) may occur, and age spots continue to increase.
  1. It's time to use, wear elastic and supportive underwear to prevent varicose veins.
  2. Pay attention to the condition of your teeth. Now you can safely treat old caries.
  3. When you sleep, take the most comfortable and safest posture as you sleep. the tummy is already big. It is better to do it on the side. If it's pleasant, you can put a pillow under your feet.

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Author of the publication: Margarita Ignatova

The second trimester of pregnancy has already lasted three weeks, and the most quiet time your position. Now your body is not changing so much as to restrict movement or disrupt your well-being, but the sensations already clearly remind you that you are expecting a baby. At this time, experienced ultrasound doctors will already be able to tell you the gender of the baby, and you can start preparing either pink or blue suits for the baby. Now global changes are taking place with your child, he is growing so quickly that he will never grow again, his height and weight are increasing every week, and today the fetus looks like a small, and not quite proportional person.

What happens to the body at 15 weeks

The second trimester has already lasted three weeks, now you have reached the middle of the fourth obstetric month(each month lasts four weeks). Toxicosis of the first trimester was completely released, and the most beautiful time to make time for yourself, taking care of the house and not doing hard work. The uterus is not yet big enough to cause inconvenience to the expectant mother, and while you have just started gaining weight after its possible loss in the first trimester.

Now you and the baby are doing well, the baby is less vulnerable to action. negative factors external environment, reliably protected from them by the placental barrier. However, the baby's needs for nutrients are increasing, and if the mother's nutrition is far from ideal and the body is deficient in any substances, both will suffer. For the needs of the child, the mother's body will spend its last reserves, which will lead to deterioration in the quality of teeth, hair, nails, anemia and poor appearance.

Gradually, your waist expands, and especially if you are thin, your condition becomes noticeable to others; in tight clothes, the tummy may bulge slightly. But for obese women, the position may still be invisible, but subjective sensations vividly remind you of your situation. The usual clothes have now become tight, and therefore it is worth changing the wardrobe to a more spacious one - give preference to loose blouses, dresses and trousers that do not squeeze the tummy due to special inserts or cut features.

Gradually, due to the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity changes, shifting forward, and this changes the load on the feet. High-heeled shoes should now be changed to a lower and more stable one, otherwise, you can get acquainted with pain in the legs and back, cramps of the calf muscles and varicose veins. In addition, there is a high risk of falls and injury. The volume of the breast gradually increases, the nipples darken, veins appear on the skin, stretch marks can form, so the mammary gland requires special care and proper selection of linen made from natural fabrics with comfortable straps.

Mood swings became less severe, gradually emotional experiences disappear, but they may be replaced by some lethargy, slowness and absent-mindedness. it normal phenomenon, so nature protects the pregnant woman from stress and external stimuli. You can gradually notice the fact that most of your thoughts and worries revolve only around your condition and future motherhood - this is normal, the so-called "dominant of pregnancy" is forming. The body turns off all unnecessary, allowing a woman to calmly bear and give birth to a baby.

Fetal development: weight, size and gender

By this time, the fetus reaches 70-80 grams in weight, and its growth is still measured from the crown to the coccyx (CTE), and it leaves from 10 to 13 cm.

In this period for good apparatus An ultrasound scan from an experienced specialist will already be able to find out the sex of the child, since the baby's external genitals have already been formed, although not yet clearly enough. But while mistakes are possible, in more late dates gender data will be specified. The child's internal genital organs continue to improve - the testosterone hormone begins to be produced in boys, and the first portions of estrogens in girls.

At 15 weeks, the growth of the limbs becomes active, the legs catch up with the length of the arms, and gradually become longer. The child's appearance is becoming more and more little man although the eyes are still wide apart, the head is disproportionately large in relation to the body. The auricles take their proper place, they are formed appearance but they are still very soft. The child behaves actively, moving and pushing away from the walls of the uterus, but so far the mother practically does not feel his movements due to the thick wall of the uterus and sufficient space inside it for the child.

The most important developmental event this week is the formation of the cerebral cortex, which will continue to improve. whole month... During this period, both hemispheres of the brain form convolutions and grooves, nerve cells are actively dividing, forming the white and gray matter of the brain. Now the central nervous system smoothly takes over the functions of controlling the child's body.

The glands are actively involved in the work - sebaceous and sweat, primordial lubrication begins to be produced, but so far there is very little of it. The baby, due to the development of taste analyzers of the tongue, can react to the food that the mother consumes, by changing the taste of the amniotic fluid. The main organs and systems also debug their work - the heart is actively contracting and drives about 30 liters of blood through the baby's vessels per day. In the liver and gallbladder the first bile is formed, which is secreted into the intestines of the crumbs, creates the first portions of the original feces, meconium, which will be released only after the birth of the child. The kidneys of the fetus become no less active, they produce the first urine that is collected in bladder and is excreted in the amniotic fluid. During the day, they are renewed several times and completely remove the waste products of the fetus through the placenta and the mother's body.

Although the first breaths are still far away, the lungs are actively exercising, the respiratory muscles and diaphragm are developing, the vocal cords are already formed, and this week the glottis is already open. Due to all this, the fetus can carry out special breathing exercises, swallowing and re-excreting amniotic fluid. Due to getting into Airways fluid, lung tissue is formed, which prepares the baby for spontaneous breathing after birth.

The development of the joints and muscles of the crumbs is also in full swing, due to which he can perform active movements - extension and flexion of the limbs, somersaults, jerks. Bones are strengthened due to the active deposition of calcium and magnesium salts in them, the skin becomes multi-layered. However, the layers of the skin are still very thin, and there is no subcutaneous fat, so the skin has bright red and a lot of wrinkles. Hair appears on the skin - lanugo, there are many hairs, but among them one can clearly identify eyebrows and cilia on the face.

The baby's amniotic fluid reliably protects him from external influences, shocks, tremors and enable movement. They are renewed up to ten times a day, feed the baby, now their volume is up to 150 ml, and the water temperature is about 37 degrees, which creates ideal conditions for the fetus. Normally, amniotic fluid is transparent and sterile, but their composition depends on the mother's nutrition, her activity and the life of the baby. To reduce the volume of the uterus, nature has created a special embryonic position for the baby, which from this week he can already support - he presses his arms and legs to his stomach and crosses. This became possible due to the formation of the first reflexes.

Feelings of a future mother

After enough difficult first trimester, most often accompanied by toxicosis or various uncomfortable sensations, the threat of interruption, the second trimester is relief. By 15 weeks, the manifestations of toxicosis completely disappear, the appetite wakes up, and the body is actively restoring the resources spent in the first weeks. Do not get carried away with food, so as not to gain excess weight and do not suffer from severe edema... However, in this period, the expectant mother may experience some new, and not always pleasant, sensations. One of them can be the manifestation of rhinitis in pregnant women - a constant feeling of nasal congestion and nosebleeds, especially at night.This phenomenon is not dangerous, but it is worth consulting an ENT doctor in order to exclude other pathologies. To cope with this phenomenon will help humidifying the air, ventilating and irrigating the nose with sprays with sea ​​water.

Due to the change in the position of the uterus, the need to go to the toilet to urinate may increase, constipation and bloating may occur. Exercise and proper nutrition will help to cope with this. There may also be weakness in the background initially reduced pressure pregnant women, attacks of headaches and dizziness, it is worth moving and walking more, taking vitamins.

Due to the action of hormones, there is an increase in skin pigmentation, which is manifested by a dark line from the pubis to the navel, darkening of the areola and the appearance of multiple small age spots on the face and body, hands. Due to increased metabolism, stuffiness, hot flashes, sometimes a feeling of lack of air can be felt, this is normal if it does not cause pronounced trouble. Another typical feature of pregnant women is absent-mindedness - in connection with which there is a risk of injury, you need to remember this especially on the street. You need to move more, actively focus on business. Against the background of such a feature, in the physical plane, there is a surge of strength and energy, which allows you to actively travel, do work, and shop.

The fundus of the uterus has now risen high, and you can feel it on your own 7-10 cm below the navel. Places in abdominal cavity still enough, and now there should not be any particularly uncomfortable sensations, only slight stretching on the sides of the uterus from stretching is allowed uterine ligaments, but they are unstable, not very pronounced and disappear with a change in body position. if your stomach hurts or the uterus feels like a stone, you feel its constriction - see a doctor immediately, this may be a sign of problems or an impending threat to your pregnancy.

Within 15 weeks, with a deficiency of trace elements, cramps of the calf muscles, problems with teeth or nails may occur, then it is worth starting to take additional calcium on the advice of a doctor. With pallor, frequent fainting or constant weakness, hemoglobin testing and iron supplementation are needed. The intake of magnesium and iodine will be no less useful.

Very soon, the first movements of the baby will be detected, but while the uterus is still small and the woman does not feel the movements of the crumbs, although many people take intestinal peristalsis for them.

Condition of the uterus

By the time of 15 weeks, the uterus has grown in size several times, its bottom has reached 10 cm from the navel, and its thickness is now about 2.5 cm. This is important for full-fledged bearing of the fetus, and ultrasound specialists evaluate the structure of the uterus. Now the uterus is well felt through the anterior abdominal wall as a rounded dense formation. Normally, the walls of the uterus are relaxed, which allows the uterine walls to nourish the placenta and create enough space for the crumbs. With an increase in the tone of the uterus, it contracts, turns to stone and disrupts the nutrition of the placenta, which can lead to the onset of its detachment. Therefore, the appearance of any uncomfortable phenomena in the uterus is a reason for visiting a doctor, cramping contractions of the uterus with soreness and bleeding are especially dangerous.

The abdomen increases due to the growth of the uterus, a small mound is contoured above the pubis, a dark stripe from the pubis to the navel appears.

Ultrasound at 15 weeks

When carrying out an ultrasound scan for a period of 15 weeks, you can determine the gender of the baby if he wants to lie down correctly to the sensors. Although this is not yet a 100% result, but experienced doctors define it quite accurately. If you carry out a 3D ultrasound, you can see your baby in all its glory, he is already big enough and you can see him in detail - arms, legs, face. But the main task of ultrasound is still to determine the condition of the fetus, identify possible malformations and measure indicators. In addition, the state of the placenta and umbilical cord, the state of the walls of the uterus and the cervical region, the length of the cervix and the state of its internal pharynx, the location of the lower edge of the placenta relative to the cervix are examined. According to the ultrasound indicators, the term of the fetus is specified, the weight and CTE of the fetus are calculated. The ultrasound data this week is compared with previous studies to assess the dynamics of fetal development, the heartbeat of the baby and the uteroplacental circulation are assessed.

Discharge from the genital tract

During pregnancy, the amount of discharge from the genital tract may be slightly more than normal, due to the action of estrogens and progesterone. Allocations at normal pregnancy homogeneous, not abundant, light or transparent, practically odorless. In the presence of brown discharge or bloody, you should immediately worry - there should be no discharge in the second trimester. The appearance of blood on linen may be evidence of pregnancy pathologies - isthmic-cervical insufficiency (the cervix cannot hold a growing fetus), placental abruption or cervical pathologies in the form of erosion.

No less dangerous will be the presence of secretions with sour smell in the form of flakes, cheesy, which may indicate thrush. It can also cause itching and burning, redness of the genitals. No less disturbing will be the discharge of a foamy character, gray, green or yellowish in color with an unpleasant odor. Such discharge occurs with vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis), with genital infections and they are dangerous for the fetus, since the infection can spread to the membranes of the fetus and cause infection. At the slightest discomfort and a change in the nature of the discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What tests to take

This week, the tests will be standard - a follow-up urine test is performed before visiting the doctor. If the doctor considers it necessary, a special study may be prescribed, especially if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or high risk congenital abnormalities... Blood tests for hCG and progesterone levels are taken, and a control ultrasound of the fetus is performed. In the period from 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, a special screening examination will be carried out - a triple test that identifies the risk congenital anomalies and fetal malformations.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

At normal course pregnancy, there should be no pain and discomfort in the abdomen. Only light are allowed pulling sensation in the area of ​​the lateral surfaces of the abdomen as a result of stretching the ligaments of the uterus. These pains are intermittent, not pronounced and weak. Cramping pains with bloody discharge as signs of threatened abortion can be dangerous. This requires an immediate doctor call and hospitalization.

Sometimes abdominal pain can occur due to kidney problems - then the lower abdomen pulls, there are pains in the pubic area, and in case of kidney problems, the right side pains (since this kidney often suffers). Pain in the right side can also be a sign of pregnancy appendicitis, especially when combined with nausea, upset stools, and severe malaise. Signs of pyelonephritis can also be pulling back pain with changes in urine tests, pain during urination, fever and general malaise.

Colds and runny nose

At this stage of pregnancy, a cold or flu is no longer so dangerous for the fetus, since it is protected by the placenta. However, any infections are dangerous, including a banal rhinitis, as they cause malaise and metabolic disorders, hypoxia. Due to a decrease in immunity, a cold in a pregnant woman can be more severe, and there is malaise, fever, sore throat and a runny nose. Fever and viruses themselves can be dangerous for the fetus, so you cannot refuse treatment or try to be treated at home, you need a doctor's examination. the doctor will prescribe drugs that are acceptable for treatment in this period, in addition, he will advise folk ways to deal with colds. Pregnant women are shown plentiful fortified drink, bed rest, gargling and rinsing the nose, inhalation, if there is no temperature. Sick leave and bed rest will be mandatory.

For this period, mustard plasters and banks, any thermal procedures and taking medications without the consent of a doctor, especially antiviral and immunostimulating ones, are prohibited.


At this time, meals should be five times a day, in small portions with snacks. Pregnant women must necessarily have breakfast; during breakfast, cereals, cereal dishes and proteins are the most useful, they provide long-term saturation and are necessary for the body nutrients... Obligatory should be vegetables and fruits, which are used daily in the diet, they regulate stool, provide the necessary vitamins and minerals. Dairy products are no less useful as a source of calcium for you and the fetus - a variety of dairy products is important.

It is worth somewhat limiting such products as coffee and tea, baked goods and products made from white flour, spicy, salty dishes, semi-finished products, canned food. Replace them with the most natural and healthy eating... Now the immune system the fruit is not yet sensitive to allergens, and you can eat chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood. But everything should be consumed in moderation so as not to provoke negative reactions further.


During this period, a woman's sexuality flourishes, and if the doctor has not forbidden you intimacy, enjoy each other, during this period the sensitivity of the vagina and external genitals is increased. This will give you new sensations, but for now, a small belly does not limit you in the choice of poses. The benefits of sex are undeniable - increased doses of the pleasure hormone will help a woman release tension and relax. During sex, you should be careful, give up rough intercourse and deep penetration.

Very soon 15 weeks of pregnancy will be behind, what is happening now in the body of mom and baby? The growth of the baby already exceeds 100 cm, and the weight is about 70 g. Changes in the baby's body are as follows.

  1. The genitals are sufficiently differentiated, which means that it is already possible to determine the sex of the baby.
  2. The legs are longer than the handles.
  3. The eyes are still closer friend to a friend, almost completely formed auricles.
  4. At 15 weeks of gestation, the baby's skin continues to be covered with lanugo.
  5. Sweat and sebaceous glands, pituitary gland are actively working.
  6. The skin has become thicker, it is no longer translucent.
  7. The baby's activity increased, some mothers say that already at the 15th week of pregnancy, they experienced hitherto unknown sensations in the abdomen, which were later identified as movements of the baby.
  8. The nail bed begins to be covered with thin nails.
  9. The cerebral hemispheres grow very quickly and at this time they no longer fit in the cranium, which means that the first convolutions will appear soon. A photo of a fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy is becoming more and more like a photo of a newborn baby.
  10. Is improving circulatory system, the heart rate reaches 150-160 beats / minute. Up to 23 liters of blood is pumped through the baby's blood vessels per day.
  11. The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of the first hair, and it is at this time that a coloring pigment appears, which, according to the inherent genotype, will dye the hair of the newborn in the appropriate color.
  12. The baby's intestines begin to fill with primordial meconium, which defecates only after birth. Due to the admixture of bile, it has a greenish or black color.
  13. The child's hearing system is already so developed that it allows him to hear the beat of his mother's heart and her voice. It's time to start chatting!

Photo of a baby more berries
phases of change

Should you do an ultrasound?

If you look at the photo of the fetus taken on an ultrasound scan at the 15th week of pregnancy, you will notice that, despite its tiny size, the baby seems to understand that he is being carefully examined. In the photo, the baby is calmly resting in the mother's tummy, amniotic fluid is gently pumping him.

The doctor, or maybe the mother herself, can observe small ears, on the sides of the nasal bones are visible orbits, where the eyes will be located. You can see how the baby moves his arms or legs, how he hugs or "licks" the placenta, studying the world around him and tasting everything.

Usually, it is not necessary to examine the abdomen with an ultrasound machine at 15 weeks of gestation, especially if the ultrasound was performed in the previous weeks. However, it can be performed at the request of the mother if she is worried about something, or according to the testimony of the doctor, who relies on the test results.

Photo of the baby taken at this time by ultrasound

In order for mom and baby to feel good, be healthy and grow up according to all standards, you need to follow a few simple but effective recommendations.

Recommendations forWhat to do
Power supply

The body's need for proteins is greatly increased. There is a lack of such elements in calf cramps. Therefore, we use a lot of cottage cheese, we try to eat a lot of berries or fruit drinks.

However, you should not dwell on vitamins alone, nutrients are also necessary for the normal development of the baby: boiled meat, fish, liver, seafood.

The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the growing uterus will press on the intestines, which can lead to constipation. We eat food that can fight constipation: kefir, prunes, bran.

In the fight against anemia, we eat food, iron-rich: buckwheat, liver, nuts, apples and pomegranates.

Cold preventionBerries and berry fruit drinks (especially from their own collection) are best helper in the prevention of colds. You can also drink tea with lemon or honey. Many doctors recommend using Oxolinic Ointment before leaving home.
Dental examinationIt is very dangerous to neglect going to the dentist at this stage, even if there were no dental problems before pregnancy, at the 15th week of pregnancy (this is how many months have already passed) they will definitely appear. It is the second trimester - the best time to solve all dental problems.
Skin carePrevention or control of stretch marks is another point that needs to be paid attention to. After all, after childbirth, seemingly not so ugly pink furrows will become white, moreover, on saggy skin. Stretch marks do not lend themselves to tanning, thus, they will remain your companions for a long time. Therefore, after each shower, it is necessary to lubricate the skin. problem areas oil or special cream.
Sleep and restFor sleep, the safest and most comfortable posture: lying on your side, stretching the lower leg, bending the upper knee. You can also place a pillow under your feet to avoid varicose veins. In modern specialty stores for expectant mothers, you can find very comfortable pillows for sleeping, as well as blankets.

What's going on with mom?

In the 15th obstetric week of pregnancy, some changes also occur in the mother's body.

  1. Due to the growing fetus, and, accordingly, the growing load on the placenta, the latter thickens in size and reaches more than 17.5 mm.
  2. The volume of amniotic fluid increases markedly. They have constant temperature and the composition, which is formed due to the uteroplacental metabolism, as well as the constantly flowing urine of the fetus. This liquid is absolutely sterile; only the presence of any infection can change its state.
  3. The volume of blood in the maternal body is progressively increasing. This can cause some discomfort in the form of nosebleeds.
  4. The breast of the future nursing mother is more and more filled with milk, and the nipple halos become even darker.
  5. If you look at the photo of the belly at the 15th week of pregnancy, you will notice that it has become even more rounded and slightly raised.
  6. It is at this time that the placenta ends its formation. Now the mother-fetus system will make an insurmountable connection between these two components. All experiences or changes in the mother's body will be felt by the baby, and changes in his condition will be reflected in the mother's health.

What are the feelings at this time?

Every week for future mom will remind her and also help her get used to the fact that she will soon have a baby. Some new or old sensations during the 15th week of pregnancy will tell her about this:

  • often a woman suffers from attacks of suffocation at night, which in itself is not terrible, but significantly spoils sleep and rest;
  • sensation tight clothing if the woman still hasn't changed her wardrobe. You need to understand that this is also very important, there should be no discomfort, especially in the abdomen. In addition, a trip to special shop will surely bring a lot of pleasant emotions;
  • some mothers at the 15th week of pregnancy may feel fetal movements, which some describe as "butterflies in the stomach", others as "small bubbles", and someone may confuse this with excessive gas formation;
  • periodically pulls the stomach due to pressing on digestive system uterus, in addition, constipation and gas formation may occur;
  • an unprecedented surge of strength and a sense of peace - occurs due to hormonal stabilization, besides, the woman finally begins to enjoy her position. Often there is such a hobby as creating a photo of each (including 15) weeks of pregnancy;
  • from unpleasant sensations, dizziness, weakness and flies before the eyes may appear. This indicates a lack of red blood cells in the blood, leading to anemia, which threatens oxygen starvation baby. It is necessary to consult a doctor and consume more foods containing iron;
  • dizziness and weakness are also associated with hypotension. This is another common disease of pregnant women - low blood pressure. Here we will talk about drug treatment.

Eat more berries

Discharge from the genitals

The type and nature of the discharge is one of the main signs that make it possible to compose a picture of how the 15th week of pregnancy goes for mom and baby.

If the discharge is not very much, it is light and uniform, leaves a small mark on the laundry, then there is no cause for concern. This indicates a normal vaginal microflora, no genital infection will not harm the course of pregnancy.

In the presence of candidiasis, you can notice abundant cheesy discharge. If an abundant purulent and foamy fluid comes out, then there is an infection such as trichomoniasis. A small amount of mucopurulent discharge characterizes the presence of chlamydia. Abundant same purulent discharge may indicate the presence of gonorrhea.

Often, all infections only worsen after the onset of pregnancy, but they can also be acquired before the beginning of bearing a child. In one case or another, treatment should be started immediately. After all, they can cause infection fetal membranes, which leads to impaired development of the baby or even lead to termination of pregnancy. In addition, such diseases can cause various infections in the baby's body after birth.

The appearance of bloody discharge suggests that there is a need to urgently consult a doctor. Do not think that an abundant, smearing discharge along with a sore stomach is not a cause for concern, but rather call an ambulance, which will most likely send you to the hospital, where with the help medicines assistance will be provided to maintain the pregnancy.

This is how a tummy grows by 15 weeks

If a small amount of bloody discharge appeared after examining a gynecologist at 15 weeks, taking smears for analysis, or after having sex, this may indicate the presence of cervical erosion during pregnancy. Taking into account upcoming birth, this is a very serious disease, therefore, an additional colposcopy may be prescribed - examination of erosion under a microscope, and regarding the diagnosis, further treatment will be prescribed or not.

Causes of abdominal pain

Have a large number pregnant women at the 15th week of pregnancy, there are not very pleasant sensations in the form of abdominal pain. The nature of such pain can be different, as well as the reasons that caused it.

  1. The most common abdominal pain occurs due to the direct and continuous growth of the uterus. As a result of this process, the muscles of the uterus are significantly stretched and held. The pain that appears in this case does not bother the pregnant woman much and does not cause any special unpleasant sensations.
  2. A pulling pain similar to contractions, and even with bloody discharge, or the pain passes into the lower back, indicates the possibility of a threat of termination of pregnancy. Then you need to urgently see a doctor.
  3. If the pain is girdle, but its source is still in the lumbar region or back, then most likely it is pyelonephritis, which may also be accompanied by elevated temperature or pain when urinating.
  4. Pain in the coccyx area, which can radiate to the abdomen or to the right or left leg, may indicate a pinched nerve, or the fetus has grown so much by the 15th week of pregnancy that the uterus presses on the organs or vertebral sections.

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for information only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not advise to self-medicate. The determination of the diagnosis and the choice of the treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!