Do I need to wash the baby. Is it possible to bathe a sick child. Features of bathing for various infections. Why you shouldn't abuse soap

You can bathe a newborn every day from the age of one month.

Bathing should bring positive emotions both the baby and his parents. After all, it is not pleasant when a child screams furiously when trying to redeem him. To avoid this, you need to follow certain rules.

After each procedure, the bath should be treated with mild cleaning agents and rinsed. clean water... Before bathing on the changing table, you must first lay out the things necessary after taking a bath: diaper, undershirt, cream, diaper.

Should I bathe a newborn every day? According to the "grandmother's" advice, the child needs to be bathed daily, from the first day of discharge from the hospital. But modern pediatricians don't think so.

The fact is that in a newborn, within 10-14 days, the umbilical wound heals, into which microbes can get in contact with water. Even boiling water cannot 100% secure an unprepared children's organism from harmful microorganisms.

You can bathe your baby after being discharged from the hospital using a thin diaper and a small amount of water.

But such a procedure can slow down the process of overgrowing of the thin and delicate skin of the navel, therefore it is not recommended.

Throughout the entire period of wound healing, pediatricians advise treating the skin of a newborn with a wet, thin diaper or napkins. If necessary, the child is washed away.

The newborn does not need bathing until complete healing umbilical wound, that is, up to 10-15 days from the moment of birth. It is enough to wipe the baby, arrange for him air baths and change into clean clothes.

When the wound is completely healed, you can start water treatments. The following must not be added to the water for the first bath:

  • Potassium permanganate;
  • decoction from the collection of herbs;
  • scented shampoos and shower gels;
  • essential oils.

These substances dry out the skin, and the smell of such products can scare the baby.

You can add a decoction of chamomile or string to the water, but separately. You cannot use different decoctions every time, if you started bathing the baby with chamomile infusion, then continue to use only it. Before using plant extracts for caring for a newborn, consult a doctor.

In addition to herbs, it is allowed to use a neutral baby liquid soap, but not more than 2 times a week.

Pediatricians advise to bathe the baby 40-50 minutes after feeding or 30 minutes before eating.

Sleeping and crying baby it is not necessary to undergo water procedures, this can cause him unpleasant memories related to water.

The first bathing should be done in a small baby bath with a special slide. It will support the back, the head of the child and free the hands of the parents. Optimum temperature water - 36–37º C, duration - 10–15 minutes.

The tray is 2/3 full. In the process of bathing, the baby is gently washed from top to bottom without using soap and other hygiene products.

After taking a bath, the child is wrapped in a warm diaper, dabbed with it on wet skin.

You cannot wipe the baby with a towel, otherwise you can damage the thin skin.

If there are scaly areas on the body, then after bathing, they should be treated with a moisturizer. After all the procedures, the baby is handed over to the mother for feeding.

Why bathe a newborn every day when he is one month old? If you carry out this procedure every day at the same time, then the baby will sleep better and eat with appetite. And with a gradual decrease in the water temperature to 28–30º C and the change of a baby bath to a regular one, the baby's body will become hardened.

It is recommended to use shampoos and gels for children under 1 year of age no more than 2 times a week in spring and summer, 1 time in winter and autumn. When the baby is older, the time for taking a bath can be increased to 30-40 minutes.

Bathing is not only hygiene procedure... It is a process that helps the child develop physically and relax.

Bathing for a newborn is very important procedure which strengthens the immune system and nerve cells, develops muscles and skeleton, relaxes and soothes, and also improves the baby's appetite and sleep. Thanks to the first baths, the baby's arms and fingers straighten much faster. This procedure stabilizes blood pressure and blood supply, improves the orientation and coordination of the child in space. Many parents are interested in the question of how often do they need to bathe their newborn baby and is it necessary to do it every day?

Features of bathing a newborn

How often should I bathe my baby? You don't have to do this every day unless you really need to. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every 2 - 3 days. On other days, the baby should be wiped with a damp towel or wet wipes... If you bathe your baby too often, it can have a bad effect on body temperature, immunity and protective layer skin that are just beginning to form.

When bathing a baby, you cannot use regular soap. It is recommended to wash it in the first month. warm boiled water, and only then you can apply liquid baby soap without fragrances, fragrances and other chemicals. It is allowed to use baby shampoo after 2 - 3 months. Cosmetic products up to 6 months of age can be used once every 7 to 10 days, and then shampoo and soap are used every 5 to 7 days.

Everything cosmetical tools for kids must be natural and hypoallergenic. For newborns it is provided special cosmetics... When choosing products, you need to carefully study the composition and shelf life of the product, check the compliance of the products with the child's age. You need to wash the baby with a soft sponge or napkin that will not scratch it. delicate skin.

The water temperature for the first baths should be 36.6 - 37 degrees, and the procedure itself lasts 5 - 7 minutes. The bathing time should be gradually increased and the water temperature should be reduced. The air temperature in the room should be 25 degrees, which will allow the newborn not to overcool and freeze after bathing, or, conversely, not to overheat. Before each procedure, the bath is washed with safe detergents.

Basic rules for bathing babies

Bathing newborns should be correct. There are certain recommendations:

Bathing a baby in the first month

A newborn baby needs special care. During this period, the baby should be bathed in a baby bath or his body is simply wiped with wet wipes.

How often should I bathe my newborn? This can be done every day, preferably at the same time. Before bathing, boiled water is poured into the bath and wait until it cools down to the required temperature. Then the baby is undressed, and so that he is not frightened, he must be held in his arms and hugged. It should be immersed in water gradually and carefully.

Prepare a table in advance, on which the newborn will be wiped after bathing. It is necessary to lay a sheet or diaper, and the bathed baby is wrapped in terry towel... When wiping the baby, they do not rub the skin, but slightly blot the moisture. Necessarily processed umbilical wound hydrogen peroxide. The skin of a newborn is lubricated with a special oil or lotion to soften and moisturize. Then they put on a diaper and clothes.

Bathing the baby after a month

When the child is one month old, he can already be bathed in a regular bathroom. But it should be processed much more carefully. However, many parents use a hammock. or a children's slide, which simplifies the procedure, since you do not have to bend too low towards the baby. In addition, the baby, being on a slide or in a hammock, does not slip on the bathtub.

Bathing water is no longer boiled. The water temperature should be reduced by one degree every week, and the bathing time should be increased to 15 - 20 minutes. Is it obligatory to bathe the baby every day after a month? At this age, this procedure is carried out several times a week, and when using soap and other means - once every 7 days. When bathing a baby, you need to thoroughly rinse each fold, and water it from a ladle. Many children are afraid of water and become capricious, so various toys can be thrown into the water. They help you relax and distract yourself.

When the baby is 6 months old, you can use various additives for the bath. Coniferous baths are very useful, which:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • soothe;
  • normalize sleep;
  • improve the condition of the skin;
  • eliminate diaper rash and rash.

In addition, they are useful for treating nervous diseases and respiratory organs. Baths with the addition of motherwort or valerian are good for insomnia, severe stress, nervous disorders... For colic and cramps, it is recommended to take a bath with fennel, and if severe irritation or diaper rash on the skin - with chamomile, string or calendula.

Thus, when asked how often to bathe a newborn baby, one can answer that this should be done almost every day. Use soaps and shampoos during this period it is undesirable. This procedure brings enormous benefits to the baby's body, stabilizing pressure, blood supply and improving coordination.

With the birth of a baby, new parents face a lot of questions. One of them - is it necessary to bathe the child every day? The question is really relevant, and the answer to it interests moms and dads in different reasons... Some are worried about the baby's delicate skin, others are afraid of the ubiquitous bacteria, and others simply do not want to spend on this procedure own time and strength. So what to do - to bathe daily or not bathe?

Bathing a newborn baby

Most pediatricians believe it makes sense to bathe a newborn every day. And this is needed not so much for hygiene as for hardening. Thanks to water procedures, the child's immunity is strengthened, muscles develop, and the respiratory organs are cleansed (due to moist air). In addition, the child who has been bathing in plenty will relax, eat more densely, and fall asleep faster. It is advisable to bathe the baby before going to bed - about an hour. If this procedure is repeated daily, then it will become a kind of ritual, a child's habit. He will understand that bathing is followed by sleep time, and the baby will fall asleep more quickly and willingly.

As for bathing water, for children of the first month of life, you need to prepare a bath exclusively with boiled water, cooled to 36 degrees. This is necessary to prevent infection of the umbilical wound. For precise definition water temperature, use a thermometer (water or non-contact). If you want to use a bath or add herbs to the water, then it is better to consult a pediatrician on this matter.

Pay attention not only to the temperature of the water, but also to the comfort of the air. The room should not be too hot or cold: the baby should not experience sharp drop temperatures after removing it from the bath. If bathing occurs in winter period and the room is not warm enough, use a heater.

Before immersing the child in the bath, wash lower part his body. This is beneficial from a hygiene point of view.

Pay attention to your baby's behavior during the procedure. If he is crying, then perhaps the temperature of the water or air should be changed. You can also try using a bathing slide. This device will help you to hold your head, upper part torso of the child. After the procedure, wrap the child in a towel, blot all parts of the body, including folds. Use a powder. After that, you can put on a clean diaper, swaddle in a fresh diaper or dress your baby.

Please note that bathing is useful procedure just for healthy babies... If the child is ill or has been vaccinated, the evening bath on that day should be abandoned. If the baby has a post-vaccination reaction in the form of an increase in body temperature, it should not be bathed until the symptoms disappear.

Bathing children under 3 years old

Babies under 3 years old can also be bathed daily. If the child is pleased water treatments then arrange them for him. The water for bathing children after the first month of life may not be boiled if the umbilical wound has already healed and there is no other damage to the skin. Babies from the age of one month can wear a special circle around their neck to keep their heads on the surface of the water. Such a procedure will be similar to swimming and will be a good prevention of musculoskeletal ailments.

Babies who have already learned to sit enjoy bathing especially. Indeed, in the company of ships, ducks and rubber dolphins opens new world... The child is spacious in big bath, it has conditions for unusual game... This time can be used for the development of the baby. Pronounce the names of toys, tell what sounds aquatic animals make, how they "talk", how they move. You can read special oilcloth books created for reading while swimming. The child will be interested, and he will look forward to the next water procedure.

Please note that no matter how busy the baby is while swimming and no matter how independent you may think, you cannot leave him alone for a minute.

Bathing children after 3 years

Children 3-11 years old cannot swim every day. However, 1-2 times a week is a must. Water procedures at this age can also occur as needed: after visiting the pool, beach, after physical activity... If the child gets dirty, sweaty, then taking a shower or bath is necessary to remove harmful bacteria from the body. If we are talking only about dirty hands, then it is enough to wash them under running water for 20 seconds with baby soap.

With the onset adolescence daily water procedures should be resumed. Shower 1-2 times a day should be the norm for children over 11 years old. During puberty, the skin begins to work actively, producing sweat and sebum, and teenagers themselves will feel the need for more frequent washing.


So, bathing is the most useful water procedure in terms of both hygiene and hardening. Daily bathing is indicated for healthy children. Toddlers with elevated temperature body to take a bath is prohibited. After 3 years, there is no urgent need for daily bathing. It occurs only with the onset of puberty.

Toddlers love bathing. It gives crumbs the joy of movement and allows parents to complete a complete toilet for their child. This is extremely important for him wellness and prevention skin diseases... Baby's skin is more sensitive and delicate, its acidity (pH) is less than that of an adult, therefore, it is difficult to resist the effects of bacteria and fungi. Scrapes and diaper rash occur easily.

Also, children's skin contains a lot of water and little fat, which makes it easier to penetrate harmful substances into his body. These features dictate the need daily bathing, especially children of the first half of life. The water procedure, accompanied by cheerful conversations and songs, will not only harden, strengthen the child's immunity, but also establish emotional connection with parents.

When to start bathing

You can bathe healthy full-term babies every day immediately after discharge from the hospital, while trying not to wet the umbilical wound so as not to cause inflammation, or after the final healing of the navel, when all the crusts disappear (on average, this happens in the second or third week of life). If you decide to wait for the navel to heal, during this period, wipe the baby's skin, especially the folds, with a cotton swab moistened with warm water and baby soap, then rinse off the soap with another cotton swab and blot the moisture from the baby's body. Which tactic is better to choose is up to you. For complete confidence in the right choice- consult your pediatrician.

If you decide to wash your baby immediately after leaving the hospital, use boiled water for this. She cooks and cools down to the right temperature in advance. Use a potassium permanganate solution to disinfect water. Dissolve a few crystals completely in a glass of warm boiled water. From the resulting solution, add a few drops to the bath until a slightly pink hue appears. Be careful not to add too much solution, it can dry out baby skin, and in high concentrations cause burns. Make sure that the unhealed navel does not submerge in water, and blot it immediately after bathing.

After the umbilical wound has healed, you do not need to boil the bathing water. The bath is being filled plain water from the tap, the required temperature. It is not recommended to wash the child every day in decoctions of herbs, mineral salts or a solution of potassium permanganate, since the frequent use of these additives dries the skin and can cause allergic reactions... Use them only in medicinal purposes after consulting your doctor. If the child has problems with the skin (it is dry and prone to peeling), then it is better to use special bath foams that already contain extracts of herbs (chamomile, calendula), which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Where and what to bathe in

In the bathroom or in the kitchen? Each family decides this issue individually, based on their housing conditions... The main thing is that the room should be free of drafts. The optimum air temperature for swimming is about 24-26 degrees C, but not lower than 21 degrees C. The water temperature should be 36-37 degrees C (check with a thermometer, not your elbow!). Higher degrees can lead to overheating of the baby, he will begin to be capricious, and from pleasant procedure bathing will turn into a whole problem. In more cold water the child will freeze, which does not bode well either.

Traditionally, a baby is bathed in a baby bath (galvanized metal, enamel or plastic, anatomical or not). It should only be used for bathing and should not be used for other household purposes (do not wash in it, do not soak laundry). It is convenient when she stands on a stable support, which allows her not to bend low to the child, otherwise the mother's back gets tired. Pour boiling water over the bath before bathing. Of course, you can wash your child in an "adult" bath, but before each bathing, be sure to treat it with regular soda or a special detergent designed for baby baths.

Bathing time

You can bathe your baby at any time of the day (try to do this together with your husband or grandmother for safety net), but experience shows that it is more optimal to carry out water procedures in the evening (at about 20:00), before feeding, so that after it a well-fed and clean child can safely fall asleep ... At the same time, dads who work during the day get the opportunity to communicate with the baby, to caress him. If the mother thinks that the evening bathing excites the child before bedtime, then arrange "bathing" in the afternoon. The duration of bathing varies with age. Newborn babies should only bathe for 2-5 minutes, and at 3-4 months - 12-15 minutes.

What to prepare for bathing your baby:

  • soft terry towel or a hooded terry sheet;
  • baby soap in a soap dish or special bathing agent newborns. Use only these special products to wash your baby. They have an acidity (pH) optimal for children's skin, protecting the skin from excessive drying, contain emollients - glycerin, lanolin, etc. small amount and no more than 2-3 times a week. On other days, they just bathe the baby in water;
  • Use sponge or terry mitten from soft natural materials, but you can soap the child with just the palm of your hand;
  • baby cream;
  • jar with cotton balls ;
  • water jug. After filling the bathtub with water, scoop a jug out of it and place it somewhere nearby so that at the end of the bath, rinse the child with this water, which has cooled down by about a degree. This procedure is an element of hardening;
  • hair brush with thick soft bristles or a comb with blunt edges;
  • thermometer for water ;
  • thermometer for measuring air temperature ;
  • in advance, on a separate surface where you will dress the baby, lay it out clothes;
  • can be placed in the bath special devices to support the child - a hammock, "Slide" and so on. They are especially convenient for the first time swimming days, while the mother still does not have the necessary skill.

Remember to wash your hands with soap and water before bathing your baby. Cut your nails short and remove anything (rings, watches, bracelets, etc.) that could scratch your baby. When everything is ready, undress the child. If necessary, clean the baby's bottom, and gently, slowly, lower it into the water. No need to rush and do sharp movements as the baby may be scared. Try to do everything carefully, but confidently, talking quietly to him or singing a song. Gently lower the baby into the bath, supporting his head and shoulders with one hand (for example, with the left) and with the other (right) at the level of the buttocks and hips.

Water safety

When bathing, you need to remember the safety of the baby. In the supine position, its head should be on your forearm, and your palm of the same hand should support the child in the area of ​​the shoulder joint by the outer shoulder of the baby. So you insure the child against accidental slipping and submersion under the water. Free hand you soap the crumb. In the prone position, your baby's chest is on your forearm; the palm of the same hand holds the shoulder farthest from you. With your free hand, you lather the child and insure him in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Fragrant soap and fluffy towel

It is necessary to wash sequentially: neck, chest, abdomen, arms and legs, back and only then the head. Lather gently with massaging movements to prevent the lather from getting into your eyes. Thoroughly wash the folds in the neck, armpits, groin, elbow and knee folds. Remember to open and wash clenched fists, which accumulate peeling skin cells and diaper rash may appear.

The head is also lathered carefully so that the foam does not get into the eyes. If a child's eyes pinch, he will remember this trouble for a long time and will be capricious when he gets into the bathroom. You should wash your head with water daily, because, in babies, it usually sweats a lot, and wash it with baby soap or special means for bathing - once a week, so as not to dry the scalp.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally the question at what age you can start using baby shampoo. Some experts believe that you should only wash your hair with baby soap for up to a year, others that you can use shampoo from 3-6 months of age. But everyone is unanimous in one thing - the shampoo should only be for children, developed taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of the child's skin and hair. These products are mild and non-stinging.

Tilt the baby's head back, holding it with your palm. Drizzle water from face to back of hair and apply a few drops of shampoo to hair. Lather and massage lightly onto the skin. Rinse off the foam gently with a lathering motion in the same direction. The face can be wiped with a damp cloth dampened with boiled water. If on the scalp formed seborrheic crusts(another name for gneiss), then they must be softened by lubricating them about 1 hour before bathing with baby oil, and during bathing, remove with a comb with fine teeth or a brush.

The baby's crotch should be washed with soap and water. To avoid infection urinary tract, children should be washed from front to back, especially girls. For girls, thoroughly and carefully wash all the folds between the labia, for boys, gently wash the penis (without moving foreskin), the scrotum, and then the area around the anus. Now you can rinse the baby (front and back) with water from a jug, which has cooled down by about one degree.

Immediately after bathing, wrap your baby in a terry towel and pat him dry. It is necessary to get wet, not rub - first the head, then the body. The folds of the skin must be especially carefully dried. Auricle should be dried with gauze or a thin handkerchief. Then remove the damp towel and place the baby on a clean diaper. Lubricate all folds of skin with baby oil on a cotton swab. Treat groin and intergluteal folds with baby cream or special cream under the diaper. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, then after bathing it must be wet. Then drip 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide from a pipette, and remove excess liquid with a gauze pad or cotton swab. With another cotton swab moistened with brilliant green solution, treat the navel. Dress your baby and don't forget the bonnet. Don't take it off until your hair is dry. Then the child can be fed and put to bed.

When bathing is already a habit

By the age of six months, the baby is already getting used to washing, as to a pleasant ritual, and is waiting for it. Bathing can now last 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to lower the water temperature by a few degrees - up to 32-28 degrees C. At this age, children learn the skill of sitting, so it is advisable to equip the bath with a special rubber mat so that the child does not slip or a special seat for the bath. Then, in addition to washing, the baby can be given the opportunity to splash in the bathtub, play with rubber or plastic toys.

Do not, under any circumstances, leave your child unattended in the bathtub!

He can reach for the toy and flop face down into the water, he can try to stand up, leaning on the side and fall forward or backward, he can bend over the side of the bathtub, aiming for a toy thrown on the floor ... The consequences are dire, from fear of water after a sharp plunge into it, before serious head injury.

When the child has played enough, slowly start washing. Calmly and gently water the baby's body, talk to him affectionately. The bathing sequence remains the same. It can be difficult to wash the head due to the fact that the child begins to show "character" and refuses to throw his head back, turns it in different sides and it is uncomfortable for you to soap it so that the foam does not get into your eyes. When rinsing the foam off a stubborn person, water, even without detergent, can get into the eyes and cause discomfort in them (pain). The kid will begin to rub his eyes with his fists, cry, refuse to wash.

To prevent these "little" troubles, you can use special visors, similar to the brim of a hat. They fit snugly over your head and keep foam and water out of your eyes. At 12 months (if this has not happened earlier), you can move on to bathing in a large bath. Bathing time increases to 20 minutes or more. Toddlers are learning to walk and will try to walk in the bathtub. Therefore, in order not to slip, it must have a safety device - a rubber mat. It is also better to lay a special rug on the bath floor so that you also do not slip on the wet floor.

Attention to the child during water games should be doubled.

He can not only "dive" under the water, but also reach for various cosmetics, taste them. All unnecessary items that are in the baby's reach should be removed. Cranes must be with opposite side from the child and are well twisted so that he cannot reach them and turn on hot water... The baby's head is washed last. He is already sitting in the bathroom, leaning back (on your hand) and throwing his head back. Avoid getting water from soap suds in the eyes and ears. The water should flow from the forehead to the back of the head. Particularly fidgety, you can continue to wear a special visor.

Bathing two year olds

By the age of two, bathing becomes fun game... A child frolic in the water, plays with toys, launches boats and splashes water, so rubber bath and floor mats are still relevant. Swimming at this age is best done in the evening after a walk. The kid moves a lot, plays outside in the sand, on the grass and comes home dirty. The air temperature in the bathroom can drop to 21 degrees C, while the water temperature remains the same - 32-28 degrees C. The duration of bathing increases to 30 minutes, since most of this time is spent on water games.

The two-year-old is very inquisitive, he imitates adults, actively acquires new skills. From this age, you can start teaching your child to wash on their own. Let him help mom wash herself. Give him a small washcloth and he will gladly lather his hands and feet. And you, in the same sequence as before (neck, stomach, arms, legs, back, head), soap it. Do not leave the child unattended for a single second, do not be tempted to think that the baby has already grown and attention can be weakened.

At this age, you can already use baby bath foam and baby bath gel for bathing. Do not put cosmetic salts in baby baths, as they can cause allergic reactions on delicate baby skin. Soap use is increased up to three times a week, depending on how dirty the baby is. Bathing also ends with pouring clean water a few degrees lower than the water in the bathtub. You can pour water over the little one from the shower.

It is recommended to reduce the temperature of the water for pouring gradually by 1 degree per week, bringing it to 21 degrees C. This will serve as a powerful hardening factor. After bathing, the baby is covered with a large terry towel or put on a bathrobe, wiped, including the head and natural folds... You can dress the child in the room, dry his hair with a hairdryer and comb it. Now get him ready for bed.

If the child is scared of the water ...

Pour into a large bowl warm water and let him play with toys in it - bright waterfowl ducklings, frogs, plastic cups with which you can pour water back and forth. Let him splash with his hands, gradually forgetting about his fear. Offer him to wash his handkerchief, wash his favorite typewriter, doll dishes or beloved plastic toy... Wash the doll's head with him, emphasizing that the doll is not afraid and does not cry. Start up bubble etc. As a last resort, replace bathing with rubdowns for a while. Wipe down baby wet diaper so as not to aggravate his fear. Try to bathe your baby in a different room without putting a lot of water in the bathtub ...

Bath toys

The retail network offers today a great variety of toys for bathing, from classic ducks, boats, toys-splashes, mechanical clockwork animals that know how to "swim" to rubber books for the bathroom. Children are happy to catch fish with a fishing rod or a net in the bathroom, ride bears in a boat, they like to pour from a watering can on themselves, on you, on the floor ...

Bathing for a newborn is very important process, which is not only needed to maintain hygiene. It develops the skeleton and muscles, strengthens nerve cells and immunity, soothes and relaxes, improves the baby's sleep and appetite. In addition, the first baths help to straighten the arms and fingers of the crumbs more quickly. They stabilize blood supply and pressure, improve the coordination and orientation of the baby in space.

To ensure that bathing and swimming in the bathroom is safe and healthy, it is important to follow a number of rules and recommendations. Parents are worried about how to properly organize this procedure and how often to bathe a newborn baby. Let's take a closer look at these issues.

Features of bathing babies

The baby does not need to be bathed every day if it is not necessary. It is enough to do this every two to three days. The rest of the time, wipe the crumbs with wet wipes or a damp towel. Bathing too often can negatively affect immunity, body temperature and the protective layer of the skin, which are just forming in the first month of life.

The baby is not recommended to be washed with regular soap... In the first weeks of life, it is enough to simply wash it with warm boiled water. After a month, you can use liquid baby soap without fragrances, fragrances and other chemicals. Baby shampoo“Without tears” is used after 2-3 months. It is necessary to wash the baby up to six months using cosmetics no more than once every 7-10 days, then you can bath procedures with soap and shampoo every 5-7 days.

It is important that cosmetics are natural and hypoallergenic, including wet wipes. For the little ones, choose cosmetics for newborns. Carefully study the composition and shelf life of each product, check the age of the product. When washing, use a soft sponge or tissue that will not scratch or damage the delicate skin of your baby.

The first bathing is carried out at a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees, starting from five to seven minutes. Then the residence time in the water is gradually increased and the temperature is decreased. In this case, the air temperature should be about 25 degrees. Then the baby will not be overcooled and will not freeze after bathing, or, conversely, will not overheat.

Before each bathing, the bath must be washed with safe detergents. To do this, use laundry soap, baking soda, neutral liquid soap, baby gel, or vinegar. Read more on how to clean the tub before bathing your newborn. And then we will look at the basic rules of bathing. We will find out how and how often you need to bathe your baby, depending on age.

Bathing rules for newborns

  • The first bathing is carried out for five minutes in the evening in boiled water with a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees;
  • Then the water temperature is gradually reduced by one degree every 5-7 days, and the bathing time, on the contrary, is increased. A baby can swim for half an hour by six months;
  • The air temperature in the bathroom should be about 25 degrees;
  • Wipe the newborn with wet wipes or wet towel you need to bathe in a baby bath with boiled water several times a day, if necessary;
  • It is recommended to bathe the child more often in the heat, when heavy sweating and diaper rash, skin irritation;
  • When the umbilical wound heals, at 3-4 weeks the child can begin to bathe in a regular adult bath with running water;
  • Washing your child with soap and shampoo is not recommended more than once a week. Moreover, the shampoo is used only after two to three months. Before that, the baby's head is washed with baby soap;
  • Use only hypoallergenic cosmetics and detergents with natural formulations that are suitable for the baby's age;
  • After two to three months, include swimming exercises;
  • Herbal supplements in the form of a string, chamomile or calendula can be used after 3-4 months, coniferous salt baths are made for children over six months. But be careful, the components can cause allergies in the child !;
  • Before bathing, be sure to wash the bath with baking soda, laundry soap or other safe means.

Bathing a newborn in the first month

In the first weeks of life, the baby requires special care and attention, because the child's body is only adapting to new conditions. The baby should not be bathed in ordinary running water and an adult bath until the umbilical wound heals. As a rule, this happens in the second or third week. During this period, the baby is bathed in a special baby bath or simply wiped off the body with wet wipes.

In the first days of life, it is enough to wipe the crumbs with wet hypoallergenic wipes, or soft towel dipped in boiled water. Then the baby can be bathed in the baby bath. V in this case also use only boiled water with a temperature of about 37 degrees above zero. The first baths should not exceed five minutes.

For bathing, rinse and prepare the bath. Pour boiled water and wait until it cools down to the desired temperature. Then undress the crumb, hold it on the handles and press it to you. It is important that he calms down and knows that you are near. Submerge your baby in the water gradually and gently.

Prepare a table in advance where you will dry your baby after bathing. Lay a diaper or sheet, wrap the baby in a warm terry towel. When wiping the baby, do not rub the skin, but lightly blot the moisture. Don't forget to clean the umbilical wound. To do this, blot your belly with a towel or dry napkin. If you still have a clothespin on your belly button, carefully remove it. Dip cotton swab into hydrogen peroxide 3%, carefully remove the crust and then carefully treat each area of ​​the skin with hydrogen peroxide.

The clothespin is also treated with peroxide and wiped dry cotton pad... After that, you can still treat it with 70% alcohol to increase protection against infection and bacteria. After the performed procedures, the clothespin is put back on. Then the skin of the baby can be lubricated with lotion or oil for newborns to moisturize and soften it. After that, they put on a diaper and clothes or wrap the baby in a diaper. Remember, it is not recommended to wear a diaper under a diaper!

Bathing a baby after a month

When the baby is 3-4 weeks old, the baby can be bathed in a regular adult bath. However, you need to handle it more carefully! But many parents prefer to use a baby bath even after a month. This is not surprising as it is very comfortable. Moreover, it is more hygienic.

If you bathe your baby in an adult bath, you can use a playground or hammock. This will simplify the procedure, because the mom or dad who wash the baby does not have to bend too low towards the baby. In addition, the baby, being in a hammock or on a slide, will not slide on the bathtub.

After a month, it is no longer necessary to boil the water. The water temperature is reduced by one degree every week, and the bathing time is gradually increased to 15-20 minutes. Suitable temperature water for a child a month is 36 degrees, at three months - up to 32 degrees.

For children older than two to three months, you can already practice special swimming exercises. This will further strengthen your muscles and immunity. The kid will not be afraid of water and will learn to swim faster. Due to the long evening bathing, the baby eats well before bedtime, quickly falls asleep and sleeps peacefully all night.

You can bathe your child every day, and wash it with soap and other means about once a week. In this case, it is important to wash every fold of the baby. It is better to water the child from a bucket. If the baby is afraid of water and is naughty, use various toys. They will help you relax and distract yourself, because bathing for a newborn can be stressful.

Bathing a child after six months