Is it possible to take Detralex to pregnant women? Indications for use. Application features and side effects

The period of pregnancy is the most important in the life of every woman. In a matter of time, her body is completely rebuilt. All 9 months, the expectant mother needs to monitor her health 2 times more vigilantly, because she is responsible for the development of her baby!

The first trimester is the most dangerous, at this time the baby's organs are being formed, therefore ideal option there will be healthy food, positive emotions and no medication.

But what if the health of the expectant mother does not allow to do without medication?

Only the right decision will consult a doctor about what medications can be taken during pregnancy.

A doctor may prescribe if a woman suffers from venous insufficiency or. But, although it is not dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother, you should not self-medicate. and blood stagnation in pregnant women should be taken under medical supervision.

What happens to the veins during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the load on the woman's body is double, all organs ensure the development of the baby. And, it is possible that the body may not be able to cope with such a load. Most often they suffer during pregnancy. As you know, veins and arteries are the engines of the circulatory system. But, if the arteries deliver blood from the heart to the organs, which allows all body tissues to "breathe" in this way, then through the veins the blood, "charged" with carbon dioxide, flows straight to the heart.

This mechanism itself is very complex. Fortunately, there are valves that prevent blood from returning back. And also the movement of blood is provided by the calf muscles when walking. That is why pregnant women are advised to walk as much as possible, this will help avoid blood stagnation in the body. The blood of a pregnant woman circulates 30% more intensively, so venous insufficiency may develop, or, more simply,. On average, this disease affects about 30% of pregnant women.

In fact, phlebeurysm occurs because blood, entering the lower extremities, due to location in abdominal cavity the baby cannot easily get to the "destination".

Therefore, the veins, under the onslaught of blood, and begin to swell. Swelling occurs, pain and burning appear. All this can lead to the expansion of the veins of the labia and rectum. The latter is called hemorrhoids. But, it does not mean at all that a woman cannot prevent the appearance of these unpleasant diseases.

This is quite possible, only prevention is needed, starting from early pregnancy. Do gymnastics, yoga, swim and walk more often - this way you will bring great benefit to yourself and your baby!

It is very important to keep yourself in shape, often varicose veins develops due to a rapid increase in body weight. While sleeping, you can place a pillow under your feet to stimulate blood flow. After consulting your doctor, you can try to wear compression knee-highs... And of course, it is undesirable to wear high-heeled shoes during pregnancy and cross your legs when sitting.

How to take Detralex during pregnancy.

As mentioned earlier, the use of Detralex during pregnancy is possible only with the permission of a doctor. This is a French drug made exclusively on a plant basis. Its effectiveness in the treatment of venous insufficiency and women has been proven by repeated animal testing.

Detralex promotes blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves the overall well-being of a pregnant woman. But taking the drug on the advice of friends and acquaintances is strictly prohibited, the appointment of Detralex during pregnancy is individual, the doctor determines possible risk for the fetus, prescribes a course of treatment and a dose.

The use of Detralex after childbirth and during lactation is undesirable, its effect on breast milk has not yet been studied.

The purpose of this drug is extremely individual and is usually used only when acute diseases... If there is a threat of blood clots formation, the risk of using Detralex during pregnancy is fully justified.

Take care of your health and the well-being of your baby. See a doctor, do not self-medicate!

The use of Detralex for acute hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

Pregnant women are more likely to get this. unpleasant disease how hemorrhoids increase 5 times! Moreover, women in labor after 30 years suffer from hemorrhoids even more often. Hemorrhoids are especially acute during and after childbirth. Sometimes it is a familial pathology, but usually it occurs due to clogged veins and is accompanied by venous insufficiency. All pregnant women who are just getting registered at the clinic are examined by a gynecologist for the presence of this disease. It is customary to divide patients with hemorrhoids into 3 groups.

To the first include women who do not even have a clue that they have been affected by this disease, since hemorrhoids often develop painlessly. In such cases, appoint prophylactic agents: diet, walks, gymnastics.

Sick second groups usually suffer from anal itching, pain, and bleeding. They are prescribed special drugs that can improve the well-being of pregnant women.

The sick are the hardest third groups. They suffer from acute hemorrhoids. In such cases, surgery is recommended. But, since it is extremely undesirable for pregnant women to carry out any operations, doctors may advise others alternative ways treatment.

It is often advised to treat with Detralex during pregnancy. It copes well with acute as well as chronic manifestations of this most unpleasant disease. By consuming this drug, you must also follow a diet. Put in your diet cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and exclude fatty foods- pregnant women are not at all used to such a diet! Detralex will help with acute hemorrhoids in just a couple of days, but you will have to use a lot of pills. The doctor will tell you the dosage, in no case should you take Detralex at random!

It is necessary to use medications, as well as various herbal tinctures during pregnancy, with great care.

In the first trimester for admission medicines it is worth taking special attention, it is at this time that significant changes take place in the woman's body, and the specific action of some herbs and medicines can provoke an abortion.

Why exercise caution and discretion?

Caution in taking medications is necessary during the entire pregnancy. If even at the beginning the risks are mainly reduced to, then in the future, taking medications can significantly affect its development and pathologies after childbirth.

However, this does not mean at all that the expectant mother, health problems are let go. When difficulties arise, it is necessary to consult with the doctor who monitors the pregnancy. He can fully make the correct conclusion, check the patient's individual reactions to one or another type of medication, as well as establish the appropriateness of their intake and prescribe the correct dose.

You should never self-medicate or listen to the advice of friends or relatives, since most do not even know what is happening to the body.

What happens to the circulatory system of the expectant mother?

In the body of a woman during pregnancy, complex processes occur that affect almost all organs and even the central nervous system. Carrying a baby is also associated with an increase in the load on certain organs of a woman.

The most important element of the body is circulatory system, the principle of operation is that the blood delivers oxygen to all the cells of the organs through the arteries, and then through the veins, the blood is already enriched with carbon dioxide, enters the lungs. This is a somewhat simple description; in general, this system is very complex.

The main problem during pregnancy is that the baby, being in the womb, prevents the blood flowing into the lower extremities from reaching its destination. As a result, an increase in pressure in the veins and their distension and swelling, and this leads to.

The difficulty lies in the fact that blood circulation in pregnant women increases by an average of 20-30%. Prevention of such a nuisance and

Detralex is a herbal remedy

possible consequences are walking, as calf muscles stimulate blood circulation. But, despite all the precautions and preventions, this ailment affects up to 30% of all pregnant women.

There is another important factor - this is the change hormonal background in the body. As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, the sex hormone, progesterone, begins to be released. Its action is aimed at suppressing the contractions of the smooth muscles of the internal organs so that contractions of the uterus do not occur and there is no risk of termination of pregnancy.

However, it also affects everything internal organs, including the tone of blood vessels, which is additional factor for problems with blood circulation and the formation of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

The main danger for veins is that under the action of progesterone, they relax, and with increasing pressure, they stretch and increase and, as a result, edema occurs. lower limbs... It becomes difficult and painful for a woman to walk, and stagnation can lead to thrombophlebitis, which is very dangerous for pregnant women.

Detralex: properties and other features

The manufacturer of the drug Detralex, in the instructions for use, indicates that the drug in animal studies had no effect on the fetus and its development. However, at the same time, clinical trials on humans have not been carried out, which means that the effect on the pregnant woman herself and the fetus has not been proven.

Medical practice shows that the drug Detralex is often prescribed to pregnant women, in addition, quite extensive experience has accumulated on its use among pregnant women. To use the drug, you should consult with the doctor who monitors the pregnancy.

Important! When prescribing a drug, the doctor is primarily guided by the fact that the benefit to a pregnant patient from the use of the drug will be much greater than the possible risk to the unborn child.

The drug Detralex belongs to herbal medicines, but this does not mean that its use is absolutely safe. There is a risk of infections in the area anus... However, the accumulated experience has shown that not a single case of complications was recorded when taking the drug.

Drug action

The drug is herbal and its effectiveness is very effective. The drug contains hesperidin and diosmin, thanks to which the walls of the veins become more resistant to stretching. This property prevents the formation of congestion in the veins, thereby preventing the formation of dangerous illness for pregnant women - thrombophlebitis.

It has a complex beneficial effect on microcirculation in capillaries, while in to a large extent their elasticity increases, which means resistance to excess pressure.

The drug is prescribed to prevent the following symptoms:

  • Feeling tired of the lower extremities by the end of the day
  • Dilation of veins (varicose)
  • Capillary fragility
  • Heaviness and pain in the feet and calves

Also, the drug must be taken with symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Despite the fact that the drug is really very effective for venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids, as well as some other symptoms, the doctor should be guided by the rule that the benefits will indeed be much greater than the subsequent risks.

Side effects caused by taking Detralex

The instructions for use describe the following possible side effects from taking the drug:

  • Diarrhea, colitis
  • Itching, skin rash, swelling of the lips and face

It should be understood that symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and headache may not be related to taking the drug in pregnant women.

Problems that arise with the gastrointestinal tract are also the same in frequency as in other periods of life. Medical practice has shown that similar symptoms in pregnant women occur as often as without the use of the drug.

The use of the drug for hemorrhoids

Expansion of veins during pregnancy can lead, in addition to thrombophlebitis and edema, to hemorrhoids, since blood stagnation is very often formed in the rectum. The risk of acquiring such an unpleasant ailment while carrying a child increases fivefold.

Hemorrhoids is a disease that is associated with heredity and, as a rule, all pregnant women, when registered with a gynecologist, are examined for the presence of this disease. The disease most often worsens during or after childbirth.

It is customary to divide those suffering from such ailment into three groups:

  1. First group. Women who are not even aware of the presence of such a disease, because the disease is almost asymptomatic. In this case, the fight against the disease is prevention. This includes walks, gymnastic exercises, balanced diet and diet.
  2. Second group. The second group includes women who experience bleeding, constipation and itching. In this case, as a rule, a complex of drugs is prescribed to improve the well-being of pregnant women.
  3. Third group. These are the women who suffer, then, usually, an operation is prescribed. However, even the slightest surgical intervention contraindicated in pregnancy, therefore, alternative treatment is possible.

The use of medications during pregnancy is quite possible if they do not exist. dangerous consequences for mom and baby.

The drugs must be prescribed by a doctor after careful examination.

Self-medication and taking medications on the advice of friends or relatives can lead to very sad consequences that can be tragic.

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Vascular diseases are found today in both the elderly and young people. Sedentary work, absence physical activity, bad habits and an inactive lifestyle in general are the main factors that lead to venous insufficiency. Hemorrhoids are also a common problem among inactive people with sedentary work. It is based on stagnation in the venous system of the small pelvis and expansion of the veins of the rectum. Fortunately, pharmacologists have created a drug that effectively fights both venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids. Its name is Detralex.

Detralex is a medication that improves blood flow in veins and capillaries. Diosmin (90%) and hesperidin (10%) were used as active substances in the preparation. Thanks to them, Detralex has the properties of bioflavonoids, and also has following effects on the body:

  • tones the veins, reduces their stretching;
  • protects vascular wall from exposure harmful factors environment and internal environment;
  • reduces congestion in the venous bed;
  • improves blood circulation in the capillaries;
  • increases lymphatic drainage.

Since bearing a fetus is often accompanied by disorders in the venous system, Detralex is prescribed in many cases to pregnant women. What is it for and how to use Detralex for pregnant women correctly?

Detralex when planning pregnancy

Detralex and pregnancy planning is integral elements, especially for those women who have problems with the venous system. Why is Detralex needed before pregnancy?

The fact is that during the carrying of a child there is a very large load on the cardiovascular vascular system, including the veins. For this reason, pregnant women experience swelling, pain and heaviness in the legs, and even cramps. Stagnation in the venous vessels threatens the formation of emboli - clots of settled blood that attach to the walls of the veins. During childbirth, due to large pressure drops during straining, emboli can break off and clog important vessels. Detralex is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of disorders in the venous system of a woman who is planning a pregnancy. Detralex also helps to remove edema during conception, to normalize blood circulation in the vessels of the small pelvis. This contributes to the development of more better conditions for fertilization and subsequent bearing of the child.

Detralex: is it possible for pregnant women?

As points out official instruction Detralex can be used for pregnant women. However, only as directed by a doctor and with great care. Detralex for pregnant women will help to cope with swelling, pain, tension in the lower extremities. Also, the drug helps with hemorrhoids, which are quite common in pregnant women.

In addition to the heavy load on cardiovascular system, during the gestation of a child, the relaxation of all smooth muscles occurs due to the influence of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. This leads to relaxation of the walls of the veins in the lower extremities and in the venous plexus of the rectum, a drop in pressure in them and their overexpansion. The resulting violation of blood flow and stagnation contribute to the development of venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids. Pregnancy is a very important period in order to detect and cure these diseases in time, since later (in childbirth) they can lead to serious complications.

Detralex during pregnancy is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Only a doctor will be able to choose the dosage and duration of treatment individually for each woman. It is worth noting that Detralex is not prescribed at the beginning of pregnancy. Usage of this medicine shown in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the preparation of a woman for childbirth and early prevention thromboembolism.

Detralex during pregnancy: effect on the fetus

The drug Detralex does not affect the fetus, does not have a teratogenic effect and does not cause mutations.

Detralex pregnancy: hemorrhoids about its treatment with this drug

Detralex from hemorrhoids during pregnancy helps to cope with following symptoms diseases:

  • pain and blood during bowel movements;
  • discomfort, itching, burning and tingling in the anal area;
  • feeling incomplete emptying intestines;
  • bloody discharge from the rectum when coughing, sneezing, straining.

It is very important for every pregnant woman to treat hemorrhoids with Detralex on time, since blood loss (albeit insignificant at first glance) can lead to anemia.

Detralex during pregnancy from edema

Detralex with swelling of the legs helps to relieve swelling, pain, tension, discomfort and tingling in the limbs. Also, the drug improves blood flow in the venous system, removes the veins that protrude, and normalizes blood circulation in general.

How to take Detralex to pregnant women?

It is not recommended to take Detralex on its own during pregnancy. The duration of treatment and dosage during pregnancy are determined only by the attending physician.

As the instructions indicate, for adults the drug for hemorrhoids is prescribed according to the following scheme: 1-4 days - 2 tablets 3 times a day, 5-7 days - 2 tablets 2 times a day, supportive treatment - 2 tablets 1 time a day. Detralex is taken with meals.

Detralex during pregnancy, the dosage of which is indicated above, can be prescribed according to a different treatment regimen. This diagram is only suitable for men and non-pregnant women.

Detralex when breastfeeding

Detralex with HV ( breastfeeding) it is not recommended to use, since there is no exact data on whether the components of the drug penetrate into breast milk. If, nevertheless, there is a question about prescribing a medicine for breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor.

Detralex is effective drug, which helps to cope with venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids in pregnant women. Detralex, in comparison with other venotonic drugs, eliminates pain and inflammation, improves blood counts, and protects vein valves. You can order this medication at the lowest cost in an online pharmacy. Delivery of drugs is carried out within 2-3 days. Buy Detralex and be healthy!

Varicose veins (varicose veins) mean an increase in the volume of blood vessels, most often in the lower extremities. The disease leads to a change in blood and lymph flow in the body, congestion in the legs, pelvic organs and rectum (hemorrhoids). In addition, inflammation of the endothelium is provoked ( inner surface vessels) and how is the reaction to it - .

There are a number of factors that help the development of varicose veins:

  • hereditary predisposition to vasodilatation;
  • high body weight or pregnancy;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • pathology in the structure of blood vessels;
  • increased blood viscosity (hyperviscous syndrome);
  • high intra-abdominal pressure (including during pregnancy);
  • malfunction of the human endocrine mechanism.

Particularly conducive to varicose veins- carrying a fetus by a woman. The load on the vessels of the pelvis and lower extremities increases not only due to an increase in body weight, but also due to physiological compression of the femoral vein.

Also, during pregnancy the rate of production and circulation of blood increases: its volume exceeds the initial one by 30-50%. All these factors - lead to stretching of the veins up to 150% of the baseline.

Detralex is specially designed to combat varicose veins, acute and chronic hemorrhoids, also during pregnancy.

The drug promotes:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, simultaneously with a decrease in their elasticity;
  • decrease in the permeability of the capillary network;
  • improving metabolic processes in the walls of veins;
  • more complete lymphatic drainage;
  • elimination of tissue edema;
  • dulling the reaction of leukocytes to endothelial inflammation.

Detralex has proven clinical efficacy by the method of blind placebo-controlled studies. They showed improvement in venous hemodynamics after taking the drug. The action of the tablets was recorded according to the parameters of venous volume, outflow and extensibility.

These studies have outlined the scope of the drug:

  1. In phlebology- when fighting different types venous and lymphatic insufficiency.
  2. In proctology- elimination of acute and chronic hemorrhoids, in combination with symptomatic drugs (ointments, suppositories, gels, etc.).

Indications for use

Summing up the results of the purpose of Detralex, we can say that the drug is used for similar symptoms:

  • pain and weight in the legs;
  • fatigue and swelling of the lower extremities;
  • stinging, itching and burning in the rectal opening;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movements and objects in the rectum;
  • discomfort while driving.

In addition, the medicine is prescribed for other manifestations of hemorrhoids or varicose veins.


Pregnancy is not an obstacle to the use of Detralex. But, consultation and supervision by a doctor is necessary.

Contraindications are:

  • lactation, since there is no reliable information about the absorption of the active ingredients of the drug into breast milk;
  • individual intolerance or an allergy to any element of the medication.


The basis of the drug is MOFF, i.e. micronized and additionally purified flavonoid fraction:

  1. Diosmin base- 90% of the tablet volume (450 mg).
  2. Fortified by Impact 50 mg Hesperidin Supplement(10% of the dragee).

In addition, Detralex and its shell contain:

  1. Gelatin.
  2. Magnesium stearate (magnesium stearic acid).
  3. Sodium carboxymethyl starch.
  4. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC).
  5. Sodium lauryl sulfate.
  6. Titanium dioxide.
  7. Glycerol.
  8. Hypromellose.
  9. Talc.
  10. Purified water.

And also dyes - in the form of iron oxides: yellow and red.

Appearance of the drug- an oval tablet of a non-uniform yellowish color in an elegant orange-pink shell.

Side effects

The medicine has some side effects:

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) - this is dyspepsia, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, colitis. Manifestations carry a frequency - a few people out of a hundred, as well as middle degree intensity. According to statistics, these are the most common negative effects of Detralex tablets on the body.
  2. CNS(central nervous system) reacts to taking the drug - rarely: headaches, dizziness, feeling of weakness and general malaise.
  3. On the skin rashes, itching, hives and swelling on the face are possible.

With such reactions of the body, it is necessary to consult about the advisability of further taking Detralex.

As for the possibility of additional influence:

  • flavonoids do not significantly affect the ability to drive;
  • the components of the drug do not create pressure on fertility;
  • there is no data on the risk of overdose or the danger of interaction of Detralex with other medications;
  • pills do not dull central nervous system reactions.

In case of any non-standard symptoms after taking the medication, you must immediately notify the doctor, and the medication itself must be postponed.

Detralex during pregnancy

Detralex during pregnancy is taken only after discussion with a doctor, despite the absence of a teratogenic effect on the body of the mother or her fetus.

Instructions for use:

The standard dose at which the medication begins to perform its functions against varicose veins is 2 tablets per day. The first is taken during the day, the second - in the evening. The medicine is taken simultaneously with food intake. After a week from the beginning of the course, you can switch to a one-time intake of 2 tablets - in the evening.

The duration of treatment for varicose veins with Detralex - depends on many factors and in agreement with the doctor can reach - 12 months.

With hemorrhoids

Detralex during pregnancy from hemorrhoids, the mode of taking pills is somewhat more intense, than with varicose veins: therefore more likely the occurrence of negative effects.

At acute pain in the vessels of the rectal opening - the Detralex course consists of the following stages:

  • first 4 days- it is necessary to take 6 tablets per day - preferably in the morning and in the evening, 3 pcs.;
  • 5-7 day- 4 tablets of the drug;
  • from day 8- maintenance therapy consists of 2 tablets for 24 hours.

The duration of the general treatment with Detralex is determined by the doctor. However, it is necessary to focus on the recommended duration of admission from the package leaflet. If the hemorrhoids were not eradicated by the drug within the time frame indicated there, an adjustment of the drug prescription is necessary.

Drug pharmacokinetics

The drug is actively involved in the metabolic chain, the half-life is 11 hours. Most of Detralex - leaves the body with feces and only 14% - together with urine.

Production and release

Detralex is produced and packaged in 3 options, with the appropriate marks on the pack with the drug:

  1. The full cycle was performed by Servier Industry Laboratory, France.
  2. The tablets are manufactured by the Servier Industry Laboratory, but the packaging is carried out by an affiliated Russian company, Serdix LLC.
  3. The medicine is completely created at the facilities of LLC "Serdiks", Russia.

The drug Detralex is produced - in blisters of 15 cells, and in carton can be - 30 or 60 pills (2 or 4 blisters).

Special conditions for storing the drug are not required. The expiration date of the tablets is indicated on the package, after its completion - the medicine cannot be taken.

Detralex is an effective and safe medication with a good history and track record. His use gives a guaranteed stable and necessary result, without causing serious side effects, including for the bearing fetus. These advantages secured Detralex in the list of the most popular and safe drugs against varicose veins and acute, as well as chronic hemorrhoids.

But despite the low risks and the ability to buy medicine without a prescription, it is desirable medical consultation... Especially when it comes to the health of the mother and more unborn child... Extra caution when taking Detralex tablets during pregnancy does not hurt.

This is one of the most important periods in life. However, not always at this time future mom feels good.

Most often, active growth the fetus leads to heaviness in the legs, exacerbation of varicose veins and even hemorrhoids.

Experts have confirmed that while carrying a baby for a woman, the likelihood of hemorrhoids increases 6 times. Hormones and the constantly increasing load on the venous system of the small pelvis lead to protrusion of the veins.

Is there a solution to this problem? Can hemorrhoids be prevented or treated during gestation? After all, almost all drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Is Detralex treatment acceptable when carrying a child?

About the drug

Available in tablet form only. They have a light orange film coating. Pharmacies offer large and small packs of 30 or 60 tablets each.

As active substances agents are diosmin and hesperidin.

The auxiliary components are:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • gelatin;
  • talc;
  • iron oxide;
  • glycerol;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium starch glycolate;
  • macrogol;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate.

The drug is used in the field of phlebology and proctology to maintain the vascular system, venous tone, normalize blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The medication is completely excreted from the body along with urine and feces.

Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that Detralex during pregnancy is a highly effective remedy for hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

You can buy it at the pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor. But still, before use, you must consult with your doctor about the possibility of its use.

Venous system and pregnancy

During gestation, the load on the vascular system of the body increases significantly, and it becomes necessary additional support... Veins and arteries are under great stress, because the movement of blood plasma in pregnant women is accelerated by 30%, so they need to be strengthened.

In addition, stagnant blood processes in the vessels, as a result of being squeezed by the growing uterus, must also be eliminated. All these problems will be solved by a doctor.

In order to prevent the development of such problems during gestation, you can also take medicinal product for the prevention of venous diseases.

Hiking on fresh air and yoga classes can further support the body, and increase the benefits of using a venotonic agent.

It is possible to treat hemorrhoids with Detralex during pregnancy, since it is based on herbal ingredients- flavonoids.

Detralex properties

Detralex during pregnancy has a whole range of mechanisms beneficial impact... It affects the vessels in several directions at once.

The properties of the drug are:

  • increased venous tone;
  • elimination of blood congestion;
  • improving the permeability and elasticity of the venous walls;
  • general protection of the walls of the veins;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • normalization of all processes in the veins.

The complex prevents further development disease, and promotes full recovery vascular system.

The use of the drug during pregnancy

Detralex during pregnancy can only be used as directed by a doctor. Self-medication and the use of medicines without the supervision of a doctor, for a woman in a position is an unacceptable action.

Basically, doctors prescribe drug treatment only after 20 weeks of pregnancy, since for more early dates Detralex with hemorrhoids can adversely affect the development of the baby. Yes, and all exacerbations of pathologies often occur in the middle to the end of the gestation period.

It should be noted that immediately after childbirth during lactation, it is no longer possible to be treated with medication. This is due to a change in the composition breast milk when using the drug.

For pregnant girls, the remedy is usually prescribed only in the acute course of vascular diseases, and only after an individual examination. For example, for high probability the development of thrombosis, the drug will definitely be prescribed to the pregnant woman.

For acute hemorrhoids, specialists often prescribe a drug. Depending on the stage of development, the duration of therapy also differs. Sometimes 3-5 days are enough to get rid of and normalize general state patients.

In some cases, doctors may also prohibit the use of Detralex. Such a decision is made by the doctor after examination results that are unfavorable for the use of means.

Indications during gestation

Most often, justified indications for the use of the drug are such violations in a pregnant woman:

  • spicy pain syndrome in the legs when moving;
  • the threat of thrombosis;
  • severe heaviness and swelling of the limbs;
  • pulling pains in the legs or anus at rest;
  • exacerbation of varicose veins with an inflammatory process;
  • the first signs of the development of hemorrhoids.

Despite the fact that the majority pharmacy products render negative impact on the formation of the fetus, in the study of the influence of Detralex, such threats were not found.

Dosage for pregnant women

The treatment regimen and dosage during pregnancy primarily depends on the type of disease.

The instruction for the use of the drug offers the following dosage regimen:

  1. Acute hemorrhoids. To get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to take 3 tablets in the morning and evening for 4 days. For the next 3 days, you need to drink 2 tablets twice a day. The drug is used during or after meals. It should be washed down with plenty of water.
  2. Diseases of the veins of the extremities. You need to drink 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening, during or after a meal, with a liquid. Duration curative therapy set by the doctor on an individual basis.

Pregnant women can take Detralex until the acute symptoms pass. Further, the treatment with the drug is suspended.

When the baby is born, the mother, if necessary, can continue to be treated, but then, during the therapy, the child is transferred to artificial nutrition... For all additional questions, you should consult your gynecologist and pediatrician.

Side effects

During the carrying of a child, side effects from treatment with Detralex may occur. Such cases are extremely rare, however, it is still necessary to warn about the likelihood of their occurrence.

So, the drug can cause the following side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • upset gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • swelling.

Allergy can appear only due to individual sensitivity to component composition means, therefore, before treatment, it is important to study the composition of Detralex.

Cases negative impact the drug was not recorded on the fetus.

If, after starting to use the drug, side effects have occurred, then it is necessary to stop treatment and consult a specialist.

It will be possible to continue therapy only with the permission of the doctor. Perhaps he will not completely cancel the use of the drug, but only reduce the dosage.

It is important to always remember that taking any medication during pregnancy should always take place only with the permission of the doctor, and under his strict supervision.