Goat breed Shami. Goats with an unusual head - Breed overview Shami. Sea Pig Skinny

Shami, or Damascus goats, just begin to gain popularity in our country, although they were grown by centuries in Syria and other countries in their homeland. The breed is considered so ancient that the mention of it even is in local historical documents. The popularity of these goats is explained by their extremely high milk productivity. But, in addition, it is distinguished very unusual appearance, grace and high productivity.

In this article we will try to consider all the main features of the Damascian goats of the Shami's breed, including their origin, the features of the exterior, productivity and recommendations for the content.

Damascus goat Shami

Damascus animals attracted public attention relatively recently, in 2008, when one of the representatives of the breed was recognized as the most beautiful animal at one of the beauty contests in Saudi Arabia. But for residents of other countries, Shami seem very terrible animals because of their extremely unusual appearance (Figure 1).

At first glance, they look awesome, but in fact they are very peaceful, and in the Middle East, their breeding is as popular as the cultivation of elite Arab horses.

Note: After the breed attracted the attention of the world community, scientists began to conduct research to determine its origin. It turned out that it was the damask species that were used to improve some modern breeds - Zaanenskaya and Nubian.

Accurately install how animals appeared so unusual viewIt is now difficult, because scientists cannot even accurately establish when the first written and oral references to them appeared. It is known for certain that Shami was bred in the Middle East in ancient times, so ancient that information about these unique animals is found even in religious texts and oral folk creativity.

Figure 1. In the countries of the Middle East, Damascian Goats are considered very beautiful

Despite its unusual and very awesome appearance, the Damascus goats are not fierce at all. This is quite peaceful and extremely productive animals that can bring a lot of profits to their owner. Make sure the following sections of our article will help.

Description and characteristics of the breed

Since the main one distinctive feature Representatives of breed Shami - in their unusual externally, we decided to stop more detail on the exterior of these animals (Figure 2).

Among the main features of the appearance can be allocated:

  1. The first thing that rushes into the eyes is a muzzle with a big humpback nose and serving forward lower jaw. At the same time, young kids with this feature look quite cute, but as they grow up in extremely frightening animals.
  2. The unusual shape of the muzzle is far from the only feature of Damascus animals. Their torso is covered with a thick wool coat that reliably protects animals from low temperatures and cold wind.
  3. Ears in Shami are very long: some individuals can reach 30 cm long. In a complex with a small head, such a feature is attached to animals an even more exotic appearance.
  4. Unlike other breeds that differ in shortness, the shames are quite high animals due to thin and long legs.

In general, the Damascus goat belongs to large rocks. The growth of the male in the withers can reach 103 cm. Goats are slightly lower, because their growth rarely exceeds 84 cm. At the same time, animals and heavy enough: goats can weigh from 60 to 90 kg, and the weight of adult males varies within 70-130 kg. The size of the rock is noticeable both by newborn goats, because they are born weighing from 3.5 to 5.5 kg, and in the future they add 200-300 grams of weight per day.

Figure 2. External Features of Goats Shami

Interestingly, Damascus goats are considered very prolific. For one, the female can lead up to four young, and most often it is one or more two-way. In percentage ratio, the fecundity of Shami reaches 250%. Interestingly, the goat is contained with the mother just a few days. Then they take them and artificially feed from the bottle until the age of a month and a half, and the female in the meantime distribute.

Girl breed breed

IN previous section We have already mentioned that the females of Damascian goats are distinguished by amazing fecundity. Despite the fact that the goat occurs just once a year, due to the birth of two, three, and sometimes four goats, the owner of the individual of the Shami's breed is able to quickly increase the livestock (Figure 3).

Separately, it should be stopped on the content of goat manufacturers. They are also distinguished by quite acceptable strength: they are ready to mate already in nine-month old, and it is possible to use it to be intensively for the end. two-year-old age. If the flock contains only one male and a few females, this number of animals will be enough for profit.

Figure 3. Young goats look very attractive

Interestingly, females are ready for mating already aged 220-270 days. However, so that early goat will not provoke health problems, it is necessary to ensure that the weight of the female make up at least 42 kg. In this case, productive females can lead the young until the six-year-old age. Next, their fertility and dairy productivity are reduced, and animals are usually rejected. Interestingly, the period of the onset of the new hunt after the goat is only 45 days, so it is possible to obtain young Damascian goats, almost continuously.

Successful breeding of breed Shami cannot be submitted without complying with certain conditions of content:

  1. The female should receive full-fledged feed, balanced in nutritional performance. Only in this case the high milk productivity of the individual will continue.
  2. And females, and males are extremely calm and friendliness, so the owner will not have problems even with the content of large livestock.
  3. Animals are distinguished in feeding, as they have historically lived in the regions with a poor feed base. However, experienced livestock rods are still recommended to additionally register animals with vitamin and mineral supplements to improve the quality of seed fluid in males and increase milk productivity in females.

If there is an opportunity to release the pasture of the pasture, damask goats in the warm season it is better to keep on free grazing. Here they will be able to find themselves to find themselves, and the task of the owner will be reduced only to periodic feeding with vitamin-mineral additives and issuing drinking water.

Figure 4. Animals differ endurance and do not require special conditions of content

There are no special requirements for the arrangement of a cowboat for goats. Since the body of animals is covered with thick and long wool, they are well tolerated low temperatures, however, as representatives of other breeds are very sensitive to drafts, so the barn for their content should be durable and reliable (Figure 4). Otherwise, the content of the breed shama is no different from the cultivation of animals of other dairy rocks.

Productivity of damask goat breed Shami

Despite the fact that the goats of Shami treats the dairy direction of productivity, they can be called universal. Back in ancient times, they served not only by a valuable source of milk, but also used to produce delicious and nutrient meat, leather and wool high Quality. Undoubted plus The breed is both its multipleness, which allows you to quickly increase the number of individuals in the herd.

Note: Most experts note the extremely high dairy productivity of Damascus goats. The lactation period lasts from 240 to 305 days, and during this period one part can give 640-1100 liters of milk with a high percentage of fatty and protein content.

In the countries of the Middle East, the Damaska \u200b\u200bGoat is used as the main family feed. But, if there is no need for product production, and the animal will be found only as an exotic jewelry, it is better to immediately acquire a female, and the male. Usually castrate them and in this case Pet life expectancy can be increased to 10 years.

If you decide to make a Damaska \u200b\u200bGoat on your farms, be sure to read the main advantages of this breed:

  1. Goats are extremely unpretentious. Since B. natural conditions They have elderly emitted by poor feed, they have developed an amazing ability to produce quite a lot of milk even with not too intense feeding. But, if you still want to get more dairy products, you should choose high-quality feed for the livestock.
  2. Despite the awesome appearance, the goats of breed Shami are extremely peaceful, quickly get used to the person and differ in progress.
  3. High reproductive ability can also be used to profit. For example, the sale of purely young Damascian goats in the market is a very profitable business, although these animals are often used for breeding work. In particular, they are taken to cross with local rocks of goats to increase endurance, fertility and dairy productivity.
  4. The physique of animals is very strong, and the body is covered with thick wool. Thanks to this population, special conditions are not required, since the animals are well transferred to the heat, and low temperatures.
  5. Female Shami are characterized by a well-developed maternal instinct. Thanks to this, they not only give birth to strong and healthy gods, but also quite successfully grow and raise young even without the participation of man. Although, to preserve the milk productivity of goats, the young is customary to overcome from mothers a few days after birth and get enough milk from the bottle.

In addition, it should be noted that the representatives of this breed are very rapidly increased weight. Already in the nine-month-old age of females are ready for the concern, and young goats can be sent to slaughter to get meat. At the same time, meat, and milk obtained from these animals is deprived of the characteristic unpleasant odor and is distinguished by excellent taste and nutritional qualities.

It should also be noted that by virtue of its origin, the goats of breed shames are distinguished by amazing resistance, quickly acclimatize and take root in the regions with any climate.

Naturally, this breed has certain disadvantages, but they can be called insignificant. First, some livestock breeders are considered to be a lack of catching breed. It is believed that it is much easier and safer to care for animals devoid of horns. But, given the peace-loving character of Damasky Goats, this feature can hardly be called a full disadvantage.

Secondly, due to the distribution of the breed only in a certain region, the purebred adults and young people are quite expensive. In addition, only certain breeders from the Middle East are engaged in the delivery of such animals to export, and if you want to breed Damascus goats with the aim of selling young people, you will have to go through a complicated registration procedure. But, given the high cost of these animals in the market, all these efforts can be called quite justified.

In general, Damascian goats of breed Shami can be called quite suitable animals for homemade cultivation Because of their calm nature, high milk productivity and common versatility. At the same time, if you are going to row such livestock, you are better to familiarize yourself with information about these goats and the features of their content, reviewing the video on our website.

Goats Shami - one of the most universal breeds Goats, since ancient times, providing people with milk, meat, wool and skin of excellent quality. The description of the breed is found in classical Arabic literature, religious texts and the ancient chronicles of the Middle East, where they were derived. In all sources, their specific appearance, noble character and tremendous benefit, brought to people. In Syria, which is a historical homeland breed, they are also called divinely beautiful. Local residents Since ancient times, various proverbs, sayings, songs and fairy tales about goat came up with.

Shami - one of the dairy universal rocks

Description of breed

The goats of breed Shami are quite unusual because of their appearance.

A characteristic feature of them is a woolen "fur coat", protecting animals from cold winds, low temperatures and overheating, but also highlights them among relatives, giving originality and originality.

In addition, they have enough long ears (at their length - reach 30 cm), located on the head very little size. Contrast gives them a special "highlight".

They have a slightly barrel form. Eyes most often bright, the rainbow shell varies in its palette from the milk to the white-white-white in the pupil. Modern representatives of the breed due to multiple selections and crossings can have dark shades. The legs are long enough, and the neck is elongated, which gives them some nobility, sophistication and charm.

Breed Shami is characterized by a humpback profile and unusual wool

An interesting fact is that Shami are among the top ten most unusual animals in the world.

Breed refers to heavy, because the most big weightThe goat is 130 kg and it is with an increase of 1 m. Female representatives weigh mostly from 85 to 95 kg. The weight of newborns kids can reach up to 5 kg, and when feeding breast milk Quite quickly add in the mass (200-300 g per day). The height of the adult goat is up to 75 cm, the goats are slightly higher.

Cats are born no more than 5 kg, but very quickly gaining in weight

Many representatives of the breed of horned, but modern breeders-goats are working on the removal of comolete species. Shades of wool can be the most different. The content and breeding of animals does not require any special conditions due to unpretentiousness and ability to live even with a small feed diet.

Main advantages

Indoor breed Shami strong physique

The breed has huge advantages:

  1. Unpretentious in security good feedTheir ability to produce dairy products will increase significantly. On average, the daily dumy from one goat is up to 8-9 liters. The taste of milk is incredible and wonderful, ideal for the manufacture of ice cream and cheese.
  2. Their character has gained popularity among many people since a long time. Posliziness and friendliness captivates many farmers.
  3. The view has excellent performance indicators, and very often used to remove new directions in big diversity goat breeds. Representatives of goats Shami were used for crossing with English-Nubian goats, they were the first, in turn, and transferred their characteristic nose with a hubber and long ears.
  4. Strong and strong limbs, as well as a strong physique.
  5. Shami is strongly developed maternal instinctTherefore, the cubs are born strong and get all the necessary care and care from their mothers. For one side bring from one to four kids, but most often twins appear on the light.
  6. The breed shame is universal and provides not only milk, but also meat, wool and skin of good quality.
  7. Perfectly take root in different climatic belts.
  8. Shami are growing rapidly, and after 9 months, it is completely prepared for reproduction. The ability to multiply in these goats is preserved for 6 years.
  9. Fully absent is an unpleasant smell inherent in many goats. Therefore, milk has a pleasant taste.

Goats Shami provide delicious milk without odor

And now Shami did not lose the ability to provide people with meat, milk and other products of their livelihoods. More and more farmers are interested in breed breeding. Types of seloctions Shami are found worldwide, but Palestine, Cyprus, Israel and Syria are the largest centers for the cultivation and breeding of the breed.

Modern Shami combined the ancient beauty and dairy qualities, with time significantly increased.

However, choosing a goat, goat and farmers often turn to the shape of the head than a good fishing. Interesting fact, Goat S. beautiful shape Head is valued much more expensive, even if she is not very high.

The breed, which is only gaining popularity in the CIS, but known for a long time in the countries of the Middle East. Productive and graceful, immortalized in the historical chronicles of Arab culture. Unique and so desired by True connoisseurs of goat beauty and exotic. Real "goddess" among goats - goats of breed Shami. All these are not empty words, because Shami is in their homeland and called "divinely beautiful." They also have a few more names: Ballades and Aleppo. The first mentions of Shami were found in Syria, in religious treatments and local folklore, so the breed is considered to be Syrian, or Damascus. This is the most amazing breed among its species, the distinguishing features of which are long ears, a barrel profile and a noble posture.


Goat Shami belong to large breed, and the coordinated complex gives them an elegant appearance.

Long ears up to 30 cm long, a small head with a barrel profile inherent damassky Shami., somewhat similar to the English-Nubian breed, however, the elongated neck and the presence of impressive long wool, dramatically distinguish the rocks from each other.

The ears in Damascian goats are not so long, because they are a heat transfer regulator in the animal body. In the hot period of time, the long-haired Shami suffer from heating as no other, so the excess temperature goes into the ears, which, in turn, are cooled, due to its blood-and-vascular structure. Than long earsMoreover, they are able to transfer the hot temperature.


Founded by Shami in his homeland were the only source of milk, meat, wool and skin. Due to the lack of conditions of detention, over the years, the breed has acquired an indispensable resistance to temperature differences, and the absorption of any kind of food. Therefore, at present, Shami is famous for its unpretentiousness in nutrition and care. However, as is known to any goat, the quality of food is directly related to the taste qualities of the resulting milk and meat.

For normal conditions The goat content is capable of:

  • to enter from 2 to 4 cubs;
  • provide milk up to 10 months;
  • provide milk up to 5 l per day;
  • bring offspring every year to 6 years of age;
  • live up to 7 years old.

It is worth noting that the goats of Shami ripen quickly and ready for the concern already in 9 months of age. And after the downturn, they are ready for another pairing after 45 days.

Abundant nutrition of the goat during lactation can increase the fat content of milk and the volume of fishing. The maximum volume of milk from one goat is fixed 9 liters per day.

If the breed shames in goat-breed is present as an exotic animal, it is recommended to purchase a male person, which is further subject to castration. Thus, his life lifetime can last up to 10 years.


  • Unpretentious to the conditions of content.
  • High fertility.
  • High fuel performance.
  • Picture character.


  • Horned breed.
  • High price.
  • Import is possible only from the registered manufacturer.

To date, the goats of breed Shami are widely divorced only in the Middle East, the breed is considered an exotic one in our breed latitudes. Domestic farmer must invest a lot of money and forces on documenting Imported animal. In addition, the overseas market offers only wholesale sales, and these are simply the transcendant costs. But local breeders are not afraid of the current situation with imports, they do not sit in place, and in the near future the goats of the breed Shami will enter the ranks of domestic goat breeding.

Shami ( Damask goat, Damascus Goat, Shami Goats) - a goat with high milk productivity, as the breed formed in the Middle East. The ancestors of the Damascus Goat were local Cypriot goats common on the territory of Lebanon and Syria. The breed is distinguished by endurance and good fitness to all sorts climatic conditions. Combined well when the dairy and dairy line is removed.

Damascus goal is known in the Middle East from ancient times. It is mentioned in the works of Arab classics, religious treatments and in oral folk art. And in all sources, its peculiar appearance, equilibrium and noble appearance are emphasized. The advantages of these goats in their versatility. Since ancient times, they were sources of milk, excellent skin, tasty meat. Shami always differed in high productivity.

Fame of breed

Damascus goal is known from ancient times, in the Middle East, its breeding is also popular as the breeding of Arab horses. Some studies show that this breed was used in the elimination of some modern types (There is a blood adhelation of Zaanensky and Nubian breeds). But the fame of Shami got quite different.

In 2008, a competition was held in Er-Riyadh - the "most beautiful damask goat" (Mazayen Al-Maaz). The show probably passed not noticed if not one feature. Shami are very different from the goat familiar to us - short muzzle, humpback nose, long limbs. These features are strongly expressed in goats.

Pictures of animals from the exhibition in the capital of Saudi Arabia quickly spread over the network. It is difficult not to pay attention to a very terrible (even ugly) head, under which it is written that this is the most beautiful goat!

"The most beautiful goat" - original feeling Humor of Arabs

"As for today's achievement, I sold my goat when he was young, for 75,000 rials ($ 20,000 US dollars), and his new owner sold it at auction for 150,000 rials ($ 40,000 US dollars). We bought it back to our property, thank God, even if he was worth half a million, we will not sell it, "said Mohammed al-Khasasi, the owner of the winner goat.

But it is not necessary to think that all Damascus goats have such unusual external data. Most of these animals are the most common goats, which gives a small nose hubber and long subtle ears.

Damasky goat

Shami Description and Characteristics

Breed color brown with a red tint, although there are various tones of brown and light yellow. Minor spots are allowed white colorTrue, they are not welcome breeders. Unwanted and individuals of black color (recessive).

Shami White Masta

There are horned representatives of the breed, but experts lead work on creating a comolete type. And one more feature is narrow, hanging ears, long reaching 27-32 cm. Well, and, of course, the notorious council, which is determining when the goat is selected.

Damascus goal refers to large breeds:

  • goat growth 78-103 cm in the withers, goats 74-84 cm;
  • mass of adult males 70-130 kg, females 60-90 kg;
  • cats appear on the light of very large - 3.5-5.5 kg;
  • four months old males are already weighing 33-36 kg, and female 30-34 kg;
  • on a day, the goat may be added 200-300 g.

For one side of the goat brings from one to four young, but more often twins appear in the litter. The fertility rate reaches 180-250%. The goats remain with the mother of just a couple of days, after, they are separated and artificially feed to one and a half months, and the modules begin to distribute.

Long ears - another one distinctive trait Damasky Koz

The form of udder is perfectly suitable for milking devices. Per lactation In 240-305 days the goat gives 640-1100 liters. milk. Battime is 3.8-4.5%, the protein is 3.7-4.4%. Daily fishing of 3.5-5 liters, and "record holders" give up to 9 liters.

Breeding and content of damn goats

Shami are quickly achieved reproductive age. So, goats are ready to multiply after 9 months, and the seeding of the goat is carried out even earlier - 8 months after birth. The ability to reproduce the goats of this breed is preserved until the age of 6-9 years. After a month and a half after the event there comes the next estrus and the goat again ready for fertilization.

Look at the udder - these goats give a lot of milk

With a full-fledged diet, the ones are increased at times. Multipleness (the ability to bring three or four young) is also an indisputable advantage. It is also indicated on its calm character and friendliness. It bribes and causes its fame.

Damascus goats acquire not only as a unique wonder, but according to tradition, it remains a small food factory for the production of dairy products. Milk was used as additional food For babies, with balanced nutrition old people and stunned, as well as traditional means Treatment of skin.

Thanks to the excellent indicators of Shami, breeders attract it to improve various breeds. For example, Damascian goats were used when removing the Anglo-Nubian goat, hence the new breed has a characteristic profile and hanging ears. And from the crossing of British shorthair rocks and Shami, a variety of Nubian goats with short wool appeared.

Damasic goats wrap their ears with a tube, maybe you know why?

Damascus Videos

There is nothing surprising in the love of the owners to a cute and pretty animals. But it is not a fact that a lot depends on the appearance of a pet. From the face, as they say, the water is not to drink, and from the muzzles, apparently, too! It is only strange that all these monsters and monsters man brought artificially to enjoy their indescribable appearance. So that everyone envied, not otherwise! Take the house in the house - it has become peculiar fashion.

So, who will stronger our heart from the seven of the most terribly pets?

7. Cat is a timber

Cats-Sphinches, which do not have no wool - yesterday. Cat's woolthere is, but rare, liquid, growing separate "spikes" and blocks among carriers, especially large - on the face. It gives an animal appearance, worthy of monsters from the horror movie.

Genetic anomaly, created by the cats of this breed such a strange "demonic" hair cover does not affect their health, nor on their moral - rather a dog than a feline. In general, cats like cats. That's just uninvian guestSeeing the Master Murlyc, at the sight of such beauty, it can become bad. But there he, of course, and the road ...

6. Damasky goat

This is a creature looking as a victim of unsuccessful plastic surgery Or accidentally swallowed mines, in fact it is considered in the homeland, where they were engaged in the removal of this breed, very beautiful and noble. Nobility on his face - even debt. True, the nose somewhere went somewhere, but to whom would it come to mind between the nose and nobility?

This Chinese breed has been more than 400 years old. It features a caricature-folded muzzle and huge hanging ears. Despite the completely surreal view, this pig - just a discovery for breeders - piglets in Maisanov happens at 16, and these animals are ready for reproduction already at 3-4 months from the family.

One bad: meat is too fat for modern dietary standards. In general, a solid fat, and those who are going to eat, risks to escape the same physiognomy as this cute animal. But not for the sake of the same bass, such beauty will be given such beauty!

4. Canarics Gibber Italicus

Surely the one who brought this breed, Canaries were completely offended. Rare feathers, a peashed warbed figure, aqueous spindle-shaped legs - the cause of inbrid crossing ... They resemble scickers from the "Dark Crystal".

Birds with such appearance are unlikely to be eaten by predators, except that it will be blind predators. It hurts a pitiful view of these canary.

3. The guinea pig Skinny

These pigs are not completely deprived of wool - separate sections hair cover They have: on the face and legs. This is not the same rare breedlike Baldwin, whose fur is absent at all. The breeds of guinea pigs arise as if as a result of laboratory negligence or malicious intent - who would have to be crossed with whom to work out more wweling, breeders think. Some pigs resemble the revived wigs of varying degrees of silkiness and curls, others - like Baldwin - completely bald. And the skinnie only missed the muzzle. Well, just like her owner.

2. Donkey Poitu

These pretty large and strong animals look like the eyelid the eyelids. Them thick coat Put in icicles, like Dreada. These "launched" type of donkey are compensated for by excellent hardworking, but what - in each should be something good! They brought this breed in France at the beginning of the XVIII century, but later these cosmatic donkeys almost disappeared, not because of their sloppy bomber, but rather, due to the fact that the work for them was not.

In 1977, scientists scored alarm, having encouraging the donkeys from extermination, and the population overgrown, as hippie, donks, quickly recovered - they were like hippies, loving!