Feed your dog dry food or natural food. Which is the best dog food - dry or natural? This is our choice

On the topic of feeding a dog in recent times many copies have been broken. Supporters of natural and dry food are fighting serious battles on the net and in real life, figuring out what is still better for the health of the animal? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

This is why natural food is called that consists of acquaintances, familiar products, in the usefulness of which we have no doubt. Let's leave the heartbreaking option for now, in which crusts of bread soaked in a dubious kind of slop are given out as natural. Or "rich" broth from one small bone, sadly floating in a five-liter saucepan of pearl barley porridge.

Those who prefer natural products are ready to feed their dog with fresh meat, homemade cottage cheese and vegetables without nitrates and herbicides. Such a diet is certainly very healthy. But supporters of natural nutrition overlook that an animal is not a person. Both the requests and desires of the animal are completely different.

First of all, it should be said that most dogs do not need a varied diet. The peculiarities of canine digestion are such that the more monotonous and habitual the food consumed is, the easier and more fully it will be absorbed by the digestive tract. Therefore, it is more important for the pet minimal set vitamins and microelements supplied with food.

Another difficulty arises here. Homo sapiens, endowed with the gift of speech, can always express their desires and preferences in food. It's no secret that an organism that is deficient in a particular nutrient signals a deficiency increased appetite manifested in relation to products containing the missing ingredient.

Alas, the dog will not be able to tell us what it would like to eat, so the owner's task is to compose the most complete and balanced diet satisfying the animal's need for basic nutrients... As practice shows, it is extremely difficult to do this.

At home impossible to recognize chemical composition product, nor accurately calculate the dose of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for a fulfilling life friend. Therefore, most owners try to determine by eye what the animal's body needs and how to satisfy this need.

Natural food lovers should also know that, due to their specific metabolism, dogs are unusually sensitive to all kinds of fertilizers, additives and gene modifiers. To keep your pet healthy, food must be truly natural. Ideally - grown and produced with your own hands. Then the benefits of them will really be obvious. If you are unable to determine the quality of the components of the diet, it is better to transfer your pet to dry food.

So, if you decide to give preference to natural food, try to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Food products must be of high quality and grown only with the use of natural fertilizers or dressings.
  • The dog should receive additional daily vitamin complex satisfying her needs for essential micronutrients.
  • Meals should be fractional, divided into 3-4 meals.
  • The food temperature should be 25-35 ° C.
  • Material opportunities and time should allow you to compose a balanced diet in accordance with all the rules of dietetics.

When feeding natural, the following products are prohibited:

  • Scraps from the human table. Salty, spicy, fried food is poison for dogs.
  • Tubular and any boiled bones. They can cause injury to the stomach walls or intestinal obstruction.

Dry food is preferred by most professional breeders and advanced dog owners today. industrial production... There are several explanations for this. Most people are attracted by the convenience of such feeding and the balanced diet guaranteed by the manufacturer. Of course, all these requirements are met in the production of premium feed, the reputation of which is confirmed daily by the latest developments and modern innovations.

In addition, there are situations in which you simply cannot do without dry food in the diet.

If your dog has allergies or medical conditions internal organs, with the help of a special dry food, you can remove skin rashes or bring the disease into a state of remission.

Animals suffering overweight or metabolic disorders, also need to be fed with industrial feed. Otherwise, it is impossible to reduce the caloric content of the diet while preserving the nutrients.

It is vital for pregnant bitches and puppies during the growth period balanced diet... Each dry food line contains varieties that meet the needs of these two groups of animals.

If you are the owner of a show animal, you also need dry food. Well, firstly, most of the organizers of the exhibition reward the winners with just this kind of gifts. Do you need to put the bags of the food you won somewhere?

But seriously, it is very difficult to raise a real show dog on natural food. A large amount of food, which differs in natural, leads to an increase in the volume of the stomach and, accordingly, sagging of the abdomen. It spoils appearance dogs, which means that it reduces its chances of winning.

In addition, special additives present in the composition of dry food improve the appearance of the pet's coat, add brightness to the color and eliminate dandruff and brittle hair. Joint enhancers allow the dog to move freely and flexibly, allowing the animal to reach its full potential. And, finally, it is extremely convenient to take dry food with you on exhibition trips.

Only you yourself have the right to decide what to feed your pet. When choosing a diet, pay attention to the well-being of the animal, the condition of its fur, mucous membranes of the eyes, the volume and density of excrement excreted. As long as your dog's food meets his vital needs, the animal will live a long, happy and healthy life close to you. And this, you see, is worth any money and trouble.

Natasha Sherwood

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Loving owners always wonder which one to choose - dry or natural. After all, you want to please your pet with something tasty, but at the same time give him maximum amount vitamins and others nutrients... The article will help you figure out what to feed your pet and how to do it correctly.

Benefits of Natural Food

Before you figure out how to organize natural or dry food to feed her and whether it is worth transferring a pet from one food to another, you need to find out about the advantages of each option. Natural food should be considered first.

All breeders know for sure that dogs cannot be fed from the table, and many of them are totally against it. Quite often, the owners spoil their pets with various delicacies when they themselves sit down at the table. Of course, human food is different from dog food, as these are completely different diets. Such feeding would be extremely unwise and unlikely to lead to anything good. In addition, after a while, it will no longer be possible to teach the pet to proper nutrition, even by mixing products.

Feeding rules

When composing a diet and choosing between dry or natural dog food, one important rule should be observed: individual approach to every pet. The fact is that each breed has its own characteristics: body structure, food preferences, lifestyle, and so on. So feed one meal little chihuahua and large german shepherd will fail.

Some pets need to maintain muscle mass, while others are best placed to focus more on strengthening their bones. For some animals, certain foods may be generally contraindicated, because they are not assimilated by the body. Based on this, when drawing up the diet of your pet, you must definitely consult with a specialist who will weigh the pros and cons.

Permitted and prohibited food

Thinking about what to choose - dry food or natural for dogs, you need to pay attention to the fact that meat must be present in the pet's diet. Dogs need the latter because they are predators, and therefore their gastrointestinal tract must digest protein fibers. In second place after meat products fermented milk products are located. It shouldn't be too greasy. The ideal is cottage cheese, the fat content of which does not go beyond 5-9%.

Dogs drink kefir and yogurt with great pleasure. Everything you need to do in in this case from the owners - to ensure that the shelf life of these products is not more than a week. By the way, it is strictly forbidden to mix kefir and milk, since the pet will suffer from diarrhea.

Choosing dry or natural feed for dogs, do not forget that animals may be allergic to vegetables and fruits. These foods are certainly healthy, but you should give them to your pet in moderation. Most dogs require cereals several times a week. If the pet does not treat them too well, then they can easily be replaced with cucumbers or even bananas.

It is not necessary to purchase top-quality pet food products. The dog's body perfectly assimilates offal, but they must be fresh. In their diet, giblets, trimmings and other residues of meat products may well be present. The meat should not contain too much fat, it is best to trim it off altogether before giving it to the dog.

It is recommended to exclude pork from the pet's diet, as it itself is very fatty. Ideal option is poultry meat. It is low in fat, easy to digest, and high in trace minerals. There are other advantages to this: for example, the chicken does not have to be ground into minced meat, since the pet can consume it in the form of medium-sized chunks.

When people don't know whether to choose dry or natural dog food, they just give the pet bones. For most pets, bones are a common toy. Dogs simply chew on them, improving the condition of the gums and strengthening the teeth, but they never consider them as food.

That is why experts have nothing against the fact that pets are regularly given bones. But at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to use fragile and tubular bones, because the animal will be able to quickly bite through them, and the fragments will hurt the stomach.

How to feed your pet with natural food

When the question arises of which food to choose for dogs - dry or natural, you need to focus not only on their age, but also on their preferences. Small puppies need to be fed about three to four times a day because the growing body needs more energy and useful elements... In the case of adults, the situation is simpler - two meals a day (breakfast and dinner) are suitable for them.

Natural food must be reheated. Thanks to this, the pet will show more interest in her, and she will be assimilated faster. Indeed, in wildlife, when a predatory animal kills its prey, it tries to consume meat as soon as possible, while it is still warm.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Natural Diet

If the owner thinks too long about which is better - dry or natural dog food, he comes to the conclusion that you need to look at the pros and cons of each option. You should start with natural, because it is more preferable. Its main advantages include:

  1. Natural composition. This item is considered the most important advantage of this type of food. The breeder is fully confident that the pet's diet is free of various chemicals that are harmful to the health of the animal.
  2. Possibility of adjusting the diet. As you know, dry food cannot boast of variety. It has the same composition, but natural products can be easily combined in a variety of combinations. Thanks to this, the owners can satisfy the desires of the dogs.

Along with this, natural food also has some disadvantages. As a rule, they are associated with the inability of the owner to develop a normal balanced menu... This list includes:

  1. Drawing up a diet by eye. This problem is the reason for the lack of trace elements and vitamins in the pet's body. Subsequently, such nutrition leads to a deterioration in the dog's health, so the breeder will be forced to send the pet to the veterinarian to prescribe a course of treatment.
  2. Consultation with a specialist. As mentioned above, when drawing up a diet, the help of a knowledgeable person is definitely needed.
  3. Waste of time. Natural food is suitable only for those owners who are ready to spend a lot of time studying all the features and preferences of their own pet.
  4. Financial expenses. For some breeders, it is much easier to simply purchase ready-made dry food than to spend money on many products, of which you need to combine complete meals in the future.

Features of dry food

Now it's time to learn more about dry food. Information about them will help you find out how feeding dogs dry food is different and natural food, and most importantly - which option is better. When choosing a suitable food, the owners will have to pay attention not only to its positive and negative features, but also to the size and breed of the pet.

How to feed a four-legged friend

To understand which dog food - natural or dry - will be better, you should learn about the features of feeding your pet with the second type of food. In this case great value has the weight of an animal. The package always indicates the daily rate and weight of the pet, so calculate required amount food will not be difficult.

In addition, you should pay attention to the activity of the animal. Domestic dogs in old age who do not really want to run and frolic, it is better to give less feed. The fact is that otherwise the pet may become obese, which poses a considerable danger to its health.

A four-legged friend who is constantly active should be fed appropriately. It does not need to be unnecessarily pampered, because often the appetite of predators dominates over the real needs for food. A pet can easily consume huge portions, but over time, this type of food will also lead to obesity.

Today, dry and wet ready-to-eat foods can be found on store shelves. Experts recommend feeding your pet the same species, since for a reason abrupt transition from one type to another, he may become constipated. Gut bacteria require certain time to get used to a different type of food, so mixing these foods quickly and immediately is not a good idea.

Regardless of the type of food, the dog needs to be given a large number of water. There is much less liquid in the feed compared to natural food, so you cannot do without it. This nuance must be taken into account when thinking about what to feed the dog - dry food or natural.

Features of choice

Today, owners have the opportunity to choose one of three types of ready-made feed for their pets:

  1. Economy class. These feeds are more affordable. They are made up of proteins and bone meal. Despite this, long time it is not worth feeding an economy class pet food, as it contains minimal amount useful elements.
  2. Custom class. Feeds with an acceptable cost and rich composition have the only drawback, which is the presence in the composition of artificial additives in the form of various sweeteners, and so on. Of course, dogs like this food, but it can cause allergies, and it will be almost impossible to wean a pet from it.
  3. Premium class. These products contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to give them to the dog at least once a week, due to which its health will significantly improve.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO positive features finished feeds include the following:

  1. There is no need to waste time on cooking, as the food is simply poured into a bowl, it does not need to be stirred, kneaded, and so on.
  2. You can purchase a large supply of feed in advance and use it if you are too lazy to go to the store.
  3. Pets who regularly consume ready-made food are less likely to need supplementation with vitamin supplements, because in this food all of them are already available in the required amount.

The only drawback is that together with useful vitamins and microelements, the pet receives a certain dose of preservatives and other harmful substances... Of course, they are not in expensive products, but not every breeder can afford them.

Mixed meals

Per long years experts have not found an answer to the question of whether it is possible to mix dry and natural food. This even makes it a little difficult to transfer the dog from natural food to dry. In fact, many owners feed their pets with natural food, and only occasionally feed them with finished products. Some breeders do the opposite. Therefore, each person has the right to independently decide whether to mix the food of his pet or not. If the condition of the dog does not worsen from this, then why not diversify its diet?

Many breeders are trying to organize the transition of a dog from dry food to natural food. It turns out this is far from everyone, although in fact, it is not so difficult to do this, if you adhere to certain rules. detailed instructions the translation is provided below. She any will do breed, so there is no need to worry about unsuccessful attempts.

Transfer of a dog from natural food to dry

Having learned about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of food, many owners want to radically change the pet's diet. Of course, they can do this, but at the same time they will have to strictly follow the rules. The number of requirements is not so large, so it will not be difficult to remember:

  1. Gradual transition. Transferring a dog from one food to another is stressful. If you do this abruptly, then the pet may have a number of health problems: vomiting, upset stools, and so on.
  2. Quality varieties of ready-made feed. You should not save on food, since when switching to a different type of food, you need to make the pet like the new one more. To do this, it is recommended to purchase and give your dog only super premium and premium food.
  3. Water. When translating, do not forget about what the pet previously received enough liquid that is not found in dry food. The owner must make sure that the household always has a full bowl of water, to which he will have access at any time. The dog should not be "dried", as it can completely refuse ready-made food.

Observing all the listed rules, it will be possible to transfer the dog from natural food to dry quite quickly. The most important thing is patience. By acting in the right direction and not abandoning the case halfway through, you can get excellent result, which will delight both the owner and his pet.

Dry versus natural dog food: the owners' opinion

Despite the fact that there are many different dry foods on store shelves, most breeders prefer to cook their pets food from natural products. They note that thanks to such feeding, they know exactly what elements enter the pet's body, and do not worry about its health. In addition, having adapted to the preparation of natural food, you will not spend so much time on it, since chopping and cooking food takes no more than half an hour.

The owners, who have chosen dry food for their pets, in most cases simply do not want to waste time cooking. It is much easier to spend a certain amount on a ready-made food you already love than to look for where and for how much to buy normal meat or any other products the dog needs.

In this article, I will provide a comparison of the diet for dogs, based on ready-made dry food and natural foods (meat, cereals, vegetables). What are the advantages and disadvantages of such food. How better food Give a pet to a novice dog breeder and why. Is it possible to mix feed at the same time, or to combine the opinion of the veterinarian.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to provide the pet with proper nutrition, balanced in all essential components. The easiest way to do this is to buy a ready-made one in a store.

Feed manufacturers assure that all vitamins and microelements are included in the dry feed, they are balanced and meet all the needs of the animal's body.

There are special formulations for puppies with increased content protein, for lactating bitches, dietary, canned food for castrated animals.

It is convenient to feed dry food - just add the necessary rate in a bowl and put next to clean water... However, there is a danger of erasing the tooth enamel in dogs if it is fed only with hard granules all the time. Veterinarians recommend that older animals soak the granules in water.

Often, pets are allergic to some components.


  • hen;
  • wheat;

In this case, the food is replaced with a hypoallergenic composition or the animal is transferred to a natural one.

I want to please my pet with something tasty, but at the same time give him the maximum amount of vitamins

Dry food

Dry granules can be divided into classes: economy, premium and super premium. They vary in price and composition.

Economy class feed

They are inexpensive (about 100 - 120 rubles per kg). As a rule, they are produced in feed factories or meat processing plants, as an accompanying line that utilizes waste from the main production. If you read the composition, most of it is occupied by cereals and vegetable fats.

The value of these foods is low and cannot be recommended for feeding puppies, pregnant bitches and older dogs.

Economy brands include Chappi, Pedigri.

Dry food economy class pedigree

Premium class

It implies a special production, with its own laboratories and developed recipes for different groups animals. The likes of Royal Canin have been successfully used by dog ​​owners around the world. The pellets have a pleasant meaty smell, they are nutritious and are eaten with pleasure by animals.

Royal Canin Rottweiler 26 dog food (Royal Canin) 12 kg for Rottweilers

Super premium class

Super premium is made up of the highest quality formulations of the Hills, Proplan, Akana brands. These granules are practically free of preservatives and non-natural additives, they rarely cause allergies.

Hill's l / d Liver Care dry food for dogs to support liver health

The price for 1 kg is 400 - 600 rubles, but it is justified by its high quality.

Pros and cons of ready-made dry food

  • ease of use;
  • ease of storage;
  • balanced composition.
  • high price;
  • the possibility of allergies.

Natural food

Natural feeding is called a diet consisting of the usual food: meat, boiled cereals, vegetables, dairy products. This is a natural diet for the animal, provided it is balanced. Some breeds (hunting, shepherd) need raw meat, they do not feel well on dry food.

The share of quality meat (not bones and fat!) Should be at least 60% of daily allowance food. Dairy products are not cheap, and you cannot feed an animal with cereals alone.

Meat must be present in the pet's diet.

The complexities of natural feeding include the need to prepare food for feeding: boil porridge, butcher meat, wash and peel vegetables, mix ingredients. Products and prepared food must be refrigerated.

You cannot feed your pet with rotten vegetables, dirty cereals, not fresh meat! It is forbidden to feed the animal waste from the human table.

Experienced dog breeders prepare their own pet food. They argue that this is the only way to be sure of the quality of the food consumed by the dog. For correct drafting a pet's diet, depending on its breed, sex and weight, there are special tables and calculators.

Pros and Cons of Natural Feeding

  • it is natural food for the animal;
  • the possibility of compiling an individual menu;
  • confidence in the freshness of products.
  • laborious preparation and storage;
  • high price for quality products.

It is strictly forbidden to use fragile and tubular bones, fragments will damage the stomach

Is it possible to feed dry and natural food at the same time

Veterinary specialists strongly oppose the combined, mixed type feeding the dog.

To digest dry food, certain enzymes are produced in the dog's stomach, which are not suitable for digesting natural food.

For this reason, the transition from dry to wet (natural) feeding and vice versa should be gradual over two weeks. During this time, during one of the feedings, the usual food is changed to a new food. Gradually, food in other feedings is also replaced.

Some owners of their pets, practice giving fresh meat, kefir and vegetables in one feeding and dry food in another. They argue that such food does not harm the dog. Nevertheless, high-quality fresh meat on the dog's menu cannot be replaced by any expensive food.

It is not recommended to mix ready-made feed pellets and porridge, meat or vegetables in one bowl!

As a result, you can add - the choice of a diet for your pet depends on the capabilities and preferences of the dog owner. Both options are suitable for feeding a pet, provided that the owner approaches the diet responsibly and does not save on the pet.

A dog's nutrition is an important part of its existence at home. For this reason, the owner must think through everything to the smallest detail - feeding time, portion size, number of meals, as well as the type of feed.

It is important to choose the right type of feed mixture, it can be dry or wet. The main thing is that it is suitable for the pet, contains the required amount of nutrients and vitamins.

In order not to be mistaken with the feed, it is worth considering important features nutrition of dogs, the rules of drawing up the diet and the choice of food.

Nutrition rules

Proper nutrition of dogs is the basis of their full-fledged existence at home. It is it that plays important role in the development and formation of the animal's body, saturates it with vital important elements and promotes active growth.

Important! When compiling a diet, it is worth considering the breed and weight of the animal. Many pet stores have dry food or natural dog food that has special composition for a specific pet breed.

So let's select important rules dog nutrition:

  • feeding regime. Eating time is the main requirement. proper nutrition... This is due to important instincts in the life of a dog, the development of reflexes, features hormonal background... For this reason, it is recommended to feed your pet only at a strictly fixed time. Food does not have to stand in the bowl all the time; it needs to be removed immediately after feeding. The period of digestion of food in dogs usually lasts 6-7 hours, during this time the animal does not need to be overloaded with food;
  • correct diet. In order for a pet to always be active and healthy, it is required to correctly draw up its menu. Natural feeding of dogs should be a priority, which means that 40-50% of meat should be included in the menu. The rest should consist of vegetables, fish and other natural products. If you are planning to feed your pet with dry feed mixtures, it is better to first consult with a veterinarian so that he can choose the right food;
  • composition of products. When drawing up the menu, it is imperative to take into account the composition, properties and nutritional value of the selected food. If the dog does not have enough lecithin, then the animal's menu should include buckwheat porridge. High level protein is in the composition of cottage cheese, and the lack of iron can easily make up for semolina. An animal can obtain nutritional vitamins from raw liver;
  • overeating is not recommended. Do not think that the dog cannot eat more than it should. Any animal, as well as humans, can develop obesity. And this can lead to the development of serious health problems. Carefully monitor the amount of food that the pet eats, do not give him too much at a time;
  • the power supply must be multi-component. You do not need to feed the animal only with meat or fish. In order for the dog's body to be strong, healthy and active, it is worth including in the menu every day different products - meat, vegetables, cereals, fish, dairy products. If you feed the tailed fish with purchased mixtures, for example, you use dry food and natural food, then you probably wondered more than once whether to interfere or not. Veterinary experts say that it is necessary to interfere, otherwise the animal will develop serious problems with health;
  • be sure to give vitamins to the dog. They can be in the form of complexes that can be purchased at almost any pet store.

Many owners often use dry feed mixtures to feed their dogs. This is due to the convenience, you do not need to spend time preparing food for the animal. Of course that's not all positive traits dry food, there are others.

However, dry food also has negative sides which every dog ​​owner should consider. The main disadvantages include:

  • it is not always possible to determine exactly what dry dog ​​food is made of. There is no guarantee that the composition contains only natural ingredients;
  • the composition may contain chemistry that can negatively affect the condition of the animal;
  • if the food is incorrectly selected, then in the future it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction;
  • cheap fodder mixtures of economy class instead of meat contain soy or low quality by-products. If you constantly feed the animals with these mixtures, then over time they can develop serious diseases;
  • in the production of dry feed are used high temperatures, this leads to the destruction of most of the vitamins and nutrients;
  • almost all dry feed mixtures contain preservatives and emulsifiers that can provoke allergies and diseases in animals. However, these components contribute to long-term storage stern.

Many owners often include natural dog food on their menu. Of course natural nutrition much more beneficial for the health of the animal - it contains all the necessary vitamins and substances that the pet needs so much for development and active growth organism.

Its useful to note! Before including natural food in your diet, you should consult with your veterinarian. The specialist will be able to tell in detail what you can feed the animal, and what you shouldn't.

Feeding your dogs natural food has a number of positive qualities:

  • the dog's natural diet is saturated with vitamins and nutrients, which has a positive effect on the development of the animal;
  • you can independently control the quality and freshness of products;
  • feeding the dog with natural food is as close as possible to the natural, "wild" nutrition of animals;
  • you can independently select dog food products that will be saturated with all the necessary nutrients;
  • The dog's diet using natural products is varied. Every day, you can enter different components into the diet, for example, combine meat and vegetables, fish and cereals;
  • natural feeding dogs are great for animals that have a tendency to allergic reactions for industrial components. At self-cooking it will be possible to easily exclude the allergen;
  • in comparison with industrial feed, natural food surpasses it in nutritional value, usefulness and taste. If only natural food is used for feeding the pet, then the owner can be calm about the health of the animal.

But it is worth remembering that natural food has some negative qualities, among which are:

  • although some natural products are cheaper than industrial feed, natural food is still relatively expensive. Of course, feeding adult dogs will be cheaper, but feeding puppies will fly out to the owner in a round sum. The fact is that a growing body needs special products they should be varied and fresh every day;
  • large expenditures of time and labor. If dry feed mixtures do not need to be prepared, it is enough to open the package and pour the required amount of feed into a bowl, then with natural food things are quite different. Before giving it to your dog, it needs to be cooked. And you will need to cook it every day, and it will take a lot of time;
  • the norm of feeding with natural food must be observed. If calculated incorrectly, then this can negatively affect the health of the animal. Normally, the norms for natural products are calculated according to the weight of the animal;
  • various ingredients are required every day. You cannot feed the animal only with meat or fish, this can negatively affect the condition. But the use of only poultry meat and bones can quickly lead to metabolic disorders of the animal and to quick dial excess weight;
  • it is worth remembering which foods are prohibited. A veterinarian can tell you about them. But we can definitely say that dogs should not be given food from the table;
  • For many, it may seem inconvenient to give porridge to an animal every day. But this component is really necessary for full development pet, it replenishes all vital elements, strengthens health, increases immunity. But how better to learn porridge from a veterinarian, you can include buckwheat in the menu, semolina, oatmeal.

How to transfer your pet to dry food from natural feeding

Transferring a dog from natural food to dry food is not such a simple matter. Do not think that you can suddenly stop giving your pet his usual food and immediately put the dry mixture from the bag into his bowl. The pet may not give up the new delicacy, but he may well have problems with digestion.

Important! All veterinarians say that switching a dog from natural feeding to dry food is required gradually. So the animal's body will experience least stress and quickly adapts to a new delicacy.

A dog that had previously eaten only natural food, namely foods with a high moisture content - up to 70%, may be perplexed when faced with dry food. It will be unusual for him to feel dry pieces in his mouth, which require a sufficient amount of saliva to chew and swallow. In addition, dry food smells quite differently.

But still, if you decide to transfer your friend to dry food, then you need to do it right. The amount of food that is given to the animal must correspond to its physical activity, must be commensurate with its age and breed. For this reason, in order to accurately calculate the required amount of dry feed mixture, several important conditions must be taken into account.


It doesn't matter what foods you give your dog - natural food or industrial feed - the diet should be the same. The number of feedings per day depends on the age of the animal.

Its useful to note! A growing organism always requires more food because it expends a lot of energy. For this reason, puppies need to be fed more frequently. Since they consume a lot of energy, then the portions of feed should not be small.

The number of feedings depends on age, namely:

  • puppies from one to two months old need to be fed often - 6-7 times a day;
  • individuals from two to three months - 4-5 times;
  • dogs at 4-6 months are fed 3-4 times a day;
  • animals from six months to a year are fed no more than three times a day;
  • after a year you need to feed twice - in the morning and in the evening.

Slow mixing

In order for the pet to quickly adapt to the new food and transfer it as easily as possible, it is better to give it along with natural food at first. At first, the amount of natural food should be comparatively higher than that of industrial food. Start mixing dry food with natural food in a ratio of 1: 4.

It is important to observe proportions, if you simply add dry food to natural food, then the animal will simply overeat. It is worth paying attention to the fact that restored to normal level The moisture content of dry food increases approximately threefold, which means that 10 grams of dry food is about 30 grams of wet food.

The established ratio must be observed for several days. During this period, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the dog, its behavior and health. Special attention should be given to her chair. If everything is in order, and there is no diarrhea, constipation, then within a few weeks you can gradually switch from natural food to dry.

The weight

The amount of feed per serving depends on the weight of the animal. The larger the animal, respectively, the larger the volume of one portion will be. To understand, it is worth considering a few nuances:

  • if the animal weighs about 10 kilograms, then it will need about 150-200 grams of feed per day;
  • if the weight of the dog is 15-20 kilograms, then she needs to give no more than 300-400 grams of food per day. The quantity usually depends on the class of the product;
  • if your pet is large, then it will need to be given at least 600 grams of food per day.

Dosed feeding

Not worth it established norm feed at a time. This can negatively affect digestion and can cause metabolic disorders. It is better to divide the established amount of food into several servings and give in portions.

Feeding the dog should be at the set time. It is desirable that there is a certain time interval between receptions.

Natural translation scheme

In order to correctly transfer your pet from natural to dry food, it is worth considering a certain scheme. It will make this process simple and easy, while at the same time it will prevent unpleasant consequences for the health of the animal.

To make the transfer of a dog to dry food simple and easy, some useful recommendations will definitely come in handy:

  • do not pay attention to the pet's whims. A dog is an intelligent animal, she knows perfectly well that you love her and therefore she will show her displeasure with all her might, you should not be led to it;
  • so that the animal eats dry food with pleasure, introduce it as a delicacy. It can be given a little for the execution of some commands;
  • gradually replace them with regular food;
  • if the dog does not want to eat food in the morning, then leave it for the evening, you do not need to change it;
  • if the animal categorically does not want to use the selected feed mixture, then it is better to change the brand;
  • carefully monitor your pet's well-being.

How to transfer your pet to natural feeding from dry food

Transferring a dog to natural food from dry is not so difficult, difficulties can arise only when the dog does not know the taste of regular food. This can happen when the owner starts feeding only dry food from birth. However, this rarely happens, usually many dog ​​breeders give their pets a piece of meat, cheese, fish and other natural delicacies at least once a week.

Gradual translation without variety

Before the transfer of the dog to natural food from dry is made, it is worth considering the diet that will be observed at first. It is not advisable to allow variety during this period.

Some helpful tips:

  • if you want to feed your pet raw or boiled meat with the addition of cereals and vegetables, then it is better to choose one type of protein and a source of carbohydrates;
  • in the future, after a complete transition to natural nutrition, it will be possible to gradually introduce other products;
  • the transition from dry food to organic food should be gradual. It is better to start by mixing the dry mixture with cooked food in a 4: 1 ratio;
  • in the subsequent period, you can increase the amount of natural food, and the amount of dry food should be reduced;
  • when switching to natural food, it is important to closely monitor the condition of the animal. Particular attention should be paid to digestion.

In addition, you need to carefully monitor the diet. It is recommended to feed the animal at the specified time, between meals it is required to withstand certain period... Do not overload the caudate stomach.

The pet's diet should be varied. Every day he needs to be given different food- meat, offal, fish, bones, cereals, vegetables, dairy products. In addition, to maintain immunity, vitamin and mineral complexes should be included in the menu.

Nutrition for dogs is challenging, but doable. The owner must carefully study all the important features so that in the future he does not have unpleasant nuances. It is better to pre-consult with a veterinarian, because he will be able to tell you exactly what food can be given to the dog and which not.

"What to feed the dog with?" - question number 1 among the lucky ones who got a four-legged friend. Every owner knows: a pet consists of what is in its bowl. Therefore, the question should be corrected: “What is the right way to feed the dog?”. After all, a well-thought-out diet of feeding a dog is the key to its good health and long life. And what owner does not want the pet's nose to be wet, the tail always wagging happily, and the heart beating as long as possible? There are three types of dog food:

  • dry food / canned food;
  • food "off the table".

What type of dog feeding should I prefer? So that you can give yourself a definite answer, let's take a look at each type of feeding in detail.

Does the finished feed still raise your suspicions? Do you want to feed your pet with what you have prepared with your own hands? And that's not bad. A four-legged friend will appreciate this kind of concern. How to feed your dog with natural food? Before making a menu, consider: Natural dog food should be 70% good fresh meat. But the remaining 30% may include plant foods. What food will your dog be happy to find in his bowl? The dog needs to receive:

  • meat and poultry;
  • offal (stomach, lungs, kidneys);
  • buckwheat, rice, millet and bran;
  • grated or finely chopped fruits and vegetables;
  • cottage cheese;
  • raw eggs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • greens;
  • fish fat;
  • mineral supplements.

The diet may vary depending on the breed. After all, each breed has its own correct feeding... Bones are very useful for dogs. From 4-5 months, puppies can be safely given this product. This will help prevent tartar and strengthen your pet's teeth. It is important that the bones are not boiled. Put a taboo on tubular and small bones - your pet can gnaw and swallow them.

Ready feed

If feeding your dog natural food is good for him and does not cause unnecessary trouble for you, then why not choose this particular type of food? But if an animal cannot normally digest ordinary food, it has congenital defects or disease, it is worth considering a food type such as prepared dog food. It can be both canned food for dogs and dry food.

Some tailed creatures love dry food, other pets eat only soaked food. More fastidious animals refuse "crackers" and eat canned food with great pleasure. In any case, whatever food your pet chooses, dog food should be best quality... Choose premium food for daily consumption. An important point: food must be suitable for the age and size of the dog. The breed of the four-legged is also taken into account.

If you prefer prepared food, do not mix it with natural food. The finished product is perfectly balanced: it contains a certain amount of essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. And feeding your pet “from the table” or natural food, you risk upsetting the balance. This is fraught with high stress on the stomach, liver and obesity. If you want to alternate food for your dogs, arrange whole days of natural food or feed.

Feeding the dog "off the table"

Many consider it normal to feed the four-legged what they eat themselves. Is it possible to feed a dog with human food? Borscht cooked for lunch can be great harm to a doggie. And all the deceit is this: the animal will not feel bad after the first meal of your food. There will be no obvious negative effect after the 10th and even after the 25th intake of a human meal. In this case, the "accumulation system" operates. Over time, the pet begins to ache in the heart, kidneys and liver fail, or joints are destroyed.

If you love your dog and wish him a long life, forget about table feeding. For eared-tailed creatures, salty food, food with sugar, milk, smoked meats, spicy and sweet food (including chocolate) are slow poison. Fatty meat (lamb and pork) poorly digests the stomach, river fish and fish with large bones are dangerous for tetrapods. Oatmeal, millet porridge, barley can lead to an upset stomach. Pets are not advised to give milk unless it is about feeding the puppy. Milk is useful for small pets, but on condition that it is diluted with heavy cream and a quail egg.

As you can see, the latter type of feeding is categorically unsuitable for four-legged ones. Therefore, you have a choice: feed the dog with ready-made food or natural food. Each type of food has its own advantages and disadvantages. Compare them with the characteristics of your pet and you will get a ready-made answer.