Hair decapitation - what is it, effect, composition, preparations, price in the salon. How is the procedure done at home. Dekapirovanie - removal (removal) of cosmetic pigment. The undoubted advantages of powder over brightening creams

The fashion for hair dyeing makes girls think about changing the style by dyeing hair, but what to do if after this procedure the hair has become less healthy and you want to return to its natural color? With the situation unsuccessful staining faced every girl. Reviews on the forums about the failed staining make you seriously think about how to do it correctly. Girls transfer the color they like on a friend's hair to their own, but the result is unpredictable. Few of this number of girls take into account the color of the skin, eyes, and uneven skin before painting.

Or another situation: dyed hair becomes pockmarked after applying the dye. The overgrown roots are of one color, the average length of another, and the dried ends of the third, and if there was also highlighting on the hair, then the four-color hair will not please the owner. Fortunately, we have long gone through a period when we dyed our hair with henna or basma, with which it was difficult to do something. It is possible to correct the situation at home using a special powder or contact a professional. The price for such procedures is acceptable and affordable for a woman.

Effect before and after hair decapitation

A procedure called "hair decapitation" has recently appeared in the list of services of salon procedures that can help to return to natural color and do it without harming the curls. Reviews of women who have undergone this procedure are only positive. So, let's figure out what it is.

What is pickling

Hair decapitation - newfangled salon procedure, which consists in removing unnecessary shade, stains and changing the tone of the hair. It is used in cases where color removal cannot be cleaned with the usual clarifiers. It should be noted that it is better to carry out this procedure in the salon with a professional, since pickling is chemical procedure and if not correct application at home, you can burn your hair, harming it.

Types of pickling

In different situations, different types of pickling are used. Their differences are in intensity and composition. This procedure must be treated individually, considering in detail each specific case.


This method is used in cases where hair coloring did not bring the desired result. It is used within the first two days after staining and has a gentle effect on curls. In this case, you can achieve a shade of at most two tones, different from the resulting one.

To receive desired effect in this case, a wash containing oxidizing agents is used, and such a product is based on fruit acids that can easily and gently remove unnecessary pigment, while maintaining the health of the hair. If this wash is applied later than two days later, then its effect is practically reduced to zero. The price fluctuates depending on the cost of materials, but the reviews of the girls are very set up for the best.


When stained in dark color, black or "bitter chocolate" a woman realizes that she was mistaken. Few people ponder the fact that such a rich dark color goes not everyone and, as a rule, ages. In addition, it is impossible to get rid of black shades on your own.

In this case, deep pickling is used. The chemical component of the product is able to open the scales of each hair and draw out the dark pigment to the surface. Using a special powder, masters warn that the effect will not be immediate. V individual cases this method is used if the surface pickling did not lead to the desired result, and it also happens that you have to carry out several procedures to get the desired result. In this case, it is imperative to wait a period of two weeks, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the curls. The result of one procedure is lightening up to four tones.

For lightening to blonde, masters use a special blonde powder.

How is pickling in the salon

If a woman decides to trust a professional and do the pickling at a professional in the salon, then this is the right decision. After all, only a competent master is able to provide the conditions for this procedure and will resort to it only if other methods do not help. Before the procedure, the master suggests first applying another method - bleaching powder.

So, the pickling technology is as follows:

  • First, the master dilutes the water with a special powder, adding other components there in the following proportion: 60 milliliters of water, 30 grams of powder and oxidizer and 15-20 grams of shampoo or 20 milliliters of water, and 20 grams of powder, oxidizer and shampoo. The percentage of the oxidizer is chosen by the master independently, depending on the original tone of the hair. The master chooses the proportions himself, based on his knowledge and experience.
  • Then a wash is applied, while the hairdresser uses the products by applying them to the dry ends of the hair.
  • The next step is to distribute the product from the roots along the entire length using a comb. At this stage, the wash has a special effect on the hair structure, while removing unwanted pigment. chemical attack then it is imperative to protect the hair and nourish. The wash is removed special shampoo and then a nourishing balm is applied.
  • The whole technology is completed by coloring the hair with a protective paint. Is not simple paint, but a tool that gives not only color, but also envelops the scales. It also protects against further negative impact on the structure. Reviews on the use of protective paint allow us to conclude that it has a very beneficial effect on the hair.

The price of this procedure depends not only on the level and type of exposure, but also on the length of the hair.

Washing off color at home

The wash is sold in many stores and the price for it is quite acceptable, but do not forget that it quite strongly affects the hair and if you use it at home, you can spoil its structure. If the decision is made and it remains only to choose, then at home it is better to use natural remedies rather than funds with chemical composition... Description possible procedures carried out at home are given below.

Despite the variety of procedures in the salon, you can do a light wash at home. The wash must be natural and can contain a wide variety of products. For example, such as:

  • eggs;
  • oils;
  • soda;
  • kefir;
  • laundry soap.

It should be understood that this use of a wash has a milder effect on the hair, but the effect is less noticeable. You will have to repeat this procedure at home all the time and this is not a guarantee of the result, especially when it comes to dark curls... Let's take a closer look at some of the recipes for using improvised means for.

The most popular are the means vegetable origin, namely oils:

  • almond;
  • burdock;
  • olive.

Add cognac or beer to the oil, apply to the hair and wait about three hours. After rinsing, rinse the hairstyle with a decoction of chamomile.

  • In the case of hair coloring in bright red, red or mali new color on help will come fermented milk products. Kefir or curdled milk must be distributed over the entire length and kept for about an hour. For the desired result, these manipulations should be carried out throughout the week.
  • Poor quality dye can leave on hair greenish tint... And in order not to look like a "mermaid" it is necessary to use aspirin tablets in the following proportion: 5 tablets per 1 glass of pure water.
  • For blond hair honey is perfect. Its action is similar to that of hydrogen peroxide, but in this case the effect is milder. First you need to wash your hair with shampoo with the addition of a spoon. sea ​​salt and then apply honey to wet hair for 8 hours. On contact with moisture, honey releases acid, which brightens the strands and gives them golden hue... You can use a brightening powder.

The price for these procedures performed at home is, of course, lower than in the salon.

Many girls regularly look for their own style, radically changing the color of their hair. But the result is not always satisfactory: the paint on the curls can appear as "spots", unevenly, regrown roots, the length and ends of the strands - different shades... Removing hair will help correct the color of your hair at home or salon.

Washing brunettes result
blonde changes in the salon
house picking

Speaking about what hair decapitation is, we immediately note that this is actual new procedure which helps to neutralize unwanted shade. After viewing the result in the photo and video, you will understand whether you need it. Professionals recommend performing it only in the salon by a master.

Who is the procedure for?

When performing pickling, you must strictly follow the instructions so as not to damage the curls.

There are two types of pickling.

  1. Superficial - the maximum possible neutralization by 1-2 tones. Manufacturers claim that fruit acids are included in the composition of the funds, which have a beneficial effect on the hair.
  2. Deep - cleans up unsuitable color 3-4 tones, making the strands lighter.

Decapitation is performed only on colored hair in the following cases:

  • uneven coloring of the hair;
  • after painting, the strands became an unwanted color;
  • for lightening several tones.

Composition and contraindications to the procedure

Reviews of pickling curls indicate that it does its job perfectly well, but it can negatively affect the condition of the hair as a whole.

The composition of the decanter includes:

  • water;
  • activator;
  • bleaching powder;
  • oxidizing agent;
  • shampoo.

Hair decapitation involves exposure of strands to chemicals aimed at splitting, removing unwanted dye pigment.

There are few contraindications to the use of the procedure, but they are:

  • weakened, sore curls;
  • loss of strands;
  • dry curls;
  • increased fragility.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hair decapitation is an aggressive procedure (neutralization of the dye). If used incorrectly, irreversible consequences for the hair and scalp can occur.

You can try to remove the unwanted shade with the help of folk recipes. But such procedures for obtaining visible result it is necessary to carry out several times. Besides, folk recipes may not lead to a result at all, especially for girls whose curls are painted in dark colors.

Pluses of pickling:

  • color alignment;
  • return to natural shade of hair;
  • neutralization of unnatural color.
  • increased fragility of the hair is possible;
  • splitting hair;
  • dropping out;
  • individual allergic reaction to components.

Folk recipes

Is it possible to do hair decapitation at home? Indeed, in the salons, the procedure is quite expensive.

Pickling of hair with Estelle powder comes to the rescue. This agent is for superficial exposure, that is, it removes coloring pigments without destroying the structure of the curl.

Estelle has created a unique powder that does not contain ammonia and harmful components, thanks to which the aggressive effect on the hair is minimized.

Let's consider how to do the pickling yourself. You will need:

  • 10 grams of shampoo;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder;
  • 60 ml of water.

Getting started:

  1. Heat the water to a temperature of 60 C.
  2. Mix shampoo, powder, water.
  3. Apply the composition along the entire length of the hair.
  4. Leave it on for 9-11 minutes.
  5. Rinse the strands thoroughly with water.

You may have to repeat the pickling of the strands with powder if desired result has not been achieved. Repeated procedures are recommended every other day.

How to enhance the effect

To enhance the effect, as well as to heal the hair, use special shampoos, balms, masks. If home recovery methods do not work, contact the master for a quick salon treatment, for example:

  • lamination;
  • ampoule treatment;
  • keratinization.

If adverse effects occur, such as hair loss or allergic reactions, go to a specialized clinic to cure curls under the supervision of doctors.

To prevent negative consequences refer to trusted masters with a good reputation. Ask the master:

  1. Show a certificate of training in picking hair.
  2. Photo before and after pickling, taken by other clients.
  3. Tell us more about the procedure and possible consequences.
  4. Tell him if he is proficient in painting techniques such as coloring and toning.

Hair coloring with permanent dyes is the most effective method become brighter and more effective. Experiments with color often end in failure. To remedy the situation, you need to remove the dye from the hair structure, but permanent dyes cannot be washed off with ordinary shampoo. In this case, proven means (washes) are used, and the procedure itself in professional language is called "pickling". There are several procedures for the procedure, they do an excellent job with the task and are widely used in beauty salons, at home.

What is pickling

Washing, decapitation, decapage of hair - what this is known to almost every courageous fashionista who constantly experiments with the color of her hair. The task of the procedure is to destroy the bonds between the particles of the cosmetic pigment (dye) and accelerate its removal from the hair.

In the process of dyeing with persistent permanent dyes, the cosmetic pigment penetrates the hair cortex and is firmly fixed inside the hair shaft. Respectively, simple shampoo and the balm cannot be removed.

Today there are several proven, effective options removing persistent dye from hair. Hair picking is carried out in a beauty salon under the guidance of a professional or independently at home.

Removal of persistent pigment is performed in several cases:

  • staining did not give the desired result, the color looks inharmonious;
  • the client decided to return to the natural shade;
  • to avoid the appearance of extraneous shades after painting previously painted curls;
  • as a result of repeated staining, the color at the roots and at the ends differs significantly (by 1–2 tones). Hair decapitation - great way correct color congestion, align it along its entire length;
  • for the purpose of lightening previously dyed dark hair.

Important! Methods of pickling hair dyed with permanent permanent dyes are not suitable for removing natural dyes (henna, basma). You can read how to wash henna from hair on our website.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of the procedure is the ability to quickly get rid of the acquired, persistent pigment. Especially when the new color was chosen incorrectly or the staining was done with errors, and it was not possible to achieve a uniform tone along the entire length of the curls.

Decapitation is performed on any hair, regardless of the color, structure and age of the client. Using the procedure, you can get rid of light and dark dyes, the sequence of actions does not change.

The effectiveness of the remover depends on the method of pickling, the chosen product, the condition of the hair, the quality of the paint and a number of other factors. But keep in mind that the deeper the pickling is carried out, the more strength you will need to restore the curls in the future. The procedure is harmful to a greater or lesser extent, after which high-quality hair care will be required.

Another disadvantage of the procedure is that after washing, the hair is necessarily tinted or colored. When the cosmetic pigment is destroyed and removed, there are molecules of destroyed melanin (natural pigment) and voids in the hair shaft that need to be filled. After pickling, the hair acquires a color from light yellow to red, depending on the natural tone of the hair. It looks unaesthetic. Plus, for the hair itself, this condition is unacceptable, it is easily susceptible to external factors, weak and brittle.


Let's figure out how much hair picking costs at home and in the salon.

On average, you will have to pay 1,500 rubles to remove the paint from the master. The run-up in prices is huge, from 650 to 5000 rubles. The cost is influenced by the prestige of the salon and the level of the performer, the length, condition of the curls and the method of pickling, as well as the location of the salon (Moscow, Moscow region or other regions).

If, however, you dare to perform the procedure without the help of professionals, at home, then its cost will be limited to waste on pickling agents and improvised materials.

For example, packaging for acid wash Kapus, Estelle and others famous brands costs in the range of 400-550 rubles. Typically, one package is sufficient for several applications.

An important point! To get rid of artificial dye, one procedure is often not enough. This fact will also affect the cost of the procedure.


To get rid of persistent permanent dye will help professional tools... You can buy them in specialized store for hairdressers or representatives of the manufacturer. We offer several popular decanters.

Estel Color Off

The Estel company promises an excellent result and softness of action after using the emulsion for removing persistent paints Estel Color Off. The product contains no aggressive ammonia and perhydrol. After an acid wash, the curls remain healthy and silky.

Reviews of Estel Color Off are mostly positive. A significant plus of the product is that there is no need to take a break between washing and subsequent tinting (coloring). The pickling process is straightforward, and expert advice will help you achieve maximum success. Suitable for home use.

The price of the cleaning kit is 400–450 rubles. You can buy it at a hairdresser store or from a company representative.

Hair Company Hair Light Remake Color

HC Hair Light Remake Color is intended for surface pickling. The product contains fruit acid, it delicately destroys the intermolecular bonds of the dye and promotes its quick removal... The drug does not harm the hair, does not lighten it.

The product corrects uneven coloration and guarantees a brightening of 2-3 tones after the first use. Ease of use, soft pickling make it possible to use it at home. The cost is about 1400 rubles.

Eclair Clair Creme L'Oreal Paris

The well-known brand L'Oreal Paris fell in love with the user high quality, softness of action and affordable price... To eliminate traces of unsuccessful staining, the company offers the Eclair Clair Creme corrector. The manufacturer promises to surprise the client with the gentleness of the action and excellent result after the first application.

Features of the product: absence of ammonia and perhydrol, delicate creamy texture, ease of use and successful removal of the old dye. According to reviews, one package is enough for one wash of curls. middle length... The cost of the product is about 700 rubles.

Decoxon 2 Faze Kapous

Another simple and safe way get rid of unsuccessful staining - Decoxon 2 Faze Kapous two-phase color corrector. A significant disadvantage of the drug is unpleasant, Strong smell, which will remain until the next staining or toning.

In general, the reviews are positive, easy to use, eliminates unsuccessful painting, if less than a day has passed after it. In other cases, the company does not guarantee the complete elimination of the cosmetic pigment. The cost of the product is acceptable, 450-550 rubles. One set is enough for several washes.

Bleaching powders L "Oreal

For blondes and deep pickling Loreal offers to use the lightening powders Professionnel Blond Studio Multi-Techniques Powder or Platifiz Precision.

The Professionnel Blond Studio Multi-Techniques Powder is used exclusively in the beauty salon, for home procedures it is recommended to use the Platifiz Precision product. Large packaging, economical use will justify the high purchase costs of the product.

An important point! When pickling hair with Loreal powder, be careful, strictly follow the sequence of actions and the formulation of the compositions for washing. The drugs are highly active, so the slightest mistakes will affect the state of the hair.

Estelle Brightening Powders

The products of the Russian Estelle brand have also proven themselves in the removal of persistent dyes. These are Princess Essex, White Touch and Ultra Blond lightening powders. The first two products are intended for salon use, while the last powder is suitable for home cleaning.

Mix the powder with an oxidizing agent of 1.5-9% in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer. Be sure to use the same brand of oxide so as not to provoke a chemical conflict.

The decapitation with Estelle powder requires special care and professional skills. Feedback from clients and professionals confirms high efficiency means and possible lightening in 4 tones in one procedure. You can buy the offered powders from a company representative and in a hairdressing store.

Hair picking technique at home

Making an acid wash

The principle and technique of washing with acid compositions is the same, but some of the nuances may still differ. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and manufacturer's requirements before pickling.

The washing process assumes the following sequence of actions:

  1. Mix the reducing agent and catalyst in equal parts. Do this in a non-metallic container so that the components of the product do not react with metal particles.
  2. Treat the curls with the prepared mixture. Leave the root area (1 cm from the scalp) unused. Apply the composition quickly and evenly along the entire length.
  3. Put on a shower cap or plastic bag, wrap your hair in a warm towel. The created thermal effect will enhance the action of the product.
  4. After the time recommended by the manufacturer, rinse the mixture from the curls, first with warm water, then with shampoo deep cleaning. The product is washed off 4-5 times in a row.
  5. Blot the hair with a towel and dry it with a hairdryer.
  6. Visually assess the cleaning result: uneven tone, zero external effect indicate the need for pickling again.

Another way to check if the cosmetic pigment is completely removed is to use an oxidizing agent. Take a few strands in the temporal, parietal, occipital zones. Treat them with a mild oxidizing solution. After a few minutes, proceed to the examination: a uniform color along the entire length of the strand indicates the success of the procedure. If you see dark areas, this is a sign that some of the dye is still present, you need to continue washing.

Attention! Some manufacturers require a break of 20 minutes between washes, while others, on the contrary, advise performing the procedure one after the other. Clarify such subtleties in the instructions.

We do a deep rinse with powder

For more strong impact on the molecules of artificial pigment, hairdressers use a lightening (bleaching) powder or paste. In this case, it does not matter how much time has passed after staining and the number of dye layers applied.

In addition to powder (paste) for clarification, the composition of the decanter contains hot water, shampoo and oxide 3-9% depending on the formulation and hair structure. There are several proportions of mixing these components to prepare a strong composition, we suggest one of them.

You will need:

  • 30 g bleaching powder;
  • 20 ml shampoo;
  • 120 ml of oxidizer 3 or 6, depending on the original color of the hair.


  1. Put on gloves and put an old towel over the client's shoulders to avoid staining the clothes.
  2. The decanter is prepared only before applying to the hair, because its activity decreases rapidly.
  3. Strand by strand, apply the prepared mixture to the hair, start from the ends, because it is in them that accumulates a large number of cosmetic pigment. Perform the actions as quickly as possible, the result and the final state of the curls depend on it.
  4. The curls are combed, ensuring an even distribution of the prepared mixture along the entire length.
  5. After some time (the master visually determines when the process is completed, but not more than 50 minutes), the pickling composition is washed off first with warm water, then with shampoo several times.

Important! Powder decapitation is a complex and responsible process, the slightest mistake is unacceptable. For example, you cannot use a brush, only a foam sponge or hands. Do not rush to carry out such washes at home, trust the professionals.

We wash off the paint with folk remedies

Usage special masks from natural ingredients- another option for washing. It is used at home, does not harm the curls, but, on the contrary, helps to strengthen them. The only drawback of the procedure is that a course of masks will be required, it will take a long time. The final result will delight you.

Here are some effective and popular natural cleaners:

  • Spread warm kefir on your hair, wrap it in cellophane and a warm towel. After 1.5 hours, rinse the mixture with water and shampoo, apply balm or conditioner. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the kefir remover on our website.
  • Burdock, olive, almond or Castor oil Heat slightly in a bath, you can create an oil mixture from different extracts. For greater effectiveness, add 1 tsp to the product. cognac. Spread the oil mixture on the curls, Special attention giving the ends, rub the composition into the hair for a while. Create a thermal effect by wrapping your hair in plastic and a towel. After 3 hours, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with lemon water (juice of 1 small lemon per 0.5 l of water).
  • Mix 3 chicken yolks with castor oil (3 tablespoons) until smooth. Spread the mixture over the curls, put on a shower cap and wrap in a warm towel. After 1-1.5 hours, wash your hair in the usual way.

Perform masks several times a week until the dye is completely washed out. Please be patient, this may take several weeks.

Features of hair care after

Surface pickling process can cause a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the hair, if not provided with proper care. As for the deep rinse, the importance of recovery activities is not even discussed.

Hair care rules after washing off the dye:

  1. Be sure to do toning or paint your hair. Decapitation removes the dye, leaving voids inside the hair shaft, making it brittle and even more weakened.
  2. Use only professional paints.
  3. Use restorative rulers cosmetics... Masks, balms, conditioners should be filled with vitamins, minerals, and beneficial acids. It's great if they contain a keratin complex.
  4. Give up as much as possible hot styling irons, curling irons or hairdryer.
  5. Pamper your hair with oil rubbing or natural homemade masks 1-2 times a week. It is not difficult to prepare them, and you will like the effect.
  6. Do not comb your hair while wet; wait until it dries.
  7. Enrich your diet useful products, give up alcohol and fried.
  8. Do not neglect hats in the heat and in severe frosts. Sunbeams and sharp drops temperatures are harmful to weakened curls.
  9. Take advantage of in-salon revitalizing treatments. Keratinization, screening and other innovative services of the master will make them resistant to external factors, accelerate recovery.

Decapitation helps to get rid of unsuccessful staining, color congestion after repeated staining, but at the same time, this procedure affects the condition of the curls.

Take care of correct execution washes, use quality products and be sure to send all further care for hair restoration. This is the only way you can achieve a chic, rich hair color and preserve their beauty and shine.

Useful videos

Removing black hair dye.

Hair decapitation. Hair coloring in light brown.

Blond wash and acid wash can not remove vegetable dyes from hair !!!
After dyeing, the dye can be washed off from the outer layer of the hair, but it always remains inside the cortex of the hair. Therefore, when staining, even constantly in one color along the entire length, you can notice a darkening of 2-3 tones along the length (cosmetic pigment accumulates there during staining) than at the roots.
Decapitation is carried out: to remove the dye from the hair, to eliminate the unwanted shade after dyeing, the congestion of the hair color after dyeing, to change the color to a lighter one. It is made with acidic (special means) and with the help of dyes of the 1st group (powders, pastes - blond wash). Acidic washes wash away only cosmetic color from hair without affecting natural. They do not work with henna and other tint products, but only with permanent paint. A blond wash affects the entire hair. Permanent paints cannot be washed off simply with shampoo. They are found inside the hair. And when pickling, the quality and time of removal of the cosmetic pigment depends on the amount of staining and layers of paint. There will be as many shades as the hair was dyed dark.

Porous hair absorbs more dyes than is necessary
Acidic washes. A cosmetic pigment is a large macro-molecule made up of small micro-molecules, monomers. When dyeing, the monomer entering the hair cortex combines with each other filling the voids - it polymerizes to form a polymer. The polymer clings to the macro and micro fibrils of the hair, which is reliably anchored inside the hair cortex.

The acidic remover breaks the cosmetic pigment back into micro-molecules, making it easier to wash it out of the hair. After washing, we see the melanin pigment destroyed by stains (the so-called background clarification). These washes can be done not on the wound, than after 1 month from the last staining, so that the roots have time to grow. Because it is performed without getting on the scalp, stepping back 1 cm from the roots. The number of washes depends on the number of layers of dye on the hair and on the density and concentration of the dye. Therefore, it is difficult to remove household dyes, it is better not to use them, after them it is more difficult to get the desired color. The number of washes is different for each manufacturer. Be sure to see the instructions !!!

After washing off, we see the background of the lightening of the previously colored hair. Destroyed (clarified) melanin. Where red and yellow pigments often remain.

After dyeing, we see the background of the lightening of the previously dyed hair. Destroyed (clarified) melanin. Where red and yellow pigments often remain. The result is a lightening background from red to yellow. The darker the hair was before dyeing, the redder we will see the lightening background.

How to have a decent color between washes: tint dark shampoo or a tinting mask (usually dark, eg brown). Apply 10 minutes after the last wash on the day it was done. And wash off with water. They are at next wash wash off hot water, frequent washing and deep cleaning shampoo.
Why does my hair darken after an acid wash? On the first night after washing, oxidized by oxygen from the air, the molecules are pulled back together. Or, when painting, it is oxidized by oxygen from an oxidizing agent, if the rinsing process has not been completed. We are not afraid. In any case, when washing off, there was less pigment.

How do you know how well the wash is done? Hair color should be uniform without dark spots... We cannot see what is not visible, because most monomers are colorless until they oxidize. If the entire mass of hair is uniform, then all monomers of the cosmetic color are stopped. To check, we take a developer or oxidizer up to 3% (in washes it is he), apply to the hair (at the forehead, on the tops, temples, back of the head),

during oxidation, the color will appear (because during oxidation, the molecules bind and appear). We keep it for 15 minutes and wash it off with shampoo Gl.Och .. If it gets dark, then the wash needs to be continued. If they darken slightly, then the washing process is over. For removing bad smell apply fragrant mask or vinegar or 1 spoon per 1 liter. water, or citric acid... Then we can paint, tint, according to your choice, taking into account the FD. The acidic remover preserves the properties of the hair. leaving FO.

Acidic washes remove cosmetic pigment without affecting the natural one. They do not work with henna and other tint products. Only with PERMANENT PAINT !!! In case of allergies, we either paint the same dark back, or already dlond wash.

Acid wash process. After them, the hair becomes dry, we are not afraid, the masks will restore them. The number of washes depends on the amount of staining and the concentration of the dye in the hair. As the cosmetic pigment is removed, the hair color will always be in one direction. Lighter at the roots, darker towards the ends. Stretching from light to dark (as dyed). The more the pigment is washed off, the lighter the hair. Accordingly, the hair will acquire a red-yellow color depending on the UGT. The ends are the most difficult to remove, because they have the most accumulation of colored pigment. Even if there is a lot of pigment visually, we continue to wash.

a Blond wash removes all pigments. Allergies are less pronounced. But it has a stronger effect on the hair. Well, it removes pigments cleaner. When applying the composition, the hair, first after 3-5 minutes, often darkens, then begins to lighten. If they do not brighten, then there is a lot of cosmetic pigment in the hair. Then the suction is pulled together with a dry disposable towel and reapplied with a higher% oxidizer. We can then tint or paint by choosing the color that is possible in this case.

In case of undesirable shade within 24 hours after staining or color overload = light pickling.

4 options. No. 1). 100 g water + 30 gr. powder + 20ml. shaipunya, no. 2) . 100 g hot water + 30 g powder, no. 3) ... 30 gr. powder + 120 ml. activator, No. 4) .3 parts of powder + 3 parts of 6% oxidizer + 1 part of shampoo + 4.5 parts of warm water. The mixture for light pickling is applied very quickly to damp hair. To remove the dye evenly. Emulsify for 2-3 minutes, paying special attention to the ends. Then we wash off, look at the result, repeat if necessary several times to achieve the desired result.

The strong composition does not depend on the time from the moment of staining.

№1). 30gr. powder + 120g. 6% or 9% + 60g. hot water + 15g. shampoo; №2). 30gr. powder + 120ml. 3% or 6% + 20 ml. shampoo ; №3). 20gr. powder + 20 g hot water + 20 g. shampoo + 20gr. 3-6 or 9% oxidizing agent. The oxide depends on the original hair color. The darker it is, the higher the%. №4). 30gr. powder + 60ml. hot water + 30ml. 6 or 9% oxidizing agent

Each removal of cosmetic pigment is traumatic for the hair and scalp. Therefore, we adhere to the rules

Powder + 1.5% 1: 5, if desired, paint the tone to match, but in a different color nuance. (For example, the cosmetic color is 7/5, but we need 7/7. With this composition we will wash off the 5-ku and paint further by 3% by loading the 7-ku) Also 1: 7 and you can add shampoo.
Professional dye is better washed off than home (household), subject to technology. Therefore, when dyeing hair in lighter shades, pickling is performed. Checking on the strands occipital zone with what dye was stained earlier. Acidic or alkaline. To know which wash to make, acidic or alkaline.
Color off (estel) acidic remover. Consists of 3 bottles. 1st and 2nd are mixed with each other 1: 1. Hold for 20 minutes, then stretch paper towel and apply the composition for another 20 minutes. So you can apply up to 5-7 times at a time. This is the norm. Then wash off with a deep cleansing shampoo with hot water. Then we apply composition number 3 (this is 1.5%) to the test strand for 3 minutes. If the hair has gone into darkening, then we repeat the washing procedure from the very beginning, i.e. we do the wash again in the same way. If the hair goes to lightening, then the washed off color will not return back and you can apply the composition to all hair. Also, then ALWAYS apply number 3 for 3 minutes to complete the acid wash procedure. After that you can paint or discolor not earlier than after 40 minutes !!! If after, we want the desired color a couple of tones lighter, for example, after washing it turned out 4УГТ (tone depth level), this means there is pigment 5 (red), and you want 7УГТ. Then you need to pre-clarify by 9%. Only then paint. If we want to go up 1 UGT (for example: our 4UGT, we want 5UGT), then the roots are colored not by 3%, but by 6% and the length is not 6%, but 9%. Or we take the dye 1 UGT higher (our 4 UGT, we take 6 UGT) and work the roots 3%, length 6%.

Tone level = FF Background Brightening (created by interaction with oxygen after partial destruction of the pigment. After pickling, it is lighter at the roots, darker towards the ends. The less cosmetic pigment, the more FO is visible)
10. very, very light blond = very light = yellow (70% yellow)
9.very light blond = light = yellow (100% yellow)
8 light blonde = yellow (70% yellow and a little orange)
7.blonde = yellow-orange (100% orange)
6.Dark Blonde = Orange Red (70% Orange and 30% Red)
5.light brown hair = red-orange (100% red)
4.brown = red
3.dark brown = dark red
2.brunet (lots of blue and red) = very dark red (many blue pigments) = very very dark red

How to remove KhNU or BASMA

Blond wash and acid wash cannot remove vegetable dyes from hair !!!

Removal requires rubbing alcohol and olive oil.

Starting from the lower occipital zone, we moisten the strands of hair with alcohol, a sponge or a comb with cotton wool combed on it. We stand for 2-5 minutes and, without washing off strand by strand, olive oil is applied. Avoid contact with the scalp.

After rinsing hair with deep cleaning shampoo several times. Then we proceed to the further staining process. After henna, the procedure can be repeated. And this type of cleaning is not recommended for dry hair.

All women dream of luxurious hair, but the concept of luxury and beauty is completely different for everyone. For some, beauty lies in the length and thickness of the hair, for others it is in the color of the curls, while others even think that the hair is beautiful when it is gathered into a hairstyle. V this material let's talk about hair picking.

The craving for everything new makes women experiment with hair color, but these experiments are not always successful. In such situations, the choice of actions, in principle, is not great: either we paint over the hair in a different color, if this is of course possible, or we do the pickling procedure.

Today, the pickling procedure is not an innovation and is widely used in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. The essence this process is to remove "bad" color or shade from dyed hair.

There are two types of hair pickling - superficial and deep. From the name alone, the essence of these species is in principle clear.

  • Superficial or light decapitation of hair is the most gentle and "gentle" way to get rid of unwanted shade on the curls. When using this type of pickling, the procedure takes place without the use of substances that destroy the hair structure and harm them, namely, without an oxidizing agent and oxidant. With superficial cleansing, the dye from the hair is not completely removed. Simply put, a light wash results in color or tint adjustments.
  • Deep decapitation of hair is a difficult and unsafe procedure for curls. This type of hair cleansing helps to get rid of unwanted, usually dark colors curls. Chemical substances, which are part of the washes for deep pickling, wash out the coloring pigments. You need to understand that such pickling spoils the hair very much, after such a procedure, the curls need special care and treatment.

How to do hair decapitation: technique

We draw your attention to the fact that there are general rules carrying out this procedure, and it is strictly forbidden to neglect them:

  • Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a test with which you will understand if you are allergic to any components.
  • If the mixture for removing the color turned out to be liquid, it should be applied not with a brush, but with a special sponge.
  • The mixture is applied quickly enough, and most importantly - evenly over all curls.
  • First, apply the product to the most problematic areas and only then move on to the rest.
  • If this is a superficial pickling, then the mixture should be kept on the hair for 10-15 minutes, if it is deep - 30-40 minutes.

  • Rinse off the product very well and thoroughly, because its residues on the curls can damage your hair.
  • If you have curls that are "in their own color", then you cannot apply a wash on them. The wash is applied only to colored hair.

Always follow the instructions for this. specific means, and do not engage in amateur performances. Remember, you can keep the mixture on your hair for no longer than 45-50 minutes.

How to do hair decapitation at home?

As mentioned earlier, pickling is the process of removing unwanted color or shade from hair. You need to understand that this procedure is extremely unfavorable for the hair and can ruin it. If there is simply no other way out, then take this process with full responsibility.

  • When pickling at home, you must understand that there are certain risks. You also need to be aware that the result of the procedure may be far from what you expect.
  • Savings can be called a positive point, because cleansing your hair in the salon will be much more expensive.
  • For home pickling, you can use both professional and folk remedies. However, to guarantee high efficiency folk remedies we still can't.
  • When using special preparations for cleansing hair from unnecessary color, you must act strictly in accordance with the instructions, because otherwise handling the preparation can harm your hair and worsen its condition. Also, remember to work only with protective gloves.

  • As a rule, all special means for pickling consist of a catalyst, a neutralizer and a hair reducing agent. Everything necessary ingredients are mixed in a strict proportion, and then the resulting mixture is evenly applied to the hair.
  • After the procedure, the hair must be rinsed well so that all the remnants of the mixture "leave" from the curls. After - apply a mask to the hair. It will also be appropriate to use shampoo for deep cleaning after pickling. However, it is better to use this shampoo after consulting a specialist and no more than once a month.

Now let's move on to folk remedies. There are quite a few home recipes for washing hair, but women who have used various home washes distinguish the following among them:

  • Soda remover. Soda must be dissolved in warm water, then we wet the hair with this solution and keep it for about half an hour. After - rinse with warm water.
  • Milk wash. We take a liter of kefir and add salt and oil to it, about 30 g each. Apply the mixture to the hair and wait about an hour.
  • Washing out egg yolks. Beat a few egg yolks well and add castor oil to them, about 50-100 ml. According to reviews, such a wash not only helps to change hair color, but also perfectly nourishes the curls.

As you can see, home remedies for changing color and cleansing hair from an unnecessary shade are more than enough. However, you must understand that the effectiveness of folk remedies is much less than professional ones.

Hair decapitation in the salon

Carrying out this procedure in a hairdresser or in a salon gives more guarantees for obtaining the desired result.

  • A true professional knows that hair decapitation is an insanely aggressive procedure and understands that not only depends on the quality of its implementation appearance the client, but also the health of the hair.
  • The most crucial moment when pickling curls is cooking special mixture... This mixture consists of water, shampoo and products that discolor curls.

  • You need to understand that when preparing the mixture, the hairdresser is guided by the degree of "severity" of the hair condition. It can be as light hair decapitation, in which unwanted shade is removed, or deep hair decapitation.
  • So, the master makes a mixture, and then applies it to the hair, following this principle: first, the mixture must be distributed on the darkest areas of the curls, and then switch to light ones.
  • After the procedure, the master applies the necessary masks and balms in order to improve the condition of the hair.
  • It is also worth saying that after pickling, the hair is colored.

The price of the issue depends on many factors. First, it all depends on the length of your hair. Secondly, on the amount of work. Thirdly, from the salon you turn to for help. If we talk about approximate figures, then the minimum price for this procedure is about 2000-2500 rubles.

Hair decapitation with powder and powder

According to reviews, the pickling method, which uses powder, is quite effective, which is why let's talk about it in more detail. When buying powder for pickling and proceeding directly to the procedure, use the instructions and be extremely careful.

Estelle powder is very popular today. Women who have already tried this powder on themselves claim that it does an excellent job with the task and at the same time applies minimal harm curls.

  • To cleanse blond hair from an unwanted shade, as a rule, prepare the following mixture:
  1. Powder - 2 tsp
  2. Hot water - 50 ml
  3. Shampoo - 15 g

The prepared mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, and left for 7-15 minutes, then thoroughly washed with water. Because when using such proportions we get a mixture for "light" pickling, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure. Re-pickling should be done after a few days.

  • For pickling dark hair, in addition to the previous ingredients, you need to use an oxygenating agent:
  1. Powder - 2 tsp
  2. Hot water - 50-60 ml
  3. Shampoo - 15 ml
  4. Oxygenant - 25-30 g

By this recipe the remover is also applied to the entire length of the hair and lasts about 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the mixture thoroughly with water.

There are also recipes for preparing a mixture to remove unwanted color or shade from hair, which use special powders. Taking into account the recommendations and advice of experts, we will tell you about the most effective and sparing of them.

  • For the first recipe, you need to take the following set of ingredients:
  1. Powder - 10-15 g
  2. Shampoo - 15-20 ml
  3. Hot water - 80-100 g

This recipe is the simplest, but for this it is no less effective. The resulting mixture is quickly and evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair and lasts for 5-7 minutes, then washed off. Because given view pickling refers to the lungs, this procedure recommend to carry out several times in order to achieve the desired result.

  • The following recipe is prepared based on the following proportions:
  1. Powder - 25-35 g
  2. Shampoo - 20 ml
  3. Water - 50 g
  4. Oxidant - 25-30 g

This recipe is suitable for heavy pickling. When choosing an oxidizer, be guided by original color your hair, the darker it is, the more the percentage of the activator should be.

Decapitation of black hair

It often happens that after a few years in black, women want to get rid of it. And, of course, most girls want to get the desired result "here and now", but you need to understand that it is very difficult to "wash off" the black color.

  • Experts recommend removing saturated black color with a ready-made paint remover. It will not give magical results in one go, but it will still lighten a few tones. At the same time, everyone, such a remedy is more gentle, so the hair will remain relatively healthy.
  • For the desired result, the procedure can be repeated, but it is important not to overdo it: it is not worth washing more than 2 times in one session.

  • You also need to take into account the condition of the hair. If the hair is brittle, dry, or over-parched, it is better to limit yourself to one time, and following procedure spend in a couple of days so that the hair is rested.
  • After pickling, you need to dye your hair.
  • After pickling, the hair needs additional care, so do not forget to use masks.

Hair after pickling: care

You don't need to be a specialist to understand that after such an aggressive procedure, the hair needs additional care, restoration and even treatment.

  • Women who have undergone the decapitation procedure claim that the hair structure suffers the most, that is, the curls become brittle, split and often get tangled. In this case, keratin masks will come to the rescue, which perfectly nourish the hair and give it a gorgeous shine.
  • Also, other types of masks will not be superfluous, in the ranking of the best, the first places are taken by egg masks and vegetable-based masks.
  • For the preparation of nutritious egg mask you need to take a couple of yolks, add 1 tablespoon to them. honey and olive oil... Apply the resulting mixture to the hair, lightly massage the scalp and leave for 40-50 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly with water. This mask will help you saturate your curls with essential vitamins and give them strength.

  • To prepare a plant-based mask, we take jojoba, coconut, olive, castor and Burr oil and mix them, then heat them up in a water bath. Apply to hair with light movements and leave for at least half an hour, while wrapping your head. Other oils can also be used.
  • In addition to masks and balms, do not forget to give your body vitamins and useful material from the outside. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, and eat dairy products.
  • After such a traumatic procedure, let your hair rest and do not expose it to any trauma. Use wooden combs, do not tie your hair in a tight ponytail or bun, and forget about a hairdryer, curling iron, and of course, an iron.
  • Do not forget that professional products can be used to restore hair after pickling. Of course, such cosmetics is a very expensive pleasure, but experts note that the use of these funds has a more positive effect on curls than other restoration methods.
  • As a treatment, you can use vitamin and mineral complexes, which perfectly enrich the hair with the necessary minerals and vitamins, various professional masks that provide intensive nutrition curls, make them more elastic and "lively".

In the article, we have touched on a very relevant topic because healthy and beautiful hair- this is the dream of every girl and woman. Sometimes experiments with appearance do not bring us the desired result, and then there is no other way out - we have to use any methods and means just to somehow save the situation. It is to such methods that we refer hair decapitation.

Before deciding on this so traumatic procedure, we recommend that you think carefully, because even with the great professionalism and experience of the master who will do the decapitation, your hair will still suffer. In any case, we advise you to take this procedure very seriously, do not engage in amateur performances and do not neglect the technology of pickling.

Video: "Detailed technique of hair decapitation"