Dana Borisova, Julia Roberts and other stars who took husbands from the family

In all, they all condemn them and are called predators and rainbits, they are secretly admired by them, and women envy. These women managed to lead their husbands legal spouse - As they say, "beautiful and bold road crossed." We present you the rating of "beautiful and bold" stars.

Angelina Jolie

Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

When Angelina decided on the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" of his current spouse Brad Pitt, the latter was married to actress. Lovers have long made the view that there can be no talk about any novel between them and speech, but sewed in the bag, as you know, do not hide - somewhere will come out. When the secret became explicitly - in January 2006, in one of Angelina interviews admitted that he was pregnant from Pitt - the press appointed the guilty of her who had happened. True, they got married only six years later, but during this time Jolie seemed to do everything in order not to repeat the fate of Aniston. As is well known, one of the main reasons why Brad was dissatisfied with the previous spouse, it became lack of children in the family. Jolie taking into account this delicate moment and literally - as if I got drove. With such a "luggage" to take away from the spouse Brad, it seems to be not easy.

Laura Dern, Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton

By the way, Pitt was not the first man, whom Jolie was laughed by another woman - in 1999 Angelina led Billy Bob Tornton directly from the nose from his bride, the actress Laura Dern. Tornton and Dern were not just engaged, they were already preparing for the wedding, and here - such a nuisance! Everyone, as in the famous song: "And the dress was staggered by white, when the gardens bloomed. But what can you do, you met the other." But Laura was not one who easily refuses what he considered her. She cursed the wrong lover and his new passion, saying that happiness did not see the pair. And after all, it was one hundred percent of the right, even protective amulets with blood were helped, which Billy Bob and Angelina exchanged. Fortunately for Jolie, Jennifer Aniston has no half of that vigilance that he wrapped the temperamental turf on her head, otherwise she would simply be angry with the opponent.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz and Chris Angel

Beauty Cameron Diaz from those who constantly graze in someone else's garden - maybe, because of her, despite age, there is still no. And for this, the star is called the main ruffling of Hollywood. Say, B. different time Nicole Kidman suffered from her Char, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Mind Tourman - the actress broke up with his boyfriend, the owner of the hotel business Andre Balaz, after the press appeared on the weekend, which he spent from Diaz.

But the largest - both moral and material - Diaz damage caused the family of the famous American illusionist of Chris Edgela. Chris's wife, Joan Saransakos, having learned that the wrong husband was taken by Cameron to Las Vegas, filed for a divorce and suited a fair amount of property. They called and Diaz, she passed on the process as a mistress, because of which, actually, the whole cheese boron broke out.

Naomi Campbell

Ekaterina and Vladislav Doronin - Vladislav and Naomi Campbell

When journalists say or write about black panther relations and russian oligarch Vladislav Doronina, they mention anything, only not that the meeting with Campbell Doronin was married. With his wife, Catherine, he lived in love and harmony twenty-two years, the couple raised his daughter.

Naomi Doronin met in 2008 on and immediately fell victim to an aging and bald model - the oligarch's friends assure that it was. Vladislav gave lover decoration with diamonds (one only wedding ring from pink i. white gold It cost him 200 thousand dollars, and wedding Dress From Dolce and Gabbana - at 100 thousand dollars) and elite real estate (for Penthouse in Sao Paulo Doronin paid 18.5 million dollars). Compared to this, the apostasy, which oligarch gave his former wife And daughters - 10 million dollars - look more than modest. However, Doronin's wedding and Campbell, which was postponed several times, did not take place as a result.

Oksana Grigorieva

Mel Gibson with the first spouse Robin and Mel with Oksana Grigorieva

Russian pianist Oksana Grigoriev's light movement broke happy marriage Mel Gibson and His spouse Robin, who were previously considered an exemplary family - they lived together for almost thirty years and made seven children. Mel and Oksana met when she wrote music for his painting "Edge of Darkness," and Gibson immediately lost his head.

However, a new hobby cost the star of Hollywood: at first Robin, filing on a divorce, he sustained half of the state, and then Grigoriev, a relationship with which, despite the birth of her daughter, lasted long, launched his hand in his pocket. Accusing Gibson in physical and moral violence, Grigoriev got a good monetary compensation - Now she gets from former lover At sixty thousand dollars on the content of the daughter.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Sergey Zhigunov and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The novel "Gardemarina" with "Nanny Vika" began on the filming of the famous Sitkom "My beautiful nanny" and immediately became the property of the general public. At that time, only a lazy journalist did not write about the relationship of Zhigunov and Zavorotnyuk, who should be given due, no one was hidden from anyone. Sergei Viktorovich divorced his wife, actress Veria Novikova, with which before this safely lived for almost twenty-five years, Anastasia left from the second husband, Dmitry Trekov.

The relationship with Zhigunov and Zavorotnyuk were bright and stormy, but lasted long. Shortly after parting, Nastya married a figure of Peter Chernyshev, and Sergey Viktorovich returned to the former wife, officially issues relations with her for the second time.

Tatyana Navka

Russian athlete, Olympic champion in figure skating Tatiana Navka - a true thunderstorm of men, few of them can stay to her indifferent. The actor Marat Basharov, who was a partner Navka on the show "Stars on Ice". He threw his civil wife, Lisa Krutsko, who loved the actor so that for the sake of His Islam (according to the nationality of Basharov - Tatar), and their joint daughter Amelie. By the way, it was not the first victim of Navka - her husband, figure skateman and coach Alexander Zhulin, she once dismissed his partner and wife of Maya Ushovaya. Not without sin and Basharov - Lisa Krutsko he at one time led from his friend, the poet of George Rumyantsev.

But durable relationships The actor and figure skater did not work. What is withering, it's hard to say: someone speaks about the drunkenness of Basharov, someone - about the reluctance of Navka to take Islam, and the relatives and children of lovers from their novel were not delighted. As a result, Basharov and Navka broke up. IN lately Marats are often seen in the Lisa society, and Tatiana has no shortage of fans.

Daria Zhukov

Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova

History of Designer, Entrepreneur and Gallilers Daria Zhukova - bright example that glamorous girls Sometimes it is very useful to walk on football, because it is at a party dedicated to the match with the participation of the Chelsea Club, she met his owner, a Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich. Their novel lasts the eighth year, during this time the press has repeatedly tried to dilute Dasha with Roman Arkadyevich, but they stubbornly hold them with each other. IN again Rumors about their parting appeared on the pages of newspapers at the end of 2012, but at the beginning of 2013, journalists had to refute themselves, publishing photos from the rest of Zhukov and Abramovich on the Caribbean. During this time, Daria managed to give birth to a billionaire of the son of Aaron Alexander, and now is again in the "interesting" position.

The only one who may have to regret in all this story, ex-wife Roman Arkadyevich, Stewartes Irina, with whom he divorced because of Zhukova. However, it is also unlikely to be considered the victim. First, she got quite good indentation in the form of 230 million euros and real estate in London. Well, and secondly, after all, she once led Abramovich's first wife, and no one had canceled.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Maxim Matveyev and Lisa Boyarskaya

It would seem that Elizabeth Boyarskaya in its luxurious external data and crazy popularity could find a man free from commitment to another woman, but she, as it was called, loved married. The chief of Lisa was the young Russian actor Maxim Matveyev, whom the audience know on the film "Styles" and the Mosgaz detective. The fact that the beloved has a wife, the actress "Tabakcoque" Yana Sexte, the beauty did not embarrass.

Without living with the previous spouse and year, Matveev divorced and issued a relationship with Boyarskaya. She, in turn, in order to consolidate success, in 2012 she gave him the son of Andrew (for this she had to be treated from infertility in the prestigious clinic of St. Petersburg) - in the previous family, Maxim did not have children. And, although the baby has not yet been fulfilled and years, they say that Lisa is pregnant again.

Vera Brezhnev carefully protects his personal life From prying eyes, even giving interviews, it especially stipulates the moments that it cannot be asked. One of these items - the spouse of faith, oligarch Mikhail Kiperman - even his singer's surname asks not to call. Is it wonder that about their relationship is nothing unknown to the wide viewer. But because gossips argue that Brezhnev for a long time There was a mistress of married Mikhail, but one day her patience burst and she set a question to the edge: or Kiperman divorces his wife and draws relations with her, or they part. Thinking and all thoroughly weighing, the businessman broke up with his wife and issued a relationship with his mistress.

Unfortunately family happiness It lasts long. The press wrote a lot about the fact that Brezhnev allegedly. And recently in the channel "1 + 1" " Savor"The singer told Cate Sidia: officially not consist in marriage.

Albina Janabaeva

The modest of Albina Dzhanabaeva "took" Valery Meladze is not a bounce, but a long siege. For several years, she worked as a back-vocalist - and after concerts, and on tour - there was, as they are called, at hand. Proof of the fact that Valery and Albina associated not only creative, but also personal relationships, was the birth of the son of the bone in 2004. Either as a sign of gratitude (this the only son Singers, the official spouse Irina gave birth to him by three daughters), whether to shoot her from the eye, Valery defeated his brother and part-time the producer "VIA-Gry" Konstantin Meladze to take Albin to the group.

It is difficult to say that this story would end up - perhaps it would simply slowly walked on no - if the press did not intervene. Numerous publications and photographs made a disorder in sturdy seven Meladze - his spouse did not want to share her husband with another woman. Valery Shotaevich had to leave the family, that's just, contrary to the expectations of Albina, not to her, but, as it was accepted in such cases, to nowhere. From Janabaeva Meladze, from time to time it is found, but recently it began to see him with the former wife Irina, so that the point in this story seems to be not yet delivered.

Taisiya Kondratieva

Vanessa Paradi and Ember Hurd

Wives Johnny Depp

In 2012, the actor fell in love with the young partner on the film "Rum Diary" Amber Herd. The actress and became the cause of his parting with Vanessa of the paradise, which received 160 million dollars from the tier. The couple was never married officially, but no one could assume that this family would once cease to exist. Magazines dedicated to articles beautiful story Love Vanessa and Johnny, and the last, in turn, passionately told about his feelings for his mother's two children. But most of all we were struck by the fact that after 14 years civilian marriage With Vanessa and the failure to go under the crown of Depp officially married Hurd after a couple of years of novel! In May, it became known that the Amber was submitted for divorce after 15 months of marriage, as a reason, indicating "Unresolved contradictions".

Yana Sexte and Elizabeth Boyarskaya

Wives Maxim Matveev

The heart of Elizabeth Boyarskaya for a long time remained free, despite the enviable number of fans. The girl was patiently waiting for his only one - and waited. Somehow, on TV, she saw the film "Things" with Maxim Matveyev and immediately lost his head.

In 2010, the actors started together in the melodrama "I will not say," where it was about the extinction of feelings between the heroes. IN real life Between Maxim and Elizabeth flames flashed. Boyarskaya did not stop neither distance (Max lives in Moscow, and Lisa - in St. Petersburg), nor the chosen one - the Latvian actress Jan Sexte. Love fever covered Matveyev, who quickly divorced and after a few months already went under the crown with Elizabeth.

If you believe the interview, the couple happily live in marriage for five years, but the yellow press still does not take off the Femme Fatale with a boyars label, constantly attributing her novels with colleagues - with Konstantin Khabensky, Pavel Trubiner, Gregory Doblygin.

Robin Moore and Oksana Grigorieva

Wife and lover chalk gibson

Pianist Oksana Grigorieva became a real test in the life of the actor Mela Gibson. At first it seemed to him that life would find new meaning: He threw his wife Robin Moore, who was near 28 years old and gave him seven children; He began to engage in the producing Music Album Grigorieva and waited for her daughter's birth from her. But new life Expensive did the actor. After a few months, he broke up with a young passion, which through court demanded money for constant beatings and on the maintenance of Lucia's daughter. As a result, the actor gave $ 400 million former wife, $ 60 thousand - former mistress And almost became bankrupt, because in Hollywood, the hooligan stopped offering work.

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie

Wives Brad Pitt

The story of how Jolie led the spouse of Jennifer Aniston, allowed T-shirt manufacturers well to work well in 2006 (remember T-shirts with Team Aniston and Team Jolie inscriptions?). And although the culprit of the scandal itself always claimed that Pitt, tired of marriage with Aniston, he himself came to her hugs on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith's paintings, believe in difficulty.

See you with Pitt Angelina was a famous rescue male hearts. The playback of the fatal beauties on the screen, Jolie and in life was famous thanks to two sustainable marriages and the ability to beat someone else's guys. So, in 1999, Billy Bob Tornton became her victim - a colleague on the tape "managing flights." Between the partners, love flared up, and overboard the actress Laura Dern remained: Thornton promised a wedding friend for three years, and eventually escaped to Angie.

Julia Baranovskaya and Alice Kazhmin

Andrei Arshavin's wives

Julia has lived with football player Andrei Arshavin 9 years old, devoting himself to the family. At the beginning of the relationship for the sake of her beloved, she threw her studies, and after and moved behind him to London. In narrow sports circles, Julia was known only as a modest civilian wife Arshavin and his mother of two children. But when the girl was pregnant for the third time, the athlete changed her. Arshavin did not even deny the fact of his campaigns "left"! And a few months after the birth of a boy of Arsenia and he left the family to the Alice Casmina model, which is now in official marriage And waiting for the birth of the first common child. Suddenly finding support among fans, Julia decided to proving his happiness herself, without relying on the traitor. Baranovskaya began building a career model and TV presenter. Instead of shed tears at the next talk show dedicated to the wrong husbands, Julia released an autobiographical book called "All for the better" and became an independent media person.

Irina Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

Wife Valery Meladze

It all started even before Albina began to sing in Via Greek - the son of Konstantin was born in unmarried, but she did not disclose the father's name.

Thanks to the producer, Konstantin Meladze came to the "VIA GRU", which was detained for 8 years. At the end of the zero, rumors were worked in the press secret relationship Albina with Valery Meladze, who confirmed the participant of Tatyana Kotov's trio. Kotov also told that she had to leave the group in 2009 because of Janabayeva, who began to jealous a new participant to his man.

Most of all in this love touch The public outraged that Meladze more than ten years led a double life: in addition to Albina, the spouse of Irina, who gave birth to three daughters in marriage.

In 2014, Valery made a divorce with his wife and began to openly live with Albina, who gave him the second son of Luka.

Valery admits that his daughters from the first marriage do not communicate with the sons of Janabayeva, and it is very sad.

Yana Meladze and Vera Brezhnev

Wives Konstantin Meladze

Constantine Meladze's novel and faith Brezhneva spoke about 10 years ago. In 2002, the blonde joined the Project of Constantine - the group "VIA Gra". Then faith at one of the concerts expressed the desire to sing along with the trio on stage and the team impressed the first time. Two years later, Vera replaced Alain Vinnitskaya. Apparently, the new faith worked so well with his boss, which had already begun to appear rumors about the relationship between the producer and his ward. Despite the fact that celebrities carefully hid their novel, they still spoke in Tusovka about their mutual sympathy. The situation of the situation was added that all this time Meladze-Sr. was married to Jan Summ, and Vera in 2006 became the official wife of a businessman Mikhail Kiperman, who divorced in 2012. A year later left his spouse and Konstantin Meladze. Shortly after the divorce, Vera acquired apartments in the center of Kiev, which divided not only with Daughters of Sonya and Sarah, but also with their secret beloved. Last October, October 22, Vera Brezhnev and Konstantin Meladze got married in Italy.

Ekaterina Solocinskaya Tatyana Navka

Wives Dmitry Peskov

The press secretary of the president of 20 years was married to Ekaterina Solocinsky. Three children grew in the family - the daughter of Lisa and the sons of Mika and Denis. However, a couple of years ago it became known that the figure skater Tatiana Navka gave birth from Peskov a daughter hope, and a year later, the couple got married. Ekaterina Zalchila soul wounds and returned to K. active life. Now the woman lives in Paris, travels and spends a lot of time with children. Navka admits that it is grateful to Catherine for the fact that she commenced with the situation and let go of her husband in new family. "I understand how Kat was not easy, I myself was in a similar situation. And when she gave her daughter to Sasha former husband Alexander Zhulin and his current wife Natasha did not feel any jealousy. I understood that it was necessary, "the athlete says in an interview., And soon came to the conclusion: Diana is perfection itself! On February 6, 1981, Diana adopted the proposal of the Prince, and already on July 29, they married the Cathedral of St. Paul. Despite the birth of two beautiful boys, Princes William and Harry, family life was unhappy. Perennial Roman Charles with married lady Camille Parker Bowl, about which Diana learned after the wedding, resumed in the mid-80s. The offended Diana became close to James Hewitt, an instructor on horseback riding. The voltage intensified when records were leaked in the press telephone conversations Both spouses with their lovers. Numerous interviews followed ,

Roman musician with actress expensive by both: her connection with married man And the young father was worth a career, he is reputation. For the sake of work, Sting threw his wife almost immediately after the birth of their second child in 1982. However, both found the most important thing - the love of life. Then a public indignation wave collapsed on a couple, so the decision to leave finally from his wife and start living with labor was not easy to start. Maybe it is because of the unwillingness to attract unnecessary attention of the gossipants, lovers refused the wedding? Work and sting legalized the relationship 10 years after a divorce sting with the first wife. At that time, three children were born at the pair. In 1995, labor gave birth fourth child From the musician, and yesterday's critics there was no doubt that the guys took the only way to decide - to be together.

Stars - the same people as we and they also ride in not the most pleasant, but at the same time very much romantic stories. For example, many famous women They do not believe the saying that in someone else's misfortune you will not build: at one time they gave foreign husbands, making them their own. Is it correctly, not to judge us ... In any case, some star hearts are exactly what they find their fate, which means that they are absolutely visible.

Angelina Jolie

Before taking part in the filming of Mr. and Mrs. Smith's paintings, Brad Pitt was quite successful on a not less star actress Jenifer Aniston. But Jolie did not stop at all, and between the couple right on the site, a stormy novel was spinning. They carefully tried to hide their relationships, but when the pregnancy of Angelina began to hide quite hard, then all the secret became clear, and Aniston was submitted for a divorce. IN previous marriage Brada really lacked children, and Jolie decided to compensate him with interest.

Cameron Diaz

Actress Cameron Diaz, which seems to be in a hurry to part with his status of bachelor, is famous for his love for someone else's husband. At one time, many other famous women became its victims: Nicole Kidman, Madrun Tourman, Britney Spears and even Paris Hilton itself. However, the stars quickly blow up in relation to incorrect husbands: having played with the next beloved, she throws him and goes to search for a new one.

Naomi Campbell

The fact that the second half of Naomi, the Russian oligarch Vladislav Doronin, was happily married for 22 years, few people are famous for the meeting. However, after meeting, Naomi, he decided to leave the family, well, Campbell quickly took advantage of this decision. Doronina had to pay ex-wife and their common daughter's good holidays, however, considering how much money he spends on Naomi, this compensation seems to be essential kopecks.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The beautiful nanny broke the family of his on-screen chief - actor Sergey Zhigunov, who left his spouse after 24 years of marriage and went to Anastasia. However, for a long time of their idylls, it was not destined to last: some financial difficulties caused the parting of the pair, and soon the wrong Zigunov returned to his wife again, and Zavorotnyuk married a figure of Peter Chernyshov.

Lisa Boyarskaya

It would seem that Elizabeth with its appearance and the status can be easily found beautiful mannot burdened by obligations. However, the fate was so far that she loved the married actor Maxim Matveyev, who replied to her reciprocity and quickly left his wife, too, actress, for the sake of beautiful Lisa. The wedding of the couple was secret, now they live in joy and harmony.

Olya Polyakova

Yes, and super-blinds are not without sin: To get married, Olga had to smash the seven of the Ukrainian oligarch, who had once performed at the bottom of birth. She performed well, as a result of which the chosen one made her his mistress, and after and left the wife at all, with which he lived a lot of years to marry Olga. Polyakova herself admits that on the way, fortunately she was absolutely merciless, and even resorted to blackmail: the former wife of the oligarch was fruitless, and he really wanted children, here Olga and offered him to make a deal: she gives birth to a child, and he combines her bonds marriage. The result for the blonde was quite successful.

Vera Brezhneva

Faith also broke the family of a businessman Mikhail Kierman, who had a wife and twice the children at the time of dating. At first, Brezhnev was put up with the status of his mistress, but after put a question with an edge. As a result, Kiperman still decided to leave his wife for the sake of faith, which is much younger and slimmer of his previous second half.

Albina Janabaeva

The participant "VIA Gra" was first a back-vocalist in Valeria Meladze, and often happened that it was her hand at the singer after concerts. Albina tried to get Valery for a long time, and still it happened. And not only this: Thanks to Meladze, she fell into "VIA GRU", because he still persuaded his brother to take her to the group. Also, Albina has a son, and that his father - Meladze, has become known only a few years after his birth. As a result, the singer still left his wife and three children, however, with their albina, they also did not work out.

Tatyana Navka

The famous Russian figure skater was fascinated from the Family of the actor Marat Basharov, the formerly her partner in the "Star on Ice" show. After this project, Marat left his wife and went to his new sports passion.

Nadezhda Mikhalkov

The daughter of the famous Russian director Nadezhda broke the family of singer Anastasia Kochetsky and her husband Rube Higheneshvili. For the affected side, it ended very poorly: Nastya was left alone with a three-year-old daughter, and for a long time came to himself after a divorce.

Who is and how it does.

Olga Polyakova Super Blandinka - singer, 26 years old.

Broke the seven of the Ukrainian oligarch - and acquired her husband. When the singer was 19 years old, she performed at the bottom of birth at the future husband. The speech liked the birthday name so much that he invited Olya in his mistress. And then - threw his wife, with which he lived in marriage for many years, and married Polyakova.

As Polyakova herself boasted in the media, on the way to personal happiness (read - a rich husband) she was merciless. I used everything - put on sick dots: the wife of the oligarch was fruitless, and he really wanted to become a father. Here is Olya and suggested a deal: she gives birth to a child, and gets an increase - from the status of his mistress becomes his wife. The transaction took place. 4 years ago Polyakova gave birth to Masha's daughter, and the businessman threw his wife and married the Super Blanket.

Miscellaneous Blonde Cameron Diaz loves to take away alien men. But, having fallen in other people's incorrect, with the same ease of them throws. And goes in search of a new victim.

8. Vika from the Neangel group - singer, 24 years old.

Bold and daring wicker (real name - Katya) conquered the heart of the producer of Yury Nikitina, who became interested in the new ward, forgetting about his wife Olga Gorbacheva (the singer "Arctic"), which during the novel of his beloved husband expected a child.

Rich people in Russia consider and calculates Forbes magazine (no other authoritative ratings). The wives of most participants in the rating of richest businessmen of Russia according to the version of Forbes avoid publicity.

Nevertheless, something is known about them.

1. Ekaterina Potanina, wife Vladimir Potanina (№1 in the ranking of the richest Russians)

The richest man of Russia (officially) - Vladimir Potanin married last year a second time three months after the divorce with the first wife.

Pro new wife The richest businessman of Russia knows little. According to information from different sources, the second spouse of the billionaire is called Ekaterina, she was born in 1975 and previously worked together with a future husband. Potanina already has a three-year-old daughter of Barbara from a new wife, and she was born again when Potanan was married with the previous wife.

Vladimir Potanin divorced the first wife of Natalie in February 2014. They have three common children, marriage lasted over 30 years.

2. Irina Wiener, wife Alisher Usmanova (№3)

The head coach of the Russian team of rhythmic gymnastics has brought up several Olympic championships, including Alina Kabaev.

Irina Wiener Usmanova and Alisher Usmanov got acquainted in the gym in Tashkent, where she was engaged in 11 years rhythmic gymnastics, and he - fencing. Later they met in Moscow, when Wiener was already working as a gymnastics coach, and Usmanov was a MGIMO student. Soon they began to live together.

The proposal of the hands and hearts Usmanov did, sitting in prison, after he was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the so-called "cotton case" (in 1989, the court removed the conviction of Usmanov, and in 2000 Supreme Court Uzbekistan acknowledged that the indictment of 1980 is unfair.

Thus, the billionaire was recognized as innocent in the imputed crimes and does not have a criminal record).

From the conclusion of Usmanov sent Wiener's handkerchief that uzbek custom means the proposal of the hand and hearts. They got married in 1992.

3. Marina Dobrynina, Wife Victor Vekselberg (№4)

He heads charitable Foundation Support "Good Age" (founded in 2002), which helps children and adults with mental disorders. Marina and Victor together studied at Mitit, met in the student campaign, got married, after graduating from the university. Children: daughter and son.

4. Lyudmila Lisin, wife Vladimir Lisin (№8)

The owner of the Gallery "Seasons" on Sretensky Boulevard. "Seasons" - a chamber gallery, where, as a rule, work from closed for the general public of private collections is exhibited. Lyudmila collects Russian artists end XIX. and XX century. Hobbies for more than ten years, a picture of her beloved artist Petrova-Vodkina, donated by her husband, became an impetus for the assembly.

Lyudmila and Vladimir Lisin - Odnoklassniki, sat at one desk. Children: Three sons.

5. Elena Timchenko, wife Gennady Timchenko (№9)

Elena Timchenko is a citizen of Finland. In December 2012, Elena Timchenko and her daughter Ksenia Frank received the Order of Friendship for strengthening cooperation with Russia. Children: Son and two daughters, youngest daughter - Ksenia Frank, Gleb Frank's wife, son of the Sophomalt General Sergey Frank.

6. Alexandra Melnichenko, wife Andrei Melnichenko (№13)

Alexandra Melnichenko, in Maiden Sandra Nikolich, - former model and soloist of the Belgrade group Models. Now she is engaged in family, fond of fashion and design.

I got acquainted with friends in the south of France in 2003. Then the businessman came to visit his friend, whose girl invited Sandra for the company. In 2005, Melnichenko and Nicolich played elegant wedding on the Cote d'Azurwhich cost the groom at $ 30 million. Especially for the newlyweds, then built a copy of the ancient Russian chapel, where they were crowned.

For three hundred guests, aircraft and a five-star hotel in Cannes were ordered, in the rooms of which guests were waiting evening dresses And tuxedo for men. At the wedding, Julio and Enrique Iglesias, Whitney Houston and Christina Aguilera were performed at the wedding.

7. Elena Perminova, Alexander Lebedeva's wife (№188)

Alexander Lebedev's civilian wife, model Elena Perminovnov, younger than a billionaire for 27 years. Perminova was born in the city of Berc, early began to work in the model, as 16 years old got into one of the metropolitan model agencies. Perminov still participates in fashion showsRemoved for glossy magazines. In 2011, the model replaced G. Zhukov at the main post of POP magazine. Elena Perminov with children lives in London.

According to one of the versions, Elena's father wrote Lebedev, who at that time was a deputy engaged in the draft law on the protection of witnesses. When Perminovova was 17 years old, she was charged with the proliferation of drugs, which threatened to her criminal period of up to 6 years of imprisonment.

Father asked the deputy to help his minor daughter get out of the situation. The billionaire not only saved Elena from criminal liability - it was sentenced to a suspended term - but also as a result, he started a family with her.

Children: Three collaborative children, two sons and daughter.

8. Dasha Zhukova, wife of Roman Abramovich (№12)

The founder of the Museum "Center for Contemporary Art" Garage "was the chief editor fashion magazine Pop, heads Garage Magazine magazine, one of the creators of Kova & T clothing brand.

Dasha, before exploring Abramovich, met with Russian tennis player Marat Safin. Zhukova and Abramovich met in 2005 at a party in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bat the Hilton Hotel, after the victory of the Chelsea football club, whose owner is a businessman, over Barcelona. Neither Zhukov nor Abramovich give an interview about a joint personal life.

Only in January 2015 Zhukov mentioned in a conversation with the editor of The Wall Street Journal, that they got married in a couple of years after dating, that is, about six years ago.

Children: Son Aaron Alexander (2009 year) and daughter Leia (2013 year). Roman Abramovich has 5 children from the previous marriage.

9. Galina Tsvetkov, Wife Nikolai Tsvetkov (№66)

Since 2002, the owner and chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Imperial Porcelain Plant". Lomonosovsky porcelain factory. This post implemented several strategic projects related to the revival of Russian porcelain art.

Andrei Makarevich and Chairman of the Board of Directors of IFS Galina Tsvetkov during the presentation of the service of Five O'Kot, painted by a famous musician.

Galina and Nikolai met when he was a personnel military. When the flowers finished the Military Air Engineering Academy named after Zhukovsky, he was sent to serve in the Far East. Galina, along with him, survived all the difficulties of garrison life, the family lived in hostels, children were born during a business trip, two daughters were born.

10. Polina Yumashev, Oleg Deripasi's wife (№ 17)

Oleg Deripaska married Polina Yemasheva -Vnuchka Boris Yeltsin in 2001. They, how they themselves say, did not make it marriage contract. "Two beautiful children born in love are our contract," Polina said in an interview. Now Polina is the head of the Forward Media Group publishing house (former ov-press), to acquire which her husband helped her.

11. Inna Khodorkovskaya, Mikhail Khodorkovsky's wife

Formally, Mikhail Khodorkovsky has not been included in the lists richest people Russia (when in December 2013, Putin signed a decree on the pardon of the entrepreneur and he left the colony, the state of Khodorkovsky was estimated at $ 1.7 billion), but his wife brightly illustrates dark side The life of the Russian oligarch's companions.

To do not write about the fate of the oligarch's wife for a long time, imagine that you have three children in your hands, two old parents of your husband, and the husband sits in prison for 10 years and will unknown whether ever.

By the way, after Mikhail Khodorkovsky liberated about his wife, nothing in the media was published.

As you can see, becoming a wife of oligarchs is not a gift for fate. One was sitting in prison, the other served in the army, the third village. Are you all the girls who dream of a rich husband will come out for such? Although, of course, someone stupidly lucky.