Lambrequin straight. Sewing curtains with a decorative element. Lambrequin with folds: step by step instructions

Curtains on the windows not only make the room more comfortable and attractive, but allow you to quickly and easily add uniqueness and originality. home interior. In order to hide the defects of the window opening, the curtain fastenings and the cornice use a decorative panel made of dense material and hung in front of the curtains - a lambrequin.

Lambrequin options

Before you start sewing, you need to decide what kind of lambrequin you actually need. According to the type of basis, they are:
  • Rigid (or gang). The material is attached to a rigid frame.
  • Soft . Draped with ribbons or simply thrown over the eaves.
  • Combined . Combination of hard and soft model.
A professional will tell you about the varieties of lambrequins and their differences:

Patterns for lambrequins

Decorative panels are different - with various draperies, ties, swags. To sew them over complex shapes you must first make a pattern. To do this, it is initially necessary to understand the basic concepts and design elements:
  • Svagi - semicircle with beautiful folds;

A variant of the pattern of classic curtains with a lambrequin:

Step by step pattern making:
  • Be sure to leave allowances: for the side edges and the top, 2 cm is enough, for the bottom at least 10 cm.
  • Depending on the elements, allowances will be different. For example, for a swag, a semicircle is drawn on paper and folds are laid, while simultaneously calculating how much material is needed to sew the panel. For a frill, the length is calculated by height empirically, and then the number of frills is calculated horizontally.

Properly constructed patterns will help you avoid mistakes when cutting and calculate the amount of textiles you need.

Do-it-yourself rigid panel model

It needs a wooden box. If it is heavy, then choose a closed box to provide more reliable support. Parts of the box: Shelf, brackets (fastening), front. The facade is made of wooden boards, plywood or fiberboard.

When choosing a material for a box, they follow the rule: the heavier the panel, the stronger it should be.

Also needed:
  • Textiles that are cut out according to the template, not forgetting to leave allowances along the entire length - 5 cm.
  • Padding, thin foam. It is cut to the size of the panel with an allowance of 3 cm along the entire length.
  • Lining fabric, cut according to the template with a 1.5 cm allowance on the edge along the entire length.
  • Stapler and paper clips, glue.
Here are some patterns for patterning hard lambrequins like de jabot:

Step-by-step instruction:
  • The padding is glued to the front and sides of the box. In the place of bends it is cut. Then the padding is pushed back (left on the edge) and carefully glued.
  • The fabric is placed on the prepared base. If a canvas with large pattern, then it is shifted to the center. The allowance (it should be about 2 cm) is folded over and fastened with a stapler to the top of the box, starting from the center and moving towards the edges.
  • Then they also act with the bottom edge so that the canvas does not bulge at the bends, it is carefully cut. The bottom edge can be decorated with a piping, then it is sewn by hand.
  • Apply to the inside lining fabric front side up. Allowances are folded inward and fastened with a stapler.
Here is a finished hard lambrequin of a simple straight shape:

Step-by-step photos of how to sew a hard lambrequin are offered in the following video:

Do-it-yourself openwork lambrequins

Having mastered the technology of creating rigid models, you can move on to more difficult things but no less original. Today openwork panels are gaining great popularity, which give airiness and lightness to the room.

For tailoring, they use a thermoband as the basis.

Step-by-step instruction:
  • Choose a pattern and prepare a pattern. To do this, draw a pattern on paper and cut it out. Then transfer it to the fabric and cut out again.
  • The finished pattern is glued to the thermoband, carefully straightening it.
  • After that, the lining is attached to the wrong side. If the pattern is complex, then it is fixed on a special adhesive web.
  • All edges are processed with a zigzag seam so that the material does not crumble. And also the edges can be decorated with decorative cords, braid.
How cords for openwork lambrequins are created can be seen in the video:

Depending on the imagination of a person, such lambrequins are transformed into intricate original interior items that add zest and make the room unique.

How to sew a soft model with your own hands?

Even a beginner can cope with a simple design. It can be both shirred and straight. Step-by-step instruction:

If folds are planned, then the material must be taken 1.5 times longer.

  • The bottom and sides are hemmed, loops for fastening are sewn on top. The product is ready.

Features of lambrequins for the hall

Suitable for decoration various types lambrequins, but it is worth considering the style of the room, the size of the windows and the room. The more space, the more massive the curtains should be. For a small area, light-colored material is chosen to visually expand it. Decorating is welcome in the living room - brushes, piping, glass beads, tiebacks. Often also use complex drapery, mixing fabrics. The most popular models with swags, semi-swags, cascades, ties.

WITH various options lambrequins for the living room can be found from the video:

The more elements, the more luxurious and interesting the design looks. However, in a small room, such a design will look bulky and ridiculous. Therefore, read the article on how to choose the right curtains for the interior:.

Features of lambrequins in the kitchen

The kitchen is the room where sometimes only the panel plays a decorative role. In this case, the window can be without curtains and tulle. For her choose more simple models from synthetic or semi-synthetic fabrics. For fans natural material it should be remembered that natural linen absorbs odors well, it dries longer, and kitchen curtains have to be washed more often than any other.

For the north window, you should choose transparent light fabrics, for the south - dense textiles.

Here are some ideas:
  • Rectangular narrow canvas, decorated with fringe or tassels. But, if the fabric is colorful, then additional decoration will have to be abandoned.
  • Rigid model, decorated with a contrasting small appliqué.
IN Lately the kitchen is decorated with hard panels different shapes- from the classic rectangle to arched.

You can decorate your room, bring individuality into it with the help of a lambrequin. What shape, color, size it will be depends on the tastes and imagination of the person. The main thing is not to be afraid to get down to business, to give free rein to your imagination, and then your apartment design will become exclusive.

The task of the lambrequin is to hide the unpresentable appearance of the cornice, and also serve as decorative at the same time. You can drape the window yourself, beautiful curtains will always look unique indoors, so here we want to tell you how to sew lambrequins with your own hands and combine them with others.

We sew a soft or hard lambrequin

By pelmet, we mean a horizontal piece of fabric, the size of which should be calculated on about 20% of the height of your window. The fabric can be used both hard and soft. Rigid models must be duplicated with interlining or other dense material, which is required for increased density and the formation of a lambrequin. Fasteners are carried out using a plank in front of the main part of the eaves. The fashionable moment today is the use of eyelets.

If you prefer to make the lambrequin soft and pliable, use curtain fabric, laying it in the original folds and decorating the upper half of the window opening with it. You can create an aesthetic fabric sag, called "swag". To make such a fold look good and the fabric drape easily, choose a soft and delicate material. However, with the same stunning success, you can combine the use of soft and hard fabrics, decorating the window with several types of lambrequin at once. Such complex scenery will also look stylish, especially with a series of original and complex swags.

So, how to sew lambrequins with your own hands, without using ready-made patterns and patterns? Start simple and you'll be surprised to find that it's not that hard.

  • prepare raw material: you need to fold the fabric into an even square with a side length of 1.40 m, then draw a diagonal, marking the fold line of the middle of your future swag;
  • then start collecting swag. To do this, you will need to use a labeled bar
  • you will attach folds to it. Mark on the plank plane the required width of the middle part of the swag and its shoulders. Fasten the square of material to the plank, adhering to the specified angle of 45 °. The middle of the swag, which you previously marked, should match the mark on the bar. Lay and fix with pins the first fold obtained;
  • having formed the first swag fold, take on the next one. To make the folds form more evenly and centered, you can use a weighting agent;
  • we prepare all the folds in this way, achieving their absolute symmetry. Each fold should be of equal depth, do not lose sight of the dimensions of the height and width of the center of the swag;
  • then you should cut off the excess fabric and fasten the upper side of the swag with pins along the line of fixing the folds. After that, dissolve the swag, and display the contours of the resulting part on paper or dummy fabric - you have received basic pattern. Decorate the lower edge of the swag with an oblique trim, hem with a decorative fringe or glass beads braid. The upper half should be decorated with a beautiful curtain tape;
  • if you consider it necessary to cover the marriage gaps, decorate the lambrequin with decorative elements in the form of ties, cascades or chill molds;
  • tie pattern will take you even less time. Fold the fabric into a trapezoid, in which the parallel sides will be equal to the total length of the tie, and the perpendicular ones will be its width. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the length of the tie should not exceed the size of the swag by more than 20%. Also remember that as the width of the tie increases, you will need to leave more room for it on the cornice.

- Very important detail in making curtains. Many people think that classic curtains must include this element. Lambrequins make the window decoration complete, even the simplest nondescript curtains acquire a touch of chic and sophistication in combination with a thoughtful and neat lambrequin.

What are lambrequins

In addition to the decorative function, lambrequins also have a functional benefit. With the help of lambrequins, you can hide the nuances of attaching curtains and curtains, which is another reason to use lambrequins in your home.

There are the following types of lambrequins:

  • A simple lambrequin in general terms is a straight piece of fabric. Pleats, curly cut edges and decorative elements are allowed.
  • Soft lambrequins, on the contrary, are filled with various decorative elements. Here you can find swags, dejabos, flip-flops, bell ties, etc. The main condition is the choice of fabric: soft, light and flowing texture.
  • Hard lambrequin looks like a window cover. A hard lambrequin is made from thick fabric treated with special substances to maintain durability.
  • The combined lambrequin combines elements of the listed types. Well-chosen parts can create a unique original ensemble.

When choosing, pay attention not only to the type of pelmet, but also the color and texture of the fabric. Lambrequins curtains and all other elements of the decor of the room should create a single atmosphere, have a common stylistic tone.

How to sew curtains with lambrequins: options and rules

To sew a pelmet yourself, first you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances regarding the choice of which pelmet to sew.

To correctly choose a lambrequin, remember:

  • Lambrequins can harm general view rooms if your house has low ceilings. Carefully consider the style of the lambrequin for such a room, because it will look ridiculous to assemble a voluminous and bulky lambrequin here.
  • No matter how large the distance from the ceiling to the beginning of the window, remember that the lambrequin should cover all this space and even go down a little lower.
  • Richly decorated lambrequins are very beautiful if the curtains hang in a spacious bright room. But for modest spaces, choose modest decorations.
  • When making a lambrequin, it is advised to abandon hard fabrics. Drapery should be light and flowing.
  • When choosing a fabric for lambrequins with a pattern, embroidery or a pattern, try not to overdo it with accents in the design of the window: curtains with such lambrequins should be plain in a calm shade.
  • Remember that the density of fabric for curtains depends on the light in the room. If the windows face the non-sunny side, then use light fabrics. light shades for sewing lambrequins.

If space allows your imagination to roam, then think about how you can arrange swags, pleats, ties and other decorative elements to create a stunning lambrequin!

How to sew curtains with lambrequins with your own hands

Window design is creative and interesting job. Its charm lies in the fact that there are no rigid canons in the field of curtain design, and you can choose the fabrics, styles and styles you like.

If you decide to make curtains with a lambrequin yourself, then follow the following instructions:

  1. Cut out the fabric for 2 rectangular curtains. You can do this without a pattern. Correctly calculate the desired length and leave additional allowances for the seams.
  2. Now let's take a lambrequin. For example, let's take a simple straight lambrequin without decorative elements. To cut the fabric, determine the desired length of the lambrequin and add 5-10 cm for allowances.
  3. Finish the edges with sewing machine , and you can start hanging on the cornices! Your lambrequin curtains are ready.

After processing, we sew curtains with lambrequins with maximum convenience.

Master class: how to sew a lambrequin for curtains with your own hands for beginners

To make a more complex lambrequin, we need to follow the instructions step by step. Prepare fabrics, scissors, thread, needles and sewing machine and get down to business!

A small neat lambrequin with ponytails can be sewn as follows:

  • We cut out the fabric depending on the length of the cornice. We add 10-15 cm to it on each side for ponytails. To make the width of the finished lambrequin about half a meter, you need 70 cm of fabric. For larger widths, it calculates proportionally. And don't forget the seam allowances.
  • To make our lambrequin voluminous, sew a lining to it. Open it according to the example of the front side of the lambrequin.
  • Connect the two pieces of fabric with the right sides and, fastening with pins, sew 3 sides around the perimeter.
  • Now turn the pelmet right side out, iron and sew upper edge.
  • Lambrequin is ready! Now hang it on the prepared cornice and secure the fabric along the edges with decorative tape leaving the ears hanging freely.
  • From the remnants of the fabric, you can make separate decorative elements, such as bows or butterflies.

Such an accessory is well suited for a kitchen window. Lambrequin will not look overloaded, but beautiful at the same time. Treat sewing a lambrequin with ease and simplicity.


Lambrequin is an elegant decorative element with which you can easily decorate any room, any room. Basically, a lambrequin is attached to many curtains in the kit. But sewing such a miracle with your own hands will not be great work if you follow several simple rules. In this article we will try to teach you how to sew such beautiful products, offering several step-by-step instructions.

Types of lambrequins and features of choice

Before sewing this decor element, you need to choose for yourself which type of product will be regarded as necessary in the room. In addition, you need to know which decoration is best suited for the interior of the room.

  • Simple - products that are a particle of fabric, assembled with your own hands into a fold or laid in an assembly using a curtain tape. In shape, such products can be rectangular, wavy and arched.
  • Rigid - products that are sewn from the same fabric as the curtains, previously duplicated with interlining, gang or other sealant. A rigid window decoration can have a straight or figured bottom edge, and is also decorated with fringe, cords or braid.
  • Soft - perhaps the most popular type of product. In order to sew it, you need lightweight materials that lend themselves well to drapery. Many different decorative things can be attached to them, such as: ties (vertical pieces of fabric on the sides, gathered into folds), swags (sagging of folded fabric), etc.
  • Combined - products that combine hard and soft elements in their design. With such decorative elements, your interior will receive irresistible look. In addition, such products are often decorated decorative flowers. Flowers are made using special varnishes.

Before you start sewing a lambrequin with your own hands, you also need to figure out the style, go through some variations and allow for some possibilities. For tailoring to happen correctly, you need to consider some important points:

  • In rooms where the ceiling is quite low, the lambrequin can visually cause the effect of lowering the height, so this decor is slightly out of place in such rooms;
  • In addition, it is always worth measuring the wall above the window so that the future product covers this part of the wall;
  • The area, size and purpose of the room should always tell us which lambrequin to choose for curtains. In rooms where there is more space, light but complex products are perfect. In dark and small ones - kitchens, nurseries, bedrooms - we sew simple and hard or light, but with a small amount folds;
  • When choosing a fabric, preference should be given to plastic and light materials that lend themselves well to drapery. Light curtains are best hung on northern shaded windows. For southern windows, where the sun constantly shines, you can choose a denser fabric;
  • When we look at the shade of the fabric, we must remember that it must be combined with the color of the textiles that are present in the room (sofa upholstery, bedspreads, blankets, etc.). If your interior is gentle and has natural tones, then in this case more juicy tone variations of products are acceptable.
  • For sewing a hard type of product with your own hands, you can find a fabric with large pattern, embroidery, glass beads or beads. Many variations can be made independently.

We sew a simple lambrequin

Even a novice craftsman can sew such a product. First, before starting tailoring, they choose a style, and after that they think out all the other details and solutions. The product made in the pleat looks very good and elegant.

  • width of the material - allowances should be made for processing, measuring the finished product;
  • cut length - the length of the cornice is multiplied by the assembly factor and the amount of allowances. Coefficient - 1.5 or 2.5 (depending on whether you need the number of folds more or less).

After the calculation, you need to cut out the required length of a strip of fabric. If your product is planned to be made with a pattern, the direction should be taken into account when cutting. A ribbon is sewn on top of the product, with which all edges are processed. The folds must be adjusted evenly, after which the product should take its place on the room cornice.

We sew a hard lambrequin

It is much easier to sew a rigid product today, because for this there appeared new material, which is called thermobando. Now that there is a thermal bando, it has become possible to create various decorations for curtains with your own hands, making simple patterns. The material for a rigid product is calculated simply: to the height finished decoration and the length of the cornice, allowances and seams are added. If a drawing is planned, its direction and texture are also taken into account. If you use shiny materials to sew the product, a variety of visual effects may appear later after production.

For the correct sewing of such a product, you need to perform some further steps:

  • the pattern is applied to the thermoband and cut out along the contour (excluding allowances);
  • a similar element is also cut out on the fabric, but taking into account allowances;
  • using a steam generator or iron, the fabric is glued to the base. Gluing should take place from the middle of the product, so as not to warp the pattern;
  • edges are processed decorative materials- braid or inlay;
  • With reverse side Velcro tape is attached, with the help of which the finished product is held on the eaves.

Light products are always very refined and aesthetically versatile. Therefore, they are sewn a little more difficult than others. For their tailoring, you will need to make several patterns and calculate the required footage of fabric. The calculation takes into account such trifles as, for example, the fact that some parts need to be cut diagonally. If you doubt anything, you can watch one of the training videos of the master classes -

Swaga sewing

With your own hands, you can also try to sew a symmetrical-looking swag for a light product, without using a pattern and complex constructions. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • the square of the fabric is folded diagonally, while the middle of the swag should be noted, at the fold;
  • fabric is hung on the rail with all the marks, an angle of 450 degrees is observed;
  • the first fold is neatly folded and secured with pins, while the depth of the roller is 10-15 cm;
  • after that, all folds are formed, symmetry and the same distance between them are observed.
  • excess fabric is cut off, the upper edge is pierced with pins along the line of folds;
  • if necessary, the fabric is unraveled and the contours are transferred to the model or paper. At the same time, you can create other swags;
  • the bottom is processed, and a curtain tape or Velcro is sewn to the upper part.

Light products consist of one or more swags (overlapping by at least a third in the second case).

Tie pattern

A tie is called an openwork vertical detail of a lambrequin, which can in an interesting way decorate the side parts of the window and visually longer space. The tie is very easy to sew. A trapezoid is built on the fabric, the parallel sides of which are equal to the length finished product. In addition, it should be taken into account that the amount of space that needs to be left under the eaves depends on the width of the tie. For harmony, it should be noted that the length of the tie should be no more than 20% than the length of the swag.

Undoubtedly, one of essential elements interior are curtains. They not only help to hide the room from prying eyes and get rid of bright light, but also give a special atmosphere. Especially in cases where lambrequins are additionally used. It would seem a trifle, but it is she who gives a noble look to any room, makes it bright, warm and cozy.

Undoubtedly, one of the most important elements of the interior are curtains.

The easiest lambrequins to sew are rectangular. Even beginner needlewomen can cut and sew them.

Doing it all yourself will help step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of fabric, the length of which should correspond to the length of the curtain.
  2. Hem the bottom of the fabric, and process the sides.
  3. Sew loops on the top for later fastening.

Tip: if the product is planned to be folded, then the length of the fabric should be one and a half times longer than the curtain.

Gallery: lambrequins (25 photos)

How to sew a lambrequin from a square (video)

How to sew lambrequins in the kitchen: fabric calculation with dimensions

Even in the kitchen, such voluminous decorating elements as lambrequins will be useful. But when making them, you need to take into account that they are intended specifically for this room, to accurately select the fabric that will be easy to count and calculate the dimensions as accurately as possible.

  • cornice;
  • suitable fabric;
  • cord for decoration;
  • stapler (furniture).

Even in the kitchen, such voluminous decorating elements as lambrequins will be useful.

How to cut yourself:

  1. Measure the fabric with a small margin, add fifteen centimeters to the length of the cornice on each side.
  2. The width of the fabric directly depends on how wide the lambrequin should be. The optimal width is seventy centimeters.
  3. Attach the cornice literally ten centimeters above the window.
  4. After that, attach the fabric to it starting from the center. Use a furniture stapler for this purpose.
  5. Fix it along this length, leaving only the edges free.

The remaining edges are carefully picked up and fixed with a cord.

How to sew swags

Even a beginner needlewoman can sew swags at home. Armed with patterns and having studied all the schemes, you can create real masterpiece, which is suitable for both the bedroom and the huge hall.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • pleated fabric;
  • curtain tape;
  • braid;
  • paper.

Even a beginner needlewoman can sew swags at home

We sew according to the scheme:

  1. Make all the necessary measurements and determine the depth and height of the product directly to the sag line.
  2. Measure the length of the bend at the bottom.
  3. Determine the width of the swag curtains and divide the resulting value by three.
  4. Leave the center not draped, but gather the side segments into folds.
  5. On the prepared sheet of paper, draw a pair of lines intersecting at point A.
  6. Set aside half the value of the middle from this point to the right and add a couple of centimeters to the finish.
  7. This point is labeled B.
  8. Calculate and mark the depth of sag, multiplied by 2.5.
  9. Draw the line AC after that.
  10. Draw a semicircle from mark A through point C and mark on it a value that will be equal to half the sag along the bottom and add another three centimeters for hemming. This point is labeled D.
  11. Connect points B and D, while rounding the corner part a little.
  12. As a result of these manipulations, half of the pattern of the future swag is obtained.
  13. After that, cut the fabric by transferring the pattern to the fabric.
  14. Trim the lower part immediately with braid.
  15. Iron all both side and upper sections, sew a curtain tape to them.

Tighten the threads, due to which and form a drapery.

Types of lambrequins

There are many varieties of lambrequins, but all of them can be divided into several groups:

  1. Hard. With it, not only decorates top part windows, but also hides the upper wall and cornice. It is a narrow strip. Fixed just below the ceiling. In shape, such lambrequins can be oval, rectangular and complex. The product can additionally be decorated with ribbons, fringe, cords and drapery.
  2. Soft. With it, you can decorate any curtain. To make such a lambrequin, patterns are needed. The fabric can be identical to the curtains or radically different from them.
  3. Combined. The basis of the product is rigid, and the drapery is soft, openwork, airy. It looks most spectacular in a house with huge window openings.

There are many varieties of lambrequins

Decoration elements of lambrequins

In order for the lambrequins to fully meet all the requirements of the needlewoman, to fit perfectly into the interior, they are often combined with the following decorative elements:

  • swag. It is a draped semicircle resembling a swing. It may or may not be completely symmetrical;
  • de frill. This element it is fixed on the side, it can be made both with a lower bevel and placed in steps. It is thanks to him that the lambrequin acquires the necessary vertical;
  • tie. This decor element has folds directly at the top of the cut;
  • mold - is fixed in the center of the lambrequin, between a pair of swags, the assembly is flared in the center.

Lambrequins are often combined with different elements additional decor

Lambrequin with ponytails: master class

Such an additional element of decor will look amazing in the kitchen and in the bedroom.. Its manufacture is carried out according to a certain scheme, which cannot cause difficulties.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • fabric (front and lining);
  • sealant;
  • cornice;
  • decorative cord;
  • ribbon;
  • pins;
  • stapler;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • screws.

How to cut and sew:

  1. Attach the cornice literally ten centimeters above the window frame.
  2. To cut the fabric, cut the fabric so that its length is twenty centimeters longer than the length of the cornice.
  3. The width of the flap should be about seventy centimeters.
  4. The lining fabric and sealant, by analogy with the front, cut and iron.
  5. Put the seal and the main fabric on top of the lining fabric, fix with pins.
  6. Stitch everything in such a way that about thirty centimeters are not stitched in the upper part.
  7. Remove the pins, and make small cuts across the corners.
  8. Turn the fabric inside out and iron.
  9. The hole that remains unstitched is sewn up by hand.
  10. Sew tape along the bottom.
  11. Attach the central part of the lambrequin to the eaves, fasten it to the plank and the rest.

Tie the ends with a decorative cord and tie into a bow.

Do-it-yourself lambrequins (video)

Lambrequin is a very popular element of decor, which, without special efforts You can make your own without leaving home. With its help, any, even a completely nondescript room, acquires amazing beauty and sophistication, becomes warm and cozy. There are many variations of such products, however, as well as additional elements decor. Therefore, it is possible to create those lambrequins that harmoniously fit into every interior, become not only beautiful, but also a unique addition to it.