How to make moon manicure by ordinary varnish. Options for lunar manicure for self-making. Technology for creating a lunar manicure

As we know, fashion returns to the circles! This kind of Neil Art Manicure did not exception. In order to make the lunar manicure at home, independently - you need to carefully worry. It is harder than Classic Franch, already so loved by us for many years.

From the article you will learn:

Moon manicure: how to do at home

In a not distant past century, the lunar manicure was very popular. Nowadays it revived famous fashion designer - Christian Dior. Back in 2007, such a manicure was noticed on fashionable showrooms. But only in 2009 it was appreciated by advantages and took into account. Neil Art Master picked up fashion form Manicure and trend combinations of flowers, to achieve a modern style.

Lunny Style

The lunar manicure is called the variety of Franch, this is a French manicure - only on the contrary. In the lunar manicure, a smile draws the oppositely classic French, that is, the root system of the nail. The moon itself can be placed as pleasing or up, or down.

Also, fashionably combine Frenc with the lunar manicure, then the manicure looks especially impressive. In this case, smiles are depicted in one direction. Same distinctive feature From Franch, the contrast of selected colors is. Flower palettes are very bright and varied. And what is the cardinal color, the more attractive they look.

In the lunar manicure, you can combine any colors that are combined and not combined. But stylists are inclined to combinations like: silver with black and gold, white with black or red, beige and red.

There is a little disadvantage of such a manicure. He visually shortens the length of the nail, but as we know short marigolds in fashion and it will not be a hindrance. Of course, on the long plate of the nail he will look more harmonious.

Moon manicure at home: instruction

Make you a job - stickers for Franch. They can be purchased in all stores of similar products. With their help, it is much faster and more accurate will be intended. To make her completion, you will need a thin brush.

Sometimes every woman wants to change something in its image. And most often girls experiment with hair. But the attempt of the cardinal change of image does not always give positive results. Much easier. Bring in your life fresh ideas. Enjoy original design In retro style, preferred a fashionable moon manicure. As visual manual We have prepared for you exciting video lessons and photo collection.

As you know, all new is well forgotten old. The axiom is valid for the lunar manicure on the nails. For the first time unusual design Nails arose in the 20s of the last century. At that time, the Arsenal Modnitz only began to be replenished with decorative varnishes. On etiquette, completely painted nails were considered a sign of promiscuity. Girls covered with varnish only part nail plate, leaving the free edge or reason not touched.

Later, the original moon manicure was undeservedly forgotten. But in 2007, the fashion show from Christian Dior retro style was revived. Dita von TIZ picked up the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fashion designer, and Lunar Neil-Art got a second life. I must say that in Hollywood, this manicure is particularly popular today. Famous beauties Often appear in lenses of video cameras with "lunar" marigolds. Stylish Neil Art, becoming a fashion trend, even received the second name - Manicure Lunar Frenc.

Manicure with stencils

The first thing you need before making the lunar manicure is to bring hands in order. If your notes need to be processed, use the Classic Procedure or. You can try care of the Brazilian system. Have you ever done a moon design on the nails? Take advantage of round stencils for beginners who are sold in a nail shop. Execution technique is very simple.

  1. Apply basic layer. Then cover your nail with decorative varnish and wait for the coating completely drying.
  2. Stick sticker on the lunula (nail base), as shown in the photo. Scroll part of the nail from the stencil before free edge varnish darker color.
  3. Discover the sticker and wait until the top layer gets up.
  4. Apply the top cover on the Neil-art. Take a look at the next step by step image, everything is really simple.

How to draw Neil-art from hand?

How to do lunar manicure if you do not have special stencils? To make the house design of nails from hand, you will need a transparent base, decorative varnish and a little patience. Treat the marigold and apply the basis that lines the surface.

  1. Take decorative varnish. Tassel spend on the contour of the lunula. Try to make a line proportional. If it does not work the first time, do not be discouraged. Over time, the drawing process will be easier to pass, and you can make a beautiful moon manicure much faster.
  2. Scroll with varnish top Nail from the planted line to the tip. After drying the first layer, apply the second. Try not to go after the smile line, otherwise the manicure will turn out to be untidy. The second time the brush is painted all flaws and shortcomings. The coating should go smoothly and without divorce.
  3. After drying the color layer, the manicure can be decorated with rhinestones or pebbles. Try to do it on one or two nails. On the smile line, apply a layer of transparent base. With the help of Dottsa in one row, place pebbles. They will be separated by the lunula and the main part of the nail plate. It turns out a kind of crime of crescent. After 5 minutes, apply your manicure at home to the nail top coverage, this step will end.

Reaches a little, you can easily make the lunar manicure at home. And that the learning process is more interesting, we suggest you see useful video The lesson from which you will learn at once 4 ways to draw wells.

Photo Gallery Moon Design Nail

We told you about how to do classic option Moon manicure. It's time to consider the brightest and stylish ideas Moon manicure, which you can, if you wish to implement. In our photo gallery you will find a light and dark neil-art with glitter and rhinestones, many bright and multicolored ideas. But for starters, consider some important comments.

  1. When selecting decorative varnishes special attention It is paid to the texture. Matte coating It is not recommended to combine with glossy. Such a composition looks slightly untidy. But a manicure, combining a matte and metal coating, looks gorgeous.
  2. The shape of the crescent can repeat the outline of the lunula or go beyond its borders. The shorter nails, the smaller the area should be "smile." By the way, the lunar manicure on short nails You can change a little, drawing the cumin on the cuticle. This will add to Neil-art notes of elegance and refinement.

Let's start our review from the most popular colors of the lunar manicure. And if in french manicure balls still ruled unsurpassed classic In white-beige tones, then the situation is somewhat different. It doesn't matter whether you want to make bright and luxurious or, on the contrary, an elegant and delicate moon manicure - you will definitely find in our collection of design that you have to taste.

Red Moon Manicure - One of the most popular designs in the world of Neil Art recent years. Especially stylish, the combination of red and white, or even more rich burgundy color In wine tones with white. Neil-art can be complemented by a glitter and rhinestones - a brilliant design will look luxurious and perfect for a solemn event.

Pink moon manicure is a more romantic design that I very much like young and dreamy girls. Neil-art looks on the nails gently, easy and air, very harmoniously complement sophisticated female image. Pink perfectly combined with white, but also in nail Design It often accompanies blue and black color.

Black lunar manicure - strict but damn stylish classic. The design is great for business women, office style and everyday socks. Black is best combined with white, beige and gold shades and textures. Such a manicure requires particularly attentive hand care, the nails must be perfect. To understand how stylishly there is a neil-art in black, just take a look at the photo of the moon manicure.

The next color in our top is blue. In addition to light I. dark shades Blue Consider and close by colors: purple, lilac, blue and others. Similar Neil Arts are so universal that they can be popular among very different girls and women. Just take a look stylish photosAnd you yourself understand without unnecessary words and epithets.

Beige Moon Manicure is the personification of calm, tenderness and elegance. Such a design often choose girls with an excellent sense of style and a clear understanding of what is best for them. Why are you needed bright and catchy, if you can make a manicure in beige tones, which will always look fashionable and relevant.

White lunar manicure. You have already seen that white is very often used in design as auxiliary color, but if desired, it can also become the main one. Especially if we are talking about a popular manicure today with a negative space. If we talk about color combination, then the best satellites in this case - Beige and black.

Having considered the most popular colors for Neil Art, you need to say a few words and about the additional decoration. Moon manicure With sparkles will give your image more brightness and solemnity. The sparkles in this case are located in the zone of the lunula, using as an auxiliary coating, and not as the main color. Lunar manicure with rhinestones looks still brighter, which is associated with the flickering of iridescent stones. An interesting reception is to lay out rhinestones a line of smiles in the Lunula region.

But what about creativity and drawing on the nails? it great way To uniqueize and refresh your Neil Art. The lunar manicure with a pattern will make a variety of monotonous design. As a rule, decorated one or two nails in order not to lose the already stylish and self-sufficient design. But there is no framework in this matter, and you can easily be guided only by your taste preferences.

In conclusion, we offer you great video lessons. You will learn how to make very stylish options Lunar Neil Art, without leaving home. Step-by-step master classes We will certainly help you achieve stunning results. Pleasant viewing, cute girls!

This nail design style is difficult to call a novelty, because he came in modern fashion From the distant 20s of the last century, when he was in great honor from the Hollywood actresses. Today, the popularity of manicure with holes is still on top - modern fashionista perform it to make a final notch in a solemn or casual Image. It is quite easy to do it, this manicure will be able to fulfill even a girl at home, which absolutely does not know how to draw. This is his main and indisputable advantage. In addition, he is appropriate in any situation, and therefore you do not have to update the coating too often. From this you will learn how to make a moon design, see the photo with the most delicious manicure options, and at the end you will find a learning video with a master class.

Technique implementation

Want to learn to make the moon nail design? Believe it is very simple! In order to create amazing stylish manicure With cute wells, you will need only a varnish of two colors and stencils that can be found in any specialized store. If everything you need already have at hand, you can start.

  1. To begin with, bring your nails in order: remove the old coating, cuticle, give them fit form.
  2. Apply that lacquer that you chose as a color for the holes and wait until it dry.
  3. Gently stick on the hole of the nail stencils and apply the lacquer of the main color. This can be done without stencils, but it turns out not so smoothly.
  4. Now they can be carefully rejected, after which you need to fix the manicure on the nails to the top coating.

That's all - beautiful lunar design is ready! You can experiment with different colors, complement or drawings - the scope for fantasy is unlimited. If you are not entirely clear how to make this nail design, look at the photo instruction.

What colors choose?

Moon nail design - close relative Franch well-known, so his classic option implies that the base of the nail remains colorless. To do this, the nail is first covered with a transparent basis, and then the stencil is already attached, and varnish of any color is applied. This option can be done for everyday life if you use neutral shades.

But experiments are not rebored, and even welcome! At home you can make the moon design in unique, original, memorable. Use the combinations of red and black, silver and burgundy, play on the contrast or create a gentle gamut. You can use completely any colors. The main thing is that they are harmoniously combined with each other.

The choice of materials is also great: ordinary varnishes, gels, shellats, foil for manicure. Your fantasy is not limited to anything!

Neil Art Ideas with Wells

Despite the fact that there are no strict rules in this type of design, it is still possible to distinguish between the most popular varieties of the lunar manicure.

  1. Unstasive classic - red. It is usually combined with a white or beige tint.
  2. The nude manicure is in constant popularity, that is, an inverted classic french.
  3. The combination of equal volume of two looks originally bright flowers And Lunga bodily shade. You can leave it transparent. In this case, it is not necessary to further paint the well - just cover the fixer from above.
  4. You can make an option with the triangular design of the well. Usually it is performed by a special tassel, but at home can be used the most ordinary scotch, gently forming triangles at the bottom of the nails. Especially popular combination of a bright triangle and white base.
  5. If you want to create a manicure with shiny varnish, I need to do it a little differently. First applied and the base is completely dried and only then the hole is created using stencils.

You can choose any of the options - all of them are very popular and relevant. Harmoniously combine them with your own way, and you will always be at the height. And in order to appear in your head fresh and original ideas, we suggest you to see a selection better options Design in the photo.

Small tricks will help you make a manicure neat, smooth and beautiful. Be sure to remember these tips when you decide to decorate your marigold moon design.

  1. After applying the main color, do not wait until it dry, and immediately remove the stencil. Thanks to this reception, the line will be perfectly smooth.
  2. If you want to supplement the design with rhinestones, then apply them only along the combination line of colors. Special stickers can be used for the central part. But the two of these decorative elements cannot be combined in any way.
  3. Be sure to fix the result with a top coating. So freshness of the manicure will continue for a long time.
  4. Using black color, choose the best combinations With white and red shades, as well as gold and silver. Watching such neil art trendy!

These simple advice And your violent fantasy creates a real miracle - the novels will look exquisitely and original. In this article we told you about a stylish and very popular type of nail design. In conclusion, we suggest you see interesting video With a master class from Tom Bachika, an international expert on the manicure of Loreal Paris.

Each fashionista will be able to independently make a beautiful lunar manicure. Photo step by step shows how you can make an original nails at home. The procedure is easy to perform with special stencils. Some girls learned to draw the shape of a crescent on the nail plate.

How to make a moon manicure - photo step by stencil

The image in the form of a crescent is a fashion trend of the season. Such famous personalitiesAs Rihanna, Megan Fox, Irina Dubtsova, Alena Vodonaeva and other stars, were noticed with the lunar manicure. The image becomes interesting and attractive. Such a picture is ideal for any event. And the photo of step by step moon manicure will help properly put the lacquer at home.

In a special store for cosmetologists and hairdressers can be purchased ready stencils For a manicure in the form of a smile. Sometimes stickers are sold in the departments household chemicals. The technique of performing lunar manicure is easy to use.

For the procedure you will need:

Such a simple option is available to every woman who wants to stand out. Moon manicure, photo step-by-step shown, looks good on long, medium and short nails.

How to make a lunar manicure without a stencil - step by step photo

If a special stencil is not purchased, but I really want to make the lunar manicure, then it is recommended to follow another step by step instructions. Some girls are used at home Scotch to designate the "smile" space. However, there is another technology. You can draw crescent on the nails on your own or manually.

To perform the procedure you need to take 2 varnish different color. It is recommended to choose contrasting shades. For example, as in the photo, red and blue varnish.

  • Nails are covered with red varnish and wait for complete drying.
  • From the base of the nail or the lunula make a small indent, covering the remaining part of the lacquer of blue.
  • After drying the second layer, a basic coating can be applied.

In order for the "smile" to be smooth, you can use a lip pencil. With it draws a suitable contour.

Design and ideas with lunar manicure

Fashion manicure can be diverse. It all depends on the shades of varnish, ideas and individual preferences. Stylish image can be created using a bright palette, or use pastel shades. Very often, the masters are used by the combinations of varnishes, like red, white, black, lilac, blue, purple, mint, green, turquoise, pink and other tones.

If the border of the alignment of two shades is made not exactly, you can disguise this area with rhinestones or sparkles. The trend of the season is, which can be perfectly harmonized with a lunar way.

Some masters are painting all the nails in the lunar technology. Interesting image with alternation different options. So, for example, several nails can be painted in a monophonic method.

When choosing an execution technology, it is recommended to take into account the event for which the manicure is made. So, image with pastel shades will be the ideal option for work. And complete the festive or solemn image.

Each, watching his external species Girl, always looking for ways to decorate your image. Can be done stylish hairstyle, but you can perform beautiful design Nail. Agree, well-groomed nails with interesting design Always look beautiful and attractive. Someone is looking for the last fashion trends Not only in clothing, style, but also to design their marigolds.

Now the lunar manicure became very fashionable, but do not think that this is something new. Lunar manicure was popular in the 20-30s of the last century and how it always happens, all fashion trends come back, change a bit on modern LadBut the base remains the same. While the time of nail polishes were only born and full coloring Nail was considered a bad tone.

Therefore, fashionable ladies have always left an unpainted nail base, his hole. Hence the name - Lunar manicure. Nowadays, Lunar Manicure gained a second breath, thanks to the fashion house Dior, who arranged fashion showWhere the models had a nails on the type of lunar design.

Today on the site website We will show how to make a lunar manicure, not necessarily contact the master in the salon, if you wish him easy can be made yourself at home. Make a lunar manicure should use special stickers (can be replaced with a scotch) or a conventional tassel. The main thing here is accuracy, harmoniously selected varnishes and of course well-groomed hands And nails.

How to make a lunar manicure - use stencil-stickers

Make a lunar manicure using special stickers is very simple.


  • two varnish different colors, preferably contrasting the color tone;
  • sticker stencils (can be replaced with scotchpie!);
  • Top finish coating - optional. To smooth out irregularities and add a sparkling gloss, and also complete the design, it is advisable to use a transparent varnish (drying, top covering, fixer)

1 step Make a hygiene manicure - clean your hands and nails, move or remove the cuticle, give the desired nail shape with a sawmill. Now you can put on your nails that you want to see near the base of the nail (on the photo gentle pink color)

2 step Position stickers at the bottom of the nails on each finger as shown in the photo.

3 step Cover your nails with second lacquer of another color and let dry

4 step can be covered with finish transparent varnish And apply oil on the cuticle. Moon manicure is ready!

How to make a lunar manicure with a brush

It requires some accuracy in design. Required:

  • Two varnish of different colors;
  • Thin brush;
  • Rhinestones for decoration - your taste at will;
  • Finish coating - optional.

1 step after hygienic manicure Cover the nails with lacquer. Let go well.

2 step with help thin brushes Gently draw half-winds with varnish of another color.

3 Step This varnish can also be applied to the tips of the nail along Franch.

4 step if you add rhinestones, the lunar manicure will look even more effectively.