Trousers vs. Trousers - What's the difference? Are pants really that conservative? Linen and cotton

For men, trousers are an everyday element of clothing. Only in summer time they can change to shorts. Few representatives of the stronger sex can distinguish between types of men's trousers. They classify them only into sports and classic. Jeans can stand out as a separate item. But this is not the whole list of the diversity of this element of clothing.

Types and their classification

Now guys can diversify their wardrobe well, unlike previous generations. A few decades ago, the types of men's trousers were reduced to several items - sports and classic options.

Modern guys have the opportunity to change their style every day and look original. Even classic pants have several variations. A variety of fabrics makes it possible to create models for any season.

The main types of men's trousers are distinguished:

  • classic;
  • khaki;
  • slacks;
  • cargo;
  • chinos;
  • velveteen;
  • jeans.

These types have their own tailoring features and are made from different fabrics. The choice of a particular type of product depends on the time of year and the purpose of the campaign in them.

Classic pants

This best option clothes for work in the office or for a special occasion. Such trousers are often sewn from plain fabric with the addition of enough synthetics. This feature is easily explained - the product should not wrinkle while wearing.

Mens pants ( classic views) may have tucks in front. Such models are now less popular, but still in demand among the stronger sex, who have a dense physique. Tucks visually hide the volume of the hips and waist. It is easier to sit down in them, as they have a free cut.

Most often, such models have arrows in front. They need to be ironed periodically with special care so that you do not get two on each leg. To do this, you need to have special skills that almost every older man has, since previously only such models of classic trousers were worn.

Young people are more inclined towards types of products without tucks. These models are more fitted, suitable for wearers slim figure. When choosing this type of trousers, you need to make sure that there are no folds in front and at the bottom of the legs.


This type of product is distinguished by its simplicity and convenience at the same time. The wide cut makes them feel free and comfortable. These trousers feature large patch pockets on the sides. They are quite roomy and voluminous.

Cargo are sewn from thick fabric mostly dark shades. They go well with sports shoes and knitted sweaters. No need to combine such trousers with classic elements of clothing or choose military-style colors - this will indicate a lack of taste in their owner.

Types of men's trousers free cut perfect for walking and meeting with friends. This option will be successful for guys whose work is associated with constant movement.


Pants in this category are perfect modern men who love simplicity and convenience. They have a straight cut and are sewn from cotton fabric with addition a small amount synthetics. Most often, chinos are presented in beige and brown tones. But modern designers more and more bright colors are used in these models.

These pants go great with dress shirts and modern raglans. You can wear a jacket or a jacket under them. knitted sweater. This model is considered universal and suitable for guys of any physique.


This type is more suitable for wearing in the warm season. A special feature is tailoring only from cotton fabric light tones. The cut of these trousers is straight and loose.

The model is worn under or sandals. Slacks cannot be combined with sports shoes and bright multi-colored T-shirts or raglans. Under them it is better to wear shirts or polos.

Jeans and corduroys

These pants are very popular among men of all ages. Jeans are quite practical and comfortable for any season. These trousers are casual clothes. They can be thin or insulated.

Corduroy trousers are usually sewn in dark colors. They are suitable for the cold season, as they are sewn from dense fabric. This type of trousers is similar in cut to classic pants, can be safely combined with shirts and jackets.

Both options have good wear resistance and are easy to maintain. These pants are practically not whimsical to the washing regime. Models are universal, and such types of men's trousers are very popular among guys. The photo above shows how well they sit on the figure.


Such models are suitable for people working in offices. They have a straight cut and are made of dense fabric. Previously, these types of men's trousers were sewn only from the material. Now the shades have become more diverse, but still should be dark.

These pants may have tucks. Young people with a good figure prefer models without them. These trousers fit the hips and are looser in the legs. They are worn under a belt, more often Brown. They look great with sports shoes and shoes. No need to combine these trousers with classic shoes with extended toe.

Now for the representatives of the stronger sex are given a choice different kinds men's trousers, the names of which may or may not be known to them. Regardless of this, it is better to have several options in your wardrobe at once, so as not to look monotonous and boring.

At first glance, they are so similar ... comfortable, comfortable, versatile trousers and jeans are favorite items women's wardrobe. And yet there is a difference between them! Otherwise, why do strict employers categorically forbid their employees to come to the office even in black jeans?! And you don’t even have to try to pass face control in an elite nightclub if you are wearing dress pants.

It's all about style!

Jeans are clothes made from denim, a thick cotton fabric. Jeans can be different colors, but they must have pockets, rivets and a manufacturer's label.

Pants are sewn from any fabric: natural, synthetic, mixed. Pants usually don't have labels or rivets.

All this gives grounds to assert that trousers are an element classical style and jeans - sporty or urban. This is their main difference from each other. And therefore, when the question is: “Which is better to buy: trousers or jeans?” placed with an edge, it is worth focusing on own image life and the existing wardrobe.

    Jeans are your choice: if the job involves constant movement or the company does not have strict requirements for appearance employees. You should not refuse to buy new jeans for those who are more comfortable in low-speed shoes, as well as those who do not have a hint of strict blouses and shirts in their wardrobe.

    Give preference to trousers if your goal is a successful career in big company. T-shirts and sweatshirts have no place in the business world, and silk blouses, feminine cardigans and pumps look much better in the same ensemble with dress pants.

Might be worth the risk?

And yet, stylists advise at least sometimes to change their preferences. Moreover, both trousers and jeans have their own advantages, which cannot be assessed until you try them on.


    Lungs. Of course, we have long been accustomed to the fact that jeans are always at least a little, but restrict movement. And even learned not to notice it. Until one day, after trying on denim skinny or twill chinos, we realize how much more comfortable trousers can be in spring and summer.

    Bright. New collection pleases the eye with a variety of shades. Here black and dark blue, sand and white, lemon and chocolate. And how can you resist the temptation?


    Comfortable. Pants literally force their owner to keep their posture, control their gait. But sometimes you want a little bit of madness. Rollerblading, going to an amusement park, or just dancing until you drop at an incendiary party - all this is possible only in comfortable jeans.

    Wrinkle-resistant. Just imagine, no more ironing! With trousers it was impossible, but jeans save your time for more important things!

Khaki, trousers, cargo... No, leggings are not pants. And jeggings too!

One summer in 2011, I was walking down 42nd Street when I caught sight of the front of the Gap store, directly across from the Conde Nast Publications building (where various magazines, including Vogue). The female mannequins were wearing pants that can only be described by the word "tights", as well as shirts and jackets. The slogan ran across the window: "Leggings are an alternative to jeans."

You probably know that I respect the law, but I wanted to break that shop window or spray-paint to correct the inscription. In no case are leggings - in other words, tights - are not an "alternative to jeans." Tricot - alternative bare feet or tights. It will not replace regular pants.

Striped leggings, 1987.

How are leggings different from pants

Luckily, one smart blogger created a flowchart titled: “Do I wear pants? A test for girls to prevent WDSD syndrome (leaving the house without pants). Among the main questions, the girls were asked to answer the following about their "pants" before leaving the house: "Do they have pockets?" "Can I go to yoga in them?" ? Summing up looked like this: “Fu, you have tights on!” or “Hooray, you must have your pants on.” I was glad to know that I'm not the only one who is shocked by the fashion for tights.

Concerning men's wardrobe, then leggings and jeggings did not captivate him so much, but because of this, if a man still puts them on, they look much worse on him. Once I was invited to an evening talk show with Conan O'Brien, and we talked for a long time about this trend. Surprisingly, Conan came to the next show - guess what - in jeggings! He played a great joke on everyone, but, fortunately As far as I know, he never wore jeggings again.

What a pity that, despite the glorious history of the development of both men's and women's pants, regular trousers made of inelastic and non-denim fabrics are so unpopular today. I said men's and women's because the traditional notion that men should wear pants and women should wear skirts doesn't really fit the story. It is not even close to true that the first women's pants were bloomers created in the 19th century.

Have you heard of Bloomers?

Would you believe that in the entire history of mankind, women have probably worn trousers more often than men?! Most Eastern countries men wore hoodies and women wore trousers. In Greece, initially all garments were unisex. When the Persians defeated the Babylonians in the 6th century BC, the latter adopted unisex pants.

As Quentin Bell writes, Russian empress Elizaveta Petrovna (who ruled from 1741 to 1762) was proud of her beautiful legs, upset that she is always forced to hide them under her skirts. She solved this problem in the following way: balls with metamorphoses were arranged, to which women came in trousers, and men in crinolines. The pants made her figure especially beautiful, but everyone else felt unhappy, because they didn’t look so good after the “metamorphosis”. “It may have started as a joke,” writes Bell, “but it ended up being a monstrously boring event.”

With such a long history, I'm surprised why women in trousers drew so much condemnation in the 19th century. Usually the creation of women's trousers is attributed to Amelia Jenks Bloomer from New York, but this is not her main merit. She was primarily an anti-drinking activist. In 1851, Bloomer published an article in the feminist magazine Lily, which she herself edited, in which she proposed introducing women's fashion a kind of "Turkish costume", consisting of wide pants collected at the ankle, and short skirt.

Amelia Bloomer, along with one of her friends, began to wear such bloomers with a skirt, following the example of another mutual friend, Mrs. Miller, who in 1848 saw similar working clothes in the Oneida religious community. The name "millers" did not sound as funny as "bloomers", so Tribune editor Horace Greeley, who gave the name to these pants, chose the latter, ridiculing them in his articles. Mrs. Bloomer wore pants and a skirt to her lectures on the dangers of alcohol, but she was teased so mercilessly that, in the end, she stopped wearing them. When a similar piece of clothing returned years later, it was received much warmer, and the name “bloomers” was preserved behind it.

The Bloomers, 1851

However, Amelia Bloomer (and her friend Mrs. Miller) did not live to see the day when her name was fully rehabilitated.

From the history of women's pants

In the early 1900s, fashionistas sometimes wore harem pants, thanks in part to Paul Poiret's evening gowns inspired by costumes from the Russian Seasons. When did the first one end? World War, rich Americans began to wear French evening dresses in the afternoon, going, say, to a cocktail. (By the way, did you know that the tradition of drinking cocktails in certain time brought by the Americans? One-zero in our favor!) It is for this french fashion designers such as Chanel and Vionnet created wide-leg palazzo trousers, silk tops and wraparound jackets. In the fall of 1966, Norman Norell designed sequined pajamas, perfect for passing the time with a cocktail. The next time you're rushing to a happy hour restaurant after work, imagine wearing one of these outfits!

In the 1940s, out of time, modern fashion designer Elizabeth Hawes tried to bring fashion to women's pants. And she herself set an example for women. During World War II, Hoz closed a tailoring shop, taking a job at a factory and writing a column for the left-wing daily PM (PM). One of her articles was titled: "Girls in slacks are having fun with might and main in Coney Island."

Usually women's trousers of the 40s and 50s had a fit at the waist - then low-waisted trousers did not exist yet! The most popular in the 1950s were cigarette trousers with wide belt with loops. They were worn with a narrow strap.

Palazzo trousers caught on better than cigarette trousers. They still look good today. In my opinion, they are more elegant than casual. You can complement the wide palazzo trousers with a narrow top. It is difficult to say where they can be worn today, but where they will definitely fit is in a restaurant with a glass of a cocktail, for which they were originally created.

Imagine a man with no pants

Some of the very first men's pants date back to 550 BC. They were worn in the Persian Empire. And really elegant. men's trousers appeared in France in the first half of the 17th century. Narrow cut and high waist visually lengthen the silhouette.

We know that in the 1850s, and again in the 1940s, women in trousers drew condemnation from those around them. But did you know that not only for women's, but also for men's trousers, everything was not going smoothly? In particular, since the 1700s, society has been concerned that men's trousers are too easy to take off. Initially, they were fastened at the front with buttons and covered with a long waistcoat, but when the waistcoats became shorter in 1760, such a clasp was changed to a “flap flap” - a bar fastened on the sides. Around 1840, the flap on evening trousers was replaced by a button fly. But the zipper tickled the nerves of the public the most, as it was very easy to unfasten. This is partly why it took so long for it to become fashionable.

Actress Dolores Gray at home in high-waisted trousers, 1950s.

Models for summer holiday, including palazzo trousers, 1932.

When did zipper pants appear

In the 1890s, Midwestern American salesman Whitcomb Judson invented the zipper for shoes. A variety of entrepreneurs and inventors worked on a similar design, but even in the 1920s, zippers were used only on rubber overshoes, belt purses and tobacco pouches. Approximately in the same years, the company "B.F. Goodrich Rubber Company (B.F. Goodrich Rubber Company) proposed the name "zipper" for a new type of fastener. However, before lightning appeared on clothes, another ten years passed.

In her 1935 clothing collection, Elsa Schiaparelli used zippers as both closures and decorations. In 1937, Edward Molyneux adopted zippers for his slim coats. By the end of the 1930s, men's tailors high class they began to use them as a fastener for the fly, and only then did the zipper appear on the finished trousers. By the 1950s, it had already become the main type of fastening on pants. In the book Fear of Flying by Erica Jong, written in 1973, the term "open" or "casual sex" appears for the first time. She explains it like this: “When you meet, clothes open and fall like rose petals, underwear vanishes like dandelion fluff with one breath.

And precisely because the front zip can be unzipped so quickly, if women in the 1940s and 1950s wore trousers, then only with a fastener on the side. The front zipper was considered too provocative. In some European countries until the 20th century, laws were passed prohibiting women from wearing pants in a masculine manner: "Women who wish to wear men's trousers must therefore sew up the fly and rearrange the zipper in the side seam." Today, most pants come with a zipper.

In general, this sits best classic model, the legs of which fall directly from the widest part of the thigh, without flaring or tapering. You definitely can't go wrong with this style.

As for the waistline, there are three main types of fit: high, low and medium. If your hips are wider than your waist, low-rise pants usually fit well. But, of course, no one should expose their belly.

Avoid pants with pleats

Now let's talk about folds. Here I emphatically declare: never. I recently went to Brooks Brothers Outlet Store to buy a new tuxedo. A wonderful wool suit hung on a hanger. medium density. I liked everything about it, but when I tried it on, it turned out that the trousers were pleated. I asked for a model without folds. I was told that the only variant of trousers included with the tuxedo was with pleats. Without pleats, you can only pick up individual tuxedo trousers, but they are all made of much less luxurious fabric.

Why do you only have pleated trousers? I asked.

These are preferred by our customers, - the seller answered.

Don't wear pleated trousers! I insisted. - So tell them!

I ended up buying the trousers and the tuxedo separately, in a less refined fabric. I just can't stand wrinkles. To me, it's like walking around in Crocs rubber clogs.

Due to the folds, there seems to be more space at the waist, and many believe that if they are full, then these are the trousers they need to wear. They are wrong! The folds are not designed to hide the stomach, because the waistband of the trousers itself does not stretch anyway. In fact, they only visually increase the waist due to excess fabric. Indeed, some overweight men they love trousers with pleats, because they make it easier to put your hands in your pockets. Actually, I don't think you should put too much in your pockets, but I respect personal choice everyone.

A few words about cuffs on trousers

Now about lapels, a fairly new notion. It is believed that they were introduced by King Edward VII. It happened in the second half of the 19th century, when he wrapped his trousers so as not to stain them with dirt, and everyone considered it fashionable. On trousers from the front military uniform or a suit for special occasions, there are never lapels. The rest is a matter of taste. I don't like lapels either on women's or on men's pants: it seems to me that they visually shorten the length of the trousers, they look not so modern and more casual. Any man who realizes that he is not so tall should by no means wear cuffed pants. In them, the legs seem even shorter. My sister's husband loves lapels on everything. I also used to wear them often, but now they seem old-fashioned to me. Plus, they draw attention to the bottom of the suit, which means you should always make sure your boots are polished! True, I understand why some people like to emphasize the bottom half of the legs: they think that the lapels allow the pants to sit better.

Are pants really that conservative?

As a general rule, trousers are now considered more conservative and formal than jeans. Such a bias occurred in 1969, and when the abyss opened up between trousers and jeans, I was on the wrong side. IN private school, which I then went to, organized a field trip to the Woodstock Music and Arts Fair. The six of us, all in Weejuns loafers, gray flannels, and blue school-marked blazers, climbed into the van. This event interested me more culturally than musically. After all, I was studying classical piano at the time, and I could hardly hear him on Max Yasgur's dirty farm.

We arrived at the end of the day. There were a lot of cars on the road. As I walked through the fields, I couldn't stop thinking how absurd it all was. People were everywhere, on hundreds of acres of land. I don't like crowds, so I kept my eyes on the van. I also tried to ignore how dirty it was around me. My boots immediately fell into disrepair.

My roommate really wanted to go there. You could tell from his accent that he had grown up on fashionable Park Avenue. And so, during our walk around the farm, he went up to a group of hippies lounging on the ground, crazy from marijuana, acid, alcohol and everything else, and in his aristocratic accent said: “What a charming dog you have!”

It wasn't a dog. And the child. I grabbed Jim's hand and said, "Let's get out of here."

And so ended our two-hour excursion to the Woodstock festival. Coming back to Connecticut, in our mud-splattered flannels, we felt overwhelmed.

"It's not that great, is it?" one of my classmates said. No one really knew what to answer him.

If you think about it, I'm glad I went there. Despite the fact that this historical event had little to do with me, it was very important. I didn't know at the time that the festival would be a turning point for our generation. But I understood that my classmates and I would not feel completely out of place if we were instead school uniform in bell-bottom jeans.