How to soften your towels at home. How to make terry towels soft and fluffy after washing? Folk Ways to Soften Towels

If it suddenly turns out that your favorite towel has become hard, lost its brightness or turned gray, you should not be upset. Washed terry towels will last longer. Simple ways will help them return color and fluffiness.


With the coming into our lives washing machines, universal powders, washing rules are forgotten. It is worth remembering and putting them into practice.

  • towels must be washed separately from other items. Terry items, due to their structure, easily absorb dye or dirt from other products. After such washing, they lose color, become faded. And if the thing was white or pastel shade, it can turn into an unpleasant gray color.
  • Do not put dark towels together with light ones.
  • if you can load 5-7 kg of things into the machine, you should not do this when washing towels. It is enough to put 3-4 large baths or 6-7 small ones. Washing requires large volume water. If you load the machine to the maximum, you will not get a wash, but the opposite effect. Towels will not be washed, but will spin in dirty water.
  • wash once a week or more. The principle is that the more often towels are used, the more often they need to be changed.
  • if there is sufficient dirt, the garment should be soaked for several hours before washing. when washing with powder, the softness of terry items is lost and they become prickly. To avoid this, it is better to use gel instead of powder. The dosage of the detergent is half as much as usual. Large amounts of powder or gel are difficult to wash out of the terry cloth.
  • you can not use products with chlorine. Chlorine destroys the structure of the fabric and the towels will tear quickly.
  • if the water used is hard, it must be softened. To do this, add special tablets or capsules to the washing machine. Table vinegar softens water well.
  • the washing temperature for terry products should be no more than 60 °. If the towels are colored, then 40 °. This temperature will prevent them from shedding.
  • using tennis balls or special balls for down jackets, you can keep the fluffiness of the terry cloth.
  • rinsing requires a lot of water. It is advisable to turn on the additional rinse function when washing, or rinse the laundry twice.
  • it is advisable to add conditioner to the rinse water. It gives pleasant aroma and silky softness to things.
  • spinning is recommended minimum, no more than 700 revolutions.
  • do not leave towels in the drum of the washing machine for a long time. It is better to take them out immediately, shake them well and hang them flat to dry. If the laundry is damp for a long time, it starts to smell unpleasant.
  • do not dry terry products on a radiator or in the sun. If you do this, rigidity is ensured.
  • Terry towels do not need to be ironed. They are folded neatly, straightening the folds with your hands. From the iron, the loops fit snugly to the base of the fabric and the fluffiness is lost.


Washed towels look unpleasant. It seems that they have not been washed for a long time. This can be fixed, but this will require additional funds... You can use bleaches and rinses, or you can use home remedies. Salt, soda, mustard and vinegar laundry soap and every housewife has vegetable oil in her house.

Soaking is an effective way.

It is best to soak overnight, but there are several options for soaking:

  • about 500 grams of soda ash is diluted in 5 liters of water. Towels in this solution are soaked for 24 hours.
  • 2 tablespoons of dry powdery mustard is diluted in 1 liter of water. The solution is added to a bucket of water, and the towels are left to lie down for 12 hours.
  • 5 tablespoons of salt is dissolved in 5 liters cold water... Soak the laundry overnight.
  • baking soda will need a little less than half a cup. Dilute in a bowl of water and soak for several hours.
  • laundry soap is rubbed on a grater, 5 tablets of hydrogen peroxide are added, 1 tablespoon ammonia... When using ammonia, you need to be careful - it is alkali, which can cause burns.
  • a tablespoon is added to a bucket of water vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of bleach, 0.5 cups of powder. For soaking in such a solution, 3 hours are enough.
  • After this procedure, you must thoroughly rinse terry products in a large volume of water.


When washing towels that have lost their appearance, it is worth adding to the powder baking soda... It not only softens the terry, but also disinfects and removes unpleasant odors.


It is undesirable to boil terry clothes. But if the towels are white, and there is no other way to return them to whiteness, then this method can be used. For boiling, in addition to the powder, bleach is added to a bucket of water. Bleach is only suitable for one that does not lose its properties when boiled. You should carefully read the instructions for the bleach. The boil time usually takes 50-60 minutes. You can add grated laundry soap and 1 tablespoon of silicate glue to a bucket of water instead of powder. It is enough to boil for half an hour.


  • We recommend adding a handful of baking soda to the rinse water to soften the rinse.
  • for whitening it is worth remembering the "grandmother's" method: drip a little blue into the last rinse water. Ink can be added instead of blue purple... It is important that the water is slightly blue.


A vertical steamer will help to raise the terry and return fluffiness. After this procedure, you should let the towel dry flat.

If the towels, sheets, or bathrobe have become hard, you can try to restore their softness. To do this, do the following:

  • Soak the terry cloth in a large basin with a clean cold water at 12 o'clock.

  • Rinse well in warm water to get rid of any residue washing powder.

  • To begin with, the towel should be soaked in a large number cold clean water for 10-12 hours, and then rinse well. This will help get rid of dried-on laundry detergent residues.

  • Pour lukewarm water into a large basin, add a few handfuls table salt, dissolve the salt in water and immerse the terry cloth there for 1 hour.

  • Remove the product from the water, wring it out slightly without twisting it.

  • Hang the item over a bathtub or large basin to drain excess water.

  • After the water drains, shake the item well and hang to dry. It is better to hang the dressing gown on a hanger.

  • Without overdrying, remove the slightly damp terry cloth from the clothesline and steam with an iron. In no case should you iron, as the fluffiness and softness will disappear.

  • It is advisable to iron terry items by vertical steaming, keeping the iron at a distance.

How to properly care for terry clothes?

Bring terry things into more or less decent look- half the battle. What should be remembered so that terry clothes do not lose their attractiveness again?

  • It should be remembered that terry products should be washed in water of 30-40 degrees, without neglecting additional rinsing. Rinse thoroughly.

  • Liquid soap or shampoo is better as a detergent. If you still use a powder, then you should add vinegar when rinsing, it neutralizes the remains of the powder, which makes the terry product hard ..

  • Rinse terry linen better hands, in cool water with the addition of vinegar, table salt or a special conditioner (preferably with silicone).

  • Do not soak terry products for more than 3 hours, they may acquire bad smell, which will not be easy to get rid of later.

  • It is better to rinse terry clothes by hand. This can be done after the item has been removed from washing machine... The product must be removed from the water, squeezed out excess water, allowed to drain, and then hung up to dry.

  • For the last rinse, you can add a little vinegar or table salt to the water.

  • An ideal option is an electric dryer with warm air streams.

  • Excellent conditions for drying terry clothes - outdoors. But in this case, the main thing is not to dry them out. It is better to hang clothes in the shade, even better in the wind.

  • Drying terry products on the balcony in winter is not recommended. as in severe frost they will freeze and they can be "broken".

  • If you dry terry products in the bathroom, be sure to open the door, as the product may purchase.

  • Before drying, terry items must be well shaken and straightened.

  • It is better not to iron terry clothes, as the fluffiness and softness will disappear

  • If the garment is wrinkled, it is better to apply vertical steaming, keeping the iron at a distance.

Hello! Why do some terry things get tough? This question worries many housewives. Let's reveal the secrets correct wash... Exists simple tricks, revealing how to make terry towels soft after washing. We will tell you about them today.

How to restore softness to towels

By purchasing a terry towel, we hope that we will bask for a long time in its fluffy nap. But unfortunately, after just a few, some products lose their original fluffiness.

Why are the towels hard after washing? Terry cloth is made up of pile, which are tiny loops. It is these loops that give it elasticity, softness, and make it possible to draw in water.

If the hygiene item is properly looked after, the villi will not lose their shape, and any item will remain with the same delicate nap as on the first day of purchase.

The reasons for the stiffness of the fabric:

  • incorrectly selected funds;
  • too hard water;
  • improper washing and drying.

Correct wash steps

What if the hygiene items become hard? The answer to this question is obvious: you need to look after properly! What can you do at home? To remove strong dirt, it is necessary to soak in a vinegar solution: 15-20 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of warm water.

If washing takes place in a washing machine, then:

  • separate the white towels from the colored ones;
  • put terry clothes in a mesh bag so that they do not come into contact with the washer drum;
  • do not wash a wet, undried thing, in order to avoid musty smell;
  • you should not use bleach, which will definitely stiffen the terry cloth;
  • choosing detergent powders such as Tide, Ariel and other advertised products should be avoided. Powder particles will be hammered into the fibers of the fabric, giving it unnecessary stiffness, use "Weasel".
  • add 9% vinegar - 150 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water to the compartment for the conditioner.
  • use terry balls or a foot massager. The spiked balls will prevent the villi from sticking together.

How to choose the best remedy

The most the best means for washing, these are gels that do not linger in the loops, rinse out easily from there. With heavy pollution better to wash. Lather the stain with soap, leave for 3-40 minutes, then rinse, then place in the machine.

If the stain persists, wet it with ammonia, then rinse the product, then wash in the selected mode.

How to choose a mode for washing

Not every program is suitable for this process. The required water temperature for terry products is 30-40 ° C. You can turn on 60 ° C if there is no prohibition on this temperature on the label.

Great attention paid to spinning. The optimum number of revolutions is 400 rpm. If you use a faster spin, the loops of the terry cloth will stretch a lot, lose their shape, and therefore will not perform their functions.

You cannot use wash modes with not enough water. The mahra must be saturated with water to extend all the fibers of the fabric.

A large drum load will also not contribute to quality. It is enough to load on 2/3 of the drum. Well, if you carry out three rinses, then all hard things will become soft and tender, as the fibers get rid of detergents.

How to use the rinse aid

How to soften terry products? Be sure to use a fabric softener to restore the texture of the fabric. (Just don't pour too much, quantity is not the best way to soften terry clothes). After using a quality conditioner, your hygiene products will feel soft and fluffy.

Pay attention to the composition of the conditioner, there must be silicone. After the whole process, you can rinse in a vinegar solution. Vinegar solution will also give softness to the product.

After a good rinse, go to to drying:

  • Before hanging the towels, shake them well so that the loops take original form.
  • Drying in direct sunlight is not recommended. Mahra becomes so tough that it is difficult to restore it to its previous state.
  • must be hung in a well-ventilated place. The breeze will improve the condition of the fabric, rid it of the remaining moisture.
  • It is impossible to overdry the products, this will lead to sticking of the loops.
  • If it is not possible to dry in the open air, then the best place for drying, it is a bathroom, where the air is always slightly humid.
  • If there is a drying machine, then the towels are dried in it.

Do I need to iron terry towels? No, not recommended. Use a steamer instead of an iron.

How do I restore a towel?

How to soften a tough piece:

  • The best way- wipe again, following the above recommendations.
  • To soften water, use capsules to hand wash or tablets for washing machines.
  • Keep the product in the solution common salt about 40 minutes. This procedure will help to straighten the loops in the fabric.
  • After salt water, squeeze the product by hand, shake, hang to dry.
  • Another way to achieve fluffiness is to soak overnight in plenty of cold water. In the morning, rinse, then dry. Pure water removes detergent residues that have made the fabric roughened.
  • A good option is to use a steamer. The flow of hot air will return the loops old form.
  • Soaking in a solution will help soften the towel: put 1 tbsp for 1 liter of water. l. salt, pour in 1 tsp. ammonia. Soak for 2-3 hours. Then rinse well.
  • Soaking old towels in saline solution for 20-30 minutes will help restore softness to old towels. Salt - 1-2 tablespoons 5 kg of laundry can be added to the powder compartment for washing.

How to make a towel soft after washing is a rhetorical question for most housewives. Very often, terry cloths become stiff after washing, especially if the choice of powder and washing mode is incorrect. How to avoid this and keep them soft and fluffy, as in their original form - we'll talk about this in our article.

Top reasons towels lose softness

Before talking about the softness of terry products, let's first find out the main reasons why they can lose it, and there can be many of them. Any of them in itself can make them tough, and even more so in aggregate.

  1. Poor quality powder, especially phosphate based.
  2. Strongly hard water, high in salt and calcium, and avoiding special water softeners.
  3. Spin and rinse in economy mode, with a small amount of water. In such cases, the powder or other product is poorly rinsed out and remains in the tissues.
  4. Ironing without steam.
  5. Low air humidity during drying.
  6. Wrong temperature setting for washing.

Steps to take to keep your towels soft

Terry towels, albeit not a piece of clothing, but also require respectful attitude and compliance with the rules of operation, no matter how strange it may sound, because, it would seem, this is just some kind of towel. Follow the recommendations that you are reading now, and everything will be fine with them for a long time, and they will be soft, tender and fluffy.

  1. Try to choose liquid detergents as an alternative to dry powders. They have a softer effect on the fabric and wash out faster and better.
  2. If you did wash regular powder, then set the additional rinse mode on the typewriter in order to wash it out of the fabric as much as possible.
  3. Try not to use bleaches and conditioners - they are difficult to wash out and spoil the terry. If you still do not want to give up the conditioner, then use one that contains silicone - it will soften the villi.
  4. There are special balls for beating down and fluff during washing. Add a couple of these to the drum of a toy car or tennis balls, and they will significantly soften the fabric.
  5. Do not use temperature conditions above 40⁰С.
  6. Fill the drum no more than a third so that the water can circulate freely and thoroughly wash out the fibers of the fabric when rinsing.
  7. Do not set the spin mode too hard. 400-500 rpm is quite enough.
  8. It is recommended to add a teaspoon of baking soda or a tablespoon of salt, preferably sea salt, to the detergent.
  9. You can add 150 ml of 9% vinegar to the conditioner compartment.
  10. Do not use detergents containing phosphates or chlorine.
  11. Use water softeners.
  12. Do not wash with items that have metal parts such as zippers or metal buttons. Better yet, wash them separately from other things.


Nowadays, few people remember that you can also wash things with your hands in a basin, without using any bourgeois automatic machines there. Nowadays, rarely anyone will go to such an extreme, but if you still decide to shake off the old days, then you have some tips:

  1. In this case, it is better to refuse powders altogether and use liquid soap as a detergent, or even better, ordinary laundry soap. He will preserve the splendor and wash it off with a bang.
  2. Pre-soak your garment in cold water.
  3. Dissolve the soap in warm water and add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda or table salt there. Immerse towels in this solution and leave them there for half an hour.
  4. Carefully, without sharp movements, wash. Do not rub the fabric heavily with your hands - this will deform the terry and deprive it of fluffiness. Only light and smooth movements.
  5. Rinse in at least three waters, adding 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the last.

In order for the towels to become soft, here are a few more additional tips and life hacks.

  • Read the information on the tag and do not neglect it.
  • Shake well before hanging to dry.
  • Do not dry near open sources high temperatures and do not dry them outside in extreme heat.
  • Iron with steam only.
  • If there is a water filter at home, then there will be extra water intended for washing, pass through it.

Is it possible to bring old hard towels back to life?

Yes, you can, so do not rush to throw them away, unless, of course, the shashel has not completely finished off them to the holes. To resuscitate, do the following:

  • 5 liters warm water, add 3 tablespoons of salt and dissolve.
  • Soak textiles in this solution for half an hour.
  • Take out and wash in a typewriter, in normal mode without forgetting to add an emollient. Do not add any more powders and other nasty things.

If the fabric has become very dull over the years or there are old stains on it, then a mixture of salt, ammonia (ammonia) and water will help you. For 1 liter of warm water, add a teaspoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of salt. Soak for 10-12 hours and wash as in the previous method.

How to determine the hardness of your water supply

At first glance, it may seem that the question is allegedly off topic. But, considering that this property water directly affects the quality of washing, then it no longer seems so inappropriate. If someone didn’t know, then water is by no means the same for everyone, and its quality in different regions, and even areas or townships, is significantly different.

If you are wondering how good your tap water is for washing your terry products, and if you should use emollients then you just need to know the hardness of your tap liquid. Let's try to do this at home, without resorting to official data, which, as a rule, are perverted and do not correspond to reality.

With soap

  1. Crumble the soap into water. If it is almost all dissolved, then it is soft. If there are many floating particles left, then, alas, its quality leaves much to be desired.
  2. Wet your hands under the tap and lather. If you wash your hands quickly and easily, then everything is fine. If with difficulty, then a very hard liquid flows in the pipes.

With tea

Brew black tea, preferably leafy tea, and after a few minutes notice its color. If it is light and bright, then everything is fine, if it is dark and cloudy, then this indicates hard water.

Please note: when using liquid detergents, do not blindly believe what is written on the packaging, especially when it comes to the amount that you are advised to use once. Any manufacturer household chemicals I am interested in you using up as much of their products as possible, so that you run out of it faster and tomorrow you come to buy a new one. Always use a little less than the recommended amount, at least a quarter. Believe me, nothing terrible will happen in this case.

We hope that in this article you have learned a lot of new things for yourself and that it was useful to you. Soft terry products and home comfort!

Video: How to restore the softness of terry towels - grandma's recipes

Most of us can no longer imagine how to do without soft, pleasant to the touch terry products: towels, bathrobes, sheets. How to achieve the softness of terry products, how to properly care for them and how to return them to their original tenderness? Here are some tips from experienced housewives.

How to make terry clothes soft?

  • Megan: I definitely add a conditioner - Vernel (tried Lenore, it turned out to be worse);
  • Natalyok: My mother-in-law advised me to rinse the towels in salted water after washing, supposedly they are softer and wrinkle better. And they are also not ironed after washing. And I myself rinse in Lenore. So far it suits me. And it is also not recommended to squeeze them very hard by hand. And after the machine you need to shake it very well;
  • Tochka: My towels are stiff when dry. Therefore, I try to iron them when they are not completely dry yet;
  • Pushinka: I rinse all the towels in salt water, shake them before drying and DO NOT iron - all are soft;
  • Nutkins: I will terrible secret: do not rinse towels with conditioners - they contain silicone, which envelops the fiber, and the towel flatly refuses to absorb moisture normally. Again, don't iron;
  • udacha1972: Soft or hard towels directly depend on several reasons. The first is their composition. Real, cotton ones, don't have to be tough. No need to overdry towels. Much also depends on the hardness of the water. It is also necessary to pour the correct amount of detergent into the machine. Many housewives are more than willing. The machine may not rinse out the laundry. And many cars generally suffer from the usefulness of this particular function. And I also know for sure - if you add a lot of conditioner, then the towels will absorb moisture very poorly;
  • toffee: I erase in washing machine, at a maximum t of 40-60 degrees, I began to use the function of additional rinsing in the machine, which I really liked. I rediscover the experience of grandmothers: it turns out, kitchen towels it is more useful to boil with soda than to wash in a typewriter, I gave up air conditioners, I iron with steam. I think things will be soft if not dry and ironed correctly;
  • KIRRAS: I never spin terry products at high speeds in a typewriter. The maximum is 500 turns for towels and 600 for bathrobes, otherwise they turn out to be very hard. I always shake it well before drying - then all the loops in the dressing are straightened. For washing I use liquid powders and fragrances for linen of natural origin, without silicone and oil derivatives. They do not linger in the fibers of the products themselves and are washed out during the first rinse; there is no need to additionally rinse terry products in water. I have never dried terry products on straight lines. sunbeams- immediately lose appearance and softness. I like to dry in the bathroom itself - there the humidity is increased and due to this, all the loops in the fabric dry as they are, in a straightened state, and not in a compressed state - due to this, they turn out to be very delicate, soft to the touch.

How to restore the former softness to old terry products? Recovery methods

  • After normal washing in the machine, hold the towel in a weak solution of table salt for half an hour (according to some information, the time can be increased, the consumption per 1 liter of 1 tsp of table salt). After the lapse of time, the terry products must be rinsed, wrung out, shaken thoroughly and hung up to dry. Salt has a beneficial effect on the loops, straightening them.
  • It is believed that rigidity in terry products appears due to the accumulation of detergent residues there. To return original appearance and the delicacy of the products, you should soak them in a bathtub with cold water overnight, so that the towels are completely submerged in the water.
  • After another wash of terry items, use a steamer instead of an iron - under the strong pressure of hot air, terry items return to their original soft state.