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General characteristics of the horoscope of the character of the zodiac sign Cancer.

Faithful and devoted in love and family life. In the family, they find comfort and self-expression. Sensual, easily vulnerable, prefer to give more than take. They are honest and reliable in their work. They do not like innovations, they observe many conventions. They have a heightened intuition, reaching the point of mysticism, but they hide it, because they do not like to stand out from the crowd. Born under this sign: Petrarch, Lafontaine, Mazarin, Rembrandt, Rubens, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Gluck, Kafka, M. Chagall.

Temperament and character

Intellect sinks into the soul from "darkness". Cancer has good intellect, an incredible memory, he just should not use it for self-reflection, regret and revenge. It's good if Cancer takes advantage of its rich life experience as a weapon to exit with, not as a nest to retreat into. If only he would cease to be afraid of the phantoms created by him, but would make them work for himself, if he would force himself to live in reality, and not in dreams! If he thought about his tomorrow and discarded what was yesterday! But Cancer moves back or to the side, gets scared. If necessary, he goes forward, but stops in fright, holding his breath. No other sign has more potential affectionateness than Cancer, no one can be more playful, loving. If not, there is always a threat of escape into the subconscious from the cruel reality. None of the signs longs for home and homeland as Cancer. Cancer needs time to think, it should not be rushed. If you have the patience to cultivate Cancer as a rare plant, there is no greater return than from it. Cancer women love to take care of their body, preferring silk, lace, delicate tones, long hair.

Element of the sign

Your element is Water! Inconsistency, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. An association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people based on insignificant conclusions, events subconsciously recorded. You are more adaptable than you think. You may think that you are in a hopeless position, but others see that you find your way through problems, like water amid obstacles. You are very sensitive to the moods of others. If someone throws a rock into your pool, it can ripple for several days. You easily succumb to mood swings. If someone is in trouble, you sympathize with him. You feel great people, events, places. People even think you are abnormal or supernatural. You can't explain why, but your premonitions tend to come true. Water signs should also choose partners from the signs of water or earth - water needs land as a container. Water is not compatible with fire, but it can live with air if it is not afraid of clouds and fog. Your pluses: sensitivity, attractiveness, sociability, benevolence, calmness, idealism, creative artistic nature, the ability to penetrate the thoughts of others, patience. Your disadvantages: changeable mood, irritability, evasiveness, stormy melodramatic character, pessimism, laziness, impracticality, spinelessness. Cancer is water vapor, indomitable, energetic. Scorpio is ice, knows how to hide his plans, freeze desires, and when necessary, thaw again. Fish is underground water. They prefer to dodge, avoid obstacles, rather than fight with them. But the main thing is the ability to penetrate, to advance, in spite of everything, and to flood, and to win. Favorable conditions: you should live near the water: sea, lake, pool in the garden or an aquarium. You need a calm, peaceful place to work. Avoid irritable people and noisy relatives, love good views(ideal with water). Your patron is undine, a mermaid who loves open water, but can also live in an aquarium.


Vulnerable places: stomach, liver, bladder, intestines, organs associated with food processing and excretion from the body. These people are subject to fullness, low pressure blood, they should avoid constipation, poisoning the body and leading to depression, with a full moon, they should avoid sleeping too long, do not drink a lot of fluids, including soft drinks and water. Many Cancer illnesses are psychotic (due to periods of depression). Here you need to change your life habits, food, sleep, and not doctors. Parents of a Cancer child should not punish him by locking him in a dark room, should make sure that he does not sleep for a long time in adolescence and does not drink too many drinks during puberty. Cancer at any age should not eat hastily. Cancer women often have painful menstrual periods with migraines and cramps, but they have the easiest childbirth. Abortion affects them worse than women of other signs. Both men and women are prone to stomach ulcers, have hypochondriacal tendencies: they should strive for full employment, so as not to indulge their own weaknesses. Preventive measures: diet, warm baths, regular sleep, good rest. Certain nervous depressions can be treated with the careful use of hypnosis or magnetism.


Psychosexual horoscope

Cancer is the most disordered sign in relationships. Changeable in mood: he can easily find himself in a plexus of sexual exploits. However, if they love a person, there is nothing that Cancers would not do to please the object of their love. He is not alien to any form of sexual intercourse. Women of this sign like to behave like a mother towards men. Cancer governs the breast and is especially excited by this part of the body. Cancer men are attracted to older women, of the maternal type. Cancers have tremendous control over sexual functions: they are able to conduct intense love game long time... Cancer men and women love to be fondled. Women of this sign love to play the role of a small, innocent girl who is possessed by a stereotypical, dissolute man. They are overjoyed at the temptation of erotic pleasure, but they pretend to lose their virginity. This is a sign that produces extremely shy people, but in some cases they turn to the other extreme in sexual relations and play an aggressive, domineering role, sometimes they go as far as sadism, verbal and physical.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Cancer is a master of non-sexual maneuvers. He requires his partner to follow strict rules, but he himself cannot always follow them. No other sign is capable of depicting such an imaginary virtue, loyalty, sensuality and insult to the senses as Cancer, when he is personally guilty. Those wet, sad eyes - it just breaks my heart! Little boy who was offended, offended. Of course, Cancer devotes a lot of time to creating a cozy home life, looking for faithful husband or a wife, bears offspring. But having received all this, he indulges in secret debauchery, justifying his adventures with social activities, deeds, etc. Cancer is a wife who indulges all her weaknesses, annoying her husband with requests to buy expensive things; he is also a boastful husband who always reminds his wife of the price of a luxury item he gave her. By nature, very materialistic, aware of the power of things, Cancer usually makes gifts to his loved ones after quarrels. Cancer is also a guilty husband who, after returning from a "business trip", brings his wife an expensive present. it's the same guilty wife, who managed to have fun with a cute telemechanic while her husband was on a business trip. When her husband returns, he sees that she has cleaned the whole house, prepared his favorite food, went to the hairdresser's and meets him at the door with hugs, kisses and an innocent childish smile. Cancers are winners in the art of non-sexual maneuvers.

How to Satisfy Cancer

Make them feel young! They idolize youth (followed by Libra and Lions). The only way for Cancer to overcome sexual attraction and to remain faithful is to get into a situation where it is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital, where he is immobile because of a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife.

Positive character traits

Despite the fact that Cancers are very nervous (negative types), the positive type has many virtues: patronizing paternal or maternal attitude to people, leadership in risky matters and great perseverance. Above all, they have a valuable quality that helps them overcome their negative traits - patience. Cancers can be extremely thrifty, prudent, and hardworking.

Negative character traits

Cancers are victims of anxiety and fear. They need to overcome the constraints they set for themselves. They should not live in their past childhood, but should force themselves to act in accordance with their age by an effort of will. They should beware of alcohol abuse and gluttony. They need to learn to tolerate criticism and stabilize their moods. But the main drawback is their inability to enter into a conversation if there is the slightest possibility of being defeated. They cannot be “put to the wall”, even if they are to blame for something. They would rather continue to lie than pay for their sins.

The economy of love

Cancer is a cunning merchant in love, a complete materialist who, in the economy of love, stands head and shoulders above his astrological brothers and sisters. There are two types of love economics that Cancer uses. The first type is addressed mainly by young people who consciously seek older lovers. They are strongly attached to them, especially if they are bombarded with gifts and not only things. Because Cancers revel in the role of a beginner, they enjoy obeying an experienced, patronizing teacher who acts in their best interest. Unless they accidentally marry these teachers, they usually maintain their relationship for many years. If they do marry, they rarely stay with the same spouse after 35 years. 35 is a critical age for Cancers. The second type of love economy is practiced by older Cancers. Usually by this time they had acquired a stable position. They drastically change their youthful behavior and find themselves a young lover, to whom they give gifts and share with him the wisdom of an experienced person. If Cancers do not divorce their spouses after 35 years old, then this happens due to financial dependence or love for children, but not at all out of loyalty to their old spouse. Their married life exists solely for the sake of convenience, while Cancers secretly look after young ones.

Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years best partners Cancer is to be found among the signs of Scorpio and Pisces. All three are water signs and require close, passionate and deep emotional connections. After 29.5 years, Cancers usually begin to mature and become aware of their real personality, becoming more liberal and less cautious. Then they are compatible with the energetic signs of Gemini and Virgo. These two signs, ruled by Venus, have a largely youthful energy and do not consider it humiliating to accept signs of attention, including gifts from youths who are already over 30 years old. After 41.5 years, Cancers should fully develop and gain control over themselves. Then they can be compatible with Capricorn (a highly organized, partly mental sign, which is always ready to unite its goals and acquire power in alliance with the already settled Cancer).

Fidelity assessment

In my younger years, it’s bad. An exception is the case when Cancer stays at home for a long time under the guidance of one of the parents, usually the mother, and thus their behavior is controlled not by Cancer himself, but by someone else. It is also bad in marriage, unless Cancer is connected with their spouse by a common cause or work, when they constantly see each other. Best period receiving loyalty from Cancer when he is very young and inexperienced, or after 35 years, when he is already a hardened lover and welcomes a refreshing demand for loyalty. Cancers are also loyal to lovers when offered luxury and comfort. But this will seduce any sign in our age of materialism!

Erotic horoscope


By nature, she is extremely erotic and unrestrainedly strives for sensual pleasure. But, oddly enough, he behaves coldly and unapproachably with men. It seems to her that her lust is a weakness that a man sees, and she does not want to admit any of her weaknesses. She spends a lot of effort to look strong and self-reliant. But she is easily excitable, passion captures her and she tries to hide it, which sometimes leads her to rudeness. After intimacy, she tries not to meet with her partner anymore, and if this is impossible, she becomes capricious and irritable with him. But if she comes across a tactful and patient man who is able, without thinking about himself, to take care of the full satisfaction of her desires, she gets considerable pleasure from intimacy. It is only worth noting that there are not so many men who are capable of such a sacrifice.


A long train of offended and abandoned women stretches behind him. But this does not cause a feeling of compassion in him, since he is little predisposed to him. He is distinguished by selfishness, flavored with a fair amount of snobbery and self-confidence. Women are more experienced avoiding him. But for young girls, he is able to turn his head, but he throws them as soon as they bore him. Although erotic, in bed he only cares about personal satisfaction, sometimes behaves offensively and cynically. Only partners prone to masochism get real pleasure from contacts with him. All his sex life subordinates to the care of own health... He sees marriage as an encroachment on personal freedom. He was not created for marriage, since he seeks to suppress everyone around him. His wife is an unhappy, downtrodden creature. But there are exceptions when an even more powerful and tough woman takes him into her own hands. Taurus, Scorpio are perfect for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Leo are suitable for you. Libra, Capricorn are definitely not suitable for you.

Support in life

Happy husbands have Cancer wives waiting for them at home and creating warm atmosphere... Cancers have an amazing ability to create a home microclimate. Cancers are the mothers of all signs of the Zodiac, they love husbands like a mother and have subtle intuition, like all signs of Water. Rarely appearing in society, they prefer to create a background for their spouse there too. They are amazing hostesses. The husband feels like the head of the family. Disadvantage - excessive persistence, reaching conservatism, sometimes mistrust

Life companions

According to the proverb "To love is to rule the world", falling in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology crucial role Venus plays in love - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The sun in the female horoscope indicates the preferred man in male horoscope the moon plays a similar role. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorces. CANCER - for them life is boring and empty without love. They love selflessly, completely surrendering to feelings and classical passion. In a state of love, they suffer from lack of appetite and insomnia. They can give the impression of a changeable and cold nature, but this is not entirely true. The object of love is difficult to find because of the high aspirations of the individual. Having fallen in love, they can pursue the object of love for years. Cancers are ideal, faithful wives, good housewives and mothers. They usually love more children than their spouse. Cancer men love good food and self-care, although they know how to cook themselves. Cancer - home man- a gentle, kind, exemplary and exemplary husband. Cancers rarely marry at an early age, as they hardly leave the parental home and are too attached to their mother. Cancers are possessive and very jealous. Get along well with Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus. Conflict with Libra, Capricorn, Aries.

Love horoscope

The most sensitive and emotionally vulnerable of all 12 signs. Can live the richest and most painful life. His success as an individual depends on whether he is able to destroy the problem of relationships with his mother, so as not to remain dependent on her. Often rejects the physiological aspect of love. Therefore, this sign is easier for women, solving the problem relationship with the mother so that they themselves become mothers. Many are unable to break with their families and remain old maidens or companions of their parents. In their youth, Cancers are romantics, they dream of perfect love... They are calm, deep water. Imagination is ahead of life experience. When the first passion is realized, their sensitivity, depth of feelings make them magnificent, gentle lovers. But from each sexual relationship, they expect exceptional love, understanding, striking, supportive, and in return they will give themselves entirely and surround their partner with tenderness. These romantics can be tyrants, possessors, they are usually the first to be hit by disappointment and flee from a hostile world, if possible, to their mother, or seek salvation alone. Cancer men can be peaceful, calm and simple, and their love is faithful and unshakable. From such are made devoted husbands and fathers who live only for the family. Others may be capricious, riddled with riddles to themselves, sophisticated and ambiguous. This type wanders from woman to woman in search of his ideal, or falls into a fatal irresponsible feeling. He may even commit suicide or the object of love. Some find a woman who is more experienced and older than herself who knows how to identify them. potential opportunities, mostly lyrical and philosophical. She does this through support and pacification, and then the return of Cancer is very great. Women are also divided into two types: charming, affectionate, too shy, sometimes frigid, a little cocky with childish outbursts of irritation, and women trying to put themselves on a pedestal, to instill a feeling of inaccessibility of love. The first type can voluntarily bring himself to the point that he becomes a real object of sex, humble to slavery, overestimating a man, looking for an ideal father in him, a “brood hen”, they sometimes overly take care of their children. Both men and women tend to subordinate themselves entirely to their partner. They are ideal if they feel loved, and they are the most difficult if they do not feel love, while they themselves live a difficult, painful life. The only sign that can find mutual understanding with everyone, but finds special happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces.

Horoscope for parents

They are ideal parents, patient, loving, interested in any child's problems. Cancer fathers are especially attached to daughters. Cancers try not to give children a lot of freedom, worry and worry about them, love children more than spouses.

Children's horoscope

Reading the horoscopes of people born under the sign of Cancer from different astrologers, you can find out the most opposite opinions about them. Some argue that these are gentle creatures not adapted to life, in need of care, others - that these are the best educators in the world, simply created in order to take care of the weak and the little ones. In some horoscopes it is written that they are chaste and bashful, in others that they are lively and need an eye and an eye behind them, when it comes to the opposite sex. And all this is true. What do they all have in common other than successfully confusing psychologists and astrologers? The famous American astrologer Gran Levy came closest to unraveling the inner essence of Cancer, who said: “Cancer can be vine or a support for this vine, as the case may be. " He can be anyone, the main thing for him is safety. The main thing is that his outer mask will always be inconsistent with his inner essence. There can be not only two masks, but three, four, as many as you need, there will be as many. Remember the Martian boy Bradbury? This boy took the form that people who were close to him saw in him. This is how people born under the sign of Cancer. Very often they put on the mask that their loved ones would like to see. Why are they doing this? Most likely because Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable. They don't like being bullied or laughed at. And the mask is a defense against invading them inner world... It is not surprising that the same child can develop different opinion from different people. Young Cancers are hypersensitive. They are very sensitive to the attitude towards themselves and therefore are emotionally vulnerable. And if adults of this type somehow learned to protect their inner world from resentment and foreign influence, then children are still not very good at doing this - this should always be remembered. Do not try to invade your child's innermost world, respect his secrets. These children should not be frightened, they should not be laughed at. But these children are docile with those people who love them. Love your child, try to see only good in him and you can get everything you want from him. Children born under the sign of Cancer should not be forced to communicate with those they do not like, they can get sick from this. This feature can lead to difficult situations at school, if a child is at odds with a subject, then most likely the reason is that he has developed a bad relationship with the teacher. If a teacher at least once allows himself to ridicule this child or express the belief that he is facing a lazy, stupid student, then he will always see in front of him only a lazy and stupid student, because the child loses all ability to think in the presence of a person who treats him badly (even if it only seems to the child). There may be another reason for poor academic performance: he missed something and now does not understand (but not laziness). If you want your child to transform from a lagging student to an advanced student, I'm afraid your only choice is to hire a tutor, or pick up a textbook and figure out the subject yourself. Children are very susceptible to your mood, and if you are nervous, they themselves become nervous. Let in conflict situation the one of the parents who is quieter understands. Don't scold or punish your child if they don't behave the way you want them to. It is enough to show him that you are upset. These children are sensitive and affectionate and will never want to upset the person they love. Now about health. At any age, your child can have trouble eating. Cancers clearly expressed sympathy and antipathy to food. It is difficult for him to eat food that he does not like. But if he likes the food, he cannot stop. Hence the gastric and intestinal diseases... The diet should be balanced and the child should not overeat. Often the child prefers solid food soft. If he has increased love to sweets, then there may be trouble with the teeth and overweight... He is prone to colds, catarrh, cough, asthma and kidney disease. And, of course, the impressionable Cancer is susceptible to nervous diseases. Take care of it nervous system... Avoid labeling it. Remember that the mask can stick to the baby for life. And most importantly, try not to get nervous yourself in any situation. The best treatment for your child is calm, even love. So, your child is too sensitive. Do not frighten him, do not punish, do not threaten, do not laugh at him. Do not hang labels on the child and do not glue masks: if you tell the child that he is lazy and ugly, he will grow up like that. Don't be nervous in his presence. Don't expose his secrets. What does he need? In the confidence that you love him. In a certain diet. In responsible assignments that develop independence, in the absence of petty tutelage. Arrange surprises and holidays for him. He loves miracles.

Zodiac sign Cancer (June 22 - July 22) is the fourth sign of the zodiac, its ruling planet is the restless moon. Cancers are very shy and fearful of rejection more than all other signs combined. However, they are almost as ambitious as their opposite. But, unlike Capricorn, their path to success is the same as that of their symbol, Cancer. They are slow, moving inch by inch towards what they want to possess, and then, at the most unexpected moment, they grab their prey, and, just like a crayfish, hold it tightly and never let go. The moon rules a woman, and Cancer women feel in their element, and men, regardless of whether they are courageous or not, have many character traits inherent in women. The characteristics of Cancer men indicate that they are not so aggressive in love affairs like people of other signs. However, they create an attractive facade of naivety, which forces the woman to take the first step.

To better understand your zodiac sign, try observing the command of a real cancer. Like real crayfish, people cling tightly to what they want to achieve. In this case, their actions will not be direct. They lull the victim's vigilance and, after waiting for the moment, they grab it for sure. If a cancer grabs on something with its claw, you cannot pull it off by any means. In extreme cases, he may even sacrifice a claw, but he will never part with what is dear to him. Cancers are reliable keepers of secrets and all kinds of secrets. They often become confidants of human souls through their intuition. Cancer will always listen to everything, help with advice, but he will never reveal his own soul, which he so protects from the curious.

Similar to the cancer symbol that represents this part of the zodiac, such people advance and conquer. It can relate to both actions and thoughts: they reach a certain position, they can stop and turn back at the most critical moment, which will greatly surprise others. Cancer moves straight to the goal only when he sees someone else who wants to achieve the same as he does. Cancer will never directly approach the desired object, but will make roundabout maneuvers without letting it out of sight. However, as soon as he feels that someone else can interfere with him, he will complete the planned combination with lightning speed and leave the opponent with a nose. The Cancer symbol in its hard shell with tenacious pincers and chaotic movements is the key to understanding Cancer's character. Representatives of this sign want to have cover, to feel protected. They want to be treated kindly by the world, and so that even the enemy's breath does not dare to add problems to his life.

As the horoscope says, the zodiac sign Cancer is the first hypostasis water element that's why Cancers love water. And if he is not involved in water sports, then he certainly adores swimming or wandering knee-deep in water. Cancers are attracted by the surf and the moonlit path in the sea. Cancer people are stingy and monetary. Cancer's characterization makes it clear that they always have decent supplies for a rainy day. If Cancers assure you of their bankruptcy, it means that they are just getting close to a significant capital set aside for a rainy day. Many Cancers keep a huge stock of canned food, and some cans have expired expiration dates. And all this is only because Cancers live in constant expectation of coming troubles, catastrophes and trials.

Cancer zodiac sign is a sign that loves comfort. He rules the 4th house of the horoscope, therefore, the house and various subjects everyday life is very important to him. Cancers are very suspicious and rarely show their inner "I" both in love affairs and in business if they are not confident in themselves. Cancer is a very deep sign. These people retain youthful outlooks until old age. Men of this sign often live at home with their mother longer than anyone else. Cancer needs the sympathy of the people with whom he communicates. They can't stand sharp conversation or strong criticism, whether it is deserved or not. Despite the fact that Cancers love their home, they love to travel. They especially love sea travel.

Cancers often yearn for the past, for their childhood. If Cancer is angry (this is difficult and rare), it often acts violently. manages all fluids and should not abuse alcohol. Positive, developed types of crayfish can be devoted, many of them are on the lists of patriots of our country. They can also be romantic and self-sacrificing. Like cancer, their symbol, they need to learn to make their inner "I" as solid as the shell of a cancer. Thanks to their protective instincts, Cancers have the potential of being a financial genius.

Cancer traits

  • Influence: Moon.
  • Symbol: cancer, crab, heart.
  • Colors: white, light blue, blue, silver, green peas (gray is unsuccessful).
  • Stones: Moonstone, emerald, ruby.
  • Flowers: honeysuckle, water lilies, all white flowers, jasmine.
  • Metal: silver.
  • Mascot: clover, heart.
  • Lucky day: Monday Thursday.
  • Unlucky day: Tuesday, Saturday.
  • Favorable numbers: 2, (all numbers divisible by 2), 4, 5, 8.
  • Country: Turkey, Scotland, Holland, Syria, Africa, Australia, Pacific Islands.

Born from June 22 to July 1- kind, passionate, sensitive, have developed artistic abilities and are able to make others love themselves.

Vika Di May 8, 2018, 23:07

The characteristic of Cancer by the sign of the zodiac gives a description of a complex and ambiguous nature, which is strongly influenced by the Moon. Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable, so they rarely open their souls to anyone. They have incredibly developed intuition, and Cancer men are reputed to be the best experts on the female soul. A vivid imagination, rich imagination attracts them to everything unknown and mysterious, they often gravitate towards mysticism and occultism.

Cancers are characterized by abrupt changes mood, which means a quick transition from joy to depression and, conversely, from gloomy isolation to quite friendly communication.

They are extremely sensitive to criticism and can withdraw into themselves if some remark hurts them.

Cancers need to constantly feel from their family and partners that they are loved and appreciated, they need not only care, but also affection, although they themselves can remain quite secretive and do not even let relatives and friends get too close to them.

Cancer is inherently introverted., but sometimes he is able to amaze with his passion, determination and perseverance in solving the tasks facing him, which no one expected from such a phlegmatic and defenseless person at first glance.

Secretive and uncommunicative Cancer

Cancers are committed to family values, wonderful husbands and fathers, wives and mothers. They are very attached to their parents, especially the Cancer men, so it is imperative for their wives to get along with their mother-in-law. Facts show that Cancer is by nature a couch potato, loves home comfort and eat well, prefers a wife who will pay more attention to her home than her career.

Cancer absolutely cannot stand scandals and noisy showdowns. For him, the main priorities in the family are harmony, mutual respect and understanding, affection and care of the second half.

Cancers are very thrifty, because for them money is the personification of material stability and security.

Birth dates of people whose sign is Cancer

People born under the constellation Cancer celebrate their birthday between June 22nd and July 22nd during the summer months. Sometimes, however, quite rarely, you can find a different date: the Cancer period also begins, but ends not on July 22, but on July 23.

Cancer is the summer sign of the zodiac.

What element does Cancer belong to?

The Cancer element is water, and the water is calm, so for them it is preferable not to stormy currents of life, but rather a standing pond. The element of Water makes people born under the sign of Cancer a little mysterious, but at the same time affectionate and gentle. Cancers are immersed in their inner life, dreamy and romantic.

But in a still water, as you know, devils are found, and Cancers are no exception.

Under their external calmness lies an emotional, ardent and easily excitable nature, endowed with amazing sensitivity. These phlegmatic sometimes capable of an incredible explosion of emotions though they usually seem to be unflappable onlookers.

Cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs in love, sex, and marriage

Cancer is considered the most sensitive and emotional of all the signs of the zodiac, and they understand deeper than other signs. a woman's soul... Love for him is impossible without deep understanding, tenderness and support, but if he meets his soul mate, he will show maximum attention and tenderness and give himself entirely to her.

Winning Cancer's love, and especially getting him to admit it, is not easy.

Cancer is very vulnerable and is not inclined to open his soul, but if this can be achieved, then he amazes with his emotionality, depth and desire for understanding.

Despite his romance, Cancer selects a spouse / spouse very exactingly, because he is committed to family values ​​and wants the family to become for him not only a cozy home, but also a safe haven, where he is understood, appreciated, loved and never hurt his sensitive soul.

Romantic Cancer Man

Cancer men usually marry quite late., but become wonderful spouses and fathers. Are wonderful housewives and, moreover, do not pretend to be a leader in the family, which is so important for many signs. Cancer needs a strong, strong-willed companion in life, able to share all the good and bad that will be met on life path, help and protect in difficult situations... Home comfort and financial stability are very important for him.

The most suitable relationship for marriage with Cancer can develop in Pisces and Scorpio, as well as representatives of their own sign, and for Cancer women in mature age the best partners will be Taurus and Virgo. Thus, best spouses for them will be those who are suitable for Cancers in love .

Cancer is responsible for choosing a life partner

The best sexual compatibility Cancer has the same signs, because they are able to give him what he needs so much - emotional closeness and trust.

For Cancers, sex is not just about tumbling in bed, it is always accompanied by strong emotions.

A Cancer woman may be somewhat constrained at first, but a sensitive partner will help her to loosen up. Cancer needs tenderness and is able to give it himself, and complete sexual harmony can be achieved only under this condition.

Possible partners Cancer
Aries Compatibility 43%

Aries has too domineering character for the relationship to reach marriage, the maximum is romantic relationships and passionate dates.

Taurus Compatibility 76%

This couple will make good friends, but a successful union is also possible if they make every effort for this. True, Cancer will have to be responsible for everything related to the family: financial security, children, etc.

Twins Compatibility 40%

The signs are completely opposite in relation to life, and they will not have a successful union either in love or in marriage.

Cancer Compatibility 33%

Their relationship will not stand the test of time, as they are too similar and require the same thing from a partner - attention, care, support and cannot get them to the fullest.

a lion Compatibility 28%

They do not suit each other either in temperament or in life aspirations, and although it is interesting for them to communicate, the marriage will not be strong.

scales Compatibility 19%

Although they have an interest in each other, they are too different tempers and temperaments will not form the basis of true intimacy and harmonious marriage.

Capricorn Compatibility 23%

Despite their strong physical attraction, they differ too much in interests and needs to form a stable union.

Scorpion Compatibility 74%

In this union, Cancer will have to give more than receive, since the partner needs constant support. But they are very attracted to each other, so there is a chance for a strong union.

Aquarius Compatibility 40%

The unpredictability of Aquarius and the vulnerability of Cancer will not allow them to create a harmonious union.

Fishes Compatibility 86%

Both are signs of Water, understand well, complement and support each other, are not capable of long-term conflicts.

Virgo Compatibility 82%

They complement each other well in many ways, take care of the partner and understand him. A harmonious union is quite real.

Sagittarius Compatibility 51%

They attract each other with their opposites, but have little in common, since they have different goals and desires in love and life, so there is no reason for a strong union.

Cancer children: what names are right for them?

Many parents are not responsible enough about how to choose a name for a child, but in some unknown way it can influence the formation of his character, and therefore, his future. That's why it is worth listening to the recommendations of astrologers by choosing a name for the child.

Parents whose children were born under the sign of Cancer have enough wide choose, and here are not only familiar, but also old, and even quite exotic for us names

Cancer boy can bear the name Andrey, Arseny, Valentin, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Denis, Dmitry, Zakhar, Ilya, Lev, Roman, Semyon, Stanislav, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor, Felix, Eduard, Eldar. To this list you can add such old names as Demyan, Emelyan, Illarion, Mstislav - euphonious, but for some reason out of use.

The name of the child determines his fate

The Cancer girl can bear the name Julia / Ulyana (it is considered for her the best choice), as well as Elena, Lilia, Liliana, Lola, Olesya, Yana, Zhanna. This list can be supplemented with the following names: Anna, Alina, Anita, Valentina, Diana, Dina, Elizaveta, Zoya, Lydia, Olga, Polina, Sofia, Faina. And here are some more interesting, albeit less popular names for the Cancer girl: Juliet, Juliana, Bogdan, Vasilisa, Louise, Melania, Milan, Milena, Stanislav, Khristina.

What is the most suitable profession for Cancers?

Cancer's natural endowment gives him the opportunity to succeed in many activities, except, perhaps, those related to technology. Their rich imagination and emotionality, subtle intuition and ability to understand people make them good psychologists, advertisers, lawyers, designers, bankers and even politicians, as well as people of art and science, especially in the field of history.

Cancer can achieve considerable success in business., because behind his image of not too assertive, and sometimes even defenseless person, it is difficult to see a far-sighted businessman who calculates everything to the smallest detail. The field of activity of Cancers is very wide: they are promised success in floriculture and horticulture, veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, medicine and pharmacology.

Cancers are conscientious and responsible at work, but they will not always strive for career heights if this requires less attention to the family.

Cancer is a very good family man, a father who loves home comfort, and he will not sacrifice his family in order to move up the career ladder. These are the Cancer men.

Cancer women also do not have special career ambitions, the family comes first for them. Their natural solicitude makes them excellent workers in the field of medicine, preschool and school education, social security; they often work in hotels and restaurants.

The perfect profession for a Cancer girl

Cancer symbol: what does it mean?

The Cancer symbol is a simplified representation of the zodiac.

And since the symbol of the sign is a crab, this symbol is often interpreted as two crab pincers, which are always ready to grab something and, as the experience of communication with crabs shows, is no longer released. Sometimes they see in this symbol combination of feminine and masculine- yin and yang.

Which tree and flower correspond to Cancer?

Cancer has several trees and flowers that correspond to this sign. Among the trees are birch, apple, fir and elm, and flowers are represented by lilies, violets, forget-me-nots and water lilies.

Blooming apple tree for Cancer - a source of energy and vitality

What colors correspond to Cancer?

Cancers have a wonderful range of colors: silver, white, light blue, blue, lavender, light green.

Metal and stones for Cancers

The metal for Cancers, closely associated with the Moon - silver, lunar metal, and among the stones for them takes pride of place Moonstone... In addition, pearls, opal, emerald, rock crystal and onyx correspond to the sign.

Rhinestone souvenir will become great gift for Cancer

Each zodiac sign has its own unique and interesting characteristics. Cancers are no exception. We will tell you about the 10 most interesting features of people born under the influence of this constellation.

People born under the Cancer Zodiac Sign are often called the most unsolved by astrologers. The time patronized by the constellation Cancer lasts from June 21 to July 22. Very often, the descriptions of the representatives of the Cancer Sign differ, conflicting with each other, since they are sometimes assigned opposite characteristics. What makes them so mysterious, and what important conclusions have astrologers come to today?

To understand the representatives of the Sign Cancer, you first need to understand what controls them. The characteristic is made on the basis of the patron planet, the elements of the Zodiac Sign and the specific position of the heavenly bodies in natal chart... Cancers have a common set as follows:

patron planet: moon
planet in exaltation: Jupiter
element: Water

In order to more accurately understand the nature of the representatives of the Cancer Zodiac Sign, you need to understand what qualities the Moon endows people with - after all, it patronizes this constellation.

The moon is associated with several goddesses at once Ancient Greece... This comes from the fact that we see how the reflection of our satellite in the sky is constantly changing. Goddesses who represent the Moon:

  • Artemis (Diana)- in mythology has always been considered a virgin hunter.
  • Hera (Juno)- the wife of the Thunderer Zeus (Jupiter), the goddess in charge of the hearth and the patroness of families.
  • Persephone (Proserpine)- the wife of the god of the dead Hades (Pluto). She is directly associated with transformation, since during the period she is on the earth, everything blooms, and when she returns to Hades, the earth does not bear fruit. This is how the ancient Greeks explained the changing of the seasons.
  • Hecate (Trivia)- a mysterious goddess who was represented as fluttering with the souls of dead people. She associated with illusion, deception, mystery and could bestow wisdom.

It is not surprising that with such a complex astrological patron, the character of Cancers is difficult to read. Nevertheless, it is possible to describe it at least to a certain extent closely, if we proceed from such an understanding of the influence of the Moon on people.

Zodiac sign Cancer: 10 interesting facts

  1. These people really depend on lunar phases, like water. This means that at different times they exhibit different qualities, but if you look closely, you can see some cyclical nature of these changes. Therefore, they first of all need to be monitored.
  2. Cancers always remain an unsolved mystery, and completely for everyone. Except myself, perhaps. They have a principle: keep everything to yourself. Therefore, true feelings and their depth are almost completely unknown to others. There are reasons for this.
  3. The feelings of the representatives of the Cancer Sign are very easy to hurt, so they keep them to themselves. This is not to say that they absolutely do not trust absolutely anyone. But they do it in a very limited form, which can be explained by the following interesting fact.
  4. Whatever Cancers do, they do in such a way as to protect themselves and those closest to them. First of all, so as not to suffer ourselves. The moon is associated with protective energy, which is very necessary, since the sensual sphere of Cancers is always extremely vulnerable.
  5. Feelings and emotions can almost directly affect physical health representatives of this Mark. By the way, in the first place, their digestion usually suffers, and the lymphatic system is also considered weak.
  6. Best of all, representatives of the Cancer Sign feel among the family. They are often the most attached to home and parents. These wards of the Moon themselves become wonderful parents.
  7. Cancers are great at achieving their goals. But they do it rather slowly. On the one hand, in this way they save themselves from many major failures, on the other, they do not undergo unnecessary worries.
  8. The past is very significant for the representatives of this Zodiac Sign. At the very least, they learn from it. Their character, inclinations and habits are very to a large extent can be explained by the influence of the past.
  9. Perhaps only Taurus can be more thrifty than Cancer. Natural caution and the ability to hold what was obtained in the hands of these people are so obvious that sometimes one can only envy. This allows them to create a good material foundation for the family.
  10. Habits are often very pronounced in those born during this period. It may not be very pleasant for them to change their established way of life, therefore, when the need arises, they have to be pushed.

Check back often: this way you will always be fully armed regardless of your Zodiac Sign. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.09.2016 05:12

What happens if you compare the signs of the horoscope with objects household appliances? Find out who you are: iron, microwave ...

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Cancer full characteristics - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

According to mythology, the cancer dug its claws into the leg of Hercules (Hercules) when he was fighting the multi-headed Hydra. When the cancer was killed, Hera (Juno), who hated Hercules, thanked this creature by placing it in the sky.

In early astrology, the symbol of the constellation was the image of cancer. The modern symbol, which stands for pincers, is sometimes explained as representing coiled sperm, and thus the sign means masculine and feminine "principle".

Homeliness, sensitivity, loyalty. Powerful emotions... The strongest sign of Water is more successful for women, since it is stronger than all other signs associated with the house and carries with it physical and psychological vulnerability. Defending against mental trauma, he often seeks reliability and safety alone, this is all the more insulting that Cancer has a strong need for family and home. And his life would not be perfect without a family.

For the sake of security and stability, he does everything. Rarely puts money on the line. Doesn't like to take risks. He handles money very carefully and, as a rule, does not let those who trust him. Always pays debts and expects others to do the same.

Often experiencing difficult emotional experiences. It gives the impression of having mental strength then helpless like a child. This is due to the fact that the Sun in this sign changes its direction and begins to move again to the south, heavenly affairs are reversed, like Cancer itself.

As a rule, Cancer is benevolent, but the changeable Moon makes him either kind and frank (especially when there is a certain goal in front of his eyes), then again melancholic, withdrawn, restrained.

Cancer has a diplomatic talent, he often achieves his goal. However, if Cancer feels offended, then he may behave recklessly, in this state he is unable to cooperate with others. Behaves childishly stubbornly - this is one of the significant shortcomings of Cancer, with which he should fight. He makes a calm and meek impression, but his thoughts and feelings are difficult to guess, it is accessible to few, therefore Cancer often remains incomprehensible.

Children are naturally gentle, sweet, affectionate, ready to help. Cancer parents radiate warmth. But there is also a certain danger in this. They want to have those they love only for themselves. For Cancer, family tradition and history mean a lot. They are patriots, they have a wonderful memory of what is related to tradition.

They try to avoid mental and physical ailments by any means and - since order and cleanliness are their distinctive qualities - they cannot stand affairs that do not imply absolute cleanliness.

They prefer a sophisticated atmosphere. Cancer has a strong imagination, it would often be better for them to think less about their diseases. He must be able to say yes and no, monitor his mood, fight intolerance, fear, oversensitivity... He owns the art of passive resistance, this is his effective weapon against people he dislikes.

Cancer can only be guided in an amicable way, because if he feels pressure, he freezes in immobility. He does not like to be advised, wants to decide everything on his own, he is downright frightened by the thoughts of other people. Sometimes afraid of responsibility, but important work will perform accurately, reliably, punctually, successfully.

    • Motto: "I feel".
    • Best matches with: Taurus, Scorpio
    • Average compatibility with: Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Leo
    • Least pairs with: Libra, Capricorn

Cancer children's horoscope

Reading the horoscopes of people born under the sign of Cancer from different astrologers, you can find out the most opposite opinions about them. Some argue that these are gentle, not adapted to life, creatures in need of care, others that they are the best educators in the world, simply created in order to take care of the weak and the little ones. In some horoscopes it is written that they are chaste and bashful, in others that they are lively, and they need an eye and an eye when it comes to the opposite sex. And all this is true. What do they all have in common other than successfully confusing psychologists and astrologers? The famous American astrologer Gran Levi came closest to unraveling the inner essence of Cancer, who said: "Cancer can be a vine or a support for this vine, depending on the circumstances." He can be anyone, the main thing for him is safety. The main thing is that his outer mask will always not correspond to his inner essence. There can be not only two masks, but three, four, as many as you need, there will be as many. Remember the Martian boy Bradbury? This boy took the form that people who were close to him saw in him. This is how people born under the sign of Cancer. Very often they put on the mask that their loved ones would like to see. Why are they doing this? Most likely because Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable. They don't like being bullied or laughed at. And the mask is a protection against invasion of their inner world. It is not surprising that different people may have different opinions about the same child.

Young Cancers are hypersensitive. They are very sensitive to the attitude towards themselves and therefore are emotionally vulnerable. And if adults of this type somehow learned to protect their inner world from resentment and foreign influence, then children are still not very good at doing this - this should always be remembered.

Do not try to invade the innermost world of your Cancer, respect its secrets. These children should not be frightened, they should not be laughed at. But these children are docile with those people who love them. Love your child, try to see only good in him and you can get everything you want from him. Children born under the sign of Cancer should not be forced to communicate with those they do not like, they can get sick from this. This feature can lead to difficult situations at school, if the child is at odds with some subject, then most likely the reason is that he has developed a bad relationship with the teacher. If a teacher at least once allows himself to ridicule this child or express the belief that he is facing a lazy, stupid student, then he will always see in front of him only a lazy and stupid student, because the child loses all ability to think in the presence of a person who treats him badly (even if it only seems to the child). There may be another reason for poor academic performance: he missed something and now does not understand (but not laziness). If you want your child to transform from a lagging student to an advanced student, I'm afraid your only choice is to hire a tutor, or pick up a textbook and figure out the subject yourself. Children are very susceptible to your mood, and if you are nervous, they themselves become nervous.

Let the quieter parent figure it out in a conflict situation. Don't scold or punish your child if they don't behave the way you want them to. It is enough to show him that you are upset. These children are empathetic and affectionate and will never want to upset the person they love.

Now about health. At any age, your child can have trouble eating. Cancers have clearly expressed sympathies and antipathies for food. It is difficult for him to eat food that he does not like. But if he likes the food, he cannot stop. Hence the stomach and intestinal diseases. The diet should be balanced and the child should not overeat. Often, the child prefers solid foods to soft foods. If he has an increased love for sweets, then dental problems and overweight are possible. He is prone to colds, catarrh, cough, asthma and kidney disease. And, of course, impressionable. Cancer is susceptible to nervous diseases. Take care of his nervous system.

Avoid labeling it. Remember that the mask can stick to the baby for life. And most importantly, try not to get nervous yourself in any situation. The best treatment for your child is calm, even love.

So, your child is too sensitive. Do not frighten him, do not punish, do not threaten, do not laugh at him.

Do not hang labels on the child and do not glue masks: if you tell the child that he is lazy and ugly, he will grow up like that.

Don't be nervous in his presence. Don't expose his secrets.

What does a Cancer child need?

In the confidence that you love him. In a certain diet. In responsible assignments that develop independence, in the absence of petty tutelage.

Arrange surprises and holidays for him. He loves miracles.

Temperament and character

Intellect sinks into the soul from "darkness". Cancer has a good intellect, an incredible memory, he just should not use it for self-reflection, regret and revenge.

It's good if Cancer uses their rich life experience as a weapon with which to get out, and not as a nest to retreat into. If only he would cease to be afraid of the phantoms created by him, but would make them work for himself, if he would force himself to live in reality, and not in dreams! If he thought about his tomorrow and discarded what was yesterday! But Cancer moves back or to the side, gets scared. If necessary, he goes forward, but stops in fright, holding his breath.

No other sign has more potential affectionateness than Cancer, no one can be more playful, loving. If not, there is always a threat of escape into the subconscious from the cruel reality.

None of the signs longs for home and homeland as Cancer. Cancer needs time to think, it should not be rushed. If you have the patience to cultivate Cancer as a rare plant, there is no greater return than from it. Cancer women love to take care of their body, preferring silk, lace, delicate tones, long hair.

Sexual characteristic

Cancer is the most disordered sign in relationships. Changeable in mood: he can easily find himself in a plexus of sexual exploits. However, if they love a person, there is nothing that the crayfish do not do to please the object of their love. He is not alien to any form of sexual intercourse. Women of this sign like to behave like a mother towards men. Cancer governs the breast and is especially excited by this part of the body. Cancer men are attracted to older women, of the maternal type. Cancers have tremendous control over sexual functions: they are able to engage in intense love play for a long time. Cancer men and women love to be fondled.

Women of this sign enjoy playing the role of a small, innocent girl who is possessed by a stereotypical, dissolute man, although in reality they are overjoyed at the temptation of erotic pleasure, pretending to lose their virginity.

This is a sign that produces extremely shy people, but in some cases they turn to the other extreme in sex. relationships and play an aggressive, domineering role, sometimes reaching sadism, verbal and physical.

Positive traits

Despite the fact that Cancers are very nervous (negative types), the positive type has many virtues: a protective paternal or maternal attitude towards people, leadership in risky matters, and great perseverance. Above all, they have a valuable quality that helps them overcome their negative traits - patience. Cancers can be extremely thrifty, prudent, and hardworking.

Negative traits

Cancers are victims of anxiety and fear. They need to overcome the constraints they set for themselves. They should not live in their past childhood, but should force themselves to act in accordance with their age by an effort of will. They should beware of alcohol abuse and gluttony. They need to learn to tolerate criticism and stabilize their moods.

But the main drawback is their inability to enter into a conversation if there is the slightest possibility of being defeated. They cannot be "put to the wall" even if they are to blame for something. They would rather continue to lie than pay for their sins.

Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years old, Cancer's best partners should be sought among the signs of Scorpio and Pisces. All three are water signs and require close, passionate and deep emotional connections.

After 29.5 years, Cancers usually begin to mature and become aware of their real personality, becoming more liberal and less cautious. Then they often find compatibility with the energetic signs of Gemini and Virgo. These two signs, ruled by Venus, have a largely youthful energy and do not consider it humiliating to accept signs of attention, including gifts from youths who are already over 30 years old.

After 41.5 years, Cancers should fully develop and gain control over themselves. Then they will be able to be compatible with Capricorn (a highly organized, partly mental sign, which is always ready to unite its goals and gain power with the already settled Cancer).

Fidelity assessment

In my younger years, it’s bad. The exception is when Cancer stays at home for a long time under the guidance of one of the parents, usually the mother, and thus their behavior is controlled not by Cancer himself, but by someone else. It is also bad in marriage, unless Cancer is connected with their spouse by a common cause or work, when they constantly see each other. The best period for receiving loyalty from Cancer is when he is very young and inexperienced, or after 35 years, when he is already a hardened lover and welcomes a refreshing demand for loyalty. Cancers are also loyal to lovers when offered luxury and comfort. But this will seduce any sign in our age of materialism!

The Cancer woman is extremely erotic and unrestrainedly strives for sensual pleasure. But, oddly enough, he behaves coldly and unapproachably with men. It seems to her that her lust is a weakness that a man sees, and she does not want to admit any of her weaknesses. She spends a lot of effort to look strong and self-reliant. But she is easily excitable, passion captures her and she tries to hide it, which sometimes leads her to rudeness. After intimacy, she tries not to meet with her partner anymore, and if this is impossible, she becomes capricious and irritable with him. But if she comes across a tactful and patient man who is able, without thinking about himself, to take care of the full satisfaction of her desires, she gets considerable pleasure from intimacy. It is only worth noting that there are not so many men who are capable of such a sacrifice.

A long train of offended and abandoned women stretches behind him. But this does not cause a feeling of compassion in him, since he is little predisposed to him. He is distinguished by selfishness, flavored with a fair amount of snobbery and self-confidence. Women are more experienced avoiding him. But for young girls, he is able to turn his head, but he throws them as soon as they bore him. Although he is erotic, in bed he only cares about his own satisfaction, sometimes behaves offensively and cynically. Only partners prone to masochism get real pleasure from contacts with him. He subordinates his entire sex life to the care of his own health. He sees marriage as an encroachment on personal freedom. He is not made for marriage, as he seeks to suppress everyone around him. His wife is an unhappy, downtrodden creature. But there are exceptions when an even more powerful and tough woman takes him into her own hands.

Vulnerable places: stomach, liver, bladder, intestines, organs associated with food processing and removal from the body.

These people are prone to obesity, low blood pressure, they should avoid constipation, poisoning the body and leading to depression, with a full moon, you should avoid sleeping too long, you should not drink a lot of fluids, including soft drinks and water.

Many Cancer diseases are psychosomatic (due to periods of depression). Here you need to change your life habits, food, sleep, and not doctors.

Parents of a Cancer child should not punish him by locking him in a dark room, should make sure that he does not sleep long during adolescence and does not drink too many drinks during puberty. Cancer at any age should not eat hastily.

Cancer women often have painful menstrual periods with migraines and cramps, but they have the easiest childbirth. Abortion affects them worse than women of other signs.

Both men and women are prone to stomach ulcers, have hypochondriacal tendencies: they should strive for full employment, so as not to indulge their own weaknesses.

Preventive measures: diet, warm baths, regular sleep, adequate rest. Certain nervous depressions can be treated with the careful use of hypnosis or magnetism.

Gastronomic horoscope

A sign of high suspiciousness and an amazing ability to gravitate towards food, especially the one that is so harmful to them. Therefore, CANCER requires discipline and a strict diet. Suspiciousness and a tender crustacean stomach do not allow him to eat spicy, spicy food.

Recommendations. Avoid foods that ferment or burn in the stomach. Be careful when eating raw vegetables and sour fruits. You should not drink sweet tea or chilled lemonade immediately after meals. Be extremely careful with eating crayfish, crabs, shellfish - allergies are quite possible. Delicate fish varieties, cereals, non-acidic boiled vegetables, mineral water are useful for CANCERS.

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Cancer: full characteristics of the zodiac sign

With the identification of the dominant elements (planets, elements, crosses and hemispheres) and their delineation, the characterization of each sign begins. The role of these components in the horoscope is different, but in the overall picture, each of them has its own meaning, to one degree or another determining the internal characteristics of a person.

Ruling planet - Moon

The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon - a symbol of mobility, femininity and giftedness. Under its influence, a person is marked by a dreamy perception of the world, as well as a tendency to change moods in proportion to the change in the phases of the moon. The patroness endows crayfish with a sensitive character and fantasy consciousness, tending to create unfulfilled desires. In the same way, the Moon is responsible for the human impulses of the soul to everything unknown: changes, acquaintances without obligations, the urge to travel.

The night patroness greatly influences the people of her Abode. People of the Moon are mostly passive natures, but emotional, sincere, but unrestrained, gentle and loyal, but madly jealous. The moon also strongly influences the subconscious of Cancers, so often people of this sign have a strong craving for comprehending the inner world, revealing their own "I", learning in the field of self-knowledge. Also, the Moon gives Cancers wonderful ability to adapt in society, so they easily change jobs, place of residence, environment.

It happens that in the horoscope of Cancer the Moon is severely affected, in which case the person turns into a slave own desires, he can have many bad habits and live to please them. The disadvantages of lunar influence can also be attributed to daydreaming, insecurity and excessive resentment.

Leading element - Water

Cancer Release - Water and it gives him emotionality, intuition and sensuality. These qualities have a double meaning in the Cancer horoscope, because the element endows the sign with similar qualities as the ruling planet. In this regard, people of the Cancer sign are very sensitive and perceived, noticing even minor nuances in the circumstances and behavior of people. They are very emotional, and their sensory sphere is much more developed than that of others. They can experience violent anger, wild jealousy, and with a change of mood, love for every living soul on earth and serenity.

Cancers are sensitive, which is determined by the influence of the moon, and the element again enhances this action. Water signs are sensitive to hurt feelings, have a vulnerable soul, and need emotional protection and support.

The element of Water defines the temperament of people born under the sign of Cancer as phlegmatic. This type is characterized as unhurried and calm, with a stable mood. Phlegmatic people are productive at work, thanks to perseverance and diligence.

Lead Cross - Cardinal

Cancers are born under the sign of the Cardinal Cross. They show enviable activity and energy. These people are prone to change, from time to time they get bored with variety.

Under the influence of their cross, people of the Cancer sign start a lot, there are always a lot of ideas and solutions in their head, but they often leave things unfinished, because the cardinal cross keeps them in place, preventing them from moving forward.

Leading pairs of hemispheres - west / south

Cancer is influenced by the western and southern hemispheres. Western defines in a person the way to implement his own program. Following their path, Cancers harmoniously merge into society, without violating other people's programs in favor of their interests. These are not the people who will cross the road to reach the goal. However, society often uses a person in the Western hemisphere for its own purposes.

Defining a person in the southern hemisphere, we can say that he chooses those rules, foundations and methods for moving along own way, which have been developed for a long time and have proven themselves excellent. He will not look for new ways, allowing himself to take risks, but will use something proven and effective.

Cancer. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

Cancer planet

The patroness of Cancers is the Moon. In ancient times, she was revered as the Great Mother of heaven. Here on Earth, its influence is manifested in maternal instincts, the desire to protect the home and hearth. The moon is associated with fertility and abundance - qualities pleasing to Cancers. The moon also controls moods, and Cancers have more than enough of them. They are extremely sensitive, easily hurt and prone to reflection. They easily become attached to people and quickly show their affection. Intuition is great for Cancers, especially in stressful situations.

Cancer Release

Cancer is a sign of Water, and this is the element of feelings. Like the rolling waves of the sea, Cancer emotions can end in a significant surge. Cancers are always ready to help others and try to avoid conflicts. A friendly picnic on the occasion of some holiday, and even on the shore of a reservoir, is the favorite entertainment of most Cancers.

Cancer moves backward or to the side, is frightened. If necessary, he goes forward, but stops in fright, holding his breath. Cancer needs time to think, it should not be rushed.

Outwardly, Cancers are the owners of a calm character, but in fact they are very vulnerable. It can be very difficult to find out the reason for their bad spirits, because they answer you with silence. If Cancer does not see a friendly attitude, he emotionally withdraws, hides in a safe place.

However, no one loves jokes more than Cancer. If he is not joking himself, then he laughs at the jokes of others. However, his sense of humor never extends to money.

At the same time, Cancers tend to get depressed. Day and night they are disturbed by the feeling of some kind of danger. Pessimism can take over their hearts at any moment. He does not leave Cancer even in his best moments, only Cancer knows how to hide him away from prying eyes. A state of despondency and self-doubt forces them to strive for loneliness. Their emotions are so strong that they can spread to those around them, and they affect people quite strongly.

Cancer goes through everything very deeply and just hides in its protective "shell", from which it can only be pulled out by affection and loving attitude. One of the most valuable qualities Cancers are patience that helps them to endure the hardships of life.

Cancer has a very soft heart, and it is not difficult to touch him. He is benevolent, if necessary, he is always ready to help, including a stranger. They love to give advice, but don't listen to them.

Cancers can rightfully be called sensitive people. Their tears are always sincere, come from the depths of the heart. But there is one problem: in the most inappropriate moment Their mind turns on, demanding an explanation of what is happening, and their feelings begin to double.

Like all people ruled by the Moon, Cancers have very expressive and mobile features that reflect their fleeting moods. They have extremely vivid imaginations, and their moods are so pronounced that they are easily transmitted to others. Secretly, they seek attention.

If he is greatly offended, Cancer can take revenge, and usually does it secretly. But more often than not, he simply withdraws into himself.

Cancers can keep a secret. It will be difficult to penetrate into their inner world, since they hide their feelings from prying eyes. Thanks to their intuition, ability to compassion, compassion, they dispose people to frankness, and those, believing them their secrets, can be calm: Cancers will not tell anyone anything. But they don't like to discuss their lives.

Cancer always needs more than it has. At the same time, he always scrupulously calculates his actions, you cannot blame him for impulsiveness. In what Cancer wants to achieve, he sticks firmly, firmly, like pincers. It can concern a loved one, an affair, or something else. In this case, his actions will not be direct, since Cancers prefer roundabout ways. Cancer moves forward only when it discovers that someone else is striving to achieve the same as he is.

Cancers love their home very much., treat him with great respect. Home for them is a refuge from all adversity, a place where they feel calm, where they feel comfortable, where they dream, love, create. No Cancer will feel happy if they don't have a place to call their home.

Cancers have a strong parental instinct. A deep affection for their children is inherent in Cancers of both sexes. They surround sick and infirm relatives and friends with love and care, and there is nothing to say about children. In addition, most people of this sign are sentimental towards their mother.

They never really feel safe. Constant worry can bring them to illness, and a rich imagination can turn the smallest illness into a serious and even chronic one. Weak spots are the chest, knees, kidneys and skin, as well as the head and stomach. Cancer can save from disease only good mood and optimism.

Extreme conservatism mixed with hysteria, emotional outbursts and uncertainty about one's own future is, of course, an explosive mixture. Cancer is a difficult person, living with him is not easy because of the quick change of mood, but not boring either.

The strength of Cancers is their desire to protect loved ones. In addition, they ask for little: cozy home and a sense of the world is all they need.

Cancer man

Cancer men are too emotional, so they are often perceived as weak in spirit. But it cannot be said that they are emotional in all areas. Usually, each representative of this sign has several areas where they show their emotions, and areas in which they are emotionally callous. For example, at home such a person is too emotional, but at work - dry.

Cancer man rarely trusts to strangers... It will take a long time, patience, to get to know him for real. He always hides something, even from his closest friends. Sensitive, very sentimental, he is reluctant to part with old friends, habits or places where he used to live. Loves society beautiful women especially if they are witty. He can flirt, but he will remain faithful to the chosen one.

A romantic dreamer, he is rational and practical at the same time. His sharp analytical mind is capable of solving the most intricate problem.

Cancers can be peaceful, calm and simple, and their love is faithful and unshakable. They make faithful husbands and fathers who live only for the family. But Cancers can be capricious, remaining mysteries to themselves, sophisticated and ambiguous. This type wanders from woman to woman in search of his ideal or falls into a fatal unrequited feeling.

It must be remembered that Cancers are sometimes prone to rudeness, but their heart is so sentimental that they are acutely aware of their vulnerability. They are emotionally unstable, they have ups and downs, and they have an amazing ability to draw people along with them.

They love to tell and are very eloquent. Possessing a fantastic memory, they have an undeniable advantage in discussions and disputes.

Cancer men from time to time are prone to bad mood and, as a rule, infects everyone around with it. But he can be fun and cheerful. These mood swings can surprise anyone. At first glance, Cancer may seem fickle, but this is just one of his moods. He's just very susceptible to the cyclical effects of the moon.

Cancer is very home-bound. The feeling of kinship in them is very strongly developed. They simply adore their mothers, and therefore various jokes about a mother-in-law or mother-in-law in communication with them are inappropriate. If you are carried away by Cancer, you will have to put his mother on a pedestal. But on the other hand, remember that you are her rival and must always prevail over her.

Remember to feed your Cancer well, take care of him when he is sick. He loves to feel like a child. And in order to conquer Cancer, you need to show yourself as a good housewife and try to treat him like a child.

But he himself can be a very good cook and will even surprise you with his ability to cook meat.

Cancer loves old things, loves old things. Never throw it away old clothes, worn out boots, a hat with holes - these are all his treasures.

He is gallant with women like no other. But perceives love relationship too serious. He expects both mental and physical encouragement from his beloved in equal measure. True to his love, he demands loyalty in return. To get him to propose to you faster, pretend that someone else proposed to you, and Cancer will immediately stop moving back.

Cancer tends to idealize a partner, and any annoying act can reduce the chances of a long-term relationship. Having found a woman who meets his ideal, he will be surprisingly sentimental. Cancer cares seriously and decisively, and he will achieve his goal. It is very difficult to slip out of its claws. The woman he loves will have a hard time because he demands too much. However, he is prone to self-righteousness and at times does not understand well those whom he loves.

Cancers are looking for a long-term and permanent relationship with a woman. In the event of a break, he will quickly find new love but the one that really touched his feelings, he will never truly forget, no matter what happens.

He likes saving money more than spending it without restraint. He is not greedy, but he is quite calculating. Even romantic Cancers who have dedicated their lives to music or art understand the value of money. Cancers save up to feel safe.

In marriage, every Cancer has at least a small, but calculation. Starting with the fact that he often treats his marriage partner as a caring parent. This is the only sign that can find mutual understanding with everyone, but he finds special happiness in marriage with Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces.

Cancer is a great father thanks to her gentle understanding nature. He is patient with children, sincerely interested in their affairs. He is proud of his sons and fiercely protects his daughters.

Cancer woman

The typical Cancer woman hesitates all the time, so you need to take the first step to continue your relationship. She herself will never take the first step, but she tends to reciprocate. The Cancer woman is very shy and is afraid to be criticized if she is too frank.

At first it will be difficult for you to tell if she is empathetic or gentle, or just unbridled. This question is unlikely to ever be clarified. She will be gloomy at times, and her sad mood will spread to you as well. At times she will burst into laughter and envelop you in her tenderness.

Cancer women are as emotional as men. But if in men of this sign emotions are more often manifested externally, then in a woman they rage inside. If a woman becomes sullen, taciturn, overly pedantic, or starts doing unnecessary housework, it usually means that she is unhappy with something. This is how her depressive state manifests itself. A Cancer woman can get out of this state by taking care of someone - about children, parents or someone else.

The Cancer woman has a rich imagination. But modesty is one of the main traits of her character.

Cancer's favorite time is moonlit night. On the seashore under the moon you will see her in all her charm. The moon will reveal all her secret dreams, and the proximity of the sea will bring her relaxation. She is excited by the magnetic beams of the luminary governing her, the sound of the surf sounds like a beautiful melody. But as the moon remains unchanged, so does the true character of the Cancer woman, despite frequent shift moods are the same.

She is ready to drop all limitations and discover the unknown side of her nature - stormy, unbridled and beautiful. Having found true love, he will do everything for his chosen one. She is able to become the most successful partner among all the signs of the zodiac. But it is difficult for her to completely surrender to love, although she is extremely attractive to men due to her modesty, charm and ability to sincere empathy.

She does not like to be criticized, and is terrified of ridicule. It is very easy to scare her with a harsh word or wrong gesture. Her self-confidence is extremely fragile, and her tenacious memory retains painful memories until an opportunity presents itself for revenge. She will constantly amaze you with memories of long-forgotten conversations. One of the reasons for her good memory is that she values ​​the past.

It hurts her a lot if she looks funny, and she just can't stand being dumped. The slightest remark can hurt her very much, and it is sometimes difficult to predict what she might be offended at. However, a Cancer woman is rarely openly aggressive.

Cancer loves to have secrets and secrets. She does not like to confess herself, but she will listen to your confession. However, she is not a gossip. You can tell her anything without fear that it will become known to others. When it comes to other people's secrets, she is as mute as a fish.

Her constant fears may bore you: she is afraid that she is not beautiful enough, not young enough, not graceful enough. She will never feel confident. Convince her that she is young, beautiful, and smart. And it is worth repeating this as often as possible, this is always not enough for her. She is afraid that you do not love her enough. But a man can easily prove his love, so talk to her about your feelings. She really needs to know that you cannot live without her. She must be looked after with gentle care and patient attention.

It is very difficult to predict her mood. When someone cheers her up, she bursts into uncontrollable laughter. Laughter, however, is not her best decoration. He is a little silly or hysterical.

After you have conquered her, she will not leave you while she is alive, this woman's love is always accompanied by reliability. She is passionately devoted to the man with whom she decided to link her life. Her devotion sometimes seems excessive. In turn, she expects total affection from you.

She will obey you and love you with genuine affection. There is nothing artificial or petty about her feelings. She protects her deepest emotions for those closest to her. But if she has something, it must be her property forever.

A Cancer woman is rarely greedy. But she has a habit of collecting unnecessary things. She guards them jealously. She is tormented by the constant expectation of future troubles and catastrophes. Therefore, Cancers save not only money, but also food. In addition to the emergency supplies, which are sure to be in her house, she always keeps the refrigerator full. Even talking about food makes Cancer feel good, and she considers throwing away uneaten food at dinner just a crime.

She loves her home and enjoys spending her leisure time furnishing it according to her own taste.

The Cancer woman feels that she herself cannot change anything in life, cannot overcome some difficulties. In unfavorable moments, she will shed tears, but she will not do anything. Her natural reaction is to fold her arms and wait patiently for everything to settle down.

However, she is perfectly able to cope with everything herself, if she wants to or sees that no one is eager to come to her aid. The courage that she lacks for herself is fully manifested when loved ones need her strength.

Although she loves to be treated like a child, the Cancer woman is capable of heroic deeds and sacrifices for the sake of the one she loves. She will never betray and will always support you. You can rely on her in difficult times. Patience is one of the most enjoyable qualities of Cancer.

A wonderful mother and mistress, she loves her children dearly.

Mutual compatibility

Aries is inordinately adventurous, Cancer is more conservative. Aries doesn't like Cancer's possessive tendencies. Complex connection, marriage is unsuccessful.

Taurus is able to understand Cancer's endless mood swings and will help solve problems if they arise. Cancer brings sensuality and imagination to this union. Taurus is attentive. Cancer is responsive to attention. Understanding each other's problems will help them. Successful marriage.

In Cancer, self-doubt increases when communicating with the fickle Gemini. The uncontrollable energy of Gemini creates difficulties for Cancer. Cancer is very jealous, which makes Gemini outraged.

They are too similar to be happy. Both are overly susceptible, which leads to emotional problems... Marriage will require a lot of rapport.

Leo is able to stabilize Cancer's mood. Leo is generous in his affections, and this creates a sense of confidence in Cancer. On the other hand, Leo needs flattery and admiration. He must dominate. If Cancer is ready to meet Leo, then a very successful marriage is possible.

Virgo is practical and provides the foundation of a union. Cancer is more emotional than the low-key Virgo, but they are capable of experiencing mutual affection. Both are shy and must make an effort not to get bored. A successful marriage is possible.

Cancer has a hard time getting along with fickle Libra. In turn, Libra experiences anxiety from Cancer's attachment. A risky marriage.

Scorpio needs to dominate. This attracts Cancer, Scorpio does not have jealousy, because Cancer is devoted to his partner. Love grows stronger, and the bond can grow into a great marriage.

They have opposite goals and different desires. Sagittarius doesn't like to be tied up. Cancer needs confidence in love, which Sagittarius is unable to provide him. Cancer lives for the future, Sagittarius lives for today. Marriage is problematic.

Capricorn is not able to give the affection that Cancer needs. Capricorn's practicality and restraint can easily alienate Cancer. Marriage is undesirable.