Which men choose older women. Why do men like older women? Adult women have much less expectations from men

They say that "all ages are submissive to love." The fact that a person is 40 or 50 years old does not mean that he cannot experience passion and love. Indeed, only the heart does not age, which constantly craves attention and care. However, often the most condemned situations are those where partners are too different in age. Why are there men who love older women?

Every mature reader of the women's site site can be glad that even men can stare at her. Moreover, we are not always talking about peers. Many of them may turn out to be young guys that a woman might not have paid attention to earlier.

Why are there guys and men who love older women? The answer to this question is very multifaceted, since the pairs add up according to various reasons... However, when a young man begins to take a great interest in a mature lady, many of his relatives begin to verbally "treat" him. They immediately take him to a psychologist so that he finds out the reasons for his choice and eliminates them. Some begin to blackmail and threaten.

In the course go different ways how to make a young man abandon an older partner, since it is generally accepted that couples should be created by peers. Let's try to analyze in the article the reasons why men choose older women.

Reasons for loving older women

What are the reasons that push young people to choose older women? Considering them, we can say that situations are different. There can be both true love and selfish motives.

  1. Sincere feelings.

A young man can really love his chosen one. It doesn't matter to him how old she is. The most important thing is that she has what is important and interesting to him. He just loves her, as many other couples love, where partners are the same age. There is a connection between them that cannot be explained.

A young man just loves, so he chooses an adult woman not with his mind, but with feelings. He feels for her true love, so I am ready to fight and defend my position.

  1. Selfish motives.

Another common reason young men choose older women is self-serving. As you know, older women already have some kind of capital. They are already at work. They have already saved up some money. Sometimes we can talk about rich woman who has made a successful career or built a business, but has not experienced a feeling of love.

If a boy wants to become a dependent, who will be supported by an adult woman, then he will choose her. He will be interested in his peers for their emotionality and sexuality. He will most likely even cheat on his partner. However, he will never leave her until she herself breaks up with him.

  1. Mommy.

There are young men who are subconscious level looking for mummies. They don't want to grow up, take responsibility. To some extent, they can be called mama's sons... Only mothers here are not biological parents, but adult women who will take care of their boyfriends, like their sons.

Give such men mature women who will take upon themselves the solution of all problems, responsibility, fulfillment of all duties and other situations. At the same time, the guys will be simply loyal and obedient, the way their mothers want them to be.

  1. An experience.

Another reason a young man chooses an older woman is her experience. Perhaps he needs her acquaintance with helpful people... Perhaps she can move him up the career ladder. Maybe he can learn something from her.

Be that as it may, the guy is not looking for a loved one, but an ally, partner, mentor who will teach and show, help and push.

Not every couple where a man is many years younger than a woman will be happy. And in order for a woman not to suffer, it is necessary to be attentive to the one she chooses. Love is good, but notice the motives for which you are chosen by a young, handsome, hot and quite demanded man.

Mom number two

Often men are looking not for women, but for second mothers who will look after and protect them in the same way as their relatives. Of course, they are looking for themselves, first of all, mistresses with whom it is pleasant to have sex, and then housewives and caring personalities with whom they can be little boys.

How can such men be distinguished from others who are themselves capable of caring for a woman and supporting a family? By how well they keep their word. If a man promises you and keeps his word, then he is capable of responsible and adult business. If you got to a man who promises you something, but does not fulfill his word, moreover, even asks you to decide everything for him, then you are faced with someone who needs a second mother.

Your relationship with him is like a mother with a lazy son. By promising something all the time and by periodically supporting you with odd jobs that he will one day become a “millionaire,” he expresses his anger in order to manipulate you.

Of course, it depends on the woman what her husband will be like. But this is only important when choosing a husband. Are you in in this case chose "son". Anything that is promised to you in the future is just manipulation.

It should be understood that as long as you agree to the role of the second mother, then your man may not change anything in himself. No matter how you complain about it later, or criticize it or try to change it, all this will be useless. You should stop being a mother who solves all his problems for him and provides everything he needs. Only then will a man be ready to reflect on his role as a husband.

Why do men continue to choose older women? After all, it has always been believed that the most in demand are young and pretty girls... Undoubtedly mature women beautiful too ... but not young anymore. Why are some men so attracted to them?

  1. Woman's independence.

When a woman is older than a man, then she becomes wiser and more calm. Young girls often fool around, quarrel over trifles, worry, etc. With older women, everything is much easier. If they want to be with men, then they just meet with them, without bothering their heads with various little things. If they want to part, they do it.

An older woman is always independent and wise in relation to a man. And this is always lacking in relationships with young girls. While the young are hysterical, the more mature simply do not pay attention. If they get tired of the relationship, then they don't fool anyone, they just leave.

  1. An interesting way of life.

Older women have much more interests and hobbies than young girls. It seems that the opposite is true: young women are more interesting and fun than mature women. In fact, young girls are more stupid and carefree, being carried away only by alcohol and stupid hobbies. You can learn a lot from older women.

Women who have spent a lot of time alone have learned to love themselves. They know what they are interested in and what they want. They understand themselves and their desires. They have already learned a lot and can teach their partners everything.

If young man it is interesting not to waste time, but to spend it with benefit, then older women will captivate him more.

  1. Moderate emotionality.

Youth is often accompanied by violent outbursts of emotion. Passions, emotions, feelings are seething between young people. Today they love each other, and tomorrow they hate. You will not experience this with a mature lady, because her emotional sphere much more stable and calmer.

Some young men just need a woman to be calm. They do not need outbursts of emotions when a girl is jealous, loves, wants to part, then cries so that the guy does not leave. All this is boring, and the young man is looking for a partner who will not arrange tantrums and scandals from scratch.

The older woman has already passed the period emotional instability... She understands herself and her feelings. This suits her man, who chooses her.

  1. Experience in building relationships.

An important advantage of older women is that they have already built relationships with men more than once, which means they know how to make the union stable and happy. An older woman probably perfectly understands how to make a man happy. She no longer "pulls the blanket" only over herself. After all, for happy relationship both should be happy.

The woman also understands perfectly well that she is not dating handsome prince, but with an earthly person who has shortcomings and who owes nothing to her. The girls are still waiting for their princes to appear, who will make their lives carefree and wealthy. Older women are already deprived of illusions. They are ready to solve difficulties and problems themselves, and not shift them onto the shoulders of men.

  1. Rich experience in sex.

Of course, it is necessary to talk about sex, which continues to be important element to build relationships. Men want not only to have sex, but also to make it interesting and varied. Older women undoubtedly have more experience in this issue than girls. While the young are just learning, older ladies themselves can teach a lot to their partners.

It is worth noting here the main element in sex - contentment. A man, despite his desire to get an orgasm, still wants his woman to enjoy it too. Young girls, due to their inexperience, may simply not know how to satisfy them. Mature women already know everything about themselves, so they can tell partners how to bring them to orgasm.

What is the outcome of a relationship with an older woman?

Many may be interested in the question of what the relationship between a young man and an older woman can lead to. The result will largely depend only on the partners, which is based solely on their true intentions because of which they build relationships. If a man is serious about a woman, then his union can be strong and happy. If partners frivolous intentions, then the relationship will be temporary or unhappy.

The outcome depends on why the man and woman are united. And it doesn't matter how old they are. This law applies at any age: seriousness of intentions leads to long relationship as well as vice versa.

Young men have the same right to choose their mature partners as young women. There is only one thing left - to withstand the pressure public opinion and the pressure of the inner circle. After all, those around, as always, will not understand the motives of partners who want to unite in one union. However, if the feelings are sincere and intentions are serious, then you can withstand everything.

Unequal alliances are commonplace in our time. However, the public is still surprised by women dating significantly younger men. What so attracts young people to mature passions, Woman.ru understood.

Young men's romance with older women continues to surprise many people

There is an opinion that a man cannot sincerely love a woman who suits him as a mother. They say that a generational conflict is inevitable, and sooner or later a young man will get bored with an adult darling and want to young body... But, as practice shows, not all such unions are doomed ...

French President Emmanuel Macron, 40, and his 65-year-old wife, Brigitte, are celebrating their eleventh wedding anniversary this year. V again We will not retell their amazing love story, but we will only recall that the politician became interested in the ex-teacher a quarter of a century ago. Over the years, their feelings have only grown stronger. Monsieur Macron, apparently, has long been tired of proving the sincerity of feelings for his wife.

“If I was 20 years old older than wife, it would never occur to anyone to wonder if we are right for each other. Since she is a couple of decades older than me, those around her constantly insist that our feelings are insincere and we cannot be together, ”the president shared with the correspondent of Le Parisien.

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte overlook the 25-year age difference

British actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson does not complain about his marriage either. 10 years ago, a young man fell madly in love with director Sam Taylor-Wood, who starred him in her film Become John Lennon. Then the public was skeptical about this alliance, and Aaron was mistaken for a gigolo. The spiteful critics were sure that the relationship would be short-lived: they say, the young actor had not yet walked up. Gloomy predictions did not come true: Taylor Johnson is still loyal to his wife, who is 24 years older than him.

According to Aaron, the perceived age difference for them does not matter to Sam - rather, on the contrary, they play into their hands.

“There is no distance between us, I certainly do not notice it. Friends often call me Benjamin Button because at heart I am a real old man, but Sam is young, ”the actor said in an interview with The Times.

There are many such examples and you can list them endlessly. However, the fact remains: more and more young men prefer not their peers, but women who are significantly older than themselves. Moreover, many representatives of the stronger sex quite consciously choose mature ladies as their companions in life.

In 2006, American researchers conducted a survey among couples in which a woman is at least 10 years older than her boyfriend. In the course of the survey, it turned out that most of all in their chosen ones, men value just their age, the wisdom of life attached to it and other qualities that, as a rule, come with experience.

Young men value in their mature passions, above all, a rich life experience.

Interest in this topic was fueled by the book Older Women, Younger Men: New Options for Love and Romance. The authors of the bestseller, which has been reprinted several times in the West, are two women who have a wealth of experience in relationships with the opposite sex.

At one time, columnist and motivational speaker Felicia Brings and journalist Susan Winter got the idea to interview more men who dated women much older than themselves. All for the sake of one goal - to find out why 20- and 30-year-old guys are not at all interested in their peers. The concept didn't come out of thin air: both Felicia and Susan long time were in a relationship with the so-called toy fights and know firsthand what it is like to live with a young boyfriend under one roof. It turned out that young men admire not so much the appearance as the character traits of older women. Which ones exactly? We will tell you about this right now.

An offer you can't refuse

It is believed that men, especially young ones, are afraid of mature and successful women... However, as Brings and Winter found out, this stereotype has long been outdated. On the contrary, many inexperienced guys tend to have an affair with older ladies. All because a 40+ passion is enough confident and know exactly what they want- both from life and from your partner.

“I met Karolina at a party of our mutual friends. As soon as I saw her among the guests, I immediately realized that she was created for me. I did not pursue the goal of finding an older woman at all, and Carolina was not looking for a toy-boy. Everything happened by itself. I was 39 then, and she was 55. Our relationship is not built on sex, but on mutual trust, respect and love, "Paolo shared with the authors of the book.

Young men love that their mature passions can maintain composure in any situation.

So, why do older women catch young guys so much? One of the respondents, who identified himself as Neal, believes that the whole point is that mature representatives of the fairer sex are honest with themselves and others and don't throw tantrums... As it turned out, many dream not of naive girls with whom there is something to do in the bedroom, but nothing to talk about, but of those with whom you can do both. Neil does not like that most of his peers are looking for a partner to create a family, and mature women not too eager to get married... He is glad that older mistresses do not see in him only a potential father of their children and breadwinner of the family.

After a relationship with a mature woman, not everyone is drawn to young girls... Some men believe that there are only problems from their peers: they are too childish and invent problems from scratch.

According to one of the respondents, having started dating an older woman, he himself became more self-confident. The young man is grateful to the ex-mistress for the fact that she was ready to listen to him, but at the same time did not invade his personal space.

Valuable personnel

You can argue as much as you like about the fact that the world is ruled by beauty, and men only dream of having an affair with a long-legged blonde. However, many of the stronger sex are actually admired by down-to-earth realists who do not have to be beauties at all.

“In“ adult ”women, I value, above all, emotional stability. I met both young and mature, but only with the latter did everything go well. They have always been frank with me. I didn't even trust my close friends as much as I did them, ”said a young man named Fred.

For many young people, not only sexual intimacy is important, but also emotional

By the way, Fred has an interesting personal life in general. When he was 21, he began dating 37-year-old Gretchen. For two years they lived together and even after parting continued to closely communicate. The couple's relationship was built on strong friendship, therefore, former lovers today often see each other and support each other in difficult situations... After breaking up with Gretchen, Fred tried dating girls who were just 20 years old. According to the young man, he did not last long. As soon as his passions open their mouths, he was ready to run away.

After a series of unsuccessful romances with peers, he met Lynn, who was 10 years older than him. No matter how trite it may sound, but only with her could he feel truly happy.

“Mature women have found themselves long ago. Stability emanates from them. Plus they are more experienced. You understand that you are dealing with a person who will tell you directly what he wants. They are much more confident than people of my age. Personally, it’s much more pleasant for me to meet a woman older than myself: you don’t need to always solve some puzzles, but you can immediately discuss the problem, ”Fred said during an interview.

Lenny was in solidarity with him. According to the man, he is attracted to older women by an incredible inner peace. Many people mistakenly assume that such unions are similar to a mother-son relationship. Lenny claims that this is not at all the case: his adult passions simply had no time to mess with him - they were busy with their careers.

“Grown women have completely changed my preferences. I am terribly sad with young girls, ”the young man shared his opinion.

Lenny revealed that his last relationship was perfect, but he still had to break it off. All because he dreamed of a child, and his passion did not want to give birth at the age when many are already becoming grandmothers.

Let them talk

Many men often have to face criticism from others because they prefer women older than themselves.

“Men were just jealous of me, because I won the favor of such a beauty. They looked at me as if I had something that they could not get their hands on. It is curious that my peers also did not approve of a relationship with a mature woman. Well, to be honest, I didn't care: every morning I woke up with the feeling that the whole world was at my feet. Probably, it seemed to others that I just want to assert myself in this way. But I just felt good with my beloved. I was proud of her and who I became next to her, ”said a man named Barry about his ex.

“The advantage is that they are not afraid to talk about their desires. You don't have to play the guessing game. Sex with older women, in my opinion, is the best, ”- said a guy named Scott.

Other young people also supported him. “It was a phenomenal experience! I kept thinking how to please her. Fortunately, I didn't have to rack my brains: she told me herself. It was really cool. There was a feeling as if I had broken some kind of huge barrier. In general, in sexually we completely coincided, ”admitted Russ.

Who would have guessed that such men are turned on ... rich life experience their mistresses. “The only thing that turns me on is that an older woman can teach me a lot. It's kind of an erotic adventure for me, ”says Vincent.

A man named Mel explained why he was no longer drawn to make love to his peers. According to the young man, girls of his age, albeit beautiful, but mostly squeezed. Another thing is women who are wise by experience. In bed, they do everything thoroughly and are not shy about anything.

Many young people are attracted by the fact that mature women are relaxed and not afraid to talk about their desires.

“I only learned to make love when I met a mature woman. She just took my hand and whispered, "Slow down a little." I just turned 20, and I was just glad that I could sleep with her. But then I realized that technique is also important, ”said Rick.

Many of the men interviewed stated that best sex it happened with them precisely with the ladies who are significantly older than them. They agreed that Mature women are the most skillful mistresses.

1. Guest

To answer

2. Guest

In short, these young macho are simply not confident when intimate with young ones. And the elderly lady, she is like a mother, where she will teach, where she will prompt. The relationship is a son and mommy, these guys are so comfortable. This is not talking about those who simply and primitively expect an inheritance from their lady.

To answer

3. Guest

Well, of course, with mature people it is possible without obligations, but young people need guarantees. Where yes even 40 years old beautiful woman will set the boundaries and set the stage, the 60-year-old will endure. Children do not need to be supported. In short, there is no need for responsibility.

To answer

4. Guest

Ehmm in my opinion they just say the opposite.

Well, say one thing, and no one bothers to do another! I don't think they will tell the truth, because they are ashamed

To answer

5. Guest

Extremely informative and interesting article for a wuman, even surprising. Everything is so, all men want only two things from a relationship: high-quality sex and psychological comfort, i.e. so that they can't stand the brain. All other desires are attributed to them by women who want content from men, solutions to their problems and so on. In a relationship with a woman older than themselves, men fully satisfy their real needs, so there is a sea of ​​such relationships now. And by the way, the appearance of children in such a relationship is also not uncommon. The Wuman audience will not approve of the article, the wrong contingent, but this opus would have a tremendous success on cosmo.

Many years ago, the very idea of ​​young men dating older women was taboo - despite the fact that for some reason couples where men are older than women were already considered an absolutely acceptable option.
Times have changed today, and there are several arguments in favor of couples in which he is younger than her. Do you agree with them? Read the post!

The stereotype of young men dating older women began to be destroyed by celebrities who did not care about the opinions of others and just dated those with whom they wanted. Sharon Stone, J. Lo, Eva Longoria, Halle Berry - they all date whoever they want, including young guys.

The development of the industry of anti-aging injections and other anti-aging products with which women can stay beautiful for a long time probably influenced the disappearance of this prejudice into the past. One way or another, in recent times the number of young men who, like crazy, "hunt" for mature beauties has increased. Traditional people do not understand this, and yet there are reasons for this. Below you will find a list of them.

10. Self-confidence is sexy

Self-confidence is sexy at any age; however, most young women lack this quality. Why? Because girls are still afraid of competition from each other and constantly compare themselves with model ideals and celebrities on the Internet, on television, in magazines - in short, wherever they find them. Yes, being a young woman is not easy.

Older women have gone through a lot - marriages, children, promotions, etc. - and have stopped worrying about their place in life. They just try to be the best version myself. This is very attractive for young men: they know that with such women they do not have to constantly be afraid that they will hurt their self-esteem or cause jealousy in them.

9. Even older women look young
Today's range of anti-aging agents has completely changed the situation: you can not always guess the age of your interlocutor. Goodbye wrinkles, " crow's feet"and nasolabial folds! 60-year-old women look 50, and 50-year-olds can easily pass for a lady 40+. We finally entered an era where age has become irrelevant - at least in terms of appearance.

Young men no longer feel as if they are dating their own mothers, and women mature age know they are beautiful. What is more?

8. Rich sexual experience is not the last argument
We are used to thinking that men are confident and in control of sex, but young men may simply not have enough experience to do this.

This leads to the fact that many young men are looking for a mature, experienced woman, which will reveal to them what women still want in sex and how to achieve it. Here previous years - years sexual activity! - will play positive role and experienced ladies will be more than happy to mentor a young lover.

7. No "ticking biological clock"
Young people born between the 1980s and 2000s are different from the previous generation of men who sought to get married and start a family before age 35. Many of these young people just want to live freely and have fun for several years and do not want anyone to pressure them, and even more so they do not want to quickly start a family.

Many of them are still paying off student loans, pursuing careers and learning responsibility. A clear advantage romantic relationship with mature women for them - in the fact that they also "seize the moment" and get high without making long-term plans.

6. No hidden meanings
Older women are more than realistic and quite interested in relationships without an ultimate goal. They live here and now and do not create illusions "about the future of our relationship."

Many young people are attracted to the women of today - both sexually and in other ways. It's not that mature women aren't serious enough about relationships or avoid attachments - it's just that they don't want too much out of the relationship, and their world won't collapse if things don't go the way they planned.

5. Mature women enjoy sex
This is not just about experience; older women are more relaxed and free in terms of sex. They know how to just have a good time and not be intimidated by "these awkward moments." They love sex, they want sex, they are ready for sex. Young men know this and know how good their mature chosen ones are in bed.

4. Conversations in bed become direct and open
Often it is difficult for a man and a woman to clarify certain points in a relationship, including with regard to sexual life... This can be frustrating, especially in cases where it leads to fake orgasms and circumnavigation of things that will never be affected by embarrassment.

It can be difficult for a young couple to even talk about everyday needs, let alone sex. Mature women are more focused on the sex itself and on the pleasure of theirs and their partner, than on how they will look if they talk about something.

3. Mature women have much less expectations from men.
Usually, a man is expected to take the initiative, make a lot of money, be romantic and overwhelm a woman with compliments and gifts. Young people do not always meet these expectations, which gives them anxiety and depressive moods.

Thus, it makes sense to date a mature woman, because she does not attach such importance to initiative, is not so interested in romance and can provide herself with whatever she wants. Less expectations equals more fun.

2. When dating a gorgeous mature woman is flattering
That a gorgeous older woman spends time with young guy, flatters his vanity. He understands that at her age she was free to choose whoever she wanted - but she chose him. It is him! It boosts self-esteem and self-confidence and ultimately has a positive effect on relationships.

Even if the woman is not as luxurious as he would like, the young man realizes that he is lucky anyway: after all, this experience will open up new horizons for him, and he himself will become more mature man- in various senses!

1. These women know what men want
One of the decisive arguments for choosing a mature woman is that she knows exactly what men love and what they want. This also applies to sex - perhaps they know about male preferences more than men themselves (especially in young age, when men know a little about themselves)! Well, all that remains for a man is to be good student and enjoy this stage in your life.

There are a lot of families with an age difference in favor of the wife, and not only in the sphere of show business, famous for its freedom of morals. Psychology explains why young guys love older women, the peculiarities of the era and upbringing.

Why do guys love older women?

Psychologists note that the growing age of a person is more and more pushed back. In ancient times, families were created by today's standards entirely by children, whereas today an adult can feel like a child.

It is more difficult for a man to grow up - a heavy burden of responsibility falls on him, but young guys are usually not ready for this. Choosing an older woman, such a young man, in fact, chooses a substitute for a mother who is able to help and support, but at the same time will not be hysterical and frayed.

Sex with a grown woman for a guy is also attractive - she is more experienced and relaxed than her age. In case of failure, a sophisticated partner will be able to find words of consolation, while a young girl can make a guy laugh.

Why do men love older women?

But love for an older woman does not always speak of a man's infantilism. Perhaps peers and, especially, young people, are not at all interesting to him because of their superficiality and frivolity. In this case, the man will look for a more serious lady, who is likely to be older.

Relationships with an older woman are usually calmer than with younger ladies. Adult ladies are well-formed personalities, interesting companions, skillful lovers. Such women usually value their man highly, because by virtue of their experience, they know how few people you can rely on, whom you can trust.

A mature woman knows when to keep quiet and when to give advice. When she will not be endlessly offended, and wait for the first step from a man. Adult women pay less attention to other people's opinions and make decisions themselves. A wife who is older than her husband is a "safe haven" and " reliable rear"That many men dream about so much.

Hello everyone! Recently, in a cafe in Kazan, a good friend told me that her boyfriend loves older women than she does. She is now 22 years old, and the young man is 24. I was surprised at this statement and thought that she was joking, but the girl continued to prove her own. This topic became interesting to me and I decided to reflect on it. I think this article will be useful for both guys and girls.

Some for some reason believe that female attractiveness with age, it disappears and it becomes no longer so beautiful. Many ladies who have reached the age of forty begin to feel like “grandmothers”. But what if, upon reaching this age, arrange personal life didn’t work?

This is where the salvation for them turns out to be the following: maybe someone does not know, but (as my friend told me) the majority of young guys really prefer older women, not the same age. Today it is not uncommon for women to have romances and even for guys many years younger. What's happening? How do mature ladies seduce young guys? And what attracts the boys themselves to "grandmothers"?


Possessing a huge life experience, mature women know perfectly well how to use their advantages and possible disadvantages. They will never ask the chosen one: “ Honey, am I plump? It's just awful! I have added three pounds!". Such ladies understand that many men simply will not notice such a slight increase in weight.

It is more interesting for young people to communicate with women of mature age, since it is possible with them. In addition, they themselves are able to manage the conversation well, because they know perfectly well what is worth talking about and what to keep silent about.

Adult ladies do not listen to the opinions of others like young girls. They don't care what others think of them or what others say to them. Since they are already mature individuals, they have a lot of life experience and have their own opinion about reality. And this is very good at protecting men's nerves.

Mature women clearly know what they want. They build their lives according to them alone clear rules, communicate only with those people with whom they want. They prefer long, romantic and stormy romances.

Adult ladies have a huge life experience, and they have already experienced the meaning of the saying "We love those who do not love us, we drive those who love us." It is for this reason that they appreciate the time given to them by a fan.

Most adult men lack mother's affection in their lives. If mom caressed a little in childhood, then such men in older partners are looking for what is missing.
A young man may be disappointed in his peers. Women of the same age may seem disorderly and uninteresting to him.
The lady, in turn, can also be disappointed in her peers, since she no longer hopes to meet among them what she wants.


Older women solve their problems themselves. This independence today attracts many young men. In addition, a girl endowed with life experience is able to suggest something to her companion and help find a way out of a problem situation.

Such ladies are usually already established and they are always busy. An adult lady will not call her boyfriend every hour at work and send him text messages. A lot of guys really don't like this, but there are exceptions.

But what about in bed?

As for intimacy, here mature women are freer and more literate. They know well what a partner needs and how to please him. They, as a rule, are not notorious, and therefore are not at all shy.

I hope you understand why guys love older women. I think I was able to solve this issue. How are you doing? Write in the comments whatever you think about this issue. Do you like older women? =)