Blessing of the mother of the bride in front of the registry office words. We bless our daughter before her wedding: unchanging wedding traditions. What icon is used to bless the bride

In the old days, it was not customary to play a wedding without parental blessing. This custom carries with it the wisdom of the older generation and the respect of children for their parents. Without the consent of the parents, they did not get married in the church, otherwise the children who decided to marry without the approval of their ancestors would lie all their lives heavy load renunciation of the family. For such couples, family life did not work out, and often completely collapsed.

If we decipher the blessing, then literally we will receive "praise of the future." Therefore, this ceremony is considered not only an approval of the choice of your child, but also a promise to a happy future.

Now young people choose their own mates and do not ask their parents for permission to marry. From the blessing ceremony, only a part remained, where the groom's parents admonish the young people to a bright and long family life... No one remains indifferent at such a moment, parents pin their hopes on their children, and newlyweds receive support and approval from the older generation.

Orthodox blessing

If you want to go through the rite of Orthodox blessing according to all the canons, then find out if all the participants in the rite are baptized. Otherwise, you will have to be baptized before the wedding. If there are no obstacles to blessing, everyone agrees to hold the ceremony, then two icons are bought: the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and the icon of Christ the Savior (Nikolai the Pleasant).

The first blessing occurs by the girl's parents at her home. Parents with best wishes and with parting words they baptize their daughter three times with the icon of the Mother of God.
Then the young couple are blessed by the bride's parents. When the groom arrives for his betrothed on the wedding day, the bridesmaids offer him other candidates for marriage, after refusal they ask him for a ransom for the beautiful bride. After noisy and merry ransom and carry out the second blessing of the young. This happens before the departure of the bride and groom for registration (wedding). For the ceremony it is necessary to prepare an embroidered towel. Young people kneel on it in front of their parents, who hold icons in front of them. The bride's father and mother say solemn parting words and baptize the young with icons three times. When leaving the bride's house, the future spouses take the first step in new life where guests are greeted and showered with grain, sweets and coins.

The groom's parents are the last to bless the spouses after marriage. Children come to parental home after the registry office or the ceremony is performed at the entrance to banqueting hall... A “carpet of prosperity” is laid under the youngsters' feet. The groom's mother holds a loaf with a salt shaker in her hands. The father meets the young people at the door with an icon, he says the words of blessing and wishes strong marriage, happy life. The young couple kiss the icon, eat bread and salt, and the blessed ones enter the house.

Modern rite of blessing

If there are any difficulties in performing the blessing, then you can abolish it. Many do this in our time, especially if a multi-ethnic marriage is concluded or one of the parents does not accept baptism for religious reasons. In this case, no icons are required. The blessing comes down to a conversation between children and their parents, in which the elders admonish the younger generation, instruct them on a successful marriage and wish them happiness and prosperity.
Of course, this rite loses its religious component, but warm and touching words for a young family are also important. They will deeply sink into the very hearts of young people and will remain there forever.

What is customary to say to parents at the wedding of children

Each parent decides for himself what speech to bless his child with. Who, if not mom and dad, know him best. It is important that the words come from the heart. Better to learn beforehand solemn words, so that in the moment of excitement you will not forget anything. There are standard words of blessing that parents have used for years. They have everything that parents have to say, but there is some formalism. You can write your speech, it is better if it is in prose.

Wedding after blessings

After receiving blessings from both sides, the newlyweds with guests go to the hall for the celebration. Icons with a towel are placed on the table at which the newlyweds sit, and after the wedding is over, they are neatly wrapped and transferred to the house of the young family. Now they will guard family hearth and become a family heirloom.

At the end of the wedding celebration, a blessing ceremony for everyone who is present at the wedding will become very symbolic and beautiful. Matchmakers go around all the guests and pass them the flame from their candle, lighting many other smaller ones. This very beautiful performance means the continuity of generations. Everyone receives a piece of parental warmth and love along with a small spark. And how the flame will behave: extinguish from a draft or ignite into a big fire, depends only on us.

When such an exciting moment as a wedding comes in a person's life, it is no wonder that he will look anxiously into the future: will his upcoming family life be prosperous? This applies to both the bride and the future husband: often overcome by doubts, they sometimes lack the kind parental word. After all, the closest people to the bride and groom are their parents.

Blessing is permission that allows you to do any action... And in Russia, any important event should begin with the blessing of the parents, because the children were obliged to respect their opinion. If you think about it, the word "blessing" implies some kind of good word that allows and approves the decision to leave the parents' house, for example.

The wedding blessing originated in Orthodoxy, but also exists in other religions. Before becoming a family, young people asked their parents for consent. And if he was not, but the young got married, then this was considered a great sin and was condemned in every possible way. The priest had every right to refuse a wedding to the young if there was no consent to the marriage.

In Ukrainian villages, the groom was called young, and the bride was young, and wedding custom- blessed rite. It consisted of a complex and lengthy ransom, examination of the bride and other customs that now seem strange to many.

Of course, now the newlyweds decide for themselves, whether to marry them or not, but the blessing of the parents remains an indispensable part of the preparation for the wedding. It can be expressed in both prose and poetry, it depends on desire and fantasy. After all, who can instruct the newlyweds on future path with such love and warmth, if not parents.

Blessing texts from mother to bride

On the wedding day, the bride is more worried than ever. Therefore, the mother of the bride needs to think over every word that she says as parting words. After all, the daughter will remember them for life. A parent, releasing his chick on a future flight, must set him the right direction. That is why the blessing of the parents at the daughter's wedding is so decisive. Words can be like this:

In believing families, according to tradition, mothers bless their daughter with an icon of the Mother of God. Why is it so important before future wedding? The fact is that the girl will soon realize herself as a wife and mother, and she needs a great patroness of all women to be a patient and affectionate wife, a mother of healthy children.

For this, an icon of the Mother of God is best suited, which is passed down from generation to generation, but a consecrated one from the church is also suitable. Icons are also used at the wedding of young people, when the husband holds the icon of Jesus Christ, and the wife holds the icon of the Virgin. Christ personifies masculinity, intercession, protector of the family, and the Mother of God - kindness, humility, birth and upbringing of children.

Once desired icon found, the mother should stand in front of her daughter, say famous prayers and bless her daughter nice words... After that, the bride kisses the icon and puts her forehead on it. This means faith, gratitude to the mother for the upbringing, a request higher powers help the future family.

Words for young people in front of the registry office

And now the young are already on the threshold of the registry office, as if afraid and not daring to go inside... What should be the words of blessing to young people so that they confidently join hands and, finally, legitimize their love? For this, parents should prepare in advance, taking one or more of the following texts as an example:

What a parental blessing gives

When a person leaves parental family to create your own, it is always accompanied by doubt, anxiety and even fear. And only the closest people - mom and dad - can cheer up the young before such an important decision as marriage. After all, they themselves once also made such a decision, lived for many years together. They will present good lesson the groom and to the bride and by her example and blessing.

Each person chooses for himself how to deal with matters of faith and church canons, but on the eve of such important event in life like a wedding, many young people, under the influence of their parents or simply at the behest of their hearts, think about the customs of parental blessing and meeting with "bread and salt".

Since in the hustle and bustle of life, many of us are far from the church and are not familiar with its traditions, many questions arise: who should bless the young, before registration (wedding) or after, what icons are needed for this, and so on.

First of all, you need to distinguish between the blessing of the parents of the bride and groom before the wedding and the meeting with a loaf of a young family.

The tradition of blessing with icons goes back to the days when parents gave icons to the bride and groom creating their own family nest to create their own red corner. Sometimes it could be family icons that were passed on to the family from the end of the century, in other cases - new, specially ordered icons for a young family.

Blessing is primarily a parental appeal, parting words to their children before the wedding or wedding. If the young do not have parents, godparents or other older relatives can play this role. This event can be timed to coincide with the wedding day, or at the moment of "matchmaking", when the groom asks for his bride's hand from her parents.

The groom's parents bless their son before leaving home. Typically an icon of the Savior. He is believed to indicate life path, leads the future husband, helps in difficult moments.

Mother and father stand side by side. The father holds the icon and baptizes the son standing in front of him three times with the icon, then hands the icon to the mother, who also blesses.

The groom crosses himself and kisses the icon. The bride is blessed in a similar way by her parents. According to some opinions, only the mother should do this, alone with her daughter. In most cases, the icon of the Mother of God. There are no strict templates here, the words that will come from the heart are important.

A traditional wedding is full of rituals. Connecting young people to each other is invariably associated with the tradition of parental blessing. Why is this moment present in the culture of nations? The girl or boy grew up and were brought up in a family, so parents "open the gates" to a new one already adult life... A wedding is considered a fundamental step towards self-reliance. Two people create a union, which is still a separate cell.

A separate tradition, pleasant for everyone (young people, relatives, guests), is the giving of gifts. V modern society it is customary to give money, jewelry, household appliances, linens, however, the rite of blessing the young with a miraculous icon is still preserved. This ritual originates from the moment of the baptism of Rus and is the highlight of the celebration. The icon given by the parents was passed down from one generation to the next.

What is the value of the ritual with the icon

A wedding is the beginning of a new union, ideally for a lifetime. Therefore, parental advice serves to strengthen the foundation of the future happiness of young people. Along with congratulations, the wishes, instructions and blessings of the father and mother sound. Their task is to help at the first stage to create a microclimate in the family.

Now there is a gradual return to ancient traditions. They are not only beautiful, but they also contain a storehouse of ancestral wisdom. Icon blessing refers to the Christian values ​​of marriage, which also strengthen their position in society.

Pre-wedding preparation

Improvisation at a wedding is welcome, especially if it is successful, but most of the congratulations, gifts, parting words should be prepared in advance. A search and development of a script is being carried out, relatives and guests discuss the stages of the celebration among themselves, based on the plans of the young.

Holding a celebration according to traditions requires friends and relatives to prepare sketches, ditties. The presence of music and equipment, definition from the menu is important. All participants in the event, especially parents, should contribute. They are obliged to prepare words of congratulations and parting words.

What icon to bless the newlyweds

What kind of icon is usually given to newlyweds for a wedding by parents. The bride's father and mother bless her with the Image, sincerely wish her happiness and wisdom. To carry out the ritual, an image of the Kazan Mother of God is needed, which should be brought up holding on an embroidered towel. The icon personifies the image of a woman who preserves the family hearth as a spouse and mother. The bride, bowing to the image, looks at him. In this case, the head should be covered with tulle and guipure. The girl makes a promise to keep the family.

The groom's parents bless him with the Image of Christ. The man's task in the family is to protect her. Behind him are the latest decisions as the head of the family. Although the wife is called the "neck", which gently and imperceptibly turns the head (man) into the right side, according to tradition the last word remains behind him. If he is the boss wrong, to be a reckless reveler, then the family will suffer. The groom must understand his obligations.

Features of the preparation and conduct of the ritual of blessing

Parents perform the ceremony at home. It is not customary to get images from friends. An icon for a blessing should be purchased consecrated in a temple or monastery. Before the wedding, parents visit these divine abodes to pray for the prosperous future family life of their children, and acquire an icon. Together with the Image, they bring peace and grace to the house.

It is permissible to bring images to the registry office during a wedding, and then before the start of the feast, one of the icons, as a rule, is the Face of Christ, to greet the young. The embroidered towel, with the help of which the icon is held, is called a towel. Then the hands of the young are tied to them. The role of connecting the bride and groom is assigned to the parents, therefore, the image of Christ is used in this rite. The young ones are greeted by their father holding the icon, and the groom's mother greets them with bread and salt. The tradition of blessing the young with an Image and a loaf symbolizes the wish for them a prosperous family life, prosperity and happiness.

Beforehand, you should prepare the words. It is better that parting words, wishes and congratulations come from the heart, and not be taken exclusively from the Internet. You can preliminarily familiarize yourself with the traditions of your ancestors and, on their basis, compose your own special version of wishes. Carrying out a ceremony with with a pure heart is the key to its value for future life young. Parents must turn to the Lord. If you lack faith, then you should sincerely wish the bride and groom happiness. Young people starting a family life are always worthy of these wishes. If there are doubts, they should have been voiced earlier. After the wedding, only wishes for happiness, healthy children, and mutual understanding should be pronounced.

WITH Christian traditions the concept came to us: parental blessing. One of the commandments in the Bible says: “Honor your father and mother, so that the blessing will be upon you. And your life will be long on earth. "

What should a son's blessing sound like before the wedding?

Respecting their parents, children have the guarantee of a happy and long life. In the sacrament of the wedding, it is said that the prayers of the parents confirm the foundations of the houses. Therefore, the blessing of the parents is very important for the children who are getting married.

Children used to know that without parental blessing happy marriage don't build. Few young people dared to break this tradition, fearing the consequences. Blessing - important step, because the son is the future head of the family.

Times have changed, and traditions have also changed. Young people do not attach the same importance to such formalities. It has become a tradition to live together before marriage, sometimes without informing the parents. Having lived and looked at each other, young people decide to formalize their relationship officially.

Having concluded civil marriage, the young couple decide on a beautiful wedding ceremony. Parental blessing valid for any kind of marriage. An understanding comes that young people need it.

Everyone wants to build a family life, having a guarantee of well-being.
Blessing the newlyweds is a serious and responsible step. With the wedding approaching, parents should prepare a parting word for family life for the celebration.

How to bless correctly according to the laws of God

There are no strict and clear rules for blessing. You can simply adhere to the accepted normal norms.

First, the bride receives the blessing from her parents when she announces her decision to marry.

The bride is blessed with an icon Holy Mother of God... Then they bless the young when the bride comes to get acquainted with his parents: taking the icon with the image of Jesus Christ, the parents baptize the children three times, saying the words of the blessing prayer, in their own words; wish them well-being, strong family ties, healthy and obedient children etc.

Young at this moment are on their knees, then kiss the icon (or icons).

Some during a feast put these icons in front of the newlyweds, which is not necessary. Let the icons be in the red corner. Even if a son is not a believer, he still receives a blessing from God, at the request of his parents. Words spoken with love from the heart will reach the Lord. The blessing will protect and preserve this family.

Words are given great strength and power

With rich family experience behind them, parents understand what their son needs to strive for. They can give the son wise instructions, knowing his character, strengths and weaknesses.

The Lord is called God the Word. What he said happened. Therefore, always monitor your speech. Always wish goodness, peace, love. How much you put your souls into words, so much will they come true.

According to your faith it is given great power words. Possessing this ability, parents protect their son from rash steps, put up protection from adversity, save and keep him from fatal mistakes in life.

Your love will always protect and preserve your son, making his life happy.

Go to meet each other for love

It happens that the parents did not like the bride. Or they think it is too early for him to start a family; or in mind there is another girl whom they would like to see as a daughter-in-law.

They reject the choice of their son, not giving approval for the marriage. There can be no question of any blessing. Should I treat my son's decision like that?

From similar attitude everyone will suffer. Difficult to find young man who will give up his beloved for the sake of obedience to his parents. The son will do his own thing, and the conflict with the parents will turn into painful resentment against each other.

Whoever is wiser will be the first to try to establish peace in the family. Having given up your ambitions, you need to meet each other halfway. It is good if the son listens to the opinion of his parents and does not rush to the wedding. After all, he is still young and does not see many of the nuances of marriage. Often, parents foresee what the marriage will be like by denying the blessing.

The postponement of the wedding is not a catastrophe: parents will be able to get to know their future daughter-in-law better, to see her positive traits, change your attitude towards her and give a blessing for marriage.

Parental guidance plays a significant role

When the son goes to fetch the bride, it is advisable to bless him again, just before leaving.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to ask for blessings (permission, approval) before starting any serious business.

You can cross a person close to you in the back. This is also a kind of blessing and protection from troubles. If the family is a believer, then bless your son, as before with an icon depicting Jesus Christ. Or simply, say the words of parting words.

The Lord will bless and protect the family from adversity

Prayer as a blessing for a son before the wedding. Words for parting words may be different. There are no strict regulations. Faithful parents can pick up Orthodox prayer from the prayer book.

You can express your wishes in your own words, there will be no mistake. Sometimes parents cannot find words on their own.

You can express the parting words as follows: “Just as the Church of Christ is not destroyed, so may your union be steadfast and strong. As the Lord and the church are one, so you will always be together and live in harmony. As the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of God is pure, so you take care of each other and remain faithful. May the blessing of the Lord always be with you. "

A blessing from the heart for a beloved dear son

  1. Dear son, (name), on this solemn day, listen to our parting word... Accept wishes for good and happy life.

    Protect your family from all the troubles, from evil tongue, quarrels and discord. Live in peace and harmony. May joy and good luck accompany family well-being. May happiness never leave your home.

  2. Dear son, we bless you for a strong and happy marriage. Let your home be a full bowl. Let it be heard funny laugh children. Be a reliable support and protection for your happiness. Live in the name of love and goodness.
  3. Beloved son, (name), live in harmony and happiness. Respect and forgive each other, keep peace and warmth in the family. Remember that all troubles recede from those in whom love reigns. Take care of it from the first days until old age. Live in prosperity, God bless you.
  4. Son, (name), may God protect you from storms and sorrow; from illness and pain; from the wounds of an evil tongue and slander of enemies. May wisdom help you overcome all adversity and obstacles on the way. Be happy and always live in harmony with your conscience.

    May your home be full of light, happiness and joy. Take care of your chosen one and be her reliable protection... May luck and prosperity accompany you in all your affairs.