Quotes about mother's love for son. Child's love for parents. F. M. Dostoevsky novel "Crime and Punishment"

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care in fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give children infancy? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

"She sincerely, maternally loves her son, loves him only because she gave birth to him, that he is her son, and not at all because she saw glimpses of human dignity in him"
. (V.G. Belinsky.)

ABOUT maternal love you can talk endlessly. But hardly anyone will ever describe this phenomenon more exhaustively than Anatoly Nekrasov. Mother's love, according to the writer, stands out from other types of love so much that it is impossible not to notice. It contains many impurities and shades of feelings: attachment to the child, selfishness towards him, the desire for self-affirmation, a sense of ownership, even pride. And, unfortunately, love itself in this scale is negligible ... Nekrasov thinks so, and he conveys this idea to us in his brilliant work “ Mother's Love».

Within a few years after its release, the book was reprinted dozens of times and was translated into several languages. The volume of the work is small, but it touches upon such problems that have turned the worldview of hundreds of thousands of people, opening them A New Look to their own destinies. "Mother's love" is not just a whole system. A system that allows you to see family foundations, the relationship of family members from completely different angles.

The author considers here another, different from the generally accepted, side of a mother's love for a child. According to Nekrasov, maternal love can bring a lot of suffering not only to children, not only to the mother herself, but also to the surrounding society. Especially when this love is excessive. A similar situation is inherent in some peoples more, some less, but, nevertheless, is relevant throughout the world. And this creates a lot of problems...

Needless to say, "Mother's Love" made a decent noise after its release? Hundreds of reactions, thousands of points of view were its natural consequence. Many women, after starting to read, discovered something new in themselves, changed the usual order of thoughts and made very diverse conclusions. Some simply threw the book away, unable to read another page. However, the read chapters of "Mother's Love" were taken by the soul, did not let go, forced to return to them again and again. And these same women found, bought, read the book again, literally through force.

What happened next? The readers felt the deepest gratitude to the author for expressing what they themselves were unable to formulate. The relationship of mothers with their children became completely different. Not only women, but also men showed extraordinary interest in the book. "Mother's Love" has even become a desktop tool for some psychologists, and still helps them in resolving complex and intricate family problems.

Himself a member of the Union of Russian Writers and experienced psychologist, was a leading specialist in I must say that far from his only work in a psychological vein was "Mother's Love". Nekrasov wrote more than three dozen books on harmony in the human soul, his personal growth against the backdrop of various aspects of life. The most famous of them are Living Thoughts, Man and Woman, and 1000 and One Ways to Be Yourself. These books will turn your point of view on life upside down, make you observe the world and independently find many confirmations of the words of a brilliant author written on paper.

Ready-made arguments for composing the exam:

The problem of motherhood

The problem of blind motherly love

Motherhood as a feat

Possible theses:

Mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world

Being a good mother is a real feat

A mother is ready to do anything for her children

Sometimes a mother's love is blinding and a woman sees only the good in her child.

D. I. Fonvizin comedy "Undergrowth"

A vivid example of blind maternal love is Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth". Prostakova loved her son so much that she saw only good things in him. Mitrofan got away with everything, any of his whims were fulfilled, his mother always followed his lead. The result is obvious - the hero grew up as a spoiled and selfish young man who does not love anyone but himself, and is not even indifferent to his own mother.

L. Ulitskaya story "Daughter of Bukhara"

A real maternal feat is described in Ulitskaya's story "The Daughter of Bukhara". Alya, the main character of the work, was a very beautiful girl. Becoming the wife of Dmitry, Oriental beauty gave birth to a girl, but it soon became clear that the child had Down syndrome. The father could not accept the handicapped child and left for another woman. And Bukhara, who loved her daughter with all her heart, did not give up and devoted her life to raising the girl, doing everything possible for her happiness, sacrificing her own.

A. N. Ostrovsky play "Thunderstorm"

Not always maternal love is expressed in affection. In the play by Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" Kabanikha, the mother-in-law of the main character, was very fond of "educating" her children, giving them punishments and reading morals. It is not surprising that son Tikhon showed himself as a weak-willed, dependent person and a mumbler who cannot even take a step without a “mother”. The constant interference of Kabanikh in the life of his son had a negative impact on his life.

F. M. Dostoevsky novel "Crime and Punishment"

In Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, endless maternal love is also traced. Pulcheria Alexandrovna was most worried about the happiness of her son Rodion and believed him no matter what. For him, the woman was ready to sacrifice her daughter. It seems that the son for Pulcheria was much more important than Dunya.

A. N. Tolstoy story "Russian character"

In Tolstoy's story "Russian Character" the power of maternal love is emphasized. When tanker Yegor Dremov received burns that disfigured his face beyond recognition, he was afraid that his family would turn their backs on him. The hero visited his relatives under the guise of his friend. But sometimes a mother's heart sees clearer than her eyes. The woman, despite the alien appearance, recognized her own son in the guest.

V. Zakrutkin story "The Mother of Man"

About how big the heart of a real mother can be is described in Zakrutkin's story "The Mother of Man". During the war, the main character, having lost her husband and son, was left alone with her unborn child on the land plundered by the Nazis. For his sake, Maria continued to live, and soon sheltered the little girl Sanya and fell in love with her like her own. After some time, the baby died of an illness, the heroine almost went crazy, but stubbornly continued her work - to revive the destroyed, for those who, perhaps, will return. For all the time, the pregnant woman managed to shelter seven more orphans on her farm. This act can be considered a real maternal feat.

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"She sincerely, maternally loves her son, loves him only because she gave birth to him, that he is her son, and not at all because she saw glimpses of human dignity in him"
. (V.G. Belinsky.)

There are a lot of examples of maternal love in literature, as well as manifestations of love are very different - from "blind" maternal love, on the verge of self-sacrifice, to cold and aristocratic restraint of feelings, which brings suffering from a lack of maternal love. The image of a mother is often only present in works, next to the main characters, but the feelings, hopes, experiences of the mother's heart are very similar, each mother wishes her child happiness and kindness, but each does it in her own way, so different expressions of love share common features. I will give a few examples:
Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" and the "blind" maternal love of Mrs. Prostakova, who adores Mitrofanushka. For her, the son is "the light in the window", she does not see his vices, shortcomings, and such adoration leads to her son's betrayal.
Paustovsky K.G. "Telegram" is the all-forgiving maternal love of an old woman who waits for her daughter every day, justifying her daughter's selfishness and callousness by her employment at work. late.
Tolstoy A.N. "Russian character" - do not deceive the heart of the mother, the mother loves her son as he is, and not as he looks. After being wounded, the son returned home under a false name, fearing his deformity. my Egorushka, "the main thing is alive, and the rest is not important.
Gogol N.V. "Taras Bulba" is the touching love of the "old woman" mother for her sons, she cannot look enough at them, but does not dare to tell them about her feelings. A fragile and not old woman, she loves her sons with all her heart and ... "for every drop of their blood she would give all of myself."
Permyak E.A. "Mom and us" - the restraint of the mother's feelings, leads to the erroneous conclusions of the son. Only years later, the son understands how much his mother loved him, she simply did not show it "in public", but prepared him for life's difficulties. Only loving mother, can spend the winter, in a snowstorm and frost, all night long in search of his son.
Chekhov A.P. "The Seagull" is the lack of maternal love and Konstantin's suffering. The mother preferred a career, raising her son. The son is not indifferent to the mother, but her choices and preferences in life lead to tragedy. The son could not bear the severity of the mother's absence in his life, he shot himself.
Several examples of maternal love show how important this feeling is for both children and parents. Care, affection, understanding, unaccountable love of mothers are very important when raising a child, but the reciprocal feelings of children are no less important, even when they are already becoming adults. "Better late than never."

Good day, dear blog readers. In this article, I will present you an essay on the topic: “ The problem of attitude towards mother: arguments“. You can use this option when preparing for the exam in the Russian language.

The problem of fathers and children is relevant to this day. The future of the child and his formation as a person depends on the parents. As the years go by, children become independent people and very often they forget that it was mom and dad who were their guides during adulthood. It is this problem that the author reveals in his work.

Many great poets and writers in their works considered this topic. classic shape we can observe families in the novel by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace". According to the author, the father should be engaged in the Christian-moral upbringing of the child, and the mother should give her love and affection, being the keeper of the hearth, surround each family member with care.

In the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Sparrow" maternal instinct, the desire to protect their offspring leads the bird to a heroic battle with a dog. A mother's love for her children is embodied here in the image of a sparrow.

Mother relationship problem is clearly seen in the work of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky “Telegram”. main character Nastya lives in the city of Leningrad. Her life is full of worries and problems. In her opinion, they are so important and urgent that, having received a telegram about the illness of her own mother, Nastya cannot escape to her home. Only realizing that her delay could lead to tragic consequences, she goes to her mother in the village. But it is already too late, and time cannot be turned back: the mother has died.

A reverent attitude towards mother finds a place in Sergei Yesenin's poem "Letter to Mother". Main character worries about the health of his mother and does not want to disturb her with his worries: “you are still alive, the old woman, I am also alive, hello to you, hello.”

In my opinion, mother relationship problem will always be relevant, because very often, under the weight of our problems and worries, we forget about the people closest to us and for some reason we can’t just call home and say: “Hi, I’m fine, I love you!”.

This is what one of the essays looks like given topic with the appropriate arguments. You can find all my works in the category ““. I hope they will help you in building your thoughts and preparing for the exam. If you have any questions about the frame or grammar inclusions, ask them in the comments, I will definitely give you an answer! All the best!


Thinking and sensitive mothers are very worried that they may not give their child love. That they will not be able to redeem him in this bright feeling that gives the child so much strength and joy. What will give is not that, not so, not there, little or too much. But is it worth worrying?

A mother's love is like milk. It comes to a woman by itself, after childbirth. The more often you breastfeed your baby, the more milk. There are no non-dairy women, everyone has milk. IN different amount, different consistency but everyone has it. Milk never runs out. Its supplies are endless, and as long as the child needs it, it will come. Of course.

Moreover, women, even during fasting, can feed their children. The body will wisely redistribute resources - and milk will not go anywhere, it will again and again come from mother's secret reserves. At least for a while.

The same is true of motherly love. It comes into our heart one day and spreads around. In order to pass it on to a child, we do not need to do anything special - just be close to him. He will take as much as he needs and when he needs. He will come running, recharge, and then go about his business.

I often think of Indian cows with calves. They do a great job of showing me the right attitude of a mother. Mother just minds her own business, walks wherever she pleases, eats what she wants. And the calf, which is always near her, sometimes comes to drink milk. He can do it in any circumstances - in the middle of the road, when mom is sleeping, when mom is coming. Doesn't matter. Mom herself does not always notice that in this moment baby drinks her milk.

The cow does the main thing - walks and eats so that milk comes again and again. And he gives his calf the opportunity to turn to her at any time when he needs it. And that's it.

We love to complicate things. And I'm not about now breastfeeding, but only on his example - about maternal love. We try to control how love goes to the child, how much and how often. I know mothers who purposefully try for half an hour a day to love their child. They almost force themselves and him by force - but the effect is the opposite. And the child resists, and the mother barely squeezes out of herself drop by drop, because it is necessary. But love is born in freedom, not in tight confines.

And yet, does everyone have this love in enough? Is there really nothing special to do? Let's return to the metaphor with milk - and the question will sound a little different. What if I have no milk or very little? Yes, it happens. But when?

  • There are mothers who have been told that they are non-dairy. They explained that they had little or no milk. And they believed. And once they believed, they stopped trying. There was no milk.
  • There are mothers who are very anxious, worried about whether there is milk. Controlling, weighing the child after each feeding. From such tension, milk can disappear. For love, again, freedom is needed.
  • There are mothers who are constantly on edge, in worries, stress. For any reason. And then her milk may "cease to fit" the child. It will be as if poisoned by her negative experiences. Then the child may refuse to breastfeed, and it is very difficult to react to milk (for example, lactase deficiency will develop). This point is very familiar to me from my eldest son.
  • There are mothers who are so physically exhausted that the body stops producing milk in order to survive. Therefore, in order to have milk, you need to take care of yourself - eat well, rest.
  • It happens that milk comes later than usual. Today it is not there, but in two days it is. But some don't wait.
  • Milk disappears if you stop feeding. In a few days it will disappear completely.

All the same with love. When does a child not receive love from his mother?

  • When a mother thinks that she doesn’t know how to love, she doesn’t succeed, so it’s better not to try. It is better to give the child to those who "know how to love" - ​​let him eat there. Gives the baby to the nanny or kindergarten. And go to work herself. But can even a loving nanny give the same thing as a mother?
  • When a mother constantly controls her manifestations of love, she tries to “feed with love” on a schedule and schedule. No, you are not yet loved enough - let's love more. And strangles the child in the arms of his overprotectiveness. And gradually, overprotection displaces love as such from relationships. All that remains is control.
  • When mom is exhausted negative emotions, she is not up to love. It turns into a pot, from which it is not light at all and not good at all, but something sticky and smelly. Love remains somewhere at the bottom of this pot, it is not seen or heard. And it's all about stress.
  • When mother is de-energized, exhausted, she does not take care of herself. When her batteries ran out, when she was barely alive - what return of love can there be?
  • When a mother makes super-demands on herself and does not allow the fruits of love to ripen in her heart.
  • When mom is not physically around. When there is no way to come and recharge.

That is, by analogy with milk, we should not care about how to give milk to a child, but that we have milk. So that we have inside the love that we want to give. So that our reservoirs are filled with love, like breasts with milk.

And when we have this love, it is important that the child could take this love from us when he needs it. That is, it is necessary to issue him an unlimited pass to our dairy warehouse. So that at any time of the day or night he could enter - and take what he needs. As he needs. Sometime he will just lie on his knees, someday he will want to talk, sometime he will be hungry, and he will need to be fed. There are different forms of love. But the main thing is to have something and to whom to give.

Mother's milk is universal and incomprehensible. Just like a mother's love. Breastfed babies never overeat. They eat exactly what they need. When it's needed. Breast milk is digested quickly and absorbed well. It always desired temperature, consistency. It always suits this particular baby.

And even its composition is individually adjusted to the child at a given time. At the same time, the woman herself does not control milk and its composition, it comes from above. As well as maternal love, which is essentially Divine love, passing through our heart through and through.

But if the child is transferred to artificial feeding, then other laws come into play. Here you can overeat, and the feeding regimen is mandatory, and temperature control, the quality of the mixture, its features are hypoallergenic, lactose-free, from regurgitation. Many factors need to be taken into account. Always be in overdrive. And for the child, the effect will still be worse. Because the mixture will not be able to fully satisfy the needs of a growing organism, it cannot adapt to it just as flexibly, and it cannot treat all diseases. Although it seems more convenient.

Just the same with love. A mother's love is never too much if that love comes from the heart. She is always exactly what the child needs - by karma, by fate, by circumstances. She is able to take any form, adapt to his needs.

Saturate, soothe (we saw how breast milk affects babies?), protect.

Therefore, we, mothers, need to focus not on counting whether we have given him enough. We need to take care that there is always a lot of love in us. Any time of the day. And so that the child has access to our storage. And that's enough.

See love in action

And what happens - we also received as much from our mothers as we need? Yes. Exactly as much as we were supposed to by fate. We could get more if our mothers knew how to take care of themselves and gave us access to their hearts. But this did not happen, because there was so much love in our life that should have been. She is not so little. It's just not always explicit.

Remember how grandmothers show love. Food, food and more food. Every ten minutes. Their repertoire is one-sided, and someone complains about it. Although the goal is not food, but to give a piece of your love. Our mothers also often replace love with guardianship, gifts, control and other strange things for us.

But we as children can learn to see love in these actions. Of course, our hearts yearn not at all for beautiful boxes with gifts, not for caring "put on a hat." We want to be picked up, shaken a little, let us cry on our chests, hugged, kissed, listened to, accepted as we are. Therefore, when we are offered love in a different form, it even angers. I'm not dying of cold here, but of hunger - why do I need your hat!

If you put aside your expectations about what a mother should be like and what and how she should give me, then you can become a real alchemist. transformative warm hats- in milk. Those who know how to get the most valuable thing from everywhere - a piece of love. And you can not wear this same hat. But to hear in this “Put on a Hat” great love and care - and warm up, get enough.

Become a little calf that is able to adapt to its mother in any situation and get its portion of milk. Even in adulthood. But for this we need to recognize that in fact, all we want from mom is love. Not recognition, not respect, not pride, not evidence of something, but love.

Love from God

A mother's love is love from God. It does not belong to us, we do not create it, we are only conductors of this miracle. So there is enough for everyone.

And for two children, and for three, and for ten. It's just that even more will come from above - for the needs of all children. We cannot control it - it either passes through us, or we close our hearts to it tightly. And if our heart is closed today, then who feeds our children with love?

A mother's love is pure and bright. As is milk. She is able to heal children's diseases - both bodily and mental. She can work wonders. And not only with children. It can transform our own heart, our life, our values. She has a lot to teach both us and children.

If only we make sure that it passes through us, fills our hearts, overflowing. Is this not the main task mothers?

* The world is not only built in the nursery, but also destroyed from it; not only paths of salvation are laid here, but also paths of destruction. I. A. Ilyin.

* As recent comparative studies show, the nature and extent of the sense of autonomy that parents can develop in their baby depends on their feelings dignity and personal independence. For a child, our individual actions are not so important, he is primarily concerned about our life position: whether we live as loving, helping each other and firm in our convictions people or something makes us angry, anxious, internally divided. Eric Erickson.

* A child needs your love most just when he least deserves it. Erma Bombek.

* When the child has grown up, it's time for parents to learn to stand on their own feet. Francis Hope.

* The one whom the child does not love does not have the right to punish the child. John Locke.

* Stubborn child- the result of unreasonable behavior of the mother. Janusz Korczak.

* The child is a mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

* A child who suffers less abuse grows up to be a more self-conscious person. Friedrich Engels.

* A child under the pressure of fear is hypocritical, and his protest grows from bitterness to anger. At the same time, his self-esteem is forever lost. Luule Viilma.

* You say: children make me tired. You're right. You explain: it is necessary to descend to their concepts. Drop, stoop, bend, shrink. You are wrong. We don’t get tired of that, but of the fact that we need to rise to their feelings. Rise, stand on tiptoe, stretch. Not to offend. Janusz Korczak.

* Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love. Pearl Buck.

* Love for children is a specific activity to strengthen the personality in each child, develop his abilities for self-determination and self-realization, and independently develop a system of life values ​​and relationships. Pedagogical Dictionary of G. M. and A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov.

* The child becomes happy as soon as he feels sincere and selfless love. Sh. A. Amonashvili.

* Using memories early childhood is the key to understanding the human way of life. In early memories, one can often notice the same trends that are observed in the personality model of an individual twenty years later. By understanding early memories, the counselor will gain valuable material...if he is accurate and careful enough in deciphering it. R. May.

* No wonder they say that healthy children are born to parents who were happy in bed - and one cannot but agree with this. Clinical experience has repeatedly confirmed this truth, only with its reverse side, since the connection of childhood neuroses with sexual incongruity and conflicts of parents was invariably traced. In general, we can safely say the following: a mother who receives satisfaction in sexual life, is able to easily satisfy the needs of her child, because she has a sufficient supply of love for this. Alexander Lowen.

* Children multiply our worldly worries and anxieties, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us. Francis Bacon.

* Best gift What we can do to a child is not so much to love him as to teach him to love himself. Jacques Salome.

* At the very beginning of his life, each of us is like a flower bud - just as closed. Only after the bud receives heat from sun rays and nourishment from the soil, it will open and all the beauty of the flower hidden in it will become visible. In the same way, the human personality needs warmth from the very beginning of life. human love and nutrition, that is parental care, in order to open up and discover all unique beauty which God has placed in each person. We are all products of those who love us or deny us love. John Powell.

* Childhood is a foreign country: speaking the same language, parents and children often do not understand each other at all. Bel Kaufman.

* Parents bring up, and children are brought up by that family life, which is formed intentionally or unintentionally. The life of a family is so strong that its impressions are constant, ordinary, that it acts imperceptibly, strengthens or poisons the human spirit, like the air by which we live. A. Ostrogorsky.