Mother's conspiracy if the teacher does not love the child. Protect from all misfortunes. For a good education for a child

Someone is looking forward to the new school year, but for someone, going to school is associated with grief.
Conspiracies for schoolchildren will help your child study and communicate with teachers, peers (classmates).
Maybe you have already heard about “coins under the heel”? It is believed that the one who has “pyataks” (five-kopeck coins) under both heels will write test at least good. And they do it like this, before entering the class, put coins in your shoes under your heels and read the plot once:

“Lord, my God, bless and have mercy. As the moon moves across the sky at its own time, and I, the servant of God (my name), will be lucky from now on. Sand in the sea, it's constipation. May it be so. Amen".

After writing the test, find any intersection, maybe even on the way home and throw these coins over your left shoulder while saying "Paid!"
But, so that you are not called to the blackboard, you can hide from the teacher by placing a screen in the space between you and the teacher. To do this, you just need to imagine that you are separated from the teacher by a black screen behind which you cannot be seen. And until the teacher calls the name of another student, the following conspiracy should be read:

“Just as the angels hovering over their heads are not visible, so I, the servant of God (your name), cannot be seen or heard by anyone. Amen".

Of course, this requires training, your screen must be strong, and this depends on your willpower. It is better, of course, to learn lessons, and not fall into “ignoramuses”, there are enough of them already.
To make new friends at school, you can come to school on September 1 and cross the threshold, mentally read the conspiracy 3 times:

“Everyone who enters here, everyone who leaves here, I will be nice and interesting to everyone. Whoever crosses this threshold will be my friend. May it be so!"

Of course, I don’t advise you to skip classes, but if it happened, and for some reason you skipped a lesson, in order to avoid trouble, you need to quietly whisper a conspiracy 7 times before you enter the school:

“Lord, send a good hour, the demand is short, the temper of the teachers is meek. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

But I want to tell the parents of schoolchildren about two more rituals for their children.

In order for the child to be the smartest and most quick-witted at school, perform the following ritual for the growing moon for three days in a row.
Take thumb and little finger 3 grains of salt and throw them into a glass of spring water. Burn the oak chock and select 3 embers from the ashes. Throw them into the same glass. Baptizing water, say 7 times a plot:


“Hurry thoughts, quick deeds, strong memory, wisdom and wisdom, go into the water, mix and be passed on to my child. As King Solomon was smart, so my child would shine with his mind and mind, he would never forget. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Let the child drink three sips of this water, and let him wash himself with the rest.

Another ritual, if you notice that your child has begun to study poorly and skip school, this happens in transitional age and we all go through it.
Take the sheet your son sleeps on, lay it on the table, light a candle white color and put a photo of your son (daughter) on the sheet.
Looking at his image, say the plot 12 times:

“Lord, as you spoke your word to the disciples, as you instructed them, guided them along the righteous path, so direct and instruct Your servant (the name of the child) on the mind, on diligence in teaching, so that from now and forever and ever he comprehends science, not a bad road knew. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

All about religion and faith - "a prayer that the teacher did not come to school" with detailed description and photographs.

On the day of the full moon at dawn, light the candle purchased in the church and, holding the photograph of the child with both hands, bending over the picture, read the prayer “Our Father” three times.

Then attach to the photo (in front) the icon of Jesus Christ, and behind the image of the Mother of God.

Now read the prayer below until you feel enough is enough: “As the sun is bright on a clear day, so are the thoughts of God’s servant (s) (child’s name) are bright. As I love him with maternal love, so let all the teachers love him too. Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind, save my child! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“Enough” can come both after the first and after the thirty-first reading, it doesn’t matter, read as long as you feel the need.

At the end of the ritual, put out the candle (with two fingers of the left hand), and place the icons and the photograph of the student (tsy) between the pages of Holy Scripture for thirty-three days.


If a child has problems with classmates and teachers at school, the mother should slander milk and ask the child to wash with this milk.

“Rogues, Chaldeans, teachers and scoffers, and detractors, scolders, alien parents, and bright man, and dark, and every teacher, and verbal tormentor, do not torment, do not bother and do not scold the servant of God (name). Amen".


There are situations when a child does not want to go to school because they offend him, tease him, call him names.

Let your daughter or son help themselves by making a charm. On the day of the full moon (follow the calendar), before going to school, the child should write the words below on a piece of white paper. This amulet must always be carried with you and not tell anyone about it, if you do not want the child to know about the amulet, write it yourself and put it in his bag or, best of all, sew it into school uniform. It is only necessary to change the words "me" to "my son", "my daughter".

Strengthen me, Lord, with your spirit. Holy is pure, holy is strong, the conspiracy is before me, the slaves (name) are molded. Sprinkle me, Lord, with yellow sand, cover me with thick cartilage. That yellow sand cannot be counted, so I, the servants of God (name), can never be taken by anything: neither the sorcerer, nor the sorceress, nor the black man, nor the black woman, nor the king, nor the queen, nor the centurion, nor the judge. Be, protect God, with me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

This amulet will help adults too.

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Rituals for a good study

Every mother wants her son or daughter to study well at school or in another educational institution. high grades, brought from school, delight, cheer up. Unfortunately, not every child succeeds in learning complex teaching material well. Some mothers complain that their children have no desire to learn at all. This situation leads to conflicts in the family, so qualified assistance in solving this problem will come in handy. In this situation, it is enough to make a conspiracy for a good study and the child himself will want to study diligently.

You achieve the greatest results from the conspiracy if you do the ritual on yourself

Rituals for study

All rituals are divided into 2 types:

  • rite for study - performed to increase the child's interest in learning, so that children want to do their homework;
  • prayer for success - after the ceremony, students begin to get good grades at school, prepare well for sessions and exams.

You achieve the greatest results if you do the ritual for yourself. When the child is still small, one of the parents makes a conspiracy to study. The best option performing the rite will be performed by a female person. Any woman is able to carry out a number of important events.

The first results are not long in coming. Within a month or two, progress is visible: the child learns better school material, actively participates in the life of the school, independently performs homework, pleases relatives only with good grades. As a rule, correctly conducted conspiracies for a good study act immediately. They are especially important before admission, the exam, because they are aimed at obtaining the most important marks in life.

Ritual with candles

The conspiracy is effective if the children are scattered, inattentive, show low level learnability. Teachers are dissatisfied with learning in general. Ritual takes place at night full moon . For the ceremony, you will need several thick candles bought in the church. After dinner, candles are lit and placed on the surface. We look at the burning candles and say:

“Blaze with clear fire, flame, blaze with great power! Tremble from my breath! So that my child burns to gain knowledge. Amen!".

Words are spoken more than five times. The remaining candles are hidden in a secret place. Repeat the ritual every week until you see qualitative changes in your child's learning.

The ritual with candles must be repeated every week.

ritual for talent

V this case conspiracies for good luck in studies are made on the water. In the near future, children quickly think, become smart. The ritual cannot be performed without:

If you can’t get holy water, replace it with spring water or water that has been settled in a dark place for about a week.

First, throw a few small particles of salt and a few embers of ash into a glass of water. In the air, make a cross with the handle of a knife, and say these words:

“My thought is lightning fast, my business is arguing, my memory is strong! Let cunning and resourcefulness merge in the water. Let everything mix, it will be passed on to my child. Let the child shine with his mind, surprise everyone with his mind. Forever and ever. Amen!".

The charmed water is stored in the dwelling for thirty days. If during this time you do not see results in your studies, repeat the procedure after forty days. You need to read often and with faith in action.

Conspiracy for good knowledge before the exam

Exams in everyone's life are always a crucial stage. Excitement is inherent in everyone, it escalates before passing the exam, especially if a person has not mastered the material well enough or simply does not believe in his own strength. This ritual is aimed at ensuring that the examiner pulls out a lucky ticket, making it easier for himself to pass the exam. For the surrender spell, you will need a textbook, a book that was used to prepare for the exam.

We take it in our hand, the night before the surrender, and begin to read these words:

“Let all the knowledge in my head be strong. At tomorrow's exam I will tell you everything that has accumulated in my head. The questioner will help me, put a good mark. In order for the ticket I needed to get, luck itself sailed into my hands. May all that I have said come to pass, nothing else. Amen!".

These words are spoken three times, once the night before the exam, the second before entering the classroom, and the third right before the exam. It is advisable to leave the spelled book near the one who will ask exam questions. If a conspiracy is committed against another person, it is impossible to tell him about the perfect ritual, otherwise everything will go wrong during the exam. Magic is a sacrament into which as few people as possible are initiated.

The ritual before the exam is aimed at ensuring that the examiner pulls out a lucky ticket

Solomon's conspiracy for knowledge

The Solomon conspiracy for knowledge and study helps to discover talents for the child and makes it possible not to grumble before failures in learning:

“I also shine with wisdom, like Solomon. The Magi knew everything, and so did I. The heavenly bodies are at the top, because everyone knows, me too. I don’t refuse to study, I try my best, I admire my mentors.”

These words are repeated three times a day before important events in life.

This ritual is often performed to improve the quality of knowledge in a son, daughter, for excellent studies, to instill a love of learning. Words are repeated at the moment when the child is learning lessons.

“Great Rodomysl, hear me. Listen for my child. May my child grow up intelligent, diligent, wise beyond his years. Let him feel how omnipotent you are, guide him on the true path, take him away from bad people, false roads".

To make studies argue

Before the ritual, a candle is placed in the church to Nikolai Ugodnik. Only after the procedure the words are pronounced:

“I am sitting on Mount Zion, all-knowing angels are beating me, a remarkable mind is in my head. Let the correct answers come to mind, the harbingers of the change of events will tell. I want to have knowledge and boast about it everywhere.”

As soon as you see shifts in your studies, put a candle in the church.

To the favor of the teacher

Magic words will resolve any conflict with the teacher, with his biased attitude. So that the teacher does not find fault with your child, but becomes his patron and assistant, the child needs to read such a conspiracy:

“Let my progress in learning walk beside me, as the seasons walk beside me. The moon and the sun will not converge, but I will find a common language with the teacher.

Strong learning ritual

Stop at the crossroads under the gusts of wind and say the following words:

“Let the winds bring me reason, wisdom, knowledge. Let the study be argued, the material is assimilated in the lessons, what has been learned is stored in memory for a long time. The results will not be long in coming. Conspiracies for study are needed to instill love for the school process. Awareness in this issue extremely important.

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How to make sure that they are not called to the board?

Don't listen to teachers who take bribes. I worked at the school. If a student asked me not to call him to the blackboard, I did so. Why force someone, or maybe he could not prepare for the lesson or feels bad. Just ask in a human way - the teacher is also a person.

If the student has not prepared for the lesson and does not want to spoil his grades with a two or three, he should take care of this in advance. It is best to do this before the start of the lesson. pluck up courage, go to the teacher, apologize and ask him not to ask, promise that next time you should prepare well.

The teacher may inquire about the reason for the unpreparedness for the lesson, one must be prepared in advance for such a question, try not to lie, stay as close to the truth as possible. In principle, teachers meet in such cases, but there are exceptions.

It is realistic to hope with a 100% guarantee that you will not be asked, nothing more can be done. If you think and be afraid that they will ask, then by doing so the student will just attract an undesired event and get a deuce.

Depends on the behavior of the teacher. Some specifically call to answer someone who has not prepared for the lesson. Therefore, if you sit with lips trembling with fear and whisper prayers, you will one hundred percent go to the blackboard. In this case, try to stay as confident as possible, look with dignity. It is possible to heighten the view and raise your hand with a smart look.

There are teachers who do not like to waste time in class, in this situation declare right away that you are not ready, and there is no point in going out to answer at the blackboard at all.

Also, if it is possible to calculate the time when they will be called to the board, a few minutes before that, ask to leave the class. Of course, during the lesson, the teacher questions more than one student, but this way you can at least try to avoid answering a question that, for example, you don’t know at all.

There is a very simple and proven way to not be called to the board. Come into the classroom and immediately to the teacher and say that you didn’t have time to learn, because there was no light at home, and until that moment you had to run to the store, sit with your sister and in general you didn’t know that the light would be turned off. The teacher may swear in a stern voice, but the deed has already been done, if the teacher knows that the student has not prepared a lesson, then he will not ask, and he has no right to put an assessment at the break. If you are late for a lesson, then the same from the threshold immediately, hello, but I know the lesson did not have time to learn and that's it. Everyone will laugh and nothing will happen. The teacher does not bite, and it is his holy duty to swear.

Approach the teacher at a break and ask him to ask for the next lesson, and today give some not too banal reason not to ask. The lights were turned off - it seems to be true, only too many people say it. Already funny even. And it doesn't inspire confidence. Sometimes the student only begins to say the reason why he is not ready, and the teacher, with an all-understanding smile, continues the phrase: "because there was no light?" Better reasons other. And every time different. It just doesn't work often. And it is important that you already accurately prepare for the next lesson, otherwise the teacher’s trust in you will be undermined.

There are several ways. The simplest is to stop going to school. Lease externally immediately for a year.

You can come and sit under the desk so that the teacher does not see. You can not go into the classroom at all and hang out around the school or near the school.

Or you can negotiate with the teacher and give her money so that she doesn’t call and puts automatic fives. This is the most expensive, but also the most realistic way.

Knowledge, after all, is not needed in our country anyway. We do not fly into space, we do not build cars. And in order to trade or sit at the bureaucratic table, a lot of mind is not needed.

Most the right way- to study well. There are always those whom the teacher must call, check their knowledge, evaluate. They still ask about her academic performance. In any case, in our time it worked. At first, earn yourself a couple of grades and live on carefree, at least read in class.

It is best to learn, then the teacher will read confidence in your eyes and is guaranteed not to call if you don’t raise your hand yourself)

You can do as many authors suggest here, and before the start of the lesson, go to the teacher and ask not to call you to the blackboard. At the same time, it is important to explain to the teacher the reason why you want not to be called today (maybe you didn’t have electricity yesterday or you helped your parents, maybe you were sick and just didn’t have time to learn the task). Be direct, speak the truth.

Redel teachers also call those who answered in the last lesson and received a positive assessment. If you got a 3-ku or, even worse, 2-ku in the last lesson, then most likely the teacher will call you to the blackboard.

It is necessary to warn the teacher about the unlearned lesson before the lesson. This method is the surest, but it will be very rare to use it.

The second way - you had to answer in the previous lesson and in the next you are unlikely to be called to answer. Although we had a history teacher who always called me several times in a row (for example, yesterday I got an A, and today they will ask you again).

I probably agree with the authors that it is best to warn the teacher in advance that you are not ready and come up with a good reason. Indeed, this method is not primary school. They are also very afraid of the teacher. You can not go to school and come up with a reason for the mother. Or.

If your child is bullied at school

“I still decided to disturb you and tell you about my grief. We moved and my son was forced to change schools, where he immediately started having problems. Vitya was very nervous at first, and then he began to come home completely beaten. He did not answer my questions, but just sat silently in his room. It all ended with the fact that he stopped going to school. I scolded him and persuaded him, but there was no sense. Until recently, my kind and obedient son kept repeating that he would never cross the threshold of this place again.

Without telling him anything, I went to school and found out something. It turns out that high school students beat him and extorted money. One day one of the teachers noticed bruises on Viti's face and asked what happened. My son honestly told about everything, and the hooligans were called to the director. Of course, they denied it, they said that my son asked for it himself, and in the end they were scolded and released, and hell began for my son. Every day he was bullied: beaten, spat on, forced to crawl at his feet, humiliated, even urinated on him! He was constantly threatened with death if he “dares to rat out again,” that is, to slander. In addition, he was recorded as a debtor, and he was obliged to bring a certain amount of money to these creatures every week, but the son knew that I was working alone, and besides, we had loans that had to be repaid. I have a bad heart, and my son did not tell me anything about his problems, so as not to upset me, believing that I could not help his trouble. Arriving from school, I started a conversation with my son: “Go to school, you are a man and should not be a coward! How are you going to defend your homeland when you grow up and become a soldier?…”

Now that Vitya is no longer alive, I understand how stupid I was talking then, instead of taking him and translating it into home schooling or to another school, where perhaps the children would be more humane, and the teachers not so indifferent. I am writing to you because I must not be silent. Perhaps the mothers of these non-humans, these monsters, who brought my son to the noose, will read my letter in your book. I want them to know that every day I curse their entire family from the first generation to the last! I also write for mothers whose children go to school: do not repeat my mistakes, be more attentive to your children! If you see anxiety and fear in the eyes of your child, if you begin to notice bruises on the face and body, do not console yourself with the thought that he fell or that all the children are fighting. Remember, our children, when they leave us, are left face to face with a cruel world in which real animals meet. If you do not understand this, then, like me and like many other unfortunate mothers, you will carry flowers that no one needs now on the grave mound.

To protect a child if he is harassed at school, the following conspiracy will help you:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Ivan the Long-suffering, headless Ivan,

George the Victorious, Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,

Do not let any enemies offend my child.

Seventy-seven pains, one and a half hundred sorrows,

They will become stiff, they won’t have time to do evil to my child,

The earth will swallow them up, God will deprive them of mercy,

Prayers won't help them, my conspiracy won't prevail

They will not approach my child, the servant of God (name).

Ivan the Baptist baptized my conspiracy,

Ivan the Long-suffering strengthened my deeds,

Jesus Christ approved from word to word.

George the Victorious will defeat my enemies,

Panteleimon the Healer will heal my child,

My dear child will carry among the enemies.

And be you, all my words, eternal and endless,

And cleanse the frozen heart,

Like Peter, give me repentance,

Like a publican - sigh

And like a harlot - tears,

Yes, with a great voice I call You, God,

Save me as one

Benevolent and philanthropist. Amen.

A conspiracy for talent and the power of knowledge

From a letter:

“I'm sorry to bother you, but I need your help. I started studying, I have very difficult exams ahead of me, which are not easy to pass. Believe me, Natalya Ivanovna, I do not sit idly by: every day I spend five hours at lectures, and then I study at home all the time. However, despite all my efforts, I remember the material very badly, although I cram all the time. I read the same thing a hundred times, but, unfortunately, there is no sense from this. I am very sorry, because there are people who once read or hear something and immediately remember everything, and what I taught, what I didn’t teach is all the same. Help me, please advise some suitable plot to remember the material read, study well and pass the exams perfectly. V modern life it is very important".

Intercede, Lady Mother of God,

Before His Son

And send the servant of God (name) the wisdom of Sophia,

As He marked King Solomon with His mercy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that teachers do not scold and find fault

From a letter:

“Thank you so much for your work and for all that you do for others. I have all your books, and I have read each of them with great pleasure. Natalya Ivanovna, I have a huge request for you: please publish the conspiracy so that teachers at school do not find fault with the child.

Read the plot over milk and ask the child to wash his face with it for three evenings in a row. The spoken words are as follows:

Likhodey, Chaldeans, teachers, scolds

And detractors, scolders, strangers and parents,

Both a bright person and a dark one,

And every teacher and verbal tormentor,

Do not torment, do not bother and do not scold

Servant of God (name). Amen.

For a man to help his child

From a letter:

“I really wanted a child and got pregnant from a man who, as it seemed then, had serious intentions. But when he found out about the pregnancy, he found a reason for us to break up. He answered my question about the child: “You want - you bring up!” He knows that our daughter was born, but he is not at all interested in the child and does not help financially. Tell me, please, what can be done so that my daughter’s father communicates with her, takes an interest in her life and helps with money at least a little.”

Another post on the same subject:

“Please tell me what can be done so that the father of my children begins to communicate with them and help them. Natalya Ivanovna, he had completely forgotten that he had children, as if they did not exist at all. I am sure that many women experience similar problems and would like to know how they can be resolved. Is there a conspiracy that can be read in my case? I beg you, help me return the father to the children.

Complete collection and description: a prayer that children are not offended at school for the spiritual life of a believer.


Write this amulet to him on a piece of paper on both sides, and let him walk with the amulet for three days.

Explain to the child that you can not show it to anyone:

“The angel of my children, bright, kind. I release my child on you. Protect him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

During the waning moon, light three wax candles in the eastern part of your home. Set them in the center of the table, covered with a white tablecloth, in the form of an isosceles triangle. Place a photo of your child in the center of this triangle. The photo must be taken no more than 10 weeks ago and the eyes must be clearly visible on it.

Concentrate your gaze on the flame of the upper candle and say three times:

“In the name of Dazhbog and the glory of the Ancestors! For my long efforts, for my heartfelt prayers, for my sincere thoughts, the Lord gave me a desired child - (name of the child). He will be my support, support in a difficult moment, a terrible time, and until that moment I am my only begotten child, that my flesh and the flesh of my Ancestors, I will protect, not give offense. No evil eye, zealous heart, slander-slander will not touch him, it will sweep by. My word is strong and sculpted, time after time tested, and on it is the Sacred seal. Truly!”

When the candles burn out halfway, they must be extinguished, but without blowing out, and with your fingers or a metal object (not a knife). Identify the photo of the child in the family album, preferably between pages where there are photos of living relatives, and if there are none, then between pages where there is not a single photo.

On the next morning before sunrise, all three cinders must be dug in the ground under the roots of different trees (one cinder under the root of the tree), while repeating:

“I unfasten with earth, I seal evil lips with wax. I beat off the heavy hand forever and everlasting. parental love I take away a bad share, a crooked will. May it be so!"

On the same day, before lunch, you need to spend at least 30 minutes in prayer for your child. You can pray at home. I warn all Christians: do not pray before the crucifixion for someone close to you. If you do everything right, then the child’s problems will go away “by themselves” within about 3 weeks.

We apply the runic amulet from left to right on the child’s chest (in the center) with a RED marker, ink, ink or a helium pen.

We update in the morning, every day.

Attention! This is very important, do not confuse anything!

We depict the runes as we see them in this picture. Where the top of the runes is the head of the child, and the bottom is the legs.

We apply the runes from left to right (as we write in a notebook: the beginning is the right hand of the child, the end is the left).

In no case should you depict the runes upside down, otherwise you will get the opposite of the expected result.

Charm for children: Algiz-Bercana-Uruz-Perth-Gebo

If your child is bullied at school

“I still decided to disturb you and tell you about my grief. We moved and my son was forced to change schools, where he immediately started having problems. Vitya was very nervous at first, and then he began to come home completely beaten. He did not answer my questions, but just sat silently in his room. It all ended with the fact that he stopped going to school. I scolded him and persuaded him, but there was no sense. Until recently, my kind and obedient son kept repeating that he would never cross the threshold of this place again.

Without telling him anything, I went to school and found out something. It turns out that high school students beat him and extorted money. One day one of the teachers noticed bruises on Viti's face and asked what happened. My son honestly told about everything, and the hooligans were called to the director. Of course, they denied it, they said that my son asked for it himself, and in the end they were scolded and released, and hell began for my son. Every day he was bullied: beaten, spat on, forced to crawl at his feet, humiliated, even urinated on him! He was constantly threatened with death if he “dares to rat out again,” that is, to slander. In addition, he was recorded as a debtor, and he was obliged to bring a certain amount of money to these creatures every week, but the son knew that I was working alone, and besides, we had loans that had to be repaid. I have a bad heart, and my son did not tell me anything about his problems, so as not to upset me, believing that I could not help his trouble. Arriving from school, I started a conversation with my son: “Go to school, you are a man and should not be a coward! How are you going to defend your homeland when you grow up and become a soldier?…”

Now that Viti is no longer alive, I understand how stupid I was then, instead of taking him and transferring him to home schooling or to another school, where, perhaps, the children would be more humane, and the teachers not so indifferent. I am writing to you because I must not be silent. Perhaps the mothers of these non-humans, these monsters, who brought my son to the noose, will read my letter in your book. I want them to know that every day I curse their entire family from the first generation to the last! I also write for mothers whose children go to school: do not repeat my mistakes, be more attentive to your children! If you see anxiety and fear in the eyes of your child, if you begin to notice bruises on the face and body, do not console yourself with the thought that he fell or that all the children are fighting. Remember, our children, when they leave us, are left face to face with a cruel world in which real animals meet. If you do not understand this, then, like me and like many other unfortunate mothers, you will carry flowers that no one needs now on the grave mound.

To protect a child if he is harassed at school, the following conspiracy will help you:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Ivan the Long-suffering, headless Ivan,

George the Victorious, Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,

Do not let any enemies offend my child.

Seventy-seven pains, one and a half hundred sorrows,

They will become stiff, they won’t have time to do evil to my child,

The earth will swallow them up, God will deprive them of mercy,

Prayers won't help them, my conspiracy won't prevail

They will not approach my child, the servant of God (name).

Ivan the Baptist baptized my conspiracy,

Ivan the Long-suffering strengthened my deeds,

Jesus Christ approved from word to word.

George the Victorious will defeat my enemies,

Panteleimon the Healer will heal my child,

My dear child will carry among the enemies.

And be you, all my words, eternal and endless,

Conspiracy so that the child is not offended at school

To prevent your child from being offended at school, read a strong magical plot. He won't harm anyone. Redemption is not required. The result is guaranteed.

We will completely drive away bullies and tomboys.

We will build a protective block that will not allow even a finger to touch the child.

Now the school will not seem to him a terrible institution.

Go to the Orthodox Temple and buy exactly five candles.

Come back without prayer bows.

When your child is not at home, retire to a locked room.

Light all the candles. Put a sheet of paper in front of you. magic conspiracy.

You should not curse the offenders by sending them smoky negativity.

Mentally imagine the school, recess and class.

Build a solid brick wall between your child and hooligans.

Proceed to repeated and confident reading of the magical conspiracy.

Whoever offends my child, let him see terrible adversity. At school they will not push or hit, they will poison their soul with weakness. They will call them names, they will feel exhaustion, I will cast a desperate shame on them. So that the child loves school, let him gain a lot of strength. Not afraid of hooligans and bullies, there is a Universe, and there will be the whole world. I lock the word on the fasteners. What I have in mind, I create and execute! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Repeat the magical plot thirteen times in a row.

When all the candles go out, wrap their cinders in a handwritten sheet.

Rinse the bundle abundantly in the toilet room.

After about two weeks, repeat all occult activities.

Live in joy!

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A conspiracy so that the child at school is not beaten and offended

Soon all schools in the country will start a new academic year. The children will go to school. Someone for the first time, and others in the already familiar doors of the school. But the parents of all children want their child to attend school to be truly joyful, and no one offended him there. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance about your calmness and serenity of the child.

You need to use some magical methods:

  • a charm that will bring protection from hooligans;
  • conspiracy during breakfast, will help in easy study;
  • a conspiracy that returns interest in learning;
  • rituals that will help the child not to be offended at school;
  • a conspiracy for parents of first graders so that children learn without school negativity.

A special amulet for a child so that they do not offend at school

In order for the new school year to be calm, without obvious problems, you can make a talisman for the student, in which special conspiracy. V specialized store need to buy a small stone" cat eye"and sew into the lining of the student's clothes along with a piece of paper on which to write a plot on both sides:

“The angel of my children, bright, kind. I release my child on you. Protect him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This conspiracy and stone, thanks to its magical power will help your child in school and in relationships with peers. But it must be hidden so that no one sees, including the child.

Conspiracy to study during breakfast on the first of September

In order for the baby to study easily, on the first of September, during breakfast, before putting food, say the following conspiracy three times:

“As I follow you: I cook food, feed, wash, I protect from trouble, so I will make you, my flesh and blood, the servant of God (name), learn. Eat everything to the end, there will always be a desire to study from morning to evening. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

When you say it a third time, say "Amen."

If the child is studying, but without much desire

It happens that the kid goes to school, but something prevents him from learning. It is necessary on the full moon and throughout the entire cycle of the growing moon to wash the dishes, pronouncing such a conspiracy:

Schooling is hard work

“I washed the dishes for the servant of God (name), washed away his unwillingness to learn now and forever. Amen".

Then it is necessary to go to church on Sunday and put a candle to Jesus Christ, ask God to illuminate the path of teaching for your child.

If a child is bullied at school

So that your child is not offended at school, you need to conduct a special ritual during the waning moon. But you need to do it so that the child does not see - secretly. In the eastern part of your house, you need to light three church candles and place them in the form of an isosceles triangle. In the very center, put a photo of a child taken no more than two months ago. Next, focus your eyes on the candle, mentally focus. Say the following spell three times:

Child bullied at school

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! For my long prayers, good efforts, good deeds, the Lord God gave me a desired baby, a slave (child's name). He will be my support and help in a difficult moment, an indispensable support. In the meantime, I will protect him, do not give offense. Neither an evil eye, nor a heavy hand, nor a zealous heart will overtake him, bypass him. My word is strong, and on it is the seal of the holy archangel Michael, the hand of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Amen".

Extinguish the candles, but in any case do not blow out and hide away, and put the photo of the child in the Bible where the inner voice tells you.

On the second day of the ceremony, early in the morning at the base of the tree trunk, bury the remains of the candles. Three remainders, therefore three different tree. And say this conspiracy:

“I separate the earth, I close the evil mouth with wax. I beat off the heavy hand for all eternity. motherly love I guard and protect. May it be so".

The next step should be going to church. It is necessary to put church candles for the health of the child near such icons: the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, the Archangel Michael and the Holy Trinity.

If you found out that your kid was offended at school, but he did not say about it, then you should use the following ritual.

How to protect a child with a conspiracy?

It is necessary to come to school on one of the even days and, looking at the threshold of the school, say out loud or to yourself, if the situation does not allow:

“As the Mother of the Lord carried on her arms, How she protected and loved her Son. If only everyone would love my child, And the saints would bless him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

This conspiracy will help, even if you feel that the child is restless at school.

It's another one good rite, which is carried out so that hooligans do not offend the child at school.

It is necessary to collect water in an iron bucket. It should be clean, if possible from a spring. Next, put a bucket between your legs, in right hand take a sharp knife, and the tip should be turned down. In the left you need to take a handful of salt. Stir the water counterclockwise with a knife, pronouncing the following conspiracy, pour in a little salt:

“As this water goes into the ground, so the evil deed of the enemy bypasses my son (name of the child). My mother's word is strong, like a lead seal. Amen".

This plot must be read three times, without ceasing to stir the water counterclockwise with a knife. Then you need to pour a bucket of water at the crossroads.

Conspiracy to love teachers

It happens that not only the children hurt the baby, but also the teachers are not very good. Indeed, children often experience fear of the teacher, although they know the subject very well, but find it difficult to answer. Therefore, the next rite is aimed at making teachers love. You need to write this conspiracy to your child so that he learns. You need to read mentally, looking directly into the eyes of the teacher three times:

“Whatever I think, whatever I do, the truth is mine. An angel guards me."

With the help of such a conspiracy, the child will not be afraid of the intrigues of teachers. He will simply stop noticing them. He will enjoy going to school.

You can also teach one conspiracy that your child will not be superfluous. Before entering the school, say the following words of the conspiracy:

“The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.”

Conspiracies for those whose kids go to first grade

What plot is suitable for a first grader?

Those who have children going to school for the first time are truly concerned about their little ones. Parents are constantly worried about whether classmates will offend their children, older schoolchildren will pester them, and how teachers will treat them. And I want to protect my baby from everything in the world. In order to protect the child from all school negativity, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“There is an apostolic church, a small icon hangs in it, there is a great holy power in it. I would ask that icon: as people don’t take fire with their hands, so let the servant of God (name) not be scolded or beaten, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on Monday, nor Tuesday, nor Wednesday, nor Thursday , not on Friday and not on Saturday, not in the morning and not in the afternoon. Not one, and not two, and not three, and not from any number. God's icon has been given power. Save, Holy power of the servant of God (name). Amen".

Armed with all methods to protect children in these difficult school years, parents will be calm watching their children attend school, kindergarten, school circles and are not afraid that someone will offend them.

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Prayer for children not to be offended at school


So that the child is not offended at school

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It often happens that a child comes home bruised or just very upset, but stubbornly refuses to tell the reason. Sooner or later it turns out that the child is offended at school or in the yard.

If they offend with offensive nicknames, then parents should think about their behavior. Perhaps they themselves in life like to reward someone with nicknames, and the child simply suffers from the “reverse flow”.

So that the child is not beaten and pestered, it is advisable to send him to some kind of sports section, where they will teach not only to defend themselves, but also explain that not every conflict needs to be resolved with fists and that you need to be higher than those who offend him.

However, a magical rite, carried out in secret from the child, also does not hurt.

Wait for the waning moon to be east of your home. Take 3 church wax candles. Fix them in candlesticks and place them in the center of the table, which is previously covered with a white tablecloth. By the way, fold the tablecloth diagonally to form an isosceles triangle. Place a photo of your child in the center of the triangle. The photo must be recent (not more than two months old), the face must be clearly visible in the photo, especially the eyes of the child.

Light the candles with MATCHES, concentrate on the flame of one of the candles (which forms the top of the triangle).

Say the plot three times:

“In the name of Dazhbog and the glory of the Ancestors! For my long efforts, for my heartfelt prayers, for my sincere thoughts, the Lord gave me a desired child - (name of the child). He will be my support, support in a difficult moment, a terrible time, and until that moment I am my only begotten child, that my flesh and the flesh of my Ancestors, I will protect, not give offense. No evil eye, zealous heart, slander-slander will not touch him, it will sweep by. My word is strong and sculpted, time after time tested, and on it is the Sacred seal. Truly!”

Wait for the candles to burn halfway. Then use your fingers to extinguish them all.

The photograph of the child must be taken and transferred to the family album between empty pages or between pages with photographs of living and healthy people.

The next morning, before the sun rises, go outside and bury the unburned candles. each candle must be buried under the root of one tree, the second - under the second tree, the third - under the third.

During instillation, say a conspiracy:

“I unfasten with earth, I seal evil lips with wax. I beat off the heavy hand forever and everlasting. With parental love I take away a bad share, a crooked will. May it be so!"

After returning home before noon, you need to pray at home or in church (but not before the crucifixion, but before the icon) for your child. Sincere and pure prayer should last at least half an hour.

A very good ceremony. many complexes and even the roots of diseases can be drawn from the school time. And what could be holier than when a mother protects her child.

many complexes and even the roots of diseases can be drawn from the school time.

Really! This is how I got diabetes. Classmates and teachers once finished.

It seems to me that the school and its students are like a greenhouse, you usually get diseases in the army, under difficult working conditions. In general, among the delights of adult life.

It seems to me that the school and its students are a greenhouse

With our education system, pressure before the exam in this "greenhouse" to nervous breakdown not far. Some even commit suicide.

Amulets should be used more often, put on the child's neck when he goes to school. Desirable of course before this consecrate.

Amulets should be used more often,

But you put on a charm, and the children (and even teachers!) Start to find fault, saying what it is, etc. etc.

The charms are not visible under clothing. In the end, it can be in the form of a hair clip or even just lying in a breast pocket. There is always a way out. The main amulet is in the heart.

But how do you feel about those who curse teachers (at school)?

If the teacher is a despot, then such a reaction to his disgusting is quite expected. We came across such critics and were not afraid that they might have problems with relatives or the law.

We have in primary school the evil teacher made the children hold their hands up for almost the whole lesson. Of course, it was difficult for her to make her do this and subdue the whole class, but for example, if I knew that such jokes were released with my child or niece, I would not stand on ceremony.

We had a case: a boy in the corridor collided with a girl. I apologized and moved on. The teacher found out about it. So this scum, first made the boy apologize, and then kneel in front of the girl (.), And also lead her around the class. How do you like that?

Parents should take care of the boy as a teacher and do it in such a way that the whole school learns about the visual lesson.

Parents found out about this, but she painted this guy (he was normal) as a bully, attributed to him what he did not do. for that the teacher so much shit then disentangled (I can list for hours what we did to her).

The best thing in each specific situation is to turn to a psychologist for help, because all cases are different and each needs to be considered. separate moment individually. Often the roots of problems lie in the family itself and it is there that it is necessary to start correcting the situation.

Everything in our world is interconnected. It may also be that parents, once upon a time, themselves sinned with insults and insults, and children are paying for it. What to do so that the child is not offended at school. A very difficult question with no clear answer. Each case has its own nuances. I am happy to read the entire thread of the forum in search of an answer.

I tried to make a conspiracy from the first post, it really helped us a lot, since my son was greatly offended at school by his classmates, and I was very worried about him. Now the child is studying calmly, communicating with his friends and he no longer has such school conflicts. The offenders of my son now simply do not communicate with him, and the main instigator of all conflicts, in general, recently changed schools.

I think that your child should be protected by any means. Children's grievances, tears in the future sprout such complexes, which are then much harder to remove without the help of a specialist than to protect your own blood now in childhood. Any means - this does not mean walking over corpses, I mean a simple conspiracy or prayer, an amulet or a talisman. I was lucky, no one offended my children - here, on the contrary, eye and eye so that they do not offend anyone, but if necessary, I would do everything for their well-being!

But I’m very worried, my child is 3.5 years old, he is so vulnerable and sensitive, it’s time to spit to offend. Soon to go to kindergarten, I'm still worried that it will be very difficult for him there. How to teach to be strong, like and talk a lot with him on this topic. But he takes everything to heart. When I was 6 months pregnant, after the snow thawed, we went to the sandbox, he began to play with the kids. Well, one of the boys began to break his pies, and so a couple of times, mine burst into tears, could not calm him down. I explain that it is not necessary to do this. And the mother of that kid, just sat and giggled. I took my child aside and said, once again he will do this to you, take it and push it away. He did so, but as soon as the situation repeats, he starts crying again. Now we need to wait until the moon is waning and do the ritual.

Thanks for the conspiracy you won't do for your child. I think it will be needed when my son goes to school. For one simple reason, all the horrors of our education can not only break a baby, an adult cannot stand it, which is already there. For my own sake, I would not do anything like that, but here you will decide on all the wisdom if they offend. I think it will help, because I sincerely ask.

My eldest also went to the kindergarten, and since I was preparing him to be friendly and help the teacher, and he is very responsible, but does not speak well, they began to offend, and thought that I would not understand him, because he could not tell. Probably, I am one of those who will bite and tear their teeth for their child. Without scandals and threats, but with a decent dossier, we reached negotiations with a social worker, a full-time psychologist, where "ours won." Now I drive calmly, I see his condition, and I did not use any conspiracies. The tutor's responsibility is to good baby didn't shut up. And at home, dad teaches him to hit back.

Conspiracies may not be bad, but it is necessary to educate children in self-confidence, to give in sport sections to talk about their problems. Teachers have a huge responsibility. In my class, one boy was bullied by the teacher herself. The boy was from dysfunctional family. I remember well how in the first grade he asked to use the toilet, but they didn’t let him in. He peed himself, and the teacher made him wipe the chair with a rag in front of everyone. He cried and laughed at him. Our class was not the most exemplary, I think a lot of complexes and grievances, many brought with them during adulthood. It may be funny, but I often dream about school, control, our class, grades. Here is where the ground for introspection.

I was also very worried about my daughter when I sent her to kindergarten. And all because as a child I was very vulnerable, and I was afraid that my daughter would not begin to accumulate experiences. My parents at that time were only busy with work, and I, being a secretive child, accumulated my grievances, and this resulted in frequent dreary states and sleep disturbances. But my daughter turned out to be no match for me, she does not stand on ceremony with offenders. And anyway, every day I ask about the events in kindergarten. Probably, in order to be completely calm, it will be necessary to use this conspiracy.

teacher. So this hate

You can't call a teacher like that! Since you are so easily scattered here with such words, then you are at home, with a child, just say the same! By doing this, you will not earn his authority for yourself, but spoil the whole upbringing. In general, one cannot speak badly about adults in the presence of children, and even more so about a teacher who teaches him the mind, reason and behavior. Let him not rush around the school and don’t fly into children!

It is always necessary to look for guilt in raising a child in oneself. The school is like a seed bed. But if you do not take care of this sprout, weeds will eat it. So it is at school. First of all, a person must be raised from a child. Only a self-sufficient child will be able to stand up for himself in front of classmates and teachers, to defend his point of view. All of this will come in handy later on. later life. And relying only on conspiracies - you risk losing a child

all the horrors of our education can not only break a baby, an adult cannot stand it,

You're right. My child is three years old, and I'm already afraid to think that soon she will be sent to school. Not the children went, but the serpents. And everything comes from families that are far from righteous, but only try to impersonate them. Not without reason already magical rites used to protect children from school bullying. It is not necessary to roll a barrel on teachers, but on yourself, loved ones, turn your eyes.

Interesting, but it will not be dangerous for the child himself. It's scary to do magical rites with a photograph. Yes, children have become very cruel now. That's how many shows on TV about beatings at school. Then they still shoot all this on video and post it on the Internet for the sake of rating. Terrible for your children. It is necessary to teach the child somehow so that he can fend for himself.

Our child also goes to school, so the topic is important to me. But at home we never hear that someone in the class offended her. In our class, this is not observed at all, otherwise both parents and teachers would already know everything. It is very bad if the child does not talk about what is happening, but as the author writes, he is silent. It is necessary to inspire your child from an early age - everything that happens must be told to parents. It is important to build trusting relationship so that the child asks questions to mom and dad and hears instructions from them. And of course, prayer and the pectoral cross of the child, which should be with him, will help in everything.

Parents take care of their children so much, they are afraid for their health, they try to make sure that the child is not subjected to harassment by society. Rituals are trying to be carried out. But sometimes a child can also be not a saint, and receive a "response" not for the actions of his parents, but for his own. After all, if you beat classmates, call them names in every possible way, insult them, you yourself can be subjected to mobbing by several groups of people. Therefore, it is better to find out everything from the child, you can reduce it to a psychologist. And in general, it’s somehow scary to perform rituals with a photograph of a child, because it’s not known what will turn out.

If you want such a calendar on the site, go here.

We will try to answer the question in detail: a prayer for the teacher to be well treated on the site: the site is for our esteemed readers.

The fact is that parents are endowed with a special energy that they can use to help their children.

Your child is not always ready or able to learn as well as you want. But, not the main thing is your desire. Much more important is his future. Help your child learn well with simple conspiracy. It will help the schoolboy or student. While a person is studying, your plot will work. Only parents can do them, because only they have a special energy connection with a son or daughter. Learning well is easier than learning badly. Show this to your child, and he will definitely thank you later for your support and efforts.

Conspiracies for good luck help fix.

Every person should remember that.

It's hard for kids too

Parents often scold their children for not studying well. Everyone went through this. It can be hard to please your parents, but studying well is even harder. What to do? Parents should take this issue seriously. Perhaps your child does not want to study because some subjects are not clear to him. This often happens at school. Our education system offers all children the same workload, but this is not entirely correct.

If your child is a pure humanist, he is going to enter the historical, literary, art faculty, but why does he need deep knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry? It would be better to facilitate programs according to the inclinations of the child, especially in last years study. Focus on those subjects that will be required for the university.

So the incentive to study well disappears, because he thinks:

  • these items will never come in handy, why try;
  • very complex knowledge, formulas that you don’t want to waste time on;
  • the subject is not interesting;
  • he himself is not good enough, according to you, especially if parents overreact to bad grades.

Here, parents need to determine how to help their son or daughter, to make sure that he studies with pleasure. There is good spells proven over the years. They will open up great opportunities for the child to study:

  • easier to concentrate;
  • there is a keen interest in the subject being studied;
  • conspiracy helps to concentrate and not be distracted;
  • there is a desire to learn, to learn new things.

You will not recognize your child after the ritual. Many change their lives, focus on areas of interest, and then go on to great careers.

These conspiracies can only be pronounced by parents

Such conspiracies are only suitable for parents to pronounce them. The disciple himself should not perform such rituals. For the result to be, only the closest relative: mom, dad, grandma or grandpa can read the plot.

The fact is that parents are endowed with a special energy that they can use to help their children. This is the one unconditional love. She works wonders, is able to help your child, direct him to true path. Those parents who are sympathetic to problems are always happy to help in any way. And those who only scold for mistakes lose touch with the child. Conspiracies will not hurt, but only help. They will not make your child a straight A student, but they will help to pull up the “tails” and get ready quickly.

The most effective rituals to help you study

Some of them are held in the presence of a child, while others are based on a photo or personal item. This will help if the child does not want to participate in the ritual, interferes with you in every possible way. Parents should try to help in any way. All rituals are simple, but conditions must be observed. If it says that you need to use a photo, but it is necessary. Do not be afraid, do not harm the child, but only help him.

Conspiracy for a good study

Made for candles. You will need 3 red candles. They are sold in esoteric stores, they are cheap. On each candle you need to write full name child. Candles are twisted into a spiral, three are lit at once so that they burn together.

You can buy candles, or you can make your own

Put them on the child's desktop and where he is engaged. Say three times:

"Burn, flame, flare up! Squirm from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

The candles should burn out, and hide the cinder among the child’s things so that they don’t find it.

In order for the effect to last for a long time, you need to carry out a ritual and a conspiracy every 6 months. So your student will constantly feel interested in learning, stop complaining. There will be no problems. Helps for pupils and students.

Conspiracy for candles

Here you will need church candles. This ritual must be performed in the presence of a child. Ask him to sit quietly in a chair while you perform the ritual. Learn the plot by heart.

3 candles are lit, one is held together. Stand in front of the child and read the text 3 times:

“Thoughts are quick, deeds are quick, memory is strong! Mix wisdom and cunning in the water, Come together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, strikes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

Cross the child, have him cross himself.

Conspiracy for every day

This conspiracy is spoken by the mother every day when she escorts the child to educational institution. When the child crosses the threshold of the house, say:

“I let you go from my eyes, but I leave you in my heart. I will watch over you, protect, save, and prevent troubles. Blood from my blood, flesh from my flesh, you are not related to me. Amen".

Such conspiracies are read every day, soon become a habit. It's not long, so it won't take you long.

As you speak, imagine how hard your child is studying.

Prayer is a conspiracy

It is pronounced on Thursday over the child's personal belongings. If he wants, he can take part. The plot is read by the mother or father. If a child wants to read the plot together on their own, then they must memorize it.

It is done in the evening when the moon comes out. Stand where your son is engaged, take his personal item in your hand. Tell:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit descended in the form of fiery tongues, and opened their mouths, so that they began to speak in other dialects! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down that Holy Spirit of Yours on this child (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Your most pure hand inscribed on the tablets of the legislator Moses, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Helpful for those who different reasons can not concentrate on the lesson qualitatively, is distracted. It is very useful to read it before important tests and exams. Start a month in advance, repeat several times.

Christian egregore helps students very well

Ritual to increase the mind

Conspiracies that add intelligence should traditionally be read by the father. The mother can also, but the effect will be weaker. The father takes a candle in one hand, and puts the other (right) on the head of the child. If he categorically does not want to take part in the ritual - do not force him. This way of coercion will not achieve anything, only anger the child. If you do not believe in him, resort to prayers, magic, then he is absolutely worthless - your child may think so. Don't let this turn of events happen.

If the child does not want to, then let the father put his hand on his pillow. Read once a year:

“O Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned Your chosen ones, taught Your Law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed the secrets of wisdom to children, gave Solomon and all who seek it - open the hearts, minds and lips of Your servants these (names disciples) in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and organization of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their life, may they be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Your commandments, and thus taught, glorify the Most Holy Your name and they will be heirs of Your Kingdom, - for You, God, are strong in mercy and good in strength, and all glory, honor and worship is due to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

So every night, while he sleeps on the pillow, the plot works to help him.

What else will help your children

Icons will help. If you are a believing family, then put an icon in the child's room, buy a body icon. Several icons will help you. Pray to them that they study well, take their heads and do not skip:

  • Rev. Sergius of Radonezh;
  • Reverend Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Ksenia Petersburgskaya (helps those who pass exams, defends a diploma);
  • Holy Matrona;
  • Martyr Xenia;
  • Icon Addition of Mind.

It will be easier for your children if they feel your support. Do not scold them in vain, because years go by, school and institute pass, and bad relationship with children it is difficult to recover.

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Birthday Ritual, Three Wishes Ritual Take 3 candles - red, green, white. They are mounted on a flat plate or dish. Then, sprinkle sugar onto a plate. thin layer. So that the plate is not visible. Candles on a dish will need to be placed on high place in the apartment. For example, on a closet. Light candles and turn to three saints - Raphael, Michael and Gabriel. In free form, you need to ask them to fulfill 3 of your wishes. The first should be related to finances or a career - this is green candle. The second to love is a red candle. And one thing, any of your cherished desire is a white candle. Candles should be left to burn out. Sugar can be thrown out, or you can dilute it with water and water the flowers. Over the next three days, the ritual must be written down on paper and posted on the Internet, in a newspaper, sent by letter, etc. The main thing is that other people see it. From the fourth day, your life will begin to change.

So that teachers do not find fault with the child

On the day of the full moon at dawn, light the candle purchased in the church and, holding the photograph of the child with both hands, bending over the picture, read the prayer “Our Father” three times.

Then attach to the photo (in front) the icon of Jesus Christ, and behind the image of the Mother of God.

Now read the prayer below until you feel enough is enough: “As the sun is bright on a clear day, so are the thoughts of God’s servant (s) (child’s name) are bright. As I love him with maternal love, so let all the teachers love him too. Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind, save my child! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“Enough” can come both after the first and after the thirty-first reading, it doesn’t matter, read as long as you feel the need.

At the end of the ritual, put out the candle (with two fingers of the left hand), and place the icons and the photograph of the student (tsy) between the pages of Holy Scripture for thirty-three days.


If a child has problems with classmates and teachers at school, the mother should slander milk and ask the child to wash with this milk.

“Rogues, Chaldeans, teachers and scolds, and blasphemers, scolders, other people's parents, and a bright person, and a dark one, and every teacher, and verbal tormentor, do not torment, do not bother and do not scold the servant of God (name). Amen".


There are situations when a child does not want to go to school because they offend him, tease him, call him names.

Let your daughter or son help themselves by making a charm. On the day of the full moon (follow the calendar), before going to school, the child should write the words below on a piece of white paper. This amulet must always be carried with you and not tell anyone about it, if you do not want the child to know about the amulet, write it yourself and put it in his bag or, best of all, sew it into a school uniform. It is only necessary to change the words "me" to "my son", "my daughter".

Strengthen me, Lord, with your spirit. Holy is pure, holy is strong, the conspiracy is before me, the slaves (name) are molded. Sprinkle me, Lord, with yellow sand, cover me with thick cartilage. That yellow sand cannot be counted, so I, the servants of God (name), can never be taken by anything: neither the sorcerer, nor the sorceress, nor the black man, nor the black woman, nor the king, nor the queen, nor the centurion, nor the judge. Be, protect God, with me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

This amulet will help adults too.

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Conspiracy for the luck of a child at school

The most important thing for parents is to know that their children are protected from different kind troubles, and even more so if your child is an extraordinary personality, different from his peers and does not find with them common language, then you should use a magical conspiracy so that he is not offended at school.

For a conspiracy, you will need to take the child to school, and when the child enters the door, you must say the following conspiracy:

“Mother of God, O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save and save under your roof, and send my child (name of the child) an Angel to protect my child (name) from malicious laughter and evil tongues, from heavy fists and from the eyes of envious enemies, observe him from all idolatry and false doctrine, be his protection from all danger. Amen!"

At the moment of reading the plot, look at the door and imagine how the angel went to protect your child.

So that teachers love and do not find fault

It does not always happen that teachers treat your child fairly, your child tries to study as best he can, and teachers do not like him. What to do how to influence dishonest teachers who have their favorites and your child is not one of them. Teachers are always picky and don't pay enough attention. Of course, you can turn to the authorities, write a complaint, but whether this will be of any use, it seems to me that this is likely to harm even more. I would advise you to apply a conspiracy to teachers, because magic word much stronger and operates secretly.

Do this spell late at night. Take clear sheet paper and write on it conspiracy words and read them 31 times:

“As the sun warms our land, so let my child (the name of the child) warm and cherish, he won’t say a bad word, don’t bother and scold, but love with maternal love and protect him from adversity will be the servant (slave) of God (God) ( Name Patronymic of the teacher). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

And you can also teach your child such a conspiracy, in front of the doors of the school, let him mentally pronounce these words:

“The truth of God is in everything, and my truth is that beyond this threshold I will be king! Amen!"

To encourage children to learn

But if you want your child to start learning, do his homework and get more and more interested different sciences then take note of the conspiracy to strive for learning. And you will forget what it is to force to do homework and get up early in the morning to wake up your child. After this conspiracy, you will notice how your child himself wants to learn.

Start doing this ritual on the first of September. Buy three church candles, and at the moment when the child is not at home, sit at the table on which the child does his homework, put and light the candles and read the conspiracy to study:

“The divine flame illuminates with light, the servant (slave) of God (God) (name) inclines to study, wakes up the slave (name) learns and all knowledge is fixed in the head, memory is strong, thoughts are fast, study is easy, grades are higher. Now and forever and forever and ever, Amen!”

And repeat the ritual throughout the school year on the first of each month until the candles are completely burned out. And put away the candle ends in a secluded place and store until the school year is over.

You can also speak a button by sewing silk thread on clothes or better to school bag. Sew a button and repeat the plot:

“Just as a strong button is sewn with a silk thread, so study will be to the liking of the servant (slave) of God (God) (name). Amen!"

Universe of secret knowledge - Runic Magic, Tarot, Club of practitioners, Black magic and runes

For children to study well

Kiana» 12 Sep 2015, 22:04

Holy Prophet Naum

Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril (accepted in this order)

Ecumenical teachers: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom

Saint Father Nicholas

Reverend Sergius of Radonezh

Holy and Righteous John of Kronstadt

Unmercenaries and miracle workers Cosmo and Damian

Holy youths: Ananias, Azariah, Misail

Holy Martyr Neophyte

Holy Martyr Tatiana

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

Holy saint (pleaser) of God (name of the guardian angel)

Saint (name of the patron saint of the temple you go to, if any).

A special prayer of parents to St. Mitrofan for work and activities for children

Orthodox prayer to Sergius of Radonezh to study well

Prayer for a child to study well

Kiana» 12 Sep 2015, 22:10

Conspiracy ritual on the mind and understanding

To keep learning going

Conspiracy for a child to study well

Kiana» 12 Sep 2015, 22:12

For a good education for a child

A conspiracy to ensure that your child has a good memory

Conspiracies to improve memory

And how, Lord, You do not forget me

And the whole human race

So that I, Your servant (name), do not forget anything,

I have not lost my memory:

What is, what was and what will be.

So that I, God's servant (name),

She had a strong, durable memory.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Kiana» 12 Sep 2015, 22:26

For every prayer, for meekness and patience,

For every craft, for household work:

For plowing in the field, mowing, threshing;

Carry uphill, bring down the mountain,

Build, dig, knit sheaves, clean up dirt,

Wash clothes, pick mushrooms, pick berries,

Ferment, salt, paint, whiten,

Prick, chop, saw, hollow,

Keep posts, carry booty to the house.

And you, the laziness of the servant of God (name), step into the old stump,

There you will live your life,

There you will always be

From the servant of God (name) forever lag behind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Conspiracy from laziness

Show us Your mercy.

Bless the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Conspiracy for the ability to learn

So the mind of the servant of God (name) will not leave common sense and may the strength of his mind be replenished.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

ritual for talent

Kiana» 12 Sep 2015, 22:58

Lord, give me luck in my studies.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."