DIY ideas for selling. What can be sold to earn? Ideas for profitable business. Soap making at home

Many city dwellers have their own garage. But this is a great platform for starting your own business. In such a small room, you can equip a mini-enterprise that will bring a good additional income. In this article, we will talk about what can be produced in the garage for sale.

Cabinet furniture

Interested in what you can produce at home for sale? Engage in the assembly of cabinet furniture.

It can be:

  • Kitchen sets;
  • Wardrobes;
  • Office furniture and more.

In order to open such a business, you will need a tool, woodworking skills and a small financial investment for the purchase of material. The markup on high-quality cabinet furniture reaches 100%, so with the right approach, you can earn good money.

garden furniture

This is another interesting one. Garden furniture can be made from improvised materials, such as twigs or oddly shaped snags. The production of such products does not require large material investments from you. Suitable stumps, driftwood or old boards can be found in a landfill or in the forest. Manufacturing garden furniture- this is the most the best option that you can make from wood with your own hands.

Such a business can be started literally from scratch. Money will be needed only for the purchase of varnishes and special impregnations. Since such products will constantly be in the open air, they must be carefully processed, otherwise the furniture will quickly lose its original view. Garden benches, tables, lampposts, gazebos, swings - this is far from full list what you can make from wood with your own hands and sell for good money.

New Year decoration

Since many people celebrate the holidays with their families, they want to create an appropriate atmosphere in the house. The best Christmas decorations are exclusive products self made. According to experts, it brings excellent profits. The most important thing is to choose the right assortment and find reliable distribution channels.

Many people earn good money in the production of various Christmas wreaths, baskets, Christmas decorations and colorful garlands. Why don't you do this activity in your own garage?

Ceramic products

Not sure what you can produce yourself for sale? Open a small pottery workshop in the garage or any other utility room. Original figurines, vases and other tableware made in limited quantities are in great demand on the market. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount on the purchase of special equipment and the purchase of materials. But you can quickly return all the initial investment, since the payback of such a business is quite high. According to experts, this is Finished products can be sold in bulk souvenir shops or sell online.

Vine products

AT recent times many folk crafts began to revive. One of these is the weaving of wicker products. If you do not own such a skill, you can master it in special courses or video tutorials on the Internet. Position your products as environmentally friendly products made from natural materials and it will definitely find its customers.

Mobile phone cases

Almost all residents of our country have mobile phones. And if a person bought a phone for himself, then he will buy a case for him. Sewing covers for mobile phones- this is excellent. To do this, it is enough to purchase sewing machine and necessary raw materials.

If you do not have money to buy equipment, you can at first do knitted covers. They are much more expensive, but the manufacture of such products will take a lot of time. Cases can be sold in your own online store or in in social networks. Such products are also taken for sale by entrepreneurs who sell accessories for mobile phones. Before deciding what you can now produce at home, carefully research the market. This will help you decide on the range of products. In any case, this one will bring in good profits, since mobile phone cases are a hot commodity that is in demand in the market.

soap making

When it comes to what goods can be produced at home for sale, one cannot ignore such a profitable line of business as soap making. In order to master the technology of making soap at home, you will spend only 2-3 days. After that, you can start mass production.

To make your products look attractive appearance, you need to purchase special forms, as well as oils and flavors. It is most profitable to sell such products on the Internet, since souvenir shops are already crammed with handmade soap. In general, this is a good option for those who cannot decide what can be produced for sale at home.

Manufacturing of metal structures

The pace of housing construction continues to grow even during the crisis. In this regard, various metal structures are constantly in great demand. If you can’t decide what you can produce at home in your own garage, try custom-made all kinds of metal structures:

  • Gates;
  • gates;
  • Sections of fences from a metal profile;
  • Entrance doors;
  • Swing;
  • Gazebos and more.

This list can be supplemented with other positions, for example, building structures.

To do this, you need to buy special equipment- welding machine, grinder, drill, grinder and other tools. If you have never been involved in the manufacture of metal structures before, it is advisable to involve a specialist in this business who will help you master this skill. Welding work is best left to an experienced professional.

Tailoring of curtains and bedspreads

Thinking about what you can produce at home and sell for money to consumers? If you know how to sew well, get into the production of curtains, bedspreads and furniture covers. Textile products create a cozy atmosphere in any home, so they are always in great demand. To quickly form your own customer base, offer consumers original exclusive products made in a single copy.

For work you will need:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Table;
  • Scissors;
  • fabrics;
  • Consumables (threads, needles).

The production of such products can be established by any person who has imagination and creative abilities. The initial investment in this business is minimal, so their full payback comes in the most short time. Tailoring curtains is the best option for former seamstresses who are interested in what products can be made at home.


Recently, many aspiring entrepreneurs are asking the question, in a crisis? If you live near a sawmill and can't figure out what can be made from the waste of a woodworking enterprise, get involved. This is an environmentally friendly fuel, which has recently become very popular, both in our country and abroad.

In order to do this business, you need a large start-up capital for the purchase of a production line. The payback period of a business is 1.5–2 years, but when the company reaches a net profit, it will bring a decent income. Fuel pellets are the most profitable option for start-up entrepreneurs who are thinking about what they can produce on their own at home.

Casting of metal products

If you have an empty garage and are wondering what new things you can do with your own hands at home, pay attention to casting various products from metal.

It can be:

  • Doorknobs;
  • Toy soldiers;
  • Fishing accessories and more.

paving slabs

This building material is used for the improvement of sidewalks, garden paths and patios, therefore it brings a good income to its owners.

For the manufacture of such products, you will need a concrete mixer, a vibrating table, molds for pouring the mixture and packaging equipment. Finished products can be sold through advertisements in the local press and on the Internet. In addition, construction stores and supermarkets take such goods for sale, so there are no problems with its sale.

Paving slabs are exactly what you can start producing at home for sale, since such products are always in great demand. Another profitable option is this. Such an idea should be of interest to entrepreneurs who manufacture paving slabs and want to expand their production. Building materials are the best option that can be produced in Russia in times of crisis.

Real home mini business with 100% profitability

garden figurines

These decorative items used to decorate home gardens. Garden figurines are bought by the owners country houses, dachas, cafes and restaurants, so such products are always popular in the market.

It is worth noting that it does not require large financial investments from you, so this business is highly profitable. There is practically no competition in this market segment. In this regard, we can safely say that garden sculptures are the most suitable option, which can be beneficially produced for beginners at home.

For the production of such products, you will need a solution and special forms. The range of your products largely depends on their quantity. At the start, you can buy 10-15 molds. In the future, when you have experience, it is more profitable to make forms with your own hands. That's what everyone does experienced craftsmen. But at first, until you get necessary skills, molds are better to buy from suppliers. If you have not yet decided what products can be produced in the garage, be sure to pay attention to the manufacture of garden figurines. This is a fairly promising garage business idea in 2018.

Few people experience sincere pleasure from wage labor - on individual entrepreneur, company or government agency. A person who decides to quit a job that has become unbearable or is looking for additional sources of income, quite naturally, has an interest in, since with the development of global communications, there are more and more of them every day. A new business will inevitably require cash injections and (at least at first) hard work, but its payback, work schedule, and even a list of clients will depend solely on the will of the businessman.

Making something with your own hands is not so easy: here you need not only a commercial vein, but also a certain diligence, and sometimes real talent. The main thing for a newly-made businessman is to decide on the field of activity; then you can think about ways to sell souvenirs or crafts. Below will be listed 25 varieties of products that are not particularly difficult to manufacture and are excellent for implementation.

What can you do with your hands for sale?

Practice shows that you can sell anything as a souvenir - from hand-made blanks for the winter to home-made items of clothing, dishes or furniture. The main thing is not the essence of the craft, but the ability of the master to present the product: come up with original packaging, describe its practical advantages, if any, and at least for the time of sale, make the actual uselessness as less noticeable to the buyer as possible.

A souvenir is always a gift that you can make both for yourself and for your family, friends or colleagues. In part, this simplifies the task of the entrepreneur: it is difficult to find another equally simple way to sell something unnecessary, and even with a significant markup. In part (taking into account the difficult economic situation in the country), it complicates: unlike the idea of ​​offering things necessary in everyday life, the successful sale of souvenirs, even those made by oneself, is not guaranteed - demand can weaken or even stop at any time.

Advice: a good idea for a novice entrepreneur would be a preliminary one, according to which he will be able to take further steps and set new goals. It is unlikely that it will be possible to attract investors or receive money from large creditors, as with the opening, but a clear project development plan will appear, which is no less important.

When making souvenirs at home with your own hands, it is not necessary to follow the prevailing stereotypes, guided solely or, on the contrary, focusing on target audience made up of men. The master can, at his own discretion, choose any niche and act within its framework - or develop, adding new crafts to the previous assortment. Sale of trinkets own production over time, it will become his main occupation - and if not, you can always switch to something else, more familiar or interesting.

Making souvenirs with your own hands, whether it be knitting or making boxes, has its pros and cons. The most important of the first is the ability to independently plan the entire work cycle (from the schedule to communication with customers); the most depressing of the second is the difficulty for a beginner who is not yet accustomed to relying entirely on himself. Otherwise, the advantages and disadvantages for each type of product vary significantly; You can find them below in the descriptions of the most popular souvenirs.


An ordinary jar of jam can become a home-made souvenir: if only it is tasty, and the container is beautifully packaged. However, if a novice businessman does not have the opportunity or desire to provide high-quality packaging, jam can be sold in ordinary glass jars- preferably curly ones (you can order them from a supplier or buy a batch in a store) and not too large. A souvenir is, as already mentioned, a gift, not food, and no one in their right mind will take home a two- or three-liter jar of jam, even the most delicious.

But the need to pour products into small jars is associated with additional costs and, consequently, an increase in the cost of finished products: the cost of glass exceeds the cost of jam, unless it is produced from expensive raw materials or using unique technologies that require sophisticated equipment. In practice, there is no need for such refinements: an entrepreneur can make jam from what grows on the site or is available in the nearest store; the main thing is to present a souvenir beautifully, and there will certainly be buyers.

Advice: as a marketing solution, it is possible to suggest sticking original labels with the symbols and the name of the city, the manufacturer's signature on jars of jam, as well as packaging them in accordance with the ideas of "folk traditions" - for example, in birch bark boxes.

From the sale of "souvenir" jam is impossible: it all depends on the cost of the raw materials and cans used, the cost of electricity and water, as well as the actual labor costs of the businessman.

from 10 thousand rubles.

herbal teas

Topics healthy eating, like following " folk traditions' have been very popular in recent years. In this regard, it is quite logical to sell herbal teas from chamomile, willow-herb, sea buckthorn leaves and more complex ones as a hand-made souvenir. herbal preparations. As in the previous case, the main thing in such a business is not the taste component, but beautiful packaging: far from the fact that the buyer will use herbal tea for its intended purpose. Most likely, he will simply put the souvenir on the shelf or give it to friends.

Important: despite the minimal likelihood of being eaten, a home-made craft entrepreneur should be as conscientious as possible about the quality of raw materials. A seemingly small mistake can undermine the health of the buyer, not only jeopardizing the reputation of a businessman, but also putting him in front of the need to answer for negligence in the courtroom.

As practice shows, herbal teas it is best to pack in canvas bags with appropriate inscriptions or symbols of the city; the same packaging is great for selling odorous preparations needed to refresh and ennoble indoor air.

Starting investments in business - from 5 thousand rubles; profitability depends on the cost of raw materials and packaging used, as well as on the labor intensity of the process.


Another constantly demanded product, which, like jam, is recommended to be sold in small glass jars, miniature wooden tubs or tueskas - it all depends on the desire and imagination of the entrepreneur who decides to manufacture and sell this type of handmade souvenirs.

Advice: as in the two above earlier cases, the object of art that gives the souvenir great value is precisely the beautiful and original packaging, which (at least in part) must be done with your own hands. On the label, you can place an image or symbols of the locality in which honey is sold or produced, and wooden surfaces- decorate with stylized local patterns.

An excellent solution would be to sell "souvenir" honey complete with wooden spoon- you can also make it yourself, or at least, armed with a burning device, decorate the object with a simple painting.

Starting investments in business - from 7 thousand rubles; for better promotion of products, it is recommended to order several reviews in popular publics on social networks.

Souvenirs from polymer clay

An entrepreneur who is familiar with the technique of modeling, and even better - having an art education, can make good money selling products made from artificial or natural clay. The advantages of the first are greater plasticity and uniformity and no need for firing; the second - durability, environmental friendliness and unique texture of finished products.

As additional materials necessary to decorate the figurines, beads are used, large and small beads, glass products, chains, sequins and, of course, paints. The more effort an entrepreneur puts into the final product, the better demand he will get: unique clay souvenirs will always be in great demand both among tourists and the local population.

Starting investments in business - from 7-8 thousand rubles.

Handmade jewelry boxes

The box is not only a great souvenir, but also a useful household item used to store jewelry, memorabilia, and even kitchen utensils. The larger and more capacious the box, the more expensive it will cost and the more effort it will take to finish it, and vice versa. In pricing, it is also important to take into account the cost of raw materials and the time spent on the production of one unit.

You can make boxes from any materials suitable for this: wood, plastic, pressed paper and even metal. In the latter case, instead of third-party decorative elements, it is more logical to use embossing or engraving so as not to overload the artistic structure.

Advice: special care must be taken with interior decoration caskets - a craftsman working at home can use velvet, natural fabrics and others decorative materials. If a hand-made souvenir is intended for storing jewelry or cosmetics, it would be logical to provide the lid with a small mirror from the inside, as well as an external or built-in lock.

Starting investments in business - from 15 thousand rubles.

Containers made of wood or birch

Like caskets, such souvenirs are suitable for storing anything - from jewelry (although it will be more difficult to organize their storage in this case) to a variety of little things that should always be at hand, or even food. In order to give a tueska or barrel originality and increase its sale value, the craftsman needs to decorate it on the outside with a colorful painting (of his own authorship or imitating a local one), and on the inside - line it with soft material, as long as possible durable and airtight.

If the souvenir is intended for storing odorous herbs or products that require an influx fresh air, on the contrary, it is necessary to provide slots for ventilation in its design and provide the craft with a removable cover. It is not recommended to use aggressive substances when processing wooden containers: they can not only affect the safety of items inside, but also give the product an indelible unpleasant odor.

Starting investments in business - from 10 thousand rubles.

Stained glass windows

Due to their special fragility, such souvenirs are best sold in special packaging or at least wrapped in several layers of soft material. External beauty in this case can be neglected: the main artistic value is the stained-glass window itself, and not the wrapper.

The advantages of making DIY crafts are relatively little competition and, by default, the high cost of finished products; disadvantages - technological complexity, the high cost of the materials used and the fragility of the finished product: often an entrepreneur has to write off several souvenirs broken during transportation, thus losing money.

Since the process of selecting glass for transparency and shades is quite laborious in itself, and ready-made color solutions not everyone likes it, it is more logical to make such stained-glass windows on an individual order; the cost of doing so, of course, goes up. Starting investments in business - from 25 thousand rubles.

stained glass windows

It is easier to make such a souvenir for two reasons: the master can use ordinary clear glass, and poorly selected or applied paint can always be washed off and improved. The cost of the product is lower than when using colored glass; however, the same applies to the artistic merits of crafts: opaque or translucent glass shaded with paint does not look as attractive as colored glass.

In most cases, such stained-glass windows are used as wall paintings or decorations installed on obviously opaque surfaces; therefore, an entrepreneur working at home can immediately frame a souvenir - this at the same time will increase the strength of the product.

Starting investments in business - from 15 thousand rubles.

Author's soap

For production souvenir soap it is required to purchase high-quality, expensive materials, including fragrances, aroma oils or liquids, base, dyes and even artificial decorations. As a result, a home-based entrepreneur can make a real work of art with his own hands, and over time, develop his own unique style, which will significantly increase not only popularity, but also the selling price of products.

In addition, handmade soap can be molded into special molds suitable for gifts on New Year, March 8, February 23, professional, family or personal holidays. And, of course, the more beautiful the souvenir is decorated, the more income a businessman can receive in the end.

The advantages of creating author's soap are the relative simplicity of operations and the wide demand for products: unlike other souvenirs, soap is usually used for its intended purpose, if not immediately, then after some time. Disadvantages - the high cost of the original components and the risk of injury: in the process it is easy to get thermal or chemical burn and more severe damage.

Starting investments in business - from 12 thousand rubles.


Cast decorative candles with your own hands is no more difficult than making soap: a novice entrepreneur will need to acquire raw materials (wax or stearin, dyes, fragrances, wicks and decorations that do not interfere with natural combustion) and molds for making souvenirs. Candles can be made both “flat”, suitable for installation on any surface (they are usually mounted in cartridges made of aluminum or other non-combustible material), and more familiar high - candlesticks are needed to use them.

Advice: in order not to complicate the life of the buyer, it is strongly recommended to adjust the diameter of author's candles to the standard ones; they are easy to get acquainted with by visiting any hardware store or focusing on "holiday" mass consumption products.

Candles can be decorated with sequins or other non-flammable items, they can be artistically carved (for example, the name of the customer or the person to whom the gift is intended), gilding, or a layer of silver paint. And having mastered the process a little, a businessman should try to pour figured candles - in the form of any objects, animals or architectural monuments. The demand for them is guaranteed to be higher than for ordinary, even beautifully finished souvenirs; the price will be higher.

Starting investments in business - from 8 thousand rubles.

Candlesticks and candelabra

These souvenirs can be sold together with author's candles or separately from them, that is, as independent interior items. The main requirement for crafts is fire safety: they must be made of metal, ceramics or other non-combustible materials available to the entrepreneur. It goes without saying that wood or paper cannot be used in production, even if they do not directly touch the combustion zone.

Taking into account the specifics of the material, candlesticks and candelabra can be decorated with embossing, engraving, gilding or overlaid elements that are not exposed to open fire. It is highly desirable to ensure that the product is easy to clean from drips of wax or stearin: the design should be collapsible or not too complicated, allowing you to get rid of dirt without wasting time and nerves.

Advice: it is best to make candlesticks and candelabra miniature - the buyer is unlikely to be pleased to move around the city with a huge heavy object, especially if it is to be transported to another city. It's a good idea to set up the production of personalized crafts, supplying ready-made souvenirs with a congratulatory inscription addressed to the recipient of the gift.

Starting investments in business - from 45 thousand rubles.


These thoroughly forgotten items, even if not used for their intended purpose, can become a great interior decoration. Bookends can be made from any material that can withstand large volume weighing 4–5 kilograms: wood (then the products should be decorated artistic carving, author's or imitating folk, through or "blind"), metal (recommended methods of finishing - traditional embossing, engraving, gilding and inlay), natural (not the best option due to gravity) or artificial stone or plastic.

As in all other cases, it would be nice to offer the buyer a “personalized” engraving or burning on a souvenir stand: along its lower edge or on the central holder, you can simply write the name of the gift recipient, or make a small congratulatory or dedicatory inscription.

Since the bookend is a fairly massive item, it should be sold in an attractive, sturdy package with carrying handles. At will and with the skill of an entrepreneur engaged in the manufacture of crafts with his own hands, this package can turn into a case that is one with the stand.

Starting investments in business - from 10 thousand rubles.

Educational hand toys

Such souvenirs, consisting of a durable, abrasion and tear-resistant shell and soft filler, not only have a positive effect on fine motor skills adults and children, but also have a calming effect. The main condition for the success of a businessman who decides to make “crumpling” toys with his own hands is correct selection materials: the buyer will be extremely offended if the newly acquired souvenir is torn or loses its shape.

Hand toys should, in order to give them individuality, be painted in the author's manner, using indelible, moisture-resistant (since the palms will sweat) and, of course, non-toxic paints for humans. To increase the attractiveness of products in the eyes of the buyer, they can be provided with individual inscriptions or designed in accordance with the wishes of the client.

An entrepreneur who is still not familiar enough with the technology of making educational toys for hands can stop at a standard round shape, which fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and provides the greatest strength of the product. In the future, with an increase in the level of skill, a businessman can move on to experimenting with form, producing figurines in the form of animals, buildings or various objects.

Starting investments in business - from 5 thousand rubles.

Soft stuffed toys

An entrepreneur who sews toys at home with his own hands can show all his imagination. It is not limited by shapes, materials used, or colors; Moreover, the author's toy is a work of art, and the more originality it has, the better. Having sufficiently mastered the production, the master can proceed to the creation soft toys to order: according to the wishes or the customer's own sketches, repeating famous city sights, animal shapes, human outlines and various objects.

Outside, such toys can be trimmed with all available materials: beads, beads, ribbons, gold or silver threads, and so on - the main thing is that they are safe for humans and firmly attached to the surface. The main requirements for the filler are environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity (due to the inevitable accumulation of dust in the toy, special care should be taken about it) and the ability to keep its shape, returning to its original state after being crushed. Impregnation of the material with antibacterial compounds is an ambiguous question: there will be no harm from it, but the benefits of its use have not been proven. You can make a stuffed toy unique by embroidering on it, by order of the buyer, the name of the person to whom the gift is intended, or the corresponding inscription.

Starting investments in business - from 15 thousand rubles.

Toys made of wood or stone

The advantage of such products over clay ones is increased strength: even if the souvenir falls or hits foreign object, he is with highly likely won't break. FROM special properties The materials used are also associated with the difficulties that arise when creating crafts: an entrepreneur will have to master, depending on preferences, the technique of carving wood or stone, burning, engraving, painting, and ideally inlay. All substances used in the work, including paints, must be safe for human health, not erased over time, waterproof and, if possible, non-flammable.

The latter is more relevant wooden toys: the master is strongly recommended not only to treat the wooden base from splinters and bumps, but also to impregnate it with antibacterial and refractory mixtures. Such a precaution will not greatly increase the cost of the finished product, but it will significantly stretch the manufacturing time, which, if the process is not properly organized, will have a bad effect on productivity. The conclusion is simple: a businessman who wants to add special processing to the advantages of the proposed toys needs to establish an ongoing process of preparing the basics - perhaps by connecting an assistant to the business.

Starting investments in business - from 3 thousand rubles.


The oldest items of children's games have long outgrown their original purpose: now they are used both as decorative elements and as collectibles, and even as improvised means - for example, holders of umbrellas or hats. They can be made from any materials, depending on the purpose and wishes of the customer; the main thing is not to forget that the souvenir should not be too bulky or heavy so as not to deliver to the buyer unnecessary problems with transportation.

For painting wooden, plastic or porcelain dolls, paints that are resistant to abrasion, moisture and heat should be used - most likely, they will be held in the palms from time to time. Straw dolls can be decorated with colored ribbons, beads, gold and silver threads and cloth dyed in authentic ways. To individualize a souvenir, you can write on it, at the request of the customer, the name of the person for whom the doll is intended, or provide it with a postcard with a congratulatory inscription.

Starting investments in business - from 2 thousand rubles.


These items are not only pleasing to the eye, but also useful: the keychain helps not to lose the keys, and, depending on the built-in functions, illuminate your way, give alarm signal or carry digital data with you. Depending on the preferences, a businessman who makes souvenirs at home with his own hands can make a keychain on his own from start to finish (then it will be more like a work of art) or use ready basis(flashlight, sound device, and so on), embedding it in a decorative shell.

Keyrings can be made from any durable materials: wood, metal, stone, plastic and even pressed paper. The surface of the product should be varnished, painted, inlaid, engraved or embossed. As in other cases, it does not hurt to offer the client to put on the keychain the name of him or the person for whom the craft is being purchased.

Starting investments in business - from 3 thousand rubles.


Decorative keys, adorned with an inscription befitting the occasion, - original idea for a gift. Souvenirs can be made from any materials that are not too heavy and fragile: for example, a metal gift key should not turn out too large sizes, and glass or crystal will be excessively difficult to store and transport; it is logical to produce such products only on an individual order, not forgetting about prepayment.

On standard souvenir keys, you can depict the coat of arms and the name of the city in which the sale is planned, and others. decorative elements. The very shape of the product implies a through carving, so a beginner who is not familiar with all the intricacies of production is recommended to start with more pliable materials (wood or pressed paper), painting or decorating them using substances that are resistant and safe for human health.

The key beard pattern should not repeat the real elements: the only requirement for it is aesthetics and attractiveness for the buyer; the same applies to the head - since the product is not intended for regular use, it can be of absolutely any shape, even if not very convenient.

Starting investments in business - from 5 thousand rubles.


These souvenirs, designed to store keys (real, not decorative), can be either wall-mounted, or table-top, or even floor-standing: it all depends on the imagination of the entrepreneur and whether he has the necessary equipment for work. The larger the key holder, the more light material should be used for its manufacture, and the more difficult it will be for the master to come up with a real original pattern to decorate it.

You can create a unique effect using any surface treatment technique: from polishing and pasting with colored paper to engraving and inlay. It is quite logical that the more expensive the method is used by a businessman who decides to make souvenirs with his own hands, the more the cost of crafts will increase - you need to monitor this indicator so as not to make the purchase “unbearable” for people who are interested.

Starting investments in business - from 7 thousand rubles.


Making magnets, which are especially readily bought by tourists and casual visitors to the city, as well as residents who are going to give a gift to friends from other cities, cannot be called a difficult task. To make these trinkets, you will need a magnetic base, glue, decor elements, varnish and paints.

As the first, it is more reasonable to use records that are freely available: they easily come off metal surface, for example during cleaning, and at the same time they are able to withstand a significant load - up to 200–300 grams. A blank is applied to the plate, the main requirement for which is, if possible, a small mass and original form. Next - finishing materials, from coffee beans to shells and acorns, fixed on the surface with glue. The finished structure can be painted or varnished to protect it from water splashes and cracking.

To generate more demand for his crafts, the entrepreneur can offer buyers the placement of names or small congratulatory inscriptions on magnets, as well as artistic images or photographs of the person for whom the gift is being made.

Starting investments in business - from 2 thousand rubles.


Decorative brooms made from straw or artificial material, can be decorated with additional images or inscriptions placed on separate slats. To ensure the safety of the souvenir, it must be additionally treated with antibacterial and anti-mold compounds, and varnished on top.

Often gift brooms are accompanied by other artistic elements, from a towel to a poker; the design style of the souvenir depends only on the imagination of a businessman engaged in the manufacture of handicrafts for sale, and the wishes of customers.

Starting investments in business - from 1 thousand rubles.

Decorative felt boots

You can make such souvenir shoes both in full and in a reduced size; in both cases, the manufacturer is recommended to contact Special attention for processing external and internal surfaces products - the more elegant and unusual the gift boots are, the more demand a businessman can count on.

As the main material, you can use both traditional felt and more modern ones. synthetic materials; last option when produced at home, it is preferable because of its simplicity and the absence of unpleasant odors.

Starting investments in business - from 10 thousand rubles.


Hats, scarves, mittens and mittens - any items made by hand from natural wool, painted in different colors or decorated with metallic threads or ribbons.

Starting investments in business - from 2 thousand rubles.


Decorative embroidery - great gift for any significant event. Any attractive landscape can be depicted on it, made congratulatory inscription or even a portrait of the person for whom the souvenir is being prepared; the more complex and unusual the order, the more reward the entrepreneur can count on.

Starting investments in business - from 5 thousand rubles.

Leather products

Beautifully crafted wallets, purses, belts or gloves - not only good gifts, but also practical items that, with proper processing, will serve the buyer long years. The main thing for a businessman is not to save on materials and use only substances that are safe for human health and high-quality jewelry.

Starting investments in business - from 30 thousand rubles

Where can you sell your crafts?

Making souvenirs with your own hands is not enough for success; a novice entrepreneur needs to plan the implementation process in advance. The sale of crafts can be carried out at retail outlets, through online stores or hand-made stores.


In order to sell products in retail outlets, you must either rent an area yourself, or negotiate with the owner of an existing outlet. Otherwise, no difficulties are foreseen: the entrepreneur needs to deliver souvenir goods on time, take into account the wishes of customers and take his share of income, not forgetting to pay taxes.

Online store

Trade in unique gift products is one of the best. In this case, a businessman should take care of creating and promoting the site, as well as connecting several payment options - using bank cards, electronic wallets, and maybe even cryptocurrencies.

Handmade goods store

Opening your own hand-made goods store is not a bad idea, but only if the aspiring entrepreneur has enough money or the ability to attract investors and lenders. In other cases, it is more logical to be content with the first two options at first, gradually developing the concept of your own outlet and saving up money to launch it.

How much can you earn on products with your own hands?

The earnings of a person who makes souvenirs with his own hands directly depend on his diligence, talents and start-up capital: the more he is ready to invest in the business, the easier and faster he will be able to succeed. name average level income is impossible: different situations he hesitates from 2-3 thousand rubles a month to several tens of thousands.

Summing up

Making souvenirs at home with your own hands is a laborious process that requires a serious investment of time, talent and at least a small start-up capital from the performer. It is recommended that a novice entrepreneur draw up a business plan: it will help not to get confused when taking the first steps in a new direction. The ideal option there will be attraction of private investors or creditors, however, under conditions home production it's practically unrealistic.

You can produce anything for sale with your own hands - from sweets and herbal teas to leather wallets and decorative keys. The main thing is not to forget about the quality of products and their safety for humans. You can sell goods at retail outlets or an online store, and in the future - in your own hand-made store.

Everyone knows that perfect job It's a high paying hobby. So why not use your skills and abilities to build your own business? In this article, you will learn how to open a mini-production at home, which will bring not only pleasure, but also a stable income.

Home business as a path to financial independence

Long gone are the days when it was customary to work for someone, honestly sitting out the working day from 9 am to 6 pm. Today more and more people want to build own business based on education and professional skills. Someone is mastering Internet technologies and earning money through freelancing, while someone is making stylish interior items for sale. The main thing is to choose your direction in which you can realize your full potential.

Production at home: features and nuances

Suppose you are a professional builder or an experienced housewife. In both the first and second cases, it is possible to organize successful production at home, which will bring a high and stable income. However, any business has its own characteristics that should be considered when choosing a direction for future work.

For business, you need a spacious room and necessary equipment. After all, the technology of production at home requires the same conditions as a large enterprise. Therefore, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • It is important to decide on client base and market for their product. Without this item, your business simply will not make sense.
  • It is necessary to establish the supply of raw materials for production. And if you are dealing with perishable or oversized goods, you need to take care of its storage.
  • Decide how much initial capital you are willing to invest in your production. After all, its scale and primary profit will depend on this.

In addition, it is very important to answer the question of how profitable the future business is and whether it is necessary for the population. After all, if no one produces desired product, then you can only waste your time, effort and invested money. Only a well-written business plan, taking into account all possible expenses, will help protect you from many mistakes.

But what idea to choose to open own production? We will talk about this in more detail.

Growing seedlings at home

Most profitable production at home in spring and summer period- this is the cultivation of seedlings for summer residents and villagers. In addition, the cost of implementing this mini-business is not very large. On average, the cost of a pack of seeds varies from 5 to 30 rubles, depending on the type and variety of the fruiting plant. While from one such pack you can grow up to 20 seedlings for sale. Of the consumables, you will also need special soil and pots for seedlings. However, experienced gardeners often use conventional plastic bottles from carbonated water.

The income from such environmentally friendly production is from 30 to 200 rubles per seedling. While buyers will take a minimum of 10-30 copies to replenish their garden. The cost will depend on factors such as the exoticism of the cultivated crop, the characteristics of care and fruitfulness. And you can sell products both via the Internet and in special markets and fairs for gardeners.

Production of foam blocks at home

If you have skills in construction and a large free area, then this mini-business idea is definitely for you. Foam blocks are used for the construction of modern houses. Indeed, despite its lightness, this material has good thermal insulation and high density.

However, the production of blocks at home requires considerable investment. Indeed, the products will require not only cement, sand, foaming agent and hardener, but also special equipment. For the production of foam blocks, a steam generator, a compressor unit, a concrete mixer and molds of various sizes are used. In addition, certain skills and knowledge will be required to create a durable and high-quality building material.

Despite all the painstaking production, its implementation is quite paid off. Average price for square meter foam block in Russia varies from 500 to 800 rubles. In the same way, you can set up the production of tiles at home. After all, any Construction Materials always in demand.

Production of alcoholic beverages at home

Since ancient times, people have been making wine, Cahors and even moonshine on their own. At the same time, the quality of home alcoholic beverages always valued much higher than factory production. However, the production of products will require high-quality grapes, special barrels and for a long time excerpts.

Therefore, for a mini-business, you can consider the production of alcohol at home. Moreover, ordinary sugar is used as a raw material. And for production, only a moonshine still is required.

To sell products, it will be necessary to establish cooperation with regional buyers of alcohol raw materials. In addition, do not forget that such a business must be legalized and certified. Otherwise, you can expect problems with the law.

Homemade food

If cooking is given to you very well, but there is a need for additional source income, create your own home cooking. It can be fresh pastries, first and second courses, various salads and desserts. The cost of dishes is calculated from the cost of food and the work of the cook. It is very important to use only high-quality and fresh raw materials. After all, not only your reputation will depend on this, but also the health of customers.

You can sell your product through online ads. For example, very often office employees need delicious homemade meals, but at the same time do not have the opportunity to go to the canteen for their lunch break. In this case, you can not only produce daily hot and fresh meals but also deliver.

Well, if you live in a village and grow your own garden, then take care of mass production sunsets. After all, pickles and sauerkraut are in great demand among city dwellers. Especially if everything is made from environmentally friendly products.

Clothing production at home

Handmade clothing has not ceased to be popular for many years. So why take advantage fashion trend and not become a real designer? After all, this will require only sewing skills and an ordinary sewing machine.

In order to develop a client base, you need a portfolio. It can be posted on a social network and on a free classifieds board. At the same time, be sure to indicate the price list for your services and the timing of the order. This will allow you to quickly find regular customers and get a good reputation.

Sewing mini-production at home will be a great business idea for young mothers and housewives. After all, this great combination favorite hobby and additional income. Who knows, maybe in the future you will be able to open a whole atelier for tailoring fashionable and modern clothes.

Decor at home

Creative individuals can engage in manufacturing interesting items interior or restoration of old things. In addition, designer crafts are valued around the world much more than stamped factory products. Unusual vases, stylish lamps, funny photo frames and much more can be created with your own hands by organizing production at home.

Equipment, necessary tools and quality raw materials can be purchased at a hardware or art store. And any social network or fair of handmade craftsmen will help to sell products. In addition, many original designers sell their products in the world's home decor accessories stores.

Motivation for business development

Any person will answer that it is much easier for him to go to work every day and perform official duties than to build a business himself. Of course, this point of view has its own truth. After all, the employer controls the process and pays a stable salary. While owning a business is subject to a number of risks and requires a lot of effort.

But what do we get as a result? Unloved job with a little salary and unrealized creative potential. That is why it is very important to correctly prioritize and motivate yourself to achieve goals. It can be anything - a spacious apartment in the center of Moscow, a new luxury car, or the well-being of the family. The main thing is not to stray from the intended path and firmly believe in your cause. And remember that best job It's a high paying hobby.

Having decided to open a home business by investing money in the production of goods, you need to start from consumer demand, your own skills and abilities. Since the sale of goods is the final part production process, it is important to properly research the demand by choosing a profitable niche. Also, the success of a business depends on distribution channels. As a rule, at the start, a novice entrepreneur wants to “test” the profitability of the chosen idea and is in no hurry to register with government bodies receive quality certificates, etc.

In such cases, you can sell products via the Internet (social networks, free bulletin boards), put up advertisements around the city, participate in thematic fairs, hand out business cards or collaborate with familiar outlets.

Home business: production ideas for men

This section is aimed primarily at the male audience. Women who want to start a business can also, but work will require a rough male power. To organize a working area and a small warehouse, an area is needed, so the idea is relevant for residents of private houses, owners of suburban areas.

Production of building blocks

Starting investments - from 300-450 thousand rubles.

In connection with the increase in the number of construction works, building blocks that have excellent characteristics - strength, sound and heat insulation, and durability are becoming more and more in demand. You can organize a business in the garage by allocating a room or shed for storage. For sale and income, you need to purchase: a vibrating table, a compressor, a concrete mixer, molds for pouring the mixture. Technological process simple - first, a mixture is formed according to the type of material (for example, polystyrene concrete, foam concrete), then it is placed in special container and falls on the vibrating table, where the product is formed. After a few hours, it goes into the drying phase (1-3 days) until it hardens, after which it is taken out of the mold.

Types of building blocks, the production of which can be opened at home:

  • foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete;
  • cinder blocks;
  • expanded clay blocks;
  • arbolite blocks;
  • heat blocks, etc.

Each of the above materials requires strict adherence to the proportion and consists of fine sand (expanded clay can be used), plasticizer, cement, water, dyes, etc.

Production of paving slabs

Investments in initial stage- from 350 thousand rubles.

Despite the high cost paving slabs- the demand for all its types is quite high, but the competition in this niche is great, it is produced by both powerful enterprises and small firms, up to home production.

At the first stage, you need to choose what type of tile you plan to work with. Today, both standard concrete and rubber tiles, clinker paving stones are popular.

For the manufacture of rubber tiles, you need to purchase a volcanic press (price from 300 thousand rubles), a raw mixer, molds, as well as raw materials - crumb rubber, dyes, polyurethane glue. Concrete tiles need cement, sand, crushed granite, plasticizer and pigments. Clinker tiles are produced from high-quality clay by firing using a special furnace (at least 500 thousand rubles will be needed for all equipment). After production large companies sell products, but private firms can be offered paving slab laying services to expand their activities and maximize profits, this will increase business efficiency.

Making flexible stone

Starting investments - from 50 thousand rubles.

The advantage of this business is that all processes can be performed manually - while the speed does not affect the final result. One person can prepare approximately 50 m² of material per day (about 8 hours of work). Therefore, for start-up entrepreneurs who do not have enough investments, this will be a great way to implement their ideas. Equipment for mini production at home these are a hand drill, a mixer, drying racks, a special molding table and wooden storage pallets.

The technological process does not require special skills or education and consists in coloring sand or marble chips, preparing glue, a fabric or fiberglass base, applying a mineral to this base and drying. Thickness finished product should be 2.5 - 4.5 mm, width about 60 cm, length - 2.2 m.

DIY artificial stone

Initial costs - from 60-100 thousand rubles.

Artificial stone is used for facing buildings, in the interior. Its popularity lies in its cheapness compared to natural. It is easy to start production at home, 1-2 people can handle it, since the technology is simple. It consists in mixing the components, distributing into forms and creating vibration to distribute the mixture and remove air. After solidification, the finished products are removed from the mold. The same principle is used to produce decorative brick from plaster.

To organize home production, you need the following set of equipment - a container for mixing all the components, an electric drill, a trowel, and special forms. As you gain experience, you can increase the volume, for this you need to purchase a vibrating table, a concrete mixer, a vibrating sieve, polystyrene molds, scales, and a drying chamber. In addition to facing material, it is possible to produce other products from artificial marble - railings, stairs, countertops, window sills, etc.

Food production

The production and further sale of food products is a promising idea for mini-production at home, suitable for those who love and know how to cook well. Such a home business at the initial stage can be organized with minimal cost in their own kitchen, and most importantly - it will be in demand at any time, regardless of the crisis. For starters, you can sell the resulting products to friends and acquaintances at local fairs and markets. When expanding a business, registration and registration of permits is required, this is the only way to establish cooperation with stores and outlets.

Production and sale of semi-finished products

Starting costs - from 20-30 thousand rubles.

This idea involves the production of homemade sausages or frankfurters, stuffed dough products (dumplings, pancakes, dumplings, ravioli, manti, pies, pasties). Meat, cottage cheese, eggs and other products can be bought in bulk at factories or farms. Some also raise animals in country farms in parallel to reduce production costs. At the start, you should not make a large assortment of semi-finished products (no more than 25-30 items). In this case, the recipe is important. The tastier the offered dish, the higher the demand.

For starters, standard kitchen utensils are enough. In the future, with an increase in demand, you need to buy freezer for storage, meat grinder, food processor.

Cheese mini-workshop

Starting investments - from 150 thousand rubles.

Cheese production is profitable in rural areas, where the cost of cow, sheep or goat milk low, and transport costs for its delivery are minimal. Cooking time and consumption of milk depends on the type of cheese. As a rule, it takes 1.5 - 4 hours of preparation to process 10 liters of milk. The main thing in this home business is the purchase of a cheese maker and a milk sterilizer. The cost of equipment starts from 150 thousand rubles. Conventionally, cheese products are divided into two types:

  1. rennet products - hard varieties (Swiss, Dutch), semi-solid (Roquefort);
  2. fermented milk - suluguni, cheese, mozzarella, any kind of cottage cheese, etc.

You can also expand the range and offer goat cheese (brynza), sheep cheese (gouda, pastor, chanakh).

Making noodles for sale

Investments at the start - 300-350 thousand rubles.

Availability of raw materials, high demand, a large number of recipes, simplicity of technology - not all the advantages of this idea. The main ingredients for making homemade noodles are flour and water; depending on the recipe, olive or olive oil can also be added to the dough. sunflower oil, salt, spices, dyes. Making dough on your own and forming noodles or pasta is a laborious process, but many aspiring businessmen started with such production. If you want to sell products, you need to buy a dough mixer, a dough roller, cutting, a dryer for the finished product, as well as packaging material. To purchase this kit for mini-production, 300-350 thousand rubles are enough.

Sale of cakes to order

Initial expenses - from 50 thousand rubles.

Baking cakes to order is a promising idea, which largely depends on the establishment of distribution channels. With a home business, it is recommended to focus on exclusive cakes and individual orders. To search for clients, you can print out business cards and distribute them in places with a potential audience (children's development centers, schools, kindergartens, registry offices), make a small business card website or advertise work on social networks.

As a rule, thematic children's desserts for the holidays and wedding multi-tiered cakes are in the greatest demand. It is better to buy products in bulk - you will need flour, butter, margarine, yeast, sour cream, condensed milk, chocolate, eggs, sugar, nutritional supplements and dyes for cream and mastic. Of the equipment, the first orders can be made in your own kitchen, with the development of the business, you can rent a mini-workshop and buy industrial equipment and kitchen accessories. To expand the range, you can make cakes, ice cream, sweets, marmalade.

Stew production at home

Expenses at the start - from 20 thousand rubles.

Stew is a popular product. Before buying an expensive line and opening a mini-factory, you can try to produce it in small batches for sale, performing all the processes in your kitchen. First you need to decide on the type of product - there is meat stew (pork, beef), meat and vegetable (with the addition of noodles, cereals, salads), poultry meat (chicken, goose) and offal (liver pate).

The technology for making stew is simple. It is necessary to prepare the meat, chop and arrange in containers, add the broth and spices according to the recipe, remove the air and cork the jars. The containers are sterilized and cooled. For home canning on a small scale, it is enough to purchase a household autoclave - its cost starts from 5 thousand rubles (for 10-20 cans). Also, expenses will be required for the purchase of packaging, containers and basic ingredients.

Sale of herbal tea

Start-up capital- from 10 thousand rubles.

This direction refers to a business with easy sales, as people today take care of their health and want to lead healthy lifestyle life. To prepare herbal medicinal tea, you do not need to buy expensive equipment or material. You can collect herbs and create various collections for sale while going out into nature, and buy the rest at a pharmacy. The main thing in this case is the observance of proportions. To organize the process, you will need scales and packaging material. To increase demand for products, it is important to inform potential customers about the benefits of phyto tea, to make colorful packages that indicate the composition and healing properties.

Business ideas for enterprising women

Today, many of the fair sex dream of becoming a "business woman". it great idea to gain independence and prosperity. There are many implementation options for women, the main thing is to look for ways to achieve, fresh ideas small production and not stop there. World practice knows many examples when a small home business turned into entire corporations headed by a woman.

Home cosmetics store

Starting costs - from 15 thousand rubles.

Today, when store shelves are filled with various cosmetics, all more girls looking for more natural, fragrance-free options and harmful additives. It is possible to make such cosmetics on your own - today you can find the most complex ingredients for creams, shampoos, perfumes, up to coenzymes and ultraviolet filters. For the manufacture of cosmetics, you also need to purchase various aroma oils (for example, fir oil), which are sold in every pharmacy. At first, you do not need to rent a separate room, but to produce everything at home. You can sell products on social networks, on message boards, or conduct master classes at home to increase the popularity of a home cosmetics store (or salon).

Handmade souvenirs

Initial investment - from 5 thousand rubles.

Many enterprising people make an income using their imagination and Creative skills. You can produce anything - from mosaics for children to original candles. Today, handmade soap, photo books, knitting creative gloves, socks, sewing felt boots are relevant. Everything depends only on imagination. When making souvenirs with your own hands, it is important to highlight the target audience, who may be interested in the products. Also keep in mind that this business is seasonal, so you need to prepare large volumes for the holidays. Start-up costs will be small and focused on acquisition Supplies, they depend on the choice of direction.

Mini production in a private house

These directions require a large area for work, so only residents of the private sector or suburban areas can organize them.

mushroom cultivation

Starting expenses - from 120 thousand rubles.

To implement the idea, you need to prepare a room - for this you need to allocate a separate room, a barn, a basement or a greenhouse. Walls and floors are treated with chlorine solution. One zone should be for the preparation of the substrate and the germination of the mycelium, the second for the growth of fungi.

Specially purchased mycelium is planted in a substrate of sawdust, straw, grain husks. The cultivation technology depends on the species. Today, the production of champignons, shiitake and oyster mushrooms is considered profitable.

Large farms have special equipment for the production of mycelium and the preparation of the substrate. At the first stage, it is not necessary to purchase it. An aspiring entrepreneur needs to purchase technologies to support a given temperature regime, lighting and humidity level in a room or in the basement of a private house, as well as a container for preparatory work, racks. The cost of such a kit starts from 110 thousand rubles. You can minimize costs by buying used equipment.

Furniture production at home

Initial investment - from 100 thousand rubles.

Furniture manufacturing technology is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. As a rule, they are made from laminated chipboard sheets, fixed with fasteners (screws, self-tapping screws, nails), which can be bought at specialized stores or directly at the factory, where all parts can be pre-cut and prepared for work. The task of the entrepreneur is to search for orders, take measurements and prepare a drawing. Next, you need to prepare the parts, connect them and insert fittings, glass, countertops, which are also easy to buy from manufacturers. Working time depends on the degree of complexity of the order and the skills of the master. A wardrobe can be made in a day, and a built-in kitchen can take a week. Start-up expenses will be needed for the purchase of materials (the price depends on the order), advertising and the purchase of tools.

Opening of a pottery workshop

Starting capital - from 300 thousand rubles.

Pottery does not lose its relevance and today such workshops receive stable orders and high profits. For those who have certain skills and knowledge, you can open your own workshop. For work you will need a potter's wheel, scales for dosage source material, a clay kneading machine and a kiln for firing the finished product. A similar kit costs from 200 thousand rubles, while at the start some functions can be done without equipment (for example, clay firing). Many craftsmen make the oven on their own, which saves costs at the start.

Commercial offers

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→ 05.05.2017

Home production ideas are gaining unprecedented popularity today. The reason is the expansion of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, production in the regions and at the federal level and an understandable, understandable desire to work for oneself, individually or in a family contract. The main thing is to competently resolve the issue of organization by resolving legal issues. And (most importantly) to find a working idea, original or popular. In the latter case, one must be prepared for the fact that initial stage entrepreneurship will take all the time of a novice businessman, since it is not easy to overcome the barrier of competition and enter an industry where the idea is already being successfully implemented by others. But directly in production, this problem is most easily overcome, since this area of ​​activity has been mastered by less than 25%, and the idea here can be expanded and adapted by changing working conditions, offering fundamentally new products to the consumer.

Opening home production

Having decided on the subject, direction, you should think about the organizational and legal form of the case.

If the production is small, and there are enough funds to start on your own, you can start by registering as an individual entrepreneur.

It is cheap (the duty is 800 rubles, it is not difficult to understand the nuances of registration). In the absence of even basic knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, you can order the service of opening an IP. Depending on the region, it will cost 2,000 - 10,000 rubles.

If a manufacturing business is opened jointly, and there are several founders, it is easiest to register as an LLC (legal entity).

There is another advantage to this choice. Unlike an individual entrepreneur, which is liable for obligations and debts with the personal property of an entrepreneur, such liability does not apply to an LLC, therefore, there is less risk. On the other hand, an individual entrepreneur can manage his current account and cash desk at his own discretion, while for an LLC, expenses for personal purposes of these assets are unacceptable.

Feedback from the entrepreneur: We decided to produce wardrobes with a brother-in-law, since both he and I worked in such a production as workers for different owners. One by one, there was not enough money for equipment and materials; having formed, it was possible to score at the start. At first they wanted to organize an LLC. But then they changed their mind. So you won't see your money.

It is difficult to withdraw, a competent accountant is needed, and at first we could not afford such expenses. They organized an individual entrepreneur for me, fortunately, everyone trusts each other, they are satisfied, expenses have been reduced, business has gone uphill.

Viktor Afanasiev, 42, Nizhny Tagil

Production at home in the village

Landscaping and landscaping country house- the task of summer residents and homeowners. Businessmen can use this postulate as a working business idea. For its implementation, directions are used.

The latest technologies of the 21st century: Original startups of 2019 that have not yet been in Russia

Production of paving slabs

Well-groomed territory, dry and clean - it's easy. The main thing - simple idea and its implementation. Rubber crumb, concrete base as a blank for slabs produced on site at the customer's site or at home, in a separate utility room, building. Starting capital (rubles):

  • equipment (forms, presses) - 100,000;
  • raw materials - 10,000 or more, you can take old tires for recycling for free, which serve as the basis for crumb rubber plates;
  • commercial, organizational expenses - 5,000 and more.

Profitability - 70 -120 percent, payback - six months.

Production of garden landscape elements

The basis can be polystyrene, gypsum, clay, plastic synthetic masses, various combined bases.

In order to open such a production, a separate site is needed, equipped with electricity, heating, modern system exhaust and ventilation area of ​​at least 50 m2.

Implementation will not be difficult - you can sell finished products to neighbors or ship goods directly from the workshop (no trade permit is required). In most cases, ordinary hand tools are sufficient as technical means. Starting capital - 30,000 rubles, profitability - 60 - 110 percent, payback - from the first month.

From personal experience: On my own suburban area did everything by myself, from home to landscape decorations. Guests and neighbors liked figurines and lanterns. When the reduction in the main job went, he decided to work in the country, to make "gnomes". It turned out great, after two months it paid off all the investments, after a couple more it turned out to be a good plus.

My net income is 100-200 thousand, depending on the season. Two and a half times higher than "uncle's". The main thing is that the hands and head are in place.

Sidchenko Roman, Kolomna, entrepreneur, 39 years old.

Manufacture of cabinet and prefabricated furniture

Materials, bases - varied. Vine, wood, rattan, chipboard, MFD panels. The main thing is the accuracy, functionality of the manufactured products. It is possible to produce furniture from blanks, large factories offer such an idea. Inexpensive franchises are also practiced in this direction of production. home business. For example, "ARGUTUS" with an initial capital of 60,000, "Nadezhda" - school and office furniture: 300,000, "Wicker House" - from 1,000,000.
Profitability - at least 100%, payback - from the third month.

Ready-made business - private kindergarten: pros and cons

Raising young poultry is a rational business today. An egg can be taken from the population, and 1-10 day old quails, ducklings, chickens can be sold to neighboring villages or poultry farms. Profitability - 80%, payback - 4-5 months, net income - 100-200 thousand rubles / month.

Production at home in the city

You can implement these directions in the garage, or by renting a small detached space near your home.

Production of door and window fittings

Handles, latches, larvae, locks, slopes and ebbs - the assortment is varied. A simple tool that does not require serious initial costs plus high level demand will make it possible to recoup small (at least one hundred thousand) initial investments in 4-6 months, reaching a profitability of 100-120 percent.

Opening a meat shop

Production of semi-finished products, a range of finished products (sausages, sausages, stewed meat).

Because the this species activity belongs to the field Catering, the implementation of the idea will require obtaining permits from the relevant services: Rospotrebnazdor, Veterinary Control and others.

Advantages - high demand, cons - significant start-up costs, for the purchase of equipment, starting from 300,000 rubles. Payback - six months to a year, profitability - 120 percent or more.

Feedback from the meat producer: Successfully opened in the summer, in season. They offered "branded" kebabs, kupaty. In autumn, the assortment was expanded with minced meat, homemade sausages, semi-finished products (azu, goulash, entrecote). The secret is recipes, the population of the microdistrict immediately switched from the products of the nearest hypermarket to our brand. He turned to the administration for help - they helped to establish sales and get a cheap loan.