Your yoga is the rapid development of intuition. Tutorial on the development of intuition. Selflessness as the basis of intuition

The sixth sense is present in everyone, but not everyone is able to feel it and recognize the signals of the inner voice. To learn how to use intuition, it must be developed and trained, like any other human ability. If you want to figure out how to develop intuition, you need to clearly understand how it works.

What is intuition

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres:

  • The left is responsible for logic and analytical thinking, by which the majority lives ordinary people. They do not listen to signs, but follow the voice of reason, often taking no right decisions, ignoring the sixth sense.
  • The right hemisphere is responsible for inspiration, makes you do illogical things and is well developed in creative people. The subconscious mind is hidden in it, in which everything that happened in our life, all feelings and thoughts is collected. The subconscious mind is able to capture a million pieces of information per second and store this knowledge in order to use it to make the right decisions.

Intuition is a kind of channel for communication with the subconscious. Through it, from the right hemisphere of the brain, the insights necessary for non-standard solutions problems and answers to important questions.

Man reveals hidden abilities and develops psychological skills when able to use the two hemispheres of the brain equally. According to the observations of scientists, many successful people are distinguished by this feature.

What is needed to develop intuition

To develop intuition, you need to learn to listen to your subconscious. First of all, boost your self-esteem.

People who do not believe in themselves cannot use intuition, because if they hear its advice, they will be afraid to follow it.

A person with low self-esteem tends to do what stronger, more confident people tell him to do.

After you build your confidence, trust that intuition exists. Without this faith, it will not be possible to use the channel, because it works only for those who believe.

It is important to learn how to ask the right questions. They need to be spoken clearly and clearly, preferably in an affirmative form.

For example, if you want to know if you will get a job, you need to mentally voice: “I will get a job.” And listen to the sensations that will appear in the soul. Phrases built in the form of a statement do not affect logical thinking and are not able to spoil the answers sent by the channel of intuition.

How to learn to listen to intuition

If you expect a direct answer to a question, you will be disappointed. The subconscious sends signals in the form of images, vivid impressions, sensations and smells.

For example, cases are widely known when passengers in last moment handed over plane tickets, because subconscious level They sensed impending misfortune and thus saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, and they know how to listen to its warnings.

Signals of intuition are manifested in a rapid heartbeat, you can be thrown into a fever or cold. Some people feel tingling in the balls of their fingers.

Listen to your feelings before making an important decision. If they are joyful, the subconscious sends you a positive response. When the chest is squeezed by an unpleasant foreboding and a feeling of anxiety appears, the answer is no.

In rare cases, the subconscious sends answers through intuition, expressed in different smells. There were cases when people before an important joyful event smelled oranges, and before troubles, the aroma of rotten fruit.

Sometimes a person is not able to subtly feel the signals of the subconscious, and then he can receive signs from the outside. For example, when you are suffering for a long time and cannot make the right decision, an article comes across that indicates Right way or a bird will knock on the window. In order to push you to the right decision, different events can happen.

How to tune in to the right channel

Meditation helps to develop intuition. Find a secluded place and immerse yourself in your thoughts. Completely relaxed, ask your subconscious mind a question that concerns you and wait for an answer. The sixth sense does not always answer right away, but the answer will definitely come, you just need to not miss it.

When inspiration strikes you and appears new idea, turn off the logic, follow your intuition and see what happens.

How to use intuition

In order not to be mistaken in people, turn on intuition. Everyone had a case in their life when, during an acquaintance, they didn’t like a person, despite decent clothes and manners. An inner voice whispered, "Be careful not to trust him."

Your subconscious has caught the negative energy coming from this person and sent a warning through the channel of intuition. If at the first meeting with a person there was a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, a spasm in the stomach or headache, do not ignore the warning, but listen to your feelings and try to trust them.

  • The subconscious gives us the ability to distinguish lies from the truth, using intuition.

When a person tells a story in all sincerity, their energy vibrations are picked up by your sixth sense. If he's lying, intuition says so internal resistance and anxiety.

  • Learn to recognize these signals, they will help you avoid many mistakes.

The development of intuition begins when you listen more to feelings rather than thoughts. Pay attention to your instincts and the world trying to catch what he's saying inner voice.

Technique for developing intuition

The technique of the American psychologist, which he called the "Glass of Water", helps to develop intuition well.

  • For its implementation, before going to bed, pour a full glass pure water, tune in to the problem you want to know the solution to and drink half the water with the words: "I know the answer to the question I'm thinking about."
  • After this phrase, go to bed, and in the morning finish drinking water, repeating the same words.
  • In a few days, the subconscious will reach out to you and send a dream with an answer to a question or give a sign to solve the problem.

The main rule for getting answers from the subconscious is the specific wording of the question in a positive way. Do not forget that you can ask one question at a time and not use the “not” particle in it.


Developed intuition has many possibilities. Try signaling your loved ones with your sixth sense.

To do this, all day and before going to bed, think about relatives or friends who are far away. Imagine them in your imagination as clearly as possible and do not stop doing this for several days. Energy waves will reach these people and they will contact you. Call, write a letter or come to visit.

  • Find the lost

With the help of intuition, you can find a lost thing, you just need to tune in to the right channel and free up energy for the search. If you have lost your keys or phone in the apartment, close your eyes, relax and allow the energy waves coming from the subconscious mind to fill the whole house.

Listen carefully to the inner voice, and you will feel where the loss is. It may not work out the first time, but if you constantly train, you will be surprised at the accuracy of your sensations.

  • Maps and cards

The development of intuition improves the usual deck of cards. Lay 4 cards face down on the table and try to guess what suit they are.

To do this, begin to slowly move your hand over each card and listen to your feelings. You may feel warm or cold from a particular card suit. Trust the first impression, turn the shirts over and check how many card suits you have guessed. With each new training, intuition will increase, and soon you will accurately determine the suit of each card.

  • blind reading

The correct answer to the question can be obtained with the help of blind reading. This method is easy to use and quickly develops intuition.

When you are worried certain situation or a question, focus on thinking about it, prepare 3 sheets of cardboard, sit down at the table, take a pen and write on the cardboard possible options resolving the issue. Lay the cards face down, mix thoroughly, relax and hold your hands over the cardboard.

Tune in to receive information, and soon the palms will feel a slight warmth or tingling. That card, over which the feeling will be the strongest, carries the correct answer.

  • Mantras

In addition to meditation, mantras can be used to develop intuition. These are verses written in Sanskrit that have a mystical meaning. Many believe that with the help of mantras, you can fulfill any desire and greatly improve your life.

There are special verses for the development of the sixth sense, which must be read on the growing moon and combined with meditation. This technique releases the latent abilities of a person, allowing him to see the future and heal diseases with his biofield.

It is very difficult to achieve this; constant training of intuition and spiritual development. Such a gift requires great responsibility in the use of knowledge.

In a person with developed intuition extrasensory perception opens up, and he can heal diseases with the help of the subconscious. To do this, you need to concentrate and hold your hands over the body of a sick person, listening to sensations and signs. The energy of the biofield will quickly find pain points and will let you know the palms of heat or cold. Engaging healing is more difficult than making a diagnosis, it requires special training and a lot of intuitive experience.

To develop intuition, you need to understand that it is not unique feature given to the elect. This is a gift of nature, available to anyone who wants to master this skill and use it to help themselves and loved ones.

You learned what kinds of gift of foresight exist and what their role is for each of us. And today I want to teach you how to develop intuition so that you can predict adverse events, improve the quality of your life and its safety.

Top 13 methods

1. "Guess"

Play guessing game whenever possible. That is, heard phone call, first think about who it could be, and then look at the screen. When deciding to cook a new dish, first try

e guess the names necessary products and the cooking sequence, and only then compare the results with the recipe. In general, you understand the principle itself, right?


Stand in the center of the room, select some object in it, for example, a vase on the table. Look at it carefully, how far is it from you? What vibrations come from it? Close your eyes and "see" what images come up? By what signals do you feel it and distinguish it from other objects on the table? When all the nuances are clearly fixed, circle around to change your position, and without opening your eyes, try to find which side the vase is on. With this exercise, you will learn to "see" objects and navigate in the dark. The main thing is to train daily until you reach desired results. After mastering the “psycho-radar” skill, make it harder for yourself by starting to perform household chores with a bandage on your face.

3.Test with playing cards

Just take a deck and try to guess what suit the top card is. When you improve a skill, move on to a more complex one - name not only the suit, but also the value.

4. Diary

Get a notebook in which you will write out all the moments of manifestation of intuition. For example, when making a decision, write what your inner voice prompted you to, later you can check whether he was right or not, regardless of whether you listened to him or not. And in general, every time you feel doubts, fix it on a sheet in order to understand in the future how to act in some situation.

5. "Traffic light"

This exercise will teach you to listen to yourself. Clearly imagine each color, where red symbolizes danger or that the decision is not correct, yellow - that you need to think more and be on your guard, and green - everything is correct and you can safely move forward. First you need to calibrate your feelings in order to correctly decipher the answers later. Therefore, ask yourself such questions, the answers to which are obvious. For example, what year am I born? And list different dates, carefully observing what color appears before your eyes. After calibration, try to move on to exciting topics, for example, is it possible to go on a business trip in the coming days, or is it better to postpone to the next week?

6. Solution options

If you are worried about a problem, think of all the options for its outcome or solution, and write each one down on separate sheet cardboard, after cutting it into small pieces. Then spread out in front of you, stretch your arms and hold your palms over each option, listening to the sensations. The right one will be the one where you feel the strongest tingling or warmth. So, by the way, you can also arrange a check by writing different answers to a question that is obvious to you.

7. Workout with a partner

You will need one more person to complete this task. Ask a friend to tell you a story using only gestures and facial expressions, without using a single word or sound, without even making a movement of the lips. Your task is to listen carefully not only to him, but also to your feelings, pay attention to the images and pictures that arise in your head. After that, tell him what you understood from the very beginning. Share at the end the feelings and experiences that arose in the process. It is only important that the story or situation is unfamiliar to you, otherwise you can easily guess by the meaning of what is being said.

8. "Foresight"

Before you leave the house, think about the gender of the person you will meet first, where approximately it will happen. A little later, feel free to start thinking through the details of the wardrobe. Then add time, weather conditions and other nuances. And gradually you will be able to anticipate some events and attract meetings.

9. Dreams

Be sure to take into account dreams, especially if you have begun to perform the above exercises to develop the gift of foresight. As soon as you wake up, write down what you dreamed on a piece of paper in order to later try to understand why the subconscious gives this information.

10. An interesting technique - give a name to your sixth sense

Preferably affectionate and derived from own name. Ask questions and consult with him at every opportunity.

11. "Third Eye"

It is believed that it is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. So, in order for your intuition to be strong, you need to learn how to use it in your life. At first, before falling asleep, just close your eyes and examine your eyelids from the inside. In the first weeks you will see only black and white highlights, over time the images will become clearer, acquiring color and shape. It is with the help of this “third eye” that you will be able to navigate in the dark and unknown space, see the human aura and energy, heat emanating from living beings. By the way, psychics determine exactly what diseases we suffer from, what are the weak and strong points in the body. Having learned to see a subtle body, it is easy to detect illnesses by dark clots on it, and where there are holes, there are problems of a chronic nature. By color, understand what mood and condition a person is in, and in general, what kind of character he has.

12. "Eagle and Tails"

Flip a coin as often as possible, trying to guess what will fall, heads or tails. Well, this method helps when you doubt something and find it difficult to accept final decision choosing from two options.

13. Help from a friend

You should sit on a chair, blindfold and try to "see", guess what your partner is doing in this moment, where exactly is it located in relation to you and what emotions is it trying to "transmit".

  1. Start practicing meditation, as our consciousness tends to work without interruption, conducting internal dialogues, fantasizing and remembering the past. And in order to hear the inner voice, it is important to be able to “turn off” the brain. More on this. So, in the process of meditation, thoughts in your head stop, you begin to feel every millimeter of your body, which makes it easier to concentrate and gain access to inner true knowledge. By practicing daily, it will be much easier for you to reach a state in which you receive answers to questions about the future.
  2. To learn to foresee, it is necessary to develop the left and right hemisphere brain at the same time. And all because the coordinated work of the hemispheres allows you to process huge amounts of information, then you will not miss a single nuance, having managed to analyze and give form to expression. Tasks with which you will combine the work of both halves of the brain can be found in this.
  3. Rest, when tired, you will not be able to track the signs and signals that intuition gives. Especially if you are depressed or in a state of asthenia. Sleep as much time as it is necessary for your body, drink enough water and eat healthy and vitamin-rich foods. The fact is that losing sight of such banal and understandable moments, we run the risk of overloading ourselves, wasting our energy and internal resources, which is why, trying to “discover” the gift of foresight in ourselves, we will not only not get the expected results, but also damage to health.
  4. Breathing techniques will also not interfere, with their help you will learn to relax and concentrate. You will learn how to do this correctly in the article about.
  5. Spend most of your time alone, at least at first, once you start learning to listen to yourself. In silence, without any distracting gadgets, close your eyes and observe what is happening inside you, without giving judgments and without trying to analyze, interpret the thoughts and images that come to mind.
  6. Be sure to develop emotional intellect, without it you will not be able to "feel" other people, their intentions and ulterior motives. And for this, be aware, know yourself, track the feelings that you experience, and then someone else's inner world will become a little clearer to you. And in order to practice and get acquainted with the basics of “face reading”, read this one.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! The main thing is to train daily, and over time you will notice how unusually strong you have become, how easy it is to avoid troubles and accept the right decision, which in the future you will definitely not regret, as dreams begin to come true and circumstances develop in your favor. Good luck and be patient!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

Developed intuition is the ability of a person to instantly solve many life tasks and problems, easily find a way out of difficult situations and find mutual language both in the family and at work, in society.

Today, on the site site, you will learn how to develop intuition and hidden abilities using the exercises and psychological trainings given below.

What is intuition and hidden abilities

Intuition- this is, in fact, the inner voice of a person, which, as it were, automatically prompts, not based on the awareness here and now of objective facts, experience and knowledge, what needs to be done in one or another, often critical or stressful situation.

Most likely, many of you, dear readers, have had impasses in life, when you didn’t know what to do, what choice to make, when you were, as it were, at a fork in the road, and you heard in your head a barely perceptible voice of intuition that prompted you (or directly told, admonished) to do or not to do something or…

But, as often happens with people with undeveloped intuition (more precisely, those who do not know how to hear and manage it), you chose something opposite, and when you “burned yourself” (realized that you had done wrong, suffering at the same time), you said to yourself why I did so, after all, I had an idea to do it differently, then everything would be fine - this thought was your intuition, which you did not obey and harmed yourself with the wrong choice.

Hidden Abilities(or hidden knowledge) - almost every person has, but they need not only to be understood and realized in oneself (they are usually not realized) in order to be able to use and manage them, but they need to be developed, like your intuition.

Before you understand how to develop your intuition and latent abilities and start the exercises, you need to clearly understand how much it is already developed in you, for this you should take an intuition test

So, how to develop intuition - exercises

The exercises for the development of intuition are quite simple, but their essence is not in complexity or simplicity, their essence is in practice and repetition (daily training).

As mentioned above, every adult has intuition and hidden abilities ... even teenagers already have intuitive, hidden knowledge. And in order to develop your intuition, you need to learn to distinguish, listen and, most importantly, hear your inner voice, distinguishing it from other, sometimes negative, stereotypical thoughts, beliefs and beliefs.

In fact, any mentally healthy person various, usually little conscious voices (automatic thoughts, attitudes, expectations, ideas and images) may arise in the head. And if your intuition is not developed, i.e. if you do not know how to distinguish her voice from other thoughts and ideas, then you will easily make a mistake, sometimes critical, when choosing your actions and behavior in certain stressful, critical or dangerous situations in life.

Also, dear readers, you should clearly understand that your intuition and hidden abilities are not mysticism, miracles, esotericism ... and other nonsense. This is your real hidden knowledge based on your own life experience(starting from birth) and real knowledge and skills.

Probably, many who use, for example, modern gadgets: computers, smartphones ... programs and services for communication (messengers, social networks, etc.), have heard such a concept - "Intuitive interface" (or something similar with the keyword "Intuitive" … This is the work of your intuition, based on past knowledge and experience.

For example, by switching from Windows XP to version 7 or 10, with the help of your intuition (without particularly studying the user manual), you can quite easily understand the new interface and other troubles, unlike the one who sat down for the first time in his life computer - he does not have such experience and knowledge, so intuition will not help him much here, here you need to study the manual.

Thus, the more experience, knowledge and skills you have in a particular area .., the higher your abilities and talent for a particular type of life activity are developed, the more brilliant you are in your topic, the steeper your intuition and inner, hidden abilities that will always come to your aid in solving problems, during times of stress, heightened emotionality…, in critical situation- from passing the exam and choosing life path, before a job interview, choosing a business partner, buying a thing, or building interpersonal, love and family relationships.

Trainings and exercises for the development of intuition and latent abilities

Can you always trust your intuition? It is possible, it is always, but on the condition that after completing a set of exercises for the development of intuition and hidden abilities, you will clearly distinguish your inner voices, when you will clearly know where intuition is turned on, and where fantasies, daydreaming, imagination or negative, provocative, dysfunctional automatic thoughts.

We begin exercises to develop our intuition and hidden abilities:

Before starting the exercises, it is worth reading this article again in order to better understand what intuition is and how to develop it.

Exercise every day, starting with the little things. For example, during ordinary shopping trips, in communication with friends, with loved ones, in the family, society and at work (study).

  1. Begin, today, to catch the voices (thoughts and ideas) in your head, in moments when a choice is required.
    For example, you went to a grocery store - as you know, marketing is in full swing in modern stores, i.e.
    hidden influence on your subconscious so that you make a purchase, often which you do not need. Attention! Here,
    most likely, you will have two voices, almost unconscious - one is intuition, the other is provocative, like instead of this sausage, buy the one in beautiful packaging, with the inscription "From pure meat".

    Try to realize that you reached out or already put this sausage (or something else) in the basket, but something seems to tell you, they say, don’t take it, take the product you came for - this is intuition, i.e. e. your knowledge about
    that "All that glitters is not gold."

    And if you hear your intuition and obey it, then you will not take this product, which you were not originally going to take. But even if you do realize later, for example at home, that you didn’t buy what you wanted, then remember and re-live in your imagination the very situation in the store when you reached for something you didn’t need, and in this fantasy-memory , try to catch the voice of intuition and do not take the product. This will be an experience for the future work of your intuition in reality.

    Use for exercises on the development of intuition even such trifles as a prompt from the inner voice to look at the expiration date, and provocation - like yes, figs with it ...

    Work on various small situations, capturing and developing your intuition for at least a week daily, preferably several times a day, so that it becomes a habit ...

  2. The next week, after you begin to clearly understand, realize and distinguish intuition from provocative thoughts in small things, start working and practicing in more difficult situations.

    For example, try to predict what to wear, whether to take an umbrella, etc. without listening to the weather forecast. Or, try to determine the behavior of people you know by their appearance, words, emotions, while listening to your voices and choosing intuition from them.

    Constantly catch and distinguish inner voices before any business, action or deed.

  3. Further, when you already begin to distinguish well in practice the development of your intuition, begin, for at least a week, to listen to your hidden knowledge when making more serious decisions. For example, expensive purchases, starting or continuing a relationship, starting a business, getting a job, going to school…

    In more serious situations, there may be more voices besides the intuition itself, so you need to listen better ...

  4. Then, after 3-4 weeks of hard work on the development of intuition, you will understand it more easily and make many decisions with the help of it, but at the same time, in no case do not forget about the mind and common sense.
    intuition - good helper, but global decisions must be made with reason, consciously and carefully ...
  5. And the last, most difficult and reinforcing exercise, in order to develop your intuition and hidden abilities, will take place in stressful, and sometimes even somewhat critical situations.

    In order not to risk it, first work with these exercises in your head, in your fantasies, imagination, visualizations and ideas ...

What is intuition? This concept is for many different meaning. Someone claims that intuition is our guardian angel, and someone is sure that intuitive thinking is a gift that only a few receive from birth. Be that as it may, intuition is our inner voice, which is constantly in touch with us, but, for some reason, we often do not hear it or do not trust it.

Can intuition be developed?

Intuitive thinking can be developed. But this requires a lot of effort and a certain amount of time. Every person has intuition, but some people have it well developed, while others do not. If you develop intuitive thinking in yourself, you will be able to quickly make the right decisions, learn in advance about upcoming events and the consequences of certain actions, begin to see the causes of various circumstances, and so on. In other words, with a well-developed intuition, you will be able to receive almost any information you are interested in regarding a person or situation.

Exercises for developing intuition

There are many various techniques for the development of intuitive thinking. We offer you five exercises that you can do almost anytime, anywhere.

The first exercise will teach you to feel the feelings and needs of another person. The essence of the task is to imagine yourself in the place of any person. And even better - for a while to experience the same thing that the person you have chosen is experiencing. For example, if you see how someone accidentally dropped all his things, papers and documents, and, in a hurry, in front of everyone collects what has fallen, try to participate in his feeling of awkwardness and confusion, but rather come up and help him collect everything. Better yet, deliberately drop, for example, a large pile of papers yourself, and find yourself in the same shoes. This exercise will help you understand other people's feelings and emotions.

The second exercise is to develop intuition. To develop your inner voice, you need to cope with the feeling of fear. As a rule, fear blocks almost everything, including intuition. It is important not to overcome fear, but to succumb to it. This is the only way to get closer to your goal and learn to think intuitively. If you feel fear, then surrender to it completely and walk this path from beginning to end. After that, step by step, you will better understand your inner world.

Third exercise. In a conversation with a person (directly, on the phone or online), try to recognize their emotions. How the mood changes, what he feels at the moment. What about in a minute? This exercise will help you better understand people and even teach you to read minds to some extent.

Fourth exercise. Learn not to give negative ratings situations and people, and generally try to think positively. For example, if you mentally tell yourself: “I will never succeed,” then immediately try to change this judgment to something like this: “What can I do to make everything work out.” This will make your thinking work, not stand still. The subconscious in this case will help to find a way out of difficult situation and make the right decision.

Fifth exercise. To develop intuition, you need to spend more time alone, in a quiet, pleasant and calm environment. This will help you hear your inner voice and understand your own feelings and feelings.

These simple exercises will help you develop intuition only if you constantly train. Maybe, quick results will not, but if you show perseverance and patience, you can achieve success. We wish you good luck in training your intuition and do not forget to press and

25.02.2014 10:48

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is often asked one question: is everything in our life predetermined and can ...

Every person, without exception, has a sixth sense, but not everyone has developed it. But sleeping intuition is not a reason for frustration. It turns out that you can train not only the abdominal muscles, but also your own intuition. Marie Claire talks about how to develop your sixth sense.

Use the cards

Take a deck of cards, draw some reverse side and try to determine what kind of cards you are holding in your hands: they are red or black, what suit. Exercises for intuition do not tolerate haste: give yourself time, do not rush to see everything at once with your inner eye. For greater effect, close your eyes - the external tends to distract from the internal. When the answer is ready, turn the card over, look at it and write down your result. Do not try to logically calculate the color of the card - feel it! If it doesn't work right away, try again. That is the point of training.

Another one great idea to train intuition: solitaire with live cards (not on a tablet or smartphone, but with a real deck of cards). Here you will have to think through and anticipate the development of events several moves ahead. And contact with real objects fixes the result at the tactile level. Well, besides, you turn the training itself into real ritual. Which is also very correct in terms of consolidating success.

Learn to look inside yourself

The word intuition comes from the Latin intueri, which means "to look within." Pay your attention to yourself, pay no attention to external manifestations- You can hear your inner voice only in absolute calmness. Spend 10 minutes a day completely relaxing - no matter what kind of activity it is, the main thing is that it brings you personally pleasure, whether it be sports, playing music or a walk.

Clear your head of mental junk

If your head is full of unnecessary thoughts if you are in permanent nervous tension, and your dominant feeling is stress, it becomes completely impossible to use intuition. In the presence of panic, stress or permanent fatigue, not only the sixth sense is dulled, but all the rest.

Write down all your problems on a piece of paper - do not forget to separate the physical from the moral, then fold the paper in four and put it away. This exercise is aimed at clearing the head of mental rubbish.

Constantly develop your five senses

Touch, smell, hearing, sight, taste... All these five senses familiar to us are channels for the sixth sense. That is, to put it simply, a bad smell from a product warns us about the expiration of its expiration date, pain when touching, say, an iron, that it is heated, and so on.

So, to develop a sixth sense, imagine any object: toothbrush, a book, a screwdriver or a mug - in fact, it doesn’t matter what. And now try to restore in memory to the smallest detail: the smell of the object, your sensations when touching it, its appearance, the sound it makes when it hits the floor. Continue thinking about the chosen object for five minutes. Practice this exercise daily!

Anticipation exercise

Sit on the floor, close your eyes, and then picture in your mind a place where you were going to go in the very near future, whether it be a restaurant, a store, or a new gym. Imagine what it would feel like to be in the appointed space at the appointed time: pleasant emotions or fear, fatigue, irritation? Design own emotions. When you find yourself in the place that you drew in your imagination, compare the emotions in fantasy and reality: the more often you practice this exercise, the more accurate your assumptions will be.

Important point: you should not strive to guess the coming events, you need to learn to feel them.

Feel like a spy

Ask a friend or family member to hide any object behind your back, or better yet, a photograph of some open space. Now try to describe this object or place depicted in the photograph using your five senses. Does this task seem impossible? By no means! Close your eyes, relax, listen to your inner voice.

By the way, to make it easier for yourself, you can use a pencil and a piece of paper. plain paper- try to draw what you see in your imagination without opening your eyes - the more often you return to such an activity, the easier it will be for you from time to time.

Keep exercising

Take every opportunity to test your intuition - just like muscles, it requires constant training. The phone rings? Try to feel who is calling. Before going down to mailbox, think about what can be in it today and so on. You will soon see how much is available to you!