Say a cat come here. How to understand what the cat says. Conclusion: why the game should be downloaded to the computer

Of all the domestic inhabitants, only a cat is gifted to dexterity to show their emotions, desires, experiences and establish contact with the surrounding not only certain sounds, but also an expression of eyes, body mobility and facial. All these totals in the aggregate and produce a feline language.

As a rule, cats find contact with their hosts with the help of a voice that they welcome their households, they ask them to eat or simply attract interest. At the same time, the power of sounds, the tone and the timbre differ on the basis of the circumstances in which the pets are used.

Feline family has excellent "vocal" data. The sounds that cats are published are endowed with a range of 75 and to 1550 Hz. When animals are annoyed or configured hostile, they give out more low sound when the mood is good - high. IN last variant - Cats such a method communicate with kittens.

How to understand a feline language?

Professor determined that four-panel creations can publish minimally 16 diverse sounds. Their number includes a rumbling and purr, which a pet demonstrates appreciation and appeal. With a lower rreeze, the cat warns kittens about the threat and about their readiness to go into the attack.

Prevailing sounds

In general, domestic animals publish three main sounds:

  • screams - all cats, regardless of the habitat, are expressed on general language (they alternate consonant with vowel sounds in free form, and this gives them the opportunity to apply a significantly more extensive range of tones in a speech than in a human conversation);
  • purr;
  • calls.

Screams and clicks

How to understand the feline language with such activity? Yes, very simple. The domestic favorite will reveal his mouth, jaw and strain voice ligaments. Such sounds of "Cat Speech" can be heard during the skirm of cats or during the copulation period.

Purring cats

Such an action has a part of sounds varying intensity and frequency. Making these insignificant changes, the cat can exhibit a free range of sensations.

  1. A gentle rumbling is weakened when the pet begins to feel boredom or immersed in sleep.
  2. A harsh rumbling can be heard if the satisfaction of fluffy creation came to the greatest extent.
  3. Anxious purring cat makes it difficult if it feels pain or has a strong disease.
  4. Incorrive - you can feel at that time when the cat wishes something, and it means: "I ask, give me what I want."
  5. Inviting rice is extinct so: the pet is aware that he will give him now favorite dish or toy.
  6. Welcome means "hello," when the cat runs towards the owner.


Representation of calls is also a feline language. Words can be heard from the animal in the expression "meow".

Feline voice

A pet is not adapted to speak, but the sounds issued to them into such excessive and inspired that it is possible to instantly understand the wishes of their favorite. This is a feline language. Translation here is completely unnecessary. Nevertheless, there are some interpretations that are able to decipher the speech of the cats.

Language of the body

The translation of the human language on the feline can be explained not only by words, but also the movements of fluffy creation. Below are several decodes:

Animal speech: ears

Feline Language You can still understand with the help of the ears pet pet, namely:

  • ears in a vertical position - interest;
  • in a smooth state in different areas - entertainment;
  • the ears are located in the rear side, the eyes are lit - appeal, impatience, hope;
  • ears ago, eyes are pulled out - warning;
  • the ears are pressed - readiness for the attack;
  • the ears are oppressed to the head, and the tail is doing circular gestures - the cat is dissatisfied.


Even in the Egyptian Egypt, the cat's eyes had an extraordinary seductiveness, so Pharaohs and their servants, imitating cats, painted their arrows in front of her eyes, creating a almond cut of the cat's eye. Feline language, thereby you can determine the views of the pets:


A significant sign in the presentation of mental state Cats are considered her tail. He helps the pet lead his body at the time of the jump and descend on the paws. With the help of the tail, the animals are constantly holding a balance. Feline language in most cases deciphered this way:

  • the tail is lowered the book, and his tip is directed up - in good location Spirit;
  • when meeting with the owner, the cat retains the tail perpendicularly up and rubs about a person - it is openly rejoicing "date";
  • flipped tail raised upstairs shows the dissatisfaction of the cat, but if it is lowered down - it means confusion;
  • a firmly attached pet's tail is a strong concentration;
  • if the tip slightly turns the body of the animal, it means that this is love.

Phrasebook for communication with cats

The translator from Russian on the cat's tongue is invented for a long time. And if there is a desire, you can easily explore it, so that in the future it is easily communicating with your pets. Here are some examples:

  • Brand - "Ha".
  • Joy - "Mur-Mur-Moore".
  • "Follow me!" - "Hmm-hm".
  • "I know that you now give me something delicious" - "M-M-M-N-N-N-Mr.".
  • "I want to eat more!" (take a walk or play) - "M-r-n-aa-ah-oh".
  • "I object to injustice!" - "M-R-RN-O-O-U".
  • "Please give me it!" - "M-R-R-A-A-A-A-O-O-U-U".
  • "What happened there? Where is my bowl with food? " - "M-A-A-E-O-U-U-U-U" (the emphasis goes to the letter "y").
  • "I do not add fish!" - "M-A-E-O-U-U".
  • "How could you do that with me?" - "M-Mr.-N-Mr. O-O-U".
  • "I look at prey, I can't catch it" - "Keh-Kh" (tapping to the teeth).
  • "I hate you!" - OE-OE-OE (low and creaky sound).
  • "I'm afraid" - "P-F-F-T" (hiss).
  • "I'll rupt you now on pieces!" - "V-in-in-in-aa-ah-oh-oh-oh-oh-in-in-in".
  • "You're rushing to the fight!" - "X-X-R-R-R" (squeal).
  • "I'm crazy about you! Ironing me, do not stop "- a long rumbling.
  • "So I want to sleep, now it's just a weighty" - a tender rumba.

Feline translator

The world's first multifunctional computer translator appeared in Japan. The newest creation The most popular Japanese collegium, which can be placed on the palm, has a liquid crystal screen and microphone. His name is "Meaujling". This mechanism recognizes and checks the purr of 14 breeds of pet cats. Then this device modifies animal sounds into one of the 200 Japanese proposals in the database, which are instantly shown on the display.

For a set of a dictionary of this apparatus, varieties of US and Siberian short-haired cats were used. "Meaulingwall" is able to determine the state - indifference, pleasure and discontent cats. In addition, there is another dictionary of the "Feline Language", which enlists about 3,000 words.

How to learn cat language? Surely many are interested in this issue. Options a lot - from simple understanding His beloved pet from one glance only before buying a special dictionary or device.

Never wanted to learn how to cat? If you have such thoughts, we suggest you download the "cat translator" to the computer. This entertainment program will allow you to translate into the language available to cats, any phrase. In the database, the program has the most common sounds of kittens and cats, on which the words that you say are translated. True, be sure to make sure your microphone is included.

Features and applications

After you say the phrase, the app will treat them and bring it closer to cat. Of course, it is not a fact that the animal will understand you, however the phrase will look funny. So many prefer to use this program as a means for entertainment. However, those who have already tried the "cat's translator" on the PC and demonstrated its results to their pets, note that they react to the heard words, resulting in a dialogue consisting of meowukanya, purring and other sounds that are removed by our smaller brothers.

However, still remind: it is not necessary to take this application seriously, which is still entertainment program. After all, it is known that the language on which cats communicate with people is intended for people. When communicating with yourself, they use other signals. Yes, and many pets even understand human language Much better than different meowakania simulators.

Attention! Developers warn! The simulator is a joke, joke! The program is designed to join friends and play with pets!

How to start a cat's translator on a PC or laptop

First of all, you will need to install an emulator that will not only run on the computer this program, but also other applications developed for smartphones and tablets. In order for the emulator to allow you to take advantage of all the built-in applications, do not forget to make sure that there are checkmarks everywhere. Sometimes after installing the program, a computer can be rebooted. Run it, run the emulator and use the Google account to enter the Play Market. Locate the line with the image of the magnifying glass and enter the name of the application you need. Then he will only click on "install" and wait for the end of the download.

Conclusion: why the game should be downloaded to the computer

A merry application will allow you to find out how our speech sounded if voice ligaments had the same opportunities as the brothers of our smaller. It is worth running the "Cat Translator" on the PC to entertain himself and his friends, and, perhaps, your pet joins your fun.

Here I will describe how the cats are "talking." The cat language is peculiar, but it is not poorer to our poorer, and his azam should be learned to better understand his domestic pet And know the translation of the conversation in the necessary situation.

If you learn uncomplicated cat nuances, it will be easier to understand the favorite if she wants to say anything. But for this you need to pay attention to the whole body of the pet - to the position of the tail, for the facial expressions, on the back of the back, as it is meachit, because this indicator can also be different.

If you lose sight of at least one detail, the "speech" of cats can be understood incorrectly.

Sound communication

Cats purr, vibrating with sound ligaments.

Usually the rumbling is decrypted as "life is beautiful." But the cat can climb and on unpleasant occasion - from the insult, excitement, pain. Even dying, they sometimes urinate to calm themselves.

Understand what the animal urchit, it is possible based on the timbre of sounds. What they are rougher, the more pleasure. When the cat is bored with caressing or she falls asleep, the rumbling softens. The requirement to increase the intensity of caress, it expresses its increasing notes and the addition of high-frequency "R-R-R-R.".

Pet uses a rice for greeting, running towards meeting. Then it looks like "MR-MR-MR-MR-MR".

If Murka uses purring to call, it begins with the sound "x". In this case, more like "Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm" and translates as "come to me." And its accent can be determined on the volume: the louder, the required consistency.

The greatest rice similar to the "MMNGG" sounds the most beautiful. His cat pronounces on the breath, and the height of the sound falls.

Fuses in order to intimidate the enemy more stronger if it is scared at the same time. Sats - frightened, but can not escape.

In meowing, low notes mean aggression and fear, high - emotions better.

Giving vowels on the breath, and in exhale consonants, the cat is them into the sound, similar to "M-R-R-M-M-A-A-A-O-O-O-U-U " So it requires the desired - caress, food, attention, whatever. Without receiving the desired, increases the volume, perseverance and clarity of the sound.

At times uses the "pleading requirement", making emphasis on vowels. Then the behavior of Murki looks like behavior little child - Translated this requirement means something like "Please, please, please."

In case of anxiety, the cat or if she notices the unsuccessfulness of the requirements, the sounds get a shade of uncertainty, becoming similar to M-A-E-O-U-U-U ". Then they can grow and in the m-M-n-M-a-a-o-o-y-y, which is pronounced due to a swallowing movement.

And if at the same time the vowel part becomes very extended, it translates as "how could you like that?!", Meaning that the owner will have to be quite try, if he wants to win the confidence of the cat again.

When fighting cats can shout loudly or meow to find out the relationship.

Loudly and stretched pronunciation of "VVEAAAAAUVV", the cat holds her head tilted, while looking at the opponent. This is a big stress for the animal, besides unusual state, but it is very difficult to distract it from the object of rage.

If Murka is frightened, it is possible that it will be hissing, for example, "Pfft".

The territory is denoted with the help of a clear "CHH-CHS-CHSH".

When an unfamiliar animal appears on its territory, the cat suggests an encroachment on her possession, as a result of which he tries to drive "atheating".

Hunting either watching the windowsill behind the birds, she knits quietly. So it is talking with the relatives, not risking the digest "game".

Cat body language

Of all parts feline body Expressive tail. Often it becomes clear that Murka feels what is going to do:

  • if a cat raised The tail, it means that she has a good and friendly mood, and if at the same time the tail is trembling - Murka is glad to see you, welcomes. Instead of trembling the tail, she flutter him, and six on her back rose on end - set up aggressively;
  • if a lowered tail - alert;
  • passed between the rear paws - humility, strong fear;
  • stretched out The tail horizontally and twisters it - irritation;
  • bent the crochet and sharply moves from side to side - rage or strong excitement;
  • raised the tail, putting the ears - friendly mood, desire to play;
  • half raised - friendliness to an approaching person, but distrust of it. At the same time, the tip of the tail is not a threat, but not the exclusion of the attack;
  • the right tip of the tail with a hanging remaining part of it is intent to defend;
  • simple twitching tip of the tail - curiosity, interest in something;
  • if the cat raised the tail, a little sheer his tip - he saw and recognized you, he says hello, but for some reason he is not up to communication with you;
  • if Koshkin Tail froze below - Something disgusting to her, disappointed.

The width of the amplitude and sharpness of the tail movements can speak of the degree of feline tension.

Rooting about the foot of the owner, the cat expresses him.

Body by forehead, pumping with a nose, trampled by paws, writing out eights around the legs - also varieties of caress.

Fucking mustache - she is relaxed and calm. Collected in bundles, pressed to the cheeks - frightened. Quickly licks - anxiety. He opened the mouth, exposing the tips of the teeth - very unhappy, up to readiness to bite.

IN stressful situation (Quarrels between the owners, the appearance of another pet) The cat is stripped hard to calm themselves. It may even provoke wool loss.

Standing on tiptoe, with an expedited back, raised wool and tense body - a threat, an attempt to seem larger, intimidate the opponent.

Belly Show - Unambiguous Pose have a good mood Chape with trust. At the same time, Murka spreads his paws to the sides and relaxes them, hiding claws.

If the cat is protected at the "game in the glance", she throws oblique glances instead of a close look, rejecting her head aside.

Occasionally, by opening the mouth, sink or buried. But similar to the external expression, with a direction directed by the distance, only an analysis of the smell of Pheromonov means.

If the cat curses the ears ahead, sending forward and mustache, while expanding his eyes, opens the mouth and relatives upper Guba, This means ready to hunt.

If a newcomer or kitten appeared in the apartment, the old kisa shows him discontent: she takes his head back, raising the paw. This means defensive aggression. That and the other try to intimidate each other a gaze. If at the same time the cat sends ears to relatives, her curiosity is stronger than frightened.

Fast licking of the nose and lips, Murka expresses confusion, confusion. Stretching the paw to the owner's face - please climb and answer attention. Stroking the owner with a paw, they express tenderness and huge affection.

If scraped with claws loudly - she needs human attention. If it just sits, pursing the paws and wrapped around the tail - she is calmly watching or just waiting. "Dalmer" with the margin of the front paws on a moment from the Earth - a joyful greeting and at the same time expression of love.

Demonstration of the task and raised tail - trust, respect. Frequent I. hard breath Fall - fear, pain or reaction to severe heat. "Wave" on the skin is irritation, nervous reaction.

The cat rubs about something with a mustache - she is curious. Female smile - sniffing something, apparent cat important.

Pay attention to the ears of the cat

If the cat pressed the ears, putting the mustache forward, she is afraid of something and decides, staying her or run away. Raised and turned ears forward mean alertness, but while relaxation.

If you turned them back - warns. Putting the ears, it shows a combat readiness. And by pressing and turning the ears back, declares war. Taking aside ears, shows a careful study of what is happening.

After putting the ears with a bow and pointing back, the animal expresses indignation until aggression. Folded back and pressed to the head ears mean fear and humility, threatening to turn around aggression.

How to understand the conversation with the eyes

Dictionary of expressions of the eyes of cats:

  • surretical Eyes - Animal calmly or want to sleep, sometimes a challenge;
  • wide open Eyes - happiness / curiosity / fright;
  • sharp expanders Pupils - fright / severe concentration on something;
  • semi-closed - Murka is relaxed;
  • dailed pupils - aggression;
  • murka widely reveal Eyes - as if says: "Get away from me";
  • slow blink - "I love you";
  • attentive glad In the eyes of the owner, together with the ears turned forward - curiosity, the desire to communicate, or simply "give you to devour";
  • view in the emphasis - challenge;
  • side view - "How to say, you are the main";
  • gaze In the eyes - aggression;
  • covered Eyes in the wakeful cat - perhaps;
  • - The need for urgent visit to the veterinarian, especially when "glass" eyes.

How do cats talk to each other

More than half of the sound signals are used only to communicate with a person.

Communicating with relatives, they successfully use the language of the body. For example, two friendships are drunk with heads and can gently shock each other's muffin. This is a kind of "welcoming hugs."

In cats, a surprisingly expressive language, which, with a certain experience and desire, can be understood intuitively.

How to learn a cat language, how to understand, and most importantly, how to answer so that the cat was as well with us, as we with them.

I ask the Zoologist Gary Wezman, Veterinar Irina Bogdanova and Elena Fedorovich Candidate of Psychological Sciences, a senior researcher, head of the group of zoopsychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

Already from the birth of cats have sharp claws that require special care.

IN natural conditions Their wild tribesmen are simpler - they can make a "manicure" using a tree trunk or a solid stony ground.

But homemade cats have to use teeth to shorten their claws at least a little bit, as well as sofas, chairs or other furniture of their owners. Therefore, we will make a pleasant and useful to your cats with your own hands.


If the kitten again and again puts the paw to you on the lips, it is not a request to be closed, but demonstrations of the state of anem and pleasantness, that is, in a cat, he says that he feels with you as with native Mom.. Collect the paws, that is, it feels as good when the mamopal of the mother's belly and drank milk.

Cat brings you a gift

Catics have always hunted and will hunt, this is their nature. And naturally, bring you prey, as if they brought prey to their young, the case is holy. Do not stand with a scream of horror to run away from a gift or right there to faint, that is, to show a friend that you neglect his gift. Praise, you training tolerance, and fluffy joy.

Involves in the game

Kittens play to exhaustion. They can scratch, bite and get true pleasure from it. While the kitten is small, it does not control the mechanism of the release and hiding mechanism, so the favorite member of the family gets the most and scratches. Do not try to wean a kitten to play, offer him toys removed from your hands and legs.

Himself lay down on your knees

Cats sleep 16 hours a day, not very relaxing while sleeping. A strong and healthy beast will sleep in the floor of the ear and in the floor of the eye. Only very old individuals can sleep as killed, and do not react to sounds. But still, for sleeping animals choose safe place. And if your pet fell asleep in your hands, it believes that you are a safe harbor

Cat looks at you

Garry Wezman Zolog, the author of the book "How to talk about cat" (How to Speak Cat) calls long feline look "Fine kiss." He says that if you compare the size of the animal's eye relative to the size of the animal itself and the size of a person's eye relative to the size of the person himself, and to present a person with the same eye-growth ratio like a cat, then it will be a 20 cm eye in diameter. It is such an eye that causes pussy to tremblely treat your eyes and it is easy, just like that, she will not look into your eyes. And it will look only from love and trust. Appreciate it.

Tries to turn to you fluffy back

This is a rather unpleasant manner of childhood. Mother who returned from his campaigns to kittens, checked the hygienic condition of the kids (they do not have diapers) and washed them. So show your owner's ass. This is the most remarkable thing that you can come up.

Cat you meowowets

It must be said that cats do not meow among themselves, as they meow their owners. Among themselves, they communicate in the sounds of sounds, similar to meowing, rumbling, pouring. But when the owner went to bed, and here it is necessary to inform something urgently, here they hold on. \\

You may have forgotten to pour cream, or you can see the bottom of the bowl with food, and ahead of the whole night, and maybe you did not turn off the computer in the next room or forgot to locate entrance doorAnd maybe the tray is not clean enough. If you have a good relationship with a cat, then control from his side for the order in the house the case is natural

He loses you

To lick you and myself is normal, because you, like he enter one family group. Cats live family groups In the free state and the composition of the group may vary depending on the conditions.

He puts labels

Pretty bad picture, cat urine On the sofa or on your shoes. But this is only a reaction to your absence. If, of course, a kitten has a good accessible toilet with a suitable filler. A rare beast will urinate on the plinth, if there is a favorite pure tray with a pleasant filler

Demonstrations tail

The tail is a very important part of the cat. The tail can not be touched by anyone, only the closest one. The tail can be finely, finely trembling. This is the highest delight. The tail can be kept vertically up and be as located as possible to the game and communicate. The tail can be dried and beat on the floor, then the chat is better to transfer to better times. Feline tail language is diverse, but clear.

Difference difficulties

From our bad or completely incredible knowledge of a feline language may occur. And these troubles are more likely from our favorites, and not with us. This happens when we solve animals.

Irina Vladimirovna, a veterinarian, always warns the owners of his patients, prevent the petition of his pets. Such an attitude gives animals at all is not what they need and it makes them unhappy.

About our delusions in assessing the behavior of cats, zoopsychologist Elena Fedorovich

I did not do anything bad

So it seems to us: You need to poke the cat's nose to the place where she was nothing for her to be unwinning the next time

Actually: The cat can express joy, it is especially visible when you return home. With the expression of the sense of guilt, she does not work so well. Her horse is more resentment.

If you decide to poke your pet in the puddle, which she drank while you were not. And she turned out, most likely, because you do not figure out any tray and what filler it needs. That punished it in this way and wait that she realized that it was you did here with her and this puddle of urine, the thing is empty.

The kitty is not so developed to understand the connection between what was a few hours ago and suddenly broken off the displeasure of a person. Everything you succeeds to achieve such a punishment, this is what the next time, having walked down the steps behind the door, she would just hide. After all, she will decide as soon as the owner enters, then immediately begins to torment it, therefore it is necessary to escape, and there is nothing to be saved.

Arrogant creation

We think: The cat is a loft, does not come out when foreign ones are in the house. Such proud and independent, like the Queen.

Actually: Royal greatness here has nothing to do with it. For normal, trust communication Cats and man are needed timely, that is, early socialization.

The kitten, too lately separated from the mother, or spent early days His life out of communication with a person, for example, in a breeder's aviary, people will be avoided the rest of life. Normal, close and trusting relationship People with such cats are already hardly possible.

Let the seams bring together

We think: If you take into the house where the cat already lives, one more, animals will be friends and will not be bored.


The relationship between unrelated animals is the old person and the new - will most likely cause stress at the rubbish, but since we do not see any voltage in their behavior, it seems to us that everything is fine. The owner needs to take action to reduce stress. To begin with, for example, split feeding points and trays. Are neighbors or neighbors "make friends"? This happens rarely, but if you once will see how they sleep beside, we can say that there is a discharge in their relationship.

Collar translator

I do not think that it makes sense to use computer applications or listen to translators with cats on human. Cats are incredibly labilened the auditory apparatus, we are physiologically unable to hear the way they hear.

Feline ears fix sounds in a wider frequency and dynamic range than a person. And also, with the help of your perfect auditory, is able to very accurately set the location of the sound source.

It is precisely known that pussy can differiate two sound sources at a distance of one meter from themselves, located at a distance of 8cm from each other. And begins to hear the rodent rustle from the distance 20m.

At the same time, the cat sleeps completely calmly with a working TV or favorably tolerates the voice of the owner who whispers her words directly near her head. Unless, turning the ear or fit. Loud sharp sounds it does not tolerate.

The ear sink is a funk-like folding of the skin, and 20 muscles respond to the movement of this funnel. When recognizing sounds, the ears turn inconschorly, and each captures its part of the information.

With such a complex auditory apparatus and voice apparatus, respectively, is not simple. The cat's voice apparatus makes sounds in the 10 octave range. It is clear that in communication with us, she does not even try, to tell us something, applying all their vocabulary. It is condescendingly limited by the sounds similar to the "meow" options.

There is information on the existence of collars, converting feline "words" in english words. The company that produces feline food Temptations has created a collar-translator as part of an advertising campaign of its goods. He took off and launched a demonstration roller with a translator, exclusively for feed advertising. Really transfer information from the cat to a person such a collar cannot.

Currently, there is no reliable information about the devices that allow the transform meowing into a human language.

However, there are several entertainment applications that use some set. feline soundsAllegedly constituting the whole cat language creating the illusion of translation.

Than dangerous humanity

"Pets in the city compensate for a shortage of important people for well-being social ties. We are ready to think not only funny cats and devotees, but also robots, gadgets. Gadgets and robots are still, but here to attribute to animals of non-existent emotions pays a serious danger. We often ignore their real needs and do not even seek to understand. We are good, and they are bad. Author: Elena Fedorovich Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior researcher, head of the group of zoopsychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov "


Well, how not to love them?

There is such a statement that how many people knows languages, so many times he is man. In our case, we have the opportunity to become a little bit and a cat.

Always with you, as well.

Learn to understand your cat with a half-one!

Scripture says that at the end of times the beast is about seven heads, like Barça, and his legs will be like a bear. Of course, I need information: here, let's say, if he widespread - it does it make a production gymnastics or is going to bite your leg?
Fortunately, many at home have a beast demo version - and it can be studied non-verbal language animals. The trainer, Honored Artist of Russia, head of the Theater of Beasts "ARTEMAN" Alexander Tetherin, will help us in this.

So, if the cat ...

Turns his back and raises the tail

Wrong translation.
I knew that she would despise me, even "Whiskas" with the taste of Valerian did not help.

Yes, she offers you to sniff it. Strictly speaking, you do not have to do it, but in feline world This is a sign of respect and trust, it is not particularly offended by what.

Climbs on the chair, barely left

Wrong translation.
He considers himself a hostess, and try to drive it - immediately nagito in Berluti.

She just seeks a place where the most strongest smells the owner and where good review. The smell of the owner calms her. At the same time, the cat can be calmly removed from the chair, shifting to another place and hesitate himself - she will fall asleep where they put.
And if it still spoil the boots at the icebreaker, then this is a revenge for something else - remember.

Smeyshes past you, pulling your head in the shoulders

Wrong translation.
Hurry down somewhere. Probably brought new pigeons into the yard.

You can start searching your own housing. Because the cat behaves like this, if something has done and the disclaim will not be able to power. To begin with, check whether the whole thing is unpaid food. Then - whether room plants are eaten or only biting.

Getting your belly front paws

Wrong translation.
Looks like she is going to dig a hole. Now someone will suffer, and it will not be me!

Turning - a sign of hot feline love. This infantile behavior, kittens so massage the maternal stomach so that there are no milk interruptions. Still a cat can skip you in the forehead, which means that the animal is happily and yours living together Beautiful. At least for her.

Sits back, gets up, goes out and again sits back

Wrong translation.
I just forgot about me. Shoot her tail, or ...

If the cat stubbornly turns his back, but does not break the tail, it is offended by the inattention and wants you to persuade her to talk.
And if an analogy with some other mammal in the house seemed frightening, here's another: when a cat gets up to go, and again sits back - she wants you to notice her.
The next step of attracting attention is the contents of the tray-scattered house.

Brought to the house dead mouse

Wrong translation.
She hints that it is badly fed, or it annoys everyone.

She teaches you to eat right. So manifests parental instinct: wild cats Tested by kittens of semi-sized mice and sparrow, so that they are accustomed to full-fledged food and learned to finish the victim.
Cat family in the absence of kittens - you. And parental instinct is sometimes turning on so strange way. It was praised her, and the carcass allorate away. Seeing what to teach you to the diet is a hopeless thing, the animal will go back.