Foundation for bruises under the eyes. How to remove bruises under the eyes? Additional functions of concealers

When it comes to bruising under the eyes, some think about the consequences of the beatings, and some think about the dark circles that are the result of banal fatigue. Both are right - the word "bruising" has several meanings. However, whatever the cause, they look ugly, it is better to hide such “decorations” from prying eyes. Let's talk about that. how to hide bruises under the eyes using cosmetics. Such knowledge will be useful to you if you will not have the opportunity to wait until they disappear behind closed doors.

Hide bruises under the eyes with makeup

In order to hide the bruises under the eyes, you can try using cosmetics. To accomplish this task, you will need a whole arsenal. First of all, you need to use day cream with a non-greasy texture - it will serve as the basis for correct makeup... Apply the cream to the skin, let it absorb, and gently blot the remaining excess with a napkin.

Now it's time to use concealer - this is a special tool that has a tonal purpose and a liquid consistency. The concealer is softer than cream and comes in a wide colors... Most often, there are flesh-colored concealers, but there are others: raspberry, orange, green. It turns out that such unexpected colors help create concealer makeup. The trick is that, according to the rules of color, you need to choose the opposite color for the bruise: for example, green “extinguishes” purple well, orange copes with violet, and blue with yellow. While flesh tones can only be useful for correcting slight color deviations, colored ones can work wonders with rich bruises. The main thing is to be able to choose the color and apply the product in a light layer.

You will need a corrector to deal with a bruise that is a real bruise. This product has a dense texture and is usually found in the form of a cosmetic stick or pencil. Choose a color that matches your skin tone or is slightly lighter.

For the correction to be successful, you also need to be able to equalize disguised bruise with the rest of the face. For this purpose, it is better to use a BB cream or foundation with a non-greasy, light texture. It is better to refuse the thought of disguising yourself with a tan - this technique will look unnatural. Remember to apply foundation thin layer- it is better to remove the excess with a napkin, and not rub it into the skin. Try to make the complexion uniform as both light and dark spots look comical on the skin.

Use powder and blush to complete the work. Wide brush round shape walk first over the entire face, and then along the T-zone. By the way, it is in the T-zone that the tone of the powder can be somewhat lighter. But the cheekbones can be darkened using a darker powder, bronzer or blush. The relief given to the face will enhance the masking effect.

What are the means to mask bruises?

You can try to cope with the problem using a concealer, but it is better to resort to two means at once: complement the effect of the concealer foundation or a proofreader. First of all, correct the color - use a concealer or foundation, and then hide the remaining imperfections with concealer and gently blend the product. For long-lasting makeup, use powder over concealer. Remember what to disguise dark bruise you can use yellow or orange- it is these shades that will help neutralize the blue. If the bruise is reddened, you should use a yellow corrector or yellow flowers... Yellowed bruises will eliminate purple or lilac remedies.

What should be done to make the bruises almost invisible?

It takes real talent to completely mask the bruises. As a rule, the efforts of amateurs are still visible if the angle or lighting changes. In order to be on the safe side, you need to do something else - your makeup should be done in such a way that the attention of the person looking at you is distracted from the “dangerous” places.

  • Add bold color accents - for example, use unusual colored eyeshadow, mascara, or eyeliner. Cosmetics matched to the eyes will divert attention from the bruise.
  • Draw the water line of the lower eyelid with a white or blue pencil. Make-up artists use this technique to refresh and "open up" the look.
  • Focus on eyelashes - their thickness and dark shades will come into contrast with the skin of the eyelids, which will visually make the bruises much lighter.
  • Use eyeliner - its clear line will visually enlarge the eyes, make them more visible on the face and brighter. So no one will notice the bruises on the face!
  • "Highlight" the look using white shadows applied to the inner corner of the eye. This technique always works to refresh the image - take it into service!
  • Use the curl of the eyebrows - raise them as much as possible and, if necessary, tint. Neat thin eyebrows raised up completely change the face.

In order not to inadvertently emphasize such an aesthetic flaw as bruises under the eyes, try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Smokey ice makeup will transform you into something like a panda. In such a situation, the resemblance to this cute animal will not do you any good, do not experiment.
  • Usage pink tones in make-up it is undesirable - such shades will enhance the impression of a bruise, making the eyes tired, tear-stained, swollen.
  • When choosing a blush, also avoid pink shades- they will only accentuate the darkening under the eyes. Stop your choice on brown tones, at least for a while.

You should be aware that masking bruises is a tricky and tricky business. You need to understand that the disguised place should not look “plastered” and unnatural. Let our tips help you find the skill you need, but it’s better that you simply don’t have bruises under your eyes!

Hello, my dear readers! Tell me, which of you has not wondered how to cover up the bruises under the eyes? It happens that you wake up in the morning, and they are right there. And you start frantically rummaging through your cosmetic bag, sorting out a suitable corrector, foundation or concealer. And the effect is not what is needed. Let's take a look at the most common mistakes in applying these cosmetics and how to make eye makeup correctly.

Reasons for education dark circles there are many under the eyes and I described them in a separate article. And in order to understand how to deal with them quickly, I propose to first consider the most common mistakes that even celebrities make.

  1. To give a fresh face, many makeup artists advise choosing corrective agents one or two lighter. But this rule is not suitable for correcting bruises or dark circles under the eyes. Due to this "masking", the defects visually become even larger.
  2. After applying the corrective product, do not apply too much powder to the under-eye area. If present mimic wrinkles or you have rich facial expressions, then all this will be imprinted on the centuries. Wrinkles will be visually more expressive.
  3. Avoid using black eyeliner around your eyes, especially if the corners of your eyes are slightly down. Because of this, there is a "crying eyes" effect. And the face will look a little sad
  4. Many people focus only on eyelash tinting. But in vain. If you have cyanotic circles under the eyes, focus on upper part makeup. By the way, it is now very fashionable to make eyebrows more expressive and thick. Don't pinch them! In Asia, eyebrows are specially tinted abundantly, drawing attention to them. And they may not apply anything at all to the eyes. They will slightly tint the lips, and the face is fresh and young. Therefore, your eyebrows should be graphic and well defined.
  5. Overly lined eyes. This draws attention to the eyes and visually enhances the "crying eyes" effect.

We are not the only ones who sin with the wrong make-up. Many celebrities make the same mistakes with makeup. For example, Pamela Anderson or Britney Spears.

Take a look. Instead of doing light makeup and hide imperfections, women do the opposite. They draw more attention to this part of the face.

How to choose a good decorative product

Let's take a look at the basic basic tools that can disguise bruises under the eyes. How do you choose the one that works best at home?

Correction means:

  • Tone cream- corrects the complexion of the face, neck, giving a matte finish, well-groomed. Hides irregularities. Now there are special tonal creams that even hide stains from rosacea, vitiligo and other imperfections. Dermableland toners from Vichy have shown themselves very well. Look in a separate article for photos before and after application.
  • Concealer- denser texture, spread with a brush. Best concealer from dark circles under the eyes - peach or yellow.
  • Corrector- dry concealer. More suitable for masking pimples or small irregularities.

Many people write that it is necessary to purchase a foundation and concealer separately, since they differ in texture density. But now corrective tonal means contain enough pigments to completely remove bruises under the eyes. Therefore, even with a good foundation, you can paint over dark circles.

The general rule when choosing any tool is the same.: To mask bluish skin tone, use yellow or peach pigment on the area. It neutralizes the bluish tint of the color. It can also help neutralize redness caused by rosacea or angioma. And for delicate white skin, choose a light beige concealer.

How to properly mask at home

Masking bruises is not difficult. Stocking up the necessary means, and boldly into battle 🙂 Before applying makeup, be sure to use a good moisturizer around the eyes to prevent sleep deprivation. It will tighten the upper layers of the skin and give a smoother surface for applying corrective products. Better to use caffeinated cream, which has a tonic effect.

It is undesirable to apply the cream in the eye area with the index finger: it is the strongest in our country. Apply nameless, moving along lower eyelid from outer corner to the internal

Apply foundation on your face using a special brush or fingers. If using your fingers, first apply the composition to the back of your hand. The warmth will make it a little easier to work with the foundation, and then apply the product to your face. Distribute with a gentle patting motion from inner corners the eye towards the outside.

And yet, you need to fix the makeup. The main difficulty in this case is the choice perfect powder... Often times, the powder you use on your face may not work. It rolls down in places of wrinkles and emphasizes them even more.

Therefore, I do not recommend using matte powder... Transparent is better here. loose powder... Shade it special brush... Do not try to apply a generous layer of powder in the hope of bleaching bruises. This kind of powder is not meant to cover them up. It only completes the makeup and fixes the concealer or foundation.

You can even mix your foundation with a concealer. This is done to avoid the difference between the masked area and the rest of the face.

Concealers and anti-dark circles can hide the traces of a sleepless night in seconds. site presents 5 simple steps Recommended by Olga Kormakova, lead makeup artist at Clarins, to get rid of under-eye fatigue marks with a concealer, and 7 of the most effective beauty products that really work.

Step 1

First, you need to thoroughly prepare the skin around your eyes for makeup and apply a care product that matches your skin condition. It is better to choose under makeup light cream or cream gel.

Step 2

Choose the texture of the corrector depending on the desired result. If you are not particularly worried about dark circles and just want to refresh your face and hide signs of fatigue, apply a translucent and reflective concealer.

Step 3

If you want to hide serious imperfections, use a concealer with a higher coverage. Not only does it perfectly mask dark circles, it also moisturizes and smoothes delicate skin around eyes.

Step 4

Beige shades of concealers will suit you if you are masking a reddish undertone, and pink shades in order to hide blues.

Step 5

Apply concealer with your fingers or a brush. For this a small amount of spread the product with gentle patting movements from the inner corners of the eyes towards the outer corners.

Site selection:

PHOTO Elena Abramova
  • Light Fantastic Cellular Concealing by La prairie combines decorative and caring properties: after application, the skin looks fresh and toned. Extra bonus- replaceable cartridge in the package.
  • Concealer Sheer Luminous Concealer, Burberry, has a delicate creamy texture, does not dry the skin and has impressive durability.
  • Modeling Concealer "Shine" Touche Eclat, YSL, - not only the bestseller of the brand, but also favorite remedy models and celebrities due to its masking and leveling action.
  • Camera Ready BB Eye Cream, Smashbox, solves 5 problems at once: hides bruises and fights wrinkles, reduces puffiness, makes the skin smoother and more elastic.
  • Shining Concealer Mister Light, Givenchy, in addition to providing high-quality masking and highlighting, contains a sunscreen SPF filter 10, vegetable oils and a vitamin complex.
  • Remedy for circles under Eyed Eye Tonic, Chanel, due to the "smart" composition, including tangerine bioflavonoids and horse chestnut extract, reduces blue under the eyes and improves blood microcirculation. The result will be visible after 4 weeks.
  • Concealer youth and radiance Radiant Younth Corrector Pen, Yves rocher , due to the rich texture instantly evens out the tone, and the reflective pigments brighten the shadow areas of the skin.

Regardless of, " drove in"with a fist in your face or you yourself hit your forehead against the jamb, the very next day after the blow, a luxurious fingal will flaunt on the skin around the eyes. The reason for this is that the tissues around the eyes are very delicate and loose, so it is easier for blood to get into this area of ​​the face To narrow blood vessels and slow down the spread of blood, it is recommended that immediately after receiving a blow, apply to the site of injury cold compress- ice, compress with cold water or a metal object.

However, if the blow was strong It is not so easy to prevent the appearance of a black eye under the eye. After all, the skin and soft tissue after the impact, they are already damaged, small blood vessels have burst. On the first day, only a bump forms at the site of the impact, and the next day it will appear under the eye. After a few days, the bruise becomes yellow, then turns green and gradually turns brown. Without the use of ointments and masks that accelerate the healing of hematomas, before 2 weeks the fingal under the eye will not disappear, which is very frustrating for those who cannot sit at home and wait for the bruise to resolve on its own.

Fingal under the eye of beauty does not add. Wear sunglasses in this situation, too, not an option, but only extra reason for gossip and doubts about the adequacy of the sexual partner. In order for the fingal under the eye to become invisible, and you could go to work or meet with friends without fear of becoming the object of ridicule, you will have to mask the bruise with the help of makeup, with the subtleties of which we want to familiarize you.

At makeup bright hematomas need "heavy artillery", it will not work to disguise the fingal using only foundation or powder. In order to hide the defect even a little, they will have to be applied several layers, and something like that is immediately evident. The situation is aggravated by the fact that tonal means dry out the skin of the eyelids, which makes all the wrinkles around the eyes more visible.

It is naive to believe that a bruise can mask with a special pencil... It is not designed to work on the delicate skin of the eyelids, therefore for quick solution problems will have to buy a concealer, which is excellent remedy cosmetic disguise. There are several types of concealers available, in order to hide a large-scale and pronounced fingal, it is best to opt for a high-quality concealer. For example, use a concealer with a thicker texture.

Concealer contains ingredients that improve blood circulation and lymph circulation in capillaries that are damaged. The color of the concealer is chosen individually in each case. If the bruise is fresh, it is better to use a light green or yellowish concealer, in tandem with the blue of the black eye they will give the best result.

If bruise has already begun to fade and has yellow edges, it is best to cover it with a bluish or light purple concealer. These colors mask yellowness well and after applying a small amount of foundation, the bruise will be invisible. Apply the concealer to the bruised area in stages: first, moisturize the skin around the eyes with nourishing cream, then cover the bruise with concealer with smooth movements in a thin layer, going beyond the boundaries of the dark spot by a few millimeters. You can fix the result with a small amount of transparent powder.

For makeup a bruise under the eye that is almost disappearing, a corrector, which is usually used to mask any skin imperfections, including small scars, age spots and freckles, is also suitable. For example, Full Cover Extreme Camouflage Cream by Makeup Forever. So that the blackening is not visible, after application, the corrector must be carefully shaded with a wide and soft brush, despite the fact that this procedure at the site of the injury can be painful.

The corrector is insanely convenient to use, but its scope is dark circles under the eyes rather than luxurious bruises. Therefore, making the bruise completely invisible without the use of funds that are designed to speed up the resorption of bruises may not work. To improve the effect of bruise makeup with a concealer or corrector, buy one of the following ointments at the pharmacy: "Bruise off", " Ambulance from bruises "," Rescuer "," Lyoton "," Troxevasin "," Arnika "," Indovazin "," Bodyaga Forte "or" Heparin ".

Pharmacy remedies for treatment bruises have become very popular today. After all, some of them (for example, Bruise off) not only accelerate the healing of hematomas, but also mask it. It is enough to apply a pea-sized product to the bruised area and lightly shade it to make the bruise less noticeable. You cannot use foundation or powder over ointments and gels to treat bruises. They clog pores and slow down the healing process.

And of course, any hematomas on the body, whether it be a fingal or just a lump, it is necessary to treat, and not just mask. If you have days of unused vacation or time off, take them and just wait it out, helping the bruise heal faster with medicated ointments. After all, a black eye is a signal that your body is under stress and needs rest.


Before starting make-up or camouflage, the skin must be moisturized - this way it will more easily “grab” all the pigments and products and will not crumble. Use a small amount of moisturizing (never greasy or nourishing!) Or oil-free gel with a patting motion and wait two minutes.

Take concealer. It has a dense structure and hides even darkening. Concealer can be with greenish tint, it will perfectly hide the bluish color. You can also use a camouflage pencil, apply it pointwise, hammering in, without trying to smudge.

To remove any swelling, if any, apply ice wrapped in a tissue or bag to the bruise before applying the concealer and let it sit for a few minutes.


To hide bruises that are intense, bright or very dark dark spots under the eyes, the use of specially formulated concealing cosmetics is required. Some people try to cover up the bruises under the eyes with a product such as a concealer. Apply such solid proofreaders for the skin of the eyelids is categorically contraindicated.

Useful advice

How to cover up bruises under the eyes? Many women use tonal creams and face powder to mask dark circles and bruises. This is fundamentally wrong. Tonal basis, and even more so the powder is not intended for the delicate skin around the eyes. They have a very dense texture that looks rough and unnatural, giving the impression of a mask under the eyes.


One awkward movement, and hitting the doorframe or elbow of the person sitting next to you can blur on your cheekbone. He does not add beauty, and in fact, despite the injury, you need to go to work, meet with friends, lead ordinary life... You can disguise the bruise so that no one will know about the trouble that happened to you.

You will need

  • - olive oil;
  • - cloth for dressing;
  • - ice;
  • - lavender oil;
  • - bodyag or "SinyakOff";
  • - concealer;
  • - tone cream;
  • - powder.


It is advisable to start disguising the bruise immediately after you receive it. Lubricate the bruised area olive oil and apply a tight, but not too tight, bandage. Sit down and apply ice in a plastic bag to the hematoma. If you don't have ice, anything from the refrigerator will do - a bottle of a drink, a bag of sour cream, or even a piece of frozen meat. After these procedures, the bruise will become less noticeable.

Make the bruise disappear faster with a compress lavender oil... Place a few drops on a clean, dry piece of cloth and apply to the affected area. If you rub the oil into the hematoma with gentle movements (and if you have sensitive skin, beforehand, lavender can be mixed with olive oil), this will also help to hide the bruise, and also reduce pain.

The bruise usually goes away for a long time, changing its color from red-violet to purple, green and yellow. If you want to speed up this process and part with the bruise as soon as possible, buy a bodyag or SinyakOff ointment at the pharmacy, which can immediately have a toning effect. If you manage to lubricate the affected area with medicine several times, then, most likely, in the morning you will no longer need to mask anything. Even if the bruise does not completely disappear, it will be much easier to hide the lightened hematoma.

Many people try to mask bruises with powder and foundation. However, when dealing with bright hematomas, heavy artillery is required. Get a concealer and apply it to the affected area. It is advisable to choose a remedy with yellow tint which is used to mask bruises under the eyes. It does the best job of evening out skin tones. After that, to achieve perfect result the face can be retouched with foundation or powder.