Terrible eyebrows. I have an ugly face, what should I do? How to fix bad permanent makeup

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Ugly eyebrows Koshechka.ru does not welcome at all! If they are not ideal in at least 1 of the parameters: length or width, bending, then this is the end! Seriously. No decorative cosmetics, even the dearest one, will not save your makeup.

What kind of eyebrows are beautiful?

  • natural,
  • be sure to be well-groomed (you need to take time to care for the eyebrows every day, and sometimes 2 times, so that they really are the pride of your face),
  • wide (or not very - everything is individual here!),
  • with a bend, quite obvious, like in Eva Mendes, or delicate, like in Marion Cotillard, or almost straight, like in Jessica Alba (it all depends on natural premises, face shape, eye shape, etc.)

Now let's talk about something else. Ugly eyebrow shape - how is it?

Rarely does anyone naturally have a terrible eyebrow shape. No one has yet been able to come up with something more refined or delicate than Nature itself. We can only emphasize certain advantages. It happens that a girl decides to completely cross out naturalness and naturalness by making a tattoo. Or plucking at your own discretion (sometimes even shaving!), And then drawing with a pencil eyebrows so that the face is not recognizable.

How to make a beautiful eyebrow shape yourself?

Just do not wait here for a universal formula or something like a template that you can print, attach to your eyebrows and pluck out the excess, and add the missing one. No, that will not do!

Each face is unique, which means that the eyebrows should be individual.

The shape of the eyebrows depending on the features of the face

Sometimes an ugly eyebrow shape for one person will become beautiful for another: it all depends on the type of appearance.

If you have square face then the cheekbones are straight and slightly heavy. You should soften the look. To do this, let the eyebrows be arched, but without a clear bend. It is possible that the eyebrows were wide and focused on themselves. Not beautiful shape the eyebrows will be sharp as well as the eyebrows-strings.

Girls with triangular type faces, which has a pointed shape towards the cheekbones and chin, it is necessary for the eyebrows to be slightly raised. And there should be a smooth bend.

If you have the oval of the face is somewhat elongated, usually the chin is distinguished by its massiveness. You need to divert attention from him. In order to do this, the eyebrows must be nearly straight. They will visually soften the effect. But the high arches of the eyebrows will be erroneous. Because of this decision, the face will only become longer visually.

If you have round face , then a pronounced kink will make it more advantageous.

Oval face- this is the most successful form. Almost straight, horizontal brows are perfect. If you bend too much, then you risk getting an inhospitable, harsh look. But if you give it a slight bend, it will look perfect.

How to make a beautiful eyebrow shape at home?

Now the site will give you advice on how to do it right. These are simple recommendations, ignorance of which can lead to absolutely not the effect that almost every woman would like to achieve.

How to make the correct and beautiful eyebrow shape: more important recommendations

  1. Never pluck the upper line of the eyebrows (unless it is some exceptional case, but here it is better to “measure 10 times - cut 1”).
  2. The eyebrow line should be clear. Then she will emphasize the image.
  3. Closer to the tip, the eyebrow should be narrower than at the base.
  4. To girls who big eyes with a wide slit, will go wide eyebrows.
  5. The same rule can be applied to the lips. If they are plump, large, then the eyebrows should be wide.
  6. Eyebrow color depends on the shade of the hair. But if your curls are light, this does not mean that your eyebrows should be in tune. You can shade them with shadows. Too black eyebrows do not suit not only blondes, but even brunettes. This is extremely unnatural.

Making a beautiful eyebrow shape at home

  1. Pluck exclusively in the direction of hair growth to prevent ingrown hairs.
  2. In areas closer to the eyelid, the tweezers should be held almost horizontally. This will prevent injury to the delicate skin in the eye area.
  3. The less hairs you pluck, the more natural and beautiful the shape will be. Think carefully about almost every hair. Comb your eyebrows and see if this or that hair is really superfluous, or if it just went wrong.

If you have read all this and now sit, biting your nails in panic, glancing at the tweezers or cursing your beautician who "conjured" over your eyebrows with the help of tattooing, then calm down. You get the idea: the ugly shape of the eyebrows. What to do? Stop plucking them constantly if tweezers were the cause. Or think over a correction scheme if the eyebrows have suffered from tattooing.

The widespread fashion for thick, styled, smooth eyebrows has given rise to a backlash. Most girls desperate for tumblr-style eyebrows seem to be doing the opposite. Beautiful woman with clearly defined, boldly painted resin eyebrows - no longer a rarity. But is it beautiful?

A tribute to fashion or a desire to stand out?

Just think that this part of your face can radically change the expression and perception of others. It is she who is responsible for how joyful, happy and happy life you look. So why deliberately paint yourself eyebrows with monstrous kinks, making your face angry, insidious and eternally displeased? Why make the arcs too long if it visually "throws" ten years of age? And finally, a trump question from men - why shave off or otherwise remove hairs in order to draw something else in their place?

The art of browmaking, of course, is not accessible to everyone, and an amateur can hardly cope with the correct one. But you can study the common mistakes in this difficult matter, so as not to create the very same ones on your pretty face. « terrible eyebrows» .

In almost every major city there are special salons called "broshops". In them, for a symbolic amount of money, you will be able to radically change the shape of your eyebrows and make them truly amazing, even if you do not shine with natural data in this regard.

No wonder they say that eyebrows are a natural decoration and framing of our face. Therefore, every self-respecting woman sincerely wants this part of her appearance to look attractive and well-groomed. But what if nature has not rewarded you with either the thickness or the beautiful shape of the eyebrow arches? This is also not a reason to despair! We'll tell you what to do with your eyebrows if you think they are awful.

And what exactly are "terrible eyebrows"?

To such an expressive definition, people refer to those eyebrows that, first of all, look unnatural. What does it mean? If the shape of the arcs in girls is literally drawn with something like a charcoal or felt-tip pen on bare skin, if the eyebrows are completely asymmetric and crooked, if their base is 10-15 times wider than the tail, if the hairs stick out in different sides- we are talking about the concept "Terrible eyebrows".

Of course, not all of us are given ideal hairs above the eyes, which would lie evenly and densely, have perfect shape and clearly matched each other in shape and location.

Horrible eyebrows in young girls are even more common than in adult women. The latter will rather remain conservatives and be content with little than experimenting with staining, vegetation and tattooing. Whether it is young ladies with seething blood and a penchant for experimentation in an endless search own style! But even not sticking out eyebrows by nature are the scourge of these young ladies. Rather, their overwhelming penchant for weird improvisation makes their arcs truly ugly.

By the way, now there is a new funny trend called "Instragram eyebrows"... Even Parisian houses managed to ridicule them. high fashion by making the appropriate photo sessions with models painted in a certain way. The essence of such arcs is that they are perfectly even, as if drawn gel pen under a ruler or protractor.

Not a single protruding hair, not a single bump, not a drop natural light asymmetries - everything is perfect and sugary to nausea. "Instagram eyebrows" Some people, especially young guys, find it especially awful. Stubby eyebrows, which do not have a well-groomed, sleek appearance, are also difficult to call beautiful and tidy.

However, this is better than completely "naked" arches without a single hair, the surface of the skin on which is painted with stripes strange shape... Look at the photos of typical representatives, and you will definitely understand what we are talking about. If you are not a Goth, and do not belong to a similar subculture, in any case, do not shave off your vegetation that frames your eyes! Don't let yourself disfigure your face under the influence of capricious fashion!

Do not do so as to be horrified later, looking at yourself in the mirror or in photographs!

What if my eyebrows are really terrible?

The answer here is the same as with the hair on the head - grow it. Probably, now it seems to you that this is simply impossible, and if possible, then for a very long time. In addition, growing eyebrows are not attractive in any way - they seem unkempt, and as if dirty. Yes, you really have to endure this moment. But understand that you are strictly prohibited from touching the tweezers for the next 3 months!

  • Stimulate growth. All means are good for this: you can gently lubricate your eyebrows with pepper tincture ( alcohol tincture red capsicum), you can smear the skin in this place essential oils menthol and eucalyptus, you can simply rub ordinary castor or Burr oil... But keep in mind that regularity is extremely important here, and therefore get ready to perform all of the listed actions on a regular basis;
  • Be sure to massage the area of ​​arches with a special stiff brush for combing. Aim the brush along the hair growth and do circular motion... This simple action brings a truly impressive effect: eyebrows grow back on average twice as fast as in the usual mode;
  • Never touch the tweezers and ruling pens, no matter how strong the temptation. Until the vegetation regrowth completely, it is absolutely impossible to pluck the hairs - so you risk "lulling" the follicles and greatly slow down the growth process. You better cover up this area face with bangs, or comb your hairs beautifully so that everyone thinks that this is the latest fashion, and not a forced action. Eyebrow styling with fixation is performed using a special gel designed specifically for this purpose. Standard hair styling products are out of place here;
  • Massage the brow area with your fingers more often. For example, if you are working at a computer, nothing prevents you from being distracted for a few minutes and massaging your eyebrows with your fingertips. Make it standard massage movements round;
  • Forget about coloring products. Like any chemistry, eyebrow and eyelash dye destroys hairs, making them thinner, thinner and lighter. Therefore, postpone its purchase and use until better times. And now you can use special henna - it will not only color your eyebrows beautifully and give them a contrasting shade, but also strengthen the local vegetation.

That's all simple advice that will help you get bushy eyebrows. Endure a few months, and you will see how your appearance changes in better side... When you finally notice that the hairs have nowhere to grow further - get busy with a high-quality design of a new jewelry for your face. For the first time to this end, we advise you to visit a qualified beautician or certified bromaker.

Terrible, scary, ugly eyebrows is a rather expressive definition, but it fully reflects the problem that a girl may face if she does not take care of her eyebrows, or does it too scrupulously. Both completely unnatural and too natural unkempt arcs can look terrible - both of them need some correction with tweezers and makeup, and maybe even more serious means like permanent tattooing.

How to tidy up natural eyebrows?

If by terrible eyebrows you mean unevenly growing arcs, with hairs sticking out in different directions or a monobrow, then this is the easiest problem to deal with. What tools will be needed:

  • Tweezers;
  • Comb brush;
  • Cotton swab with alcohol;
  • Cosmetics (if necessary).

First, wipe the eyebrows and the skin around them, as well as the tweezers, with rubbing alcohol to disinfect the treatment area. Place the light source next to the mirror and look carefully at the shape of your eyebrows: most likely, they seem scary due to the fact that they grow too thick, monobrow, and look asymmetrical. This can be easily corrected with tweezers - outline approximate form, decide on the thickness and proceed to neatly pluck the hairs. Comb through the hairs beforehand so that they do not stick out and form a beautiful shape.

It is better to pluck the hairs one at a time, as the hair grows and grabbing them closer to the root - this way the procedure will be less painful.

If plucking your eyebrows hurts, wipe them with a piece of ice - freezing will give a slight analgesic effect.

After the arcs are plucked, they will cease to seem scary - your face will instantly change. Now you need to compare the tone of the eyebrow hairs and the hair on the head - if the first ones are too light and almost invisible on the face, then you need to dye them a little. For this, special shadows or a pencil are suitable. Try to choose a medium shade of brown - never use black pencil if your hair is lighter than black! Makeup like this will have a terrible effect. you need to apply cosmetics carefully, observing the shape and anatomy of the eyebrow: the "head" is thicker, the tail is thinner. If you have the entire arch of the same thickness, those eyebrows will also be scary.

What to do for those who have scary arcs just after the make-up?

How to fix?

The first and easiest option is, of course, to wash off and draw the arcs again, but not scary anymore, but neat and suitable form your face. Another question is what to do for those girls scary eyebrows which are the result of unsuccessful permanent makeup? Look at the awful eyebrows photos with which the clients of cheap salons were unlucky:

It is necessary to contact a proven salon with qualified craftsmen who, for a rather tangible amount, will help fix the terrible arcs and put them in order. It should be noted right away that the procedure is lengthy, painful and expensive. First of all, the master will begin to remove the pigment, lighten it, interrupting it with a lighter tone. This will help eliminate the scary bright shapes and almost completely get rid of the drawn eyebrows. Second stage, after complete healing- this is the filling of a new tattoo, more natural and neat, which will look harmonious on your face.

A terrible tattoo is a big frustration for a girl and serious problem, but it has a solution that should never be neglected. Contact only qualified salons, ask for documents confirming the professionalism of the master, read the reviews of other girls in order to be sure that after the procedure you will not see a terrible result in the reflection of the mirror.

By the way, after the correction unsuccessful tattoo your natural eyebrows most likely will not grow temporarily. Do not worry, as soon as the skin is restored, the hairs will return to their places - you will have to regularly pluck them and correct their shape.

We are sure you are often haunted by strange and unusual questions that you can't find the answer to or just keep forgetting to do it. We decided to make your life easier and every week to publish one of the most popular questions from search engines, as well as the answer to them. And today's question on the topic of the day: "Where did the fashion for huge and bright female eyebrows come from?"

Experts answer that the fashion for wide eyebrows appeared along with the fashion for everything natural 5-10 years ago. The trendsetter of this fashion was the model Cara Delevingne, whose trademark is precisely her thick and naturally dark eyebrows. Then the famous people began to pay attention to the model. fashion houses, actresses, singers, TV presenters. And since before that there was a fashion for thin plucked eyebrows-strings, there was no time to grow their natural ones. And cosmetologists began to actively offer everyone the eyebrow tattooing procedure. Those who did not have the money to do it, began to simply paint on their eyebrows with pencil and shadows.

And some have crossed all the boundaries of reason at all: they pluck their eyebrows to draw new ones that do not fit their face at all! They, apparently, do not know that nowadays the fashion is for wide natural eyebrows, and not for drawn ones:

Experiments with makeup or tattooing sometimes lead to unexpected consequences. Today we are talking about eyebrows. If the fair sex does not belong to any freak trend, then the abnormal appearance of the eyebrows after the procedures scares and upsets her.

Unsuccessful eyebrows can be fixed with cosmetics
Calm - the situation is fixable!

Fashion is not a reason for disgrace

First, before trying on a cardinal version of the transformation, you should evaluate your own appearance- perhaps nature has endowed you natural beauty, which is much more appreciated. You just need to add your own touch, color - and then intervention in the form of plucking, shaving is simply not needed.

Fashion sometimes takes on bizarre forms.

Second, it is important to "try on" the chosen image on the face in advance and evaluate the result. For this, numerous photoshops and computer make-up lessons have been created. Perhaps the shape of the face, the alignment of the eyes or subtle natural features will not allow "wearing" wide eyebrows, as it has become fashionable now. The same is with the "strings". The wrong ones are the ugliest eyebrows ever.

Too lush eyebrows should be reduced in size

I have an ugly face, what should I do?

You should decide on the method of transformation. It is known that shaving or plucking subsequently causes unnecessary hairs to appear on exposed areas. Such arcs will need constant care, or rather, in the distance. The surrounding skin will become inflamed and sensitive. Permanent makeup does not solve all problems. It looks decent on skin, deprived of hair - eyelids, lips.

That is, you should not draw eyebrows with it. You will have to take a responsible approach to the choice of the salon - the risk of getting an infection is very high.

Multi-colored eyebrows

Horrible eyebrows are the worst thing that can be on a face

Most likely, these tips are pointless if the girl has already experimented. As a result - terrible eyebrows on the face. You can fix it - it will take patience and a promise to yourself never to do this again.

Thin eyebrows with a thread: tattoo

By the way, the owners of such a miracle often consider the effect produced to be normal. The created image seems to them surprised, cosmic, gentle, or - as a product of the new time - making it look like anime heroines.

The owner of thin eyebrows

Removing painted hairs

If this is the case, then hardly any of them would want to redo their image. For ordinary girls the solution is:

These are the simple actions. Most likely, the waiting period will convince the owner of the former terrible arcs not to repeat the experiments with permanent makeup.

Thin eyebrows: plucking

These eyebrows also look just awful, the face becomes blank. It remains to wait natural growth hairs and then involve the master of the salon. If the plucked eyebrows are raised high, which makes the face unnatural, the removal begins along the upper line, bringing it down over time.

Contrast color with hair

If you are not a gypsy or Argentinean, you do not have the right to wear blue-black eyebrows. Exception - natural brunettes... On top of that, this color adds 10 years, no less. It is allowed to have a color 1-2 shades darker than the hair.

Eyebrow color must match hair color

Too long or short drawn eyebrows

There is nothing beautiful about the eyebrows, whose ends tend to the ears or, conversely, end a little further than the middle of the eye. In the first case, the girl becomes like an Egyptian fresco, in the second - like an offended gnome. Correct the lack of correction - long arcs begin to cancel out from the middle upper eyelid, in short ones, reduce the volume from above or below. This will visually stretch the eyebrow.

Before and after eyebrow treatment

Well-groomed eyebrows are not only a shape, but also beautiful skin around, shiny hairs, even dyed color. If all measures are taken before correction, painful intervention may not be required.