Desktop wallpaper new year. Gallery of original pictures for congratulations. Gallery of Christmas pictures for PC monitor

New Year mood highly contagious. It pervades absolutely everything. You won’t even notice how after the Christmas tree and toys, you will smoothly move on to decorating the apartment: first, ordinary tinsel on the walls, then garlands under the ceiling, frosty pattern tooth powder on the windows. Then everything is in a blur and you are already buying gifts, even for those whom you do not really like. But even this seems not enough.

You turn your eyes to the monitor of your computer and understand that it would not hurt to leave the imprint of the holiday there. New Year 2018 is coming - screensavers and New Year's wallpapers on the Internet are presented in abundance. It's up to you to choose. And from what, we will tell you.

It's great that the possibilities of providers and the worldwide network are endless. Finding and downloading your favorite picture will not take much time. 2018 is the year of the Earth Dog. Start with this. Even if you are not a supporter of Feng Shui, and thoughts about the correctness of the sectors or the location of the corners disgust you, then you can put the image of the symbol of the year on your desktop on another basis. Not every year you have such an opportunity.

Yes, and you need to think positively: put the animal on the screen saver and get rich! Only good and bright desires, because they come true. New Year screensavers and wallpapers 2018 with a Dog - install them on your computer and put a positive charge into them.

New Year wallpapers 2018 in the year of the Earth Dog with various elements decor and holiday decorations also quite a suitable screensaver. Treat your eyes and your loved ones with a wonderful screensaver with bright colors. Christmas balls, candles, Christmas sweets and wreaths, ribbons and clocks. It may seem simple at first glance, but sometimes the beauty is in simplicity. Even snowmen and snowflakes will create good feeling upcoming celebrations.

The charm of the night city at New Year's time is indescribable beauty and romance, worthy of poems. Only once a year you can see how an ordinary landscape turns into a fairy tale.
This is the time when the nights brighter than day, because they are illuminated by millions of lights. A magical combination of snow, light and warmth in one shot. Let "nine-story buildings" rise gloomily outside your window. You can always enjoy the charm of New Year's Eve in London, Sydney or New York. For this, all you need is to put your favorite screensaver.

Beautiful New Year screensavers 2018

A separate conversation is a Christmas tree. A permanent symbol of every New Year's holiday. Have you already installed and decorated the forest beauty? Screensavers for the New Year 2018 of the Earth Dog with this wonderful tree will not be superfluous because, as you know, you can’t spoil porridge with butter! Enjoy the tree like a child. Remember how you loved her fragrance as a child, how much happiness she brought you. Relive these moments in your memory and enjoy the celebrations from the bottom of your heart.

Perhaps you are an aesthete? Then let me suggest wonderful wallpapers and screensavers for the New Year 2018 in the form of works by famous artists. Creators have always been inspired by the Christmas season. Her colors, landscapes, fabulousness on canvas were conveyed by many artists. Install something amazing, beautiful on your monitor. Join this miraculously to art and to the holiday at the same time.

In anticipation new year holidays Everyone wants to be surrounded by a fabulous atmosphere. To do this, we decorate our house with original paraphernalia, decorate the Christmas tree and even upload pictures of Happy New Year of the Dog 2018 for the desktop on the network. Everything should cheer you up and remind you that next period our life will bring only good, luck, prosperity and prosperity. Therefore, we have selected for you beautiful wallpaper capable of causing positive emotions and "stretch" them for all winter celebrations.


Year 2018 according to the Eastern calendar

This year starts under the auspices of the yellow earth dog, so its image on the desktop will be the most relevant. By Chinese tradition, the dog must be "present" in everything: from curtains to kitchen utensils. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are sure that this way you can get the favor of a shaggy pet and attract positive energy. Of course, we don't take the symbol that seriously. Eastern countries, but setting a wallpaper of a funny shaggy man in a Santa hat would be cool. Such a picture will instantly cheer up everyone.

If we talk about the characteristics of 2018, then it should go smoothly. This time should be given to:

  • travel;
  • achieving complete harmony with the surrounding world;
  • life analysis;
  • making plans for the future;
  • understanding of their existence and purpose.

Yellow symbolizes wisdom, and the element of the Earth - wealth and stability. Therefore, you do not need to jump above your head. It is better to slowly weigh all the pros and cons, choose a calm tactic and conquer new horizons. Try to save everything that is already there, and in next year you can safely act, because the pig will take the throne - a symbol successful business and prosperity.

Now let's find out a few interesting facts about celebrating New Year in China:

The beginning of the reign of the Dog: February 16
2018 patron planet: Saturn
If you didn’t see it, then consider that you weren’t on New Year’s in China: lion dance
Spruce in Russia, in China: tangerine tree
New Year's paraphernalia: Red lanterns
The main dessert of the festive table: niangao rice cake
Main dish: roast duck or chicken
Mandatory ceremony: Launching firecrackers to scare away the monster Nian
Unquestioning Tradition: gathering of the whole family New Year's table
Traditional present: red envelope with money

Where to get adaptive wallpapers

In fact, on the pages of specialized sites you can find thousands of chic screen savers for your computer screen. These images are easy to print on a printer and do it yourself. original postcard Happy New Year. But the latest ones are not always free to download. Graphic designers do not give away their work for nothing, but amateurs insert hyperlinks to their resource. Therefore, we decided to throw out our creative inclinations and try to make New Year cards with 2018 with the help special applications. We hope that some of them will be able to look decent on the desktop of your PC, tablet or smartphone.

To download an image, follow the link below each gallery poster. Pictures are uploaded to Google. Disk, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection by viruses or malware. Thanks to special access, you will be able to use the sources without registering with Google, including viewing, selecting and downloading.

Gallery of Christmas pictures for PC monitor

Festive paraphernalia

Here are collected images that can defuse the work environment by providing the owner of a laptop pleasant experience. Warm Christmas motifs, snow-covered houses, bright new Year decoration, elegant Christmas tree, cozy design elements, traditional sweets and much more.

Fairy tale characters

For many, the New Year is associated with fairy tale characters. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Snowman, forest animals - these are the same heroes, without whom childhood would be unthinkable, and now they give positive emotions to our children.

Select Image

Dogs with congratulations 2018

As promised, we are posting a small gallery to the public funny dogs congratulations. These cute animals will become a "chip" of the desktop, moreover, the pictures can be printed on a printer and used as a postcard. It remains only to sign and put in a box with a gift. By the way, if you use designer paper or matte sheets increased density, then it will work real masterpiece polygraphy.

Upload pictures

Just funny dogs

The gallery has incorporated photos of shaggy pets against the background of holiday paraphernalia. Many of them look very funny, so positive emotions during work are guaranteed. Photos have a wide format and are perfect for any monitor.

Practical minimalism

Sometimes, bright and colorful pictures overshadow the icons on the desktop. They visually merge with folders, files and documents. To avoid this, you need to choose discreet options with a minimum content of graphics.

Beautiful New Year's cards great addition to the main gift. Until the beginning of 2018, designers and graphic editors have placed a lot of new pictures on the desktop, for congratulations by email. mail, social networks, instant messengers and phones. Many of them can be printed on a printer and make an original masterpiece that looks much more attractive than the purchased version.

A little about the symbol of 2018

Coming a year will pass under the umbrella of yellow earth dog. Yellow symbolizes wisdom, prosperity, joy, wealth, good luck and love of life. The element of earth is constancy, faith, honesty, stability and common sense. Therefore, the year of the Dog can become for each of us one of the most favorable for development. own business, promotion and success in all areas of life.

Also, the coming period will help lonely hearts to find a soul mate. Moreover, the dominant planet Saturn will help achieve the goal by rewarding its wards with such qualities as responsibility, perseverance, commitment, seriousness and reliability. As for the character of the patron of 2018, his best features are justice, reliability, generosity and honesty. But everyone is not without flaws, so negative qualities dogs are laziness and coldness.

And in conclusion, we offer you to find out some interesting facts about the celebration of the New Year in the heart of the oriental flavor - China:

The first day of the reign of the Dog: February 16
New Year translated from Chinese: Spring Festival
Holiday weekend duration: 15 days
Analogue of the old New Year: Lantern Festival
Instead of greeting card in China: red envelope with money
New Year's tree in China: tangerine tree
Without what the Chinese New Year is impossible: lion dance
Main traditions: meeting the whole family at the New Year's table, decorating the home with red lanterns, meeting New Year's Eve with the family, launching fireworks in the yard

Where to download new pictures Happy New Year 2018?

To find and download on PC for free exclusive postcard, it will take a lot of time and effort, because professional designers do not give away their work for nothing. In order to grab unique content, you need to wait for the holiday to come and, in the first days, “attack” thematic blogs with author's works. To be honest, this prospect is not very tempting. That's why funny postcards it is better to create it yourself with the help of graphic software. If you do not have time to master these programs, then our "modest" gallery is at your disposal.

By the way. The content of the collection is distributed by interests, age and preferences. You don't have to look for a "pig in a poke" ... everything is on a silver platter.

What can you find in our selection of New Year's cards?

  • Firstly, in order for the gallery to combine all the interests of users as much as possible, we “shoveled” a bunch of photo hosting sites, blogs, graphics repositories and just thematic sites, choosing the best content.
  • Secondly, our selection of postcards does not have a chaotic look. All pictures are sorted into sections. Before downloading, you can view each source in the browser and choose exactly what you like.
  • And thirdly, all images are from Google. Disk. This means that they are free of viruses and malware. Therefore, each user can be 100% sure that their device is safe.

Gallery of original pictures for congratulations

Download and print unique images: Year of the Dog 2018

To make it easier for you to search for thematic images with the symbol of 2018 the Dog, we created several sources with our own hands (using graphic tools). Do not judge strictly, as we are not specialists in this matter. But let's hope you enjoy our modest work.

Animated masterpieces of computer graphics

These pictures can be sent to email, telephone (MMS), in social network or messenger. Cinematographers will dilute the “boring” congratulations and cheer you up. Also, we have included in the selection a few animated dogs - the symbols of 2018.

Download animation

Beautiful adaptive wallpapers for your desktop

New Year's atmosphere should be in everything, even on a computer monitor. High quality pictures big size fit into any screen. Most of them are widescreen, but their display can be easily configured using standard PC tools.

Cool "congratulations" for youth

This collection is different. original images for teenagers, young boys and girls. Instead of traditional holiday paraphernalia, there are Plush Toys, hearts, funny pets, etc. And of course, Special attention given to dogs.

For Photoshop PSD

And in conclusion, we offer you to download a cool template for editing in a graphic editor.