3 trimester of pregnancy what is possible what not. Rules of conduct in the last period of pregnancy. What to exclude

The third trimester of pregnancy is a kind of home stretch. After all, the birth of the long-awaited baby is ahead. And during this period, a lot changes in a woman's body. After all, he is also preparing for.

Many women who are on last dates pregnancy, they say that it is in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy that they feel better. Indeed, this happens, but not with all pregnant women.

Most pregnant women may experience shortness of breath... And if it appeared earlier, then its strengthening is possible. This is due to the fact that the uterus becomes much larger in the third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, there is simply not enough space for the lungs of a pregnant woman to fully open during inhalation. Breathing will become easier when the uterus and the fetus descend into the pelvic area. This happens about 4 weeks before giving birth.

Also, for many women, the growing feeling of fatigue becomes a problem. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for a woman to adapt to her new body. After all, during these months there appeared overweight and the proportions of the body have changed significantly. All this prevents a pregnant woman from finding comfortable posture for sleep and relaxation. The cause of fatigue and sleep problems, sometimes reaching insomnia, may be psychological condition women.

Anxiety and worry are, of course, understandable.... Pregnancy is a difficult period in a woman's life, when she worries not only for herself, but also for the health of the unborn baby. The support of loved ones, and sometimes the professional help of a psychologist, will help to cope with experiences.

Also, due to an increase in body weight in the 3rd trimester by about six kilograms, pregnant women may suffer from impaired coordination of movements, awkwardness. Due to an increase in the size of the uterus and, accordingly, an increase in the force of its pressure, rather intense pain in the back and lower back can occur. Less commonly, pregnant women experience excessive mobility of the joints of the extremities.

Complications of the third trimester of pregnancy

The most common complication in the third trimester of pregnancy is bleeding. It can occur after significant physical exertion, intercourse, and sometimes even coughing. The reason is placenta previa or low placentation.

With these violations, the placenta reaches the cervix or is too close to uterine pharynx... Bleeding usually occurs suddenly, the woman does not experience pain, the blood is bright red.

If bleeding occurs, urgently seek medical attention! As a rule, bleeding at this time means premature detachment of the placenta. In the vast majority of cases, this condition does not harm the health of a pregnant woman and her baby, but the connection between them is broken.

Pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can usually be safely maintained, but instead natural childbirth a woman is undergoing a cesarean section.

Active movements of the baby can cause inconvenience to a pregnant woman. But it should really alert her long absence movements of the child. If the baby does not move for a long time in the womb, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist.

Of course, it will most likely turn out that the baby was just sleeping or resting. But it's always better to play it safe by making sure normal course pregnancy than risking your health and the life of your baby.

Unfortunately, sometimes a child dies in the womb and is still born. The reason for the tragedy is that the oxygen was blocked for the child due to the entanglement of the umbilical cord.

With prolonged pregnancy, as well as toxemia, leakage may occur amniotic fluid... This can lead to suffocation and death of the baby. In such cases, stimulation is usually given premature birth with the help of special medications.

Premature birth- this is not a miscarriage, namely childbirth, only earlier due date... For woman fundamental difference between regular and preterm labor, no. But for a child - a completely different matter! After all, the baby is not yet ready to be born. Its organs and systems are still underdeveloped to a normal level, so their correct functioning is still impossible.

For premature babies in hospitals there are special departments equipped with modern equipment... Thanks to competent work medical staff now the majority of even very premature babies are being safely nursed. So the parents in in this case can rely on doctors and believe in the best.

Dangerous days in the third trimester of pregnancy

Critical days for a pregnant woman are considered the periods in which the risk of her termination is highest. Experts believe that this dangerous period is common for women at risk.

Risk premature start childbirth is usually associated with normal physiological processes, which, under the influence of certain negative factors become pathological.

Doctors consider the period from week to week to be the most dangerous. The fact is that during this period of the third trimester, the uterus grows intensively.

Therefore, it is on these days that premature labor may begin, provoked by placental abruption, hormonal disruptions, isthmic - cervical insufficiency and late toxicosis (these are conditions such as preeclampsia and eclampsia that are dangerous to the health of women and the fetus).

Of course, all these words do not mean that something like this can happen to you and your child. As practice shows, pregnancy and childbirth in most women proceed quite normally.

Therefore, you should not be very afraid of various complications. You just need to listen to your body, be careful and attentive. If you have the slightest doubt about your health, it is better to consult a doctor. The most convenient thing to know mobile phone your doctor so that you can call and get advice at any time. And all will be well!

Pregnancy is a mysterious time for us. Frankly speaking, we can only guess what is happening to our "belly" by periodic taps, hiccups and rare ultrasound photographs that we carefully keep. What is going on under the canopy of the tummy and who is doing all this there? So, third, final trimester.

What is your baby like in the 3rd trimester?

Seventh month of pregnancy- this is the period of maturation of the senses in the future baby.

At 28 weeks, your baby is able to distinguish the finest shades of taste, her eyes open and close, she already hears you and the world around her well. Of course, the most important among all the noises for the "tummy" is the sound of a mother's heartbeat. It is on him that the baby is guided most of all, and if this rhythm does not jump and does not change, he feels safe. By the way, this "attachment" will continue after birth. The baby will easily calm down if you, taking him in your arms, put it to your left breast, thereby allowing you to listen to the familiar "melody". And if, along with the melody, and breast milk, then there will be no limit to the toddler's happiness!

It is in the seventh month of pregnancy that the baby begins to accumulate subcutaneous fatty tissue. especially active, his arms, legs, butt and all other parts of his body are slowly becoming plump, he is growing and gaining weight. But, of course, the matter is not limited to "external design", because in the seventh month of pregnancy a decisive stage in the development of the cerebral cortex begins, and, according to some doctors, a child at this age is already capable of thinking. The baby can already feel pain and reacts to it in almost the same way as a full-term baby.

Some changes also occur in the functioning of the main life-supporting system "mommy-placenta-baby", since the child begins to produce many biochemical substances himself (growth hormones, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, enzymes), metabolism is formed.

Between 28 and 32 weeks the baby is trying to show all her physical skills and, as long as the place in her mother's tummy allows, makes all kinds of pirouettes... For mommy, this activity becomes especially noticeable if the biorhythms of the "tummy" do not coincide with her own. By the way, according to observations, the mode of wakefulness and rest, which the baby sets for himself at this time, in most cases remains after birth!

Starting from the eighth month of pregnancy, the activity of the baby is slightly reduced, because the recovered toddler becomes cramped, and during these periods he tries to take the optimal position for his birth - head down, back to the left. If suddenly the baby does not turn around at these dates, you should not worry, because some toddlers manage to do this only shortly before giving birth.

The future man, like all of us, needs oxygen- with the only difference that he can only get it from mommy. So, to a large extent, its condition depends on how saturated your blood is with oxygen and other valuable substances. This is why it is still useful to do breathing exercises, walk at a slow measured pace in nature or relax under the shade of a tree, breathing with your whole "belly". But squeezing clothes, holding your breath and heavy physical exertion must be avoided, since, by disrupting your breathing, they reduce the supply of oxygen to the child.

Only by the eighth month of pregnancy, the baby's lungs are finally ready for spontaneous breathing, and their maturity is determined by the presence of surfactan in the alveoli - a specific substance, without which the numerous alveoli of the lung cannot expand and breathe. Between the 36th and 40th weeks, the baby gains its final weight and height, and the primary lanugo fluff disappears from it. Although on shoulders, arms and legs, it can still persist in the first days - weeks after birth. Nails grow on the fingers. The baby is trying to hone her breathing and therefore is actively practicing swallowing movements, and also trains her legs, moves her head and blinks actively.
If the baby is ready for birth, her body begins to produce oxytocin and prostaglandins, which stimulate contractions and actually start labor.

A future mom can and should be in the 3rd trimester

Take care of your physical health and carry out special complex exercises for expectant mothers (for the 3rd trimester). You can do water aerobics or just swim in the pool, which allows you to relax, relieve the spine (your tummy weighs practically nothing in the water), and also improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery to the baby. In addition, it is possible to pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the vagina and perineum with Kegel exercises.

Eat well and well, considering that by the beginning of the third trimester, the baby is practically formed. For the remaining period of time, he will have to dial muscle mass, increasing it 3-5 times by the time of birth. Therefore, the expectant mother should pay special attention to the sufficient consumption of foods rich in protein (provided that the mother does not have constipation); low-fat cottage cheese, dairy and sour milk products, fish, meat. But it is better not to abuse plant protein products such as beans, peas and other legumes so as not to provoke the development of constipation.

Use preventive compression hosiery(pressure up to 20 mm Nd), which will support the veins, thereby reducing the risk of varicose veins. But if you decide to take a nap for an hour or just lie around, it is better to take off the jersey.

Do not sit for long periods. If there is no other way out, get up and walk at least once an hour.

Wear a bandage. With the growth of the uterus, the muscles of the abdominal wall are overstretched, it becomes difficult to move. Wearing a bandage helps to cope with the problem.

Necessary spend 2-3 hours daily on fresh air.

Starting from the 3rd trimester, the condition of the fetus and the work of its heart are monitored using cardiotocography. This research is absolutely safe for the child. From this recording of your baby's heartbeats and movements, the doctor concludes how comfortable the baby is.

Another ultrasound is awaiting you ahead (with the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy given number can be increased). At 32-36 weeks, an ultrasound scan will help the doctor assess the baby's position, condition and growth rate. In addition, the doctor will assess the amount of amniotic fluid, the structure of the placenta, its thickness, the degree of maturity and, if necessary, correct the condition of the future mother, select the best option... At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is necessary in order to prepare you and the doctors for the upcoming "meeting" with the newborn. To do this, the position of the fetus, placenta and umbilical cord is determined, the state of the placenta and the weight of the unborn child are examined, which will help to choose the optimal and safe way conducting childbirth. In addition, at the 28th week, moms with negative rhesus factor your doctor may recommend that you start taking special medications. It is also worth taking a number of tests, including a test for the level of iron in the blood.

The expectant mother needs in the 3rd trimester

Take vitamin and mineral complexes, because, as in the first and second trimesters, your diet is unable to meet the double need for useful substances... By the way, after the birth of a baby, you should not forget about additional useful support either, because up to 5-6 months, the child will have to receive the entire set of vitamins and minerals only from your milk.

What is forbidden for a future mom in the 3rd trimester

Have sex if you have multiple pregnancies, have presentation, premature aging placenta, a gradual opening of the cervix began, the mucous plug came off. In addition, a condom should be used during intercourse from week 32 onwards. Strokes in semen can lead to premature labor and childbirth.

Overeat(do not console yourself with the thought that you are eating for two). It is permissible to add no more than 300 - 350 g per week. Your liquid norm is -1-1.5 liters per day, including soups and dairy products. Do not get carried away with black tea, as it contains caffeine and removes calcium from the body.

Smoking and drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited., since poisonous products of tobacco smoke and wine alcohol pass through the placental barrier and can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

Wear tight clothing and thongs, high-heeled shoes.

Take long hot baths, visit the sauna and bath.

All sports involving tension, with sharp turns or kicks.

Flights by plane from 7 months. Beware of jolts and jolts on trains or cars. In the last 2 months of pregnancy, it is better not to move away from the place of birth.

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What happens to the baby at this time, what problems may the expectant mother have and how to avoid them?

The last trimester begins at the 29th week of pregnancy and continues until delivery. A period of 28 weeks is considered the border between the second and third trimesters, because if a child is born after 28 weeks, he reaches a weight of more than 1000 g, a height of more than 35 cm and, with appropriate nursing and treatment, acquires a high chance of later life and development outside the womb. Since the load on the woman's body in the last trimester is maximum, the risk of developing various complications pregnancy.

3rd trimester of pregnancy: fetal development

During the third trimester, the fetus becomes large enough, so it can no longer easily and repeatedly change its position in the uterine cavity. In response to fetal movements, the uterus may come into a short-term tone: in this way, it guides the baby so that he is located head down - in a cephalic presentation, since it is in this position that it will be easiest for him to overcome the birth canal. The final position of the fetus is formed, as a rule, by 34–35 weeks of pregnancy, since after this period the uterus becomes too cramped to significantly change the position.

7 month. At 29–32 weeks of gestation, baby is coming active improvement nervous system: a myelin protective sheath is formed around the nerve fibers, the brain is actively developing - the number and depth of convolutions increases. At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus has already functioning sensory organs: he hears sounds and distinguishes the mother's voice, feels the taste, is able to see and touch!

By 32 weeks of gestation, subcutaneous adipose tissue, folds on the skin are straightened, the structure of the fetus's body becomes more proportional due to a decrease in the size of the head relative to the body and limbs. The development of internal organs reaches enough high level: in the lungs there is an accumulation of surfactant - a surfactant that covers the pulmonary alveoli from the inside and does not allow them to collapse on exhalation. The pancreas already secretes the hormone insulin, which is responsible for normalizing blood glucose levels. The structure of the liver and kidneys is finally formed. By the end of 32 weeks, there is a significant increase in fetal weight due to the active accumulation of fat: the child's body weight reaches 1700 g, his height is 40–41 cm.

8 month. From 33 to 36 weeks of gestation, fetal growth is at an active pace, average increase weight is 28 g per day - about 1?% of body weight! On the fingers and toes, marigolds have grown, on the hands they reach the tips of the fingers, on the legs until they reach the end of the nail phalanges. The baby already has well-developed swallowing, sucking and breathing reflexes. Being in the uterus, he actively swallows amniotic fluid, of which up to 500 ml of urine per day is formed in the kidneys. The fetus urinates in the amniotic fluid, thus taking part in their production. The whole body of the baby is abundantly covered with cheese-like grease, and the amount of vellus hair (lanugo) gradually decreases, the cartilage of the nose and ears acquire elasticity. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The fetus already has an individual rhythm of periods of sleep and activity, which, unfortunately, does not always coincide with mother's. By the end of the 36th week of pregnancy, the baby's height reaches 45–48 cm, weight - 2400–2500 g.

9 month. During the last month of pregnancy (37–40 weeks), the processes of fetal maturation are completed, it is already finally ready for life outside the womb. By the time of birth, the baby reaches a maximum weight and height, which can vary significantly: the weight of the fetus at birth can be from 2500 to 4500 g, height - from 45 to 55 cm and more. Such significant differences can be explained, firstly, by the peculiarities of the constitution of the parents of the unborn child: all people have different physique, height and weight, which, of course, will be inherited by the child. In addition, the "size" of the baby may be due to different features the course of pregnancy, since the level of functioning of the placenta largely depends on this, and therefore, the intensity of the provision of the fetus nutrients necessary for its full growth and development.

By the end of pregnancy, the baby occupies the entire uterine cavity, and, since it becomes cramped for him, the nature of fetal movements changes: they become less amplitude, more resembling jerks with legs and arms. At this time, much less large-amplitude movements are observed - turns, overturns, so some pregnant women begin to worry about a decrease in the motor activity of the fetus. In fact, there is no reason for concern: with a full-term pregnancy, this is normal. Usually, the intensity of fetal movements increases in the evening.

In the last month of pregnancy, the amount of cheese-like lubricant on the skin of the fetus decreases, vellus hair - lanugo - practically disappears, remaining only in insignificant amount on a hanger. Since the processes of preparation for childbirth begin in the mother's body, the presenting part - the head or pelvic end of the fetus - descends and presses against the entrance to the small pelvis.

By the time of birth, the baby acquires signs of maturity, which indicate the degree of readiness for existence outside the womb:

  • the weight of a mature child is on average 3200–3400 g, height is on average 50–53 cm (fluctuations are possible in the direction of both increasing and decreasing the above average statistical parameters);
  • in boys, the testicles are descended into the scrotum, in girls, the labia majora cover the small ones;
  • the chest of the fetus is convex, the umbilical ring is located in the middle of the distance between the bosom and the navel;
  • a layer of subcutaneous fat is well developed, the nails reach the edge of the fingers;
  • ear and nasal cartilage is quite elastic.

3rd trimester: expectant mother

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the woman's body experiences significant stress, since the fetus becomes quite large. In this regard, the pregnant uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs... The fundus of the uterus "supports" the diaphragm, and it can be difficult for a woman to take a deep breath, to fully expand her lungs. The large uterus puts more and more significant pressure on bladder, which forces the expectant mother to frequent the toilet and wake up several times a night to urinate. Compression of large vessels abdominal cavity complicates venous outflow from lower limbs, which leads to the development of a feeling of heaviness in the legs, the appearance of edema at the end of the day.

The mother-to-be becomes less mobile, as a large belly does not allow for movements that were easily performed before pregnancy. The softening of the ligaments, due to the influence of the pregnancy hormones progesterone and relaxin, increases the likelihood of twisting the legs and even falling, which requires increased caution from the expectant mother.

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the weight gain is approximately 7–8? Kg, and by the time of delivery, another 4–5? Kg will be added. Thus, the total body weight gain during pregnancy is 10–12 kg. If there was a weight deficit before pregnancy, then the gain can reach 15 kg.

The large size of the uterus, as well as an increase in the motor activity of the fetus in the evening and at night, which is observed quite often and is not a sign of pathology, are the cause of sleep disturbances in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Future baby becomes so large that its movements can not only be felt, but also seen, since through the front abdominal wall every now and then little knees or elbows stick out. The large size of the fetus can cause painful sensations at the time of movement. To avoid this, the pregnant woman needs to change her body position, take a comfortable posture. Weight gain, large abdomen are often the cause of back pain in the expectant mother.

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, the woman is issued a paid prenatal and postpartum leave which lasts 70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery. If the birth of twins is expected, then the vacation begins earlier - from 28 weeks.

After leaving maternity leave the expectant mother has time to prepare for the arrival of a new family member. In addition, a sign of the third trimester is the narrowing of the range of interests of a pregnant woman: she is worried about issues related to bearing, giving birth and raising a baby, her social circle is closed on the same expectant mothers. Friends and acquaintances with whom the woman communicated before the onset of pregnancy fade into the background for a while. A peculiar manifestation of the change in the range of interests is the so-called “nesting” syndrome, in which there is a pronounced motivation for arranging a children's room - repairing, buying furniture, as well as purchasing a dowry and toys for the baby. These changes are due to hormonal changes and are a necessary adaptive mechanism contributing to the creation best conditions for nursing a baby after birth.

By 37–38 weeks in the body of a pregnant woman, processes are launched aimed at preparing for childbirth, which are due to a change hormonal background... Progesterone, which "reigned" throughout pregnancy, is replaced by the hormones estrogens, the synthesis of which is significantly increased when the fetus reaches a sufficient degree of readiness for extrauterine life. Under the influence of estrogens, the tone of the uterus increases: so-called training contractions, or Braxton-Hicks contractions appear, which are characterized by irregularity and are practically painless. Under the influence of estrogens, the cervix begins to "mature": the cervix shortens, softens, opens up the cervical canal, which is manifested by the discharge of a mucous plug - a lump of mucus, sometimes with small streaks of blood. The expectant mother is developing a "dominant of childbirth", which is manifested by the desire to give birth to a baby as soon as possible, all interests are aimed at expecting childbirth and preparing for it.

When all the processes of preparation for childbirth are completed, the level of estrogen reaches its "peak", under the influence of the precursors secreted by the fetus ready for extrauterine existence, the synthesis of prostaglandins begins in the mother's body, which triggers regular labor.

3rd trimester of pregnancy: possible complications

Since in the third trimester the body of the expectant mother is under the maximum load, in the presence of predisposing factors or concomitant chronic diseases, rather serious complications of pregnancy are possible. It is necessary to know about them, since early diagnosis and timely treatment significantly improves the prognosis for the mother and fetus.

Gestosis. This condition, which is also called preeclampsia, nephropathy or late toxicosis, is one of the most serious complications of pregnancy, which is completely cured after delivery.

The clinical manifestations of preeclampsia are edema, which at first may not be obvious and manifest only pathological increase body weight - more than 350 g per week, the appearance of protein in the urine - proteinuria (normally protein is not detected in the urine) and an increase blood pressure... The causes and mechanisms of the formation of preeclampsia, despite the active study of this complication, are still not fully known. It was found that risk factors for the development of preeclampsia are chronic diseases, against the background of which pregnancy has occurred; kidney diseases are of primary importance here, hypertonic disease, diabetes etc. The likelihood of gestosis increases in pregnant women younger than 18 or older than 35 years, with multiple pregnancy, hereditary predisposition to this condition, as well as in primiparous.

Gestosis is dangerous because it is the cause of the development of complications that threaten the life of the mother and fetus. The most severe of these is eclampsia, an attack of seizures with loss of consciousness that occurs as a result of cerebral edema. One of the typical complications of gestosis is premature detachment a normally located placenta, in which the placenta is separated from the wall of the uterus not after the birth of the fetus, as is normal, but when it is in the uterus. This leads to development internal bleeding, and in severe cases - to intrauterine fetal death, the development of massive blood loss in the mother. Also, with gestosis, severe disturbances in the work of internal organs can develop - acute renal, respiratory, liver failure, etc.

In view of the danger of gestosis, the treatment of this complication is carried out only in an obstetric hospital. In number treatment measures includes the creation of a therapeutic and protective regime, magnesia therapy, means for lowering blood pressure. With development severe forms preeclampsia or lack of effect from treatment in the interests of the life of the mother and the fetus, early delivery is carried out.

Placental insufficiency. This is the name for a violation of the normal functioning of the placenta, in which it does not fully perform one or more of its functions - respiratory, barrier, immunological, nutritional. The most pronounced manifestations placental insufficiency are fetal hypoxia resulting from impaired respiratory function of the placenta, and fetal growth retardation syndrome - impaired nutritional function. This condition is a consequence of a number of complications of pregnancy, such as preeclampsia, for a long time present threat termination of pregnancy, wrong location placenta, etc. The causes of placental insufficiency can be chronic diseases, against which this pregnancy: hypertension, chronic anemia, diabetes mellitus, kidney pathology, - and bad habits such as smoking, and adverse social conditions.

Placental insufficiency leads to chronic hypoxia fetus - insufficient supply of oxygen and essential nutrients. In case of violation of the nutritional function of the placenta, fetal growth retardation syndrome (FGRP) is formed, that is, the growth and weight of the fetus lags behind the average norms characteristic of a certain period of pregnancy. Diagnosis of this complication is carried out by ultrasound in combination with Doppler analysis - a study of blood flow in the uteroplacental circulation system. For the treatment of placental insufficiency and FGRP, drugs are prescribed that improve uteroplacental blood circulation: ACTOVEGIN, INSTENON, KURANTIL, etc. sedatives, multivitamin complexes.

Dyspnea. It is a feeling of shortage of breath resulting from a disturbance in the depth, frequency, or rhythm of breathing. Typical for women chest type breathing, in which breathing movements are carried out mainly due to the movement of the chest and diaphragm - the muscular septum between the chest and abdominal cavities. In the third trimester, the bottom of the uterus is so high that it begins to press on the diaphragm, which prevents good expansion of the lungs on exhalation, so breathing becomes less deep, but compensatory more frequent for the mother and fetus to fully supply the body with oxygen.

In pregnant women, shortness of breath can occur at rest, especially when lying on the back, due to increased pressure of the fundus on the diaphragm, increasing with physical activity and against a background of stress. Fortunately, shortness of breath is a temporary phenomenon, since at the end of pregnancy, about 2 weeks before childbirth, under the influence of preparatory processes for childbirth, the head of the fetus sinks to the entrance to the pelvis, and the expectant mother clearly feels relief of breathing.

To prevent shortness of breath, you need to avoid overfilling the stomach, stay in stuffy and smoky rooms, lie only on your side. If shortness of breath persists after rest, it is accompanied by pathological symptoms: cyanosis - blue in the face skin, pain in chest etc., - it can be a sign serious illnesses lungs or cardiovascular pathology, therefore, in this case, you should immediately consult an obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist.

Insomnia. Sleep disorders are frequent complication, darkening the course of pregnancy. Insomnia can manifest itself in different options- in violation of falling asleep, too light sleep, frequent awakenings with inability to fall asleep again. The reasons for this condition in pregnant women are varied: these are fetal movements, and uncomfortable posture while sleeping due large sizes abdomen, and frequent awakening at night to go to the toilet. At the end of pregnancy, training contractions and anxiety about the upcoming birth can be added to this list.

To get good sleep, you need to be comfortable. sleeping place; special pillows for pregnant women will help to do this, with which it is very convenient to sleep on your side. Before going to bed, it is good to take a walk for 30 minutes in the fresh air, take warm shower, ventilate the bedroom. About the application medications that improve sleep, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as many sleeping pills contraindicated during pregnancy. The use of herbal preparations is possible.

Constipation. This nuisance is a frequent and rather typical pregnancy companion. The appearance of constipation in expectant mothers, even if they have never encountered this problem before waiting for the baby, is due to the relaxing effect of the pregnancy hormone progesterone not only on the muscles of the uterus, but also on the smooth muscles of the intestines, as well as other hollow organs - the esophagus, ureters, bladder etc. Constipation may be accompanied by a feeling of bloating, bitterness and unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, a feeling of fullness in the intestines.

To combat constipation, first of all, you need food with a sufficient content of fiber, which, swelling, activates peristalsis and bowel emptying. Cereals, vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkins, beets, apples, zucchini, etc.), prunes and dried apricots, coarse bread are rich in fiber. Fermented milk products - kefir, bifidok, curdled milk have a good laxative effect. To prevent constipation, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of liquid - at least 1200-1500 ml per day. Second important point to help cope with constipation is sufficient physical activity- outdoor walks, gymnastics, swimming, etc.

If non-drug methods are ineffective, sometimes it is necessary to resort to the appointment of laxatives, but this can be done only after consulting a doctor: many drugs that increase intestinal motility are contraindicated during pregnancy, as they also increase the contractile activity of the uterus.

Phlebeurysm. During pregnancy, conditions are created to obstruct venous outflow. This happens, firstly, due to the weakening vascular wall under the influence of hormones, secondly, due to a significant increase in the volume of circulating blood, which reaches 2000–2500 ml by the end of pregnancy, and thirdly, due to the obstruction of venous outflow from the lower extremities due to compression of the vessels of the abdominal cavity by the enlarged uterus. By virtue of the reasons listed many expectant mothers are faced with leg edema, which worsens in the evening, with pain and heaviness in the lower extremities, leg cramps, and the appearance of knotty protruding bluish veins on the legs.

Prevention measures for varicose veins in pregnant women are wearing compression hosiery- special tights and stockings that support the vessels of the legs in good shape; the doctor will tell you their size. Must be worn comfortable shoes on a low steady heel, as well as to exclude prolonged static loads - standing on your feet, motionless sitting in one position. It is especially undesirable to sit cross-legged. For the prevention of varicose veins in the evening, you need to lie down with raised legs for at least 30-40 minutes (they can be put on a pillow), take a cool foot bath.

Medical treatment of varicose veins is carried out only after agreement with an obstetrician-gynecologist, phlebologist or therapist.

Fundamental rules

  • Since in the last trimester of pregnancy, the load on almost all organs and systems increases, monitoring the condition of the expectant mother becomes more thorough: up to 30 weeks it is necessary to see a doctor once every two weeks, after 40 weeks - weekly.
  • It is necessary to organize food properly - eat 5-6 times a day in small portions: 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. It will reduce the feeling of fullness in the stomach, heartburn, and shortness of breath. Food should contain fiber - vegetables, fruits, cereals, grain bread.
  • It's time to take care of the choice maternity hospital... You need to find out in advance whether the maternity hospital you have chosen will close for a planned "wash", what rules and conditions are there for partner childbirth... Preparing in advance will help you avoid force majeure circumstances in the development of labor, even if it happens unexpectedly, and will also contribute to calmness and confidence in a favorable pregnancy outcome.
  • Preparation for childbirth takes time, so if you are not attending school for expectant mothers yet, do not leave it for the last weeks - you may not have time to complete the entire course. It is possible that the maternity hospital of your choice has courses on preparation for childbirth.
  • To train the muscles of the perineum, do Kegel exercises daily: they are an excellent prevention of tears during labor, increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles.
  • For a period of 34–36 weeks, the doctor antenatal clinic will examine you on the gynecological chair, take a smear for examination and determine the indications for treatment in case of detection of pathological microflora of the vagina before childbirth. At 30 weeks, you will be assigned a general and biochemical analysis blood, a study of blood sugar levels, coagulogram - a study of blood coagulation.
  • At 34–36 weeks of pregnancy, the third compulsory ultrasound, which determines the compliance of the size of the fetus with the gestational age, its position in the uterus, the localization and structure of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, are identified possible deviations that could not be diagnosed for more early dates... With ultrasound, dopplerometry is performed - a study that determines the state of blood flow in the vessels of the uteroplacental circulation, which makes it possible to identify signs of fetal hypoxia.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, cardiotocography (CTG) is used to determine the intrauterine state of the baby - registration of the fetal cardiac activity, which is usually prescribed after 32 weeks of pregnancy. This simple and informative method allows you to diagnose symptoms in a timely manner. oxygen starvation- hypoxia - and take appropriate measures. Under normal flow pregnancy CTG is recorded 2–3 times per pregnancy, in the presence of complications, the question of the frequency of studies is decided individually.
  • After 38 weeks, all things and documents should be ready, as hospitalization may be required at any time. It is especially important not to forget the documents - exchange card, passport, medical policy, generic certificate and a labor contract (if any).

Another important task is to correctly assemble a bag for a maternity hospital, without taking unnecessary things and not forgetting what is necessary. Until 37–38 weeks, you need to think about what things you will need, and purchase what is missing, make a list. It is best to put your belongings in a new plastic bag, as cloth bags v maternity hospital may not be accepted due to the strict sanitary-epidemic regime.

One of the most pleasant moments the final trimester of pregnancy is preparation baby dowry, fortunately, at present the choice of clothes, furniture, accessories for newborns is simply huge. V this issue the main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion. A common mistake future parents is the excessive acquisition of children's things; some of them may not wait for their intended use. Do not forget that after the birth of the baby, many things will be donated, so get necessary minimum, a desired gifts for a newborn can be discussed with friends and family after childbirth.

Waiting for the birth of a baby is probably the most exciting period in the life of any woman. And if at first after conception the expectant mother experienced a lot unpleasant moments, which were associated with changes in her body, then later she simply enjoyed her new state. However, the third trimester of pregnancy is a crucial period when a woman has almost come to finish line, the crossing of which means the birth of her baby.

Third trimester - which weeks apply to it

Doctors still cannot say for sure which week this period begins. There are several ways to calculate the trimesters, which indicate the degree of development of the baby. We can say for sure that the third - last trimester pregnancy is the longest and it is at this time that the baby is gaining body weight, it is improving respiratory system.

In some classifications, the weeks of the third trimester of pregnancy begin at 24 weeks, in others at 28, and sometimes even at 25 or 26 and end with subsequent births. But all these differences in the timing of the onset of the trimester vary within one month.

The main dance of the third trimester from the first two is that if the baby is born early, then with proper care, he will be able to survive. Whereas his "appearance" earlier than 12 weeks is considered a miscarriage, and at the end of the second trimester he will still be unviable.

Possible diseases in the third trimester

Since the uterus has significantly increased in size during the entire period of bearing the child, at the beginning of 7 months it already supports the diaphragm and makes it difficult for the expectant mother to breathe. She also puts pressure on internal organs, preventing them from functioning normally, as a result of which a woman may experience and.

By the end of the eighth month, when the fetus goes down and does not press on the diaphragm, the expectant mother will get rid of shortness of breath, but now the uterus will press on the bladder. As a result, at the end of pregnancy, the woman experiences quite frequent urge to urinate.

One of dangerous problems, which may appear in the expectant mother, is gestosis in the third trimester of pregnancy, which can be easily recognized by edema, high blood pressure and seizures. However, there is also latent form gestosis, when an increase in pressure and edema is not noticeable, but late toxicosis appears or headache... At timely treatment will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences this disease, therefore, if the slightest discomfort occurs, it is imperative to consult with your attending physician, who will make the correct diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe medication.

Strongly grown in recent times stomach, can provoke the appearance of pain in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant mother begins to worry about the lower back or back.

It's pretty frequent occurrence which takes place in the third trimester. At the beginning of this period, these may be false training contractions that pass on their own. At the end of the third trimester, such pain can be a harbinger of premature birth, so it is imperative to tell your doctor about all the changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman.

Approximately 2-3 weeks, and in some women and 3 days before delivery, the mucous plug, in which there are observed bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy, which may mean early start childbirth. After some time, the woman will begin to have contractions, which at first will be short-lived and almost painless, but gradually their strength and duration will increase.

Changes in the female body in the last trimester

By the beginning of the third trimester, a woman gains about 7-10 kg in weight and her belly increases significantly in size. But until the very birth, the baby will still grow vigorously, so the mother's weight will increase even more. Due to too large a belly, a pregnant woman begins to experience some inconvenience - the gait becomes "duck", it is more difficult to find a comfortable position while sitting or lying.

But during this period, you should not spend a lot of time in a sitting or lying position, since the baby can grow too large, which will significantly complicate the course of childbirth and sometimes you even have to resort to caesarean section... In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to walk more, to lead active image life and then childbirth will take place naturally.

How to relieve a pregnant woman

In order to cope with heartburn, you need to take the following measures:
  1. Eat often, but in small portions;
  2. After each meal, stay upright for a while;
  3. Sleep half-sitting.
To eliminate constipation, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and also observe special diet... A pregnant woman needs to include bran and products containing them in her diet. Just 3-4 tablespoons of bran in the morning will help to cope with constipation and avoid recurrence.

In order for future childbirth to be successful, it is imperative to prepare for them in the third trimester. To do this, you need to perform breathing exercises, because correct breathing help reduce pain during labor. And special ones will help to reduce pain in the lower back and back, significantly alleviating the condition of the expectant mother.

In order for the third trimester of pregnancy to end on time, and not much earlier, several simple rules... First, there is no need to strain too much physically and mentally. The expectant mother should observe the daily regimen, eat right, regularly visit her attending physician and follow all his recommendations. In case of complications, the doctor will notice the problem and help the woman get rid of it. Also, in the third trimester, the doctor may prescribe stimulation of premature birth if the expectant mother develops some diseases that can harm her baby.

It is important to know, especially when you consider that this period in itself is very important for the expectant mother. The third trimester is a final trait that brings a lot of surprises, hassles, and sometimes problems. The baby is about to appear! There is very little left.

What has he prepared for the future mother? What should she prepare for? All this can be found below. After all, this is very important process, especially at the very end and beginning.


In general, those who have ever come across an "interesting situation" are aware of some bewilderments of future young mothers who have just registered and are trying to determine what week they are. The point is that there are two options for the development of events. Which ones?

Wondering what week of pregnancy does the third trimester start from? Then keep in mind: your data and the doctor's indications will differ. For about 2 weeks. After all, there is the so-called obstetric term and embryonic. They influence the readings. This means that they will not match. It can be difficult to answer which week of pregnancy the 3rd trimester begins. But probably.


Most often, in order not to confuse and frighten a woman, it is customary to take into account both options. The first step is to pay attention to the obstetric term. It is extremely important for setting the PDD (the approximate date when you will have to give birth). Of course, it will take place in the third trimester.

The obstetric rate depends on your period. It is counted from the beginning of the last critical days... If you believe this indicator, then you can answer the question of which week the third trimester of pregnancy begins on your own, without the testimony and conclusions of a doctor. What will be the answer? The third trimester is, as you might guess, 27 weeks. It is from this period that you enter the home stretch with such a long and important process.


But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. It has already been said that there are two options. In the first case, obstetric, you can do without the help of doctors and determine everything yourself. But in the second, embryonic, only the examination of the gynecologist, as well as the conclusion of the ultrasound, will give you the result. And accurate.

So, for example, be prepared for a mismatch between obstetric and embryonic term pregnancy. it normal phenomenon, it never happens that they match. In practice, the second indicator exceeds the first by about 2 weeks. After all, as a rule, conception occurs on the day of ovulation (from here the countdown of the development of the embryo begins). It happens closer to the middle of the cycle, on average after 14 days.

What week of pregnancy does the 3rd trimester begin in this case? Only your doctor will answer you, who observes the difference between obstetric and last menstruation) the final stage of your baby's development is already beginning. But the immediate beginning of the 3rd trimester for the mother remains the same - from the 27th week.

Attention, childbirth

So we have decided on when the pregnancy can be called almost complete. Only now is it worth understanding the features of this period of time. There are a lot of them, much more than at the very beginning of the path of bearing the fetus.

What week does the third trimester of pregnancy start from? As it was already found out: with obstetric period - from 27 weeks from the day of the last menstruation, and with embryonic - from about 25. There is nothing difficult in this. Orientation will be more in the first indicator, it is on him that both women and doctors are leveled.

The fact is that already at the beginning of the third trimester, you may have labor! Approximately this phenomenon is called spontaneous miscarriage or similar generic process, premature. If the child is developing normally, nothing bothers you, you should not panic too much. The baby will be born in a natural way, just until a certain moment he will be in intensive care, connected to special devices that will help a newborn who is not yet fully formed to go out. Quite rare, but it does happen. Usually, your doctor will warn you about the risk of premature birth.


We have already found out from what week the third trimester of pregnancy begins. Moreover, already at the beginning of this period, one may encounter such a phenomenon as childbirth. But, as already noted, this does not happen so often. Therefore it is worth considering typical situation, wherein future mother equals to the PDR.

The third trimester of pregnancy becomes a huge headache for women. Why? Already from 27-28 weeks and up to 30 inclusive (and this is about a month) you will be driven to the doctors. Regular examinations and analyzes! You cannot do with urine alone.

The third trimester is remembered for many by running around the doctors. First, you need to donate blood for a variety of hormones. Not too critical, but sometimes unpleasant. Secondly, gynecological smears according to indications. Thirdly, the passage of narrow specialists. This moment able to unsettle even the calmest pregnant woman. Very often it is narrow specialists(for example, a therapist) begin to raise unnecessary panic around a woman in a position, prescribe a lot additional analyzes and research, due to which the future woman in labor is not able to sign an exchange card at the hospital and conclude an agreement. But this is inevitable, you have to be patient. When the tests are passed, and the doctors have passed, you will finally be given recommendations for delivery.


We have already figured out which week of pregnancy the third trimester begins. Or from 27, or from 25. It all depends on what kind of term you had in mind - obstetric or embryonic. But now one more question that worries some quite seriously: "How many months are these?"

It is easy to guess (and count too) that the third trimester begins at the 7th month of pregnancy. And it lasts for 9 inclusive. Therefore, many consider the periods of flow " interesting situation"not in weeks, but in months. It's much easier than specifying obstetric and fetal periods.

From now on, we know when the third trimester of pregnancy begins. Moreover, now it is clear what you can morally tune and prepare for, especially if you are not too fond of taking tests and going to doctors.

The final stage

What else can be said about the features that await future mom during the specified period? For example, do not forget that childbirth that is normal for the development of the fetus, but not entirely suitable for the mother and doctors, is not excluded. Also premature, but resuscitation is no longer required.

The point is that it is important to know at what time the third trimester of pregnancy begins, because of the likelihood of giving birth during this period. The question is different - when will they start. Very premature and dangerous, equated to a miscarriage, occur at 28 weeks, but just premature babies are born at 36. This is normal.

Nevertheless, it is generally accepted by doctors that the body is completely ready for childbirth by 38 obstetric week... And such childbirth is normal. As practice shows, from 38 to 40 weeks they will definitely take place. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the expiration of the full embryonic term. This is not the most common occurrence, but it does occur. Now it is clear from which week of pregnancy the third trimester begins. Get ready for this period! Start collecting bags for the hospital!