Who blesses the newlyweds. Blessing the young with icons. What icon is needed to bless the newlyweds

It is no exaggeration to say that a wedding is the day that will be remembered for a lifetime. That is why it is so important to take a very responsible attitude to the organization of the event with all your heart. However, a wedding is not only about guests, a beautifully decorated hall, rich food and dancing. For example, the bride's parents should not forget that their daughter is starting to new segment life, many worries and difficulties await her. Today, not everyone decides to get married in a church, so the blessing before the wedding becomes so important. These are not just the words of parents, but parting words containing positive energy, which will give the newlywed self-confidence and success in family life. How to bless your daughter before the wedding? We will talk about this.

Proper preparation for the ceremony

If you do not know how to bless your daughter for marriage, but with all your heart you want to do it, start with the preparations. You will need:

  • special words (think them over in advance, write them down and learn);
  • a towel with which you will pick up the icon (towel);
  • the icon itself (about which one to take, read below).

Take special care when speaking of blessing. It doesn't have to be long. Wish your daughter and her chosen one family well-being, peace of mind and understanding. Let the words also sound about what you need to support, understand each other, give in, look for a compromise. Ideally, you should make several options in order to choose the most successful and sincere one later.

Choosing an icon for a blessing

Not every mother is aware of how to bless her daughter before the wedding, but this does not mean that you can go and buy any icon on the “because it is necessary” principle. This is fundamentally the wrong approach. For example, in ancient times, without the correct blessing, young people could not marry, this was considered a terrible sin... The icon was generally given great value... It was believed that the mother should accompany her daughter on the family journey with the icon that she herself was blessed with in her time. Unfortunately, today not everyone has such an opportunity. But if you are doing something from the heart, then do it right. What icon is the daughter blessed with? The answer is simple - you need an image of the Kazan Mother of God. Go to church and buy it. It is advisable to preserve the icon, because it will carry tremendous power, and then your daughter can bless her children with it.

What else does the mother of the bride need to know?

The future mother-in-law can ask the priest about how to bless her daughter before the wedding. You will still go to church for an icon. What will he advise? Go to the face of the Virgin, light a candle, pray, ask for happiness for your daughter. The main thing is to sincerely believe that mother is blessing her so imperceptibly matured baby for a good deed. At home, on the wedding day, take the purchased icon (only with a towel, in no case with your bare hands!), Bless your daughter long marriage... We talked about what kind of speech to make. Special, special words no, everything should tell your heart.

The father must not be silent either

The future father-in-law should also know how to bless his daughter before the wedding, because without his words, the mother's parting words do not have the necessary strength. However, it is the mother of the bride who speaks first. And she also holds the icon. Men, as a rule, are laconic, but the father still has to tell his daughter that he is blessing her for this marriage, that he wants her to be happy. family path... When parents say their parting word, they need to kiss their daughter, then her chosen one. By this they make it clear that they accept him into the family as their own son.

A few more words about the ceremony

As you already understood, the whole blessing process takes place directly on the wedding day, before going to the registry office, but after the groom has paid the ransom. All this is done in the home for the bride, because there, beyond the threshold, a new life will begin. After parenting speeches the young ones kneel on a towel (that is, at this moment you will need another such accessory). Mom should cross the couple with the icon three times, then the bride and groom kiss the image in turn, cross themselves. It is desirable that during this process there is silence in the room, and only the persons mentioned are here.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this rite. The main thing is sincerity in words, because more than anything in the world you want your daughter to be happy, so that the house, as they say, was a full cup. Don't worry, don't panic, you know everything. And if you suddenly forgot something, then your heart will tell you, because you are giving your daughter in marriage and wish her the very best. And then give the icon to the young people at home, let it bring them health, success and happiness, because it contains the energy of all your words and wishes. And later, when they bless their children for family life, it will certainly be useful to them, but the energy of the image will already be much stronger, because it contains your parting words.

Anna Kambour June 18, 2018

Wedding is one of the most exciting days not only for the bride and groom, but also for their parents. There are many traditional rituals, following which young people are seen off the doorstep. why home towards a new life. Parting words from parents since ancient times, they were considered a blessing, which each of the newlyweds must receive in order for the marriage to be happy.

In addition to relatives, parents and neighbors see off the bride and groom, who, as a rule, shower them with sweets so that life is sweet, coins so that there is always money in the family, and colorful confetti so that their life together is full of bright events.

The rites and customs of Russian weddings have been passed down from generation to generation over the centuries.

What traditions should be observed today? How to properly accompany each of the young people, meet and pick up the bride?

Candles for seeing off young people in the registry office

How to accompany a son from home to fetch a bride?

The groom's parents should bless their son before he goes to pick up his future wife from the father's house. Many do it simply in words, wishing the new family love, prosperity and peace. However, there is long tradition, observing which you can organize the farewell according to all Russian canons.

Wedding ceremonies and customs

A table is placed in the middle of the room, covered with a new white tablecloth... Fresh bread is put on it (preferably prepared by mother's hands), clean water and salt, a church candle. First of all, parents take the icon Jesus the Savior or Nicholas the Wonderworker and bless the kneeling son. Then the father ties the groom's hands with a towel and draws him clockwise around the table three times. They are followed by a mother with an icon and a lighted candle. Thanks to this ritual, the future head of the family receives the support of the clan.

Then the groom and his retinue go to the bride's house to pick up the bride at the registry office or for a wedding. See off the groom from parental home all his relatives and close friends. Everyone can express their brightest wishes, but the main words are still considered blessings of parents and elders.

They begin to collect the bride from the night. Before going to bed, the mother can brush her hair and braid her braids, as a symbol of purity and purity. Wedding outfit should also be prepared in the evening so that in the morning mother, grandmother, sisters and friends could participate in the training camp without wasting time looking for things and accessories.

The ritual of blessing the bride itself is practically no different from seeing off the groom, except that the icon must be with an image Holy Mother of God... The father and mother also lead their daughter in a circle around the table three times, they say parting words.

Seeing off the bride from home to the registry office

How to properly escort the newlyweds from the bride's house?

After the parents send the groom out of the house, he sits in wedding procession and goes to the house future wife... On the doorstep he is met by matchmakers, who traditionally arrange contests and tests for the young. There are many options for the ransom: the witness and the groom must answer tricky questions concerning the bride, as well as propose for her large sum money. Nowadays, many abandon this custom, as they consider it incorrect in relation to young people who have already made their choice, but in most cases buying the bride is part of the wedding script.

In order for the bride to be given to the groom, he or a witness may be subject to the following tests:

  • say 10 compliments to your beloved;
  • sing a song for her or tell a poem;
  • name her date of birth, eye color and wedding ring size;
  • answer the questions prepared by the bride;
  • make 10 wedding promises that the groom must fulfill in the first year living together.

When the ransom is complete, the young are allowed to meet. The groom enters the bride's room Is one of the most touching moments of the day. From there, the two of them are accompanied by their parents: with the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God in their hands, they read a prayer and three times erect a cross in the air over the heads of the young. These icons are later considered a special relic that protects new family... After the blessing, the newlyweds should thank their parents by kissing them three times, and then bow to the threshold. Further, the parents ask the guests to bless the marriage of their children, to which all those present shout: "God bless!"

How to see off the bride and groom

This is where the farewell ends, and the bride and groom can safely go to the registry office or church.

Someone believes in rituals, someone does not, but one thing remains unchanged: parents must give their consent to the marriage of children, do it sincerely and from the heart. Letting your daughter and son go into family life, you must definitely show your favor and approval, then the life of the newlyweds will be calm, happy and joyful.

The blessing is considered to be an integral part of the marriage. Thus, parents give their consent to marriage and wish their children a happy and long life together. Since ancient times, it is believed that if the bride or groom did not receive a blessing from their parents, then the marriage will be unhappy and the family may fall apart.

How to bless newlyweds with an icon?

According to existing traditions the parents bless the daughter twice: during matchmaking and before leaving for the registry office. The groom's parents bless the newlyweds after marriage.

To carry out the ceremony, it is important to know what icons the bride and groom are blessed with, since the images of the saints are required attribute, without which the process turns into simply expressing wishes and kind words... There are mainly two images used:

  1. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is the most revered image of the Mother of God. It is this icon that is most often used in the rite of blessing a daughter. She is considered to be the patroness and patroness of all life on earth. Exists great amount testimonies of how the Kazan Mother of God helped people in solving their troubles. Before the marriage, the icon is asked to protect the new family from various problems and an evil eye, as well as present healthy children.
  2. The Icon of the Almighty Savior is the most common image of Christ. The blessing of the groom's parents most often goes with this icon. It depicts Jesus with the Gospel in his hands, which indicates the righteous path, and with the other hand he blesses the people who turned to him with. Before the image they ask family happiness and well-being. It is this icon that needs to be first brought into the house of the newlyweds.

In the rite, you can use both icons, and only one of them. Alternatively, you can purchase a wedding pair or folding, where two icons are connected to each other.

It is now known what icon the young people are blessed with; it remains to figure out how the ceremony itself goes. In advance, parents must prepare not only the image of the saint, but also the towel on which it will need to be kept. Only close people should be in the room where the blessing takes place. The mother of the bride picks up embroidered towel, and her father gives her an icon, which he must also take with a towel and in no case with his bare hands. To bless the young with an icon, it is best to use the image that is in the house, but if there is none, then you need to purchase it in the church shop, where all the icons are consecrated. The mother must hold the icon with her face to the young.

Now we need to analyze in more detail the topic of how to bless the newlyweds with an icon and what needs to be said at the same time. There is no specific text that parents should memorize as a prayer, since instructions should come from pure heart... Please note that the speech should not be too long. The text is a kind of reference point for the future, in which parents wish the young people prosperity, peace, harmony, etc. The speech should contain not only wishes, but also instructions. While pronouncing the words, the mother and father should cross the young with the icon three times, and then let them kiss the image. After the completion of the ceremony, the icon and the towel are transferred to the young, who must keep it as a relic, and it, in turn, will play the role of a talisman.

Video: Blessing the Parents of the Young

Video: Blessing and parting words to his son for the wedding

Video: How to properly bless a son or daughter before the wedding?

Video: Wedding, blessing bride.

about tradition, the groom's mother meets the newlyweds on the threshold of the restaurant with a loaf on a towel, the other parents are nearby, the bride's mother or father can hold glasses of a drink (champagne or just clean water) on a tray.

The words of the groom's mother when meeting the newlyweds

(Several variants):
  • My dear children! I sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of a new path in your life.
  • And on the verge of this happy start I present to you main character prosperity and prosperity in everything earthly - wedding loaf... I want your hearts to retain the warmth that this loaf kept for you. Let your house be always full of guests and everyone will get at least a small piece of food. Advice to you and love!
  • Our lovely kids! Today is your wedding day.
  • We would like to sincerely congratulate you on this event. We had a son, and now, we are doubly happy, having such a beautiful daughter. Your union for us is simple great happiness... First of all, we are, of course, happy for our son, who has found such a life friend for himself. But his girlfriend has become our daughter today, and her happiness is just as important to us. We ask you to keep your hearts warm until the end. Advice and love!
  • The warmth of my congratulations
  • Shower now.
    Advice and guidance
    Listen to us.
    May your house always sparkle
    Coziness and warmth.
    May joy warm you
    With your soul saint!
    Good journey to you!
    Advice to you and love!

For the mother of the bride

(mother of the bride does not have to speak welcome words newlyweds, but if there is a desire, then, of course, you can):
  • Our lovely children!
  • In this exciting hour, we sincerely congratulate you on this. wonderful holiday! As we guide you into family life, we wish you to always love each other, keep love, strengthen love. Our dear daughter, keep yours family hearth like the apple of an eye, let your house be cozy and tidy, let it smell delicious of pies in your kitchen, be your spouse real friend and a life companion! Our dear son-in-law (son), be a real master in your house, take care of the welfare of your family, be a good father to your children, respect and honor your wife! Happiness and love to you, dear children!
  • I would like to congratulate you on your wedding.
  • Keep what you purchased warm.
    And do your best
    So as not to waste everything that you have found.
    Live peacefully, amicably, justly,
    So that trouble could not sneak up on you.
    So that life is fun and beautiful.
    Do not part, children, never.
  • I want to throw flowers at your feet,
  • So that the road was covered with them.
    So that innermost dreams come true,
    You ask God for blessings.
    I will shower the family with congratulations,
    Which is a little over an hour old.
    I will sprinkle you with holy water,
    I will bless, so that with a margin.
    I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart,
    After all, the marriage was a combination.
    All the congratulations in the world are good
    I give them to you with all my efforts.

Young people break off a piece, dip this piece in salt, feed each other, wash down with a drink and break glasses for good luck, throwing them at the same time right hand over the left shoulder. The guests form a living corridor through which the young go to their places of honor.

If you choose poetry, try to memorize it. Reading from a sheet of paper with excitement means stuttering and stammering, riveting your eyes to the leaf, and at this moment it is important to look at the young, and the speech should be gentle and friendly.

The tradition of welcoming newlyweds with bread and salt came to us from ancient times, when salt was still a sign of wealth, and bread was baked in each house different: where sieve, where grain. The mother-in-law, meeting her daughter-in-law on the doorstep, offered her to try THAT BREAD, which she now had to eat all her life in her husband's family. And if she presented the most precious thing - bread and salt, which used to be worth its weight in gold, then she gave the go-ahead for marriage!


Another controversial point which I would like to mention: Whether to distribute a loaf to guests or only young people can eat it?

The answer must also be sought in the roots of tradition. The fact is that earlier, and even now, Ukrainian festive loaves were baked in three-tiered ones, decorated with sugar glaze and dough flowers. An analogy with a wedding cake immediately comes to mind, doesn't it?

So, the young people left the upper tier for themselves and their parents. And part of it was supposed to be wrapped in a clean rag and kept forever. Close relatives were treated to the middle tier. And the bottom, the largest, was handed out to guests. To leave the wedding without a piece of loaf is to offend the newlyweds.
Now decide for yourself what to do with the loaf.

Before blessing your daughter before the wedding, you need to find an icon that will become the guardian of the newly formed family. Opinions about the icon, which the daughter is blessed with, differ, but the church, as far as I know, does not impose specific restrictions, based on this, the icon, perhaps any, is taken much more often the icon of the Mother of God... If there is an icon passed down for many generations, it can act as a home relic. The simplest method is the joint purchase of the icon by the parents of the young as a gift.

Bless the bride before the wedding at the end of how the groom found and ransomed her. At the time when young people are ready to travel to the registry office, then there comes a moment, at a time when a blessing is needed from their parents. Only the groom and the bride and their parents are present at this ceremony, the presence of their godparents is likely. They plan in a room where no one else should be.

In the course of the blessing, the young rise up in front of their parents (the icon must be turned to face the spouses).

The wishes of her parents are heard, the mother blesses her daughter (she says parting words to her new life, wants happiness and love), her fiancé, after that everyone says parting words with wishes of love and happiness to the new family. At the end of the spoken words, the mother baptizes the groom three times, then the bride. Then the young people kiss the icon and mandatory cross themselves.

At the end of the blessing of the young, they go to the registry office to seal the bonds of marriage. When going out into the street, on the way to the wedding car, in most cases the young are thrown with wheat, sweets, coins, so that life new family well-fed, sweet and rich.

the moderator chose this answer as the best

Before the bride is obliged to leave the house to meet the groom before the wedding ceremony, the parents perform the ceremony of blessing their daughter. No one should be outsiders, only godparents and the mother of the bride. It is necessary to bless the daughter with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (the son - the icon of Jesus Christ), the parents hold the icon with the help of a towel, you cannot hold it without any weapon. The bride bows to her parents, they cross their daughter with an icon three times, say sincere parting words, want a bright road to a new home life. Then the bride kisses the image and thanks her parents on God's blessing. Then the bride's ransom takes place, at a time when the bride is already next to the groom, the young are taken to the room and the bride's parents bless the newlyweds together for a long life.

I was at the wedding and saw how the bride's mother blessed her. She held the icon in front of her daughter and said that she was blessing her for the marriage and wanted her happiness. At the end of her mother's words, the bride's daughter kissed the icon. Mom kept the icon embroidered in hand towel(towel). At the registry office, my mother repeated her blessing, only she had already blessed both her daughter and son-in-law. They were now standing on a towel. There is no standard blessing, any mother says the words that are in her heart and wants her daughter's happiness.

I really liked the old essence specifically blessing procedures .

Our ancestors they knew very well and followed true laws of life... The blessing has bright attitude to these laws.

Previously, in all families, the so-called Tree of lifegenealogical tree... All ancestors of each family up to seven tribes were recorded in it. It was believed that family ties are strong up to the seventh generation.

Genealogical tree passed from the hands of fathers to the hands of sons.

The blessing was given only in cases of absence of intersection (connections) in the house trees of the bride and groom.

Moreover, with the blessing of the father and mother, they passed on the strength of the whole family to their daughter.

Since behind every person there is 126 ancestors... who lived, adored and died in order to give life to this person.

In principle, there is no difference in blessing by parents or other persons who raised the child, whether it be a boy or a woman. Parents take a home icon and stand at the exit from the house or from the courtyard, if it happens in the church before the wedding ceremony, then they stand on the way to the place of the wedding. At a time when the bride is alone or with the groom, it all depends on the events they approach the parents, then they all loving heart speak the words Bless! and together (if the parents are together) or one of the representatives of their parents should overshadow the daughter (or the bride and the groom) with a home icon, and they, for their part, carry this blessing throughout their lives and cherish it!

To bless the bride on this moment churches sell special sets of icons for blessings and towels, so as not to keep the icon without any weapons. But still, in most cases, the young are blessed together. Based on this, the mother of the bride and the young, after the end of the ransom, will be able to leave for the room. The mother says the words, holding the icon facing the young, puts the banner of the cross and allows the bride to kiss. Later other than that for the groom. Hands are tied with a towel, there are as many knots as there are children

Aleksandr LXXV

Has this tradition also returned? Blessing the young, son, daughter, before marriage?)) Previously, it was practically unrealistic to marry without the blessing of your parents, without the parents being blessed, the marriage was considered almost illegal.

I asked how this is done today in Orthodox Christianity.

Since icons have been used in the Russian Church since the end of the centuries, and here, in addition to this, an icon is used, in most cases it is an icon of Mary, which is considered to be the Mother of God. If there is an icon in the family, passed down from generation to generation, it does not matter what kind of icon it is - in most cases, it is just it that is used. It happens that both couples of their parents throw off and jointly take an expensive icon and give it to the young, at the end of how they were blessed for marriage with its help.

The daughter is blessed quite often at that moment, at a time when the groom officially comes to the house of his parents of the bride to ask for her hand in marriage. Today there is a custom to give a blessing to a daughter only at the end of the ransom, which must be given by the groom, after which he still has to undergo some testing)

At the end of the redemption and testing, the bride and groom, and the invited guests, go to the registry office, where a blessing is given in a separate room, in the presence of the closest relatives. The blessing is obviously given not only to the bride, but also to the groom, both of them as a couple entering into marriage.

In most cases, it happens like this

  • the bride and groom rise in front of the blessing of their parents
  • the icon is picked up and turned to face the young couple
  • parents say the generally accepted words of parting words, not necessarily too long - the festive moment itself is serious, it is not required to keep a long appeal. They just want happiness, love, etc.
  • at the end of how the parents blessed the son and daughter, they still baptize them, later the bride and groom kiss the icon and cross themselves (the essence of all this is not clear to me)

If, at the end of the wedding, the newlyweds decide that they want to get married in a church, then the same icon (icons) that the parents blessed are taken with them.

The essence of blessing is fundamentally clear to me, but the way it is done in Russian Orthodox Church, I personally do not like it, moreover, for the reason that I do not accept the use of icons in the worship. But the question was how this is done, based on this, here and gave the data that I could get on the Internet on this issue.

In answer to the question How to bless a son before the wedding? How to bless the groom? I outlined how the ceremony of blessing for the groom goes. The same ceremony is performed for the bride. The woman thanks her parents for all the benefits that they have done for her, kneels down and demands a blessing. Parents give their daughter parting words in married life, want happiness and bless with the words: bless you, my daughter, on a new life path Almighty Supreme: Pope and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Parents kiss their daughter and cross her forehead.

I found on the net a very competent article on this matter. The presentation is quite understandable, competent, and the subtleties and options are indicated, from which you have the opportunity to choose the most suitable for you.

The bride is first taken to a separate room, where no one can be and blessed with the icon of the Mother of God. The icon should never be held with hands; for this, a special towel is used. Then, at the end of the bride's blessing, the parents bless the newlyweds once again, only together.

I think, in fact, it is supposed to bless both outright, both the daughter and the groom. At a time when the groom comes to the bride's parents and demands from them the hand of their daughter, then the parents, if they agree, bless the young and it is more optimal to do this with a double icon. The Savior and the Mother of God are on it:

This is exactly how I blessed my daughter and son-in-law before the wedding.

Each locality has its own traditions and rituals of weddings. My parents blessed me before the ransom. Later, at the end of the ransom with the groom alone. Before the blessing, in two months there were matchmakers, there was a conspiracy. Later ransom. at the moment it is customary to hire artists for what is happening wedding celebration, and 30-40-50 years ago, everything was according to the customs and traditions of the area where either the groom or the bride live, without the artists.