Parents' meeting is a game of how to keep the child busy at home Parents' meeting "Organization of child's leisure" .docx - Parent meeting "Organization of child's leisure. Have a karaoke competition

The school year has come to an end.

Your children have matured, wiser, stronger and just grown up.

Finally, the long-awaited summer is approaching. Kids can take a vacation from schoolchildren for long vacations and even adults are going on vacation.

Moreover, vacation is a time of new discoveries.

But at the beginning, a comic quiz.

  • How many boys are there 8
  • Which of the guys is the tallest
  • How much does the pan with the first course weigh 2.9
  • Which person is the most important
  • What is the greatest joy a child has

Summer is a great time to organize outdoor games

Since we almost live on the site, let's see with you how best to make it safe and beautiful. We accept any help.

How to keep your child busy? Learn to see the beauty of nature, to admire nature. In the garden, in the front garden, various observations can be made.

Watching the sun

Note that at noon the sun is high overhead and there is no shadow from the pillar. And in the morning and in the evening, the shadows are very long. Read a poem to your child:

The sun is red
Burn, burn, clear! ..
Swim in the sky with a fish
Revive our land

All the kids in the world
Warm up, heal!

E. Blaginina

Beauty observation summer day

Teach children to notice the beauty of a summer day, blue sky, bright greens.

Summer smells very nice:

Grass warmed by the sun,

Scarlet sweet strawberries And steppe blackberries.

Plant Observation

Notice the changes in the plant kingdom. There are already large green leaves on the trees and shrubs. Many flowers in the meadow, in the forest. You do not need to tear them, because they will quickly fade.

I picked a flower in the meadow on the run.
Why I did it, I can't say.
The flower stood in a glass and wilted.
How long would he stand in the meadow?

S. Vurgun

Watching the rain

When it rains, ask the children what it is: warm, large, shallow. If it blows strong wind, the rain will fall obliquely. Ask the children if rain is good for the plants. Watch the plants together before and after the rain.

Rain, rain, more - to the forest!
On flowers, on bushes! Start up harder!
Water the wheat, do not spare the water,
Water, water - there will be a good harvest!

V. Bardadym

Watching a thunderstorm

Draw the attention of children to the approaching thunderstorm. The sky is quickly covered with heavy, dark clouds. The rising wind shakes the trees violently. It gradually gets dark around. Birds fly screaming, hurrying to hide from the thunderstorm. Lightning flashes in the distance, thunder is heard. Explain to the children that people are not afraid of thunderstorms, but they take shelter from it. Calm down the kids with joke sayings:

No matter how thunder rumbles, everything will be silent.
And the thunderstorm is not terrible for everyone.
Watching the rainbow

Sometimes a rainbow appears after rain. Invite the children to look at it and list the colors of the rainbow. To say that the arrangement and number of colors in

rainbow is always the same: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

* .. The rain has passed, the grass glistens,
There is a rainbow in the sky ...
Okay, okay!
By the rainbow, by the iris,

In a colored arc, on one leg,
Riding down the rainbow
And somersault to the ground!

S. Marshak

Be careful when traveling with children. Even in front of your eyes, a child can fall, cut himself, get sunstroke.

Stock up on calmness and ... a first aid kit.

Than less age the child, the more sensitive he is to the effects of heat and sun rays... This usually happens when a child walks in the sun with his head uncovered. With mild sun or heat stroke, the symptoms are generally the same. This is dizziness headache, weakness. In such situations, you need to urgently call a doctor, and before his arrival, transfer the child to the shade, moisten his head and chest cold water, put a cold compress on the bridge of the nose, raise your head. Give the child a drink

If you went swimming with your baby, then the bathing place should be shallow, even, with a slow current. Before giving the child the opportunity to enter the water on his own, you need to make sure that there are no holes, glass, or sharp stones in this place. Be sure to be with your child in the water. In the water, he must be in motion. If a chill develops, get the baby out of the water immediately. After that, rub the baby's body well with a terry towel.

Even more frightening is the situation when children walk by themselves, and mothers sit on a bench and talk. Everything is in order, the child does not scream, but you may not notice what was in his mouth, what he took in his hands, where he stepped.

Watch what your baby is doing in the grass. There are many poisonous herbs, you can cut yourself with herbs. Explain why the herb should not be tasted.

Remember that only you can keep your child safe. And most importantly, do not interfere with your child's enjoyment. Warm weather, when you can run barefoot on the grass, catch raindrops, play with sand, water, cones, look at insects and catch butterflies, unfortunately, is not always the case.

Achieving mutual understanding between caregivers and parents is a long-term process that requires patient adherence to the chosen goal. On this path, one must refrain from outbursts of emotions and disappointments. If we are constant, steadfast, tolerant and benevolent, then the result will be sure.

Objective: level up pedagogical culture parents


Give parents an idea of ​​children's play as a leading activity in younger age.
Form a relationship between parents and children during the game.
Make it clear to parents that they are also active participants pedagogical process like their children and teachers.
Tell about the features this period development.

1. Show different ways and techniques in the upbringing of children of this age.
1. Establishment emotional contact, partnership with parents.
2. Show opportunity trusting relationship to workers educational institution, respectful attitude to each other.
Materials: the hall is decorated (chairs are arranged in a circle, in different places the hall has tables with attributes for story games,
an exhibition of educational games to familiarize parents, which can be made together with the child at home, as well as those that are recommended to be purchased.
meeting invitations.
Photo exhibition "Playing in a group and on a site"
methodical literature on teaching children to play.

Meeting progress:

Hello dear parents!
We have invited all of you to a meeting at the kindergarten.
We will discuss various issues.
And together we will teach our children to play.
We will listen to your wishes,
We will tell you in detail about child education.

We are very glad to see you today! First, we suggest you play a game.
The game " Let's get to know each other».
All participants stand in pairs in a circle, forming an inner and outer circle. Then they turn to face each other, serve right hand and get to know each other. After getting to know each other, the participants turn their left shoulders to each other and, to the music, run each circle in their direction.
The music stops, and everyone gets to know the one in front of whom he found himself. Again, everyone runs to their sides to the music. But each time, meeting with someone they met, they greet them by raising their right hand high.

"Do we know each other well." So, people met. And now you can check if they remembered the names well, looked closely at each other. To do this, divide the entire group into two teams, line them up in two lines opposite each other. The leader gives the command - to line up as quickly as possible: - in alphabetical order by the first letter of the name;

We played with you, got to know each other, and before we start talking together, let's share with each other, with what mood, thoughts did you come to the parent meeting?
Now with a cheerful smile and good mood Let's be honest with you.

Parent Assignment "Minutes of Revelation"

"Free time child– who decides how to organize it? "
Continue the sentences: "It seems to me that one of the most memorable events in my child's life was ...".
"My child's favorite toy ... Why?"
Do your families have traditions? Are they needed today?
Can you give examples family activities or hobbies?
is it actual topic announced today?
is it useful information heard by you today?
Would you like to change your communication with children after our conversation?

“We love to play very much:
You know friends!
A child can live without games
No way, no way.
We understand adults -
Today is a new century.
Without knowledge and study
No chance of success!
We are offered tests
And everyone wants to understand:
What are we missing
Well, how to entertain us?
And we just want
Play calmly
To the family, to the soldiers, to the checkers,
Jump to jump.
And the dolls stayed too long
Everyone is waiting and waiting for children
But we expect
Good news
Let's play again
In friends company!
Go back to your childhood,
Stay with us in it,
And best friends
We'll name the adults! "

Dear Parents!

Play - what could be more interesting and meaningful for a child? This is joy, and knowledge, and creativity. Play activity is the leading one for the preschooler. Role-playing, moving, directing, didactic, games - dramatization all this has a huge impact on the development of the baby, and the child gradually masters different types games.

In the game, the arbitrariness of behavior is formed, cognitive processes.
In the game, the child reproduces the life and work of adults, different events in family life, relationships between people.
In play, he learns to subordinate his desires to certain requirements - this is the most important prerequisite for the education of will.
In the game, it is much easier to obey the rule associated with the fulfillment of the assumed role.
Play is a source of development of the moral qualities of an individual.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the spiritual life of a child is full only when he lives in the world of play, fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity. Without this, he is a dried flower.

Modern conditions life is such that often children can only play kindergarten, there is simply no time left for the game at home.
In the game, the child makes new friends and will experience a very important feeling- a sense of fellowship, a sense of collectivism.
The kid wants to feel strong, smart, courageous, build, act, create, see in an adult not a patron, but a comrade.
Often adults themselves do not know how to play, do not know how to organize the child's games at home, what games are best to offer the child in accordance with his age and mental characteristics.
Understanding the relevance and importance this issue, we organized this meeting to help you learn to play together with your child, bringing up the qualities he needs in later life, in teaching, communication, creativity.

Part I.
Educate l b:
- Now we will hold a small competition. Let's split into two teams.
- The first team is babies, the second– toddlers. As a jury, we invited experienced teacher.
Part II.
1 task.
- Name as many children's toys and games that you know, any
mobile, developmental, plot, etc.

2 task.
Teams are given boxes with substitute items.
- Think and tell us what these objects can be in a children's game?
(ball - pie, egg, apple, etc., cubeslice of bread, cake, house, etc.)
Fantasy is evaluated and creative thinking parents.

3 task.
- Name as many game actions in the game as possible
1 team
"Mishka got sick", 2nd team"Let's treat the doll to tea."
(put a thermometer, touch if your head is hot, give an injection; set the table, cook treats, make tea, etc.)

4 task.

Part III.
- And now we offer the teams a little rest and play
Finger game"Family", "Rain".
Dance-game "Mice".
- Did you like the game?
I wonder if you played with your child like that, would he like it?
Did you see the difficulty in the game? What kind?

5 task.
- Now play educational games "Collect puzzles", "Unscrew the caps", "Blow out the ball", "Collect the beads", etc.

What difficulties did you experience while running the game?

Let's play together with our children as often as possible at home and in kindergarten.
Remember - the game is an excellent source of strengthening the physical, emotional well-being of the child.

Part IV.

Summing up the results of the competition.
- What do you think you received as a prize?
(New knowledge and skills).
- Did you like our meeting? What new things have you learned for yourself, what interesting things have you learned? Will you try to learn to play with your child at home?

We know that time is extensible.
It depends on
What kind of content
You fill it ...
N. Zabolotsky
1. Create conditions for reflection on the organization of their own free time and free time of children
2. Analyze the main problems associated with the organization of leisure activities for children and adults
3. Help prioritize communication with your own children

Good afternoon, dear parents! Thank you very much for finding the strength and time to come to our meeting today, which we devote to the very important issue of our children's free time.
Free time ... how often do we hear this phrase. We dream that we would have more of it, we believe that we all sorely lack it for rest, for development.
Free time (leisure) - usually denoted as a period of time when a person, having no compulsory chores (work, household chores, study, food, sleep, etc.), is left to himself in the choice of activities.

"I am a position" The reason is "I am a position."
(Parents answer questions in a circle)
1. Do you think that you and your children know how to distribute your free time?
Thank you for your answers, and I want to refer to the words of L. Feuerbach "Nothing can be used by a person to a greater extent than time"
2. Do you think your child would like you to spend more time together? If you can, explain why?

It is generally accepted that today's children are so overwhelmed that they actually have no free time. However, an analysis of the data of a sociological survey conducted among students did not confirm this statement.
In the course of the study, the task was set to study the compliance of leisure activities with the needs of schoolchildren. For this purpose, students were asked to rate the degree of satisfaction with spending their free time on a 10-point scale:
Research results showed that

    54% of students are satisfied with their leisure time (9-10 points).
    Only 5% of schoolchildren are not satisfied with spending their free time.
    Preferred types of recreation:
    Just Relax - 31
    Watch TV, play on the computer - 66
    Doing what you love - 11
    Read - 16
    Taking care of pets - 19
    Spending time on the Internet - 3

And here children's answers to questions on the topic "Free time":
1. Free time is ... (time not loaded with chores and problems; time that I can spend on rest from everyday activities, etc.)
2. Mine favourite hobby... (Walking, chatting with friends, watching TV, playing sports, drawing, playing on the computer, etc.)
3. How do you spend your free time with your parents? (we watch TV, we talk, we go to visit, we go to the country house, etc.)
4. Are you satisfied with this or not? (the majority - yes, a few people - no, why - to devote more time to us, and not to work; there are few places we go to rest - in nature).

Needless to say, the problem of children's leisure is acute. They really often have nothing to do. And yet, the reason the guys cite is rather a consequence. Consequence of limitations, spiritual underdevelopment, poverty of cultural needs. And it would be naive to think that by building enough cafes, clubs, we will solve children's problems. The ultimate task is not so much to keep the children busy as to educate people who are harmoniously developed, with high cultural interests.

Breakdown into groups

There are cards glued to the backs of your chairs different color please take these cards and sit in groups according to the colors.

“I am a position” and a socially significant norm.(Group work )

Exercise 1.

The child tries to talk to his father, but he is enthusiastically watching football, does not listen to the child. Mom speaks on the phone, waves her son off. The boy goes out into the street, where he meets adolescents who "sympathize" with him and offer to "forget" about problems with the help of cigarettes and drugs.
(discussion in groups 1.5-2 min., group performances)
Let's summarize. The child was left alone with his problems. He is not taught to overcome difficulties.

Task 2.
Analyze and express your attitude towards thoughts ancient sage Seneca:
"Don't miss an hour, you will hold today in your hands, you will depend less on tomorrow's day"

What is the leisure of our children busy with? Let's try to answer this question using the data obtained as a result of sociological research.
- In my free time I do what I want - you can often hear the answer to the question: "What do you do in your free time?" Here we have a widespread but completely misunderstanding of the category " personal time».
In his free time, a person is really free from responsibility to society. But this is only as long as her actions are consistent with the requirements and moral norms of society.
According to the study of the level of employment of students outside school hours, it can be concluded that the older the students become, the less they are employed in circles and sections. additional education.

After school hours, children quite often fill up with an aimless walk. “Let's go, let's go” - this is how the form of leisure is defined. Such leisure is characterized by lethargy, lack of physical activity.
It is extremely important to pay more attention to the leisure of one's children, especially since it is very difficult to regulate the behavior of such "walking" schoolchildren. But without control, it is impossible to form a personality. The proverb says: "If you want to destroy a person, let him do whatever he wants."

Task 3.

And now I offer you creative task: within 5 minutes each group will try to develop rational regime day for a child 8 - 10 years old so that he was not overloaded and interesting to the child. You have sheets and markers on your tables.
Discussion (turn in a circle)
10 minutes.

Reflection (in a circle). 3-5 minutes

Today I found out ...
It became useful for me ...
I can apply ...
I wish…

Free choice. We adults do not feel sorry for our children. We give them the tastiest things, dress them in all the best, protect them from diseases and misfortunes. But we give them our free time more reluctantly than anything else. From material funds family budget we spend more and more money on food, clothing, education, children's entertainment, etc. And if you look at the spending of free time on children, it turns out that our heirs are experiencing a significant deficit parental communication... The TV and the subsidiary farm are in a more privileged position here than their own child.
Finishing our conversation, I would like to read to you the words of a famous teacher and doctor, a subtle psychologist, an expert family relations Benjamin Spock:
“I have known for a long time strong families, where any common hobbies, be it sports, tourism or collecting records, stamps, coins, helps to maintain friendship and relationships between fathers and children. But success will come only if adults are really passionate about it: any artificiality will soon betray itself and disappoint a son or daughter. Teenagers do not really like it when “old men” try to play young in front of their friends. Here you need to feel exactly that line in communication, which is not difficult to cross, but it is already more difficult to regain shaken trust and respect. "

Parents' reminders
Principles of parent-child relations
1. I want to be loved. Therefore, I will be open to loving children's hearts.
2. I love to be accepted as I really am. Therefore, I will strive to empathize with the child and appreciate him.
3. I am the only one who can live my life. Therefore, I should not strive to fully control the child's life.
4. I often forget about the difficult labyrinths of childhood. So I'll let the kids help me find ways out deadlock situations.
5. I know a lot about the world around me. Therefore, I will try to ensure that my child also finds himself in this world.
6. I cannot make the child's fear, pain and frustration go away. Therefore, I will strive to soften the blows of fate.
7. I feel fear when I am defenseless. So I will touch inner peace child with kindness, affection and tenderness.

Topic: "How to keep your child busy at home"

1st junior

Meeting agenda

2. Organization of the holiday.

3. Tips "Give the children a holiday."

Meeting progress

1. Near your child: teach by playing.

You can often hear how parents promise to take their child to the theater, zoo, etc. on weekends. But you can hear something else: "How are you going to bother me, because I have a lot of things to do."

In order for a child to be brought up normally, one must always remember about his existence and always know what to do with him.

In the morning at home, do not forget to do gymnastics with your child. This is very necessary and useful: the baby will receive a boost of vivacity for the whole day and so will you. Next, start breakfast, ask your child to help you set the table, and at the same time work out with him:

Remember with your child the names of the dishes.

Name days in this book

And full of guests

Only suddenly a terrible villain spider appeared to the guests.

There is no worse picture

Whose name day was it?


We cleaned up the apartment, and you can take a walk. Before going out into the yard, think about what your child will do on the street. Take toys and a bicycle with you.

Don't let go little child one on the street and never turn away from him. The city courtyard is full of surprises: someone has lost the medicine, the children are playing in the hospital and swallowing it. Be careful, watch out for the finds of the child, they can be dangerous. Just do not shout and hit the child on the hands - next time he will become more circumspect and hide an interesting little thing so that you will not find it.

Offer him something instead dangerous subject: get the toy forgotten by the kid (take it with you for a walk), urgently come up with a game - any, if only the child is distracted, invite him to swing on the swing.

Play with your child outdoor games, attract other children walking nearby. For example, the game "Bees and Swallow".

The players, bees, fly around the clearing and hum:

Bees fly, honey is collected!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

The swallow sits in its nest and listens to their song. At the end of the song, the swallow says:

    The swallow will get up and catch the bees.

She flies out of the nest and catches the bees.

We return home, put the toys in place, wash our hands - and at the table. So little by little your day will pass.

Question to parents:

Tell us what you do with your child at home on the weekend.

    Who will remember and name fruits, vegetables, etc. more?

    Play the game "Pour the juice": juice from pears ... (pear), from carrots ... (carrot), etc.

    Count spoons, forks, plates.

    Remember the rules of conduct at the table.

Now you can work hard. Even at this age, babies should have their own responsibilities: water the plants, put things in order in their room. It is important to make children want to work.

Questions to parents:

    How does your baby help you with household chores?

    Does he do it with pleasure?

(Parents share their impressions, and possibly problems.) Have your child play alone while you finish your chores. And then the time for fairy tales will come. Read to your son or daughter constantly and with pleasure. You can play with your child using fiction... For example, "Continue the poem."

I threw the bunny ... (mistress),

Left in the rain ... (bunny).


Tell children riddles about their favorite literary heroes.

He is sweet, loves honey,

Visits all year round.

And he sings songs aloud,

Teddy bear ... (Winnie the Pooh).

S. Sazonov

Lived in the world kind doctor,

And he did not heal people,

He saved from all ailments Big and small animals.

(Dr. Aibolit.)

He was born in a hot stove,

The window has cooled down.

The Round, tasty ... (Gingerbread man) was able to escape from the house.

T. Suntsova

2. Organization of the holiday.

We love the holidays

We are looking forward to it.

Holidays are brought to us

Joy to every home.

The song begins

Festive day

It ignites in the heart

Warm light.

It's a pity that it ends


But they are not forgotten

Never are they.

V. Stepanov

Questions to parents:

    How do you celebrate your child's birthday?

    Do you invite toddler friends on this day?

Baby's birthday is rather a holiday adult family members. Two, three, four years - the time when children still cannot play with their peers, such are the features of their development. Arrange a holiday for the children! Children's holiday- this is primarily the absence of loneliness, next to Good friends, everything is a joy - games, reading, and singing.

Invite your child to his friends and acquaintances for his birthday. Don't collect too big company and do not sit everyone at the table at once. Arrange for them an hour of fun, entertaining games.

For a holiday for a child to be a holiday, you really need a little. An important part of the holiday is preparation for it. And it is not at all necessary to buy expensive things, exotic food. Prepare the attributes for the games for the group of kids, various toys, musical accompaniment... Now you can:

    play outdoor games, always with attributes;

    sing in chorus familiar songs from cartoons, films;

    dance to funny melodies;

    offer felt-tip pens, paper, plasticine and make crafts with children, draw pictures;

    take pictures of children.

Kids love very much puppet show... Prepare glove puppets or simply Stuffed Toys... Play a fairy tale in front of the little audience. You will see how happy they will be. The most important thing is that everyone is involved and no one feels redundant.

At the same time, the child is waiting for a miracle, which must necessarily be, even the smallest. Of course, a surprise is needed. Let an adult dress up as a famous hero of a fairy tale, cartoon (Kolobok, Ryaba Chicken) and present the children with a birthday cake, pie, lollipops.

Your children have yet to become adults and plunge into complex world problems and frustrations. Therefore, give the children holidays, forget that you are adults, rejoice with the children. Improvise, surprise, make the kids laugh - they will be grateful to you and will remember the happy day for a long time.

3. Tips "Give the children a holiday" (Anastasia Potapova, based on the materials of the "Holiday" magazine).

Time. Children's holiday should not last more than 1.5-2 hours. Otherwise, the children will get tired, and all efforts will go to waste.

Number of events. In no case should you make a too busy program of the festival - overexcited kids will stop thinking about anything. Tears and whims are provided. And then it will be difficult to put the child to bed.

Amount of children. It's hard for a child to be alone at a holiday, without friends, but too many familiar children are also bad. For home holiday 6-8 children are enough.

Availability. Everything that happens should be clear to the child both intellectually and emotional level... Otherwise, you can greatly scare the child and undermine his interest in the holidays for a long time.

Opportunity active participation in events. The child needs to be active, not just a spectator.

The end of the holiday. Everything should end well, everyone should receive what they promised. Otherwise, faith in the justice and kindness of this world is shaken. If you find the strength and discuss with the child everything that happened and how it ended, you will help him to better remember this day.

Justice. No party to the holiday should be offended and ignored. If gifts - then everyone is more or less the same. If there are contests, then everyone should receive prizes, even if only consoling ones.

Mood. Before the holiday, the child should sleep well, not be too agitated. Holidays for small children are best spent in the morning. And it's good if the kid is prepared, he knows roughly what will happen. Then it is easier for him to cope with his emotions.

Change of activity ... Children are fidgets, it is difficult for them to do one thing for a long time. Best program holiday - varied. We played, sat, ate, watched a fairy tale, jumped ... The end of the action is quiet and calm.

Clothing. Comfortable, bright, unusual, which can get dirty.

Decisionassemblies :

1. Take note of all the recommendations and advice of educators

With the decision of the meeting


unanimously (number of persons)

Do not agree:

0 (number of persons)

Parent-teacher meeting

"Organization of child employment in extracurricular activities in order to prevent their participation in unauthorized actions "
We know that time is extensible.

It depends on

What kind of content
You fill it ...
N. Zabolotsky

As you already understood, today we will talk about the employment of your children in their free time from lessons. Free time ... how often do we hear this phrase. We dream that we would have more of it, we believe that we all sorely lack it for rest, for development.
Free time (leisure) - usually denoted as a period of time when a person, and today we are talking specifically about our children without having to do anything (household chores, study, food, sleep, etc.), is left to himself in the choice of activities.

It is generally accepted that modern teenagers so overwhelmed that they have virtually no free time. However, an analysis of the data of a sociological survey conducted among students did not confirm this statement.

In the course of the study, the task was set to study the compliance of leisure activities with the needs of children and adolescents. For this purpose, the students were asked to rate the degree of satisfaction with spending their free time.
The results of the study showed that 57% of students are satisfied with their leisure time.
Are the remaining 43% dissatisfied? This is something worth considering.
What do schoolchildren prefer to do in their free time?

Just relax, watch TV, play on the computer, spend time on the Internet.

On the basis of our school there are circles, sport sections... The guys attend a music school, an art school, sports school... It would seem that children's leisure time is varied, but, nevertheless, 43% of schoolchildren are not satisfied with such rest, such free time. Let's try to determine the reason.

Needless to say, the problem of teenagers' leisure is acute. They really often have nothing to do. And yet, the reason we often hear “parents pay little attention to us, there is nowhere to go” is rather a consequence. Consequence of limitations, spiritual underdevelopment, poverty of cultural needs. And it would be naive to think that having built a sufficient number of cafes, clubs, discos, we will solve teenage problems... The ultimate task is not so much to keep the children busy as to educate people who are harmoniously developed, with high cultural interests.

In his free time, a person is really free from responsibility to society. But this is only as long as her actions are consistent with the requirements and moral norms of society.
According to the study of the level of employment of students outside school hours, it can be concluded that the older the students become, the less they are employed in circles and sections of additional education.
For a teenager, the main form of recreation and entertainment, during which there is an exchange of opinions and mutual influence, is communication with friends. Walks, discos, meeting friends, visiting guests - all this at the age of 13-17 takes about 8-12 hours a week.
Evening hours teenagers quite often fill up aimless walks. “Let's go, let's go” - this is how the form of leisure is defined.
It is extremely important to heighten attention to the leisure of one's children, especially since it is very difficult to regulate the behavior of older students. But without control, it is impossible to form a personality. The proverb says: "If you want to destroy a person, let him do whatever he wants." Most parents find tremendous educational benefits in the purchase of a computer and the games they buy for their child. What is upbringing? Do your homework - go play, helped wash the dishes - go play, went to the store - go play. The child is obedient, for the sake of playing on the computer, where everything is so bright and colorful. But believe me Dear Parents, this is a lie! I think that few people know what games their children play. To many parents, computer games seem like a funny joke, where the main characters are: gangsters, killers, snipers, thieves, terrorists. But to parents whose children are imbued with the psychology of such computer games, not a joke.

Many children, accustomed from childhood to the sharp, exciting sensations provided by the computer, board games seem too bland. And about role-playing games when the child spontaneously performs whole impromptu performances, and there is nothing to say. This is now "cinema is not for everyone." Most people lack imagination. But even those who play, usually banal scenes are played out, painfully reminiscent of episodes of computer games. Their fantasy, too, does not go further than various types of magic and physical destruction of the enemy.

And then, when the children are chasing each other with plastic pistols, shouting: “Fall! I killed you! ”, This, you see, has little resemblance to a real war. In computer games, everything is very naturalistic. Realism is one of the main attractions there. The description of new games specifically emphasizes that new variant even more realistic than the previous one. Puddles of blood, brains on the walls, severed heads - all this is depicted brightly and colorfully. And scenes of violence are firmly stuck in the subconscious of the child.

“Incredible graphics. There are only corpses, bloody scraps of flesh and pools of blood ... outside the walls you can hear terrible screams and sounds of hands and feet being torn off. Electric shocks, blood squelching, a monster's roar, and claws grinding. The door opens and ... a severed leg joyfully flies in our face, demonstrating its extraordinary aerodynamic properties, ”the same“ Country of computer games ”describes the merits of the next game. We may not continue to talk about those games in which we see violence and cruelty. We can talk about the many games that are in applications on various sites, for example, Odnoklassniki. I'm sure few, but also "addicted" to these games. Many teenagers do not have enough communication, and they begin to join virtual communities, clubs. In some communities they are elevated, in others they are humiliated. Both of the one and the other lead to the fact that the teenager becomes aggressive. Such teenagers try their best to raise a riot for the sake of riot, senseless and ridiculous.

Returning to the organization of recreation for children and adolescents, we would like to warn you, parents, that excessive use of the Internet, games leads to various irreversible processes.

Now the most acute problem is that teenagers take to the streets with their parents and begin to take an active part in various unauthorized actions and rallies. They, like adults, swear with obscene words, provoke fights. Every parent thinks that he is raising his child correctly, but then tell me, whose children become “Nazis”, “Nashists”, “fans who beat him to death”? We urge you parents to take responsibility for the upbringing of your children. Many people think so, we live in a farm and this problem will never touch us. Children will grow up and will accept correct decisions... Yes, they will, but only if you will clearly, starting with your first grader, help him properly spend, one might even say, use his free time from school.
PS ... There was a guy and two girls at the crossing. The girls chatted. The traffic light sounded and the chatting girls began to cross the street, and a car was rushing along the road at that time. The right one stopped, and the left one continued to move. The guy grabbed her by the collar, so that the fabric crackled, and literally pulled her from under the wheels. She fell into a puddle, but realized what had happened. She said, rubbing her bruised knee: "Thank you, of course, but I could have done it better!" To which the guy answered her: "There was no time ... be gentle." So this guy's position is much closer to me than his mother's. two year old baby who was electrocuted in the outlet, wiping away his tears, wailing that she had warned him ...

Deputy Director for VR L.S. Durova

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