Women's hairstyle for coarse hair. Men's haircuts for coarse hair. Men's Hairstyle Bundle

Coarse hair has a very dense structure and is difficult to style. Strands are difficult to lock in, so choosing the right hairstyle can be a challenge. To prevent this from happening, preference is given to those options that fit well on coarse thick hair.

Such haircuts have several levels: due to the layering of the strands, they become more obedient. Hairstyles beautifully emphasize their density and make them much more flexible.

To get a preliminary impression of haircuts made on thick, coarse hair, take a look at the photos from the gallery and appreciate the stylistic masterpieces.

What haircuts are suitable for coarse wavy and straight hair

Professionals advise owners of hard strands to pay attention to options for well-known hairstyles, including:

  • Cascade.
  • Feather haircuts.
  • Pixie.
  • Ladder.

For the strong and elastic curls a cascade, which has not lost its popularity for several decades, is ideal. The haircut looks good on medium coarse hair: it follows the direction of its growth, easily falling over the shoulders. Hairstyle does not require complex styling and very easy to clean.

The cascade has several layers: the top one forms a kind of “cap” that adds the required volume. The rest of the levels can be clearly divided among themselves by asymmetric cuts different lengths... In some variations of the hairstyle, her side strands frame her face beautifully, which gives the woman a special elegance.

This haircut is ideal for coarse wavy hair: large curls or small curls accentuate its shape.

If curly strands are naughty, it will not be noticeable. By dividing the hair into levels, it is much easier to care for them: comb, use products for care or fixing strands.

On medium and short coarse hair, women's haircuts with "feathers" look elegant and non-standard. Their basis is an elongated bob, sessun, Italian and square.

The main feature of these variations is the highly profiled strands. With them, the hairstyle will seem airy, and slight negligence styling will be in harmony with the natural structure of coarse hair.

"Stubborn" milled strands complement the original classic hairstyle bean.

Take a look at the photo, what this looks like women's haircut for coarse hair, supplemented with "feathers".

The bob has a short-cropped nape and the same whiskey. Each layer overlaps the previous one by a few millimeters, but this will not be noticeable in tandem with milled strands. The effect will remain lush hair which are easy to lay by focusing on the individual levels.

Certain types of hairstyles require perfectly straight strands. It is a vintage, two-tone, geometric and angular bob. And on hard wavy hair the haircut "curly bob" looks advantageous, which beautifully demonstrates the neck and visually corrects slightly disproportionate features of a woman's face.

You can use one of the types of coloring to emphasize the structure of the hairstyle. For this, highlighting and bronzing techniques are suitable. They will allow you not to completely color the haircut, but to brighten individual strands or effectively lighten the ends.

Feathered Italian is another women's haircut that is perfect for thick, coarse hair. It is performed on strands middle length which are heavily milled. It looks good on curly hair: the strands do not tangle, but curl separately from each other. This is achieved by lengthening each curl.

Torn oblique bangs will help hide high forehead and visually correct the elongated face shape.

For straight coarse hair, you can choose a square with a thinning. It is characterized by perfectly straight cut lines, but the option with "feathers" will allow you to focus on the volume, and not on the geometry of the haircut.

The sessun hairstyle, named after the world famous hairdresser, is rarely done on hard thick hair... But such short haircuts will look unusual and stylish in tandem with deep thinning. The peculiarity of the works of the French master is that it takes into account the natural direction of hair growth and how they lay down. By repeating these lines in the hairstyle, you can achieve an amazing result - haircuts that will not need complex styling.

Haircuts for women and girls with coarse unruly hair

Bright and youth haircut pixie suitable for women and girls with a fragile figure. It is versatile: the hairstyle goes well with curls and straight strands. This haircut will transform coarse, unruly hair into stylish, chaotic curls. Strands of different lengths do not need to be stacked, but lightly beat with your fingertips to achieve amazing volume. The hair in this haircut looks a little messy, which well hides its natural stiffness.

Pixie is very beautiful with coloring: experts advise be sure to play with different shades to achieve sophistication in the image. But you shouldn't choose drastically different colors, because the very shape of the mischievous pixie is already attracting attention. It is important not to overdo it with brightness - in this case, the hairstyle may look tasteless.

Look at the photo of this short haircut on hard and strong hair: pixie will fit and young girls, and mature women.

She will add playfulness to the image, and help adult ladies look much younger. Owners long strands it is worth paying attention to the ladder - a classic hairstyle that has become relevant again. It first appeared in the 70s of the last century, but today it is ideal for creating a sophisticated image.

The advantage of the ladder is that this haircut can be created on thick, coarse hair of medium length or strands to the waist. The hairstyle has several tiers, but the boundaries between them are not visible: it seems that the layers flow into each other. The contour of the haircut creates one smooth, very neat line.

The ladder is suitable for any face shape, moreover, it has no age restrictions. It holds its shape well, but the master will have to perform a deep thinning to make thick strands more flexible, and the image lighter and softer.This haircut on coarse hair is perfect for women who do not want to spend a lot of time styling and caring for the strands.

When creating an image, you need to pay attention not only to the density and strength of the strands, but also to the combination of the hairstyle with the characteristics of its owner. Pixie and bob in any variation will not work overweight women, they will look disproportionate. And girls with a height of more than 180 cm should abandon straight hairstyles of medium length, which visually add extra centimeters.

Understand what a haircut will do for hard and unruly hair, the type of person will also help. If it has a standard oval shape, you can safely experiment with different kinds hairstyles. But women with different face geometry should seek professional advice in order to look truly gorgeous.

To make the strands softer and more obedient, they need additional care... Dyed curls become even drier, and in this case you cannot do without special nourishing masks with vitamin oils. Haircuts for coarse hair will look "great" if you regularly pamper them with special cosmetics- conditioners, masks, rinses, etc., designed to care for this type of strand.

Many owners thick hair find it difficult to choose, since thick, coarse hair is difficult to style. This type of hair is very capricious, sometimes you have to give up the haircut you like, since even with daily styling it will be difficult to maintain it in proper condition. But, despite some of the nuances of this type of hair, there are many men's haircuts for them. Out of habit, men choose classic haircuts, but they are modified and updated annually. But what kind of wax for coarse hair is the most effective and according to what parameters should be selected specifically for your hair, the information will help to understand

Shortened haircut options

For every length even short hair has its own. Simple and frequently chosen men's haircuts, especially in summer time, recognized their various variations "for a typewriter." After such a procedure, all strands will be equal length, visually they will be evenly distributed throughout the head. Among the many hairstyles for coarse hair, it is most appropriate to choose the options below. But how to make hard hair soft and what products should be used is indicated in great detail.


This hairstyle is perfect for strong and pumped guys, this bold idea looks like an army one. It is based on the "Canadian" haircut or multi-stage performance. Since its prototype was the army version, such a hairstyle is easy to maintain and does not require serious hygiene. From such a hairstyle to men vertically challenged it is better to refuse, so they will look even lower.

Most often, such options are chosen by young guys who are involved in very tight sports.

The hair on the crown was cut with a length not exceeding 6 cm, but the whiskey and occipital zones shaved "under the typewriter."

Military can be combined with any clothing, but sports and business style... Haircut experienced master on coarse thick hair, it will take no more than half an hour, after this daily hair styling is not required.


Simple and at the same time, which has been popular for more than a dozen years. Its name comes from the similarity of the sticking up locks, which resemble the thorns of this animal. The master performs a haircut with scissors, while top part the hair on the head is trimmed in the direction of its growth.

A very simple hairstyle option if the hair does not want to obey at all

The length of the hair at the temples and the back of the head should be brought to a maximum of 3.5 cm, but modern interpretations this hairstyle allows you to shorten them up to 1 cm. It is this introduction that adds a certain amount of brutality to the Hedgehog.

Sports haircut options

They all relate to versatile hairstyles, and not only athletic men but also for those who do not like to strain their muscles.


This option looks like a "hedgehog", only in it a kind of platform is located on the parietal region, and not on the crown, it is cut short enough and the length of the strands in this area does not exceed 3.5 cm. The "hedgehog" has a round haircut, but "Beaver" is square. Highly qualified hairdressers can offer this option for modern way: On the parietal region, they cut hair of different lengths.

In order for the hair to look more beautiful, it is worth using men's styling mousses.

Some men ask to leave the length of the strands longer, and then use mousses and gels for styling them.

Haircuts with a shaved pattern

Not every master can please his client with this. Often choose this, in connection with the beginning puberty, but this does not mean that it does not suit adults. Young guys willingly choose a haircut that follows fashion and has a sense of style. It is difficult to disagree with their choice, especially if you see such creative haircuts in public places.

These hairstyles are chosen by young guys who are used to dressing stylishly.

The process of creating an original hairstyle consists of several stages:

  • shaving the occipital and temporal regions of the head;
  • alignment of the upper strands, they should be even, but sticking out;
  • to make the drawing perfect with scissors, they even out the transition from short hair to longer;
  • use scissors to cut everything required lines, who then create a drawing, subsequently pass over them with a typewriter;
  • final finishing of the hairstyle to desired result, aligning all hairs in the desired direction.

When choosing a pattern on the back of the head, it should be borne in mind that the pattern will be visible on hair no more than 6 mm long, so it will need to be updated every 10 days, otherwise the patterns obtained after a long effort of the master will overgrow. It will take at least an hour to create a drawing of medium complexity.

On video haircuts with a shaved pattern:

Asymmetrical haircuts

Thick and tough hair with strands of different lengths will look. One temple will be shaved, and the other may be covered more long hair... A face with this option will be transformed on the one hand, the guy will look brutal, on the other, he will be attracted to him.

Most often, such hairstyles are chosen by young guys, since they are the ones who do modern trend in hairstyles


It combines elegance and has held the leading position for a while. Its distinctive feature is the volumetric hair in the fronto-parietal zone against the background of short-cropped strands in the temporo-occipital region. At the same time, the gradation of hair lengths is smooth and unobtrusive. This haircut has no age restrictions, she looks great on young guys and on respectable men... But most likely, when laying, you will have to use it to fix the styling.

Although such options are used by young guys, they can also be made by different age categories.


The lower part of the scalp is cut very short, and the upper strands are only trimmed to create. When working on this hairstyle, the hairdresser uses only scissors and a comb. The "pad" is ideal for coarse hair, as on fine and sparse hair, it will not "stand".

The main thing when performing such a hairstyle is to consult a specialist, since this option can only be done with scissors and partly with a typewriter

Boxing and semi-boxing

This is a favorite haircut of many men, it does not require the use of any means, it is easy to hygiene, since it remains on the head minimal amount hair. , it starts from the very top.

These hairstyles are suitable for middle-aged men.

Romantic haircut options

Seeing the name of the haircut, a brutal man will think this is not about me, but if you figure it out, you can just attribute long hair to this category, and after all, many bikers flaunt their strands just below the shoulder. If they are thick and hard, they can become smooth after a little use of gel or mousse.

Hairstyle on curly hair

Do not forget that they are found not only in women, but also in men. And they look much cooler than straight hair, if you choose the right haircut for them. One of the original and attractive ones is the cascade. In this way, all the strands are cut, and the long bangs are cut and laid to one side.

The bangs look very beautiful and it is suitable for curly and unruly hair.

Corner fringe

The modern haircut that came from the TV screens. She will become perfect choice for men with round shape faces. The shaved temporal and occipital parts of the head become crowned with "standing" hair of different lengths. But such a hairstyle requires constant styling, as well as the retro hairstyle "dudes" similar to it.

The hairstyle looks perfect if the temples and the back of the head are perfectly shaved.

Owners of coarse and thick hair are in some way lucky, since they do not need to constantly style thin strands and wash them often, their only problem is choosing the right haircut. All of the above options will not take much time when styling them, and when deciding on an original or romantic version of them, it should be borne in mind that you will have to more carefully monitor the condition of the hair and use not only special shampoos but also balms as well as gels.

The natural structure of coarse hair has made it quite thick and dense. In certain cases, this can create a slight inconvenience when choosing a hairstyle, but if you act wisely, then you are guaranteed a spectacular appearance.

Styling coarse hair can be a real pain. Such curls are not only difficult to style, but also very difficult to fix. Any hairstyle will turn out to be short-lived, so you need to be creative when choosing a haircut for coarse hair.

Suitable haircuts for coarse hair


- "Cascade". Coarse hair is more elastic and strong, so it is practically unaffected external changes... That is why such a haircut will be very appropriate. Long bangs combed to the sides, and straight hair at the roots can smoothly turn into curls. A similar effect can be achieved with medium-sized curlers.

Layered bob

This hairstyle is quite voluminous. Layers are formed carelessly, so you don't have to waste time on special styling. Distinctive feature- straight, long bangs.

Short haircuts "feathers"

Thin feathers trimmed in layers will help make coarse hair lighter, more airy and flexible.

The basis of the short air haircuts can become bob, square, Italian, French haircut, sessun.

Medium length ladder haircuts

For this length, a haircut that delaminates the ends is also good. It perfectly emphasizes the natural oval of the face, which makes it possible to use it for girls of different types.

Perky pixie

Pixie is cut in strands of different lengths, so it keeps its shape well on hair of any type. Long oblique bangs will make your hairstyle feminine and stylish.

Haircuts for coarse hair: styling

To look good, owners of coarse hair are better off choosing simple ones that do not require long styling haircuts. Classic bob and the square will not be allowed long time keep in shape, because hair falls over time under its own weight. If the type of face allows, then you can stop at a haircut in layers, while the length of the hair will remain medium.

WITHread that luxurious hair is one of the main tools female attractiveness... But in fact, men are much more fortunate in this regard: even with the absolute absence of hair, they can look stylish, brutal and sexy. But if the hair has still not left your wise head, you need to figure out how not to spoil the treasure donated by nature with inept care and an unsuccessful haircut. The main rule: for each type of hair - its own solutions.

Hard and fair-haired: usually and habitually

Most men of the European type have such hair. Light brown, creating a light "wave" and rather thick. By itself, this type of hair - real gift, because their owner can choose a huge number of styles, it only takes a little effort.

Major mistakes

The most gross mistake when cutting such hair - remove too much on the sides and at the same time leave long hair on top. If the hair were perfectly straight, this one could still look neat, albeit very conservative. But as soon as the hair grows a few millimeters, the haircut loses its shape. Do not neglect styling products: a small amount of foam will give your hair well-groomed appearance and won't let them ruffle.

An equally annoying mistake is using a hair clipper on the sides and back. Scissors and only scissors - only thanks to this tool in skillful hands hairdresser's haircut will be uniform and even.

Style options

Firstly, the classic: slightly longer on top and, accordingly, less on the sides and back. By the way, this option is most often chosen by boys at school, and do not change their haircut almost until old age.

Secondly, more modern and stylish haircut, in which the length of the hair remains the same everywhere. You can pacify recalcitrant strands with the help of mousse, and creating the effect of an actual "creative mess" on your head is as easy as shelling pears.

Role model:

Jude Law:

Brad Pitt:

Straight and thin: a fragile dream

Most men want this type of hair, but few do. Such hair is typical for representatives East Asia and Spain. Already this type of hair itself - soft and invariably shiny - looks great, but many men manage to ruin it bad.

Major mistakes

Not all men like the fact that their the hair is too loose. They literally suppress the problem of hanging hair, that is, they do too short hair... Although it is much more correct, on the contrary, to grow hair (within reasonable limits), and with the help of conditioners and mousses, give them a well-groomed, shiny look and light volume. But if you still want shorter hair, avoid the next common mistake - haircuts "under the pot". Believe me, this option looks cute only on schoolchildren. However, the other extreme is unacceptable: if you are not a medieval king, not a rock star or a biker, you should not grow your hair too long.

Style options

Direct hair will allow you to get a haircut like Tom Cruise's in Mission: Impossible 2 (2000): several levels on the sides, top and back and - short bangs... One more actual option who adore Hollywood stars: cut the stripes to a short or medium length, using a clip, a comb and your own fingers, "lift" them, ruffle, thereby making a semblance of a "mess".

Role model:

Tom Cruise:

Keanu Reeves:

Curly: a real treasure

Is there any need for clarification here? Curly hair most often looks not only good, but even luxurious. Since in most cases they are also thick. Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, Jews can boast of such hair. However, explanations are still necessary, since even these lucky ones manage to spoil this gift of nature.

Major mistakes

To make curls look more natural and free, their owners sometimes abuse gels, waxes and creams, which make them heavier hair. And this is not only harmful, but also visually unpleasant: it seems that the hair has been washed for a very long time. But you should not neglect styling products either. It's good if you are a student or an artist. But even the most chic curls sticking out in all directions are not compatible with.

Style options

Classic option: cut hair is quite short and comb back with small amount mousse. Or make a parting with light accent to either side.

By the way, many curly men generally prefer not to "bother" and make the shortest possible haircut that does not require any styling. Which also looks very impressive.

Role model:

Antonio Banderos:

Bald head: noble sexuality

Most often, baldness begins with the fact that hair on the forehead or on the crown becomes thinner, and then begins to fall out altogether. Very quickly, either bald patches or a bald area on the back of the head appear, while the hair on the side and back does not fall out for quite a long time.

Major mistakes

The worst mistake is to try to disguise a bald spot by combing hair back or to the side. In fact, this only highlights the problem. Growing your existing hair too long is also the wrong way to focus on baldness. Men go even further: they use gel. A gel that sticks the hair together and exposes the bald spot even more.

Style options

At initial stage baldness, use mousses and conditioners to give hair more natural look... Grow hair only a few centimeters and comb it so as not to focus on the hairline. But if your bald spot gets bigger, you can choose a radical - and usually the best - option: shave your head. Firstly, it is very comfortable, and secondly, it is sexy.