Makeup for redheads with green eyes. Makeup for redheads with gray eyes: a light accent for a bright appearance. For gray eyes

Each girl is unique in her attractiveness, as the combination of hair color, eyes and even skin tone creates a unique and, as a rule, harmonious image. Owners of red hair are especially noticeable among other representatives of the fair sex. Red shades (copper, mahogany or even dark Cherry color) are quite extravagant, but at the same time they give an incredible appeal to the image, leaving an imprint on the character as well. It is generally accepted that red-haired girls are very confident in their abilities.

As a rule, the visage is matched to the color of the iris of the eyes, in this case greater importance It has rare color hair. Girls with any eye color should carefully consider make up - an overly saturated color scheme will give vulgarity to the image, and restrained neutral tones, on the contrary, will make the face expressionless and pale. Among the many options, the combination of red strands and green eyes... But, makeup for redheads with green eyes should be selected very carefully, since a bold shade of hair is picky about the colors of the visage.

Features of everyday make up of red-haired girls

Daytime makeup should not be very conspicuous, its main task is only to emphasize the advantages of appearance and, if necessary, mask minor flaws.

There is important point for both daytime and evening make up for girls with this appearance - they should avoid abrupt transitions colors and deeply dark contour lines.

Some more nuances of makeup for every day for red-haired green eyes:

  • The skin color of red-haired beauties, as a rule, is very light, therefore, when making a make-up, especially daytime, you should not use a dense foundation, a foundation is enough (in the event that there are areas with uneven pigmentation, redness or rashes on the face). With a perfectly even complexion, you only need a light matting powder.

  • Naturally light eyelashes can be tinted dark brown ink, to give the look more expressiveness will help the use of lengthening mascara.
  • It is important not to overdo it with the color of the eyebrows, so as not to make them too contrasting, you should use a soft pencil with shading or shadows of warm shades of red and Brown color.
  • Should be avoided pink tones in blush, coral, peach or apricot colors are most appropriate.
  • Daytime make up can be done either simply with eyeliner, which can be used to accentuate, or by applying a moderate amount of eyeshadow. Suitable colors: all shades of green, lilac, light lilac, sand, light brown, caramel, beige, coral, peach and apricot.
  • You can paint your lips with a lipstick of a natural shade or gloss ( matching colors- peach, coral, apricot or classic pink tint). Thus, the integrity of the image will be completed by the echo of the color of blush and lipstick.

Step-by-step makeup for gray-green eyes

This step by step technique applying an interesting make up for gray-green eyes will tell you how to make a simple but very effective visage. It is suitable for solemn event and, in some cases, as daytime option(if you choose not the brightest shade of the shadows). As a rule, red-haired girls naturally have light eyes which is strong to paint dark shadows not recommended, but in this case even deep purple tint will advantageously emphasize all the advantages of appearance.

Stages of creating an evening visage for gray-green eyes:

  • Prepare your skin for makeup using your usual skincare products.
  • Even out the tone and texture of the epidermis with a tonal foundation, under the eyes, blend with a very thin layer of concealer.
  • Give shape to the eyebrows, comb them with a hard brush and slightly emphasize with shadows, eyebrows will look especially interesting if they are shaded with a color lighter than the hair color.
  • Apply a foundation under the eyeshadow to the entire upper eyelid to give the make up more firmness and greater expression.
  • Apply purple shadows to the entire upper eyelid, highlight the area under the eyebrows with a pearlescent color. This mono-color technique is recommended only for gray-green eyes that are at a normal distance from the bridge of the nose (not deep-set).
  • To avoid the "sick appearance" of gray-green eyes, the lower eyelid along the lash line must be highlighted with a purple pencil.
  • Thoroughly paint over the eyelashes with dark brown mascara.
  • On the cheekbones, after having smiled, apply a blush of a light beige or peach shade.
  • Apply a nude or caramel gloss to your lips.

Also for gray-green eyes, you can offer other shades of shadows: almost the entire palette of green, olive gray, terracotta, golden brown, bronze, some shades of purple and purple. Competently combining different shades and using a variety of application techniques (for green eyes with red hair color, even smoky eyes), you can achieve an absolutely harmonious and attractive image.

Girls with this appearance are very attractive due to the unusual contrast between look and hair color. Makeup for redheads with gray eyes must be selected very carefully so as not to disturb the harmony of this gentle image.

The color of the curls can be natural or acquired. But due to any shade of red, the skin looks especially light and requires the right approach in the make-up.

  • You need a good foundation to hide all facial imperfections: freckles, small foci of inflammation, dark circles under the eyes. It must be chosen exactly in accordance with the tone or slightly lighter.
  • Recommended shades: olive, sand, marsh, chocolate, nutty, creamy and other tones close to nature.
  • It is allowed to focus on one thing - eyes or lips. Having a delicate skin tone, it is better to prefer the second option, but at the same time do not use unnaturally bright shades. Red-haired girls with gray eyes are great lipstick will do rich, but natural color.
  • Contour and mascara are recommended in a calm brown shade.

  • To give your face a refreshed look, you can add a gentle blush, just lightly touching the protruding part of the cheekbones with a brush. Usually peach or pale pink colors are used for red-haired beauties.

Expressive appearance does not imply the use bright colors in cosmetics. Of course, you can use intense tones in evening makeup, but very carefully.

What is absolutely contraindicated?

There are some makeup elements that are completely unsuitable for delicate red-haired and gray-eyed beauties with fair skin.

  1. It is forbidden to use a foundation matching the color of your tan. Even if the color of the curls is unnatural, initially only pale skin is assumed. Dark tone will not look with this type.
  2. The bronzer will also have to be abandoned. It can create a rusty effect, especially if you have freckles on your face.
  3. Black outline and mascara should not be present in the makeup, as they will break the natural harmony of the image.
  4. Dark purple shades, as well as any shades of orange, are absolutely not suitable for red-haired girls.
  5. Plum lipstick is also banned.

You should heed the advice of stylists in order to avoid annoying mistakes in the make-up.

Arrows in redheads makeup

Despite the fact that clear contours are contraindicated for girls with this hair color and gray eyes, arrows can still be used in everyday or evening makeup.

To do this, you can select a contour in the form of a soft pencil or shadows of a dark brown tone. They are shaded along the eyelid and look very natural. Lovers of clearer boundaries will suit liquid eyeliner... She also should not be black or dark blue. Warm chocolate shades will do.

Makeup for redheads with gray eyes for every day

This make-up option can be used not only for work or study, but also on the way out. It will not stand out, naturally highlighting the look.

  • Even out the complexion by applying a base under the make-up and after a few minutes, gently spreading the foundation with a damp sponge. With a concealer slightly lighter than the natural shade, they remove all imperfections, cover the skin around the eyes, including the entire upper eyelid.
  • A creamy shade is applied to the area from the eyelash growth line to the lower border of the eyebrow.

  • The movable eyelid is stained with sand pigment with golden splashes. But the color shouldn't be too shiny.
  • Dark brown tint thin brush draw the outline on upper eyelid... You can also walk slightly along the bottom.

  • They dye eyelashes with brown mascara no more than two layers.
  • Lips are covered with a caring transparent balm or natural lipstick.
  • A thin layer of peach blush is applied to the cheekbones.

A fresh and very delicate look is ready for every day. It will take a minimum of time for such a make-up. But the effect will be incredible.

Evening makeup option for gray-eyed with red hair

To all beauties on a special case I want to have a fatal look in order to strike the representatives of the opposite sex to the very heart. But with such an appearance and multiple contraindications to dark shades, you will have to choose the shadows very carefully.

It is especially important for the exit make-up even tone faces. In the cold season, a dense texture can be used, while in the hot summer, light BB creams with a toning effect should be preferred.

  1. After the skin is prepared, on the upper and lower eyelids, make an eyeliner with a brown pencil and shade it thoroughly.
  2. A warm chocolate shade of shadows draws a fold and outer corner eyes to the middle of the movable eyelid.
  3. The inner area is covered with a light shade of coffee with milk, but there should be enough mother-of-pearl in it.
  4. All transitions are made very smooth.
  5. Under the eyebrow and on inner corner eyes apply light pearlescent shadows.
  6. Eyelashes are painted with brown ink in several layers.
  7. It is better not to use lipstick.

Chic evening look for red-haired beauties with gray eyes, it is not at all difficult to create. Instead of brown, it is also recommended to use olive.

Makeup for girls with this unusual appearance requires a particularly careful approach and prohibits many common remedies. If you follow the recommendations of stylists, it will turn out to be very natural and at the same time no less spectacular.

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Red hair color differs, perhaps, by the widest palette of shades. Owners of red hair are gentle and romantic. It is not surprising that, obeying spontaneous decisions or trying to keep up with fashion, both blondes and brown-haired women often dye their hair, trying to give the curls a shining honey tint, deep red and even red. It is clear that such an image requires special approach when determining the makeup palette.

The right makeup for redheads

The skin of naturally red-haired girls is thin and sensitive. Most often she beige colour and covered with freckles. When choosing a foundation, you need to be very careful so that the naturally mysterious image does not become too heavy. Cosmetologists are advised to refuse foundation creams with a dense structure. Instead, it is better to use light foundations and apply them in a thin layer. But it is best to use loose powder natural shade.

If the hair is artificially dyed red, then when choosing tonal basis it is necessary to focus on the color of the skin and the resulting shade of curls. In the makeup of red-haired girls, cold shades of red and pink are not used. The type itself belongs to the autumn "warm", therefore in the palette cosmetics soft shades are preferable.

Makeup for redheads with green eyes step by step

Owners of red hair and green eyes are incredibly attractive, because such a combination of shades is often perceived as magical, mystical and makes a woman look like the heroine of a fairy tale. The above makeup option is also suitable for owners of brown-green eyes.

Step 1. Use a foundation or beige powder.

Step 2. In the makeup for redheads with green eyes, use shades of green in warm shades, as well as shades of gray and graphite.

Eyelashes are colored with brown or black mascara. The eyebrows are drawn with a medium brown pencil.

Step 3. On the cheekbones, apply light strokes of a light shade of blush, akin to the shade of lipstick.

Step 4. Finish off the makeup by applying a scarlet or deep red lipstick.

Makeup for red hair and blue eyes

Blue eyed girls should use dark blue or brown colors in eye makeup. Shades of gold, bronze and olives will do. Eyeliner is selected in blue or brown. Eyelashes are dyed with brown mascara. The foundation is chosen in beige, and the powder is in cream. For lips, use scarlet or purple lipstick.

Makeup for red hair with gray eyes

For gray-eyed women in eye makeup, you can use shades of gray, blue, brown. The shades of apricot, peach and coral... You should not use purple and black shades, because this way the facial features acquire unnecessary and harsh clarity. Foundation - cream color or light honey. Blush - peach, lipstick- peach or mountain ash.

Makeup for redheads with brown eyes step by step

Step 1. The tonal base is chosen in beige or cream color. Instead of tone, you can lightly powder your face.

Step 2. You can beautifully emphasize the depth of the eyes with shadows of gold, cinnamon, nutmeg and honey. The eye contour should be highlighted with a brown pencil, the same shade is used to draw eyebrows.

Step 3. The color of the blush matches the shade of the lipstick and can be apricot, coral or peach.

Smoky Ice Makeup for Redheads with Brown Eyes

Step 1. A foundation is applied to previously cleansed skin to make the color even more even. Apply thin layer transparent powder.

Step 2. With a sharpened brown or hazel pencil, draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes along the upper and lower eyelid... Using the applicator, the pencil shading is softly shaded.

Step 3. With the help of shadows of gray, brown or gold tones, we shape the eyes. The darkest shade is applied to the outer and lower eyelids, repeating the pencil line. True, the line on the upper eyelid should be wider. Cover the rest of the upper eyelid with light shadows. Apply the lightest shade of shadows to the area of ​​the eyelid under the eyebrow. Using the applicator, gently blend the borders of the shadows.

Step 4. Mascara is applied to the eyelashes.

Step 5. The color of the lipstick should be as neutral as possible: beige or natural.

View examples evening makeup for redheads and not only possible. Our site has beautiful and gentle examples wedding makeup for redheads (photo) in the article about wedding makeup.

Makeup for redheads with freckles

Freckles can often be seen on the skin of red-haired girls. It is up to you to decide whether to mask them or not. If they do not interfere, simply use the foundation, focusing on natural color facial skin. If you want to make the "sun spots" less visible, use a corrective product and only then apply a foundation. But do not choose a foundation to match the freckles, trying to disguise them in this way - it looks unnatural.

Makeup for redheads (photo)

Day makeup for redheads

Beautiful makeup for redheads

Bright makeup for redheads

Makeup for redheads: video

On April 17, Moscow will host the Mesopharm conference "Scientific approach to aesthetic medicine. Actual issues and industry trends."

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Red-haired girls have always stood out. Moreover, "red" is not only hair color, but also a characteristic skin tone, and something elusive in the constitution, posture, manner of movement. Surprisingly, very ugly redheads are much less common than beautiful redheads. In general, regardless of the data that nature has endowed the girl with, it is possible (and probably necessary) to emphasize successful features and hide unattractive ones. Makeup for red hair- mini-science. Here come into force special rules, which are not suitable for either brunettes, or blondes, or brown-haired women, or light-haired. And to the specific parameters of the redhead: the color of hair, eyebrows, skin - you need to very carefully select the right "tools".

Makeup for red hair

Red shades are somewhat extravagant and aggressive. At the same time, the owners of such flowers look mysterious, gentle and even fabulous. Or maybe they radiate confidence and strength? Stop! Let's not get confused. It's all about how to choose the makeup. Red is very demanding. The main rule here is to strive for restraint and harmony.

Often redheads have fair skin. If the complexion is even, you can forget about the tonal basis (whatever you say, but naturalness is always in the price), it is enough to limit yourself to light dusting. If there are blemishes and redness, a moderately covering foundation will be needed.

Basic palette of shades, which is enough to do makeup varying degrees saturation and for different color eye

Gentle day makeup

... which, if necessary, can be easily transformed into an evening

Remember: makeup under red hair does not tolerate foundation! Replace it with an unobtrusive base if necessary.

If you want to create a sophisticated and feminine image, focus on cold contrasts: turquoise, plum, lilac. When planning to tackle makeup in minimalism, stick to a pencil or eyeliner.

"Smokey Eyes" - good decision for evening meetings. It is very important not to overdo it. Deep blacks are best replaced with gray, brown or gold tones.

Red-haired girls look bright even with neutral makeup - hair color even compensates complete absence make-up

Makeup for red hair should take into account the color of the eyelashes - naturally lighter. A bold rich mascara is appropriate here. Short - lengthen. In combination with very light skin, use dark brown mascara.

The fashion for green color in makeup. Sure, khaki, moss and olive flawlessly set off the redhead, but there is a huge variety. good options... Gold, cinnamon, copper, nutmeg, rust - these shades resonate perfectly with the hair.

It is imperative to give enough attention to eyebrows. Darken too much and the face will look fake. It is not enough to select - and the zone will appear empty. It is advisable to experiment in the direction of red-brown powder or pencil.

To shape the eyebrows for redheads, it will be enough to apply a brown modeling gel. It will have a natural effect

Paint your eyelashes with brown mascara ...

... then comb your eyelashes by dipping the brush into mascara

Light skin excludes the possibility of using "standard" blush. On the cheeks, you need to carefully apply coral, peach or apricot shades. You can forget about hot pinks. hair that strongly gravitates towards red should take into account this rule. Even dark strands will not be able to balance the expressive red cheeks on fair skin.

Apply pink, peach, coral, or apricot lipstick to your lips. Be careful with gloss - it can remove the feeling of fullness of the lips and "dissolve" them against the background of the skin. If you have a lot of experience, and you know well the acceptable range of possible expressions, try adding bright red lipstick. You have to be careful and find a balance - but the result will be fantastic!

Red lipstick is very suitable for red-haired girls, the main thing is to choose your own shade correctly

Features of makeup for red hair

Probably, you have a question: "What about the color of the eyes?" Yes it is that much important topic that we decided to bring it out under a separate heading. Let's go through the four main ones: green, blue, gray, brown.

For blue and green eyes

Makeup for red hair and green eyes requires soft light shades... Such a combination, even without auxiliary tools, looks bright enough, so you can confidently refuse to create additional color accents. To create a casual image, all peach, beige, pale lilac and green tones are appropriate. For evening out it is advisable to use a richer range: bronze, purple, green, brown and gold. Sharp color transitions and explicit contours are not allowed. If you are tanned well, you can try richer bronzes, plums and greens. You can try a multi-layered range of colors in order to focus on the eyes.

Red hair and green eyes are enough in itself. bright combination... Your task is to only slightly emphasize the eyebrows, eyes and lips.

Makeup for red hair and blue eyes turns out to be successful if you abandon any sharp and bright colors. Blue eyes are the embodiment of gentle charm, romance, lightness and unobtrusiveness. And in the "alchemical cauldron" with red strands and fair skin, these qualities are greatly enhanced. So oversaturation with colors in makeup is simply unacceptable. It is best to choose gray shadows. Otherwise, look in the direction of coral and peach hues.

A gray or brown soft pencil will work well as a contouring product. Forget green shadows. Even though they go well with red hair, you should use golden, brown or blue shades... In order to focus on the eyes, you need to abandon the catchy tones of lipstick (it is better to focus on delicate pink or terracotta).

Blue eyeshadow and terracotta lipstick. Not very everyday, but suitable for some special occasion

For gray eyes

Makeup for red hair and gray eyes loves mixed shadows. The gray iris is quite neutral - and willingly allows the girl to play with the transitions of tones in the shadows from one to another. You can use neat contrasts of saturation with textures. Feel free to experiment with layering - a little knack and you can achieve tangible appeal and makeup integrity. You can easily create shaded, deep and expressive look, with a ruler of tones from gray or silver to deep blue or turquoise. On the contrary, gray makeup is inappropriate. And poisonous and catchy colors are unacceptable. If you want to accentuate your eyes, drown your makeup - with shaded cool tones, from silver and steel to dark blue with hints of gray.

It is easiest for gray-eyed red-haired girls - almost all shades of shadows and lipstick are suitable for them.

For brown eyes

Makeup for red hair and brown eyes should focus on light skin. It is the skin tone that should be the starting point in the choice of colors and shades of any cosmetics. You need to work very gently with the eyeliner on the lower eyelid (or maybe even abandon the eyeliner) so that the look does not look rough or tired. Deep dark Brown eyes love the black pencil on the upper eyelid. Light brown - brown pencil... If you want to highlight light eyes, use shadows of green shades: grassy, ​​olive, moss. Try graphite, with matte finish or on the contrary - brilliance. For emphasis on dark eyes use a brown range, from light gold to dark chocolate.

Brown-eyed girls with red hair can afford bright shades lipstick. But with eye makeup you need to be careful not to overdo it.

We hope our advice helped to "arm to the teeth." If you suffer from too rare combination of shades and saturation of hair, eyebrows, skin - try to look at the catwalk. Famous fashion designers very often throw in fresh original solutions... It is quite possible that one of these is right for you. And, of course, do not forget about the reason - meeting with friends, going out for shopping, night club and so on - the amount of light, the nature of the meeting, the acceptable style dictate quite certain rules.

Makeup for red hair photos

On red-haired girls, a bright studio make-up looks great. It's easy for them to become the star of a carnival or a costume party.

Very often, red-haired girls practically do not touch their eyes and eyebrows, and at the same time highlight their lips with bright lipstick. It turns out quite unusual, even futuristic.

Red-haired girls are lucky - they can afford the brightest make-up and unusual color combinations.

Makeup for redheads should start with applying a tonal foundation, like a brown-haired woman. Most often, owners of red hair have very light, almost porcelain leather- in this case, you should give preference to the translucent foundation colors Ivory... You should not resort to dark shades and bronzers - it may look unnatural and spoil all the natural beauty.

If you are a dark-skinned girl, then choose peach or beige shades that blend best with your skin color. All redness and rashes, as well as dark circles under the eyes should be masked with a concealer and corrector. Then apply on face light loose powder. For girls with oily or problem skin organic mineral powder is great.

Makeup for red-haired girls also includes the application of blush. For brown-eyed beauties, we advise you to pay attention to peach, red, beige and coral blush, which are best suited for completing the make-up. Green-eyed girls should also look at brownish, apricot and coral blush... But the owners of blue and gray eyes should choose beige-pink or peach beauty products to emphasize the natural beauty.


I wonder what kind of makeup for redheads hair will fit for you? If you have beautiful blue eyes, try using shades of bronze, gold, blue, peach or beige. But too dark colors We do not recommend using it - in combination with light skin and eyes, they will look too contrasting.

Makeup for redheads with gray eyes

But beauties with gray eyes should pay attention to silver, gray and steel shades, which will be slightly lighter or darker than the natural eye color. It is also worth trying cold blue or blue tones, and to make the eyes a little greenish, we recommend using copper or green eyeshadow colors.