How to attract girls. What young people should not do. Important rules for maintaining a long-term relationship

Don't know how to get the attention of the girl you like?

Attention girls!
Men who saw you drunk, naked, in tears and without make-up - cannot be left alive!

How to prepare for a dialogue with a girl?

Alas, not all men have chic external data. And if a person can be perfect internally, then his untidy and dirty appearance will definitely repel.

Items to be reviewed:

  • Purity. Clean, washed hair, a pleasantly smelling body will definitely attract. If there is a beard, or mustache, then they must be well-groomed, without specks and other dust.
  • Cloth. An ironed shirt and wrinkled trousers immediately catch the eye. In addition, these elements of the wardrobe tell all the information about the owner. If a jacket or trousers wrinkle a little, then this is natural for the fabric. Wrinkled, dirty and smelly items of clothing will not only repel, but scare away.

    Clothing can also be used to judge the qualities of a person. Whether he is hardworking, takes care of himself and how he manages the household.

  • Perfumery. Fresh, nice smell from the mouth and fragrant perfumery will very quickly attract female representatives.

What to do so that the girl definitely notices you?

  • Always be in sight. Over time, the girl will definitely pay attention to you, and then turn on the charm and skillfully maintain a dialogue.
  • Start a friendly conversation. Ask something from the company or directly from the girl. The topic of the question may depend on the place, season or news.
  • Actions, good deed . Do something unusual, maybe an acrobatic combination. If sports skills do not allow, then you can do a good deed: remove the kitten from the tree or help cross the road, hold the door, carry the bag.
  • Hobby. It is worth demonstrating your skills in any area. Girls love purposeful people who have certain hobbies.
  • Gift. Having gone broke a little, a man will have to acquire gorgeous bouquet roses or inexpensive costume jewelry and distribute small surprises to the ladies on the street or in a certain place where the object of adoration will be. Such an eccentric girl will definitely remember!

Qualities that attract girls

  1. self-confidence. A man who is confident in himself and his actions has always attracted girls. You don't have to be 100% sure of everything. Just a dialogue is enough, with the help of which a girl can be convinced of the reliability of a man, understand that he has a plan for life and clear goals. You need to show that you are a goal-oriented person. It is important not to mumble or stutter, so the girl will take you for a friend or buddy.
  2. Naturalness. Do not compare yourself with others during the dialogue. It's best to be yourself. If a girl notices the unnaturalness of the image, then further relations don't even count. No need to hide behind a false mask. If a person is a lover of parties, games and any entertainment shows, then there is no need to hide under the guise of a calm, homely boy.
  3. Sincerity. You can start an unobtrusive conversation by sharing your experiences or problems with the girl. You should not come to tears and lamentations, at the end it is better to add: “It's okay. I can solve everything” or a phrase like that. Girls love it when people talk to them sincerely. And yet it is worth pouring out your soul completely to a friend.
  4. Expanded horizons combined with humor. Interesting companion always attracts with his conversation. Do not be abstruse and boring, try to insert jokes between phrases or funny facts. You will always have something to talk about. Therefore, it is worth visiting the library or the Internet.
  5. Individuality. You need to find your own zest in order to stand out from the crowd, to surprise with your features. No need to dye your hair all the colors of the rainbow or make obscene gestures. You can slightly change the hairstyle, wardrobe elements, add an accessory. Great option- manifestation creativity. This feature will become calling card For you.
  6. A wide range of worldview preferences. After talking, you should try to find common hobbies, hobbies, activities or musical preferences. After that, discuss this topic. Such a dialogue can be exciting for both the lady and the man.

Methods of the seducer of women. How to seduce a girl?

  • 22.08.2013

Hello my dear friend!!! After reading this article, you will learn how to seduce a girl on a first date. I'll also tell you what to do if the girl is against making love to you.
In your hands will be step-by-step instruction how to behave at all stages of a date - from meeting to making love at your place. The most interesting thing is that you will learn how to get her to bed with you on the first date.

Getting Started

Most guys do not think about the need to seduce a girl during a meeting. Having met a girl in a cafe, they just sit, talk, if they have the courage, kiss and consider the date over.

Then months of meetings follow, until the young lady, in the end, agrees to make love. The tactics they use are banal - this is persuasion and buying expensive gifts in the hope that the beauty will thank them. It seems funny to me. I can't even imagine how you can persuade a beauty to make love??? The guy should seduce the girl, and not ask, persuade her or beg.

The most important thing that a guy who is interested in how to seduce a girl for sex and a long acquaintance should know is not fashion clothes and tanned beautiful body, although physical attractiveness plays an important role in this matter. But to seduce any of the fair sex, even married woman you can with a neutral appearance.

The main thing here is that your appearance was not repulsive. Who will like it if you resemble a homeless person or a far from fragrant and pleasant smell emanates from you. If you see, meeting a girl on the street, that she turns away from you, do not expect any continuation. So, if you really want to interest the woman you like, you must at least have a clean appearance.

At the very beginning of a date, be sure to remember:

  1. To understand if a girl is interested in a man in terms of love, she only needs the first 5 minutes of communicating with you live.
  2. The fact of coming to the meeting is already part of her interest, which will eventually result in lovemaking.

What follows from this? And everything is very simple: "The girl who came on a date wants you no less than you want her." Don't think that if you made love, she did you a favor. Not at all. After all, she also enjoyed it, just like you.

And yet, if a girl came on a date, this does not mean that everything will end in seduction. Now it all depends on you and how you will behave with her. It is worth saying that in some way married girl easier to seduce. After all, if everything is in order in the family and they are satisfied with it sexual relations with her husband, she wouldn't even get to know you. So here you need to correctly capture the moment. But in order to seduce a young woman, now you need to behave properly on a date.

What is needed for this?

  1. Be confident. Rohli and humble men who get lost and look down, cannot be interested mature woman and then you, of course, will receive a lapel turn.
  2. Do not praise yourself too much, talk about your merits in passing, as if it escaped you by accident.
  3. In a cafe or restaurant, you should not solder a girl, believe me, if you are really interested in her, she will reveal herself to you and if you don’t have a fleeting feeling for her for one night, then you don’t need to solve the problem in this way. A little alcohol in the amount of one or two glasses good wine It won't hurt, it'll just help you loosen up.
  4. It should not be imposed. This situation is often observed if a guy wanted to quickly seduce a girl, and she resists such an onslaught. Don’t worry, and if it didn’t work out on the first date, and you really like her, then there will be another second.

As mentioned above, in reality, a girl makes her assessment of a man in the first minutes of meeting. So on a date, the main thing is not to spoil that positive impression with words or deeds.

Why do men think about seduction

The thing is that by nature women are passive. And it means that she will not take the first step and will wait, even if her desire is very great. And just so it's completely men's work focused on emotions. Let's get back to our main question: how to seduce a young lady in a conversation?

An interesting video on how you can unusually charm a girl when you meet:

And the first thing we need to do is to win her over. She needs to feel like she's known you all her life.

Here is the algorithm of actions for you:

  • tell her funny jokes and smile whenever possible.
  • Let your communication become like a conversation between two old friends.
  • Talk about your childhood adventures
  • Make fun of her
  • Tell a cool positive life story

Remember, girls are a bit different than men, and they won't have sex if the guy is visually attractive to them. If you seduce grown woman who has a family or other obligations, then simple visual sympathy will suffice here. But if we are talking about a long-term relationship with your girlfriend, then you should be interested in her on the first date. You must attract her not only with your eyes, but also on a personal level.

You have already received free advice on the algorithm of action, so initially the main thing is to become her friend, whom she would trust. We all know that friendship usually starts with something in common, so go ahead - find common ground, something in common that can connect you. And then it will be easier for you to seduce her, because this natural phenomenon when two similar personalities are attracted to each other. How to start seducing a girl, you can watch the video below.

At the first sign of a slight arousal in a girl, do not hesitate for a long time and immediately invite her to your home. At the same time, try not to say openly where you will go (go). Otherwise, it is possible that she will figure out your plan for her and refuse.

To do this, you can simply lie in a blatant lie. For example, you tell her that you are going to the cinema, a cool cafe for coffee, smoke a hookah, and in fact you will come to you. Or an option, you forgot something at home, very necessary in this moment and you need to run home for a couple of minutes. After that, you invite her to climb with you. At the same time, any mention of the word “home” by a girl can quickly figure you out. In fact, there are a lot of ways.
We will assume that the girl is already at your place. It remains only to maximally arrange her for yourself and make love to her. I want to warn you, it won't be easy. Although she is already in your house, but this does not guarantee that she will want to make love to you right now.

You are already at home… What are our next steps?
  • 1. Offer her a delicious drink. Prepare bye bye great drink. The main thing is that the drink is strong and really excellent. The girl, after drinking a couple of shots, should feel good. Then arrange it to make love faster.
  • 2. You can offer her to smoke a hookah. Let her relax.
  • 3. Cook a dish together. In case she loves to cook, then this is lovely way spend time. The main thing is that the process is very fun.
  • 4. Watch an interesting movie. It can be a comedy or a positive cartoon. Practice shows that beauties are not indifferent to such films. You can also make a selection of funny videos from social networks. While watching a movie, try to sit down so that you can touch her back.
  • 5. In this case, you can turn on the music, let it play a pleasant melody and invite her to dance. It will be beautiful and romantic.
  • 6. If you know how to massage, that's fine. After all, with a massage, seduction will pass faster.
  • 7. If you like an employee, then ask a couple of friends from work to come to visit you for the weekend with girlfriends or wives. And invite this woman. Just ask your friends in advance to leave quietly after an hour or two, and then you can direct all your charm to seduce a colleague girl.

Let's say that you are already watching an exciting movie and drinking delicious wine, etc. etc. What's next? Before proceeding to seduction, make sure that the girl has settled into your house and feels relaxed and confident. Sometimes it happens that in a strange house a young lady closes herself. If a girl doesn't feel right, you can give her a little tour of the house and tell her a few things. interesting stories that took place in different places your dwelling.
Therefore, try to make her laugh and step back a little. Start a conversation on confidential topics.

Tips for seduction are better heard before than after. No matter how you spend your time, try to touch the girl as much as possible. For example, when you drink wine, touch the girl's leg with your hand. Also, if you smoke a hookah, do not miss the opportunity to casually touch it.

By this time you already understand whether the young lady is disposed towards you. If so, you can gently pick her up and carry her to bed. If there is no desire or opportunity to carry her - just take her by the hand and take her to bed.

In bed, you can continue to drink a drink, and you see her positive reaction, offer her a drink for brotherhood. And, of course, a passionate kiss.

Moving to bed can be more interesting. Book a room in advance romantic style. Intrigue the girl, tell her that you have prepared a surprise for her, blindfold her eyes with a piece of cloth. Then take her in your arms and carry her to the bed.

After watching the movie, having previously caressed her, go to tender kisses shoulders, neck, ears. Pay close attention to the girl's reaction. In case of her positive reaction, kiss her passionately.

You can also enable slow romantic music and dance with the girl. At the end of the dance, kiss her passionately and return to the sofa with her.

Yes, the first important steps fulfilled, you have already kissed and are on the bed. What's next?

Do not forget that on the first date there is a chance of getting rejected. Therefore, further behave as competently as possible and you will reduce the likelihood of rejection to a minimum.

So let's get started. When you are lying on the bed together, move on to more explicit touches - stroking her stomach, go down and touch through the clothes between her legs, rub. If the girl's excitement increases, she arches and does not move away from you, run your hand into her panties. And, if she doesn't mind further, take off her jeans and panties first, and then the jacket and bra. Then you just have to put on a condom and start the process. For your own good, be sure to wear a condom. And girls can refuse to make love to you without condoms.

Perhaps you will hear objections from the beauty when you move on to action. These can be phrases like “Everything is too fast, I can’t do this”, “Nothing will happen”, “I don’t do this on a first date”, “You and I still don’t know each other much”. Remember: "Don't argue with a girl if she makes objections." It is best to respond with a positive "Good" and continue petting. After all, despite the objections, the girl still reciprocates you.

As you continue to touch, she may ask why you said "Okay" and yet you continue to hit on her. You can answer that you bad guy and insolent and everything is allowed to you. This answer will only excite her more.

The main thing is to prepare in advance positive and impudent answers to the objections of the girl. Take an objection like, "I don't do this with a guy on the first date." You say: “Imagine, I also don’t do this with guys on the first date and even on the fifth.”

Or another option: “I don’t know you at all.” You can answer: "Dear girl, let's get to know each other, My name is Vova."

On this, perhaps, everything. You are now a pro at this. Oh, by the way, don't forget, theory without practice is worth nothing. And while it's good that you're reading all about the science of the pickup truck, it's time to start practicing. So keep practicing!!

Find out what zodiac sign of your girlfriend and act

Believe it or not, zodiac sign seduction really works. And many people use it. So don't fall behind, take it into service and act!


Aries girl has enough a strong character, and she feels great without a man. She will demonstrate this trait of hers to you. But if your heroic stories about yourself and your past exploits interest her, then she will certainly want to check whether you really are such a skillful and tireless partner in bed.


If you like a Taurus woman, then know that reliability is the main thing for her. She will choose as partners men with whom she feels a sense of security in any respect - spiritual, material and, of course, physical. If you are attracted to just such a girl, then a standard scenario will do here:

  • a chic bouquet of flowers;
  • expensive restaurant;
  • splendid decoration.

And that's it, it will be yours!


If you are attracted to the changeable and contradictory twin girls, then you have no choice but to constantly surprise her. such a girl is distinguished by a constant changeable character and special curiosity. You always need to know everything about everyone, to captivate and interest her. Do not despair even in the case when you are ready to get down to business and undress her, and she abruptly changed her mind and refuses to have sex with you. Just learn it changeable mood maybe in 5 minutes she will change her mind.

Cancer girl is different romantic nature and expects certain gestures from you. You should be generous with her and show how cool you are. Also, such women are constantly striving for new knowledge. And if you teach her something from the second meeting, for example, driving a car, or even a yacht, then you will soon be able to lure her into bed.

What can be said about such a zodiac sign as a lion? And so everything is clear! A lioness needs a leader, smart and generous, strong and kind. Be the "king of beasts", and the woman will reciprocate.


For a woman born under the sign of Virgo, it does not matter how rich you are, the main thing is the cleanliness of a man and his mind. If you want to seduce her, watch yourself. Keep changing underwear, shirts and socks. You must always be clean and shaved and smell expensive perfume. In this case, you will not need to apply huge effort to win over such a girl.


Libra girls love guys who are reliable and involved in creativity. Just remember, these girls know what they want, and if you don’t immediately progress to sex, then there’s nothing to catch here. If within a month it doesn’t go beyond flirting, you can forget about her, she just doesn’t want to have sex with you.


Do you like a scorpio girl? Well, we can congratulate you - this is the sexiest zodiac sign. your mental and spiritual qualities, as well as material opportunities, fade into the background. You can only lure her with first-class sex, otherwise you shouldn’t even start. If you are confident in your abilities, then let her understand that, since with you she will not be happy with anyone in bed, because you are Casanova!


The Sagittarius woman is very impulsive. So, if she really likes you, then you will definitely understand this, because she will demonstrate her interest in every possible way. In this case, you and the cards in your hands - act. With her, you are definitely guaranteed sex at the first meeting. But the longer you wait, the more your chances will decrease. Also remember - these girls love freedom, it is impossible for her to limit her personal space.


Capricorn girls are very pedantic. Their main feature is business quality. Relations with her can be approached as a business project. Offer her a plan in which your relationship will take first place and that's it - she's yours. After all, then she will think over and organize herself, but breathtaking sex awaits you.


For Pisces girls, feelings come first. You will wait for sex from her only if she believes you, that is, your feelings will be sincere. Tell her from the bottom of your heart about your love, then you can get everything from her.

Video tips on the topic:

practical magic for the true Me">

How to attract a woman into your life? Practical Magic for True Me

While hundreds of resources teach women insidious tricks of the trump card, men walk around completely deprived, untrained, abandoned. Do not cry, True Man, we will save you and reveal all your inner danced potential!

Today - according to all feng shui and other chthonic laws;) So, thanks to our previous portion of wisdom, you have probably already become. However, the princess stopping the white horse at a gallop has not rushed to you yet? Basic theses “Beloved will find you herself if you are in the right place. psychological state And “Smile, looking into the eyes of women you meet!” did not help? Even when the required degree was reached, from your smile did the oncoming women with the whole carriage move somewhere beyond the horizon? Do not drift, right now we'll heap cooler!

Back to first grade

“We attract images of people that already exist in our subconscious. Imagine Her every day, beautiful scenes of your romance, wedding and old age together. All this at the level of thought will bring the fulfillment of your dream closer.”

So, in the evenings, sit down and write down on a piece of paper in all the details what exactly you want to see your Princess. On another leaf, draw detailed illustrations. Then She, apparently, will not withstand such an intrigue and will climb into your window. (Well, how else to get to the unique, which without leaving home attracts perfect couple such an irresistible sorcery!) If you don’t scare her away from the porn you got on the leaf in the style of customs officer Rousseau, she’s yours.

Get out!

If you have fruit flies in your house more often than women, urgently remember the need getting rid of negative energy And bad memories about the past that have accumulated in the house. I mean, a mop in the teeth - and forward to the embrasure. And then the qi energy will not squeeze through the stubs. Your Woman will know that your home has been successfully cleansed of negativity by a sacred sign: a cobweb in your hair. And how he will rush to ask for you! Well, just stare at the great miracle of a clean male apartment. Leave her at least a couple of unwashed cups in the southwest zone, otherwise she will decide that you are a new generation robot.

Split personality

“Nothing in your house should speak of loneliness. Buy a double bed, put women's slippers in the hallway. In the interior, it is useful to observe the principle of pairing: two plush hares in an embrace, a picture with a pair of swans, two vases on a shelf…”

Well, you don’t have to look at us like that, we didn’t come up with it, but it’s even feng shui, ancient and wise like Tortila and direct like Pinocchio. Do you think that at the sight of alien slippers she will run away in the first minute, because she will decide that someone has already nested here, and where does this cupid de trois belong to her? Well, me-uh ... You think logically. But we are not teaching you logic here, but still this very feng shui. So go get two birds with one stone and don't buzz. Falling in love, by the way, is classified as a mental illness. This seems to be the whole calculation of ancient wisdom.

Very dramatic

“I met a girl that you like - you need to quietly whisper in your left palm: “To be with me”, and then touch this hand to the chosen one. This plot works especially well during the dance.

We wish you good luck, friend. Sure it is the right remedy. Are you afraid for the integrity of your scoreboard after such a manipulation? Well, what, very compassionate nurses come across in emergency rooms. This is actually a magical multi-move!

Conjure, grandfather!

Light a red candle... Didn't find one? Well, light any color. None found? Well, a lighter, okay. Now read the text: “Litato Vista ( your name) drilllot nisalo. As the sun is red without a month, as there is no bright month without stars, so I, the servant of God, will find a person by heart, by fate and by life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How old are you - so many times and read. What drilllot did all this, do not ask. In matters of magic, the main thing is ardent and unshakable faith. Well, without a mental illness (aka falling in love) it will not work out in any way, you have already learned that.

Energizing practice

And now, dear comrade, turn off your brain completely. And include other organs. Let's do the great practice "Prostate Breathing". She will charge you with the energy of the ancient elements - and how you charge you will make happy anyone you want.

So. “Close your eyes, inhale with your stomach and imagine how the prostate expands and fills with energy, and as you exhale, you squeeze intimate muscles. With each breath you imagine how the space of your prostate increases to the size of a room, then to the size of a city, then to the size of a country, a planet and, finally, the Universe…” We can't read any further. For further diminutive suffixes grow to the organs - and their mouth opens ... But they promise that in this way the whole world in the face of the opposite sex will revolve around your, hmm, nature. You're chasing energy in your pants, and everyone is running, running, running at you. Well, yes, if you think about it - where else can they go if your causal places have occupied the entire Universe: it’s hard to miss somehow!

Right in the left eye!

Well, for a snack. If you are already so tired of such magic that you are not even able to focus on a potential victim. And it is not necessary. Focus and pay attention!

“Do not be afraid to look at women, but in order for your look to become alluring, sexy and attractive, squeeze your intimate muscles. Your pupils will dilate, and your gaze will become so bottomless that a woman will immediately want to drown in it. Give her this opportunity by trying to look into her left eye. It is responsible for our unconscious and helps to penetrate into the soul.”

To the left, you understand? Missed - we are not responsible for the result! Wherever you go, there you go.

... In general, do not stop vibrating, pulsing, contracting and expanding, recharged by chthonic forces. And be sure to wear pants. Pants are a magical sacred object, these forces just creep through them. Do not wear underpants under your pants, otherwise the forces will not reach desired points. Vedic epic masculinity requires sacrifice, and we said goodbye to the brain a few points ago. Some unwise men, however, are trying to attract a woman into their lives with this very body. What can you do: women depraved by civilization, in shorts and without paired plush hares, are increasingly found in our world infected with logic ... Feng Shui with them! Hunt the True - if only because they, too, have already gone to hunt!

Photo: Shutterstock
Text: Julia Sheket

Do you want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

A boy meets a girl, they like each other, start dating, get married and everything is fine. But how did this choice come about? Why do girls stick to some men and avoid others? What makes someone attractive to the opposite sex? Most attribute this to love, chemical reactions, the uncontrollability of Cupid's arrows, and chance.

In fact, the attractiveness of a person is some kind of steps that you need to go through in order. Girls are attracted by the health of a person, his status, emotionality and logic. And now in order.

How to attract girls? We need to get through all these aspects.

1. Good health a man is attracted to girls. Human health implies its physical data. This is what a person looks like, how he moves, how he smells, how he dresses. Good physical data are important as external visual markers to people around.

How to attract girls with health? It is quite obvious that you need to look good. Go in for sports, get enough sleep, take care of your face and appearance. A healthy and sexy appearance can be completely pumped if a person does not have ordinary laziness. In addition, you need to pay attention to the wardrobe. This is one of simple ways become more attractive to the opposite sex. Clothing sometimes completely transforms a person.

2. high status a man is attracted to girls. Status is internal and external world person. The inner part consists of behavior, character and value system. outer part- this is his work, material wealth and prospects.

How to attract girls with an internal status? This is a strength of character, iron eggs, confidence and firmness of principles. Masculinity is quite difficult to learn immediately, but gradually it is quite possible. Copy action heroes, businessmen, the mighty of the world this. Try to be king and not a pawn in life.

How to attract girls with external status? Wealth- this is a very important part. Girls want to create prosperous family And financial prosperity. Few people dream of a rented apartment and a beggarly salary. Do you also want to be secure? For pumping the external status, you need to work and make your way in life. It’s good that you are doing this, to realize yourself in life.

If you passed the first two points of the girl, but go to the third. But often 80% of people are cut off on health and status.

3. The right vector of emotionality attracts girls. Every person is looking for spiritual comfort, trust, intellectual connection, uniqueness and some uncertainty.

How to attract girls with emotionality? It's more about NLP. You will need the ability of a psychologist to make the girl feel comfortable. Need to fix emotional connection, impregnate relationships with trust, sexuality. In addition, a constant small uncertainty is needed. Always leave a riddle in you, some mystery that she cannot solve. Be unpredictable from time to time.

4. Healthy logic and attractiveness. People are not animals, although we are subject to waves of mood, passion and love. On the last step women use logic. It seems strange, but girls are more pragmatic in choosing their partner.

How to attract girls by influencing her logic? Demonstrate readiness for an adult relationship, not for one-time sex. How mature are you for a family and even children? How reliable are you, what are your life plans? You have to be a logical fit for the man of her dreams.

It is clear that you will not do all these 4 points with a girl who you are not pretty or do not really like. It's only for special girlfriends who are potential wives. But still, 4 points need to be pumped in order to attract women.

We remind you once again how to be a magnet for girls:

Upgrade your health and appearance
- take care of the external status (career) and internal (character)
- learn to communicate with the fair sex
- show yourself as a real man

Save this article, keep a list, and make notes about changes. This will help you not so much with girls as in life. Everyone can be a loser, but you have to work on success. Good luck!

I have been coaching guys with Roman for many years, I was at a live training, I think that the training "Date: from meeting to sex" is the only most informative information product on this topic in Runet. Roman is an experienced trainer and has been in the topic of seduction for many years, he himself learned a lot from him. I came to Novosibirsk to Roman for personal coaching. I was very pleased, as Roman changed my life in better side and taught me how to get the most out of whatever I do. I also found myself and my way, now there is a business, there is a beloved girl nearby. Everything is fine!

Eduard, Ulan-Ude, 39 years old

From the video courses, Roman learned that it is easy and simple to seduce girls and it is not necessary to have a lot of money or be a raving pet! I pumped, although before the training I was a complete zero, so to speak. Roman changed me, he is really a practical trainer, publishes excellent courses...

Ivan, Saratov, 33 years old

Good video courses, in which there is no water, no empty words - only specifics and valuable information on all aspects of the course topics. The dates are very detailed. Relationships are shown in detail and clearly. After studying both courses, I can safely say that there are no more questions. There is only a desire to develop and gain success. Thank you, Roman, for your invaluable work on the courses!

Peter, Omsk, 22 years old

Passed individual training with Roman Vinilov on the topic of dating girls and getting to know them. All sessions were very productive. There were many exercises that gave results instantly. Roman showed his skill, gave advice, motivated. I learned a lot, understood a lot and I am very glad that I studied with Roman. For the sake of this, he even came to Novosibirsk from distant Tyumen)

Sergey, Tyumen, 26 years old

Roman, I want to thank you for the fact that your course has changed my life dramatically and for the better! I could not believe that after a few weeks of studying in your course I would already have the first significant results!

Ilya, Riga, 23 years old

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Ivan, Serpukhov, 21 years old

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Mikhail, Omsk, 25 years old

Your relationship course, Roman, opened my eyes to reality. Before, I had a completely different idea of ​​​​everything and was very wrong. Now everything has changed and I am building a full-fledged high-quality relationship with the girl of my dreams!

Vladimir, Khabarovsk, 23 years old

I had the first date according to your course and according to your advice - damn it, the girl herself began to seduce me !!! It works amazingly, I did not expect such an effect. Now I spend dates all the time, several times a day - out of 10 8 end in sex, and 5 of them on the first date!!!

Eugene, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

Thank you for your mailing list lessons and books. Although they are free, but the information in them is very valuable! I whole year scoured the Internet for information on how to seduce girls on a date, there was nothing worthwhile ... only a pickup truck, RMS, some western stuff ... and then I got acquainted with your work. That's what our Russian guys are missing! Everything is ours, for real, without falsehood. I really liked your approach to seduction. Not stupid sex, but something more ... although for those who want only sex - that's it too))) I wanted a relationship with a beautiful girl and got it thanks to your lessons. Thanks, Rom!

Alexander, Moscow, 26 years old

Your advice helped me a lot. Just 4 Skype conferences and I learned how to date and get sex on them without spending a lot of extra time, nerves, money and everything else) Success is not difficult! The main thing is to learn from a good coach. It's a novel :)

Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

How could I seduce before beautiful girls? No way. No car, no apartment. But after training with Roman Vinilov, I did the impossible. Changed myself so that the girls now just dry for me !!! Learning from Roman is very cool, the motivation is active, the kicks are magical, the experience is unlimited. I am very glad that I was once acquainted with such a person as Roman.

Artyom, Samara, 24 years old

Thank you Roman for your courses and advice! They always help, I am very glad that I am familiar with you and your materials.

Ilya, Novosibirsk, 22 years old