How to become an elite girl. Luxurious Russian women: photo. Luxurious mature women: photo

There are men that women dream of - smart, worthy, loving men. And what kind of woman do such men dream of? How to become a woman for whom the best men will fight?

Let's call her an elite woman, but we will not mean the secular elite with intrigues and scandals, but a woman - the embodiment of a dream.

Yes, she is beautiful, beautiful in appearance, but almost any woman who looks after herself is beautiful, a woman who is well-groomed and in good physical form. Not guided by calls to "be a little fool", an elite woman is smart, truly educated, erudite, always in development. Calls from women's trainings "allow yourself to be a woman" - empty, something like young man say: "Allow yourself to be an academician!". It won't work, you have to work.

It is true that men love fools, but the full truth is that they love them for a short time, but respect them - never. A female queen for her man can portray a fool when it is appropriate and fun, but the main style of her behavior and communication is status and self-respect. Without listening to the slogans “turn off her head”, she behaves “with her head” in any situation, she is reasonable, she knows her goals very well and she has developed self-control. Girls want to relax and immerse themselves in the flow of emotions, but this is not what an elite woman lives for. She has deep feelings And bright emotions but she owns her emotions, not her emotions. The mind of an elite woman is calm, but never turns off. Her mind is the development of positions of perception: she knows her own needs, and feels the needs of other people, she knows how to look at everything from a distance and see distant prospects, and at the same time, the position of an Angel is close to her: disinterested care for those near and far.

She remembers that the strength of a woman is in her weakness, but her strength is not only in this. She is self-confident, she has the courage to value herself and state her desires, she dares to be demanding, able to insist on her legitimate interests from the list of what is realistic to achieve. She knows perfectly well what a format is in a relationship, and will never allow disrespect for herself. Of course, she is a leader, but she knows how to do it so tactfully and rather covertly, using, among other things, positive manipulations - so that the man next to her will always feel respected and significant. She knows how to raise people's self-esteem, support their best aspirations, make them great and strong people. Behind every great man is a woman-queen.

It is distinguished by culture, upbringing and good manners, and this always makes an impression on close acquaintance. She has a soft voice, correct pronunciation, smooth movements and beautiful soft gestures. The queen is all about taste and style, which doesn't get in the way, but only emphasizes her sexuality and creates the right backdrop for her female military arsenal. She knows how to win men - the best men!

The female queen is always in good mood, warm and friendly, and even in difficult situations it is characterized by regret instead of discontent, there is no nightmare, horror, tantrums and impulsive reactions, there is endurance and tolerance, calmness and efficiency. She does not play suffering and helplessness, she does not blame or make excuses, she confidently behaves like the author of her life, charging people with her energy and infecting with optimism. She has living eyes general feeling from her - the Sun.

Simple things like honesty and a family attitude lovely decoration elite woman! For her man, she is a Muse and an ally. Among decent people, she chooses her man with both her mind and her heart, she knows how to love faithfully and wisely, building relationships in such a way that there is no place for jealousy and sick attachments. She knows how to love and chooses those whom it is definitely worth loving, whom it is impossible not to love.

Where to start teaching yourself? You can do it completely on your own, but it is more efficient to work in a group of like-minded people and under the guidance of a mentor-trainer. We do not recommend going to women's trainings right away: their quality is very different, many teach very controversial things. If you find an opportunity, it is better to get trained at the Sinton Training Center, and start with the Basic Training of the Sinton Program. And finish-

How to become an elite woman

Your true strength is more than simple beauty. Main strength women are the mind, because desire is born in the head.

Learn, learn and learn. To learn pleasure, beauty, gait, the seductiveness of movements...
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Qualities of an elite woman.

An elite girl in a situation of danger does not yell and trusts men. And use them - for their own good.
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Women's gait chest.
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There are men that women dream of - smart, worthy, loving men. And what kind of woman do such men dream of? How to become a woman for whom the best men will fight?

Let's call her an elite woman, but we will not mean the secular elite with intrigues and scandals, but a woman - the embodiment of a dream.

Yes, she is beautiful, beautiful in appearance - but almost any woman who takes care of herself is beautiful, a woman who is well-groomed and in good physical shape. Not focusing on calls to "be a little fool", an elite woman is smart, truly educated, erudite, always in development.

Appeals from women's trainings "allow yourself to be a woman" are empty, just like saying to a young man: "Let yourself be an academician!". It won't work, do you have to work? Girls want to relax and immerse themselves in the flow of emotions, but this is not what an elite woman lives for. The mind of an elite woman is calm, but never turns off. Without listening to the slogans “turn off her head”, she behaves “with her head” in any situation, she is reasonable, she knows her goals very well and she has developed self-control. She has deep feelings and vivid emotions, but she owns her emotions, not her emotions. Her mind is the development of positions of perception: she knows her own needs, and feels the needs of other people, she knows how to look at everything from a distance and see distant prospects, and at the same time, the position of an Angel is close to her: disinterested care for near and far.

She remembers that the strength of a woman is in her weakness, but her strength is not only in this. She is self-confident, she has the courage to value herself and state her desires, she dares to be demanding, able to insist on her legitimate interests from the list of what is realistic to achieve. She knows perfectly well what a format is in a relationship, and will never allow disrespect for herself. Of course, she is a leader, but she knows how to do it so tactfully and rather covertly, using, among other things, positive manipulations - so that a man next to her will always feel respected and significant. She knows how to raise people's self-esteem, support their best aspirations, make them great and strong people. Behind every great man is she - a woman-queen.

She is distinguished by culture, good manners and good manners, and this always makes an impression on close acquaintance. She has a soft voice, correct pronunciation, smooth movements and beautiful soft gestures. The queen is all about taste and style, which doesn't get in the way, but only emphasizes her sexuality and creates the right backdrop for her female military arsenal. She knows how to win men - the best men!

The queen woman is always in a good mood, warm and friendly, and even in difficult situations she is characterized by regret instead of discontent, there is no nightmare, horror, tantrums and impulsive reactions, there is endurance and tolerance, calmness and efficiency. She does not play suffering and helplessness, she does not blame or make excuses, she confidently behaves like the author of her life, charging people with her energy and infecting with optimism. She has lively eyes, the general feeling from her is the Sun.

Such simple things as honesty and attitude towards the family are a wonderful decoration for an elite woman! For her man, she is a Muse and an ally. Among decent people, she chooses her man with both her mind and her heart, she knows how to love faithfully and wisely, building relationships in such a way that there is no place for jealousy and sick attachments. She knows how to love and chooses those whom it is definitely worth loving, whom it is impossible not to love.

Where to start teaching yourself? It is possible to do it completely independently, but it is more efficient to work in a group of like-minded people and under the guidance of a mentor-trainer. We do not recommend going to women's trainings right away: their quality is very different, many teach very controversial things. If you find an opportunity, it is better to get trained at the Sinton training center, and start with the Basic Training of the Sinton Program. And to finish - with women's training by Irina Miroshnichenko. Forward!
How easy it is to get things done

Sometimes it happens like this: the plan is written, but the work according to the plan does not go well: either there is not enough time, or there is not enough strength. How to get things done:

Prioritize. It is not enough to write a to-do list, it is important to know what you will start doing first and what second.
Where to start? It depends on, excuse me, the level of your development. Strong people start the morning of each day confidently, with the most important things, without understanding whether they are difficult or easy. If you need to swing, if your biorhythms and other personal psychology are relevant to you, at the beginning of the working day it is better for you to plan simple and understandable things that are easy to get involved in. So it will be easy to get involved in the work and "warm up" before a more difficult task.
Track performance. What has been planned must be brought to fruition. Then this task will no longer pop up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the most inopportune time. To make it clearer: let's say you need to make an appointment. you called the right person, but they didn’t get through and postponed the case, but they marked it in the plan - they called, that is, it seems like the job is done, although in fact, not yet. To prevent this from happening, accustom yourself to bring things to the end: that is, not just call - but arrange a meeting.
Get used to doing things as soon as possible, do not put off indefinitely. Delayed cases tend to drag on for a very long time. What can be done immediately - do it without delay.
Next, see the methods of personal self-organization: a lot of practical tips.
Interesting Facts about the functioning of memory and the brain

fig.1. Interesting facts about the work of memory and the brain

Fact one. You cannot tickle yourself.
When examining a patient who is ticklish, doctors usually try to place his or her hands on top of their own to prevent such sensations. Why is that? Yes, because no matter how you are afraid of tickling, you can try to tickle yourself as much as you like and not get the usual sensations at the same time. You can't tickle YOURSELF!

This is because your brain keeps your senses focused on the most important things, signals from the surrounding world, which should not sink in the bottomless sea of ​​sensations caused by your own actions. For this purpose, there is a part of the brain that is able to generate a signal that distinguishes our touch from someone else's. It's about 1/8 of overall size brain and weighs about 4 ounces (113g). In addition, this small part of the brain can predict the consequences of our sensory inputs. If the prediction matches actual sensory information, then the brain knows it's safe to ignore the sensation.

TOTAL. Well, you will not be able to tickle yourself to hysteria! Your brain won't let you.

Fact two. You find it hard to maintain phone conversation in a noisy room.
Communication by mobile phone in a noisy place can often be difficult. And your cell phone makes the task of the brain even more difficult by feeding it through the speaker a mixture of sounds from the room you are in and the sounds received from your subscriber. This greatly complicates the task of the brain, since both your friend's voice and extraneous noises are mixed into one common stream. To avoid such mixing, it is recommended that you simply cover your phone's microphone while you are trying to hear the caller.

Fact three. There is some benefit from the "shooters". They can help you multitask.
Frequent multitasking increases your ability to pay attention to several things at the same time. IN this case, computer "action games" can be a good source of practice, because. the main goal is to shoot as many enemies as possible before they shoot you. For a successful game, you are forced to constantly monitor the entire battlefield (in this case, the entire monitor) in order to quickly detect and respond to events.

But, for example, the Tetris program does not have the same effect, because while playing, you have to temporarily focus on only one object, and not on multitasking. Does this mean you should encourage your kids to play action games? We're not in favor of exposing children to a torrent of screen violence, but at least you can take some comfort in the fact that some positive effect from your children's video game activities is still there, and the time spent playing video games may, at least in part, not be wasted.

Fact four. The brain has a humor center.
It is very difficult to define what humor is, but we are well aware that this is it when we encounter it. One theory suggests that the action of humor lies in surprise, in surprise before the end of the situation is different from what logic and experience would normally tell you, with an unusual interpretation of a rather ordinary thing.

In order for it to still be perceived as a joke, and not a logic puzzle, the result must be a coherent story with an unexpected, but not too reasonable in the usual sense, result or process. Some patients with damage to the frontal lobe of the brain do not take jokes at all. Typically, this is because they have trouble interpreting a process step. For example, given a joke with a choice of endings, they can't tell which one is funny.

Fifth fact. Frequent violations of the biorhythms of the body can lead to memory damage.
Not only are jet lags exhausting, they can be dangerous to your brain health if repeated. People making long flights associated with crossing a large number time zones are at risk of brain damage and memory problems. This appears to be the result of stress hormones that damage the temporal lobe and memory proper and are produced during jet lag. So, in the risk zone are, different categories people whose field of activity, however, is inevitably associated with frequent and long-distance movements in space from a politician and a businessman to a shift worker, whose frequent and abrupt changes in the time schedule active work expose their body and brain to constant stress.

Fact seven. Bright light provokes sneezing.
Many people sneeze when they look at bright lights. What is this reflex and how does it work? The main function of a sneeze is fairly obvious: it expels substances or objects that irritate Airways. The sneezing center is located in a specific part of the brainstem, and damage to it can lead to loss of the ability to sneeze.

Sneezing is usually triggered by stimulus signals transmitted through the brain to this special area. The brain receives these signals from the nose through several nerves, including the trigeminal nerve, which carries a wide variety of signals from the face of a person to the brain stem. This nerve is extremely congested, which, most likely, explains the fact that bright light can provoke sneezing. Sunlight, which, in fact, should only cause pupillary contraction, can also sometimes affect neighboring areas, affecting such nerve fibers or neurons that give a tickling sensation in the nose. By the way, not only bright light can be an unexpected cause of sneezing. It happens that a strong orgasm can also cause a similar reaction in a man.

Fact eight. Yawning makes the brain mobilize.
Despite the fact that we usually associate yawning with sleepiness and boredom, it is actually a means to wake us up and fire up our brains. When yawning, the pharynx and larynx expand, which allows you to inhale more air, respectively, more oxygen enters through the lungs into the blood, bringing our body into a state of combat readiness. Incidentally, most vertebrates, including all mammals and perhaps birds, use this simple technique to a similar effect, but in this case, as in primates, for example, yawning is usually associated with a tense situation and the presence of a potential threat. Even a 12-14 week old human fetus can already demonstrate this ability.

Think of yawning as an attempt by your body to put you on full alert, and then it will be possible to explain even its “contagiousness” to people. The situation is well known for any teacher and student when, in an audience crowded with bored students, someone starts yawning at the top of their lungs and this starts a chain reaction. Perhaps this is a way of communicating the need for increased attention By the way, yawns are generally not "contagious" in non-primates, although the ability to recognize yawns is fairly common: dogs, for example. yawn in response to stressful situations and, researchers believe, use yawning to calm others down. You can even sometimes calm your dog down by yawning.

Fact nine. Height makes the brain see strange things.
Many religions include stories of specific visions occurring at high altitudes. For example, Moses heard a voice coming from a burning bush on Mount Sinai, and Muhammad was visited by an angel on Mount Hira. In general, those who testify to this kind of thing usually describe the feeling of someone's presence, sounds, voices, often claim to have seen the outlines of figures, light (sometimes emanating from these figures) and, as a rule, admit that they were very frightened by this.

Surprisingly, similar phenomena are not considered anything so mystical among climbers. Maybe it's in the mountains? Acute mountain sickness usually occurs at altitudes above 8,000 feet (2,400 m) and many of the effects are usually due to reduced oxygen supply to the brain. At an altitude of 8000 feet and above, some climbers say they begin to perceive a series of images, see invisible companions, light emanating from themselves or their comrades, even see a body that is like two drops of water similar to themselves and suddenly they are seized with overwhelming fear. . oxygen starvation can cause swelling of the brain and probably interferes with its active areas in adequate processing of incoming external signals, causing corresponding physical and emotional disorders.

Fact ten. In addition, your brain is a very economical device, using less energy than your player.
It is a well-known fact that our brain consumes only 12 watts. during the day, your brain uses the amount of energy contained, for example, in just two large bananas. It is curious that although the organization of brain activity is very rational, it is a real energy hog. Its weight is only 3 percent of body weight, but it consumes 1/6 (17 percent) of the total energy produced by the body. To the disappointment of intellectuals, I note that most of the energy expended by the brain goes to maintain its vital activity, the additional costs for the intensity of thinking are hardly noticeable.

A woman, this gentle creature created from Adam's rib, has long ceased to be dependent on a man. She taught herself how to succeed in various fields life, conquering the highest peaks.

Despite gender equality, a woman still wants to be loved and desired. But, of course, she is not ready to accept the first man she comes across.

Smart, wealthy, strong and successful men also want to see next to them worthy woman. In order for the eyes of an extra-class man to fall on you, you need to meet his expectations. And this means not just having an elite, presentable look.

Often we are misled by the concept of "elite" and think that this term refers only to the glamorous rich lionesses. But no, any of us can look elite, regardless of material capabilities. A high-ranking woman - who is she, what qualities should she have, how does she differ from other representatives of her gender?

Features of an elite woman:

  • she is erudite, can support a conversation on any topic;
  • able to think creatively and outside the box;
  • has an aesthetic taste;
  • beautiful and well-groomed;
  • knows the manners and rules of behavior in society;
  • owns his emotions, not allowing himself too much in his statements;
  • knows how to tactfully insist on his own.

And most importantly, it harmoniously combines all these positive traits which she not only studied in theory, but also applies in everyday life.
An elite woman is a taste and style, culture and softness of gestures, which only emphasizes her sexuality. And with this she wins men - the best men!

The unbreakable rule of these women is the ability to love yourself. They are constantly engaged in their development, without pushing back personal interests into the distance. After all, the stronger sex treats such a lady with great respect. Hobbies, self-realization, independence, having her own point of view, which she can defend - all this is very attractive. Men like to watch interesting woman who knows the price of everything and is used to relying on her own strength. An elite woman does not get hung up on the role of wife and mistress, does not seek to please her chosen one at any cost, does not give up her values ​​and priorities for him. She remembers that she is. By the way, only such love is truly appreciated by men.
At the same time, do not forget about tenderness and sensitivity. Manifestation disinterested care gives a man peace and inner peace, and he will never let go of the woman who wrapped him in warmth and love.

Giving care, an elite woman does not forget about her natural role as a follower, not a leader. She masterfully plays it, giving a man the opportunity to show determination and determination - those masculine qualities in which he will always remain a leader.

One good man once told about the theory of academician Aganbegyan. And this is really interesting. That's the point.

What do you think, well, purely statistically, among the extreme tall people(Directly giants) who has more men or women??? - that's right, men. Uncle Styopa as an example ...
And among the dwarfs, who is more? - that's right, men again.
Who are more alcoholics? Men or women? - men.
All sorts of geniuses (mega-artists, writers, scientists) - also men ...
Who are more criminals? - men...
Who are more saints? - also men (in any church - portrait evidence ...).
What is it? Wherever you spit - everywhere there are only men. Smart people they say that this is due to the fact that nature on men, as it were, experiments. Those. they have a wider genetic spread (a certain random factor). Both in the direction of genius, and in um ... the other direction ...

If you imagine all this with a picture, you get this: Fig.1.

At the top we have the elite, in the middle - the middle, and at the bottom - well, quite rednecks, homeless people ... The oval is our men, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oval is the number.

But what about women? Women are the keepers of an effective (that is, effective for survival) quality. They are the keepers of the human genetic code. And their spread is extremely rare. And the female oval will be positioned like this. Fig 2.

Those. all women are approximately equally good ... Among them there are very few elites and just as few outright cattle. Although this and that, as an exception, confirming the rule - it occurs. (Let's remember Sofya Kovalevskaya Curie among mathematicians... and no one else, from mathematicians, is remembered...).
This is how our statistics are drawn. And, if this is true (and statistically it is true), then several very interesting and practical conclusions can be drawn from this. For example...

Let's introduce a scale. And let's number the female oval from zero to ten, where 0 are the lowest quality women, and 9-10 are the mega-elite. Accordingly, 5 is the most ordinary, average woman ... And now she is interesting to us. pic 3

We remember that the area of ​​these ovals is, in fact, the number of people at a given level of development. And if we look at five men and women. We will see a funny picture: there are about three times more women than men at this level. The situation does not change much at level 6 - there are also about three times more women than men. Those. women of the fifth level of men of the same level - well, definitely not enough. And tell me with whom will um ... be friends ... a five-man man? With a woman with a five or with a woman with a six? Those. higher level ... Smarter, prettier, more ... and in general ....
Of course, with a six ... And even with a seven, because there, too, with men, they strained very much.

In other words, for a woman with a five to have a five man next to her - practically, without options. Yes, there are fairy tales about the prince and Cinderella... Probably, this happens even in real life... ;) But we are not talking about fairy tales. We are about life. What's next? A man is a four - and there are also few of them ... And many fours were snapped up by women of six .... There are threes, twos ... Because it sucks - it's not interesting. An impotent alcoholic.... better to be alone. Or with more or less a man with a threesome, a twosome .... Ie. ordinary woman Pyaterochka is actually doomed to live next to a man much lower than her in quality. Dumber, dirtier, with bad habits and so on... and so forth... Will she be happy? The honest answer is probably not...
So sad and unpleasant situation, which you meet, literally, at every step. See the picture. 4

But there is another story ... Let's see what the situation is, if a woman, for example, is somewhere around 9. That is. eight, nine, ten. In other words, an elite woman.
Firstly. It is obvious that there are 9-10 men in the region - the same number as women.

Those. she will easily and unobtrusively find a man of her own level. And any man of a level lower than 9-10 will also be happy if such a woman pays attention to him.
In other words, an elite woman has all the men of her level and below. And what about the elite?
And elite men (those that are above ten in our scale), having not found women equal to themselves, consider elite women - nines and tens - to be the best. And they are just being chased. Because there are a lot of elite men (see Figure 5), and there are few elite women ...

In other words, the elite woman has the choice of full program from elite men, to everyone else. And the probability of finding a person with whom she will really be happy, in the case of an elite woman, is extremely high. And if, by chance, an elite man is suddenly married to some kind of five-seven, and meets a nine-ten ... With whom in bed, and talk, and children can raise, and receive an ambassador, and give advice ...

Therefore, if a woman really wants to live her life happily and successfully, she has a direct road to elitism. And it is.