Riddles 7 8 years old are short. Riddles about things. Riddles about animals

Students high school are often distracted, therefore, riddles for children 10 years old are used to develop perseverance and attentiveness.

Riddles - ancient art our ancestors for transmission wise thoughts and development of ingenuity. Folk method has not lost its relevance now. It is suitable for both preschoolers and teenagers of 14 years old. Solving a variety of puzzles increases them intellectual development, teaches you to reason and not be afraid to prove your opinion.

What are the riddles?

If a child in kindergarten did not instill a love of riddles, start studying them with simple examples even for 13-14 year olds. Describe allegorically an object, animal, bird, or natural phenomenon. Let him think and tell the answer. Sometimes it can be difficult to quickly identify the correct answers. Then simplify the task and describe the question in more detail. The child will definitely guess.

Children under 12 love rhymed riddles. These are small quatrains in which you must correctly name the last word... Grade 5 students enjoy taking part in quizzes.

  1. The teacher collects 2 teams of students.
  2. In turn, one representative from each team comes out, and the teacher reads the riddle.
  3. The winner is the one who is the first to say the correct answer.
  4. Points are awarded for the winnings and a small prize is awarded to the winning team.

When the guys get used to naming the answer, quickly rhyming the last word, complicate the task. Think of children's trick riddles in which the rhyming word at the end of the quatrain is wrong. It is good to use such techniques in comic contests, skits. This is a fun activity that can easily captivate the entire class team and quietly develop the attention of 12 year old schoolchildren, teach them to focus their thoughts.

You can use riddle-poems based on artistic images and knowledge of 12-13 year old children about the world around them.

Children's riddles are interesting not only to guess, but also to come up with. Such a process allows the child to distinguish in things and phenomena important features and develops lateral thinking. If you start to train logic as early as possible and continue at the age of 12, then at 14 summer age schoolchildren will have no problems with algebra and geometry. They'll get used to looking original solutions and search for the very essence.

High school students will be interested in complex puzzles, over the answers to which you need to thoroughly smash your head. They are different:

  • mathematical;
  • based life situations;
  • on the development of erudition and deduction;
  • on the development of logic with a trick.

Teens with developed logical thinking sometimes click riddles that not every adult can handle.

The best riddles

We have a girl named Sveta.

She has two secrets.

The first is all soft wool.

He lay in a prominent place.

But then the second secret

Very small, barely light,

I played a little with him -

I unrolled everything around the house.

Sveta saw it

And she wound it back.

What are the secrets

Have our Sveta got it?

(Tangle, kitten)

She is not whiny in the world,

But, crying, it gives light to people.

She is thin, she is small

But her deeds are great!

And without her everything would be around

The tailors would be like no hands.

Klim told us, almost crying:

- I have a dacha in the village.

But for the whole season on her

I didn’t pick vegetables.

- How many times, - Sveta asked, -

Have you been at the dacha over the summer?

Klim answered her, blinking:

- Once. Harvesting.

And now, just right,

I will ask, friends, from you,

Why is Klim empty -

No potatoes, no cabbage?

(Because vegetables in the country

do not grow by themselves)

The granddaughter of grandfather Luka taught:

- They come from sand

And from iron, from hair.

What is it? Here is the question!

Outside the village, in the forest, for a long time

It has eaten into the tree.

And since then it happens

A gaping void inside.

And it happens that it is full

The owl's head is visible.

Not a magician, but moreover

He owns magic.

And suddenly broken vase

He will make the whole at once.

He has a huge body

It has six KAMAZ cargoes

He quickly rushes with loads,

He is in a hurry to the right place.

And while he, mind you, -

Well, well, well! - sings on the way.

(Railway carriage)

These shoes are good

But we don't rush her

And not to grind in a month -

You can only dump.

(Felt boots)

Children have a great interest in him.

A lot of miracles happen there.

So, for example, mongrels have football in honor

And they can even keep score.

Hockey players can be heard crying Did the goalkeeper let them pass ...?

(not a ball, but a puck)

He's a big naughty comedian

He has a house on the roof.

A braggart and a good-for-nothing,

And his name is ...

(not Dunno, but Carlson)

The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom dropped how many eggs remained in the basket.
(Not a single one, after all, the bottom fell ..)

Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

She is beautiful and sweet

And her name comes from the word "ash".


One eye, one horn, but not a rhino?

(A cow peeps around the corner)

Five boys

Five closets.

The boys went their separate ways

Into the dark closets.

Every boy

Into your closet.

(Fingers and gloves)

The nose is round, with a patch,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Tail small crochet,

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

Brothers are similar.

Guess without a clue,

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three pigs)

Father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden.

But dad loved his son.

What a weird

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

Everywhere he sticks his nose long.

Who is this? .. (Pinocchio).

Autumn rain walked around the city,

The rain has lost its rain.

The mirror lies on the asphalt

The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

I have worn them for many years

I don’t know the account.

If it weren't for him,

Wouldn't say anything.

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea).

Thirty-two are threshing

one turns.

(Teeth and tongue)

There are many teeth, but he does not eat anything.


People always have

The ships always have.

Little boy in a gray Armenian

He sneaks around the yards, picks up crumbs,

It roams at night - steals cannabis.


He knocks all the time, hollows trees.

But they are not crippled, but only healed.

Black, nimble,

Screams "krak" - the worms are the enemy.

In the morning goes to four,

In the afternoon for two, and in the evening for three.

(Child, adult, old man)

He appeared in a yellow fur coat:

Goodbye two shells!


A beauty walks, easily touches the ground,

Goes to the field, to the river,

And on a snowball, and a flower.

On the wall, in a conspicuous place,

Gathers the news together

And then its tenants

Will fly to all ends.


She has her whole soul wide open,

And even though there are buttons - not a shirt,

Not a turkey, but inflates

And not a bird, but flooded.


Today everyone is rejoicing!

In the hands of the kids

They dance for joy

Air ...

If I see dust, I grumble, wrap it up and swallow it.

(Vacuum cleaner)

Cracked from the very morning: "Por-r-ra! Por-r-ra! "

What is the time? What a hassle with her,

When it bursts ...

Variegated fidget, long-tailed bird,

The bird is talkative, the most talkative.

White-sided traitor, and her name is ...

They say in Moscow, but we hear it.

Carpenter with a sharp chisel

Builds a house with one window.

I will sit under my armpit and indicate what to do:

Or I'll put you to bed, or I'll let you go for a walk.


Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And the thread is not one.

Blue house at the gate.

Guess who lives in it.

The door is narrow under the roof -

Not for squirrels, not for mice,

Not for a temporary tenant,

Talkative starling.

News flies through this door,

They spend half an hour together.

News does not stay for a long time -

They fly in all directions!


Ponytail with patterns, boots with spurs,

Little white feathers, red comb.

Who is that on the peg?

(Peter the cockerel)

There are no clouds on the horizon

But an umbrella opened in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down …


Difficult options

  1. The hostess needs to bake 6 pies. How can she cope in 15 minutes, if only 4 pies are placed in the pan, and the pie must be baked on each side for 5 minutes?
    (Answer: 1) put 4 pies; 2) turn over 2 pies, remove 2, put 2 new ones; 3) 2 ready-made we remove, 2 we turn over and we turn over 2 we removed earlier.)
  2. Vova and Sasha played in a dirty and dark attic. Vova's face was completely smeared with soot, and Sashino miraculously remained clean. Going down, the guys looked at each other in the light of day, but for some reason it was not Vova who went to wash, but Sasha. (Answer: Sasha looked at Vova's face, and since it was dirty, he thought that he also got dirty, and therefore went to wash. And Vova, who looked at clean face Sasha, it didn't even occur to him that he himself might be grimy ..)
  3. What sign should you put between the digits 8 and 9 so that the answer is less than 9 but more than 8? (Answer: you need to put a comma).
  4. Katya really wanted to buy chocolate, but to buy it, she had to add 11 kopecks. And Dima wanted chocolate, but he lacked 2 kopecks. They decided to buy at least one chocolate bar, but they still lacked 2 kopecks. How much does chocolate cost? (Answer: a chocolate bar costs 11 kopecks, Katya has no money at all).
  5. A prisoner was kept in an empty cell. He sat alone, every day they brought him dry bread, how did the bones appear in the cell? (Answer: bones from fish, bread was brought with fish soup).
  6. One boy was walking in the park and saw a high school student. The high school student offered to argue: “If I write your exact height in a notebook, then you will give me 1000 rubles, and if I am mistaken, then I will. I promise that I will not ask you any questions, and I will not measure you either. " The boy agreed. The high school student wrote something in a notebook, showed it to the boy, the boy looked and gave the high school student 1,000 rubles. How did the high school student manage to win the argument? (Answer: the high school student wrote "your exact height" in the notebook).
  7. There were five apples on the plate for five children. Each child took an apple. However, one apple remained on the plate. How is this possible? (Answer: Last child took an apple along with a plate)
  8. Today is not Sunday and tomorrow is not Wednesday. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday or Sunday. Yesterday was neither Monday nor Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not Wednesday, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not Wednesday. What day of the week is today when you consider that one statement on the list is false? (Answer: Today is SUNDAY)

Children aged 14 love computing puzzles different numbers, for weighing and finding the mathematical sequence. To solve them, a piece of paper and a pen are often used to draw a condition. This makes it easier to find the answer. Such tasks are difficult at first glance, but it is worth thinking a little, concentrating, and the correct answer will be found.

Children's riddles based on life situations make you think outside the box. Sometimes you need to listen to a condition several times and imagine a picture in your head before finding an answer.

Riddles for erudition are the most interesting. To solve them 14 summer guys should be well versed:

  • in history;
  • in literature;
  • in the cinema.

Some answers can be found using only logic, but more often knowledge is also needed. For example:

  • Ask students to answer why the 22nd and 24th presidents of America had common parents if the rulers were not brothers?
  • The answer is simple, for those who know history. Cleveland Grover was elected to the post 2 times. Since this is one and the same person, he cannot be his brother.

If 12-14 year olds want to play detectives, offer them entertaining riddles for the development of deduction. There are many examples of such answer puzzles on the Internet.

  • They are like small stories, in which there is necessarily complicated story.
  • It must be unraveled and by logical reasoning to find the culprit, the lost thing, or to answer the question correctly.
  • Assignments are often supported by pictures that show the correct answer.
  • You need to carefully study, think and solve a complex rebus.

Baby logic puzzles with a trick should be funny. Name 14 year olds common question requiring a non-standard answer. Classes train the mind, memory, teach to find original solutions. Funny riddles can be used to entertain class students during breaks, after school or at a party.

When playing riddles with 14 year olds, do not forget to get answers in case the guys do not cope with the task at hand. Help students to coach logical thinking... This will enable them to accept correct decisions in adult life, will increase their intellectual level and allow interesting free time.

A collection of riddles for fun and educational activities with kids. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are rhymes or prose expressions that describe an object without naming it. Most often, the main attention in children's riddles is given to some unique property subject or its similarity to another subject.

For our distant ancestors, riddles were a kind of test of wisdom and ingenuity fairytale heroes... Almost every fairy tale asked questions that the main characters had to answer in order to receive a magical gift.

It is customary to separate riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, solving which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops the logic of your kid. Their number is constantly growing, because people still continue to invent, and we continue to post the most interesting ones.

All riddles for children are answered so that you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very young child, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the answer. Play the game with your child and he will understand that learning can be interesting and even fun!

Children's riddles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, children's preferences for riddles are so different that it is not possible to identify any tendency. Of course, kids are delighted with riddles for children about birds, animals, all kinds of bugs and spiders. Older children love to play riddles about fairy-tale characters and heroes of modern cartoons.

To turn the guessing into entertaining game, you need to choose a topic in accordance with what you are doing now and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds, if you went mushrooming in the forest - riddles about mushrooms. This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your little one sees a fish. And if you have prepared in advance and took with you riddles about fish? Success to you in the game of the water puzzle and nautical theme provided.

Attention: the site contains riddles for children with answers! Just click on the word "Answer".

Riddles for children from 4 to 7 years old with answers

Who will knit grandchildren's socks,

He will tell an old tale,

Will he give pancakes with honey? -

This is our ... (Granny)

Pointed nose, steel eyelet,

In the ear there is a girlfriend thread.

I helped to sew new clothes

To our grandmother ... (needle)

Like herons with long noses,

They braid the thread into braids.

Tie a scarf and mittens

We are nimble sisters ... (knitting needles)

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail ... (clew)

A close relative of the broom

He will sweep the corners in the house.

He's certainly not a bum.

The litter will help to remove ... (broom)

There was a fat man once in vogue,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam

I made tea ... (samovar)

We carry it to the garden by the handle

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey, carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - It... (watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers

The wonder house has opened the doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts

A glass house awaits - ... (greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water.

Time flew by -

Sprouted up ... (seed)

These are futile labors -

Collect water in it.

As soon as you pour it, it’s spilled.

Holes everywhere. It... (sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric stitches quickly with a needle.

An apron and kerchief will come out.

The sewing machine sews them ... (machine)

He is in the kitchen or in the dining room,

The tablecloth is covered with a new one.

Legs rested on the floor.

Have you guessed? It... (table)

In the miracle oven behind the glass

The pies sit in a row.

He will bake them very cleverly

Furnace named ... (oven)

What a miracle, who can tell me?

Waving his wings on the field,

And flour is ground ...

What is this? (Mill )

Who could ride on it,

I erased my back and my side.

What a clumsy hill!

Have you guessed? It... (grater)

He has seen a lot of boots,

I have lived my century at the door.

Soles and dirt on the soles -

Wipe your feet on ... (carpet)

Grandpa's Riddles

There are wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible in the hair.

This couch potato -

Our beloved ... (granddad)

Two glasses, frame, temples

Caught on the ears.

Not newbies on the nose -

They sit well ... (glasses)

You can wear flowers in it

Both nuts and mushrooms.

Work a little -

Weave from the vine ... (basket)

Unfold the sheet as soon as possible -

You will see many lines there.

In the lines - the messages of the whole world.

What kind of sheet is this? (Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He could not stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

We have in our apartment ... (chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In the garage we now have.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is going ... (automobile)

We'll tie a string to the pipe

We'll catch a fish on it.

A string and a tube,

What is this? (Fishing rod)

During the day, he does not mind taking a nap,

But it burns all night.

And today, as in old times,

Illuminates the courtyard ... (flashlight)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And stuffed all over?

Who has traveled to many countries? -

Our road ... (suitcase)

She worked well

And buzzed and spun.

I dumped an oak near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk on the board -

Rings will fall down.

Took off all the shavings early

From every board ... (plane)

In the morning only dawn will dawn

And she already cuts the grass.

There is still dew on the flowers,

Mows them in the meadows ... (braid)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he will score into the wall ... (nails)

Who is with an iron head

Will you and me get a firewood?

Ringing and crashing throughout the yard -

It works ... (axe)



Riddles for children from 4 to 6 years old with answers

Who will knit grandchildren's socks,

He will tell an old tale,

Will he give pancakes with honey? -

This is our ... (grandmother)

Pointed nose, steel eyelet,

In the ear there is a girlfriend thread.

I helped to sew new clothes

To our grandmother ... (needle)

Like herons with long noses,

They braid the thread into braids.

Tie a scarf and mittens

We are nimble sisters ...(knitting needles)

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail ...(clew)

A close relative of the broom

He will sweep the corners in the house.

He's certainly not a bum.

The litter will help to remove ...(broom)

There was a fat man once in vogue,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam

I was preparing tea ... (samovar)

We carry it to the garden by the handle

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey, carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - It...(watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers

The wonder house has opened the doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts

A glass house awaits - ...(greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water.

Time flew by -

Sprouted up ... (seed)

These are futile labors -

Collect water in it.

As soon as you pour it, it’s spilled.

Holes everywhere. It...(sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric stitches quickly with a needle.

An apron and kerchief will come out.

The sewing machine sews them ...(machine)

He is in the kitchen or in the dining room,

The tablecloth is covered with a new one.

Legs rested on the floor.

Have you guessed? It...(table)

In the miracle oven behind the glass

The pies sit in a row.

He will bake them very cleverly

Furnace named ...(oven)

What a miracle, who can tell me?

Waving his wings on the field,

And flour is ground ...

What is this? (Mill)

Who could ride on it,

I erased my back and my side.

What a clumsy hill!

Have you guessed? It...(grater)

He has seen a lot of boots,

I have lived my century at the door.

Soles and dirt on the soles -

Wipe your feet on ... (carpet)

Grandpa's Riddles

There are wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible in the hair.

This couch potato -

Our beloved ... (grandfather)

Two glasses, frame, temples

Caught on the ears.

Not newbies on the nose -

Fit well ... (glasses)

You can wear flowers in it

Both nuts and mushrooms.

Work a little -

Weave from the vine ...(basket)

Unfold the sheet as soon as possible -

You will see many lines there.

In the lines - the messages of the whole world.

What kind of sheet is this?(Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He could not stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

We have in our apartment ...(chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In the garage we now have.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is going ... (car)

We'll tie a string to the pipe

We'll catch a fish on it.

A string and a tube,

What is this? (Fishing rod)

During the day, he does not mind taking a nap,

But it burns all night.

And today, as in old times,

Illuminates the courtyard ... (lantern)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And stuffed all over?

Who has traveled to many countries? -

Our travel ... (suitcase)

She worked well

And buzzed and spun.

I dumped an oak near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk on the board -

Rings will fall down.

Took off all the shavings early

From every board ...(plane)

In the morning only dawn will dawn

And she already cuts the grass.

There is still dew on the flowers,

Mows them in the meadows ...(braid)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he will score into the wall ...(nails)

Who is with an iron head

Will you and me get a firewood?

Ringing and crashing throughout the yard -

It works ... (ax)

At the age of 7, the child, as a rule, is already attending school. Therefore, he definitely needs relaxation and distraction from daily lessons. Interesting and fascinating riddles for a child of 7 years old will help to positively set up and inspire the child. Therefore, you should turn on your imagination and come up with an exciting adventure for your child, tired of notebooks and books.

Why do we need riddles for a 7-year-old child

It is very important for seven-year-olds to communicate with their parents as much as possible. Therefore, any event will be to their liking. V joint games a daughter or son will understand that they are needed, important and enveloped in the attention of the most beloved people in this world. In addition to close communication, riddles for a child of 7 years old will also help:

  • develop logical thinking;
  • think outside the box;
  • include fantasy to the fullest;
  • develop the ability to achieve a set goal;
  • become more diligent.

All of these factors are very important for a child who has new period in life and began continuous school activities.

How to make a real holiday with riddles

In order for the tasks you set to be easily and quickly solved, you need to figure out how to convey them to your son or daughter. Even the most common riddles for a child of 7 years old, embodied in a playful form, will be perceived with great interest. For example, you might think of the following entertainment options:

  1. For each riddle solved, give the child coupons made of colored paper. At the end, count the number of collected coupons and present the consolation prize or the winner's prize.
  2. Put accessories and items in the box that match the answers to questions asked... When the question has been raised, the child must find an object in the container that is suitable for the correct answer. And next you can put a box where they will lie various accessories(wigs, horns, masks) to be worn if the answer is incorrect. At the end, prizes are awarded to the participants.

Interesting riddles about animals for children 7 years old

Of course, both boys and girls are very fond of cats, dogs, elephants and rhinos. Therefore, riddles about animals for children of 7 years old are great option... For example, they might be like this.

Instead of a nose - a trunk,

A huge animal walks around the zoo.

She lives in a hollow,

Redhead, fluffy.

He hides nuts in the house for the winter,

Rides from branch to branch in the park.

He is not afraid of either winter or frost,

He catches fish from the pond from under the ice.

The white fur coat keeps him warm.

Lives in the north and in the zoo.

(Polar bear)

In winter he flaunts white in the forest,

And in the spring he changes his fur coat.

Little coward, who is that, baby?

A hare, a bird, is afraid of him,

In the forest, he makes everyone coward with fear.

And howls at the moon at night.

Who is this, someone will say, well?

He wears a house on the back,

If someone comes up, he immediately hides in it.

Sly, redhead, here are miracles,

Her lush tail is…. (Fox).

Purrs at the window

Delicate, fluffy ... (cat).

Protects houses and does not allow strangers.

Only his masters on the doorstep, whom he knows.

They call me those

Who doesn't know soap.

Although I'm a pure eccentric

Only in the mud is a nickle.


Slowly she crawls

He carries his house on his back.

And people are sometimes called that,

Which take a very long time to assemble.


He looks angry when he growls

And in winter he sucks his paw and sleeps in a den.


Loves honey, prefers chill.

Resting all winter, gaining strength.


Doesn't catch fish

And he builds networks.

Grazes on the field and nibbles the grass,

Then he treats us to steamy milk.

Small, seemingly harmless,

And as it bites with a nose, it hurts and hurts right away.

Doesn't let you sleep

Small, and sings over the ear.

Logic and attentiveness riddles

Sometimes children should be asked questions, for the answer to which you need to think. Therefore, logical riddles for children of 7 years old are very relevant and interesting. For example, they might be as follows.

There are five cherries growing on a birch, four cherries growing on a Christmas tree. How many cherries grow on two trees?

(Not at all, cherries do not grow on birches and Christmas trees)

Are there any questions that cannot be answered "yes"?

(Are you sleeping now?)

If there are four cats, two dogs and two sofas in a room, how many legs are there in the room?

(8, cats and dogs have legs, not legs)

The red T-shirt was wet in the Black Sea. What will the shirt look like after that?

This is my mother's child, but not my sister to me. Who is this?

The school has five slides on the playground. Two of them were painted, how many slides were there?

(Five, painted have not disappeared anywhere)

Which is lighter, one kilogram of potatoes or one kilogram of carrots?

(Equally weigh)

Who walks without getting up from a chair?

(Chess player)

Which month has 25 days?

How many glasses of yogurt can you drink on an empty stomach?

(One. The rest will not be on an empty stomach)

Two mothers and two daughters walked in the park. How many are there in total?

(Three. Mom, grandmother and granddaughter)

You overtook the runner-up in the relay. What place do you occupy now?

What does half a pineapple look like the most?

(For the second half of the pineapple)

Funny and naughty riddles for kids 7 years old

If you want to cheer up your beloved child, then funny riddles for children of 7 years old will come in handy. For example, they might be like this.

Who gnaws cones on the tree,

Well, of course it is…. (They will say a monkey, and this is a squirrel)

One dumpling is cooked for five minutes. How long will three dumplings cook?

(Five minutes)

Why does a person turn his head if he needs to see what's behind?

(Because there are no eyes on the back or back of the head)

The hippopotamus climbed a tree with four paws, and got off using only three. How did this happen?

(No way, hippos don't climb trees)

Short riddles for 7 year olds.

Sometimes the child is restless and inattentive, and therefore does not want to listen long riddles... In this case, riddles for children of 7 years old will help short.

First, yellow covers the fields,

Then it turns white and flies away.


Red tail at the cheat,

Sly and cleverly bares teeth.

There is a bridge in the sky, but you can't walk on it. (Rainbow)

In the morning they disappear from the sky, at night they light the way for us. (Stars)

Motivation for children

Every task, even in game form should be encouraged. This will help encourage your child to continue to participate in such activities. You don't have to buy something expensive, you can just hand over a piece of candy or a small toy. The point is for boys and girls to understand that such an activity is not only exciting, but also promises a reward.

Riddles for a child of 6 years old are an integral part of a fun home pastime, developmental activities, games and lesson elements. Therefore, a set of such puzzles for babies in a transitional stage of development is simply necessary. The article presents riddles for children 6 years old with answers. Some of them are in poetic form, some - in prose, about the most common phenomena and objects.

Riddles for children 6 years old about animals

Children especially like to solve riddles about animals and birds:

  • "They fly and squeak, circling over the kids. If they suddenly sit on their feet, they can comb their legs" (mosquitoes).
  • "He sits on a birch tree and knocks persistently" (woodpecker).
  • "A prickly little animal, he knows everyone in the forest. But he has needles, and he is not afraid of the fox" (hedgehog).
  • "She is graceful and fluffy. She loves to sleep in the sun, look out the window and catch mice" (cat).
  • "She is always silent, does not like fishing rods and breathes with gills" (fish).
  • "He is cheerful, fast, brave, he guards the house skillfully. Wagging his tail often if the ball is thrown red" (dog).
  • "It is very fragile, with colored wings. It was a caterpillar for a long time, and now it flies over raspberries" (butterfly).
  • "He will give people delicious honey when he has collected all the pollen" (bee).
  • "Likes to graze in the meadow, chew grass and share milk" (cow).
  • "Tabby predatory cat, he lives in the zoo" (tiger).
  • "In the village he wakes everyone up to the sun earlier, he is the king among the chickens, and the eldest among the chickens" (rooster).

Riddles for children 6 years old - short statements, in which you can fit the whole story about some object. It is important that for the child they have elements of magic, fiction, fairy tale. Then the guessing process will take place with special enthusiasm.

Riddles about fruits for children 6 years old

  • "Long, yellow, sweet fruit, for the monkeys - best friend"(banana).
  • "Round as a cam, has a sweet barrel" (apple).
  • "Yellow, sour, with a cold, acts quickly" (lemon).
  • "Round like the sun, an orange ball. The kids are finding it under the tree now" (orange).
  • "Put red earrings in a dumpling with a spoon" (cherries).
  • "Like a tumbler doll, sweet, honey" (pear).
  • "They grow on a stalk in a bunch of sweet and sour circles" (grapes).
  • "Burgundy berries are sitting in a thick red peel" (pomegranate).
  • "The younger brother of the orange" (mandarin).

Winter riddles for toddlers

Riddles for children 6 years old about winter cover all manifestations of this season: weather, New Year, fairytale characters etc.:

  • "Will cover everything around with snow, because frost is her best friend" (winter).
  • "Such a carriage will help the guys to ride down the hill, to follow daddy" (sledges).
  • "Draws without brushes and paints on windows beautiful fairy tales" (freezing).
  • "Beautiful until you touch her with your finger. C beautiful pattern until it turns into water "(snowflake).
  • "The children are very much looking forward to his arrival, otherwise they will not be taken on a sled" (snow).
  • "A kind old man who comes with gifts to obedient children" (Santa Claus).
  • "Faithful companion of Santa Claus" (Snow Maiden).
  • "A good old one brought a bag with gifts ..." (Santa Claus).
  • "A million tiny pieces of ice covered both the street and the house" (snowflakes, snow).
  • "It flies on the head, cracks underfoot" (snow).
  • "It pinches the nose, pinches the cheeks, pinches the hands cruelly" (frost).
  • "He invites kids to skate and daddy to go fishing" (ice).
  • "What is behind the crust covered the river, like a solid board?" (ice).
  • "The nose is a carrot, the coals are eyes, it comes to life only in a fairy tale" (Snowman).
  • "Grandfather puts gifts under the tree. What kind of holiday? ..." ( New Year).
  • "He will give anything, if mom and dad listen. And he will pour more sweets if your verse is the best" (Santa Claus).

Riddles about things

You can solve with children riddles about ordinary household things:

  • "All the motes in the house are afraid of him, because he is happy to clean them up" (broom).
  • "It's a wonderful miracle, it will show everyone a movie by itself" (TV).
  • "Large wardrobe. Mom loves him very much, because he helps her wash" (washing machine).
  • "Like a star, illuminates the apartment on a dark night" (light bulb).
  • "Both adults and children put me under the arm" (thermometer).
  • "Two round transparent twins that help grandmother to read" (glasses).
  • "He makes a shrill and sharp sound in the morning honestly" (alarm clock).
  • "Where in the apartment all year round does winter live? "(refrigerator).
  • "It is big, soft, I love to sleep in it. And if suddenly no one sees, then jump with friends" (bed).
  • "A house filled with water. There the fish feel peace" (aquarium).
  • "As soon as someone wants to speak, this device always rings" (telephone).

Riddles about people and profession

For the study of professions, the following riddles will be useful:

  • "He knows all the roads in the area, he will give a lift to both grandmother and a friend" (driver, taxi driver).
  • "He fights with fire both night and day" (firefighter).
  • "A man who can fly not only in a dream" (pilot).
  • "Houses grow from under his hands" (builder).
  • "The most cheerful circus performer, with a red nose is a dodger" (clown).
  • "Brave, strong and stern, he keeps order by the courtyard" (policeman).
  • "Not afraid of injections, knows everything about vitamins, wears white robe" (doctor).
  • "He will tell the children about the globe, about Africa, give grades and go to work with joy again" (teacher).
  • "He understands sausages, he will sell bread and cheese with a supply. For all this he asks for money and often wears an apron" (the seller).
  • "Most native person, who sees off to school in the morning and kisses at night "(mom).
  • "Kind will give advice, teach you how to catch carp, only the most a wise man, only our beloved ... "(dad).

Riddles for a child of 6 years old will help to master the basic concepts that relate to the world of human professions. In such an unobtrusive playful way, you can tell your kid about the intricacies and differences in professions and work life of a person as a whole.

Riddles for children about sweets and other food

The most "delicious" and favorite riddles for children:

  • "Wrapped in foil, very sweet. It will melt in your hands if you don't eat it quickly" (chocolate).
  • "Fragrant, warm, soft, it is the main one for all food" (bread).
  • "This vegetable from our garden makes us all cry" (onion).
  • "They find him underground, bake him and fry him. On all tables he frequent guest when they cook in their uniform "(potatoes).
  • "Without it white snow neither tea is tasty, nor cake "(sugar).
  • "On a leg and in a glass, girls and boys love in the summer" (ice cream).
  • "It may once become a chicken, if not smashed into a frying pan" (egg).
  • "White as snow. It flows, but not water" (milk).
  • "Sweet, beautiful, irreplaceable for the holidays. It happens fruity, and creamy, and chocolate, and even with a candle in the center for a birthday" (cake).
  • "The bees gathered him into a hive, and the man put it in a jar" (honey).
  • "It can be a simple broth, maybe buckwheat or pickle" (soup).
  • "The circles light up in a frying pan, wait until they are greased with butter and poured with jam" (pancakes).
  • "From apricots, from cherries and even from a rose. Grandma will cook it to eat it in frost" (jam).
  • "Long legs hanging from a fork" (pasta).
  • "The younger, the greener. The older, the yellower" (cucumber).
  • "You definitely won't spoil the porridge for them, even if you put more than one spoonful" (butter).
  • "In a beautiful rustling wrapper, they often put these sweets under the tree" (sweets).

Why are riddles useful?

Riddles for a child of 6 years old are invaluable for his mental development... They allow not only to diversify leisure time with the baby, but also to spend this time with the benefit of his cognitive abilities.

The fact is that solving the riddle activates the child's processes of remembering, comparing, comparing facts known to him, establishing a connection between them, which ultimately develops abstract and logical thinking. For a child 6 years old who has just started or is going to school, this has great value... Because there he will have to deal with just such information.

Riddles help to train memory, attention, speed and flexibility of thinking, learn facts about phenomena and objects of the surrounding world, develop speech and replenish vocabulary... In addition, if you carry out group lessons or games, riddles for a child of 6 years old will also become an opportunity to learn how to communicate with peers and interact in a group.