Kindergarten entertainment healthy lifestyle. Sports entertainment in the senior group: “I will save my health - I will help myself. Healthy lifestyle. Family Health Day "Be healthy without doctors

Entertainment on the basics of a healthy lifestyle "Travel to the country of healthy people" (in the senior and preparatory groups)

Software content: to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of life; highlight the rules of cultural and hygienic behavior skills; determine and consolidate the knowledge gained about the value of vitamins, hygiene skills; highlight the components of human health and establish their relationship; foster interest in a healthy lifestyle; create a joyful mood.

The course of the entertainment lesson

We live in a big, generous and rich country!
And she doesn't feel sorry for anything for you guys!
New stadiums are given to you for a reason!
So that we grow up healthy, friends!
To make everyone bolder
AND good deeds helped his country!
We have swimming pools, stadiums, the care of the Motherland is enormous.

Our state makes sure that all the children of the country are healthy! And so today we will hit the road on the road to good health to the country of "big guys"

Educator: Well, here is the country of "big guys"

Doctor Aibolit appears

Aibolit: Hello guys, nice to see you!
Children: Hello, Doctor Aibolit!

Aibolit: Why did they come?

Educator: We want to show and tell us about his magical land.

Aibolit: Well, with pleasure!

Today to good medicine
I hasten to show the way!
To make you beautiful
So that they are not crying
So that any business is in hand
Amicably argued, burned.
To sing songs louder
To live to make it more interesting.

Guys, do you know what health is? (children's answers)

Aibolit: That's right guys! Health is exercise, these are rosy cheeks, this is when we are strong, dexterous, courageous and cheerful, this is when we are friends with vitamins, eat onions, garlic, vegetables and fruits. And the main thing is movable image life. Do you like to play?

The game "If you have fun" is being held

Aibolit: Do you think a person can live without food?

Children: No.

Aibolit: For a while, maybe, but not much. To make a person good
grew, developed, he needs to eat every day. Products contain nutrients- vitamins. Vitamins are designated by the letters A, B, C, D (shows the letters), but they are read in Latin. When you go to school, you will learn how to read these letters.
Vitamin A- very important for vision and growth, and it is in carrots, butter, tomatoes, eggs, parsley.
Vitamin B- helps our heart work. It can be found in milk, meat, bread.
Vitamin C- strengthens the entire body, protects against colds. It is found in oranges, lemons, berries, cabbage, onions.
Vitamin D- makes our arms and legs strong. There is a lot of it in milk, eggs, vegetable oil.

Relay "Transfer vitamins"

Educator: Doctor Aibolit, and our guys even know poems about products,
containing vitamins.
Remember the simple truth
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinking carrot juice.

Very important early
Eat oatmeal for breakfast
Black bread is good for us
And not only in the morning.

Fish oil is the healthiest
Though disgusting - you have to drink
He saves from disease
Without diseases, it is better for us.

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help
Well, it's better to have a lemon
Although he is very sour.

You try to decide
Simple task:
What is healthier to chew
Pear or gum?

D / and "Useful-harmful" (useful - clap, harmful - stomp)


I never lose heart
And a smile on my face
Because I accept
Vitamins ABC.

Do you want to know what I eat? Then guess the riddles.

Must eat both young and old
Vegetable always (salad)

Will be slender and tall
The one who drinks the fruity (juice)

Know the cow is not easy
To do to children (milk)

I will grow, I will become faster
If I am, I have (sour cream)

Knows firmly from childhood Gleb
The most important on the table (bread)

Don't look for candy -
Eat with fresh cabbage (cabbage soup)

Outside the window, winter or summer
For the second, we - (cutlet)

We are waiting for lunch hour-
Will be fried (meat)

She is needed in porridge, she is also needed in soups,
There are dozens of dishes from various (cereals)

Meat, fish, cereals, fruits -
Together they are all - (products)

Aibolit: Do you like sweets? What sweets do you know?

Educator: Doctor Aibolit, all children love sweets, and our guys even know about dancing.

Dance "Sweets"

Aibolit: Can you eat a lot of sweets? What can happen? And what
do you need to do so that your teeth do not hurt? Well, guess the riddle:

Hairy head
She fits deftly into her mouth,
And counts our teeth
But in the mornings and evenings. (Toothbrush)

This is our mouth mate. And also, in order for your teeth to always be healthy, you need to know that:
you cannot gnaw nuts with your teeth,
do not open the bottles with your teeth,
do not eat hot and cold food at the same time,
eat more vegetables and fruits,
rinse your mouth after eating
brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening,
visit a dentist - dentist.

And here's another riddle:

As many as 25 teeth
For curls and tufts,
And under each tooth
Lay your hair in a row. (comb)

Do you like to comb your hair? And wash?


We wash our face quickly
We dry ourselves clean!
Everyone is neat, tidy,
And it's nice to look at us.

With neat and tidy children, you always want to play.

Game "Ears, shoulders, arms, nose"

Educator: Our guys love to play, they even know the dance about the game, not
simple, but multi-colored.

Dance "Colorful game"

Well, what do you like about "Zdorovyachkov" in my country? I see that you
you know the rules of hygiene, and about tasty and healthy food. But do you like to play sports? Run, jump, temper?

Educator: And not only to temper, but also to compete.

Relay races are held: "Put on mustard plasters", "Re-bandage your hand"

Sports are friends with health:
Stadium, pool, court,
Hall, skating rink and cycle track,
You will be healthy forever.
Just remember guys
You cannot become strong instantly,
Start gradually
To keep everything in order
Exercise in the morning.
Charging is done in the world
Not only adults and children.
Even a little animal, birds, bugs,
Fish, frogs, worms.
Let's stand in order
And we'll do some exercises together.

Dance "St. John's Carp"

Aibolit: Well done! Are you tired? This is what a long way we have come with you
across the country "Zdorovyachkov". We learned a lot of new and interesting things about a healthy lifestyle. I really liked you, but for now to say goodbye, you have to return to the kindergarten. And at parting, I want to give you vitamins.

Doctor Aibolit gives vitamins, says goodbye and leaves.
Children return to the group.

Software content:



Langepas city municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Kindergarten combined type No. 10" Belochka "

Healthy lifestyle entertainment script

(children 5-7 years old)


A.V. Milkina


Topic: "Travel to the country of Health"

Software content:to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of life; highlight the rules of cultural and hygienic behavior skills; determine and consolidate the knowledge gained about the value of vitamins, hygiene skills; highlight the components of human health and establish their relationship; foster interest in a healthy lifestyle; create a joyful mood.

The course of entertainment

Educator. Good morning

Children. Good morning.

Educator. And so that the morning is really good, let's stand in a circle and wish each other good morning and let this wish be warm and sincere.

Educator. Guys, what is your mood today?

Children. Good, cheerful.

Educator. Are you all healthy? What is health?

Children. When nothing hurts you, when you are happy, and you have good mood.

Educator. How do you feel when you are sick?

Children. I don't want to play, talk ...

Educator. Health is the joy, wealth of a person. Illness - grief, trouble.

Guys, what country would you like to live in, in the country of Disease or in the country of Health?

Children. In the country of Health.

Educator. Then I suggest you go on a trip around the country of Health. Do you agree?

Children. Yes.

Educator. And so that we do not go astray, let us consider a map - a diagram of the country of Health. (Look at the map). There are many streets in the country of health, and traces will show us the way to the necessary streets. All streets are marked with numbers. Let's count how many streets are there in the country of health?

Children. Four.

Educator. Well done. We will go to the country of Health by train.Each of you needs to get a ticket for travel, and for this you need to guess the riddle. (Use of ICT)


1. Round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch

Adults love me

And little kids.

Children. (Apple.)

An apple appears on the screen.


2. Blue tunic,

Yellow lining

And in the middle, it's sweet.

Children. (Plum.)

A drain appears on the screen.


3. I was ugly,

The head is white, curly,

Who loves cabbage soup -

Look for me.

Children. (Cabbage.)

Cabbage appears on the screen.


4. As in our garden

Riddles have grown -

Juicy and large

They are so round

They turn green in the summer

By the fall they turn red.

Children. (Tomatoes.)

Tomatoes appear on the screen.


5. An old grandfather is sitting,

Dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him

He sheds tears.

Children (Bow.)

A bow appears on the screen.


6 he's a brother to orange

But smaller, baby fruit.

It is also divided into slices,

But they are only smaller.

Children. (Mandarin)

A tangerine appears on the screen.


7. Admire: what a fairy tale!

A pointer hid in the garden bed.

Bright red cheat!

And her name is ...

Children. (Carrot).

A carrot appears on the screen.


8. Golden carriage in a fairy tale

This vegetable was once.

Guess without a clue,

What is his name, guys.

Children. (Pumpkin)

A pumpkin appears on the screen.


9. White clove for colds

Chewing is not at all bad.

From colds from diseases

There is no healthier vegetable.

Children. (Garlic)

A head of garlic appears on the screen.


10. It looks like an orange

WITH rough skin, juicy.

There is one drawback

- He's very sour.

Children. (Lemon)

A lemon appears on the screen.

(For correct answers, children receive tickets, take seats according to the indicated numbers. The teacher checks the tickets, collects them, asks to remember their seats.)

Educator ... Train departs! (Sounds musical accompaniment... The teacher, together with the children, imitates the movement of the train.)

Educator. So we arrived. The footprints will show us the required street. Let's find the number 1 on the map. In the footsteps, what color should we start the path?

Children. Orange.

Educator. So, let's go.

Educator. Here we are. First stop -street "Vitaminkino".Guys, to be healthy, we need vitamins. What vitamins do you know?

Children. A, B, C, D.

Educator. Well done. And what are vitamins for?Is all food equally healthy? (children's answers).

Educator. That's right, vitamins strengthen our entire body, it is easier for the body to fight diseases. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits.
Educator. Vitamin A : very important for vision and growth, but there it is …….

Children. In carrots, fish, eggs, pumpkin, pepper, potatoes.

Educator. To check if you answered correctly, you need to find the tray first on the left.

Educator. Vitamin B : helps our heart work. You can find it ... ..

Children. In milk, meat, bread, peas, nuts, cheese, buckwheat, corn.

Educator. To test yourself, find the third tray on the right.

Educator. Vitamin C : strengthens the whole body, protects against colds. He is ... ..

Children. In oranges, lemons, berries, cabbage, onions, pineapple.

Educator. Let's check ourselves, now find the second tray on the right.

Educator. Guys, what vitamin have we forgotten about? That's right, about vitamin D. What foods contain it?

Children. Vitamin D is found in dairy products: cheese, sour cream, milk, yogurt, as well as fish.

Educator. Why does a person need it?

Children. In order for us to grow well, so that our bones are strong and our legs and arms do not hurt.

Educator. Well done, now let's play a gameD / and "Useful-harmful" (useful - clap, harmful - stomp)
Educator. We did an excellent job.

Educator: Well done. So we talked about vitamins. We leave for another street. Let's find the number 2 on the map. In the footsteps, what color should we start our journey?

Children. Blue.

Educator. So, let's go.

Educator. Here we are. Our next street is "Dream". (Educator shows the envelope). Children, Queen of Health has sent you the game "Valeology" and invites you to play it. Do you know what the word "valeology" means?

Children ... Yes. (Children's reasoning)

Educator. This is the science of human health. You all probably dream of growing up healthy and strong?

Children . Yes.

Educator. Now we will check how you are able to maintain your health. (The teacher distributes cards to the children, and they must find and collect all the correct answers for them).

Children. (Answers of children.)

Educator. Well done. Let's wish health to ourselves, parents, friends, all people.(The teacher listens to the wishes of each child.)

Educator ... Good. Let's go further. Let's find the number 3 on the map. On the trail, what color should we start our journey?

Children. Green ..

Educator. So, let's go.

Educator. Here we are. Our street"Purity"

Educator: Health must be strengthened, it must always be protected,

take care of him always. You will never get sick!

Educator. Guys, you know, in order to be healthy, you need not only eat vitamins. You also need to know and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Educator. What are the hygiene rules guys we follow at home and in kindergarten?

Children. We wash in the mornings and evenings, brush our teeth, bathe, brush our hair, put on clean clothes.

Educator. Well done. You all know the rules. Guys, the Queen of Health sent you magic chest... What lies in it, I do not know. Do you want to know?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Let's sit on the rug in a circle and take turns putting our hand into the magic box. With an item in your hand, you must name it. Then you take the item out of the magic box and tell us why we need it. Clear?

Children. Yes.

Educator. We start the game. (The guys are doing the tasks).

Educator ... Well done. Let's name again what items we need for personal hygiene.

Children. (One child lists all items.)

Educator ... Tell me guys, can you give other people your personal hygiene items and why?

Children. It is impossible (reasoning of children).

Educator ... Guys, what rules do you need to follow in order to maintain your health?

Children. … ..Do not eat or drink outside;
… ..Always wash your hands with soap and water after returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet;
…...there is only washed vegetables and fruits;
… ..When you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief;
… .. there are only clean dishes.
Educator ... Well done! You all know, let's continue our journey. We leave for another street. Let's find the number 4 on the map. In the footsteps, what color should we start our journey?

Children. Yellow.

Educator. So, let's go.

Educator. Here we are. Our last street"Sports"

Educator: And, of course, it's no secret to be healthy for many years.

Physical education will help you, it will be able to improve your health.

You guys move around, we are doing exercises.


As if they took a ball in their hands, it strives to jump on the floor.

And now you bend over, are you afraid to lift the barbell?

Here you take the ropes, download through them now!

We took the hoops, and now we twist our hips, people!

Twist more vigorously, don't drop the hoops!

And now run, run, run in place and around!

We have already swam, so we have sailed to the shore!

Educator. Children! And what can interfere with your health? (Use of ICT)

Children. Knife, needle, scissors, iron, pills. ( On the screen dangerous objects appear in turn - a knife, a needle, scissors, an iron, pills.)

Educator: Guys we are all with youwe know the storage rules dangerous items and the correct handling of them. Let's remember the rules for handling them.

1 child: Do not scatter all the needles and pins on the benches,

Put them back in place and keep them in order!

2 child: Don't touch the electricity, don't turn it on. Shock.

3 child: Do not take a sharp knife, never touch it!

4 child: You can't take pills in your mouth, it's poison, my friends!

5 child: Only father and mother can take washing powder.

Educator: Well done. It is very important to observe the time to sleep, walk, play.

You carry out the daily routine and manage your health.

Children. Yes.

Educator. Health is exercise, it is rosy cheeks, it is when we are strong, agile, courageous and cheerful. And the main thing is outdoor games... Do you like to play?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Let's all play a game together"If you have fun, do it"(The guests play music, and the children perform movements according to the music)

Educator. Well done. And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten, take your seats on the "train". Train departs! (Music accompaniment sounds. The teacher, together with the children, imitates the movement of the train.)

Educator. Have arrived. Well done boys!!! Are you tired? Did you enjoy our trip?

Children. (Answers of children)

Educator ... Today we made a trip to the Land of Health. Guys, we remembered what needs to be done to stay healthy. I'm sure you will all remember how important it is to be healthy. And you will definitely follow the rules that will help you to be healthy! Be healthy! Let's smile at each other.

Sports entertainment in the older group:

“I will save my health - I will help myself. Healthy lifestyle "

Target: Continue to work to strengthen and protect the health of children. Create an emotionally positive mood in the process of entertainment.


    Expand children's knowledge of healthy lifestyles

    V game form develop basic qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance.

    Develop a sense of responsibility for your team.

Attributes: 2 buckets, a towel, 2 benches, cubes, dummies (vegetables, fruits, food), 2 balls.

Educator: Good afternoon guys. I invite you all to the hall for our entertainment "I will save my health - I will help myself."

Children, what do you think is the most important thing for any person? Of course, health! Health is wealth for all time! This is the main value of a person. And it is laid in childhood. Today we will go on a journey called “ Healthy way life ". We will have to answer questions and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

But before you start our journey, tell the guys where to start your day? (Charger).

So we will start our journey with charging.

Warm up. Song "Gymnastics"

Station number 1 -Cleanliness is a guaranteehealth... Hygiene

Educator: Listen, verse.

« Horrible power»

In a deep black dungeon

Scary microbes live

And patiently day and night

They are waiting for unwashed children.

From unwashed hands will crawl into your mouth

Nasty little germ.

But don't be afraid!

We must resist!

After all, this terrible force

Fears simple soap.

There is a knock. Enters "Microbe"

"Microbe" Hello!

Educator: Hello, who are you?

"Microbe": I am a microbe.

Educator: Why did you come to us, we didn’t invite you.

"Microbe": I want to live with you.

Educator: Guys, who knows? Who are microbes?

They are very small and lively;

They enter the body and cause disease;

They live on a dirty body;

They are afraid of soap.

Educator: No, you won't succeed. Our children don't want to get sick. Really guys?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Come on guys, tell us what you need to do to be healthy?

Children: Exercise, eat right, brush your teeth, wash your hands, walk a lot fresh air dress warmly.

Educator: How can you protect yourself from germs? Children's answers.

You need to not only keep your clothes and body clean, but also the cleanliness of your home. This is what we're going to do, right now. We guys will put things in order in our hall and drive all the microbes out of here.

Children are divided into teams: “ Health" and " Nebolika»

Relay game"Who will put things in order faster"

At the signal, the participants sweep the cubes on the scoop with a broom and run back to the starting point.

Guys, let's remember our habits. What are they?

Station number 2 - refusal bad habits

Habits are good and bad.

Good habits are needed to maintain health.

This is washing your face, brushing your teeth, observing the daily routine,

sleep with the window open, etc.

Microbe: And I also know wonderful habits!

Guys, I give you these bright balls.

(The teacher distributes balls to the children)

And the balls are not simple!

Red - a habit of eating a lot of sweets!

Yellow - the habit of sitting in front of the TV and computer for a long time!

Blue - the habit of talking while eating!

Green - the habit of staying awake at quiet hours!

Orange - a habit of saying all sorts of stupid things.

Oh, what a fine fellow I was distributing bad habits to children, but they did not even notice how I deceived them !!!

Educator: You rejoice early on the ugly Microbe, now you will see what will happen to your bad habits.

Guys, now we will easily and forever get rid of bad habits, we must sit on balloon and burst it. No ball, no bad habits !!!

Game "Getting rid of bad habits" (Pop the ball)

The microbe becomes ill, it trembles, falls and leaves.

Well, my friends, the microbe got scared and disappeared from our path.

And we continue our journey.

Station number 3Sport is a guarantee of beauty and health.

Educator: Movement is life and health. People from the very birth cannot live without movement. Sport strengthens and develops the muscles of a person, makes him strong and healthy. Sports activities include hiking, exercise, jogging, outdoor games, cycling. All this makes a person dexterous, strong, fast, enduring.

Games - relay races"Pass the ball"

"Climbing the bench"

"Take a shower - be tempered"

Station number 4 - proper nutrition

Educator: Do you know how to eat right? After all, human health largely depends on what and how he eats. Children's answers.

Listen to my friends what I'm going to tell you about nutrition. Proper nutrition is great mood, desire to learn, run, smile. Improper nutrition - leads to disease. The main rule healthy eating- do not overeat! Overeating leads to obesity, which means - to disease. The second rule is adherence to the diet. It is important to eat at the same hours. This is necessary for faster digestion and assimilation of food. The third rule is varied food... Some foods give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired. Others help the body become stronger. And still others - fruits and vegetables - help the body grow and develop. I suggest you play a game.

Relay game "Guess healthy foods»

Station number 5 - positive mood pledge of health

Educator: Guys, who can tell you what a good mood is?

Children's answers.

All right guys. In life there are different moments, when we are sad, melancholy, but we do not need to be sad for a long time, try to develop in yourself the habit of enjoying life and not thinking, but bad!

And now we will show you ours fun mood to the rhythms of music.

Musical pause.

Summing up, rewarding children.

Entertainment on the topic:"We will always be clean."

Target: to form children's ideas about sanitary and hygienic skills for caring for hands and body.

Educational tasks:

    Encourage children to understand that water and water are essential for a clean body and fresh air, water and soap are the main helpers in killing germs

Developmental tasks:

    Develop a habit and interest in adhering to sanitary and hygienic habits and rules.

    Develop ingenuity, imagination.

    Develop the habit of being neat and tidy

Educational tasks:

    Foster friendships between children in play

    Cultivate communication skills

    Foster a culture of behavior

Pedagogical technologies:



    Success technology


Integration of educational areas:






Priority educational area - Health

Matinee characters: washbasin Moidodyr, Soap, Toothbrush, Paste, Water, Towel, Washcloth, Dirty girl, Kid-boy.

Matinee's course:

V the hall includes Moidodyr Washbasin, Washcloth, Soap, Toothpaste, Brush.

Moidodyr: Hello guys! Here I came to visit you, the Great Washbasin, the Famous Moidodyr, the Washbasin chief and the commander of the washcloths!

Together with me came my assistants - Well, guess who they are?

- Soap (riddle) Slips away like a living

But I will not release it.

Foaming with white foam

He is not lazy to wash his hands. (soap)

- Brush (riddle) Bone dorsum, stiff bristle

He is friends with toothpaste, he serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

- Toothpaste (riddle) I am different: mint, strawberry colored,

But only always toothache.

I am on the shore of the teeth, I will help to clean them. (Toothpaste)

- Washcloth (riddle) I rub and wash the chimney sweep clean, clean, clean, clean.

Will be, will be a chimney sweep clean, clean, clean, clean. (washcloth)

- Towel: Wafer and terry, kitchen and bath,

Plain and striped, smooth and shaggy.

Always with you, what is it? (towel)

- Water (riddle ) She is not faster in the world, she is not stronger in the world,

You can't hold it in your hands, but you can wash your hands. (Water)

Moidodyr: Today your old acquaintances have come to visit you! Let's welcome them! And we will talk now about the cleanliness of hands and body and about your health! And we will call our holiday "We will always be clean!" What is the name of our entertainment?

Everything: " We will always be clean! "

Moidodyr: Yes, today we will remember why you need to wash your hands?

Children: (children's answers - So that there is no dirt on them, so that there are no germs, so as not to get sick)

Moidodyr: Well done! How should you wash your hands? ( Children explain) You are great, you know everything. We hope that there are no dirty children among the children who forget that without my helpers one cannot be strong and healthy. The motto of my assistants is: “Our best friends- Soap, Towel and Water! "

Let's repeat it all together! (Children repeat the motto). A voice is heard behind the door: “Let me go! Let me go! " The girl Gryaznulya runs into the hall.

Dirty Girl: Well, they won't let you in yet! Who are you?

Moidodyr: Oh, you grimy girl, where you smeared your hands so: black palms, paths on your elbows!

Girl: I was lying in the sun, holding my hands up, so they got tanned.

Soap: Oh, you grimy girl, where did you smear your face like that? Is the tip of the nose black as if smoked?

Girl: Yana was lying in the sun, holding her nose up, so he got tanned.

Moidodyr: Oh, is it, is it? Was that the case? We will wash everything to a drop. Come on, mother Voditsa, come on, Soap, Washcloth and Towel, all here! Wash this Dirt!

(They wash the dirt, she screams, fights back).

Water: Now, now we will wipe it off and wash it!

Scrubber: The girl screamed loudly

As I saw it,

Scratched like a cat. Girl: Don't touch your palms!

They won't be white

They are tanned!

Soap: And the palms were washed! (Show washed palms).

They rubbed their nose with soap - I got offended to tears! Girl: Oh, my poor little nose, it can't stand soap!

He won't be white, he's tanned!

Brush: And the nose was washed off!

Everything: It was just dirt! ( Girl looks at herself in the mirror)

Girl: It's me? Can not be! So clean, so beautiful! ( Dancing)

Moidodyr: It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the morning and evening,

And not to pure chimney sweeps shame and disgrace, shame and disgrace!

Scrubber: Long live fragrant soap, and fluffy towel,

And a thick comb, and tooth powder!

Water: Let's wash, swim, splash,

In a tub, in a tub, and in a bath, and in a bath!

Always and everywhere - eternal glory to water!

(The heroes dance to the funny music around the girl!)

Girl: Ouch! It turns out how nice it is to be clean! ( appeals to children)

May I stay with you? Now I will always wash my face! ( sits down with the children)The heroes recede into the background.)

(Mother Voditsa bows.

I suggest to play:

Game: "Who will wash faster?" (children are built in 2 teams, you need to carefully “wash”: run up to the washstand, take soap, soap your hands, wash them, dry them with a towel and return, pass the baton to another child).

A Boy enters the hall, holding a soiled notebook and a book in his hands. To himfit Moidodyr.

Moidodyr: Listen, friend, are you pale today?

Or maybe you are not well?

Slut Boy: No, I'm healthy, but only a strange case ...

Moidodyr: Well, tell me, don't torture me.

Boy: A strange case, what is the matter - I myself do not understand: I bought a notebook, held it for a little - suddenly I see black spot on a brand new cover! I took up the book then. And what? It's completely incomprehensible! Again trouble: there are spots on almost all pages! ...

Moidodyr: What?

Boy: And so all day, whatever I take, everything is dirty! Notebooks, books and dishes are black. Perhaps this is a trick, a miracle?

Moidodyr:(shaking his head, raises the Kid's dirty hands) Why is the boy dirty all the dirty things? ( Children's answers)

Why, my friend, blame for miracles? Cleaner hands should be washed!

Wash the Boy urgently - I'm dirty, my friends! (Water, Scrubber, Soap, Brush andBoy wash towel).

Moidodyr: B go guys, what troubles can be if you don't wash!

Let's play the game:

"Take the correct item" (Children are built in 2 teams of 7 people, one by one they carry the items necessary to keep the body clean - soap, towel, brush, toothpaste, wet wipes, handkerchief, etc.)

Boy: I realized that I should wash my hands more often and cleanly and keep my hands clean! Take me to you! ( sits down with the children)

Moidodyr: Let's, children, all together say our rule:

“We must, we must wash in the morning and evening,

And not pure chimney sweeps shame and disgrace, shame and disgrace! "

I think that you will all be friends with water, scented soap, a washcloth andfluffy towel, toothbrush and paste. (Heroes bow, imitate their movements)

Moidodyr: Children, what was entertainment called today? Children: ("Let's be clean always") Moidodyr: Why should we wash our hands and be clean?

Children:(In order not to get sick, to be healthy)

The heroes invite all the children to dance, to the music they show how to brush your teeth, wash your face, and dry yourself with a towel. Everyone is dancing merrily, Moidodyr and his team say goodbye to the children, wishing everyone to be always clean and healthy.

Entertainment summary prepared

Educator GBDOU kindergarten number 41

Pushkin region mountains. St. Petersburg

Angelica Mershina
Summary of entertainment for healthy lifestyles in middle group"Let's keep our health"


GOAL: the formation of a preschooler's idea of ​​himself and about healthy lifestyle, about the rules of hygiene and protection health.

I. Introductory part.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you go to the country today « Zdorovyachkov» ... Do you want to grow healthy, strong boys and girls? And what needs to be done for this, we will learn in the country « Zdorovyachkov» .

Are you ready? Make yourself comfortable, our train departs!

Trailers, trailers rumble on the rails

Taken to the country « Zdorovyachkov» a company of guys.

(Children climb the stairs to the music hall)

II. Mode of the day.

Educator: Well, here we are and arrived in the country « Zdorovyachkov» ... In this country, you need to talk, of course, about health... Guys, you go to be healthy? And you, dear adults? What do you think is health? (Answers from children, then adults).

Educator: Health is strength, beauty, good mood! Then everything will work out. You can do more than just keep your health but also to strengthen it. How can you strengthen your health? (Exercise, exercise, temper, eat right, observe the daily routine, keep clean your body and apartment, take vitamins) (Pictures)

Doctor: Who came to our country? Who is making noise there? Hello adults; Hello children! Glad to see you!

Educator: Hello, doctor! Help us please! Advise as long as possible keep your health.

Doctor: I have one secret. This secret is the daily routine. The regime helps to strengthen health do all your business in time: get up on time, do exercises, do not forget to have breakfast, exercise, walk, dine, go to bed. Do you follow the regimen in kindergarten?

Educator: Of course. Thanks to the regime, we are all in time. And work out, and take a walk in the fresh air, and sleep.

Doctor: It's good. Here I have pictures, they are all messed up. I can’t remember why I should go. Help me please. Arrange in order how your day in kindergarten goes.

The doctor's phone rings, he leaves for a call.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, what number and what emergency service did the patient call?

III. Personal hygiene.

Educator: Guys, I completely forgot to tell you, to our group Moidodyr came in today. He really wanted to see you. What a pity that he did not wait for you, because he has a lot of worries in the morning. But he left this bag for you. Now the guys will ask us riddles, and whoever guesses has to pull this item out of the magic bag.

Didactic game "Magic bag"

1 riddle. I wander through the woods

And over the mustache and hair!

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears (COMB)

2 zag. Plastic back,

Stiff bristles.

Friends with toothpaste

Serves us diligently. (TOOTHBRUSH)

3 zag. It weighs on the wall, hangs out-

Everyone grabs at him. (TOWEL)

4 zag. I take on the work-

Heels, elbows rubbed with soap ...

And I rub my knees

I don't forget anything (WASHER)

5 zag. Slips away like a living

But I will not release it.

Foams with white foam.

I am not lazy to wash my hands (SOAP)

6 zag. And shines and shines

It does not flatter anyone!

And he will tell anyone the truth-

He will show him everything as it is. (MIRROR)

Educator: Well done. And we even know the poem about personal hygiene items.

Healthy I always lead a lifestyle

And therefore I will not get into trouble!

Doing your hair, remember to yourself

That your comb is just for you!

In the morning, brushing your teeth, remember to yourself

That a toothbrush is just for you

IV Proper nutrition

Carlson flies in with balls and eats jam with a spoon.

Carlson: Oh, how delicious! Well, what are you looking at? My grandmother sent it to me! Strawberry (stroking the stomach, eating jam. And then a tooth ached sharply) Oh, oh, oh ... Ay, ay, ay ...

Educator: What's happened?

Carlson: Tooth, my tooth ... How painful!

Educator: Is it can you eat so much sweets?

Carlson: But I love him so much!

Educator: Guys, everyone has their favorite food. What is your favorite food? (Answers of children) Guys, what do you think will happen if we eat a lot of sweets, like Carlson? (Answers of children)

Educator: Sit down, Carlson, listen and remember! Look, guys, here in this picture the tooth is funny and healthy, but this one is sad and with a hole. Why do you think he is sad? (He was not cleaned, not looked after, fed with destructive food; but the cheerful one is cleaned, fed with wholesome food)

Carlson: What kind of food destroys teeth? What foods are good for teeth? (children's answers)

Educator: Look, there are teeth and food on the easel (useful and harmful)... You will need to distribute healthy food To healthy tooth, and harmful - to the patient.

Didactic game "Useful-harmful"

So that stay healthy,

You need to eat right.

Sweet food, chocolate

Don't get carried away.

Very sour, salty

You beware!

Only vegetables and fruits-

Delicious products!

Educator: Well, do you understand, Carlson, what is good to eat?

Carlson: Yes. Vegetables and fruits.

Educator: And the last time you did exercises?

Carlson: I never do it at all!

Educator: Do you like to run, can you jump?

Carlson: What for? I can fly! I have a motor over there!

So that be healthy in full -

We need physical education!

We do exercises in the morning!

And without any doubt-

There is a good solution:

Running is rewarding and playful!

Take care of the kids!

Carlson: And I like to play with balloons... Want to teach? See how I can (puts the ball in the spoon)

The game "Move the ball to the spoon".

The game "Roll the hoop"

The game "Volleyball with balls"

Carlson: All the guys are brave,

Dexterous, skillful!

To all health from the heart!

Here I give you balls!

Educator: Well done! I see a smile on your faces! It is very good! After all, a joyful and good mood helps our health! And grow up healthy We are helped by proper nutrition, sports, adherence to the daily routine. Well, now it's time for us to go to group... Take your seats on the train.

Wagons, wagons on rails rattle-

Driving back to a group of guys!