Yin yang is feminine and masculine. Feminine and masculine: symbols "yin" and "yang". Yin-yang tattoo: meaning and places of application

The entire Universe consists of two energies, male and female. The ancient Chinese thought so. They believed that these forces constantly interact, complement each other, and manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent. Their symbols were "yin" and "yang", depicted in pairs, as a sign of harmony of two opposites.

Feminine energy

Feminine and masculinity is in every living being. One of them always dominates and drives out the opponent, so it is important for a person to learn how to balance between the two poles that live inside. Feminine energy is intuition, our inner "I". It affects the perception of the world, Creative skills, emotions, sensations. This beginning helps to contact the source of the highest Wisdom. It is always passive, often trying to fill the void, pouring out like water in labyrinths of essence.

The symbol of feminine energy is "yin" - dark side... It embodies the original chaos that reigned before the emergence of space, time and matter. This is a force trying to squeeze everything into a single black hole, it absorbs energy, preventing it from being reborn. Like everything in this world, "yin" is drawn to the opposite - "yang". The masculine and feminine principles are compared as positive and negative, heat and cold, heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, light and darkness.

Male energy

Unlike the female one, she is active, even aggressive. It is characterized by actions: the embodiment of "yin" in reality, its materialization. Male energy is not about inner feelings, fantasies and dreams. She is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, logic. It helps us to act in the world around us, to adapt to society and the environment.

Its symbol is "yang". Indicates hot energy that bursts out from within and rushes to the sky. It possesses the qualities of "masculine" primary elements of Air and Fire, while "yin" is of Water and Earth. The feminine principle and the masculine principle are always diametrically different. If the second narrows, then the first always strives to expand, saturating with itself all life on Earth. "yin" is cosmic energy, without interaction with "yang" its embodiment and materialization in the world would be impossible. This process is called creativity, the makings of which live in every person. The harmony of masculine and feminine principles is a chance to show your talents and develop abilities.


Harmonization of masculine and feminine principles is a logical process, because for a long time people said that two opposites invariably reach out to each other. How does this manifest itself in our everyday life? Best example- analysis of the stages of creativity.

It all starts with impulse, fantasy, intuitive vision. For example, an artist mentally imagines an image future painting, he knows that it will invariably be a landscape. What is it: "yang" or "yin"? Feminine or masculine? Of course it is dark energy mother earth, which fills all the imagination and pushes to action.

The master reacts to the information received and transfers it to the canvas - this is already the masculine principle. It helps to detail images, determine their location, shape, color and angle. Without the interaction of "yin" and "yang" there would be no finished product in the form of a picture. The suppression of male energy leads to the fact that the idea remains only in our head and cannot materialize. If the feminine principle is not sufficiently developed, a person has a lack of imagination, a useless search for a muse.


Based on all of the above, their distribution is clear to us. The female energy is a guide to action, the male energy is the act itself and its result. At the same time, the absence of one half makes life incomplete, one-sided. Feminine and masculine are inseparable. Their merger, the distribution of their roles 50 to 50 - that perfect formula that everyone should strive for.

Man is a same-sex creature. We are born as women or men, trying to fully follow the criteria imposed by society and stereotypes. That is, if you are a girl, you must be whiny, sensitive and tender. When you are a guy, then your duty is to have courage, firmness, determination, analytical logic. Of course our gender affects the character and way of life: in the middle, what is inherent in nature prevails. Our task is to maximally activate the second, "alien" half and try to integrate its capabilities into our everyday life.

Masculinity and femininity: symbol

He is depicted as vicious circle... This means that everything on earth is infinite. Two halves, divided into equal parts, are painted in black and Such a contrast emphasizes their opposite and equality at the same time. The circle is broken not by a solid line, but by a wavy line, which creates the illusion of penetration of the female and the male into each other. Looking at the symbol, you understand that the two elements influence each other and interact. This is shown with the help of the eyes: in the black feminine principle it is white, in the light masculine it is dark. It turns out that "yang" looks at the world through the eyes of "yin" and vice versa.

The inseparable connection of opposites, its cyclicality, which has no edge - this is carried through the centuries by the masculine and feminine principles. Symbol - a sign that everything in the Universe is created from two different halves, which only together make up a single whole. Depending on what state they are in - peace or struggle, a person lives in harmony or in conflict with his inner world.

History of the symbol

It is assumed that initially the image of "yin" and "yang" imitated the appearance of a mountain, which is illuminated on one side, while the other half is in shadow. This state of affairs cannot last forever: the sun moves along a trajectory - accordingly, the two sides of the mountain change their colors. The implication was that everything in the world is cyclical.

The ancient Chinese borrowed the image from the Buddhists. Exact date unknown, but historians say that it happened in the 1st-3rd centuries AD. It was then that the concept of "mandala" arose in the teachings of Taoism - the feminine and masculine principles. Pictures depicting their interaction were first drawn in the form of fish.

Interestingly, over time, other meanings were assigned to the sign in the Celestial Empire: for example, the struggle between evil and good, the ratio of harmful and useful - everything that is at diametrically opposite poles. Although the researchers argue that the symbol demonstrates precisely natural opposites, and not moral or moral.

The elements

There are only five of them. The fusion of masculine and feminine principles "generates" fire, water, air, earth and metal. These are five phases of existence and its transformation. Data first appears, then develops, reaches a peak and dies, while not disappearing without a trace, but only being reborn into another element. This happens endlessly. This is a hint of the existence of reincarnation: it can come into this world in the form of an animal, plant or other person. The Chinese did not believe in rebirth. But since the Buddhists loaned them the sign, the doctrine of reincarnation gradually migrated from India to the Celestial Empire.

Interestingly, yin and yang are used even in medicine. At the heart of the Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese sciences is the balance in the human body. Its violation can lead to illness and death, mental suffering and mental disorders... To restore balance will help special diet and meditation. At the same time, the feminine and masculine principles are balanced, and this leads to healing. Eastern medicine does not heal physical symptoms, but spiritual foci of the onset of the disease.


Since the masculine and feminine beginnings are present in each of us in different proportions, then initially we are looking for what we lack. If yin dominates, we are drawn to a partner with a strong yang, and vice versa. Until a person balances his two halves, only people will pay attention to him of a certain type character, lifestyle and even appearance. Look at your partner and you will see what you personally lack.

If the representative fair half humanity has made friends with the "woman" within itself, then she becomes wiser. The girl understands that to give in is not to admit defeat, and eternal resistance is not a victory. A man, having established contact with his "yang", is convinced that the source of courage is not in violence, but in the open expression of feelings. The awakening of soft qualities in the stronger sex and hard in their ladies is a pledge harmonious relationship, eternal love and affection. When the feminine and masculine are reversed, we better understand the opposite sex.

Energy exchange

It is very important in the life of every person. People must understand that one cannot only receive and give nothing in return. Even if another freebie fell on your head, remember that sooner or later you will have to pay for it. Often the most precious and important thing to you. If the principle of energy exchange is violated, a person becomes a consumer, loses respect, friendship and success.

Unfortunately, there are more such people than creators who, on the contrary, share everything they have with the outside world without demanding anything in return. And that's bad too. Because only by balancing the principle of "give-take", we find ourselves. The signs of masculine and feminine principles, "yin" and "yang", convey to us that only by establishing a connection between the halves of energies, we achieve balance. In everyday life, it manifests itself in such character traits as self-confidence, optimism, the desire to develop and improve, to learn about the world and people around him. Such a person is truly happy and successful.

Yang is white. The masculine principle. Day, fire. Dry, hot, active, extroverted. Emphasis on the outside. Yin is black. Feminine principle. Night, water. Cold, wet, passive, introverted. An emphasis on the inner.

Yang is, first of all, an active, bestowing, transforming, masculine principle of the world. Yin is a passive, perceiving, preserving, feminine principle of the world.

The sun is a Yang luminary, since it shines with its own light, gives warmth, and the Moon is a Yin luminary, since it shines with reflected light and does not give heat.

A man is the personification of Yang, since he is a breadwinner and a house builder, giving rise to a new life. Its energy is fiery, propelling. He gives protection and protection to a woman. A woman is the personification of Yin, as she is the keeper of the house, carrying and protecting the child. Her energy is cool, soothing. She gives love and does not allow a man to burn out from the energy of fire.

Yang and Yin perfectly naturally complement each other, although in a sense they oppose each other. The important thing here is that without Yang, the existence of Yin is impossible, and without Yin, the existence of Yang is impossible. Only their interaction gives a full-fledged, versatile and self-replicating life.

On February 23, we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. From history: this Day is dedicated to the volunteers who joined the Red Army in 1917, who stood up to defend the Motherland from external enemies. It is understood that the vast majority of these volunteers were men.

And we rightfully recognize this day as the Day of Men, who until now have a responsible mission - to give protection - to their homeland and their family..

We sincerely congratulate all men on the Holiday! We wish each of you to make your woman feel under the auspices of the present, strong man ensuring the well-being of the whole family, I felt cared for, believed only in you, and was ready to give you my feminine energy to achieve your goals!

On March 8 we celebrate the Women's Day. And his story began back in 1857 in New York, when women decided to fight for equality with men. Therefore, March 8 is International Day for the Rights of Working Women. And the women got their way.

However, having gained independence and switched to work, they often forget to use the most important right given to them from above - the right to be a Woman.

V modern world man and woman do not complement, but interchange each other, which is contrary to the natural laws of the Universe. Is it any wonder that most women only on this day are presented with flowers and pleasant surprises?

Man and Woman are completely different in nature. Accordingly, they have different roles in this world. And only the fulfillment of each of his roles creates harmony. I would like March 8 to become not a holiday of victory in the struggle for rights, but a holiday of real Women!

Dear women! We congratulate you! And may this Day be magical and fabulous - when your man is ready to give you all of himself not for your independence, but for your beauty, love, faith, energy, joy, warmth, comfort, respect, patience, loyalty, happiness and inspiration!

Yin and Yang - feminine and masculine

The idea of ​​the duality of the world has long been voiced by philosophers, and its crown was the assumption that the masculine and feminine principles in a person are intertwined. Their harmonious development opens the way to personal and professional success otherwise contradictions will not allow moving forward.

What is the feminine principle?

This aspect of personality is associated with the way of perceiving the world, therefore, what is the feminine principle in a woman can be understood by referring to oriental tradition... In it, Yin is associated with night, water, passivity and focus on the inner. Its manifestations are:

  • desire to protect and care;
  • the presence of intuition;
  • modesty, ability to adjust and smooth out conflict situations;
  • love of monotonous and predictable actions;
  • interest in riddles and secrets;
  • suggestibility, ability to obey.

Feminine symbol

The fairer sex has long been revered for their ability to give life, therefore, references to the sacred feminine principle can be found both in texts and in works of art. One of the most ancient signs is Yoni - a symbolic image of the vulva. Later, a more chaste sign of the feminine principle began to be used - the mirror of Venus, which looks like a circle with a cross under it.

Masculinity in a woman - psychology

Modern science agrees with the ancient philosophers about the presence of masculine and feminine principles in a person at the same time. If these parties are in conflict, then gradually these contradictions will lead to a crisis. The masculine principle in a woman is manifested by initiative, a desire for domination, activity and the predominance of logic over emotions. These qualities sometimes have to be specially developed for professional success, but overdoing it, you can get serious personal problems. Denial of already existing "masculine" qualities will also have a negative impact.

How to return the feminine principle?

The characteristics of upbringing and the need to compete with men make topical issue how to develop the feminine principle. It is not necessary to become a lack of initiative, you just need to observe yourself and notice the moments in which male energy manifests itself too brightly, creating an imbalance. After that, all that remains is to find a way to balance them, the following options will help in the search.

  1. Appearance. It is difficult to feel like a fragile young lady in an expressionless suit, especially a trouser one. Even with a dress code, you can find a way to look feminine, and in free time dresses and skirts should become faithful companions.
  2. Recreation... The feminine principle is the work of Yin energy, which is restored at night, so you need to devote sufficient time to sleep. In addition, you need to allocate time when no one will distract from focusing on yourself. You can fill this time with beauty procedures, a hobby - any activity that gives peace of mind will do.
  3. Physical exercise... Pilates, yoga, or running are good options. The type of activity chosen should exclude competition, otherwise Yang energy will be used, which will only aggravate the situation.
  4. Positive emotions... Anger and conflict are contrary to female nature, so they need to be balanced with pleasant impressions.
  5. Meditations... Help to calm down, concentrate on important things, removing interfering debris from thoughts.

Feminine mantra

In the Eastern tradition, there is a mantra - the rhythmic recitation of prayers. They are different: some will help balance the masculine and feminine principles, others will help attract money and success, and others will have a healing effect. The Absolute Feminine Mantra aims to restore balance and energy. Its text: "Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sokha". You need to pronounce it, adhering to the following rules.

  1. The prayer is repeated 9 times in a row.
  2. Words are pronounced in a chant, there are no abrupt and abrupt transitions.
  3. The duration of the meditation is not limited.
  4. It is advisable to practice at dawn.
  5. Mantras are recited while sitting in any comfortable position.
  6. Before starting meditation, you need to relax and clear your thoughts of anxiety.
  7. The first words are pronounced in a whisper, gradually increasing the volume.

What is masculinity?

In the East, Yang (masculine) is associated with day, fire, activity and orientation to external events. It manifests itself in:

  • dominance, desire to rule;
  • clarity, order, striving for large-scale projects;
  • consistency and creativity;
  • narcissism;
  • activity and extroversion.

Masculine symbol

The earliest designations boil down to a symbolic representation of the phallus, for example, a lingam. Better known is another sign used in alchemy and astrology to designate Mars. It looks like a circle with an arrow going up and to the side. In the first case, the sign of the masculine principle meant the ability to create, generating strength, and in the second, military qualities are more reflected. Another ancient symbol shows that masculine and feminine are inseparable and designed to complement each other. In the black drop there is white point, and in white - black, which speaks of dual nature personality.

Femininity in a man - psychology

No matter how brutal a man may seem, he still has some feminine features. it normal condition, since without them it would be difficult for an active conqueror to interact with other people. If too strong development of these qualities, a suppressed masculine principle is observed, which leads to the following characteristic features in behavior.

  1. Lack of initiative.
  2. Desire to obey, weak character.
  3. Excessive emotionality, cowardice, fear of responsibility.

The origins of these traits are in upbringing. If a boy is raised by a single woman or he appeared in a family with a courageous mother and a weak father, then there is a high probability of joining adult life with complete absence to independent existence. It is possible to solve this problem, but it will take a strong desire to work on oneself, which is often not enough for the representatives of the stronger sex with an oppressed masculine principle.

How to develop masculinity?

Both philosophical teachings and psychology believe that a developed masculine principle is necessary condition success, especially when it comes to the stronger sex. If this aspect was suppressed during growing up and continues to be oppressed, you need to start working on its improvement if you want to change the existing situation. Work with a specialist will help and self-study, of which the following can be distinguished.

  1. Search for problems. First, you need to make a list of situations in which the masculine is suppressed, and the feminine principle comes to the fore. Then you need to imagine a way to fix these points. After that, it remains only to start implementing the resulting action plan. It is important to regularly train the desired qualities so that their manifestation becomes a habit.
  2. Physical activity. Tidying up your body will fill you with the necessary energy for accomplishment. The feeling of power will help you to use masculine traits and will not let you retreat in the face of difficulties.
  3. Meditation. A good auxiliary way to achieve harmony and concentration on your goal.

Masculine mantra

There are several options for such prayers for the stronger sex, but if there is a denial of the masculine principle, then good option will become a universal mantra: "Isim Dzisim Opusim Pkhvat"... It is desirable to recite it 108 times, if there is time for such a number of repetitions, then they can be reduced to any multiple of 9. The rest of the reading rules coincide with the recommendations for reading the female mantra.

Harmonization of the feminine and masculine

There are two aspects in the personality at the same time, but this does not mean the equal development of both. The harmony of the feminine and masculine implies their acceptance, but leaving the leading role of the part corresponding to the gender. The following practices will help you find balance.

  1. Sun and moon. These luminaries are responsible for the Yang and Yin energies, so meditation with their participation will help restore the balance between the two principles. To complete it, you need to sit down or lie down in comfortable posture with your hands palms up. First you need to imagine the Sun in your right palm, feel its energy, feel how the golden stream overflows the body and envelops the aura. Then attention switches to the left palm, which contains the Moon. With its silvery energy, you need to do the same, and then return to the Sun. Gradually it will be possible to keep both energies in sight and interact with them.
  2. Two beginnings. In this meditation, you are going to invite to a conversation domestic woman and the man in turn. To do this, you need to relax, fill your body with energy and wait for one of the beginnings to appear in front of the inner gaze, it can look like a person or take the form of an animal. After talking with both, you need to see both beginnings at once in order to consider the relationship between them, connections and problems. After that, it is recommended to surround the images with energy, thank for the conversation, and end the meditation.

Who is the boss in the house: a man or a woman? Who is smarter? Who is stronger? Who is more beautiful? Who is kinder? Who, after all, is more important on this Earth?

We endlessly find out, endlessly argue and quarrel. There are countless theories of male superiority, as well as denials and theories of female superiority. Which theories are correct? Complex issue... At the moment, the solution to this issue has practically reached a dead end, and as a result, a huge number of peacemaking theories began to appear that say that both women and men are equally important, just everyone has their own function in this life. And what? We came to what we were trying to get away from, now we are arguing about whose function is more important, more difficult, more necessary. That is, we are clarifying the same question - who is more important: a man or a woman. The question is as meaningless as the question of what came first - the chicken or the egg.

If you ask the question who was before: a man or a woman, I think many will immediately remember the Bible, Adam, rib. And then the male half of humanity rubs his hands in satisfaction: "Eve was created from the rib of Adam, there is nothing to argue, the man is the first, the man is more important!" What if everything was wrong?

Let's remember the Yin-Yang symbol depicting the Universe, which consists of two opposites, Yin and Yang. These opposites form a whole only in a single combination, when they merge. But what is important is not a struggle of opposites, not complementarity, but an endless transition from one state to another, and each of these two states contains a particle of the other. All opposites are interconnected parts of a single whole, parts are interacting, mutually transitive. Yin and Yang are in constant motion, the masculine imperceptibly flows into the feminine, and the feminine into the masculine, creating the cyclical nature of life and the movement of life.

Our problem is that we cannot catch a cyclical process, we cannot catch a movement. They say that some predatory animals see only moving objects and if they freeze in front of a predator, he will not see you. Our "vision" is arranged the other way around, we see what is motionless and cannot grasp what is in motion. Hence our desire to divide everything in the world into white and black, good and bad, male and female. We have been so successful in describing the difference between men and women that we have completely forgotten one simple thing- each of us (both man and woman) contains masculine and feminine. The Yin-Yang symbol does not depict the harmony of man and woman as two separate creatures, but the harmony of the feminine and masculine in every person.

We want to see stillness, in the extreme case, the final process - which has a beginning and an end. Therefore, we argue, figuring out who is more important, who is the first. If we imagine a fence consisting of many boards, then we can, looking at it, say that this board is the first in the fence, and that one is the last. If we look at a wheel that is in motion, we cannot determine which of its spokes is the first and which is the last, and of course it cannot be said that one of the spokes in this wheel is more important than the others. And is it necessary to find out when the wheel is in motion? We can say that the spoke closer to the ground is more important, but the next moment it will be a different spoke.

Likewise, when we are in motion, our energy moves, the feminine and masculine inside us is in motion. When we lack some energy, we start looking for it outside. This is where the idea is born that a woman cannot live without a man, and a man cannot live without a woman. This myth is cultivated incessantly, imposing on women the idea of ​​developing their femininity, but with an emphasis on renouncing masculinity. But what is femininity and what is masculinity? Is it femininity in managing a man who lacks some qualities? Not enough, because he deliberately refused them, calling them female. Is masculinity in managing a woman that's missing male qualities? Not enough, because she deliberately abandoned them, calling them masculine. In this context, the myth of the two halves is perfectly valid. Only they became halves consciously, abandoning some part of themselves in order to find this part in another.

Maybe it's time to stop already being half-hearted? Maybe it's time to recognize the masculine and feminine in oneself? Balance masculine and feminine? To enjoy male and female? It's time to become whole within yourself, by yourself. Do not look for yourself for the integrity of a second half-disabled person, but find an equally holistic partner!