Characteristics of different activities and their role in the development of the child. educational opportunities

The book is presented with some abbreviations.

Activity is expressed in human actions. It is actions with objects, with tools and materials, actions that include remotor acts of various complexity and structures - movements, that constitute the external expression or the external (visible) side of human activity. In order to judge the inner side of the child's activity, it is necessary to be able to "read the book" of his behavior.
For achievement desired result a person in a certain way controls the physical actions performed, using various mental operations: selects the most suitable techniques, organizes them into desired sequence, performs them at the right pace and with the strength and focus that meet the goal.
This mental side of activity can be completely separated from practical actions and turn into proper mental, mental activity. For example, long before the holiday in kindergarten a music worker, educators plan its content and organization: they distribute roles between groups of children in advance, think over funny surprises and the role of each adult in the upcoming celebration.
In child development special meaning there is a time and form for the inclusion of mental activity in practical activity and the restructuring of the latter.
Any activity is aimed at a specific, clearly perceived goal by a person. Therefore, his activity is reasonable. A developed person knows what he wants. His actions are purposeful. He acts consciously. The goal set is certainly fixed in the speech: “I will study”, “I will go to the store”, “I need to read this book”.
In any activity of a mature person, “a reasonable goal, like a law, determines the method and nature of the action” (K. Marx). Such intelligence is formed in the process of education.
The goal can be set by the child himself or suggested to him by other people. But under all conditions, achieving it is desirable for the acting person. This desire can be caused by different motives (motives). The most important thing is that the child wanted to achieve the goal in the activity that he is engaged in.
Any human activity requires the use of certain movements and methods of action, that is, skills and abilities. Skills are usually simple moves or actions with an object, tool, tool. Due to the repeated repetition of the same actions under the same conditions, they are performed by a person faster and faster, more and more perfectly and require less and less nervous work from him. Let's take an example. The movements required to write a letter sign are very difficult for a first grader. But, repeating from day to day, they become more and more free, light and coordinated. By the end of the first year of study, a small student writes graphically correctly and beautifully, and later these movements are automated: a person performs them as memorized movements, mechanically, they do not require constant monitoring of the acting person. Only in those cases when something interferes with the performance of learned movements, attention, control turn on, and a person bypasses or overcomes an unexpected obstacle. An adult no longer thinks about how to write everything desired letters that make up a word. His attention is occupied by what he writes. He performs the actions themselves as a chain of learned movements. Such movements, automated by repeated repetitions, are called skills. physiological basis skill is a dynamic stereotype developed by multiple repetitions.
The vast majority of daily activities and movements performed by an adult and a child are skills. These include household activities: sewing, buttoning, actions with a knife and fork while eating; special sports skills: run, jump, etc. There are skills and mental activity: reading skills, spelling, computing, etc.
Any activity is carried out by a system of special skills. Any skill is developed by repetitions and is destroyed when repetitions stop.
At the same time, any reasonable activity cannot be reduced to a habit. A person must be able to independently use entire systems, or sets of skills he has mastered, he must critically evaluate the result obtained, check the success of his actions, that is, perform, in addition to physical actions, a whole system of mental, mental operations. The repetition of such complex numerous mental actions leads to the development of skills, i.e., the mastery of methods of action.
There is something in common between skill and ability: both categories of actions are developed as a result of repeated exercises and constitute the executive side of any activity. However, skills are fundamentally different from skills.
1) Most often physical action.
2) It is developed by multiple monotonous repetitions.
3) Composes the technique of activity.
4) Quickly reaches perfection.
5) Cessation of the exercise leads to disintegration, fading of the skill.
6) The production process proceeds as shown in curve A.
1) Complex mental action using the acquired skills.
2) It is developed in a variety of exercises with different content.
3) It is a method of activity.
4) Produced slowly. Can be improved endlessly.
5) When high level generalization becomes in a general way actions. It is preserved as a personality trait.
6) The production process proceeds as shown in curve B.
The development of skills and abilities in children in their relationship is the most important task of a teacher at any stage of a child's development. In any activity, there is a person's attitude towards it. Attitude can be directed to the end result or product of the activity. It can also be caused by the process of activity itself. However, most often, the activity causes satisfaction in a person both by its process itself and by the results obtained. A student learns well when he is interested. He is pleased with good grades and the fascinating work that his educational activities require. Without joy, without positive emotions no type of activity can influence the development of promising aspects of the child's personality.
The developing role of any meaningful and pedagogically correct organized activities is that it becomes certain form human practices. An exercise is performed in it, and hence the development of all those physical and psychic powers, abilities, character traits that this activity requires.
The development of the child takes place in his active and varied communication with the subject and social world. Initially, the biological activity of the infant is transformed under the guidance of adults into various types of his activity. From what the child is doing, what he thinks about, what he perceives, what he does, how this activity is organized by the elders, its result also depends, i.e. shifts in the development of the child.
However, each type of activity has its own characteristics. The activity of the child in sports and gaming activity, in work and pioneer life. In order for the teacher to be able to maximum effect to use the educational opportunities of a particular activity, it is necessary to know the nature of each of them.
To characterize the developmental value different types Let us dwell on the most basic activities of the child: play, learning, work, and especially on the activities of the child in everyday life.

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Requirements for a teacher are an imperative system of professional qualities that determine the success of pedagogical activity. The main groups of abilities are singled out. Organizational. They are manifested in the teacher's ability to rally students, keep them busy, share responsibilities, plan work, summarize what has been done, etc. Didactic. Specific skills to select and prepare educational material, visualization, equipment, accessible, clear, expressive, convincing and consistent presentation of educational material, stimulate the development of cognitive interests and spiritual needs, increase educational and cognitive activity, etc. Perceptual manifested in the ability to penetrate the spiritual the world of the educated, to objectively assess their emotional state, to identify the characteristics of the psyche. Communication skills are manifested in the teacher's ability to establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with students, their parents, colleagues, leaders of the educational institution. Suggestive abilities consist in the emotional-volitional influence on the trainees. Research abilities, manifested in the ability to know and objectively evaluate pedagogical situations and processes. Scientific and educational, reduced to the ability to assimilate scientific knowledge in the chosen field. In the light of the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the teacher must comply with the basic principles of state policy: humanistic character (priority of universal human values ​​and free development of the individual), unity of the federal and regional, cultural and educational space, accessibility, secular character, freedom and pluralism, democratic character education management. It is known that the main goal of the teacher's activity is the formation of personality. Forming a personality, the teacher must, first of all, translate an educational or other task into the language of the task that is understandable to students, achieve the fulfillment of these tasks using certain means and methods. He must lead this activity of schoolchildren, analyze it, provide it with the desired direction and evaluate it, at the same time, he must analyze his own activity - the nature of the activity of students depends on the content and methods of setting tasks, and this determines the process and content of personality formation. Takova general scheme teacher's work.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky noted in many of his works that pedagogical activity is impossible without an element of research, because in its logic and philosophical basis it has a creative character. According to famous teacher, each human individuality with which the teacher deals is, to a certain extent, a peculiar, unique world of thoughts, feelings, interests.

Given the fact that pedagogical process governed by objective laws, without taking into account and using which the teacher cannot succeed, it is very important for the teacher to know the basic laws of the process of education and upbringing, to constantly improve his pedagogical thinking. The theory provides a general orientation for actions, offers certain models for solving pedagogical problems. But every time general provisions or principles should be used taking into account specific circumstances, the characteristics of the pedagogical situation.

In his work, the teacher has to achieve a lot, relying on his own experience, combine knowledge with intuition, analyze the results of tests, correcting the mistakes made. Even the fact that the guidelines present the content and methods of organizing the activities of students does not mean that the teacher has received a ready-made algorithm of pedagogical influence, which, when carrying out educational activities, the teacher, the educator are obliged to carry out the following labor activities:

Regulation of student behavior to ensure a safe educational environment.

Implementation of modern, including interactive, forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricular activities.

Setting educational goals that contribute to the development of students, regardless of their abilities and character.

Definition and adoption of clear rules of conduct by students in accordance with the charter of the educational organization and the internal regulations of the educational organization.

Design and implementation of educational programs.

Implementation of educational opportunities for various types of activities of the child (educational, playful, labor, sports, artistic, etc.).

Designing situations and events that develop the emotional and value sphere of the child (the culture of experiences and value orientations of the child).

Help and support in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies.

Creation, maintenance of the way, atmosphere and traditions of the life of an educational organization.

The development of students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creative abilities, the formation of a civic position, the ability to work and live in conditions modern world, the formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students.

Formation of tolerance and behavior skills in a changing multicultural environment.

The use of constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, assistance to the family in resolving issues of raising a child.

To carry out these functions, the teacher, educator must have necessary skills: To build educational activities taking into account the cultural differences of children, gender, age and individual characteristics.

Communicate with children, recognize their dignity, understanding and accepting them.

Create in study groups(class, circle, section, etc.) children-adult communities of students, their parents (legal representatives) and teachers of different ages.

Manage study groups in order to involve students in the process of education and upbringing, motivating their educational and cognitive activities.

Analyze the real state of affairs in the study group, maintain a businesslike, friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

Protect the dignity and interests of students, help children who find themselves in a conflict situation and / or adverse conditions.

Find value aspect educational knowledge and information to ensure its understanding and experience by students.

Own methods of organizing excursions, trips and expeditions, etc.

Collaborate with other teachers and other specialists in solving educational problems.

have required knowledge:

Fundamentals of legislation on the rights of the child, laws in the field of education and the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education.

History, theory, patterns and principles of construction and functioning of educational (pedagogical) systems, the role and place of education in the life of the individual and society.

Fundamentals of psychodidactics, multicultural education, patterns of behavior in social networks.

The main patterns of age development, stages and crises of development and socialization of the individual, indicators and individual characteristics of life trajectories and their possible deviations, methods of their diagnosis.

Scientific understanding of the results of education, ways to achieve them and methods of evaluation.

Fundamentals of the methodology of educational work, the basic principles of the activity approach, types and techniques of modern pedagogical technologies.

Regulatory legal, guiding and instructive documents regulating the organization and conduct of events outside the territory of the educational organization (excursions, hikes and expeditions).

2.1 The structure of the content of educational activities

The content of education is one of the most controversial and controversial issues in pedagogical theory. Humanistic pedagogy enriches modern theory education with the idea that the content of the educational activity of the teacher is the study of the child; creation of conditions for its self-realization, self-development and self-education; organization of active and creative life of children; pedagogical support for the child's comfortable well-being, acceptance by the children's community.

Studying the child

The study of the child involves observation and specially organized research physical condition and spiritual development children and the determination on this basis of rational ways of organizing educational process. Specific for humanistic education is that the teacher seeks to study the child in its internal integrity: it studies age features children, gets acquainted with each child as a representative of a certain social and cultural environment. In order to better understand the child, he puts himself in his place, immerses himself in memories of his own childhood, uses the comparative evolutionary method, which allows him to fix the dynamics of the development of each child, analyzes objects children's creativity, systematically observes children in their free manifestation in a variety of activities, combining educational activities with research.

In the theory of humanistic education, the principles research activities that are of strategic, long-term importance. We are talking about interest in the child, accepting him as he is, respect for his intrinsic value, pedagogical optimism, understood as a reliance on the positive, about the attitude towards the child as a whole person, etc. Important principle in the study - the refusal to compare the successes and failures of children. Comparison is only possible with own experience previous years.

Creation of conditions for self-realization of the child as the goal and result of the educational activity of the teacher

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the value of the personality of the child was recognized. Humanist educators agreed with Aristotle, who argued that the self-realization of a person is the realization of the essence that is in him from birth, recognized the uniqueness of the child, rejoiced at his dissimilarity to other children, sought to create conditions for the realization of this dissimilarity - respected the child. Thus, in the 20th century, respect for the child became one of the principles of education. It was emphasized that the teacher's respect for the child is important because it is the basis for arousing the child's respect for himself. The content of educational activities to implement this principle was the creation of conditions for the purposeful systematic development of the child's personality, the assertion of self-consciousness in him, the education in the child of the conviction that he himself is both the creator of himself and the creator of his circumstances.

An important idea of ​​the theory of humanistic education, which helps the teacher to understand the child more deeply, is that the behavior of the child is not identical to his essence. Help develop spiritual potential, not to suppress the "raw material of personality" is the creation of conditions for the self-realization of the child.

Organization of the active life of children and their involvement in creativity The 20th century brought an interest in the active activity of the child to pedagogy. The activity of the child was considered as required condition development of the child's abilities, his talents, as a means of achieving success. On the other hand, activity was considered as a vital need of the child and an indicator of his achievements. And finally, in the activity of the child they saw a manifestation of his mental activity, views acquired independently.

AT pedagogical research it was noted that the activity of the child cannot be formed in the conditions of autocratic pedagogy, it is not combined with overprotection adult, nor with excessive adult intervention in the content of children's lives. Humanistic pedagogy sees the educational task in the gradual transformation of the activities of children, which they organize together with adults, into their amateur activities; discipline into self-discipline. Thus, the activity of the child was considered as a prerequisite for his development, and on the other hand, as a result of education. The meaning of educational activities aimed at developing the activity of children is to help the child in building his own personality through creative activity. The teacher-educator gives great importance the nature of interpersonal communication of children in the process of this activity. In the organisation labor activity, games, theatrical productions, artistic creativity: music, drawing, modeling, etc. - the teacher focuses on the interests of children and on their abilities. Experience shows that it is precisely this kind of activity that contributes to the softening of morals, prevents their coarsening, and forms the morality of children.

Pedagogical conditions for asserting a child's sense of security in children's communities

One of the main trends in the development of humanistic education in the pedagogy of the 20th century was the tendency to resolve the contradiction between the personality of the child and the children's community, the desire to assert the well-being of the child's security in the system. interpersonal relationships. Most of the humanist teachers managed to create children's communities in which the development of the uniqueness of each child - a member of the team was ensured, the child's right to respect was respected, a sense of dignity children. The humanization of education was associated with the process of socialization of the individual, the most effective environment for which is children's society. The process of socialization in the interpretation of humanist teachers means the inadmissibility of unjustified suppression of the activity of the individual, the imposition of social functions contrary to the inclinations and aspirations of the individual. They consider the humanization of socialization as a process of maintaining an environment that is optimal for the development of the individual. An essential factor self-realization of the child, raising him in the spirit of mutual assistance, mutual respect, responsibility and personal dignity, humanist teachers considered the development of his social feelings. In solving this problem, they attached special importance to the children's team. Of decisive importance for the free, confident well-being of children in the team, humanist teachers attached children's self-government and healthy public opinion, in which they saw the regulator of intra-collective relations. At the same time, it was emphasized that the means of collective influence should be used very carefully, only if they were absolutely necessary. The main conditions for the formation of humanistic relations in the children's team are: self-realization of the child. in a variety of activities; self-knowledge of children - members of the team, filling activities children's team humanistic content; systematic diagnostics of the state of interpersonal relationships and their prediction further development; bringing publicity to life children's institution; formation of a favorable personal development child's emotional climate; ensuring through the system of laws of the hostel a guarantee of security for each child; organization of the life of a children's institution on the laws of equality.

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