How thoughts are material. Materialization of thoughts: how to make soap work for you. Rendering a picture of the future

Probably, every girl once noticed that as soon as she thought about something intimate, after some time her dream came true, despite the fact that she forgot to think about it. Many attribute this to mere chance or luck, but this is far from the case. Scientists have long been studying human subconscious, thanks to which it became known that our thoughts work like a magnet, they attract what we want and are realized in outside world... quite possible. Currently, quite a few books and other materials have appeared on this topic... In addition, there are a variety of methods to achieve what you want. Many do not believe it, but nevertheless, materialization of thought really works, from which a natural question arises, how does this happen?

Force of gravity

Some modern researchers have come to the conclusion that our Universe works according to one law - the law of attraction. And everything that every woman has in her life, all the successes and failures are the result of what she herself attracted into her life. This rule applies to all areas of life, health, love or material component. Of course, many ladies will disagree with this. After all, no one will ever attract into their life various problems... All girls, of course, dream of material and family well-being. But, according to the researchers, the Universe remembers the thoughts of each person, and what he thinks about is recorded as his desire. Thus, it happens materialization of thought.

Reasons for failure

It doesn't matter what we think about, the universe does not divide thoughts into good or bad. It materializes both our fears and our deepest desires. If a girl is afraid that she will not be promoted or will not receive a salary increase, then she may not hope for luck. Conversely, when a woman is confident that she will achieve success, then the opportunity to build a successful career is somehow found. In addition, according to scientists, even when the universe is ready to implement innermost desire, she does it through intermediaries, and any person can become one. But the reason for the failure lies in the fact that sometimes a woman herself refuses the opportunity to change her life, it is much easier for her to complain about her difficult fate. But, as a rule, what a person talks about and what he puts his emotions into will materialize.

The power of thought

Considering all of the above, a natural question arises of how to change your life in the desired direction. First of all, materialization of thought and the fulfillment of desires depends on correct wording desired. In order for a thought to materialize, you must try to abandon your own old beliefs. Absolutely everything can hinder the achievement of the desired. The power of one's own convictions is great enough. Therefore, for a start, you should reconsider your past, since it is it that is a consequence of our own beliefs. Poor health or the absence of a stable income speaks only of the fact that the woman subconsciously wants it herself.

For example, a single young mother with a small child in her arms wants to marry worthy man... At first glance, this seems like a completely logical desire, because the child needs a father. But in fact, it turns out that she is afraid of how the child will react to the new person in the house, and how others will perceive it. There can be many excuses, and as a result, she programs herself for loneliness.

Visualization of desire

There are many techniques for materializing thoughts, but visualization of the desired is recognized as one of the most effective. First of all, in order for a wish to come true, it must be clearly formulated and presented. For example, if there is a desire to have a high income, then you need to clearly imagine where exactly it will be invested. On the other hand, of course, you should not forget that your desires must be compared with your own capabilities and the surrounding reality.

The power of thought depends, firstly, on what images, feelings, emotions and words it is filled with, and secondly, on how often and how regularly we think about what we want. In order for the plan to come true, it is necessary to regularly evoke the images of the desired in front of you, to raise those feelings and emotions that accompany this desire. Thus, thoughts are filled with strength. In addition, it is the emotions that accompany desire that become the main driving force that leads a person to his dream. Do not think in vain, the dream will come true by itself - you need to act and go to meet her.

Positive attitude

The fulfillment of desire by the power of thought also depends on how much the woman believes in it. In other words, in order to achieve what you want, you must learn to think positively. For some, this can be a very difficult step, especially if it has long been a habit to complain about life. V in this case, the materialization of the desired depends on the ability to find positive points in any event that happened and complete disregard for all the most negative. In particular, experts advise next exercise... It is necessary to present two plants, one beautiful flower, symbolizing all good, and the second - an ugly and incomprehensible thorny plant, symbolizing all negative. All conversations and thoughts about good, respectively, give food delicate flower, thanks to which it will grow and bloom further. And vice versa, if you think only about the bad, then it will only nourish an incomprehensible thorny plant, and a beautiful flower can dry out.

Do not hope that your plan will come true pretty quickly. You need to be patient. The most common mistake many women make is that they want to get everything they want at once, but this does not happen. It takes time for thoughts and desires to gain strength. You should not immediately try to implement your plan, failure will only disappoint.

How to materialize your thoughts and desires. Do you believe that thought tends to materialize? No? Then here's a simple example to show you that you are wrong. And we will not even touch upon transurfing, the Universe, any higher powers. Simple chain from two components: thought - action, will help to understand this.

Look: first, a person solves a problem, comes up with something, concentrates on this his memory, willpower, attention and a positive desire to find the right answer.

And the answer is found, the only question is how much energy and time you need to spend on this, how long you need to concentrate. After finding the answer, the person begins to act, that is, he realizes his idea in practice. This is how objects appear that were previously only a thought, an image in a person's consciousness. Take a look around: appliances, furniture, works of art ... Now these are material things, but once they were just a thought.

It can be even simpler: you wanted tea, at this time a corresponding image arises in your head together with the desire, you start to act (go to the kitchen, put the kettle on, take a cup, tea leaves ...). And now, after 5 minutes, the finished tea is on your table. But 5 minutes ago it was only an image that materialized due to your actions.

On this simple example materialization of tea from thought, image into result (finished drink), one can understand that there is no impossible in this world, you just need to act, and before that you need to understand exactly how and what to do. Lovers of materialization of thoughts in the position of "lying on the couch" will be disappointed, but they should hear this: action is a prerequisite materialization! Without it, your thoughts are likely to remain just images in your mind.

Now you need money, your own home, car, job - all this is achievable. Hope that following tips help you get what you want.

1. First of all, you need to clearly understand what exactly you need. Present it clearly and emphatically. Define a goal. This is called rendering the object. For example: I need a car of such and such a brand, such and such a year of manufacture, such and such a color, and so on. The more clearly you visualize the object you are visualizing, and the more you desire it, the more chances you have of getting it.

You must answer 4 important issues: where are you now (your financial situation, strong and weak sides and other things that may be important to achieve the goal), where to go (that is, what you need, what you strive for), what you lack to achieve desired result and what to do.

2. Run through yourself as much as possible more information about the object of your lust. Even if it remains somewhere deep in your subconscious, at the right moment this information will appear and help you out. The more information is processed, the more chances that it will come across really valuable and useful.

3. Never give up. Failure is an integral part of our life. Accept it and don't make it a disaster. Many give up after the first failure. For them, dreams will remain just dreams. But after analyzing the current situation, understanding its causes and overcoming the difficulty, a person becomes stronger and realizes that failure is rather an incentive than an obstacle.

These 3 simple rules give amazing results. Follow them whenever and wherever possible. And you will be surprised how the solution will be found! Your brain will tell you what to do, in which direction to move. Everything written above can be fit into one wise thought: "If a person desires something passionately and does the right thing, then the whole Universe helps him." Be happy!

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Since ancient times, people have been interested in the fulfillment of desires. After all, a person at or a conscious level strives to achieve his goals. There is a difference between them only in that one finds the right approach to fulfill his desires, and the other does not understand or does not know how to solve his problems and get everything he wants.

Materialization of thoughts works regardless of whether a person wants it or not. It will depend on how a person thinks, where he directs his emotions and attention. Our universe is like a cornucopia. She will give you whatever you want - mink coat, an apartment, a cup of coffee or, she doesn't care, she will do everything. However, the secret of fulfilling desires depends on how much you want to receive something. For example, if you strongly desire something, then work in such a way that this desire will come true. Here are the most simple rules that will help to make your deepest desires come true.

Formulate your desires correctly

It is very important to negotiate the setting of the desired goal. Since the fulfillment of desires with the help of the power of thought is theoretically possible, everything depends only on the person. He must be able to look at all events positively, and draw his lessons from negative moments, as well as accept all the gifts of fate, this is how he succeeds in achieving his goal.

In order for desires to always come true, they need to be formulated only in the present tense, because the universe has no future and no past. Therefore, we ourselves make our present, which can be corrected.

For example, many will say “I want to live with my family in big house out of town ”, but this is not true. You need to say this: "I live with my family in houses outside the city." Always write down your dreams on paper, because the materialization of thought and the mental form are interconnected with the help of human efforts. By writing down desires, a person organizes his thoughts, and the universe responds faster to a request.

Specify your desires

If a person says: “I want to get another job, because the old one doesn’t suit me anymore,” then no special changes in life are foreseen. After all, you need to concretize your thoughts, including the smallest details, for example: “I find new job where I can open up, show my talents and abilities ”. Desires will come true only if you know exactly what you want, for example: “I am the director of the famous travel company“ Delight ”. There is now a lot of confidence that you will indeed be in this leadership position. Specific requests will help you stay on track, but strictly follow the plan. After all, a person will never agree to work as a janitor if he dreamed of being a pilot since childhood. Materialization of thoughts occurs faster if a person allows himself to have whatever he wants.

Thought visualization is a powerful process

Materialization of thoughts occurs more often if you constantly imagine the desired result in your thoughts. Imagine in your thoughts the ultimate goal for which you always strive.

Moreover, you need to represent it in as much detail as possible, using your imagination. For example, how do you see your home? What color are its walls? What style does its interior belong to? Describe in detail every little thing, mentally imagining your dream. The more times you use the visualization method, the faster the materialization of thoughts will come. The timing and technique for this may differ, it doesn't matter. The greatest effect possesses visualization of thoughts before bedtime, when a person's consciousness is freed from worries, and his subconscious is actively working.

Watch your emotions

Thanks to emotions, a person can see if he is going to the right way or a little off it. Emotions are easy to identify. Just ask yourself at a certain point: “What are my feelings in this moment? " You can only have two emotions - negative or positive. If these are positive emotions, then there will be delight, joy and inspiration in the soul. It is these feelings that inspire good deeds and new ideas.

TO negative emotions include: envy, sadness, disappointment, anger, guilt for deeds. It is these feelings that have a bad effect on the human psyche, since they are not beneficial to the person. All this limits the prospects and further vision of life, the person does not move forward. Materialization of thoughts will happen in any case. Therefore, if you have a positive attitude, then your innermost dreams come true, and if your thoughts are negative, then your fears and fears enter life.

Let go of your desires

You have decided what you want from life, what your intentions are, then mentally free yourself from desire. Since the obsessive state of getting something and achieving the goal is capable of building huge obstacles on the way to your desire. But don't get too attached to the result, enjoying the process of making your dreams come true. Materialization of desires will be at the moment when in your soul you stop thinking about how to achieve what you want. But if a person is fixated on his desires, then the path to achieving them will be longer. In this situation, the universe creates failures and obstacles for him, which are very difficult to overcome.

Fantasies and dreams, the difference between them

Many people confuse the two different concepts which are hugely different. You've probably noticed that those dreams come true that you allow to come true.

Fantasy is vague and ephemeral, but the dream is achievable and concrete. Moreover, fantasies usually have nothing to do with reality. With the help of dreams, thoughts are materialized. Many people who are in their fantasies agree on one thing: their ideas remained unattainable, they gave up all attempts to achieve their goals. Our fantasies are illusions, and our dreams are real.

Take responsibility

Until you yourself begin to act on the path to your desire, everything in your life will be the same. Find time for a goal every day, imagine the end result in your thoughts. This will take very little time, the only condition is that thoughts should be bright, positive, ready for action.

Desires are fulfilled only when in your soul you have made the decision to cross all obstacles and get out of difficult situation the winner. Some are greatly mistaken, thinking that a dream will come true without effort. This is not at all the case, dreams do not come true for lazy people. Are thoughts material? Of course yes. However, your participation in this is one of the main ones.

We work with self-esteem

A person should be on the same wavelength with his desires, know for sure that he deserves the fulfillment of his dreams. For the materialization of thoughts to occur, you must fully establish yourself in intentions and develop the will to win.

Therefore, if, deep down, you are not sure that you are worthy of your goals, then no dream will simply come true. The fulfillment of desires with the help of the power of thought will occur when a person is 100% ripe for accepting a desire and has made enough effort for this.

Working with desires

It is not enough just to draw up an intention, you need to carefully work out your goal, this is necessary to translate it into reality. But how to do that? The first thing you need is a little time once a day to imagine your goal in mind. Think over every detail, but do not rush things. Whatever you want will come true in due time. The mental form and materialization of thoughts give an excellent result, which you never dreamed of before.

The main three steps to the goal

Only a few know that the embodiment of desires in life consists of three main stages, which go sequentially, so none of them can be missed.

1. The first step is intention. Correctly form your desire and goals that you dream of achieving in life, write down each of them in a notebook or notebook. Be sure to take part in catching all the gifts of fate. There are times when such gifts are covered with needles. For example, you want to achieve great business success and start your own business. A gift of the universe will be a wonderful proposal from a friend or acquaintance to create a common enterprise.

2. The second step is the response of the universe. This process you will not be able to control, since nothing depends on you, the universe independently fulfills human desires and gives them what they really deserve. It's like, divine grace that manifests in a special way... In a certain life situation you will understand that you are on the right path, you are at home and have been walking towards it for a long time.

3. The third step is acceptance. A person must independently come to what he asked for. Let yourself go and go with the flow. The wise river of life will definitely lead you to your goals. The assistant in this case is the guidance of your emotions. And if you experience feelings of joy, happiness, inspiration, then you are on the right track. But if there is depression, chagrin, anger in your soul, then you move in opposite side... Your the main role is to direct your feelings and thoughts in the right direction. The materialization of thoughts begins with the fact that you must build long-term prospects for the future for yourself and strictly follow the rules for achieving the goal. Understand clearly where you are striving, determine your position and outlook on life.

Man is part of the universe. And hardly anyone will argue with this fact. But if you look at it, then there is a visible Universe (at least to the same astronauts), and there is a Universe that we do not see, but we feel in ourselves. The second universe includes our thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires. And how we are in tune with our life ultimately depends on what it really will be. Have you ever wondered why people who are pessimistic about the world, as a rule, nothing happens? Or, conversely, for those who radiate vital energy, everything is always good and things are going uphill. It's all about the materialization of desires, or rather, in the right approach to their implementation.

Materialization of thoughts: practice

Every thought that comes to our mind can theoretically change our life forever. The only question is, how should the materialization of our thoughts be carried out correctly? The law of the Universe is such that even if we do not ask her for any benefits, but constantly repeat to ourselves some statement, then exactly what we think about will soon begin to happen in our life. Surely many have already encountered such a phenomenon when they dreamed of a plane crash, and the next day in the news they said that a plane had crashed somewhere. Or, literally the day before, you remembered a distant acquaintance and the next day you unexpectedly met him. All these facts once again prove that we all belong to one information field, which we involuntarily program with our thoughts. And if so, then you need to learn how to manage the materialization of thoughts and desires in order to forever change your life.

The technique of materializing thoughts

Before you learn to manage own ideas and begin to turn dreams into reality, it is important to prepare for the changes in your life. To do this, you need to go through several stages.
  1. Analysis of the past. What happened to you for all the years of your life is the result of what you yourself believe in and what you wanted. Don't have enough money? Betrayed best friend or does your health fail? So, somewhere in the depths of your soul, you wanted exactly this. Therefore, to begin with, write down what does not suit you in your life. Then, turn your complaints into goals. As a result, you will get a story about your goals in life. Think about what you would like if you were able to fulfill all your desires.
  2. A picture of the future. Answer yourself to the questions - what do you expect from the future, how do you imagine it. What will happen to you in a year, 5 years, how will you spend your old age? Now close your eyes and imagine your future, which will make you truly happy. Then open your eyes and imagine that all your dreams have already come true. After that, be sure to thank fate or the Universe for the fact that everything will be exactly as you imagined.
  3. Learn to think only good things. For many, this will turn out to be a difficult stage. But learning to see even bad things in a positive way will make your life much easier. Learn to ignore all the negativity you face. If you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it. You will soon notice that with positive attitude even the biggest difficulties are much easier for you to solve.

As soon as you set yourself up for changes in your life, the next stage will be the very technique of materializing desires and thoughts. There are many of them. Your task is to choose the one that you like the most and suits your lifestyle.

By itself, the technique of materializing thoughts and desires is quite simple to use. The main thing here is not only to want something, but also to imagine how it will be, to see yourself in a situation where the dream has already come true. Learn to anticipate your desires and how they will benefit you. And only then will materialization become an integral part of life. Your new life.

So, "Thoughts are material" is another fashionable idea especially in the West.

The films "The Secret", "Rabbit Hole, or what we generally know" have been released into the world. Filmmakers together with quantum physicists prove the effectiveness of materialization in practice. We can say that this is a handbook for businessmen. The Internet is teeming with "teachers" teaching the techniques of fulfilling desires. We can say that another religion is being formed, where a person is the master of his own destiny.

What does this even mean?

Are thoughts really material?

Thoughts materialize ... Is it really so? So, you went into the kitchen, drank warm milk, sat down on a nice chair, loudly blew your hands, and began to strain your brain vigorously to materialize caviar, or another exotic product. These actions are funny in themselves, and cause an involuntary smile on your face. At the mere thought that a man is sitting in some underpants and trying to perform a miracle. And what is most interesting, he can bring it to life. Naturally, caviar will not appear out of thin air, but a friend or another person can bring it at this very moment. When similar situations happen, you involuntarily think about magic. Maybe magic actually exists and thoughts materialize?

The whole world is energy and thoughts materialize

Let's start with the most important thing, with the understanding that everything around is energy. It is either collected in bodies, or dispersed in space. So diverse and interesting that it is impossible to list all of her images. And there is no point in that either. Imagine a tree, of any species, such a small tree, it grows, turns green, blooms, smells, but what does it need for this? That's right, energy. Those. it absorbs energy, transforming it into forms. It also happens with a stone that is under the influence environment, winds, rains, etc. absorbed the energy and took a certain form.

Our thoughts are also energy. Their nature has been little studied, but you must agree that they exist. And this is already good.
Now the situation: you woke up in the morning, looked out the window, saw the sun, heard the birds, felt the smell of summer, and your mood improved, good thoughts were born. OK!
But if everything happened differently: we woke up in the morning, to the window, and there - rain, dampness, thunder thunders, lightning flashes, in one word "yeah." Well, what thoughts have visited you then?

It follows from this that if the world around you can affect your brain, then it, in turn, can act in response (in any case, on your mood, for sure!), I.e. your thoughts will materialize.

The more effort, the faster thoughts materialize.

I think everyone knows the law "To get something, you need to give something in return", those. law of energy conservation. And, as you understand, you can give not only money or things, but also your labor. This is also energy, by the way. Although we value him so low, sometimes without even noticing that we are putting our efforts into some kind of event. For example, it is customary at school to create a parenting committee that organizes various holidays, and other activities. And no one thinks that these people are investing their energy, which should be appreciated. Stop! Sorry. This is for you to think about. Appreciate yourself.

Accordingly, in order to get something, we must invest. Why not use thoughts for this, which are also energy, i.e. material. And the more we invest, the faster and more we will receive in return. Wonderful! Now it makes sense to control your thoughts, and direct them to their destination. Smile. It's so good.

All thoughts materialize, both good and bad

No matter how upset it may be, but really, thoughts materialize, both good and bad. Therefore, it always makes sense to think about what you really want. Basically, the universe has no sense of appreciation. It's energy. What we gave is what we got. Everything is very simple. For example, you decided to build a small barn in your country house, a utility room. What are you doing for this? Right. You start to put in the effort. In the end, you will build the premises anyway. The question is, what will it be? If you put in a lot of effort, you tried, and you were in good location spirit, i.e. on the positive, then the result will be the same. Fast, pleasing to the eye, bring joy and satisfaction. You can even tell your friends what a fine fellow you are. In the opposite case, when the mood was terrible, the instruments fell out of hand, you will get the corresponding "mansions". The choice is yours, you free man... Remember, thoughts will materialize.

Strengthen the materialization of thoughts with yourself

It would be foolish to miss such an effective, at the same time simple technique, for achievement desired results as the materialization of thoughts. It all the same works, whether you like it or not, but against you or for, you decide. The point is that in addition to the mystical component, there is an absolutely real one. It consists in simple things... When you constantly think about the object of your desire, then all your organs, especially the brain, are activated to achieve the set goal. And in the course of your daily activities, you begin to find new opportunities. For example, you want to earn more, immediately automatically start reading job advertisements, try to talk with your bosses, colleagues, about a salary or position increase, talk with your friends. Where does this all lead to? Right. Wherever you want. Or they wanted to find the other half. Please. Previously, no one was paid attention to, but now?

In conclusion, I will say that it will definitely not be worse from this, in order to set goals and direct thoughts to the right channel... To enhance the effect, thoughts must be with your participation, i.e. imagine how you have already met and are already standing next to you, how you are talking, how you feel, or how you have achieved an increase in income, how you sit and count money, how it smells like fresh bills, and you can hear this soothing rustling. Everything is very simple.

Output: Let your thoughts be your friends, materialize them for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

I found this material on

I hasten to reassure those readers who are now rolling their eyes doomedly. The idea that The thought is material causes a lot of controversy. Most scientists are convinced materialists and completely reject the idea that thoughts are material, as a complete heresy.
A-priory "matter is an objective reality that exists regardless of our consciousness"

Some scientists, of whom there are not so many, take into account only the facts proving that The thought is material... In their opinion, thought is material, and any incredible desires can be fulfilled.

The easiest way to understand this is through the example of sleep. A fact proven by scientists and experience - during a dream, you just have to realize that you are sleeping, and the huge, beautiful, boundless world becomes completely subject to your will. Flights through Niagara Falls, instant travel in space and time, millions of dollars in one second, a date with Brad Pitt, Magic wand and world peace - the possibilities are endless. In the world of dreams, there is no matter, therefore, there, as nowhere else, the work of thought is clearly visible, and the speed of realization of desires is equal to the speed of imagination. In a dream, one has only to think that it will rain - as it will immediately. It is worth imagining that this man is a murderer, as he immediately rushes at you with an ax. It is worth thinking that time has gone backwards and the world has turned upside down, as it will immediately happen.

Being inside the events of a dream, a person most often unconsciously perceives what is happening, not realizing that he himself forms the reality of the dream. In fact, the plot obeys the slightest movements of thought and does not depend on external factors directly.

To learn to completely control the events in a dream, it is enough to do one small condition -wake up in a dream, realize that you are sleeping without waking up. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems. For example, you can use one of the techniques suggested by brain researchers.

To wake up without waking up, you need to ask yourself a question "Am I sleeping?"... As soon as you ask yourself about this, the awareness of sleep will immediately come. But in order to ask yourself this question, you need to remember that you need to ask it, and this is the most difficult thing. One way to remember is to train yourself to ask this question every once in a while, for example, an hour during the day. You set the alarm and, hearing the signal, you remember and ask yourself the question "is this a dream or reality?" Having received confirmation and realizing that it is reality, you continue to go about your business. An hour later - again a question and again a conscious answer. Thus, the habit is developed to be aware of reality every 60 minutes. Having developed a reflex, you and at night, during sleep, be sure to remember the magic question. And as soon as you remember this, you will wake up in a dream - and you will have at your disposal all wonderful world endless possibilities... According to scientists, using this technique, you can achieve results in about two weeks.

But lucid dreaming- it's just entertainment, like going to the movies. It is much more interesting to learn how to fulfill your desires in reality. The basis is the same - thought determines events. The difference is in the matter that is present in real world and slows down the implementation. If in a dream the time from thought to its realization is a split second, then in reality, according to scientists, it is about three months of directed work. You need to make allowances for matter, be patient and keep thinking.

Reality is an infinite number of possibilities for everything, and each of us, by the power of his thoughts, chooses, creates a suitable option for himself.
It seems that the world is cruel and there are only maniacs around? Please, it is: you are constantly faced with cruelty and inadequacy.
Think life is a fairy tale and loves to present incredible gifts? Please keep an invitation to work in a prestigious job and a black Mercedes convertible to boot.
Afraid of being betrayed? Of course they will!
Are you sure everything is working out for the best? And so it will be!

Reality is a mirror reflecting our inner world and our thoughts.
In all its manifestations, real life is a copy of the inner life of a person.
Everything is one and arranged according to one principle.
Dream and reality, small and large, man and society, a neuron of the brain and a cluster of the universe.

Thought is really material - in the sense that our thoughts help us to make the world around us and ourselves available for understanding and change, and therefore for sensible use and development.

Knowing for sure that thoughts are material, you can learn to lead them, directing them in the right direction. In order for a thought to take shape and meaning, you can say it out loud, or even better, write it and re-read it several times. Then you need to imagine as realistically as possible the execution of your cherished dream... Think about it everywhere: at home and at work, in transport and in line, on vacation. If your desire is clear, faith is great, and your thoughts are pure, it will certainly come true. And try to think less about the bad, because, like the good, it can come true by the power of your thoughts.