How to determine which things are right for me. “Ideal wardrobe”: what is your style of clothing? Test

There are people who catch our attention flawless appearance... We think they are dressed perfectly and we try to copy them. But not everything is so simple!

You can wear an absolutely identical set of clothes and look, to put it mildly, not very good. A an improperly dressed person is known to cause distrust in others... Why? What is the reason? - you ask.

It's all about the type of appearance! Each person has his own color type of appearance, shape, features and nuances of appearance.

To look stylish it is very important to find your color type and match it.

Not only the choice of colors and shapes in clothes, but also your attractiveness depends on the color type and style direction inherent in your appearance. It is enough to determine your color type and style of appearance once in a lifetime, because they do not change throughout life.

Appearance color type

The division into color types of appearance occurs depending on eye color, hair, skin tone and includes four groups:

  • Summer;
  • Autumn;
  • Spring;
  • Winter.

To determine your appearance color type, remove your hair under white shawl or a scarf and, standing in front of a mirror in daylight, bring a cloth or paper cards to your face different colors. There should be no cosmetics on your face.

With some colors, the face comes to life, begins to glow, acquires clear contours, eyes shine, skin defects become invisible. With other colors, the face seems tired, dull, circles under the eyes are more clearly visible, skin irregularities become more noticeable. If the color is not yours, there is a feeling that the face is lost against the background of the color, faded and became inconspicuous.

In the same way, you need to determine how your face reacts to warm and cold shades, thereby determining what type are you - warm or cold. Take a close look at how warm and cold shades are combined with your complexion.

Knowing which colors are right for you, you can achieve amazing results - you will become brighter and more attractive... But remember that the rule “ correct colors»Works in makeup and wardrobe.

Now about the style directions that play no less important role in creating your image.

Naive romance

In modern style, there is five main styles:

  • serious romanticism;
  • naive romance;
  • classic;
  • drama;
  • natural.

There are, of course, women and men with pure classic appearance or natural, for example, but most often you have to observe a mixture of styles. Therefore, clothes, makeup, accessories must be selected, having determined in advance whether the pure direction is inherent in your appearance or mixed. Complex image, for example, can combine elements of three or more styles.

Of course, everything depends on the appearance of each person and is selected individually.

Each style direction has its own colors, shapes, textures in clothes, accessories, hairstyle.

How do you figure it out without the help of a professional? We will help you to highlight your style directions and give basic recommendations in the selection of wardrobe, hairstyles and accessories in the following publications.

We want to be stylish, but in order to look perfect, we don't need to blindly follow fashion, just define your style , which will be in harmony with your appearance, given to you by nature, and will make you unique.

Project of the Kiev fashionista Yulia Dobrovolskaya " Perfect wardrobe”, 2nd stage: determination of your style of clothing. Attention! Test!
Clothing styles are classic, trending, dramatic, natural, romantic and creative. What is your style of clothing - our test will help determine.

Get acquainted with the previous, first stage of the Ideal Wardrobe project - creating basic wardrobe- You can

on the picture:Julia Dobrovolskaya

Knowing and understanding your style of clothing is one of those basic whales on which the perfect wardrobe is based.

The second stage of the project “Ideal Wardrobe” by Kiev fashionista Yulia Dobrovolskaya will help you determine with the help of a test what style of clothing you have. Julia highlighted the following styles in clothes - classic style, dramatic style, romantic style, trendy style, natural style, creative style.

To determine your style of dress - we suggest you take a test, which consists of several questions.

Surely, a test is not a new unit of information for you. You answer questions, summarize your answers and get the result. Today, I suggest you change your approach a little and take the same test three times.

First time- honestly answer the questions based on current realities (that is, on the wardrobe that is in your closet). Be extremely honest, pretend you are telling someone about yourself.

Second time- give answers that may not correspond to reality, but which you would like to say. Imagine. Forget about your forms, about complexes, about what you can afford in clothes and what not. Don't worry about the comfort of a particular piece of clothing. Let your imagination draw the woman you would like to be ideally, and this imaginary woman - let her answer the questions about her ideal wardrobe and style!

Third timeask close friend(or your soul mate) take the test for you (in this case, you will get an opinion from the outside - which is very important). Let someone close to you describe you and your style.

Compare the three options you received. The results may surprise you and prompt changes and updates.

Good luck!

Ideal Wardrobe Project. Test to determine - what is your style of clothing.

Question number 1.

You can say about me that I - ...

A) organized, sophisticated, well-mannered, punctual.

B) spontaneous, confident, courageous, ready to experiment, independent.

C) self-confident, flirtatious, feminine, exciting, sexy.

D) friendly, reliable and trustworthy, calm.

D) hopelessly romantic, empathetic, sensitive, soft, tender.

E) unconventional, creative, daring, somewhat inconsistent, for some I am a freak.

Question number 2.

We can say about my accessories that - ...

A) Expensive and always relevant: pearls, simple stud earrings, thin chains and bracelets, smooth thin belts.

B) Depends on trends, often it is jewelry: voluminous necklaces, many chains at the same time, daring belts, bright bags, large hairpins, eccentric pendants.

C) Shine of stones, gloss precious metals, smoothness of lacquer textures: cuff bracelets, long earrings, large rings, sleek designer bags, clutches, lacquered belts.

G) Natural materials, neutral tones: simple pendants, baggy bags, jewelry made of mother-of-pearl, bones, coral.

E) Delicate materials, ornate shapes, vintage: silk scarves, turbans, artificial flowers, brooches, beads in neutral shades.

F) Various, but mostly quirky, eclectic and fun accessories: colored glasses, youth hats, bags with prints, layered bracelets, necklaces, large custom rings.

Question number 3.

About my favorite outfit, we can say that - this is ...:

A) a crispy white shirt with black pants or dark jeans(depending on the situation), bag made of genuine leather medium sized, neutral pumps with heels.

B) overalls, biker jacket, platform shoes, stylish earrings, clutch with studs.

C) a monochromatic dress made of guipure, stiletto heels with an open toe, long earrings, a lacquered clutch.

D) white jeans, a cotton blouse, a simple pendant around the neck, baubles, a satchel, leather sandals at a low speed.

E) a long flowing silk skirt, a delicate blouse with a bow, a vintage bag, shoes with a webbed heel, a beret.

E) a dress with a print, a bright blazer, unusual glasses, platform sandals (possibly wedges), multi-layered jewelry for the neck, a backpack.

Question number 4.

We can say about my favorite dress that it is ...

A) strict, with a clear cut, relevant in any situation.

B) trendy: from micro-mini, to floor-length dresses, depending on the trend.

B) tight-fitting, with transparent inserts, with a neckline, bright print is possible.

D) comfortable, neat, neutral.

D) made of soft delicate fabrics, with folds, with a colored print, with a belt at the waist.

E) dress against the rules, non-standard cut, over-size dress (one size larger), shirt dress, with non-standard prints, hoodie dress.

Question number 5.

About my pants - I will choose this option:

A B C D E F).

Question number 6.

About the top, which I will pick up with black trousers - I will choose this option:

A B C D E F).

Question number 7.

O sports pants- I will choose this option:

A B C D E F).

Question number 8.

About my underwear - I will choose this option:

A B C D E F).

Question number 9.

About the perfect bag to go to the party with me - I prefer this option:

A B C D E F).

Question number 10.

About my shoes - I love ...:

A) neutral shoes, but I can also draw attention to my feet with a colored pair of shoes (for example, red). Basically, I buy simple pumps for high heels, ballet flats, “rider” boots.

B) fashionable shoes from new collections, bright shades, with bold fittings, non-standard forms heels, as well as platform boots and sandals, designer moccasins and sneakers.

C) designer stilettos, open toe shoes, knee-high tight boots.

D) comfort is very important to me, so I mostly opt for espadrilles, simple leather sandals and low-speed shoes.

E) vintage shoes, lace pumps, ballerinas with floral prints, sandals with an open heel, shoes with floral accessories, sequins and rhinestones.

E) everything is colorful, bright, extraordinary and bold. Besides that, I love vintage - oxford shoes, for example; footwear with ethnic character.

Question number 11.

About my beloved colors - …:

A) neutral, black, white; monochrome combinations. One color accent is possible in order to make the outfit more interesting.

B) brave, funny colors. Pink, bright blue, red, orange.

C) colors that emphasize authority and influence. I stick to two tone combinations for a simple yet dramatic look: black on white, red on black. I create the style with one dress in a bold color - bright red or purple.

D) neutral, delicate, soft tones. Light to medium shades of gray, blue, natural earthy tones.

E) pastel, soft and not bold colors. Pale pink, light blue, gray-brown.

E) a mix of colors, bright combinations that attract the eye. A combination of soft and flashy colors, neutral with bright, bright purple, hot pink, electric blue. I love rich, saturated colors.

Question number 12.

About the celebrity style that I like the most is the style:

A) Victoria Beckham, Coco Chanel, Kate Middleton, Angelina Jolie.

B) Jessica Simpson, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Jessica Alba.

C) Charlize Theron, Kim Kardashian, Dita Von Teese, Catherine Zeta Jones, Monica Bellucci.

D) Jennifer Anniston, Cameron Diaz, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts.

E) Svetlana Khodchenkova, Eva Mendes, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Naomi Watts.

E) Nicole Ricci, Rachel Zoe, Michelle Williams, Laima Vaikule.

Let's summarize:

If Option A dominates in your answers, then your style can be defined as.

You are a classic, modern business woman. Minimalism, elegance, conservatism. You always look neat and according to the situation. Classic style - its name speaks for itself. Everything is like in the classics: neat, clear, correct and on schedule. This style can be called basic, because it is the classic wardrobe that combines the primary things that are applicable in any situation.

Classic style is a style that is ageless and timeless. It is very likely that the silk blouse you bought simple cut, will be relevant in a dozen years.

Classic style is a style in which it is very easy to combine things: a strict cut, a similar color scheme of all things and monochrome will become the key to successful sets.

If Option B dominates in your answers, then your style can be defined as.

You are Fashionable, bold and impulsive. Urban eclectic style, the desire to combine non-standards: classics and sports, glamor and naturalness.

If your answers are dominated by answer B, your style can be defined as.

You - sensual woman with capital letter... Seductive, confident, demanding of herself and her environment.

If your answers are dominated by answer D, your style can be defined as.

You are the comfortable luxury of nature itself, the landscape is Nature. Simple combinatorial solutions, complemented by modest accessories, functional and cozy things - this is your fetish.

If option D dominates in your answers, then your style can be defined as.

You are a romantic dreamer, the most delicate charm: ruffles, frills, chains, braids, chiffon, silk, soft, round lines, draperies, corsets.

If your answers are dominated by E, your style can be defined as.

You are an independent artist, a creative creator of your unique style that will reiterate the standards of society. The majority opinion is alien to you. The originality is good for you.

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Test: how to determine your style of clothing -on the portal 2 queens. ru!

Many women often ask themselves the question: How to find your own style of dress? Unfortunately, not all women can boast of the ability to harmoniously combine clothes and always look irresistible.

Some people are born with a sense of style. They on subconscious level understand which image suits them and which one does not. "Without looking" can choose an outfit, and it will fit them perfectly. Easily emphasize their look with cool accessories, hairstyle, make-up .... And so, the style icon walks along the roads of your city.

But what if nature has not rewarded you with an impeccable sense of style? What if your wardrobe leaves a lot to be desired? So continue to wear inconspicuous, incongruous things?

And you, for sure, want to be elegant, beautiful and admire others. Truth?

In this article, you will learn a simple step by step instructions on the selection of their irresistible style of clothing. And at any time of the year, in absolutely any place and in any setting - you will look charming.

Well, let's get started?

How to find your style of clothing by following simple instructions

There are quite a few styles in clothes. a large number of... And just like that, to take and choose one thing, it can be very difficult. For example, wearing classics every day is not always appropriate and annoying.

We girls are fickle natures, today we want to be sweet and romantic. And tomorrow - extravagant and daring. Our image is a reflection of our emotions.

Therefore, in order to choose your own style trend (or several), you need to thoroughly study your appearance and soul.

So let's move on to important steps in search of your dizzying new look!

Step # 1 Down with the inconvenience

You should be comfortable and comfortable in what you are wearing. If you constantly, something presses, bothers you and you are haunted by the thought to remove this thing as soon as possible, then most likely this is not your style.

Your outfits should be practical. Try to choose styles that fit harmoniously into your daily life... They will not wrinkle and get dirty quickly.

And, of course, beauty. Where can we go without it? Any of your images should be beautiful and like you, first of all. As the saying goes: "There are no comrades for taste and color!" You cannot please everyone. So, the last word about the attractiveness of your bow is always yours!

Step # 2 What colors transform you

There are four main color types of appearance: cold shades - Winter and Summer; warm - Spring and Autumn.

To determine exactly what kind of figure you have - ask a person close to you to photograph you in underwear... Photo must be in full height and from such a distance that all specific traits your body. The pose for such a shot should be in the manner of "persistent tin soldier», Only in a relaxed state.

Step # 4 Clothes are a reflection of your lifestyle

What do you do? What kind of life do you lead?

Perhaps you are a mother on maternity leave or a housewife. Maybe you are a business woman or a self-employed person.

Determine which social status you borrow.

This is what you need in order to make a list of the clothes you most need. If you are a business woman, then suits in a classic style are likely to be more necessary for you than frayed jeans. And vice versa.

Write down a list of what clothes you wear more often when you are active.

Step # 5 Younger or not?

When choosing a style, age is also important.

Do not forget that some wardrobe items can look awkward on people in different ways. age group... Decide which styles are suitable for your age.

step # 6 What should be in your closet?

But you just don't need to blindly follow the call high fashion... Not all trends will suit your type of appearance and features of the structure of the figure.

We suggest you have some fun today and take a little test. If you are still puzzling over the question of what to buy today: elegant dress with basque or stylish jeans with a worn effect, then after passing the test, it will be easier for you to decide. By answering a few of our questions, you will find out your style of clothing. Let's start:

1. Choose the option that best describes you:

A) Organized, refined, well-mannered, punctual.

B) Spontaneous, confident, courageous, ready to experiment, independent.

C) Self-confident, flirtatious, feminine, exciting, sexy.

D) Friendly, reliable and trustworthy, calm.

E) Hopelessly romantic, empathetic, sensitive, soft, tender.

F) Unconventional, creative, daring, somewhat fickle, for some I am a freak.

2. When choosing accessories, you pay attention to:

A) Pearls, simple stud earrings, thin chains and bracelets, smooth thin belts. After all, they always look expensive and relevant.

B) Bulky necklaces, many chains at the same time, daring belts, bright bags, large hairpins, eccentric pendants.

C) Shine of stones, gloss of precious metals, smoothness of lacquer textures: cuff bracelets, long earrings, large rings, smooth designer bags, clutches, lacquered belts.

D) Natural materials, neutral tones: simple pendants, baggy bags, jewelry made of mother-of-pearl, bones, coral.

E) Delicate materials, ornate shapes, vintage: silk scarves, turbans, artificial flowers, brooches, beads in neutral shades.

E) Various, but mostly quirky, bright and fun accessories: colored glasses, youth hats, bags with psychedelic prints, multilayer bracelets, necklaces, large and unusual rings.

3. A familiar image for you:

A) Classical White shirt with black trousers or dark jeans (depending on the situation), genuine leather bag, neutral pumps with heels.

B) Jumpsuit, biker jacket, platform shoes, stylish earrings, clutch with studs.

V) Plain dress to the figure of guipure, stiletto heels with an open toe, long earrings, lacquered clutch.

D) White jeans, a cotton blouse, a simple pendant around the neck, a satchel, leather sandals at a low speed.

D) Long flowing silk skirt, delicate blouse with a bow, romantic bag, beret.

E) Printed dress, bright blazer, fancy glasses, platform sandals, layered neck jewelry, backpack.

4. Describe your favorite dress:

A) Elegant, with a clear cut, relevant in any situation.

B) From micro-mini to floor-length dresses, depending on the trend.

B) Tight-fitting, with transparent inserts, with a neckline.

D) Convenient, neat, neutral.

E) Made of soft delicate fabrics, with a color print, with a belt at the waist.

E) Dress against the rules, custom cut, over-size dress, shirt dress, with spectacular prints.

5. What kind of shoes do you prefer:

A) Classic shoes, but I can also draw attention to my feet with a pair of colored shoes. Basically, I buy simple high-heeled pumps, ballet flats, boots.

B) Fashion shoes from new collections, bright colors, with bold fittings, non-standard heels, as well as platform boots and sandals, designer models.

B) Seductive stiletto heels, open toe shoes, over the knee boots.

D) First of all, comfort is the main thing for me, so I opt for simple leather sandals and low-speed shoes.

E) Romantic pumps, ballet flats with delicate prints, sandals with open heels, shoes with floral accessories, sequins and rhinestones.

E) Everything is colorful, bright, extraordinary and bold.


1. If you have more answers under the letter "A" then your style CLASSICAL.

You are modern businesswoman... You prefer minimalism, elegance, conservatism. Your motto is to look elegant and tidy in any situation. Classic style - its name speaks for itself. Everything is like in the classics: neat, clear, correct and on schedule. The classic style has been tested by time and has long been universal. It is always relevant and appropriate almost everywhere. This is its main difference from all other styles. The classic style does not have clear age boundaries and is suitable for absolutely everyone.

2. If your answers are dominated by option "B" then your style TREND.

You are fashionable, bold and impulsive. You carefully follow the latest fashion trends and dress according to fashion. And you often show spontaneity when buying new clothes choosing things that immediately catch the eye, thanks to their brightness and originality. Your style is daring in places, glamorous in places, but always very feminine.

3. "V", your style DRAMATIC.

You are a sensual person with a capital letter. Seductive, effective, confident, demanding of herself and her environment.

4. If your answers are dominated by the answer "G", your style NATURAL.

You value simplicity and functionality. Simple combinations, complemented by modest accessory details, functional and cozy pieces are your fetish. You do not spend a lot of time on makeup and hair, because you have different life values implying freedom of movement and life.

5. If in your answers more letter "D" then your style ROMANTIC.

You are a romantic dreamer, the most delicate charm. Your attributes: ruffles, frills, braids, chiffon, silk, soft lines, draperies. After all, the romantic style is the style of light and quivering love.

6. If your answers are dominated by "E", your style can be defined as CREATIVE.

You are an independent artist, a creative creator of your own unique style that redefines society's standards. The majority opinion is alien to you. The originality is good for you.

Maryam Gosenova