Which body scrub to choose. Organic shop Organic Kitchen "Crystal Shoe". Gentle scrub Pure line with raspberries and lingonberries

Well-groomed face and smooth skin- signs of youth. Even if you are "a little over ...", you can easily lose five years due to special procedures. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to contact a beautician; you can prepare a face scrub at home from ingredients that are quite accessible to every woman.

Remember to use different scrubs for different skin types so as not to harm. You also need to be extra careful if your face is irritated or injured.

Skin cells are constantly renewed, dead scales dry out and under some conditions can remain on the skin, causing flaking, an unhealthy look and complexion. Mechanical cleansing skin from keratinized scales - this is the main purpose of the scrub.

To perform this task, the scrub must contain solid particles, the size of which depends on the area of ​​use. For the body and especially for the feet, formulations with larger particles can be used. However, the face needs soft remedies as the skin in this area is usually thinner and softer.

Traditional components of home scrubs are coffee pomace, apricot and grape seeds, salt. For sensitive skin, oatmeal is more often used; scrubbing with them is gentle, but slightly less effective. In addition to these ingredients, other familiar foods are mentioned in the recipes. To give a plastic texture and easy application, honey, oil, sour cream or water are used.

Learn more about the components of homemade facial scrubs for individual cases will be discussed below:

Making homemade cleansers is a simple task, you just need to follow the recommendations, observe the composition and not be too zealous when applying so as not to injure your face. Following these tips, you will get a good effect after the first procedure, and with regular use, you will notice that the skin has become softer, inflammation appears less often.

Preparation for cleansing comes down to two steps: washing and steaming. You can wash your face with water or special means, home or store. The purpose of this action is to rinse off makeup, dust, sebum, and any other impurities. Then the skin should be steamed with steam bath or a hot towel.

Apply a facial scrub to damp, steamed skin. You can apply with a sponge, cotton pad or just with your hand, moving from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the nose to the cheekbones, from the chin to the jaw. Avoid the area around the eyes and lips. Do not press too much, the movements should be light, massaging. After 1-2 minutes, the composition can be washed off with plain water.

Scrubbing is best done before going to bed, as the skin after mechanical impact will be especially susceptible to any negative impacts... It is recommended to use a soothing toner and moisturizer after the scrub.

With problem skin, the procedure can be carried out no more than once every two, or even three weeks. In other cases, the frequency of scrubbing should not exceed once a week, as the skin needs time to recover. True, this rule works differently in summer time- in the heat, you can scrub your face up to twice a week if the skin is dry, and once a week if it is oily or sensitive.

Contraindications to the use of a scrub

Scrubbing has its own contraindications. Do not use home remedies if you have dermatitis and inflamed deep acne. In these cases, it is better to use other methods of cleansing: tonics, peels, foams and gels for washing. To treat these problems, it is best to see a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

For sensitive skin with easy redness, severe capillary mesh it is worth choosing gentle scrubs.

Another important contraindication is the presence of allergies. Since homemade scrubs are made from natural ingredients, you can control the composition. When in doubt, it is best to apply the scrub to a small area of ​​skin on the back of your hand to check for any backlash.

The best homemade scrub recipes

The ten most popular recipes for homemade cleansing scrubs described in this article are familiar to many and do not lose their relevance. Simple, natural and safe ingredients that can be found, if not at home, then certainly in the nearest store, help maintain beauty and health without hitting your wallet.

Do home scrub can be made from almost any ingredient. Experiment and you may find your recipe useful.

For normal skin

Owners normal skin nature did real gift- even without regular care their face shines with beauty. But care is still needed so that the gift of nature is not wasted, because life in the city can negatively affect such skin.

  1. The simplest recipe for making a scrub for normal skin at home is as follows: dry the remaining coffee grounds, add a couple of drops of butter or cream to it before use to get a gruel. This scrub, in addition to the cleansing effect, will give the skin a slightly darker tone.
  2. Mix salt and sugar in equal proportions (make sure that the grains are not too large, it is better to choose a small or medium fraction), add sour cream to the mixture. The resulting composition will have a light moisturizing effect.

For oily skin

Oily skin requires a drying effect and a decrease in the function of the sebaceous glands.

  • Mix bran and dry yeast in a 4: 1 ratio (for a single use, two teaspoons of bran and half a spoonful of yeast are enough), then dilute the mixture with a teaspoon lemon juice and a little water to a suitable consistency.

For dry and aging skin

Dry skin requires additional moisture, so you can add sour cream, milk or cream to the scrub.

  • Take a teaspoon of dry lemon and orange peel, mix with a spoonful of cottage cheese and pour over with milk. The mixture will turn out to be oily, nutritious, after scrubbing it can be left on the face as a mask for another 1-3 minutes, then rinse off with water.
  • Mix the ground grape seeds with 3-4 mashed grapes or a spoon olive oil... Be careful, the mixture is quite aggressive, the movements must be very careful when applying the scrub.

Often dry or aging skin is more prone to flaking, so scrubs with a lot of fine, coarse particles should be used.

For combination skin

To properly care for combination skin, you need to use different scrubs for areas with different types work sebaceous glands... But there is a scrub that has a beneficial effect on such skin in all areas.

  • Mash the soft part of black bread with a teaspoon of baking soda and pour over milk or cream. Apply to forehead, nose and chin, massage. Then apply also to the cheeks and massage the entire face again. Then wash off warm water or herbal decoction.

The most popular blackhead scrub recipes include activated charcoal and honey.

  • Mix a spoonful of liquid honey with a spoonful of cinnamon powder. Small particles of cinnamon have an excellent exfoliating effect. The mixture can be applied only to the forehead, nose and chin, or all over the face.
  • Crush the pill activated carbon, dilute it with any essential oil you like (peach, orange, grape) or olive oil. The scrub cleans well and brightens blackheads on the nose, forehead and chin. To enhance the effect, you can add a little lemon juice.

For problem skin

Use gentle scrubs for problematic and sensitive skin so as not to exacerbate damage and irritation.

  • Cut a little, take out the bone. Grate half with the peel on a fine grater. Such a scrub will have a slight exfoliating effect, and the juice released from the mass will moisturize and soothe the skin.
  • Pour the oatmeal with milk to get a thick gruel. You can use kefir instead of milk. Add honey and apply the mixture to your face. After the massage, the mixture can be left for a few minutes, like a mask, or immediately washed off with cool or warm water. This scrub also has a very mild effect, and also gets rid of blackheads.

Home scrubs are quite versatile, so there is no strict distinction between formulations for oily and dry, normal and sensitive skin. Almost any of the recipes presented can be adapted for other types of facial skin. It is only important to follow the rule: the softer and more sensitive the skin, the finer and softer the particles should be. The exception is scrubs based on oatmeal- they are great for the most delicate skin, albeit large in size.

After the scrub, you can use a homemade chamomile decoction soothing tonic. For convenience, you can freeze it in ice cube trays, and then simply wipe your face with a cube. This method is even preferable, as the cold will narrow the pores and add blush.

Do not forget that the skin's reaction to new scrub need to follow. It may turn out that some of the components do not suit you or were chosen too large particles... In this case, a greasy or healing face cream will help.

Do not use homemade scrubs too often. Even gentle mixtures exfoliate upper layer skin, so it takes time to restore the epidermis. It is strongly not recommended to use the scrub more than twice a week.

Better to alternate scrubbing with gentle exfoliation or washing with special means... In some cases, regularly washing your face with cool water is sufficient to maintain the good effect of the scrub.


Home care procedures are no worse than salon ones. Armed with the recipes from this article, you can save money and find your own composition that is most suitable for you. Natural and safe ingredients will help make your skin look more beautiful and softer.

Self-care for your appearance can be a wonderful hobby and. The time spent preparing the mixture and applying it to your face can be made more productive, for example, by playing music or an audiobook.

Take care of yourself with pleasure, and your body and face will immediately respond to love and care with a blooming look!

  • Application rules
  • Rating best scrubs: TOP-7
  • Precautionary measures

The main benefits of face scrubs

Exfoliation, or exfoliation, is one of important milestones skin care, beauticians are confident. Removing dead skin cells brings many benefits:

    improves the complexion and relief of the face;

    helps to digest better useful substances from creams;

    starts the recovery and update processes.

You will need a face scrub from 1-2 times a week, depending on your skin type. © site

Scrubs are different from other exfoliants mechanical principle actions: they work due to abrasive particles that cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis. These particles can be of natural or synthetic origin.

  1. 1

    The former include the scorpion (from eggshell), bran, crushed coconut shells, almonds, apricot kernels, pine nuts, etc.

  2. 2

    The second group includes polymer particles (made of polyethylene, cellulose, nylon, etc.).

The smaller, softer and smoother the particle shape, the more gentle the exfoliation takes place.

Pros of cleansing with a scrub


    The particles themselves are neutral in relation to the epidermis. This is important if you have sensitive and reactive facial skin that can be sensitive to chemical exfoliators: fruit acids, retinol.


    For oily and problem skin, larger natural particles are suitable: they better cleanse the pores from sebum that clogs them. For dry, thin and sensitive skin, choose synthetic granules. They will provide smoother exfoliation without damaging the epidermis.

    Complex impact

    Modern remedies are increasingly incorporating anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, nutrient-rich ingredients. Hence the effectiveness, including in the fight against comedones (blackheads), open and closed.

    Accompanying facial massage

    Light circular motions when applying the scrub improve blood circulation and therefore improve skin nutrition.

    Ease of use

    Scrubs are easy to apply and wash off, have pleasant aroma, leave a feeling of freshness.

Modern products are not exactly scrubs in their classical sense. Increasingly, abrasive particles are included in a composition that also contains hydro acids. That is, the products provide mechanical and chemical peeling.

Application rules

Apply the facial scrub in circulars massage movements... © site

When using scrubs, follow a few rules:

  1. 1

    Apply to damp, cleansed skin face light in a circular and rolling motion.

  2. 2

    Avoid the eye area.

  3. 3

    Unless otherwise specified in the instructions, you can let the product dry slightly on your face and then wash off with cool water.

  4. 4

    You can spread the product over your face with your fingertips or a damp sponge. The latter will enhance the massage effect and increase the depth of exfoliation.

How often you use the scrub depends on the specific product and your skin type. As a rule, with dry skin, the limit is once every two weeks, with normal and oily skin - one to three times a week.

Rating of the best scrubs: TOP-7

    © Garnier

    Exfoliating scrub for acne and blackheads " Clear skin Active ", Garnier, light blue color with black splashes designed for oily problem skin. Thanks to salicylic acid and carbon particles in the composition, effectively and gently cleanses pores from excess sebum, minimizes blackheads and acne. Blueberry extract moisturizes the skin. Apply 3 times a week.

    © L'Oreal Paris

    Facial scrub "Pure Zone Deep cleansing 7-in-1", L'Oréal Paris- saturated active ingredients the composition with small synthetic particles makes this product versatile. Salicylic acid cleanses the skin and shrinks pores, relieves inflammation. Zinc gluconate fights excess fat, glycerin moisturizes, and menthol refreshes. Bonus - creamy consistency and fruity aroma.

    © La Roche-Posay

    Due to glycerin and microparticles of diatomaceous earth, it cleans very carefully, therefore it is suitable even for sensitive skin. Does not contain soap, alcohol, dyes.

    © Lancôme

    Exfoliates the skin and fights imperfections in the form clogged pores, blackheads and pimples. Thanks to extracts of cranberry, ginseng and lemon balm, it removes traces of fatigue and makes the skin glow. Apply with dry fingers to cleansed skin, after 3 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    © Biotherm

    Biosource Daily Exfoliating Gelée, Biotherm, gently cleanses and smoothes the skin thanks to proprietary algae extracts and the smallest particles of volcanic minerals. Suitable for sensitive skin care.

    © Kiehl's

    Contains papaya and pineapple extracts, while exfoliating apricot kernel powder provides gentle and gentle exfoliation of the skin. Sesame seed oil, rich in fatty acids, nourishes. Apply for 2 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    © Helena Rubinstein

    On contact with water, a gel with exfoliating particles, black and white rice extracts and glycolic acid turns into an emulsion. Restores skin, smoothes wrinkles, evens out complexion. Suitable for everyday use.

Precautionary measures

When choosing a product, consider your skin type and its problems. Natural particle formulas (harder, coarser, and uneven) - can injure dry, sensitive skin.

Do not use a scrub:

    at damage skin (scratches, abrasions);

    inflammatory skin diseases;

    exacerbations acne;

    expressed rosacea.

Every woman dreams of having healthy and beautiful skin. Unfortunately, often external factors as well as stress and ecology lead to negative consequences. Our body needs constant and gentle care... To look perfect and also feel your best, apply different kinds scrubs. We will tell you which one is better to choose and how to use the remedy correctly in our article.

What it is

The scrub is cosmetic product which contains solid particles. It is thanks to them that exfoliation occurs. dead cells skin. At the same time, blood circulation improves, and the skin is enriched with oxygen and vitamins, making it firm and elastic.

This exfoliating mask has been known since ancient time... Basically, its components were honey, crushed deer antlers, daffodil bulbs, refined sand. Ancient Roman cosmetology made it possible to give the skin of women beauty, as well as effectively prolong youth. Cleopatra also regularly used olive oil scrubs for fear of losing her beauty.

Now such funds can be bought in almost every store. Famous manufacturers offer quality goods for different prices... At the same time, if you want to save money or do not trust store funds, you can make a scrub yourself. This will help save you money, time, and in some cases even nerves. The recipes are quite simple, and the effect can be obtained even at home.

Of course, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of a cleansing agent. Choose it strictly according to your skin type. For creating cosmetic product use exclusively fresh food, so as not to harm your health.

What is it needed for

Now you can find a wide variety of scrubs. Accordingly, their impact can be very different. This cream helps to effectively cleanse the pores and is an active exfoliating agent. With the help of this cosmetic product, you can remove the stratum corneum of the skin, achieve deep cleansing... In this case, it is imperative to use moisturizing lotions and creams after the procedure. This will help you achieve the best effect. Periodic cleansing of the dermis will be an obstacle to the growth of bacteria.

This cream is good remedy and against cellulite. Regular use of a special scrub, coupled with physical activity will help to achieve better result, improve skin tone. You will be able to quickly get rid of orange peel, make the skin taut and elastic.

This cream is also useful for acne, helps to fight ingrown hair, is a prevention varicose veins veins. Thus, positive properties this tool will affect the entire body. You will feel cheerful and energetic. Perfect skin condition will give you self-confidence, good mood and only positive emotions.

Composition and additional ingredients

As for the composition of the scrub, there are no single ingredients. You can choose for yourself the option that you like. So, raspberries are a great option. This ingredient will not only help to effectively cleanse dirt, but will also give you a boost of vitality and positive mood.

If you have dry skin, you can use a scrub with linseed oil... This ingredient is rich in vitamins that will give the dermis a beauty, help prevent premature aging, eliminate itching, redness, wrinkles.

A remedy with cocoa beans will help in as soon as possible tidy up the skin. It is this element that actively nourishes the epidermis, tones it up. You can improve the condition of your body at any time. You can make such a mask yourself. To do this, you need to mix cocoa powder and sugar. Add olive oil to the gruel. Now you should apply the consistency to the skin in a thick layer and massage for two minutes. After that, hold the product on the body for another five minutes and you can wash off everything with hot water.

Scrub with apricot pits allows you to cleanse the skin and gently care for it. There are excellent options that include a pomegranate. It actively exfoliates dead skin particles, leaving the skin soft and velvety. Cleansing cream with ginger will help improve metabolism, blood circulation, saturate the dermis with oxygen and nutrients... In addition, such a remedy actively fights cellulite and stretch marks.

The semolina scrub is quite soft and gentle. Coupled with sesame oil it helps to actively fight against wrinkles, skin aging. To give the body elasticity, you can add essential oils to the product. Another excellent remedy for cleansing and healing the skin is a scrub with river sand. Such a remedy will help improve blood circulation throughout the body.


There are many types of this tool. The cleansing gel scrub helps to actively renew body cells. At the same time, you will feel an exfoliating, tonic effect. When used correctly, not only will your appearance improve, but your well-being will also improve. You can choose the model that matches desired effect: moisturizer, modeling, firming, lathering, draining options and many others. There are hard and dry scrub options that you will need to mix with additional ingredients yourself.

It is always worth applying the mass gently, while gently massaging the skin. A mitten or glove is suitable for these purposes. After finishing each procedure, you should apply a moisturizer or oil. This will help you fix the effect.

How to choose

If you decide to cleanse the skin of your body, then it is worthwhile to approach this procedure with all responsibility. You should first choose the cream that will have for you best effect, without harm to health. Accordingly, the most gentle will be a face scrub. For the body, you can choose options with larger abrasive particles so that old cells are actively exfoliated. How rougher skin, the harder the scrub can be, respectively, the more abrasive particles will be.

The most delicate masks are for the chest. Moreover, their components must be selected especially carefully. The abrasive particles must be very fine. You can even make this option at home. Basically, such products include honey, berries, olive oil. It is also worth carefully choosing a scrub for sensitive skin. After the procedure, do not forget to moisturize it. special cream or oil.

For those who dream of having tightened skin, there is a special scrub for the elasticity of the abdomen. This mask should be applied to dry, cleansed skin, which is then wrapped in a special film to achieve a greater effect. This option is perfect for the thighs, buttocks. After a certain time, the consistency is washed off. Such a remedy actively removes dead cells, cares for the skin and tightens it. Most popular yeast masks, with the addition of honey, mustard powder other.

Every woman knows how difficult it is at times to recover from childbirth. However, you should not despair. There is a pretty strong scrub for stretch marks. For example, a cream using different ingredients: sugar, salt, cinnamon, ground coffee, red pepper. Delicate options should also be selected for the bikini area. The skin in this area is very sensitive. It should be moisturized after each such procedure.

There are special cleansers for the skin of the elbows. It is these areas of the hands that should be given Special attention. Nice mask will help remove dead skin, saturate it with vitamins. That being said, do not forget to take regular care of your body.

If you think that only women can use the scrub, then you are wrong. This cleanser is not alien to the representatives of the stronger sex. You can also make your own male scrub at home. It will prevent pore clogging and inflammation.

Application rules

Any cosmetic product should be used according to certain rules so as not to harm your body and get the desired effect. How often to do this is usually written in the recipes. By the way, you should strictly follow the recipe of the product. Sensitive skin should be handled with care. For example, for intimate hygiene you can only make gentle masks.

Do not scrub if you have any inflamed areas, wounds, abrasions, cracks. You should also be careful with epilation. It is not recommended to carry out a cleansing session before sunburn, as well as after shugaring. In this case, peeling will not be effective and may cause discomfort or other adverse effects.

It is advisable to use cleansers no more than twice a week. If the skin is dry - no more than once a week. Follow all the rules and your skin will be clean and healthy.


It is worth noting that any cosmetic products may have contraindications. In order not to harm your health, you should carefully study the recipe for the mask, as well as the ingredients that are included in the composition. The scrub is inherently corrosive to the skin compared to other cosmetics. After all, the abrasive particles that are part of the composition can harm delicate skin, render negative consequence on wounds and cracks.

Thus, the scrub should not be used by those people who:

  • Sensitive enough and thin skin... In this case, you can inadvertently harm the dermis. Of course, this does not mean that the scrub is completely contraindicated for you. You just need to find the options that are right for you. Among these cleansing creams, you need to look for models with soft impact... For example, oatmeal mask.
  • It is absolutely not necessary to use a cosmetic product that causes or may cause allergies in you. Therefore, before starting use, be sure to read what components are included in the cream. If you are not sure what effect the scrub will have on your skin, it is best to initially apply a small amount of the product to the inside of your wrist. If after a few minutes, when you wash off the cream, there is no redness or other reactions, then this remedy is right for you.
  • Do not use a scrub or use it with extreme caution if the capillaries are very close to the skin surface. This can also lead to negative consequences.
  • But when it is certainly not worth using a scrub, it is in the presence of wounds and cracks. Needless to say, what can the effect of the cream on open lesions lead to?
  • If you are experiencing replenishment, it is best to postpone the application of the purifying mask. First, you should completely recover, and only then you can apply the scrub. However, if there is an urgent need to use a cosmetic product, then the area of ​​inflammation should be avoided.

Home recipes

You can also create a great cleanser at home. Exists various recipes... For example:


This scrub is made using chocolate. It perfectly lifts the skin, fills it with vital radiance and health. You can melt the chocolate in a water bath, add a few tablespoons of natural coffee. Hold given mass on a specific area of ​​the body, and then wash off with water. You can make a similar scrub and coconut.


For the manufacture of this option, you will need lemon and honey. Dissolve the ingredients until they are mushy. It is worth scrubbing after taking a hot shower or bath. You can also make strawberry, raspberry, citrus, grapefruit, orange, and ginger options. They will also effectively act on the dermis, improving its condition.


This option assumes the use of any type of rice crushed in a coffee grinder. For a liquid base, you can use honey, egg, fruit, milk, yogurt, etc. Such a scrub self made will help to enrich the skin with vitamins, will have a tonic, softening and moisturizing effect.


Effective scrub can also be crafted from grapes. It is usually mixed with sugar. However, you can take a shower gel, mix it with olive oil, crushed grape seeds. Such a tool will help cleanse and narrow enlarged pores, and maintain skin tone. The scrub is applied with massaging movements and then washed off.

It should be noted that almost any scrub can be created at home. So, sea buckthorn and mint options for cleansing the skin will be excellent. Strawberries and chicory will make the epidermis firm and elastic. You can choose the option that suits you. Remember to keep all ingredients fresh. Then you can count on the desired effect.

Professional firms

If you do not want to spend time at home making a peeling, then it is worth exploring professional firms that produce quality cosmetics. Among these are Elancyl, Lakshmi, Spivak. These companies produce quality products for cleansing and healing the skin.

An excellent option will be Thai, Belarusian, Korean cream, as well as Arab masks. They are distinguished by their efficiency, reliability, active action. Choose your perfect brand and use a cream periodically to cleanse your body.

Scrub - a product that will help you quickly cleanse the skin and improve it appearance... The advantage of the procedure is that it is simple and has many positive effects... You can buy a scrub or make it yourself.

What body scrubs are there?

When using the product, the skin is cleansed of various impurities, as well as exfoliation of dead cells. This is provided by the abrasive substances from which the scrub is made.

The composition of the tool may include the following components:


Synthetic fibers;

Microsand grains;

Sugar, salt;

Silicone granules;

Grains of coffee beans;

Chopped almond, grape, apricot seeds.

To maximize the effect of the application, you must choose a scrub according to your skin type. For those who have dry and sensitive skin, to moisturize and nourish it, it is recommended to use a cream-gel based product. At normal type skin fit a cream-based scrubber. If you have combination or oily skin, use clay, medium to coarse scrubs.

Scrubs are also distinguished by the type of base:

1. Oil based. It is better to choose a product that contains natural cosmetic oil and abrasive particles. Most often, when cooking, they use ground grape, olive, apricot seeds, coffee beans or sugar.

2. Based on water. Scrubs are presented in the form of a paste, gel or milk. The composition most often includes cellulose and silicone particles.

Each type of scrub has its own properties and effectiveness. You can try several options and find your own favorite remedy which will help to make the skin beautiful and healthy.

What are the benefits of scrubs?

Scrubbing should not be done often. The product contains abrasive particles that, with daily use, can injure the surface of the skin. In order for the procedure to be most effective, the optimal frequency for its implementation is twice a week.

At the right approach to use, the body scrub provides the following effects:

Nutrition, moisturizing and toning of the skin;

Exfoliation of keratinized particles;

Enrichment of cells with oxygen;

Surface massage;

Prevention of the process of clogging pores and the development of inflammation on the skin;

Reduction of scars and stretch marks.

Scrubbing helps to remove dead skin cells, which leads to its renewal and clarification. At the expense of natural oils, which are part of the scrub, provide softening of the skin, as well as its saturation with vitamins. Abrasive particles help to improve blood microcirculation, which allows you to quickly get rid of fatty deposits - the so-called "anti-cellulite scrubbing".

How to use a scrub correctly?

The procedure can be performed both in salons and at home. Women most often prefer the second option. After you have chosen the most suitable composition, you can start scrubbing:

1. Take a bath or shower first. This will soften and steam the skin, resulting in good cleansing from keratinized cells.

2. Apply a small amount of funds on a wet body with a special glove or palm.

3. You need to apply a scrub in a circular motion upwards.

4. Lightly massage the body and rinse off the remaining product with water.

5. After cleansing the skin, apply a nourishing cream to the body.

The procedure is quite simple and does not require special skills and knowledge. It can also be done in the sauna after the skin has been thoroughly steamed and the pores have opened.

The procedure can be carried out up to three times a week. In order for the effect of the application to be more noticeable, you need to use the scrub regularly. If after scrubbing you have an itchy sensation, reddened and swollen skin, this means that the product is not suitable for you. It is necessary to stop using it and choose another version of the scrub.

How to make a scrub at home?

Store-bought scrubs are quite effective, but many prefer homemade formulations. This is due to the fact that the recipe for the preparation of the product is very simple, and the effectiveness of its use is several times higher. Once you have determined your skin type, you can choose the most suitable view scrub.

DIY coffee scrubs

Recipes with coffee are very popular, as they make the skin smooth and tone it well and are suitable for all skin types. We suggest using the following recipes:

1. Brew 3 tablespoons. natural ground coffee. Peel one apple or peach and grate on a fine grater. Add 1 tablespoon to the resulting puree. olive oil. Strain the coffee and add the resulting grounds to the puree, then stir well.

2. Take 2 tablespoons each. coffee grounds, cream and candied honey, combine all the ingredients and apply to a wet body.

3. Before going to the bathroom, brew 2 tablespoons. coffee. Apply some gel and coffee grounds to your body.

4. For a coffee scrub, take 100 g of ground coffee and 1 tbsp. crushed grape seeds. Add 10 drops essential oil(preferably orange or grapefruit).

If you use coffee to prepare a product, then it must be natural, since instant coffee will not give an effect.

Sea salt scrubs

Also, scrubs with sea ​​salt... It is very beneficial and contains many minerals that help nourish the skin.

From this component, you can prepare the following scrubbing compositions:

1. Take ¾ glass of salt and oil: jojoba - 1 tablespoon, almond - 2 tablespoons, citrus - 20 drops. Combine the salt and almond oil, then add the rest of the ingredients.

2. Prepare a container and place in it 0.5 cups of salt, 1 tsp. apricot kernel oil, 1 tbsp. soda and 2 drops of lime oil. Mix everything thoroughly and add the contents of one green tea bag. The scrub should have a thick consistency.

3. For cooking, take 0.5 cups of salt and grind it well in a blender, then add 1 tbsp. turmeric, 2 tablespoons sandalwood oil and 1 tsp. dry milk. After you complete the scrubbing procedure, leave the product to dry completely, then rinse off.

Rub the selected and prepared formulations into the skin with massaging movements for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water. Lubricate cleansed skin with cream.

If you decide to make a salt scrub, then choose sea salt, the cooking one does not have such a list of useful substances.

Sugar scrub: cooking features

The list of effective and simple scrubbing compositions includes sugar. This ingredient is great for cleansing skin prone to dryness and flaking.

You can use these recipes:

1. Grate one orange, then add 1 tbsp. cane sugar and 5 tbsp. yogurt.

2. Add 1 cup sugar, ¼ cup shea butter and coconut, and a ripe banana to a blender. The mass should be of a frothy consistency.

3. Put in a container 1 glass of sugar, 1 tablespoon. honey, 0.5 cups of tea rose petals, 1 tbsp. jojoba oil. Move all the ingredients well and add 2 drops of rose oil.

When choosing sugar, it is better to use brown. It heals the skin as much as possible and has a relaxing effect.

Rub sugar scrub for 2-3 minutes into skin by lungs movements, then wash off with water. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with cream.

Cosmetologists advise scrubbing at least once a week, as it really improves the condition of the skin. With regular treatment, you can avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs and orange peel on the skin.

In order to use a scrub is not harmful, adhere to certain rules:

1. Do not use the product if the body is damaged, irritated or inflamed.

2. Apply the scrub no more than twice a week, for dry skin one procedure is enough.

3. Choose a product based on your skin type.

4. After scrubbing, apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream.

5. If you feel itchy and reddened skin, do not reuse the product.

6. Cleansing the skin with a scrub is best done after a shower or bath, when the skin is well steamed.

7. If you have very sensitive skin, use only those products that have a mild effect: with small abrasive particles, so as not to irritate the epidermis.

Scrubbing is enough efficient procedure, but it must be done correctly. At self-cooking composition, carefully select ingredients that are suitable for your skin type and will not harm it.