Happy marriage! What a husband should not do, but maybe if he wants himself .... Deny that there are problems in your relationship. What a real woman should be and what should be able to

Today it became fashionable to seek the roots of all your problems in deep childhood. Yes, of course, parents are bad. Yes, fact, some parents injure children to the entire subsequent life. Yes, unfortunately, these children's injuries will later have to work with a specialist to heal, finally happily. But, we will be honest: first, family violence is still not a common story. Most of us, fortunately, did not encounter it. And secondly, you, sorry, grew up. Everything. You are a big girl. And you must solve your problems myself. Enough to whine that the parents have been nodded to you, they were waiting for something or not so brought up. Your parents are not obliged to be perfect. They are not a function, and living people with their problems. And you look sorry when you don't care about how hard you live now, because 20 years ago my mother did not buy you Barbie.

Condem someone else's appearance

You must understand: Lukizm is discrimination. You have no right to discriminate people external signs. Even if you justify yourself, covering them with false concern about the well-being of a person. You do not concern someone else's weight, and you do not need to hypocritically crushing about the problems of someone else's of cardio-vascular system or joints. The man himself will figure out what to do with his body, with his health and with his appearance. And, if a person lay out photos of his body into a network, he should not be ready for veiled insults that for some reason called "criticism": a woman with unshaven armpits will not shave his armpits, and not yours. Nobody asked you, it seems beautiful to you. Alien body is not your business.

Depreciate other people's experiences

"Oh, but okay you, I had worse!", "I found because of what to worry, also to me!", "There is nothing to have anything, and you are about such nonsense!" - Did you say something like someone? If yes - you devalued other people's experiences. We understand that with the culture of sympathy of business yet the best way: We were not taught to empathize, we do not know how to properly express support, and the advice from psychological literature seems to us ineffective. Well, we really do not know how to say "I am very sorry that it happened to you." Similar phrases seem artificially to us. But it is never too late to learn, it is first. And secondly, it is often enough to simply not consider other people's problems with any meaningless nonsense, and this will already be a serious support.

Cause good

If you want to help someone, first of all remember that you need to help on request. And without a request - no need. You do not need to hurt anyone and to use without a direct request. Because that you only hurt.

Discuss someone else's reproductive system

Never do that. This is taboo. If someone from your friends do not have children, you do not concern you, and you do not need to ask questions on this topic. Because, perhaps, these people are Childfries, and maybe they want to have children, but can not. And your questions cause them pain. No need to ask a young mother when she plans to give birth to a second child. And finally, never anyone ask about what they thought when they were decided to give birth "in such a situation." And now that: you have the right to manage only and exclusively our own uterus. Not strangers. You should not touch other people's pregnancies, other people's abortions, aspects of prevention and planning of the family. This is personal. No one ever invited you to his bed, and it is unacceptable to break there.

Blame sacrifice

"What did she think when did it?" And "myself is to blame!" - The most terrible phrases that you can pronounce at all. Blaming the sacrifice - it means to support the criminal. Always. It is impossible to say: "Yes, the criminal is to blame, but ..." It will not work and eat fish, and to get to the Christmas tree. If you accuse the sacrifice - you support the criminal. Or or. There is no third.


Criticism, as well as help, should be issued on request. If your girlfriend ask you how her new hairstyle Or the dress - boldly criticize. If a friend sends you an article, asks to read and express an opinion - boldly criticize. And if the same people boast a new haircut, a new dress or article in social networks - no need to criticize. Nobody asked you about it.

Tell you that you are a "decent girl"

That you are not like that. What will happen to you with you, because you are smart, far-sighted, careful, practical - need to emphasize. You do not need to explain to people in this way that they are fools, one is smart. Because they decide that the situation is exactly the opposite way, you know?

Before writing a couple of articles on this topic, I didn't think much for a long time and took the only right thing, in my opinion, the decision: not to read in any way that women think about this, including those that make up Count of Copywriters for Bourgeois Sites.

It is much better to show women, what we want from them, with ours, male point vision. So to speak, to twist themselves out.

Maybe it will seem rude to you, but we will give the article row rules (even clear instructions for action) that woman should do to be for a man perfect companion.

In this note, as we have already agreed, no intima is only the life and psychology of the relationship between men and women.

Shakespeare somehow wrote that even the strongest Chelny love mercilessly smashes the rocks of life.

The experience of all of us and the older generation shows that, unfortunately, it is. Nevertheless, there is in the world happy couplein which a man is guarding his chief. It is difficult for you to understand why this is so, and "what I did wrong." In fact, these "not so" in female behavior Not so much compared to that endless series of conventions, which women put in front of men.

Recently, while watching loved pages in contact, I got into my eyes here such a joke about the relationship of men and women:

How to make a happy man?

  1. To have sex with him.
  2. Feed.
  3. Leave alone.

How to make a woman happy?

Not so difficult. It is only worth being:

  1. Friend
  2. Lover
  3. Brother.
  4. Father
  5. Owner
  6. Teacher
  7. Cook
  8. Roofer
  9. Plumber
  10. Mechanic
  11. Decorator
  12. Stylist
  13. Sexopathologist
  14. Psychologist
  15. Therapist.
  16. Organizer
  17. Brave
  18. Chistopotnoe
  19. Courtesy
  20. Dobrym
  21. Generous
  22. Gentle
  23. Attentive
  24. Gallant
  25. Intelligent
  26. Educated
  27. With a sense of humor
  28. Inventive
  29. Sports
  30. Strong
  31. Understanding
  32. Compliant
  33. Tolerant
  34. Indulgent
  35. Careful
  36. Soft
  37. Rich
  38. Decisive
  39. Reliable
  40. Polite

Not forgetting:

  • Often make compliments
  • Love shopping
  • Do not scandal and not look for problems
  • Do not irritate it
  • Do not look at other girls

At the same time, it is necessary:

  • To be attentive
  • Do not be jealous
  • Get along with her family
  • Find time for her ... at the same time leaving her space, caring for her

And finally, it is very important:

NEVER!!! Do not forget dates:

  • birthdays
  • first meeting
  • engagement
  • weddings

Holy truth. From our male point of view. So, let's get to identify the features of the perfect girl.

Rule 1: Do not require it impossible from it, and every day.

Maybe it's hard to understand, but when a man attacked 2-3- ... -N works and came home, he was tired. Therefore, it is quite natural that he can forget to tell a long tirade, how much he loves you, or to forget to bring fresh flowers to you, or buy your favorite juice in the supermarket. Separately all this is quite natural and necessary, but not all at once ...

Look at the list above and think, it is strongly different from the army charter of the Armed Forces. In all the charter, by the way, points for ordinary smaller.

So, periodically we need a weekend from your "Charter".

So at the beginning of the XVII century rabbi Yitzhak Ben Ellaik From Poznan wrote "10 commandments perfect wife» which he placed in one big book « Kind heart" He wrote it in the edification of his daughter.

These ones "10 commandments of perfect wife" :

  1. Don't be a husband when he sleeps
  2. Hunger gives rise to anger. Don't make him wait for food
  3. Do not prove it that your advice is better than him. Do not mind your husband
  4. Do not say anything to be angry. Contact him, as with the king, and he will be your slave
  5. Do not hate his friends and love his enemies
  6. Be careful with his finances and do not hide your cash
  7. Keep his secrets secret. If he is boastful, and this is not "take it out on a common yard"
  8. When the husband is angry, smile and behave quietly
  9. Treat carefully to his requests
  10. Do not wait for it impossible

Honestly, I myself came across for the first time a couple of days ago, when I reflected about the items of this note, and disappointed: much here it already said that I wanted to say. True, there is something and disagree. So somewhere we duplicate, somewhere refuting. So, go on.

Rule 2: His friends.

Remember: This is holy! Do not dare ever and under any circumstances say nothing bad about his friends. And moreover, never dare to say him: "Choose: or I, or your friends." When you say it is 9 times, it will endure. The tenth answer will be categorical: "Of course my friends." And you will be sent to my mother, where you were going after the past scandal. But this time on his initiative and with the ends.

If from your point of view, his friends are alcoholics, tuneaders and rams, then your personal Opinion, and let it remain with you. He cannot talk about this a priori.

Well, about enemies - here this rabbi, on my account, too categorical: each person (except friends) can be judged adequately, and if you pointed your beloved on positive features His hateful chief or other enemy of the people, he will not be against it.

Rule 3: His dog (cat, parrot, fish).

An animal that he started to meet you, by definition, cannot be ugly, stupid, "hairy, wool from him throughout the room." Do not dare to offend his animal or speak disapproving about it.

Tip: If you only conquer his heart, then immediately seek with his animal - a man will be impressed.If you are not a grinisovets, then at least make a look that you are not indifferent to this dog, cat, iguana, so on.

Rule 4: Your mom.

His mother-in-law. Or future motherhood. Or potential. Never mind. Remember: if your mother had negligence at least once in a life disapprovingly spoke in his direction, then she will be an enemy number 1 for him eternity. therefore if you do not want to wake in it the beast instead of a hamster, forget the words "But my mother said." The opinion of your mom is interested in about the same way as the problem of migration of owls or the amount of drug smuggling from Brazil to Bolivia. Create an example about the opinion of his cinema - just to call, at least, discontent with him. Provide such examples in one year of life 5 or 6 - knowingly send the curse on his side.

If you think your mother is right in some concrete question, then say so: "You know, I think that ..." Effect in this case Will be positive.

Rule 5: Do not take out litter from hut.

At least, do not do it with it.

Remember: It's just infuriates when you and my mother, sister and girlfriend are discussing half an hour on your phone yesterday's scandal or his new shirt.

Moreover, here's another terrible mystery: A half-hour conversation with my mother, even to distract themes, it is better to postpone when he is not next to you. In the extreme case, you can simply go into the kitchen.

Rule 6: Do not mind a man

As for "do not mind husband" - I do not agree with the rabbi. We, men, - People, of course, dubbed, but brightly lambs who do not have their own opinions, we do not like it either. Just do not need to act on the principle " women's logic - Male denial. "

On the other hand, women-slaves in the style of "my favorite is always right" without your own "I" do not like us either. What is it like meat dish Without seasoning - bored over the years. But also above yourself a woman in their thoughts never let go - "on the leash" you can not hold a man.

The same applies to his ideas. Even if it seems to you that the next idea is "the Brad of Crazy", then tell him gently. If it seems to you that all his ideas are insanity, better or break down with him, or hold your opinion with yourself. Otherwise, you are provided or jihad, or a husband suffering from depression.

Rule 7: Food

Rabbi spoke about food, probably too cool. A little hunger can be patient. But Never forbid him there is what he wants, under the pretext that "it is harmful". And if he does not like your some kind of culinary work, then get rid of it (from the dish, in the sense). Family and relationships will be stronger.

The fact that the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach - true truth. And do not force it to eat what he does not like - on the 10th such case, you risk to hear the witness of the Creek A la "I will not press this nasty!"

Rule 8: Money.

Ladies, we will be frank - you are always a few of them. But even though you have enough with your head, even though it does not take to a new coat, you never need to go to his wallet under any circumstances or to give anything in the style "I took your card, I will remove money." Firstly, it humiliates it, secondly, men will always have their own money, which you will not know about. And do not try to learn about them under any pretext.

You know why all men seek to have their garage, even if they do not have a car? Because there is always kept their "whip" from you. But the Lord from sin to try to try to find it and is generally deadly - empty. If a man is postponing the money "Snikhari", then he does it for the sake of the same good because he saves on new house, car or just for a surprise to you. Once a violating vow of non-interference - you can get a way to your mom. With things. This is serious.

Rule 9: blackmail

Not blackmail it! Sayings "I am now unfolding and go to my mother", which are made to work out and "put on a leash", more than dangerous. No one normal man It will not endure more than two times - on the third you will actually go to mom on the principle of One Way Ticket.

The same applies to insincere tears - an attempt to break up to "break through", we are very easily calculated by us.

Cute ladies, we are not so stupid as you think.


Relax from the habit of constantly examining them for "but suddenly ...".

Guys - not all dogs, as it seems to you or how you would do it in secret. Total control A man provokes to unauthorized action in relation to you, in which you are impressed with it. You will be without the end to look for a mistress in his contacts - he, in the end, will find her, making it called you.

I am not talking about what is categorically impossible to check us at all. But it is rare to do it. Not more than once a year. Checked with all the designated items: phone, email, social network, calmed down and forgot for a year.

Rule 11: Do not exhibit it with a fool.

Especially with friends. Otherwise, you will be exposed to a fool at the time, and very hard.

And remember: sometimes it is better to deal with him and his friends, if you don't know something.

An example from life on this topic: We gathered to drink threesome whiskey, the third leads their new passion. Glamorous Kiso after 15 minutes of presence gave her boyfriend: "You can't even cut meat meat myself normally, you need to learn everything. But I will tell you everything in everything and tell you everything "... Telight shows Zhirinovsky, who is on the question" And where did Maybach, from where you, "answered with his sense of humor inherent to him:" From Germany. " A young man raised to her girl turns to her and asks with a trim: "And who is this" Maybach, do you even know? ". Kiso, thanks for nothing, issued: "They with him, probably, worked together in Germany." Not me alone because of his pupils then tracked from the inside of the cheek, so as not to originate like Przhevalsky's horse. "

And last:

Rule 12: Do not try to command them.

Especially trying to do this in humans. Sooner or later you will whirl the bikford cord from the powder barrel. If among men and there are "dog rags", then the percentage is very small.

I didn't want to seem cynical, lovely our women, so if someone offended - do not judge strictly, God forget. But it's better bitter truth ... but in general, it was nice about all this somehow Katya Ogonosk in his song "Good luck Babskaya". Find it on the Internet and listen, I will not quote here in view of a kind of vocabulary in a pair of the songs of the song. The song is cheerful, but instructive. With the exception of blackmail "I am pregnant". Well, we have already spoken about blackmail.

In general, we, men, like children. So that we love you, we must also love! This rule is the main! :)

Men have their own opinions about what should be real woman. Representatives of the strong sex are fairly many requirements for their chosen. This concerns I. external view, and character traits, and many other aspects.

General requirements

Men are quite demanding to their halves. They have their own idea of \u200b\u200bwhat should be in their opinion, it must necessarily have the following characteristics:

  • to be feminine and tender, which is manifested not only in appearance, but also in behavior;
  • to be able to love your partner to dust and passionately;
  • be able to love not only your partner, but all the world;
  • be wise and judicious in any situations;
  • have a certain highlight that gives unique individuality;
  • be flirty to attract attention, but not unleashed;
  • be able to create warm and cozy atmosphere around himself;
  • respect yourself and have self-esteem;
  • have interesting hobbies And constantly expand your horizons.

This is a far incomplete range of requirements that determine what a real woman should be in the opinion of men. And it is not worth a rebel against them. These are not some men's whims. Each woman who seeks to ideal, should make themselves to present these requirements and work on it in this direction.


It's no secret that the first impression of a person is precisely based on appearance. So, speaking about what a real woman should be, it is worth noting the following:

  • going out (even if it is a trip to the nearest store for bread), a woman should look flawless;
  • better to have one nice dress and couple high-quality shoesthan many base things;
  • even following the fashion, you can not go into extremes and remain faithful to your style;
  • cannot be abused decorative cosmetics, but not at all, it is also not worth refusing to refuse;
  • when identifying the slightest flaws in appearance, they are hurry to eliminate them;
  • a real woman knows how to observe the line between sexuality and vulgarity;
  • it is better to have one bottle of original spirits (even if even the smallest) than a mass of counterfeit flavors.

Despite all the conversations about the importance of the inner world, after all, the appearance is sometimes the defining factor. In order for a man to see and love your soul, he must first be interested in your face and figure.

What should a real woman be and what should be able to?

Of course, the appearance has great valueBut also worth paying attention to some skills. So what should be a real woman? She must be able to follow:

  • choose clothes not only for yourself, but also for your man;
  • support the conversation in any society and in any situation;
  • watch B. different areas art;
  • raise children;
  • prepare delicious and useful food;
  • silent then when the unnecessary word said can lead to a scandal;
  • extract benefit from your weaknesses.

As you can see, it is not easier to become a real woman, and sometimes it is more difficult than good specialist in one area or another.

What should a real woman be, and how to behave?

This woman must have certain behavioral skills. In this regard, the following requirements are put forward to it:

  • the woman should be followed by what she says, and not chat without silent;
  • choosing words should be avoided, even in a circle of close friends;
  • it is necessary to be restrained even when there is an unrestrained fun or a loud scandal;
  • you should never increase the tone, shout and swear (it is better to cloud to wander, thinking about the plan for further action);
  • you can sometimes poke, but know the measure.

Women's behavior is a kind of only choosing right lineYou can succeed.

Head of Family

Despite the fact that the head of the family is the man, it is from a woman depends on how strong the ties will be. What qualities should a real woman have to become a custodian of a homely hearth? We are talking about:

  • woman should be loving who can not only take, but also give warmly around;
  • it should radiate kindness, participation and be able to forgive both minor and big mistakes;
  • woman should be wisdom and patience in any life situations;
  • need to possess the skills of this psychologist to be able to find a way out even from the most complex family crises;
  • no matter how cool, but family life It is inextricably linked with numerous troubles by housekeeping, and therefore, among other things, a woman is obliged to be hardworking;
  • as the head of the family, the wife and mother should be fair and honest.

As you can see, not a man at all, namely the woman is the head of the family. Fulfilling so many roles, it does not give family hearth row.

Laws of an ideal woman

In an ideal, it is useful to know what a real woman should be. In the eyes of a man, you will be the best and irresistible if you follow the following basic laws:

  • In no case should not complain about his "heavy female share." A woman must be happy and proud by what is who she is.
  • Regardless of age, follow your appearance and look at 100%. The fact that women quickly say goodbye to their beauty are not true.
  • Do not be too pamping a man with your attention. It should take care of you, and not you for him. Bring her husband breakfast to bed is permissible only on his birthday or if he is unhealthy.
  • You should not be interested in other people's affairs and, moreover, solve other people's problems if you are not asked about it. It is better to make a couple of hobby.
  • Never admit that they themselves have made some thing for themselves. It is unlikely that someone will appreciate your art, but they will make any sense of your predicament.
  • Even if some worker you didn't like, you should not stand it too much from myself. A real woman is always surrounded by men, which makes it even more attractive.
  • Despite the fact that most men can not resist women's tears, you should not use this weapon too often. Severate it for a special case.
  • It is not worthwhile to breed about their advantages. It is better to demonstrate your virtues in practice.
  • Do not be afraid of change. They just need a woman. If everything suits you at work, and on the personal front, it means - more often change the wardrobe.

Being a real woman is a complex philosophy. Do not think that such abilities are laid in beautiful ladies since birth. This is the result of painstaking work and life experience.

Why do a woman be better than a man?

We often hear about what a real woman should be through the eyes of every man. Beautiful half Humanity seems somewhat disabled and not so perfect as representatives of strong sex. However, women have a lot of advantages that are expressed in the following:

  • they have acute intuition, which allows you to finely feel and understand what is not available to a man;
  • they are attractive, and their beauty can achieve a lot;
  • they produce children;
  • much in this world is provided for them - fashion, cosmetics and everything related to the beauty industry;
  • whatever hot spores, a woman is enough to take a tear as she will be the winner.

Of course, looking from the part, we can say that much easier. But hardly, some lady agrees to change roles and bodies.


How many requirements are presented to beautiful semi in modern world! Unfortunately, this is an objective reality. In order to win your place under the sun and get your prince, it is important to be a real woman. This refers to a combination of beauty, style, mind, wisdom, many skills and character traits. The woman should be different - both weak, and strong, and hostess, and a getter, and his mistress, and good interlocutor. In fact, to fulfill all these roles are not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to love yourself, believe in the violence, and then the world around will respond to you.

Each woman seeks to ideal relationships with his lover or dreams of something to change for the better in their union. Despite this, many successful, intelligent and beautiful women continue to stay alone. No less than married ladies Unhappy with your marriage, live with the husbands "For the sake of children", "in the habit", "so that not to be one."

What should not make women?

The union of two personalities is always complicated by some contradictions. it different views, beliefs, interests, habits.

To the category

Deny that there are problems in your relationship

If there are problems, they need to be solved together, and not to silence. Find a compromise, talk about it, find out the relationship. Only without a scream, and calmly, without any insidious. You are two adults who want to save, and not destroy the family, so the scandals you have nothing to do.

To the category

Expect a man reading your thoughts

Men love to straight. It is better to immediately talk about their claims. So, if you do not like that he ate your yogurt, and you have nothing to have breakfast, so tell him about it. Or if you want to get some specific gift for the holiday. The man does not read your thoughts, besides, inexpensively makes the mood of both only worse. This rule refers to your bed relationships. I want the man to stick you so, and not a form, tell me about it. But beware of the omensive tone and long lectures.

To the category

Check his mail and phone

Women who wake up email her husband and check its incoming and outgoing SMS. Even if you find there anything compromising, what will you get better? Well, arrange a scandal, and after it turns out that his message the employee "Everything went fine" does not assocbiate with their jointly conducted romantic evening, just with an effective meeting with partners. And you quarreled, my mood spoiled yourself and my husband. Why do you need this?

To the category

Make a girlfriend

Many women dream that the husband is interested in literally every step. Where it was that I did what I said, I put on how a meeting was held at work that I thought. But when it happens, it becomes, to put it mildly, not joyful. It turns out, a talkative husband is not what you dreamed of. Rarely who likes two in one - husband and best friend.

To the category

Strive for independence

And even more so, to show it in every way. If you have a good union - you are partners. And the partners are always dependent on each other. This is a sign normal relationsBut not a sign of weakness of each of you.

To the category

Be for a man's mother

Many of us tend to think that a man without a woman is full of zero, he cannot cook himself without a coffee, nor the shirt to stroke, or heat the dinner. By this you humiliate a man. Give him the opportunity to do something yourself - not a disabled person he. Results can pleasantly surprise you. And I can not be nice, but this is also the result. Moscow, too, not immediately built, learn everything.

To the category

Too much thinking

When a person thinks a lot, he invents a lot. Sorry for tautology, but it is. Girls bring themselves and beloved to white cation when they begin to analyze the simplest situations. And why yesterday he called me five times, and today one? Why does he look out of his eyes, but on his hair? Why yesterday kissed before leaving for work, but today there is no? Your man is not only your man, but also someone's employee, subordinate, son, brother. He can have bad mood, hurry to work, feel bad. Do not invent what is not.

To the category

Carolyn Bushong "Do not repeat errors again"

Carolyn Bushong - professional consultant on relationships, psychotherapist, author of the book "7 supid mistakeswho make all women. " The book is worth reading it. Let's give some theses from it.

Of course, you have not previously watched the situation that the relationship of the same woman with different men Early if not exactly the same, then by similar script. It seems to not make a lesson from disappointing by previous relationships. Why is this happening?

Many of us mistakes for women perceive as normal phenomenonBecause such behavior we saw our parents in the families. Woman, advancing the same rake, and does not recognize that it is exactly what it does.

Ideal relationship can not be. This is a belief that sowed books and movies in our heads that true love - It is a cloudless and serene life.

Carolyn Bushong builds women's mistakes against men, depending on the development of their relationship. It is not necessary that you admit all these errors, but if you have found at least one, you have something to work on.

  • to the category

    Error №1 - imposing

Most women know that men scares the prospect of marriage, especially if the initiator is a woman. But imposition is not only a violent slaughter in the registry office, in front of which a poor man in despair eats his passport. It can manifest itself in another, not so radical form. These are constant calls during the day, presenting gifts about and without ("Cute, today two months and two weeks from our first sex"), talk about him with common friends, accusations of lack of attention from his part.

Try to spend so much time with a man as he can pay attention to you personally. The distance you only spur care of your person. After all, every man in the soul hunter, and light prey It has a smaller value.

  • to the category

    Error №2 - Martyrdom

Martyrs are people who deliberately sacrifice their own lives in the name of great goals. One of the most common mistakes of women is to take on the role of martyr in the name of love. No matter why whether women like the power or they unconsciously allow men to lead - they put their happiness dependent on the beloved, do not argue with him even when his requirements do not correspond to her inner world. As a result, the woman minimizes communication with friends and relatives, ceases to communicate even with relatives, if it is not a partner, forgets own hobby. She acquires confidence that it should cry and forgive. It quickly bored. And not only a woman, but a man too.

  • to the category

    Error number 3 - conviction in its rightness

This is another extreme, in contrast to martyrdom. This error is committed women. They will not cry and forgive, they will better take on the role of the head - they themselves will direct and give advice and her husband, and all the rest of the households. And even if these tips are correct, the relationship is destroyed, because doing so, the woman refuses to respect the man.

Agree, all people are different, and there are no two absolutely identical views of us the world. Why count on the fact that your partner will see the surrounding your eyes?

These and other mistakes, as well as the paths of their overcoming, are described in the Karolin Bushong book. If you feel that your relationship went into a dead end, read it. You will find many examples from the practice of a psychotherapist, and maybe learn yourself in some heroine, and you can solve your own problems using ready decision. Let your relationship with the beloved be durable and trust. And do not attempt to change it. No wonder they say: a man - the sun, a woman - the moon. Or, as the Chinese invented, Yin and Yang. Better learn to complement each other.

The woman "For 40" is in a privileged age when all restrictions and prohibitions were removed from it. This is a chic age when "already" and "still" are in complete harmony and ideal equilibrium. When beauty and experience joined together, and in your power to manage your life.

But there is a certain list of what a woman "for 40" should not do

So, what is an unforgivable woman "for 40"

Strangle your age

It is funny to try to hide your years. Yes, your "sincere" age can be much smaller than biological. But, no matter how you cared for me, you will still be a fortyale (fifty-year-old, etc.) a woman who "looks younger than his years." Do not chase for outgoing youth. Release it.

Be indulgent to men

The time passed when you found the excuses of their indifference and inattention. When they closed the eyes on their blunders. When the wrongfulness and lies forgred. This is in the past. Now such relationships humiliate your dignity (and maybe it was always).

Reject help your children

Yes, they are accustomed to see you strong and independent. But maybe it's time for them to understand that you also sometimes want to become just weak womanwho needs their support?

Save on yourself

How much do you remember yourself, all the closest needed in something. And their needs were placed at the head of the corner. At the same time, their own needs moved to the background: the cream of cheaper, tights to sew, underwear - and it will come down. This came to the end! Decorate yourself, ladt, indulge! After all, you at the age of the queen. And the queen is unforgivable to walk for three years with the same bag!

Indulge in useful regrets and bitter memories

It is better to manage the released time of life more constructively! And it's easier to say - to live this moment.

Shove your body in bed

Remember, if a man is now with you here, then you like it, what is it. And there are disadvantages of all.

Spend your time on people with whom it is not interesting

And on those who do not contribute personal Growth. About any energy Vampires And the envious and nothing to say. Drive them away from themselves destroyed broom!

And last: a woman "for 40" is unfortunately be unhappy. So everyone be happy and loved!