How to drive a girl crazy from a distance. Preliminary caresses for the soul

Have you ever liked a girl, but have you always thought that you could never be with her? The bad news is that it happens sometimes. The good news is that it doesn't have to be. If you're ready to make your girlfriend yours, this article will teach you how to do it, no matter who you are or what you look like! To make any girl crazy, follow these instructions.


Learn to understand girls

    Learn to act with girls. Before you find a single girl that you want to charm, it would be a good idea to understand how to deal with them. In fact, the more girls like you, the more chances you will be liked by that one.

    • There are many myths about what girls don't like: if you are a "nice guy", if you are sensitive, and so on. If you believe such myths, you will only lose points.
    • Treat your girlfriends (those you don't see as a potential girlfriend) like guys: be friendly, talk about your common interests, joke and listen. Add some extra courtesy and care and voila! You're on your way to becoming the smart guy, like the knight she's looking for.
    • Be attractive. But don't be a rag. It's okay - and in fact it's okay - to be sweet and sensitive, but don't turn into a brother. This is the kiss of death for all your hopes, so keep the conversation going on topics that no one else talks about with your brothers.

      • For example, your reply "You look good, Yulia" may be sincere, and she will probably be pleased to hear it, but this is what I could have told her and brother! Instead, try something like: Julia, you look sexy today. These jeans suit you very much! Do you think that her brother could have said so? Probably not. But you are not her brother, and you would not want to give her a reason to think otherwise.
    • Appreciate her as a person. People tend to give what they receive and receive what they give. If she thinks you value her only for her intelligence, then she will also appreciate your... But not your body.

      • Appreciate everything to her - her mind, her soul and her body. Let her know that you think she is beautiful or sexy, or all at once.
    • Pay attention to girls who are not used to it. Many absolutely cute beautiful girls are out of work because they are quiet, timid, or not part of a fashionable social group.

      • The next time you sit next to such a girl in class, start a conversation with her; the next time you see a girl standing nearby at a party or club, invite her to dance. Even if it is obvious that there is no romantic interest between you, she will not forget it - and will never look at you the way she used to.
      • If you learn to communicate with girls on social level without the desire to continue it in any way, then it will become for you good lesson... The more comfortable you feel with all the girls, the more comfortable it will be if you meet someone you really like.

      Show yourself

      1. Change the photo on your page. If you show your best smile in your photo, delete it immediately; studies have shown that although guys are more attracted to photos of smiling girls, girls smaller most attracted to smiling guys. They like pictures of guys who look proud or sad.

        • Research has also shown that left side the face is considered the most attractive. Take a new photo where you look to the side and to the right for a brooding look like Edward Cullen, or look up boldly to look like Jacob Black and watch the likes start pouring in.
      2. Don't overdo it. If yours looks like you want attention, they will only laugh at you. Take a lot of photos if necessary and choose one where you look natural. Ask a friend to take these photos for you, if possible. She knows what other girls want to see and can get the right shot.

      3. Be careless. Show her that you feel at ease in any situation, even if you secretly want to run away screaming. It is called confidence.

        • If you approach a girl like a desperate beggar who is afraid of rejection, they will learn about it instinctively and will do everything to make sure of it.
        • Don't act like you're too cool to worry. Just be enthusiastic and calm, and if something goes wrong, laugh at it and move on.
      4. Learn to flirt. Flirting requires practice, self-confidence and the ability to cope with your nerves; After all, how can you take the time to pay attention to her prompts if you're too busy wiping sweat off your palms or looking at your own feet? Prepare yourself by reading How to flirt. To get started, learn the following:

        • How to have a witty conversation
        • [[touching a girl | How to touch a girl] - great if you don’t know how to break the touch barrier

      Take a step

      1. Ask her out on a date. If you find one that you really like, don't be afraid to take the first step. Many girls will actually appreciate it if you take the initiative and ask them out on a date (even if they disagree). Read this article on how to ask a girl out on a date to be fully prepared.

        • There are many legends about beautiful girl who was never asked out on a date because everyone was sure she was either already busy or too pretty for them, so don't give it a try.
        • Be persistent. If the girl you like doesn't agree the first time, try again later. This doesn't mean you have to be clingy or act like a maniac; it means to smile, to say: “Okay, I'll try again on next week“And go about your business for a while. If you usually talk to her for a week, don't stop. Just don't pressure her to go out on a date.
        • Give her time to think about how cool and confident you are, and the next time you invite her, you might be surprised how different her response will be.
      2. Live up to expectations. Okay, so you've finally won the girl you've been dreaming of. What are you going to do with her now?

        • If you're in the kissing stage, make sure you're ready - clean, fresh breath and everything like that.
        • If you're in the relationship stage, make sure you know how to be a good guy.
        • Seriously, make sure you know how to build a healthy relationship.
        • If you're having trouble driving a girl crazy, just start ignoring her when your relationship gets interesting - that's enough to drive her crazy.
      • Make sure you make her feel special.
      • Pay attention to change. If she has cut or dyed her hair, tell her that it suits her - if it really is. If her hair accidentally turns bright purple, and you say you like it, she will either think you are an idiot or be one step closer to the category of brothers.
      • Listen - don't just pay attention to what she says, but also how she says it. You can learn as much about what they are not saying as you can about what they are saying.
      • Be yourself - you can change the way you behave, but if you want to change yourself just to please someone, then you are wasting time.


      • Some girls are actually selfish and only care about their looks. You shouldn't start a relationship with such a girl, unless that's what you are interested in in girls.

For a woman to become yours, she must like you, arouse her interest, curiosity, interest and make you pay more attention to yourself. Maybe this is not such an easy task, but nothing is impossible - there would be a desire.

How to conquer a woman

To make a woman lose her head from you, you need to do what she does not expect, but deep down she would like to see in her man. And does not expect, not because she was disappointed in opposite field, but simply deep down she may think that she will not be so lucky, or, believing that really men no longer try to surprise, show care, but demand more, sort out, believe that women are always ready to fight for them, because there are fewer of them ...

When you show yourself from the side that she wants to see in a man, she will be intrigued. Behave like real gentleman, although well-mannered person should be in any case, if he wants to maintain relations with him and be respected by those around him, and not try to disappear, as soon as he appears. But sometimes it takes a long time until a person realizes this, believing that it is funny.

To produce pleasant impression it is important to show sincere attention to any person, especially a woman, to try to behave so as not to offend, offend, not speak impudently or overly self-confident, as if they were honored to communicate with you. Sincere interest to the interlocutor, Attentive attitude what a person says is a pledge successful communication further. And without him, it is unlikely that it will be possible to drive a woman crazy.

Moreover, it will help you to understand who is in front of you: a woman with a romantic disposition or a tough pragmatist who does not trust anyone. After all, it depends on how she will perceive your subsequent actions. If for one of the fair sex romantic dinner on the roof of the house will turn her head, and her fantasy will quickly complete what you started, then the other may perceive it as youthful behavior, and she wants to see a serious man next to her, who, if he wants to arrange such a dinner, will find out how she feels about it or explain why he wants to dine in the wind, where it might rain or a bird that has flown in will ruin his clothes.

Therefore, you need to start your path to conquering it with reconnaissance, in order to know for sure that every step you have conceived and your goal will hit the mark and make its heart beat faster, and first understand that it is worth paying attention to you and taking a closer look.

Of course, do not forget about your appearance, despite the fact that it is believed that only women attract men with their appearance, but the fair sex loves with their ears, it is important for her to become the one for whom she will not mind spending time and getting to know him closer. Women, just like men, look at how a person is dressed. This helps to understand what he is about. Yes, and it is much easier to make an impression when the representative of the stronger sex himself feels at his best, and this is clearly facilitated by clothes that emphasize him good figure, gives it a masculine look. We, of course, have become more civilized, but still we are guided by instincts, so the fair sex always immediately notices those men who look beautiful, courageous, they do not have a belly, like pregnant women, because they are not too lazy to take care of themselves and their health, beautiful fifth point, he himself does not walk like a sack of potatoes, but in his every step one can feel confidence and strength. Sports can improve the figure, even for the thinnest guy, as well as give him sometimes lacking self-confidence.

However, charming a woman is not easy even for those who have a good figure, because she pays attention to intellectual development to have something to talk about. It is important for them to understand that with a man, they look at the world in the same way. But appearance and athletic body without excess fat helps to simplify this task, because women at the sight of such men themselves strive to interest him and make him understand that they do not mind getting to know him. So this is the first key to success, and then listening.

Women express their emotions through words, as opposed to men who think more. So the one who will listen to her carefully, even if after 5 minutes stops perceiving her words, will be able to win her heart for sure.

But it is still desirable to overcome the difficulties associated with assimilating such a flow of information in order to try to understand what she likes, what she is, to look at her while she speaks and to determine for herself what can interest and surprise her. If you have known each other for a long time and communicate at work, remember what you usually talk to her about, think about what questions you should ask her in order to get to know better.

Try to pay attention to whether she is trying to please you, to say something nice, whether she remembers when you have a birthday or something that you told her. If she pays attention to you, she definitely likes you, so you should offer to meet and have a cup of coffee after work. Girls do not waste their time treating a man with a cake she has baked, do not try to remember the birthday of all colleagues, and even more so do not think about how they live and do not offer their help if they are not interested in him as a man.

They help people if they get into difficult situation, but usually when something serious happened, and their close attention to what is happening in your life, on the contrary, says that she is interested in you, and maybe you drove her crazy for a long time, only until you were able to understand this, considering her restraint is a sign of indifference.

The fair sex try to hide their feelings, who wants the object of their dreams to disappear, if they do not feel the same feelings for her, or refuse. But if you look closely, you can always see how she treats you. She is embarrassed in your presence, blossoms at the sight of you, smiles, she definitely likes you.

How to drive a woman crazy

  • Chat with her friends, only without excessive flirting and, moreover, any courtship. With them it is much easier for you to prove yourself with better side because you don't have any feelings for them that make you feel embarrassed in the presence of someone you like. And they will try to describe you in the most bright colors... It is rare that a woman does not listen to the opinion of her friends and does not begin to get accustomed to such cool guy more attentively. And to be honest, when you show interest in her, singling out from all, she will definitely be flattered.
  • Behave confidently, calmly, do not be discouraged, even if at heart it is scary. Confident men who know exactly what they want are able to interest anyone. After all, they want to be next to someone who is able to take responsibility for themselves, support and protect.
  • You know that she does charity work, loves animals, helps children, ask her how you can help. Believe me kind man will never go unnoticed by a kind woman.
  • Do not press on her, disappear for a while, give her the opportunity to think about you, to dream, and very soon she will understand how wonderful you are.
  • When you are dating, do not forget that both should receive pleasure in a couple. Therefore, think about her pleasure too. Representatives of the stronger sex, who think about the pleasure of their beloved, are attentive and gentle, will easily drive a woman crazy.
  • Treat her with respect, respect her as a person, take an interest in her affairs and plans. Women love with their ears, and they are always pleased when they are treated not as a convenient application that makes life easier for a man, but as an equal person with their own interests and desires. You can make decisions, but be sure to ask her opinion or consult before making a decision when it concerns both of you, and not just you personally. A woman is always pleased when a man trusts her and appreciates her opinion.
  • Don't let the insult go down, even if she offended or upset you a lot.

You can drive any woman crazy if you love her, take care of her, understand, take into account her interests, think not only about your pleasure in bed. When a man appreciates and respects the fair sex, he tries to make the relationship with him filled with joy, he will not be hard work make her feel like a real queen next to her king.

How to drive a man crazy and become for him that one and only? Many of the fair sex often thought about this. Individual feminines are naturally endowed with the gift of driving men crazy, and for this they do not need to make any effort. But others have to try, but nothing is impossible and this "art" is quite possible to learn. The main thing to remember is that in this matter there are no trifles, everything is important here: elusive gestures, details of appearance, manner of speaking, etc.

How to drive a man crazy in bed

"You are a goddess" - this is what every woman wants to hear in bed. But how to drive men crazy? Psychology in this regard recommends learning how to give and enjoy intimacy and remember that this is an integral part of life. You should find out from the chosen one what turns him on the most: it can be tender words or nibbling, erotic massage.

There may be some certainty in clothes ( high heel, mini, revealing underwear, or lack of it). Having learned the preferences of your loved one, you need to take them into service and use them. It should be remembered that you cannot lie in bed in silence. Receiving a stream of pleasure, you need to allow yourself to arch your back, moan erotically, whisper tender words, bite on the ear, even scratch, if this drives a man crazy.

Do not forget that the representatives of the stronger sex are no less romantic in their dreams than the weaker sex. Surprises and vivid impressions they like much more than the monotonous everyday life. Few men can resist the combination of stimulants: pleasant music, the scent of wonderful perfumes and oils.

To drive a man crazy, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. You can arrange romantic evening, prepare passion dishes with the addition of aphrodisiacs that help to enhance intimate attraction and encourage erotic fantasies. Aphrodisiacs include spices: fennel, ginger, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, basil, nutmeg, coriander, dill, black and red pepper, anise, lovage; seafood: caviar, oysters, shrimps, mussels, lobsters, lobsters; mushrooms, nuts, apples, pears, strawberries, all citrus fruits and Exotic fruits: mango, passionfruit, bananas, dates; vegetables: onions, artichokes, garlic, tomatoes, avocado, spinach. Able to increase excitement such drinks: coffee, alcohol, cocoa, as well as products: poultry, rabbit meat, beef, cheese, chocolate, quail eggs... If you think over dinner correctly, with the inclusion of aphrodisiac products in the menu, you can achieve desired results and drive a man crazy with only gastronomic delights. So, before the meeting, you should light the candles, put on Nice dress and underwear and remember that everything that a woman does should please both her and her chosen one.

It is generally accepted that a woman can be conquered by simply saying a couple of compliments to her. But with the representatives of the stronger sex, things are somewhat different. Of course, there are cherished words that drive men crazy, but you need to be able to use them.

So, you can drive a man crazy with the following phrases:

"I have never felt so good." This phrase can be pronounced after a great evening, a walk in the park, a visit to a cafe, dinner at a restaurant, after a stormy intimacy.

“You are the most amazing person of everyone I have met. " These words should be confirmed by some specific examples so that the interlocutor does not suspect the woman of flattery.

"With you I am ready for any madness!" After that, we look meaningfully at our chosen one and smile mysteriously. Such words are worth saying if the woman really does not mind making a closer acquaintance.

"Maybe you will drop by my place for a cup of coffee?" This phrase is still in the lead, if there is a desire. However, it is effective if the cultural and entertainment program includes something other than coffee.

"I love you" - this phrase can drive a man crazy if both partners are inclined to serious relationship, in another case, such frankness can scare away.

The main thing is to always remember that you need to work on relationships and they are unlikely to develop by themselves. Therefore, do not forget about the variety of leisure activities, search common themes for conversations, new joint hobbies.

To the question: "What women often drive you crazy?" - the majority of males answer without hesitation: "The one with whom it is interesting and not boring in bed." Hence the conclusion, meeting these requirements, you can remain the most beautiful and desirable for your chosen one all your life.

Do you want to drive your loved one crazy? But not sure how to do it? It is very simple, because there is a well-known saying that a woman attracts with the purity of her body. And women are often knocked off their feet in search of the coveted scent to conquer a man. And they often ask the question: "What perfume drives men crazy?" Many experts advise focusing on the partner's sense of smell when choosing the right scent. An attractive perfume will leave a first, pleasant impression about a woman; it will be an indispensable attribute for romantic walks. Perfume, like clothes or shoes, have fashion trends. Modern world perfumery offers wide choose odors, including the most simple options- from simple flower scent to more complex compositions.

Perfumes that drive a man crazy include notes of citrus or tobacco, leather or wood. There are men who prefer fragrances that are fresh and light. Others prefer oriental notes with vanilla, sandalwood, musk or other spices. In any case, in order to completely drive a man crazy, it is better to ask your chosen one what scents he prefers, and ideally to choose a suitable perfume together.

How to drive a man crazy at a distance?

There can be no clear algorithm of actions, since each representative of the stronger sex is individual. But there are ways to help get his attention from a distance. This can be done with gestures. Some movements and gestures are attractive to the stronger sex. Ladies' movements should be flexible, smooth, graceful. A woman should always keep her shoulders straight and her back straight. A woman sitting with her legs crossed looks attractive in the eyes of men. By imitating the gestures of a man, his voice and facial expressions, you can win over him and inspire confidence in him.

You can attract a man's eye with revealing clothing that favorably emphasizes all the curves. female body... You can also drive men crazy long cut on the skirt and an occasional elastic from stockings. An attractive blouse is with an unbuttoned button, which is about to open up and reveal a wonderful view of the hollow.

According to men, the most seductive details female wardrobe are bra, stockings and high heels. Clothing should emphasize femininity, but in no case be provocative and vulgar. Dresses made of flowing fabrics that gently outline the figure, or translucent outfits that force men to reflect on what is hidden under them look very seductive. Attract attention as well various fasteners, suggesting the idea of ​​how to unbutton them.

Since men love to fantasize, they like to look at a half-naked woman when there is an opportunity to mentally imagine her without clothes.

The quality of the linen and its color play an important role. Silky underwear is the most pleasant to the touch. In terms of attractiveness, black and red are the leaders in color, but even here it is necessary to take into account men's tastes. The red color of the linen of some representatives of the stronger sex scares off with its aggressiveness, so it is better to start with the classics - black, and then learn about the preferences from your chosen one.

You can drive men crazy with long, silky, well-groomed hair natural shades... Many representatives of the stronger sex are pursued by an irresistible desire to immerse their hand in silky, soft curls on the back of the head.

Men are driven crazy by wet, pink female lips... In this case, one should not forget to smile, because a smile makes a lady attractive.

Representatives of the stronger sex like affable, benevolent women who are easy to communicate. With a look, you can express your attitude towards a man and drive him crazy. To do this, you need to maintain eye contact with him.

Great importance in male seduction is given to a correctly set female voice, which is able to bewitch with its intonation. Men like a quiet voice, but a shrill, harsh voice can only repulse.

Men love to hear admiration and praise in their address, but the main thing is not to overdo it. You just need to emphasize positive traits his chosen one. It can be both appearance and some of his character traits.

How to drive a man crazy with a kiss?

Should investigate male body and find those points whose kisses will be most pleasant. Some are thrilled by kissing and light nibbling of the neck, many are pleased to touch the stomach between the navel and the genitals.

To drive a man crazy, you need to explore with the lips and tongue nipples, ears, inner surface thighs, toes, feet. Any of these places can be erogenous.

Sometimes it is enough to ask a loved one about intimate fantasies, in order to turn him on later and from stories with pleasure to move on to actions. Nothing drives you crazy like the contemplation of a naked woman you love. Using this, without giving preference to semi-darkness, you can easily excite your loved one.

How to drive a man crazy - secrets:

- you do not need to let a man very close and very quickly, because realizing that there is nothing to conquer, he will quickly lose interest in a woman;

- it is not necessary to adapt to the chosen one. You cannot agree to a date that is set at an inconvenient time and in an inappropriate place;

- you cannot run at the first call to a man, if a woman interests him, he will wait;

- you do not need to be too independent and independent, you should remain feminine and allow the chosen one to take care of you;

- you can not put a man above your interests.

Having mastered the above techniques, you can turn into a real seductress who can drive any man crazy.

Hello. Fell in love with a colleague, we are 30 years old. He has a girlfriend, I am on the verge of divorce from my husband (the relationship soured due to the fact that he drinks and constantly lies) and I have a little daughter. I flirt with a colleague, there were even moments when, as it seemed to me, he showed interest in me. I asked about my marital status, hobbies. I didn't lie, because I always try to avoid lying, especially in relationships. A couple of times he was the first to write "good morning, Marin" in vatsap. But the fact of having a girl does not hide from me as well. Often my messages remain either unanswered, or he responds after a long time. Judging by my communication with him, he realized long ago that he was not indifferent to me. To my single naive attempt to invite him for a walk, he refused, referring to the fact that he only had time for work, training and sleep. It would seem that he does not need me. But why doesn't he kick me off right away? Why does he just accept all this flirting, sometimes interspersed with light eroticism? I do not know what to think. Although my conquest of his heart lasts a little over a month, it is still complicated by his girlfriend and my daughter (it was somehow very unpleasant to say this), is there any point in continuing this game? I'm ready to continue playing, but I want more. And I ask you very much: do not advise me to divert attention / prioritize / spit on him ... Anything else. Chances are - I want hope. And if there is a chance, I am ready to wait further. Thanks.

  • Marinochka, wake up and start seducing your husband as you seduced him at your first meeting! And that guy doesn't need your child, she's a stranger to him, think !!!

I'm married. He is also married. We are colleagues. we are 30 years old.
I do not expect your understanding, but I would like to hear your advice and opinion.
We are colleagues. At some point, a spark ran between us.
At some point, he began to praise me, pay more attention to me, wink ... I interpreted it in my own way ... and I wanted to play.
The game has begun. We started to wish good morning to each other. Hugs (I explained to him that hugging is vital, that hugs charge you with a positive), went to lunch together.
And then I decided to go to new level in Game. I confessed to him ... and directly offered.
He said that he liked me, started a conversation on the topic of how good I am, etc…. all in all, commonplace phrases... I asked him to say the total. He kissed me. And he ended with a phrase, but no. He is correct and cannot come home with such a feeling. Me like a bucket ice water doused.
So ... I destroyed in one piece everything that I had been building for six months.
The next 2 weeks were intense.
We did not hide from each other. But there was tension between us.
And then, somehow it became easy again ... passion returned. He began to hug me even more desirable. In his gaze one could read a frank desire for me. He began to take the initiative. I went into the office myself. Showed a desire to take me.
At work - among colleagues - his look is confident. And no matter how much we want each other, we understand that we cannot ...
But in private ... for example ... sitting in the car. He tries to look me in the eyes less often. And naturally, she doesn't kiss.

But he is fighting.
His principles - he is correct. Doesn't want to cheat on his wife (although in some places he wants to, he said himself)

Bottom line: I want our nonexistent relationship to become existing.
How to do it?
I'm not going to ruin his family. I'm not going to leave my husband.
I just want to be happy with him - here and now.

I understand that it takes time for him to realize that he is not doing anything wrong. But how else can you speed up this process? How else to lure him?

Everyone can condemn. And you try to give advice….
Before - I was on the side of decent wives. Who quietly hated "mistresses". But do not judge, but you will not be judged ...

  • Hello Nadezhda. “I want our nonexistent relationship to become existing. How to do it? I'm not going to ruin his family. I'm not going to leave my husband ”- It is not a fact that when your relationship becomes existing, your colleague will be able to stop. It is possible that he is afraid of this. He will not be able or will not want to return to the family.

    My husband also had a colleague and you know that damn it, she broke my life! It is not enough to burn her, so that she can feel my pain. She appeared and broke our love, our family, mine faithful husband knocked out of the way. She is a home owner. I pray to god that she will feel my pain. And I think she's a whore. Don't do this, be true to your husband and family!

    • Can you hear yourself ??? Killed your love ??? Ruined your family ??? But is it really the point ??? How can you be so narrow-minded ... "homeless woman"? And who is your husband ?? And you? Not given means something to him !! Think about it better.

Hello, help me figure it out, I'm 39 years old, 20 of them with my husband, I have big children. For all 20, my husband and I went through everything, but once in my distant youth I loved one guy, but I never received reciprocity from him. I have always wondered why then we didn’t succeed. And after 21 years we met with him and everything began to spin with us, intimacy, passion, desire, everything that was not there then. I probably love my husband, and he also his wife. Of course, we will not be together, but intimacy in secret from everyone is simply not real. My head is blown away by not only his touch, but also the look, how should I be, how to stop thinking about him, how not to fall in love and not chop off everything that is for all these years.

good evening! I ask you to give advice, I am confused. I am 39 years old, married for 16 years, have a child, everything is fine in the family. In the summer, on the Internet, I met a 47-year-old man, he is in a civil marriage, a common child. We talked for about a month, and he confessed his love to me. He says that he fell in love like a boy, And did not expect this from himself. I didn’t believe him, I said: “Is there a virtual love? “And she didn’t take our communication seriously. But, we continued to communicate every day from morning to evening. Previously, we talked only during the day while at work, he deliberately stayed at work for 2-3 hours in order to communicate with me. Now even when at home, a secret from our spouses. I realized that I fell in love with this person, I reciprocated him. He was as happy as a boy. He thanks me that I appeared in his life, calls me - "Beloved", "My happiness" and so on! Jealous when I don't get in touch for a long time, jealous of the guys in our group on the site - when I communicate, he takes offense at me when I say that virtual love is not long. He says that he loves me not virtually, but real.
Such communication has already been going on with us for about 7 months from morning to night, with a break for sleep. We sometimes call each other and can chat for hours. And so we began to discuss our meeting, he says that he wants to touch me. I will not dissemble, and I really want to see him. There are 700 km between us. Discussing our meeting, we had a fight. Since I heard with horror from him that we will meet once a year, when he will go to his mother and he will come to me for 8 hours. I was very offended, and wrote to him that I did not want to be a girl for one time and for 8 hours. And I wrote to him "goodbye", they say this is not love. Although I do not understand myself, I am not going to leave my husband and he will not leave his family either. He explained to me why once a year, they say, the distance is not small, work, family and so on, they say, if we lived nearby, we would meet every day. I don't know what to do, I love him! And it seems to me that he also loves. He writes to me, "please don't leave me." And I can't find a place for myself, I constantly think about him. Give advice, what is it between us? Love? And is it worth continuing our communication?

  • Good evening, Lorik. Between you is a game that exists only in the mind and the Internet. The sooner the meeting takes place, the sooner the “sobering up” of feelings will come. Reality will put everything in its place. A virtual relationship is a desire to experience bright emotions than a real real feeling. It is very rare for a virtual feeling to go beyond the computer and become reality. If such cases happen, then these are only a few. The Internet allows you to appear before the interlocutor in in the best possible way, hide complexes and fears. Therefore, communication and falling in love there is easier and faster, in contrast to communication in reality. Experiencing virtual love, a person changes emotionally and mentally - because he falls in love with a perfect image, which does not correspond to reality in reality. He cherishes this image, cultivates and is very disappointed after real communication live. Individuals living in the network, having created the illusion of love, begin to believe in them, and real world gradually fades into the background. If a person is overtaken by such love, then he should think about whether this is a real feeling or just a hobby. Often this is a play on emotions, ultimately leading to a breakdown in relations. Very often a person on the Internet finds himself in a situation where the virtuality of relationships overshadows the mind. This is because physical world filled with stress, experiences, so it is more pleasant for people to escape from reality, and immerse themselves completely in nice talking with new interlocutors. Take it easy on your hobby.

    What kind of love is there, complete nonsense. An ordinary passion ... You just miss something in your marriage, and he too. He has generally inadequate manners. I am sure that you could not live with him for a year. Forget this nonsense and work on your relationship with your husband.

10 years ago I met a guy! They started a relationship, then broke up! Now he is married and has a child, but he still calls, writes sometimes we meet! What to do?! After all, I still love him and he has something left for me. I tried to forget him, it doesn't work, he constantly reminds of himself.

Three years ago I had a relationship with a man! We are of the same age. But he drank very hard. We met for a month. Then he went to jail. Before sitting down he asked me to wait for him. After he sat down, I began a relationship with his friend, since I did not want a relationship with drinking man... A year later, I married my husband to his friend. And he himself did not get out of my head. After another year, I was no longer satisfied with the relationship with my husband. My husband needed sex and that's it. And it ceased to suit me. A year later, the same man came out. He doesn't drink anymore, does everything around the house, works. I catch myself thinking that I still love him. And now I don't know what to do!

Hello! Please help! Familiar with married man almost 4 years. He is 16 years older than me. courted, talked about love. after a while, I looked at him with a different look, we began to plan our family life, I spoke with families will leave, but as soon as it came to the point, he disappeared three times referring to the fact that he could not leave, finding different reasons(nonexistent in my opinion). I suffer, my heart and soul are already in pain. I can't find a place for myself, I don't want anything. I need him, I love him. I ask you, please help, if possible.

  • Nastenka, are you sure that you will be able to build your own full-fledged happiness on someone else's broken happiness? You knew that he was married, was it worth it to bring to this? Let go, let him live calmly with his wife and bring up children, it is not for you to deprive them of their loving dad.

Hello. I want to tell you my story. Help me. We met 3 years ago. He is 7 years younger than me. We started a relationship. He let me know by his actions that he was not indifferent to me. He looked after me. Trusted me. We were happy together ... Once, in a fit of passion, I confessed my love to him ... but he did not answer me, but with his behavior made it clear to my heart that he was good with me ... This went on for about six months ... army (after college). I asked him the question "should I wait for you?" To which he replied that he did not want to promise me anything. He enlisted in the army in the fall. In the winter I met a man. Relationships quickly developed. It so happened that I got pregnant. I got married .. but I still think about him. I remember very often. Relationship with my husband does not add up, there are always a lot of reasons. Maybe not call me for a long time. Sometimes he doesn't come home. He spends the night with his parents ... He returned from the army about a year ago. For some time we did not communicate (he knew that I was not free). And he began to live with a girl. He was raised by his father, who told him that if he had already chosen, then for the rest of his life ... even introduced her parents to his father. But somehow the connection was restored. (I don't remember, it seems like he was through mutual friend asked me) A couple of correspondence on the Internet. Several calls ... I was waiting for news from him and when he called, I went crazy with his voice .. We are from the same village, but he and I live in the same city .. Somehow we saw each other. I was in a company with my friends, and he drove up with his girlfriend and I ... saw how he was looking at me. After the weekend, on his page, I saw songs ... about us .. We started to correspond with him. A couple of times he called ... oh my God, what was the correspondence ... we started flirting ... then more frankly ... I do not understand what is happening to me ... I never wanted anyone so much as him. We are very much alike ... he broke free and came alone without his girlfriend ... and we spent the night together. She was unforgettable .. he told me that night, "how I loved you .." I could not resist. Tears rolled down from my eyes. He calmed me ... kissed me. We talked for a long time in common topics, remembered the past .. it was unforgettable. We went home. I really want to see him today .. I don't know if it will work out .. but my head is filled with only him. I don’t think about anything. He let me know that he was not indifferent to me ... but ... What should I do.? Tell. I love him ... he's 23, I'm 30.

  • Hello Julia. Everything will happen exactly as it should. Now little depends on you. Your boyfriend should make the decision for both of you. This is a great responsibility considering that you have a child. He must finally understand himself what he wants. This takes time. Live in the moment, one day.

  • Hello Tatiana. Take it easy on your relationship, the guy does not owe you anything. Fatigue, toothache, work are normal life phenomena. You will always have time to part, give both of you a chance.

Hello! I can't help thinking about one person. I am a free girl, but he is married. We see each other almost every day and in his look I feel indifference to me, but he does not make any signs of attention or hints! I dream about him at night, I think sometimes even during the day. A great desire for intimacy haunts. I do not want to cause conflicts in their family, so I do not pretend to be interested (I can hardly restrain myself when he is around and lick my lips like a dog on the bone when he leaves). How can I stop thinking about him and live in peace ?! more than a year it's all happening!

  • Hello Marina. You should think about how much time has already been lost and how much remains to be lost if you continue to constantly think about this person. Load your life completely: new acquaintances, work, sports sections, whatever, just don't allow yourself to be alone. Suffering will destroy the soul and will not allow you to deal with the arrangement of your own destiny.

    Marina, but you write him messages that his wife saw. You have already "tried" to destroy, and how you cannot understand what pain you caused this family .. If the man, Alexander, had an interest in you, he would be with you ... Step away from the family and find your own. God help you.

And how can you understand that a guy is really interested in you, if we mainly communicate by phone, and he writes all day and calls, then he may write less often and not call all day (perhaps on purpose). I can't understand his motives, is there any indication that he really likes you? Because we have an ambiguous status in relationships, I keep some distance in this. Of course, a little messy, but so somewhere)

Good day! Tell me what to do, met a young man on vacation, started a romance, started talking on a votsap, he is from another city, we meet on weekends, but he is so spoiled that he does not write first, does not call, says that the girls are crazy about him and not give a pass, but he is with me, and does not want to rush, when we are together, he is very caring, but how the weekend goes by includes selfishness, what to do, please tell me, is there any point in continuing the relationship?

  • Good afternoon, Regina. It's up to you to decide whether it makes sense to continue the relationship or not. Do not rush to draw conclusions yet, take a closer look at the guy, talk to him tactfully about the painful one.

Hello! At work I met a man, he is married about 50, I am 29 and I am married. It coincides 2 days a week that we work together for about a couple of hours. Initially, I did not like him, we had conflicts every time. After that we did not see each other for about 5 months, then vacations, then business trips. And so, having met again, our relationship changed, but everything became incomprehensible. We are pleased with each other's company, sometimes we drink tea together, sometimes he gives me small gifts, candy, says how beautiful I am and generally the best and he likes it. But at the same time, he shies away from me much more often: he does not allow me to touch him. If I come close, he tries to get away from me or into the street, does not drink tea with me, looks away, but immediately says that she is very beautiful and literally runs out into the street. Calls me exclusively full name but on you. I don't understand what's going on, how he treats me and what to do next? There are no plans for a serious relationship with him, but I would like flirting / intimacy. Telephone communication no, I can't ask something directly either - he literally runs away, or translates the topic of conversation.

  • Hello, Natalia. Definitely you are more than a man likes. You are already “driving him crazy” by your presence alone, so he avoids touching, tries to be around for less time in order to control himself.

Good evening! She has been married for 3 years, in a relationship with her husband for 7 years. In the beginning, the intimacy was very good, then my desire began to arise less often. It could be explained by stress. In addition, the husband began to use the mother-son relationship model. I grew up in a family where my mother decided everything. And I am ready to make important decisions such as budget planning, vacation planning, etc. But at the same time, you want a partnership in a relationship, and not play the role of a mother. Actually because of this, I think my husband began to turn me on less. Although he loves me very much and treats me like a queen.
Three months ago I met a man. The same age as my husband and the same profession. We live in different cities... And it consists of free relationship... With this woman they have Small child... And they also live with her in different cities.
We met at a conference on work. And after the conference we had dinner at the bar with live music. Gradually the conversation turned into flirting. And then in the taxi, which we decided to share, he admitted that he would have kissed a long time ago if he did not know that I was married.
I said nothing and got out of the car. We met the next day. He had to leave in the evening. We went to see a film, which was useful for us professionally. Especially me. Before the start of the session, we had a cocktail at the bar. And he asked again if I wanted what he was. I replied that I was not in an open relationship. Although she really wanted him. And after the session, I nevertheless decided to invite him to her place. The husband was then on a long business trip.
At first, I did not consider him for a relationship on the side. I thought she would leave, and that's the point. But he began to write to me. The posts are mostly nothing specific, but regular. We began to meet whenever possible. Due to the fact that in different cities there are meetings and frequent business trips both with him and me, our meetings are very rare. But they are always very passionate. And with each meeting more and more tender. We never make any plans, neither he nor I. We try to enjoy those rare moments when we are together.
The fact that he was not free either made me happy at first. Since I am not going to leave my husband. There are too many of us tied together.
Now I think more and more about my lover. And yet I can’t understand what all the same I want.

Hello, I don’t know what to do. I think to the man I met when I was sent to practice from school. When I first saw him, I really liked him. After practice, we did not see him for a long time, and after a while he called me and asked me out on a date, of course I agreed. There were a couple of such dates and he told me that he was fine with me and we even called up often and we liked talking to each other, but in the last days he stopped calling me, and when I call him, he says that he is busy or does not pick up the phone at all. And because of this I can't find a place for myself. If he no longer wants to see me, why then does he not say about it, or he doesn’t know how to say it, but it annoys me a little.

  • Hello Julia. All people are different, including men. It's hard to predict what's in your head. We can advise one thing - do not call him again, if he is interested in a relationship, he will definitely call himself.

Hello, married for 28 years, everything is fine, I don’t look at “stranger” men (I work in a male number), I look quite :)
A man met (married) - they talked, I listened more, I was glad that a person could express thoughts so easily and not intrusively, without making others ignorant. I caught myself that I liked him physically. Of course, she didn't say that he aroused sympathy.
There was a call (he is from the other end of the country), he said (the key words for me): thank you for my words, that you have to manage to be happy - life goes by quickly; that he wants to fall in love; that you should definitely meet and talk. Nothing special, but I am pleased!
For some reason I think about him, I am very afraid of meeting him and really want to see him. Are these age-related kinks?

  • Hello Olga. You are fascinated by this man, it has nothing to do with kinks. “I caught myself that I liked him physically. Of course, she did not say that he aroused sympathy. " - It is not at all necessary to voice this during communication, there are a lot of non-verbal signs by which one can understand that sympathy arises between communicating people.

    • I catch myself on the fact that the charm, in my thoughts, goes far. I don’t want to come up with a reason not to meet, but when we meet, I’m afraid, desire will overwhelm. From the conversation I understand that he liked me (not as a listener :))
      Not dating? how to control yourself?

Good day!
I ask you for advice: I am dating a guy just for the sake of intimacy. We don't have anyone, but we don't have feelings for each other either. And we categorically do not accept a common future (we are from different religions, I understand that it sounds stupid, but we are against the wedding), (I for example for sure). But I really like him in bed and as a person. He says he likes me too. We do not forbid each other to get acquainted with others, but I am very jealous of him. And I'm mad when he talks to me about another guy for me. I need intimacy and attention from him all the time. I don’t understand what it is. Is it okay? What should I do, break up? I've been on a date several times already. And not one guy has impressed me. I come back to him all the time. This is some kind of addiction. Advise how can I get rid of this feeling?

  • Hello Gulya. Do you have to young man there are certain feelings (“I really like him in bed and as a person,” “I am very jealous of him,” “I am furious when he talks to me about another guy for me”). Either you do not understand yourself or do not allow yourself to admit that you are not indifferent to this person.
    "Advise how can I get rid of this feeling?" This is very difficult, because if the feeling is real, then it can persist for a lifetime.

Good evening!
Please help me figure out the situation ...
Since April, I began a relationship with a man ... Or rather, we met (I will make a reservation right away - we had absolutely nothing, we didn't even kiss) and a week later he went on a flight. All this time (if possible) we corresponded, communicated on Skype ... He confessed his love. said that if I left him, he would not survive it, made a bunch of plans ... For a very long time he asked me to say if I love him ... I reciprocated ... Through a friend I gave gifts and huge bouquets flowers…
But a week ago he returned from the flight and it was as if he had been changed ... When he returned home, he did not even call, did not write ... only once, and then at my insistence ... (although I don't like this insistence myself) He said that he loved that nothing had changed ...
But I understand that everything has changed ... But I cannot understand what caused such drastic changes?
We didn’t quarrel, we didn’t find out the relationship, I didn’t give reasons for jealousy or mistrust ... I am losing my mind from this uncertainty ... What is the reason ???

  • Hello, Elena. The reason for this behavior of a man may be the lack of deep, true feelings... For the emergence deep feeling- one week is not enough and no skype, sms-ki - will not replace live communication.

Hello, I met a man on a dating site. We corresponded for 3 months. From a friendly correspondence grew into flirting and sympathy. But it so happens that every time we want to meet, to see each other, events occur that prevent this. It begins to seem to me that these are signs of fate. I had doubts about the correctness of my choice, and now even more. I am very sympathetic to a man, and I am very sympathetic to him. He wishes every day good morning, sweet dreams, is interested in me, expresses sympathy and desire to be with me. And I'm tired of waiting for him, I want his presence, attention. Do you think it's worth waiting a little longer?

  • Hello Oksana. A man who was not interested in a relationship would not remind of himself every day. “We corresponded for 3 months. And I’m tired of waiting for him ”- Serious relationships are tested with patience and endurance.

    Hello Oksana, I understand you very much. One of the things that a woman should know is that there are a lot of men who just want to chat ... To support themselves with such a drive of some kind of romance ... Talk about s ** e. Scientifically - it's Wirth. And in a simple way, if the censorship will let it through, it's pi * dobol. He just needs to drink. Don't waste your energy on such emotional vampires.

Hello. I met a guy - we worked together, he was my boss. We talked well, talked a lot and discussed on different topics... When the work was over, I left for a couple of weeks to rest. At the end of the holiday, they resumed communication on the social network, he offered to meet me at the station and escort me home, I agreed.
Now we are meeting for a little over a month. He shows concern (asks if I'm cold, if I want something, etc.), good upbringing(opens doors, shakes hands on the steps, walks to my left, etc.), says that I am beautiful, etc.
The only thing that confuses me is that he often says that I make him want and drive him crazy.
Do you think this is normal - or is it worth thinking about the fact that I'm only interested in him physically?

Hello. I met a guy. The first date was lovely. However, it so happened that there was closeness. It's my own fault, I understand. I really liked him. Immediately he said that he would see you soon, wrote an SMS. And then he left. Uncle died. We continued to communicate. Everything seemed to be going well. On Friday he didn't answer and I got carried away. I wrote that he only needed one thing. Didn't answer. In the end, I wrote to him on the website where we met. He explained that he liked me, and I wrote that he needed one thing. We clarified the situation: he explained that he was burned and is now careful and does not seek to immediately rush into a relationship. He said when he comes, we'll see you. I apologized and he forgave my stupidity. It turns out he gave me another chance. I don't want to be some annoying fool in his eyes.
In the end, I think about everything and do not know what to do. Either this is a clever deception (but why then did he continue to communicate), or I really should have thought so and wrote nonsense about him.
Should I wait for anything? I really like him and I realized that I am not ready to get acquainted with anyone else. I decided to let him rest for three days, and then write something like “ Good day" etc. Is it worth it?

  • Hello Evgenia. Now you should not take the initiative into your own hands, otherwise it turns out that you are conquering it and thus imposing yourself.
    “I wrote that he only needed one thing. Didn't answer. In the end, I wrote to him on the website where we met. He explained that he liked me, and I wrote that he needed one thing. " - You are very active at the very beginning of the relationship, stop. Wait for your boyfriend and let him look after you, otherwise he will decide that you are prone to a showdown and run away from you.

      • This is not excluded, but men value and value those relationships when they have to fight for them, overcome difficulties, and you very easily got it and made it clear that you really like him. So a man can quickly lose interest in you.
        And it is also important to learn to trust and wait for men, if a man says that he has problems, difficulties, then it is better to have patience and wait, since there is a chance of encountering irritability and misunderstanding on the part of the male when they are not up to tenderness.

          • Evgeniya, if he does not call within 7 days after last call, then it is worth switching your attention to other more important matters. Of course, you can write to him, he will probably answer, but how long and lasting this relationship will be is the question? After all, the initiative comes only from you.

I cannot understand the words of my husband / civil marriage/ when parting. He said that everything was my fault; that he will cheat on me and that he does not understand at all why he did not cheat on me! We lived together for 5 years. Every day was a thrill! The intimacy was great. For five years, the desire did not fade away either in me or in him. True, in the last couple of weeks he suddenly became thoughtful, no longer held my hand in his; I freaked out. She kicked him out, but immediately dashed after him, hit him, demanded that he return. I used to kick him out too, he always came back. I said that we love each other and we will not be able to part, he said that this time it will work out. And he left, then he said the words that he would cheat on me. I am shocked. I asked if he fell in love? Then I will understand, let go. He said he loved me, but he laid a stone on his feelings. What is it? I do not understand. I roar for the third month. He doesn't show up. Me too.

  • Hello Tatiana. Men must be treated respectfully, tenderly and reverently (even if they are wrong), then everything will be fine in the relationship. All that he said to you was said in the heat of the moment because of the resentment towards you.
    “True, in the last couple of weeks he suddenly became thoughtful, no longer held my hand in his.” - Patience is not endless, the young man did not feel that he was loved and valued.
    “I freaked out. I kicked him out, but then she darted after him, hit him. " invalid attitude to a loving partner.
    “I used to kick him out too, he always came back” - The point of no return has come.
    “Then he said those words that would change me” - This way men relieve stress and aggression. Your man, having said these words, deliberately wanted to hurt you, knowing that you will feel bad from this information.
    "I do not understand. I roar for the third month. He doesn't show up. Me too." - You should admit your mistakes, apologize and try to establish friendly communication, because you cannot change the situation with tears and pride. But the opinion that you absolutely do not care about his life, for a man to be created completely.

Good day! I have been dating a guy for a year, I have a child and he has a child from his first marriage, it’s impossible to live together at the present time (my son is very jealous), and also in material terms. Recently, they raised a conversation about prospects - he wants development, falls asleep without me, tormented (according to him), loves me, so it's better to put an end to it so as not to suffer.
I am satisfied with such a relationship (maybe I want a little more, but bearable), how should I behave so that his principles would go by the wayside and teach him to live today and feel today, i.e. make him come back?

  • Hello Eve. It is very difficult to force a man to change his principles, since a lot depends on his character, age, attitudes, self-esteem, temperament, and the degree of suggestibility. The same applies to "teaching him to live today and feel today" - it is unrealistic if the person himself does not want to. It is much easier and faster to change yourself than trying to do it with another person.
    In your case, you can recommend giving the guy what he is striving for, removing barriers to communication and cohabitation: to solve the problem of child jealousy and lack of finance.
    Treat separation at the moment as a true helper who will help your chosen one to make sure of the depth and sincerity of your feelings. Talk to each other as often as possible, tell us how you feel about your day, share the news. Be genuinely interested in your boyfriend's affairs, talk about how you love him.
    We recommend that you familiarize yourself with:

Hello. I think of a man I saw once under unusual circumstances. A week later I found out how I behaved when we met. There was his phone number, wrote an SMS with an apology. But, he wanted to communicate with me, we have known each other for 4 weeks. There is no relationship as such. We are both married. Everything is great with me in every sense of the word. But, he attracts me, in our communication we express a desire to become closer. What is it? After all, I practically do not know him.

Hello, help please, I am 31 years old, I am married, I have children. Relationships in marriage do not add up. Recently I met a man, he is 40 years old, divorced. He was setting up the equipment in our office, while setting it up, they had a nice chat, laughed, and left. After that, I saw him a couple of times in the city, greeted him, always smiled when we met, but no more. Recently, the equipment flew again, made an application, left a phone number. Before showing up at the office, he called me and warned me that he would come (although, in my opinion, there was no need for this - he is a good friend of my boss and he usually called him). During the time that the equipment was being adjusted, everything was in my opinion " non-verbal signs sympathy ”(I read it on some website) - and everything fell out of his hands, and he made fun of me (and only me), and blushed and turned pale and caught a glance at myself a hundred times, and so on. When I began to leave, I offered coffee, refused, saying that he was late (in front of me only 2 times they called him where you were and what were you digging for), but he added the pier the next time and added that he was very pleased to talk. It took about 2 weeks, I thought that he would call, but he is silent. About 3 days ago, I plucked up the courage and sent an SMS: “I want to invite you for coffee, if there is no desire to drink coffee with me, you can not answer to SMS no so no - I will not impose myself”. Signed and sent. It seems that I understand that it’s probably stupid to wait, but I don’t understand, because it was clear that he liked me and I sent a text message for sure that he was to me too, maybe he was embarrassed that I’m married, but again I’m the first step did. I feel like a 17-year-old fool in love. Now I am even ashamed to meet with him somehow, because it turns out that he “kicked me off”.

  • Hello, Natalia. Take it easy on what you are doing. You tried to be happy, it didn't work out, it happens. But now there is experience.
    You have not done anything so terrible, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Definitely, we can say that you raised a man's self-esteem. Let her rejoice. When the meeting takes place at work, behave naturally, as if you hadn’t written anything at all and don’t bring up this topic, but you can offer coffee once again within the walls of the office, smile at the meeting.

Good day!
I have a rather strange situation. I communicate with a young man throughout the year, we have a close relationship, but free, because he does not want to have a serious relationship with anyone. this moment because he wants to get back on his feet. And we are in limbo. But I began to notice that the more time we communicate, the more I want to be with him. And in recent times he began to disappear, but still calls.
I told him that if there is no serious relationship, then maybe it is better not to communicate at all?
He said that he did not want to have a serious relationship with me, but plans to continue meeting, that he is waiting for an initiative on my part. And for me it's like humiliation - to write, call and make an appointment first. I don't know how to change this situation. If there is only one way out - not to communicate, and I end up communicating - it will be very difficult for me.

  • Good day, Anastasia. The situation is clear. The guy honestly makes it clear that in the near future he does not plan to tie himself into a serious relationship with the fair sex. This is important to consider.
    “But for me it’s like humiliation - to write, call and make an appointment first.” - If you want to be with this person, you will have to change your principles and change tactics. You can look at this situation in a different way: you make an appointment when it is convenient for you personally, without adjusting to the young man, and sometimes you cancel, referring to urgent matters, without explaining anything in order to make him nervous and jealous. A guy should know that your life is "in full swing", you do not sit and wait for him to call first. Let him wonder where you are and with whom. And you smile mysteriously in response.

    • I agree with you, I also understand that I myself am not particularly ready for what I want - joint housing with a young man and a wedding, since I do not want to be limited by the framework of relations yet. But as long as I have this so-called freedom, I don't really appreciate it. Therefore, I want a relationship with him.
      Here it cannot be said that I am windy, because during our communication, I, communicating with persons of the opposite sex, always returned my thoughts to this young man. I see in him what I need now and this is the first such guy who does not cause irritation, disgust after a year of communication, usually I quickly found minuses in people.
      Also, perhaps I am drawn to him, because he does not give the opportunity to build a serious relationship for a long time, when I get what I want, then interest will disappear... The time that we communicate can be beneficial to our relationship, if they exist in the future, since by this time it will be well to understand each other.
      In general, it is difficult for me to understand what I really want and what kind of "test" should I arrange for this?

Goodnight! Met a guy for 3.5 years, for this New Year he proposed to me, and 22 days ago we parted! We swore over trifles, in principle, not so often, we always made up right there! I always helped him in everything, supported him, brought him food, coffee to work ... then he was out of work for a long time, I found him a job. In this job, he is one guy, all the other girls. We started having quarrels, I just saw what they were, and he said that I was all bad! The last scandal happened because of them! He asked me to bring him coffee, I brought him, but he was gone for a long time, he did not get through. I called my work phone and asked to call him, please, they rude to me, and he was told that I was rude! After that, I came in the evening when he finished work and changed his clothes. I went into the store, did not touch anyone, and then the director of the store jumped out, started raising her hands at me. I tell her - take your hands off, and she grabs even stronger, and of course I started shouting at the whole store for help. Then he jumped out, took me out of the store, and I was already in hysterics. Against this background, there was big scandal, after WHAT he said - we part! I tried to make peace with him, but he doesn't want to! He said - he is afraid that we will make up, and I will come to work again! I promised that I would never go there, and after that incident I do not come, but he does not believe me! Speaks over the years, tired of your tantrums! I don’t believe you anymore! He even said he hates me! Is there a chance he'll come back?

    • Good day! Please tell me how to be. For many years I have not been able to find a man to build relationships. On the dating site, they give compliments, call me on dates, but every time it all comes down to the fact that they want me only physically and no more. I'm pretty, not tall but with enough big breasted and unfortunately I'm not being treated for seriousness. The most long relationship over the past couple of years there have been 6 months. All the rest ended in intimacy and then very quickly the person disappeared. I agree that intimacy can be too fast, sometimes it turned out that in the first couple of meetings, maybe too jealous and intrusive ?! Tell me how to behave correctly and correct mistakes in order to meet your man and create strong relationships, possibly a family!

      • Hello Irina.
        It is required to avoid those men who openly say that they do not want to start a family and they are only interested in an open relationship.
        It is necessary to comprehend a whole art and teaching that requires a woman's soulfulness, communication skills, patience, warmth, femininity, diligence in combination with naturalness, charm along with bitchiness and a bit of coldness and, of course, intelligence, as well as master the science of seduction. Jealousy and obsession is an indicator of self-doubt. A man should want to conquer you himself, so there is no need to impose.
        "All the rest ended in intimacy and then very quickly the person disappeared." - Change tactics in the relationship. A man values ​​that woman whom he had to conquer for a long time.
        “I agree that intimacy can be too fast, sometimes it turned out that in the first couple of meetings, I can be too jealous and impose ?! Tell me how to behave correctly and correct mistakes in order to meet your man and create a strong relationship, possibly a family ”- Men value their freedom very much, therefore, no matter how much you want to get married, you don’t need to voice it. Your task is for a man to always want to return to you, to be comfortable with you. Therefore, only humor and fun, avoid anxiety and negativity; it is not recommended to save on praise, be cheerful and relaxed.

Let her see you are having a good time. A girl wants nothing as much as a guy who enjoys life and is completely happy himself. Laugh a lot and tell stories when you are with friends. On your way to class, think of something good that will put a smile on your face. When you see her, show her that you are in good mood and that you are not a bore. You don't have to pretend, of course, but you have to show her that you are a person enjoying life, and that should push her to want to be closer to you.

  • If she sees that you are having a great time, she will want to be a part of it. If she thinks that you need a girl to spend time at the highest level, she will think that you are not very happy on your own.
  • Be a gentleman. Gentlemen are rare these days and if you are one of them, girls will notice. You don't, of course, need to wear a hot suit or be too formal to show women that you are courteous. Be a gentleman, treat women with respect by opening doors for them, asking about their well-being, and don't be vulgar or rude in their presence. Every girl wants to be treated like a lady, and let your gentleness happen naturally and at ease.

    • Many guys you know may not have good manners or be polite. Stand out from the crowd with your good manners and courtesy, both to girls and to people in general.
  • Amaze her with your confidence. Girls like guys who are confident and naturally attracted to them. If you want a girl to really lose her head on you, then you have to make her see how much you love your own nature. Be happy that you are here and now, enjoy the time with your friends, and just let her see that you are happy and calm that you are who you are and that you do not care what others think. ... Many men are insecure and girls don't like it; they don't really want to take the time to guide you through life. If you are satisfied with everything in your personality and you are happy with it, then the chances that the girl will want to be with you becomes greater.

    • This does not mean that you should like absolutely everything about yourself. This means that you must know your weaknesses, trying to change the ones that you can, and accept the ones that cannot be changed.
    • You don't need to show off or be macho to show that you are a confident man. In fact, it is more likely to alienate the girl than attract.
  • Be independent. While girls need guys who have time for them, they don't want guys who have nothing else to do. If you want a girl to go crazy for you, you need to surprise her with how cool and independent you are. You should be happy doing your favorite activities, playing the guitar or running in the park, for example. If you love to do what everyone else, because you yourself are not able to come up with anything for yourself, she will not be impressed. Instead, surprise her with your ability to think for herself and feel good about herself.

    • While girls like guys who have a great time with their company, they still don't want guys who are bored when they're alone.
  • Be a little mysterious. Don't tell her all the smallest details of what you are thinking at once. When you get to know the girl, of course, you will reveal a little of these details about yourself, but at first you should not reveal to her how much you love your dog or talk about your fight with best friend... Make her want to get to know you, over time and step by step. If she thinks that you can study you in an hour, you will not be interesting to her. You shouldn't either lie to her or come up with excuses to seem mysterious, and spread everything to her at once.

    • If you have to go, don't say that you are in a hurry to meet your mom. Walk away so that she wonders what your plans are.
  • Be a master at something. Nothing makes girls go crazy more than a guy who plays the guitar well, who sings well, or who plays basketball like a god. In short, talent turns on. If you want to surprise and discourage a girl, your skills and talents will help you perfectly. This does not mean that you have to brag about it at every corner or show off in front of her. This means that you have to work to learn how to do something really well and so that she knows about it.

    • Of course, you shouldn't do something just to surprise a girl, but do it because you care. Being a pro at something will also raise your self-esteem, which will also in a great way hit the girl.
  • Don't be an upstart. Stop thinking that the only way to make the girl go crazy for you, there will be your constant bragging and stories about how cool you are at different types activities. If you are really good at something, she will notice it; if you still want to tell her, it means that you are insecure and feel that you have to convince people that you are irresistible. You can talk about things that you like to do, but don't say anything like, “I can perfectly…” or “I ate a dog on this…” otherwise the girl will just get bored with you and she will stop listening to you.

    • If you constantly exhibit and talk about your irresistibility, girls will see you as poisonous in any conversation. No one wants to be in the company of guys who only do what they say about themselves to their beloved.
  • Watch your appearance. We are not saying that you should do your best. free time in the gym, exercising on simulators. It just means that you have to put in some effort to look good. Before leaving the house, make sure you take a shower, you smell good, you suitable clothes and that you're not disheveled (unless it's part of your image). If you look like you just got out of bed, it will make her wonder if she wants to take the time to be partial to you if you don't take care of yourself. You don't have to look like a model to show a girl that you've put in some effort to look decent.

    • If you are hanging out with girls, your dignified appearance is a manifestation of politeness. Otherwise, she will take your careless appearance for an insult.
  • Treat others with respect. If you want a girl to go crazy for you, you need a reputation. nice person... This does not mean that you should let people wipe their feet on you or be nice to people who are unfriendly to you, but it does mean that you should treat everyone around you, from the most unpopular kids in your school to the teachers or salesperson in local store, with a decent level of respect. Do not show respect exclusively to popular people by treating others with contempt; treat everyone around you as equals and girls will be impressed with who you are good man big hearted.

    • Contrary to what you might think, humiliating people and gossiping won't help you win girls over. If you always speak negatively about other people or communicate inappropriately with him, girls will think that they cannot really trust you.
  • How to drive the most crazy pretty girls? If you are rich, then it's easy. Girls will run on their heels and jump into your bed. But these gold diggers are attracted to green bills, not yourself. How to make sure that girls find you cool, and that money is yours? How to become a hero from them love story? Everything is very simple and fun.

    How to drive girls crazy

    1. Male inaccessibility

    How to drive girls crazy? Be unapproachable. Girls love what is difficult to get. When a man shows interest in a girl, but does not rush to storm, court, seduce and run after her. A man knows his own worth, so he evaluates the relationship as equal. He will still think about whether to meet with her and whether the new passion is good enough. Do not give up in the first fight, do not bend to her wishes, do not confess your love and do not give gifts. Let her suffer and doubt that you like her. Let her take small steps in male side, not just you. Let him be at a loss. How did you not fall under her beauty and charm? Give her the ability to charm, flirt, seduce and play herself. Male inaccessibility is a weapon that rarely fails.

    2. Happy life men

    How to drive girls crazy? Be cheerful. Girls don't like boring people sitting at home and putting off life until tomorrow. Girls love fun, madness, travel, spontaneous events and courage. Saturated, cheerful and interesting life, in a man, attracts women like butterflies. The girls are tired of sitting at home, meeting only with their girlfriends, being sad and doing nothing. Almost every girl wants to be the girlfriend of a man who is in full swing. The fair sex wants to be involved and be a part of this crazy celebration of life. Make your life interesting and no beauty can resist.

    3. Mysterious life men

    How to drive girls crazy? Be mysterious. Don't open right away. Don't let her know that she knows everything about you. Girls love secrets and secrets. Hide your hobbies strengths, some elements of life. Be a mystery to a girl, be unpredictable, mysterious and slip away. The girl herself will rush after you to unravel this tangle. That which is completely exhausted is understandable, boring, and predictably extremely unattractive.

    4. Presentability of a man

    How to drive girls crazy? Be trendy. Not even high level income allows you to look decent. Shabby clothes, frayed pants and worn out shoes are the scourge of many good guys who have forgotten about presentability. This attracts only completely desperate women. No one is encouraged by wretched and cheap-looking men. Update your wardrobe starting from outerwear and ending with cowards. Stylish men many girls are immediately attracted, and their gloomy and "worn out" brothers spend their nights alone.

    5. Popularity with other women

    How to drive girls crazy? Be popular. Women love men that other women love. If a man is popular, then he is obviously a worthy candidate. A lonely man who is not paid attention to by other people receives only pity, but not female warmth... How to be popular with women? It is important to look presentable, mysterious and friendly. Try to be ladies man... Help the fair sex, give your hand, make way, take an interest in their life. You can use female friends to attract the attention of other girls. Go out with them to people, call up, take pictures and iron it in social networks... Make it clear to other women that you are good, and the girls are hovering around you.

    6. Touch and tactile sensations

    How to drive girls crazy? Be tactful. One of the most important seduction techniques is touching. Try to touch your hands, elbows, and other parts of your body. Let it be fleeting and as if by accident. Touch brings people closer together. Your interlocutor will start thinking about you a little differently, with interest. She will get used to your hands and more “daring” touches will be perceived as desirable.

    7. Humor, flirting and intelligence

    How to drive girls crazy? Be charming, witty and smart. In men, women are attracted to them intellectual abilities... More jokes, smile and flirt. Try to be charming like Gerard Butler, funny like Will Smith and smart like Hugh Jackman.

    How to drive girls crazy? Be courageous, reliable, sociable and kind. The girls will hunt you themselves.