Congratulations on your 18 year old girl. Congratulations to the girl on her birthday (18 years old)

This is the time when a person becomes an adult in one day. It would seem: yesterday a child, today - already adult girl. If your girlfriend, sister, girlfriend or, she must be congratulated. you can choose from the proposed templates - poems, or compose yourself. You can congratulate both prose and verse. The main thing is that it should be from the heart and the words that you want to say should be said. You can also order professional actors who will congratulate the girl on such important event in her life according to the scenario, thought out together with you. The main thing in congratulations is that you are doing everything the way the hero of the occasion herself would like. Try to find out in advance what she would like to hear or see for her birthday. And then you can definitely make this day unforgettable.

Eighteen years - like a fairy tale!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Here's one hint for you:
Do it all at once - do not rush!

You prioritize
And become happy yourself:
Everything comes true in the world -
Be sure, keep it up!

Beautiful life light
And I congratulate you on it!
Today is 18 years old
You've made it, dear.

And 18 is life
And 18 is happiness!
Turn your face to luck
Experience real life!

18 - what a young date!
How sweet and beautiful she is!
She has youth, passion,
The riot of the spring garden,
All colors palette,
She is like spring!
Seething and raging
And walk boldly
Only 18 and more to come!
May it come true in life
Dreams and desires
Entering adulthood
You are life today!

Eighteen sonorous years!
You are beautiful! There is no dispute!
Also, always be beautiful
In life, every moment is happy.

Be loved, have fun
Sweet white light.
We wish you good years
Happy birthday congratulations!

There are 18 times in a lifetime.
Do not regret that childhood is over.
It's time to open up
A new, endless path.

Let the sorrows of the heart not touch,
Youth lives in your soul.
Good deeds will return to you
And a happy star leads!

You are 18 today
- And on the cheeks the fire of dawn,
Do not get tired of fighting for happiness
Dare, invent, create!
Let sadness part with you
Will go to the dense forests,
Let your beauty get
For those who believe in miracles!

Time to say goodbye to childhood!
A step has been taken towards adult life!
After all, you are already eighteen -
It's a date, after all!

Congratulations on this date!
May you always be lucky!
Be happy and rich!
The rest is nonsense!

Eighteen is the dawn
Your life, which is all ahead.
I wish you only victories
Go from luck to luck.

You just try to live wisely
And then you will win to attack everything.
What happiness in a pink morning
Rush through the sparkling dew!

I drink for the joy of springtime,
May the year be filled with happiness!
People will be kind to you
Just stay like this forever!

You, my dear, are eighteen!
You are already quite an adult!
We want to smile in life
We wish you happiness and change!
Let sorrows bypass you
And all dreams will come true!
We celebrate your birthday
Like the Day of spring and beauty!

Are you 18,
You are a tender rose
Don't be afraid
Rain and frost.

Let it not fade
Your beauty,
And you stay
Happy always!

You are eighteen today
And, like a flower, you are beautiful.
Let the whole world start trying
Fulfill all your dreams.

Beloved, let the smile
Shines on your face.
And like a goldfish
Fate will give the best to everyone.

A birthday is an occasion to come to a person and say what is in your heart.
So, with a clear conscience, I declare:
I have joy in my heart because you are in the world.
That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together. Happy 18th birthday!

We love you very much. You give us your warmth, you are the source of all blessings for us. Be always young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful!

On the day of your 18th birthday, I want to wish that all desires and dreams come true, and I will definitely try to help you with this, because you are not a woman, you are an angel! And remember, if something does not work out, then we, as they say, just buy it!

You know that not only on your birthday, but on any other day, I wish you only from pure heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful!!! Happy 18th birthday! Love, bright unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, performance cherished desires and creative accomplishments!

Dear hero of the day! Your 18th birthday was a great reason for friends, family and friends to gather at the festive table.

And on this day, accept the most heartfelt congratulations, good wishes, words of gratitude and sincere love.

Despite the cares that fell on your fragile shoulders, you have always been for us a stronghold of tolerance, tenderness, kindness.

In your team, you do not just work, but in a way that is peculiar only to you - with special tact, charm, patiently and responsibly, creatively and with the return of physical and mental strength. We are always happy to come to your hospitable and cozy house where tenderness and care reign. And on this day, accept our wishes.

I wish you happiness and kindness, success and new achievements, peace and prosperity in the house, love and beauty!

“She goes through life easily!”. And rightly so, because your light step, charming beauty, charm and sensitivity make you the cutest little man. Let me wish you all the very best on your birthday. Good health, unfading beauty, optimism, good luck in business and the embodiment of everything conceived on the Day of the 18th anniversary!

On this day, we congratulate our beautiful birthday girl! Happy 18th birthday! And we want to wish: starry sky, good luck, success, tender happiness! May your dreams come true! May your beauty shine brighter every day!

In life there are many bright and happy days but the day you were born is special. Happy 18th birthday! I want you to remain the same charming, truly happy and unfading woman throughout your life. You are able to radiate so much energy and positivity that all those who are lucky enough to be present in your existence involuntarily become infected with it. So be like this forever! Happy birthday!

Congratulations on your coming of age! On this day, I would like to wish you to find yourself in this world, to be fully realized, to fulfill all your desires and plans, to find happiness, love, joy and understanding. Be always healthy and strong. Happy birthday!

Eighteen is not just a date, but a new, responsible, intriguing stage in your life. This is an ocean of new boundless discoveries, emotions and feelings that will undoubtedly give you many amazing memories. Do not miss this time, do not lose the opportunity and all the dizzying prospects that await you ahead. This is your life, which you build according to your plan. And therefore, on such an important and interesting day, I wish you new facets, incredible success and joy. Do not stop enjoying these moments, and they will be able to open the world to you from a completely different side!

I want to wish you on your birthday that adult life is filled with exciting adventures, bright emotions, unexpected surprises, pleasant meetings, smiles of loved ones and dizzying career ups.

This is the most wonderful age when the door is open great life when you want everything, it seems that wings grow behind your back and you can move mountains! This is a time of self-affirmation, a time of dreams, a time of trial and error, love and disappointment. I wish you to find your own path, meet real friends, and if obstacles arise on your way, then manage to get around them, overcome them. I wish to conquer the peaks, to know the unknown, let your heart beats with excitement, and the soul sings joyfully!

Congratulations on your 18th birthday and adulthood. From this moment begins an independent, free, independent life, I want to wish you to boldly stand on your feet, be a purposeful person, achieve your goals, love life and have fun.

I congratulate you on your coming of age and with all my heart I wish you to stand firmly on your feet in this amazing life rich in adventure! May your head always be bright and cold, and your heart - hot and loving. Choose the path that really calls you to do useful and interesting things. I am glad to meet such a person as you, who is in such young age has good aspirations and a pleasant disposition. Happy birthday!

Coming of age is, perhaps, the main birthday in life. You are considered an adult, you decide what to do and how to act. You can already boast of some experience, but at the same time you are very young. All roads are open before you, you are free to choose any direction. So let the path you follow be easy and lead you to the realization of your cherished dream.

I want to congratulate you on your coming of age, wish you - to find decent job, build a dizzying career, feel the taste of life, find your soul mate, and also have fun, laugh, have fun, relax, go for a walk and don't forget your friends.

Congratulations on coming of age and I wish you the most correct and pleasant steps in adult life. Let the excessive seriousness of being bypass you, after all, an already responsible person who can be trusted. Your birthday is important fun event which you will definitely celebrate in the best way!

How brightly the eyes of the sunniest man in the world burn today with pride and happiness, because he is 18 today! You are an adult, and it sounds proud! Accept a sea of ​​congratulations and mountains of gifts from the most dear people, burn, bloom and do not forget that every adult is a child at heart.

Eighteen years ago, on the same bright day, you were born. Eighteen years ago, the world became a better place because you appeared in it. For eighteen years, the eyes of your parents have sparkled with happiness. So let this light never fade and will illuminate your path. Happy Birthday!

It is difficult to argue with the fact that any "anniversary" happens only once in a lifetime, and every birthday is special in its own way. But 18 years is a special milestone that requires special congratulations. The selection created for this occasion will help the girl to choose original and unhackneyed congratulations on her 18th birthday.

Beautiful congratulations on the 18th birthday of a girl

18 years - the time of the beginning of the flowering of femininity and youth. The girl at this time is charming and charming. A beautiful ladies just needed beautiful congratulations. When voicing them, one should not skimp on epithets, comparisons and metaphors - after all, the birthday girl standing on the eve of adulthood undoubtedly deserves the highest praise. Therefore, the congratulator should give the hero of the occasion a generous portion of compliments.

It is worth noting that in this case we are not talking about rude flattery - this will only spoil the impression of congratulations. The birthday girl will surely have a lot of positive virtues that can be mentioned in a toast, without fear of seeming hypocritical and biased.

  1. Our young lady is magical As many as 18. We, beauty, do not stop admiring you. We wish you peace and beautiful love. On the canvas, let life be Only the happiness of paint. To find something to your heart's content That will give you strength. And in all spheres of life So that you are on a horse.
  2. The sun will not get tired of smiling, On this day, the rays are like serpentine. Holiday! Here you are eighteen, Life lies big ahead. Smile at joyful signs, You have become happier for a year. All the main victories are ahead, Plenty to take heights, And worries, and joyful unrest, Mountains, rivers, songs, nightingales ... So today, accept congratulations on your sunny birthday!
  3. You are eighteen today! Beautiful is the blossoming of youth, When it is easy to dream, fall in love, And live with wonderful mood! Happy birthday, I wish you a lot of happiness! You are so Beautiful! - I declare, Let everything be in your power! I wish Good, love and prosperity in adulthood, Be beautiful and don’t get sick, And be bold in your daring!
  4. There is no limit to perfection, There are no obstacles on the way - This age is like bliss, Better yo and not find. At eighteen you are more beautiful than a blossoming apple garden, You are more tender and charming than Persian grapes. All men and boys are enchanted by you, And guys, grandfathers, fathers take off their hats together.

Touching and sincere congratulations

Stepping on the path of the new and so exciting life stage a girl, of course, wants to say words that sink into the soul and thereby be remembered.

However, even if the congratulator is older than the birthday girl, one should not take a patronizing, condescending, and even more instructive tone for saying.

The hero of the occasion is probably considered to be an adult, an accomplished person (modern young ladies quite self-confident, yes), and such an approach to wishes is unlikely to move her.

But to congratulate a girl on her birthday, using the most sincere, touching and original wishes- a very good move, which the birthday girl will surely appreciate.

  1. 18 is the most beautiful date! This is youth, freshness, tenderness, playful youth! These are plans and hopes, Goals and dreams, Bold and daring From life's expectations. I wish you a lot of joy, Success on the way, Do not fall, do not give up, Always go forward. Everything will work out for you, just believe in it. Smile and perseverance Will open the door to happiness!
  2. Just a birthday. Just eighteen. All of a sudden it may seem very simple. Childhood is over. All life ahead. Take your step boldly, strive for the best! You will be able to melt any ice, And fate will help to avoid trouble. Choose the right path in life. Don't forget about your friends and family. Let your life be royal: Career pleases, the whole family loves ... Smile, I congratulate you!
  3. You are eighteen today, It would seem that it is time to grow up, But I wish not to be shy To be a child sometimes. I wish you to enjoy life, Appreciate nature's purity, Be proud and love your homeland, My relatives, my family. Find your path, your calling, reach your height. May all wishes come true, May all dreams come true.
  4. Today is a special day, Not just a birthday, But an amazing holiday of Global significance, After all, you are eighteen years old, And a lot can already be done, After all, coming of age is a special event, We wish you happiness, Love and respect, May fate bring you Ideas, inspiration!

Let this 18th anniversary day
The sun shines brighter
And let the joy of life cover the darkness
Health will be the best of gifts.
And happiness is an attachment to it!
We wish you more love
Huge, clean as a tear,
We want you to always smile
Your dear eyes to us!

eighteen years ago
You made us happy
You suddenly appeared
And breathed in for the first time!
Now it's quite big!
You are our beauty
And the girl is naughty!
Adult now!
Let the road appear in life
Which way you want to go
Let good people meet on it,
You will find love and happiness there!

Today is the most the best holiday on the ground,
You are over 18 years old
All compliments and wishes to you,
Let the lilac dawn last.
Let your life be a fairy tale
Let the dream come true
Always be happy and cheerful
Let fate spoil you.

You bloomed like a scarlet flower
And I admire you, loving,
Let life resemble a paradise
Be happy my girl.
Let personal holiday will bring good luck
And the mood of beauty in addition,
Let the dream always come true
May fate reward you in full.

You are 18 years old
But just don't be arrogant
The same kind, gentle and cheerful,
Stay smart and beautiful.
Accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
I call you my dream girl
Let your life be a fairy tale
May fate reward you with happiness.

What a beautiful age - 18 years old,
And it seems that in life there are no barriers at all,
All the best is ahead of you
May your cherished dreams come true.
Happy birthday my girl
May fate generously reward you
Let the green light burn on the way
Always walk confidently through life.

You, like a miracle, entered the house,
You have become a joy to us.
Time passed, you grew up
And bloomed like a rose.
We want no mistakes
Generously gave life to you
All that youth is bright:
The tenderness of the look and smile,
Joy, happiness, ringing laughter,
Kindness, faith and success!

Eighteen years! Charm,
Most best age, the lightest!
Wishes for daughter today
Fulfillment of a cherished dream!
Happy birthday, dear daughter,
I wish you a sweet fate
To make your life beautiful
May you always be happy!

Beauty, you're eighteen!
You are already quite an adult!
We want to smile in life
We wish you happiness and change!
Let sorrows bypass you
And all dreams will come true!
We celebrate your birthday
Like the Day of spring and beauty!

You have become an adult - it's hard to believe!
You quickly entered into a new life.
All doors are open for you,
And so many miracles ahead - hold on!
Traveling around the world awaits you
You are just starting to live
So many mysteries, riddles and secrets
You have yet to open them.
Decide for yourself where to go
And we are always ready to give advice.
In trying to be happy, it's not a sin to take risks,
You are already eighteen years old!
And if needed, we are happy to help.
You can definitely reach your goals.
We are so proud to have such a daughter!
May all your dreams come true!

Congratulations for 18 years happy birthday:

Probably, it makes no sense to mention that - the date is special. Every teenager looks forward to his coming of age day. That is why relatives should arrange a holiday that will remain in the memory of the birthday man as one of the most memorable and joyful. Nothing creates like this festive atmosphere like hanging around the house Balloons. dolls scattered around the apartment Stuffed Toys become for 18 summer girl a pleasant part of childhood, parting with which is so soon and so exciting.

You should carefully consider the choice of a gift for a young beauty. Any girl tries to be beautiful and looks after her appearance. Therefore, a set of good cosmetics will surely please the birthday girl. good option for a gift will be fashion decoration. Of more expensive gifts can be identified mobile phone or digital camera. And a bouquet of flowers, like nothing else, will emphasize the beauty of a young girl and make her very happy!

Eighteen years - like a fairy tale!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Here's one hint for you:
Do it all at once - do not rush!

You prioritize
And become happy yourself:
Everything comes true in the world -
Be sure, keep it up!

Eighteen sonorous years!
You are beautiful! There is no dispute!
Also, always be beautiful
In life, every moment is happy.

Be loved, have fun
Sweet white light.
We wish you good years
Happy birthday congratulations!

Eighteen is the dawn
Your life, which is all ahead.
I wish you only victories
Go from luck to luck.

You just try to live wisely
And then you will win to attack everything.
What happiness in a pink morning
Rush through the sparkling dew!

I drink for the joy of springtime,
May the year be filled with happiness!
People will be kind to you
Just stay like this forever!

There are 18 times in a lifetime.
Do not regret that childhood is over.
It's time to open up
A new, endless path.

Let the sorrows of the heart not touch,
Youth lives in your soul.
Good deeds will return to you
And a happy star leads!

Eighteen - a holiday with a loved one,
Happy, great day!
Be the same as now, beautiful,
Let the lilac bloom in your soul!

Let life cover with a flower carpet
Your blessed path to great happiness,
To go with a dream friend,
So that everything in fate is beautiful!

My most affectionate girl in the world,
Congratulations on your 18th birthday!
Happiness may live forever in the soul from now on,
Never touched, so that trouble hearts!

I wish you success in all endeavors,
I wish you a flight of fancy!
And unrestrained, bold and bright desires,
So that everything is sweet forever in fate!

I'm eighteen of yours
I give a huge bouquet of flowers.
AND tender words I will say.
Let everyone know that I am in love.

Let the sun shine in your hair
Plants freckles on the nose.
Let the adult world open the door
The girl is greeted with joy.