Why does not halle berry agitated: the secrets of the beauty of the charming actress. What helps Holly Berry stay young? Shoes boats for any situation

They love sunscale

The Internet is shot by photographs of beauties, relaxing on yachts in the Saint-Tropez or Walking on the beaches of Malibu. And now you also know: every day, every 2 hours, in winter and summer, in the rain and heat, they are applied to the open sections of the body cream with SPF. "The main thing is not the factor itself, anyone above 15 protects, the main thing is to apply it every 2 hours," says Dr. Lancer. Moreover: the stars perfectly know that ultraviolet penetrates through the glass and reflects from shiny surfaces, so they apply cream with SPF, even if they are indoors. And yes, update every 2 hours. How do they manage not to be covered with a bold layer of cream? They refresh the face thermal water And wipe tender napkin Before the next application of the cream. Mouorne? Tedishly? Look again in the photo and answer yourself: is it worth it?

They have been using retinol from childhood

Whenever we buy new jar Cream, we hope that he will make what promises. And here you do not need to hope: the effectiveness of retinol has been proven for a long time and scientifically. Vitamin, and really speeds up the renewal of skin cells, which means there are no wrinkles, a smooth surface and a shining skin view. The first creams with retinol appeared in the 70s as a medicine from acne, and the overall health of the skin of the face and the reduction of wrinkles - you will not believe - it was thought by-effect! So many today's celebrities whose age is approaching the 40-year frontier, began to use retinol-containing creams still in adolescence to get rid of acne. And do not leave this wonderful habit so far. This rule: yours day creams Must contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins C and E and SPF not lower than 15, and Night - retinol.


They correctly cleaned the skin

Dead cells - The worst enemies of beautiful skin, and these celebrities know for sure. At least once a month, they go to peeling or cleaning to their dermatologists, and in the interruptions use homemade scrubs. And the point here is not so much the skin is clean, how much in opening access active ingredients Creams (the same retinol) in deeper layers of skin. The best peeling components - salicylic acid And enzymes. The last "embarrass", smell dead cells, and the acid is finally straightened with this garbage and returns the skin smoothness. Piling is particularly important if you are prone to pigmentation and quickly sunbathe. "Starting regularly to make peelings at 20, you will prevent acne and the extension of pores, you will not have 30 small wrinkles And pigmentation, and in 40 you will say thank you for this, "says Dr..

They do not pull a visit to the specialist

Stars perfectly know that any imperfection beats by their reputation and image. Therefore, it is worth noting them to notice the Maaaalen redness, or the outlined pimple, or a little annoyance - they immediately go to the beautician. Immediately! No "smeared and will not be visible", "no one will notice," "will pass." The most important rule: nothing. NOT. Crush

Not so long ago, the famous Hollywood actress Holly Berry flashed the 6th dozen, but, like thirty years ago, she is still young and beautiful. Gorgeous physical form and complete absence Wrinkles on the face are forced to doubt that it does not have any magical abilities.

According to the approval of the actress itself, its appearance is not the result of good heredity, but a daily painstaking work on himself.

Holly Berry with early adolescence suffers from diabetes, so its lifestyle and diet are based on this fact. Actress for many years not eating sweet and flour products. It adheres to special ketodies, which is based on a high content of useful fats (more than 75%) and high-quality proteins (about 20%). Holly consumes vegetable and butter, low-fat meat, fish, rich in fiber vegetables and fermented dairy products.

Under the prohibition there are any sweet fruits, dried fruits, recycled meat products (sausages, sausages), alcoholic beverages, as well as rich in starch potatoes and corn. The actress is sure that Ketodiete helps her stay in beautiful mood and stunning physical form.

In addition to special dietThe actress also adheres to interval fasting. Its principle is that it is possible only in strictly certain period time, for example, for 8 or 11 hours a day. All the rest of the time is allowed by drinking water and green tea. It is believed that the interval starvation rejuvenates the body, improves well-being, effectively reduces weight, and also contributes to total detoxification, shudders and toxins from the body, completely cleaning it. Holly Berry itself is a real fan of this type of power and believes that it is thanks to him that it remains so young and energetic. In the diet of the actress, as a rule, only two full-fledged meals and green smoothies as breakfast.

Also the basis of the lifefriend of the actress is the mandatory availability sports activities In the schedule. Sport has long ceased to be a duty, but became vital necessity for her.

Up to 35 years, Holly was a fan of cardiotrements and gymnastics, which she is engaged in early childhood. At the moment, the love of functional training on the Harley Pasternak system has been added to this. Each training takes about 25 minutes and is aimed at working out all the muscles. The basic principle of this training is to divide it on 5 phases of 5 minutes. Training begins with a small five-minute cardio, then continues to operate lower and upper parts Body, press and ending with an intense chain.

Such a mix is \u200b\u200beffective not only in terms of work on aesthetic relief, but also from the point of view of endurance and strength development. Over the years, the volume of muscle tissue decreases significantly, however, the presence of regular training slows down this process, allowing the body to remain in due tone.

Today, the popular Hollywood actress Holly Berry celebrates his birthday. I am getting striking how in 51 years old beauty can look for 10-15 years younger! Reveal all the secrets of youth Holly Berry in the material.

Ideal figure, smooth tighted leather And shining eyes - well, how does a birthday party look so wonderful to look? Fans of the actress do not cease to be surprised at her appearance, and we deal with the shelves food, sports loads and skin care Holly Berry.


In 19 years, Holly had to completely change their diet - she had found diabetes second type. In this regard, from the actress's menu forever excluded sugar, fatty dishes and bakery products. It prefers fresh vegetables, white meat, fish and paste, and among your favorite dishes, fried tuna and puree from garlic.

Instead of Sugar, Holly uses sacharo-substitutes and has already taught them their children. If there is no time for the snack, but you need to replenish the energy reserves, it drinks a protein cocktail. The actress eats 4-5 times a day in small portions. Six days a week carefully monitors nutrition and only one day it allows themselves to eat something tasty and not very useful.

"Every year, beauty is given to me and more difficult. The older I become, the more closely followed what I eat, "she says.


Holly Berry is regularly engaged in sports and allocates cardiotering in its mode and power exercises. Pretty woman does not want to build muscle, therefore preferred exercises with its weight without additional loads.

"I have a second type diabetes, so I have forced round year Watch out that it is. I also play sports three times a week, sometimes more. I love cardiotry very much, as it is useful for the heart. "

Skin care

Holly admits that carefully cares for the skin every day, starting with youth, and we see chic result! Before applying makeup actress rubs face pink water, and B. daily care Selects the purification of the face, the use of tonic and moisturizing with the cream. For a gentle area around the eye, the actress chooses a special cream.

Once a week, the celebrity visits the spa, where the procedure under the name "face for the Red Track" is underway. It is such a pleasure of about $ 200 and consists of peeling, oxygen mask and moisturizing. With the help of such procedures, the skin becomes clean, taped and beautiful.

The actress always applies sunscreen before leaving the house and regularly moisturizes the lips with special balm. On the day, when you do not need to work, the holly does not make makeup so that the skin can relax and saturate with oxygen.

Hair care

Since from nature in Holly curly hair, it uses special means For your type of hair, and one of her pets are products from the Mixed Chicks brand. The actress says that if she wants to go out with curly hairthen after washing your head caresses impleable air conditioning, and if with straight - ordinary. After that, the star beauty dries hair and makes laying.

"Every year, beauty is given to me and more difficult. The older I become, the more closely followed what I eat, "said Holly Berry in one of the recent interviews.

The actress has repeatedly said that he never sits on diets, instead, she constantly sticks to the right nutrition. In the case of Holly healthy image Life is not just a passion, but the need. When the girl was 19, she diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and the future star had to urgently revise his diet. For more than 20 years, Hollya does not touch fatty food, red meat, bread and sugar, but vegetables, bird and fish star eats constantly - and, as a rule, small portions, 5 times a day. And on the shooting actress drinks protein cocktailswho perfectly help recharge the energy.

The beautiful figure of Holly Berry is obliged not only chicken breast and a leaf of salad, but also regular training. The actress is 3-4 times a week, preferably cardiovers. The star admitted that she does not like working with weight, but for the sake of a good role can make an exception.

And in February 2018, the actress launched in his Instagram regular heading "Fitness Friday": Once a week, Holly shows photo and video subscribers from their workouts.


"Many ask how I manage to look like this in my age. Of course, in this partly the merit of genetics. In addition, since childhood he was engaged in gymnastics, so he grew up a very sporty man. For many years I have worked with different coaches and learned a lot from each of them. But now I want to introduce you to my favorite coach, whom I call my secret weapon, Peter Lee Thomas, "Holly says. - This man changed my life. Besides what he wonderful man and coach, he actor, master of martial arts and specialist in proper nutrition. He taught me boxing, self-defense and a lot. Now I am not only in the best in my life, but I can protect myself and your loved ones. "

We will be honest, many twenty years cannot boast the same perfect smooth and clean skin, which is Holly Berry in 52 years. IN ordinary life The actress almost does not wear makeup so that the skin has the opportunity to relax from a strong grima, which is constantly applied on the set. But Hall loves to pamper themselves in spas, her favorite procedure includes three stages: peeling, intensive moisturizing and oxygen mask. Another Holly regularly cleans the skin with pink water and, of course, never forgets to apply a sunscreen before going out of the house.

Prepared Margarita Khauxon

Holly Berry - 51 years old, and it looks impeccably. A sortiere story about the fact that in childhood she was a guffic duckling, will not, but enviable press, elastic skin And the hips on the envy of many are the result of tough restrictions.

As a child, the actress was a clever and beauty: the President of the class, the captain of the team of cheerleaders, Miss Teen All-American, and then Miss Ohio. In 1986, she represented the United States at the Miss World Competition, becoming the first African American who spent in this role. And everything was fine, while in 19 years, the girl did not go to whom. Then the doctors found out that Holly Berry is diabetes mellitus of the first type, and this diagnosis has changed everything. The girl revised the lifestyle, and first of all - the food.

"The goal of my diet is to take diabetes under control. I like to feel strong and healthy. I try to abide by four small meals per day. I eat fresh vegetables, chicken, fish and pasta. We do not eat red meat, bread and fruit - there are a lot of sugar in them, "says Holly Berry. Favorite dishes are cereals, tuna on the grill and mashed garlic. In the actress menu, only low-fat products, sugar and minimum of simple carbohydrates.

Berry does not know about what harm sugar can cause the body, so only a sugar substitute is used in her family. The three-year-old son of Masseo and a nine-year-old daughter Fucking from childhood learned the right food behavior, and only the other day of birth, their friends and friends, they can be touched by cakes. "I firmly believe that you need to talk about food already in early age and serve good example Himself, "she is convinced.

The actress drinks a lot of water and protein cocktails when especially occupied on the set. The vegetable protein quenches the feeling of hunger and, according to the actress, it becomes an energy charge for it.

Bond Bond's girlfriend played at 36 years old, the cat's woman - at 38 and in his 50 the roles of seducer looks quite organically. Berry for natural aging and is guided by the postulates about healthy nutrition and the covenants of their fitness trainer. "I was not engaged with a really big weight, only if this did not require a role. For myself, I do a lot of cardio, because I do not want to be too muscular. But the sport was always engaged in sports - this is part of my illness, the key to the control of blood sugar levels, "Berry shares.

The only part of the body, which the actress really "pumps" is the press. Holly Berry highlights it for 30 minutes three times a week.

Believe me, Holly Berry, not the only example so beautiful external view. You can also become an example for others if today begin to follow your meals and play sports.

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