Dog whims, or what should be on the New Year's table. Living room with a festive atmosphere. What color of clothes to choose for New Year's Eve

Decorating an apartment for the New Year 2019 has long been a whole art. The atmosphere of the holiday is created not only by the smell of tangerines and Olivier, but also by early preparation, decoration of the house, in which the whole family can take part. How can it be christmas decor at home?

How to decorate a house for the new 2019 with your own hands

Quantity possible options the decor is countless, but the most important thing in the pre-New Year's bustle is not to overdo it, otherwise numerous details and multi-colored elements will look simply tasteless. To do this, designers advise not to create a "rainbow of colors", but to focus on 1-2 basic shades and 2-3 additional ones, or choose the main idea or style.

Homemade Christmas decorations for windows and walls

First of all, it is customary to focus on oriental calendar, according to which 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This animal, unlike the 2 preceding signs, is characterized by calmness and measuredness, therefore preparation for the holiday should be carried out without haste. You should not start drastic changes, you just need to refresh and decorate the "hearth" a little.

How to decorate a fireplace for the New Year

Given the calm nature of the Dog, it is not surprising that the primary colors should be sober and discreet. That is why the preference for general view the interior should be given a balanced beige, coffee or brown.

Beige brown New Year's interior with white walls

And yet, you can't do without bright New Year's colors - red and green, because this animal knows how to have fun. Since the year is Yellow, it can also be used in jewelry. Fans of "brighter" are invited to replace yellow with a more New Year's - gold.

Festive interior style

It is becoming more and more popular not only to create the interior of a house in a certain style, to which the entire organization of space and objects is subordinated, but also to decorate the holiday. There are many of them, but two main, one might say, radically different options can be distinguished.

Simple festive decor in a country house


It features a large number of details, in which brown, red, green and gold tones prevail, that is, everything that we are all used to. Mandatory elements are balls, cones that can be colored with gold, elegant tree and a large number of multi-colored lights. The presence of a fireplace and tangerines is encouraged. All this creates an incredible fabulous and cozy environment.

Rustic style of New Year's interior


If the interior of the apartment matches modern trends, then you should not deviate far from the chosen style. For decoration, monochromatic garlands are often used, which are hung behind a thin tulle curtain. This way they won't be too intrusive. For a while winter holidays, you can change the usual pillows for others, decorated with New Year's motives.

Modern New Year's decor of the apartment

It is not necessary to use red or green color... You can stop at any pleasant shade. For example, nowadays they often use minimalism in the form of white and black, respectively, decorative elements can be performed in them. Still popular are: turquoise and gold, white and red.

White Christmas trees for modern interiors

Possible New Year's decor of the apartment

Among the elements for decoration there are both familiar attributes and modern innovations. Preferred in this new year's eve there will be decorations made from natural materials, or similar to them in color: cones, branches, spruce, wood, etc.

New year wreath

Classic decoration, most often for front door, can be made in any color and from almost any material. Most often these are: fir branches, cones, beads, multi-colored balls. Now this attribute of the New Year is experiencing a rebirth, and it is made from everything imagination is enough for: paper, tree branches, yarn and fabric, and even living wreaths from the "stone rose" plant. In addition, in order to do it, you can involve all family members, without exception. This will only add to the mood of the upcoming holiday.

Chic homemade Christmas wreath

Christmas tree

Like all other New Year's attributes, the tree is undergoing some changes. Of course, classic version remains live spruce- which is especially to the liking of the Dog. Artificial wood also remains popular. But design as an art does not stand still, and quite often such an interior item is replaced with interesting designs. For example, instead of a tree, you can create an "image" of a Christmas tree on the wall.

Flat tree on a white wall

To do this, use christmas balls, natural boards, garlands and lights, paper and other improvised means. It looks very stylish, discreet and sophisticated.

The queen of the living room - Christmas tree

We decorate windows

They have been decorated for a long time, and for this there are a lot of stickers and all kinds of snowflakes. But you can go further and decorate them in a very interesting way. For this, you can use whole fairy tales or winter landscapes. You just need to cut the drawing you like from white sheet and stick on the window. Another option would be to cut out the stencil and apply the pattern to the window using toothpaste. The advantages of this method: it will not come off, and it is very easy to wash it off the window, unlike tape or glue.

We decorate windows on New Year 2019


The walls are decorated with everything that is possible: snowflakes, balls, wreaths, flags and lights. The only thing that can limit this is fantasy. Again, this largely depends on the overall interior of the house. In a house where there are children, they often resort to brighter and more diverse decorations. It will be very interesting to create flags and snowflakes yourself.

Garlands and pendants for decorating walls and windows for the New Year

If the walls in the room are light, then the same light decor will get lost a little. If you do not want to add bright spots, it will be enough to hang monophonic lights behind a thin tulle on the walls or behind curtains.

We decorate the railing of the stairs and walls in the house


An excellent interior item that can change a room beyond recognition in an instant are regular pillows... They can be used even by those who do not like many small things hung around the house. And also for fans of modern minimalism. There are a huge variety of pillows with almost any print: red, green, multi-colored, in the shape of a snowman or a tree, etc. You can choose for every taste and color. There are also monochrome minimalist options, which nevertheless convey the atmosphere of the holiday with their pattern or shape.

Santa Claus socks and gift pillows for Christmas decor

Table decoration

Since the year of the Yellow Dog is expected, it is advisable to use this color in the design of not only the room, but also the table.

The main item is the tablecloth. If desired, yellow can be replaced with green, gold or orange. If the general mood of the house does not allow this, you can use one trick: cover the table with two layers of tablecloth so that the lower layer slightly peeks out from under the upper one. You can decorate the table generously: candles, bows on cutlery, beautiful napkins etc. Self-embroidered napkins or towels will fit perfectly, since the symbol of the year favors needlewomen.

We decorate the table for the New Year with candles, balls and wreaths

Symbol of the year: yellow dog

A desirable element of New Year's decoration is the symbol of the year itself - the Dog. It can be placed in any suitable place: it can be a figurine on a dresser, a toy under a tree, or a gingerbread in the form of a dog on the table. By the way, you can bake such cookies yourself.

New year yellow dog 2019

When preparing for your favorite holiday, it is worth considering that a self-decorated house may not be ideal and not exactly match the intended picture. In fact, the festive atmosphere begins with the very preparation for the main night of the year, with the minutes spent on this interesting occupation together with family.

Home decoration is the oldest new year tradition... In 2018, power will pass to the Yellow Earth Dog. Feng Shui experts recommend not to lose sight of this important point while decorating your home!

How to properly decorate your home to attract happiness and good luck?

Where to put the Christmas tree for the New Year of the Yellow Dog

A Christmas tree is the most important New Year's attribute. Before the New Year, this festive guest can be seen in every home. You can already purchase Christmas decorations or make them yourself. The most important thing is that this coniferous tree must be present in your home.
Feng Shui experts say that if you buy a Christmas tree, then it must be alive. The fact is that 2018 will be ruled by the elements of the earth, so an artificial tree will only become a decoration for your home, but it will not bring you any benefit. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a living tree, a few coniferous branches will solve the problem, which can be placed in a vase as a supplement to an artificial spruce.
The most suitable place for a New Year tree would be the center of the apartment. From a feng shui point of view, it is in this sector that the energy of your home accumulates. By installing a tree in this area, you can attract good luck in all areas of your life.
If you want to improve your financial position then put the tree in the southeast part of the house.

The southwest side is responsible for love and family well-being. Therefore, if you have a discord in relations with your loved ones or a loved one, then you can put the tree in this sector.
If you want to achieve success in your career or earn the respect of colleagues and superiors, then the south side is the most appropriate place for your Christmas tree. Couples who wish to add to the family should definitely decorate the western part of the house with a festive tree.
Sometimes in life there is simply not enough new changes and adventures, this is what the north-western zone of your house is responsible for.
The north side will help you realize your ideas and achieve new victories.
Place your tree on the northeast side and in 2018 you can gain a lot of new knowledge that will benefit you both at work and in school.
For a person to be happy, he needs to be healthy. By placing the tree on the northeast side, you will provide yourself with protection from diseases for the whole year.
How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 With a huge variety of toys, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. However, do not clutter the tree with decorations - choose the most appropriate one.
First of all, pay attention to the colors of your jewelry. Unlike Fire Rooster The dog doesn't like flashy colors, so go for quieter shades. Your tree must be present Christmas toys shades of yellow, silver, gold and green. It is they who attract the patroness, and your the main objective- to please her tastes.

To make the tree look more magical, in addition to toys, we hang tinsel, rain and garlands on it. Of course, these decorations should be present on your tree, but there should not be many of them. In order for these attributes to be noticeable and make the New Year's beauty unusual, they must be multi-colored.
The earth is the element of a new patroness, therefore natural jewelry... These can be nuts, fruits, cones, or berries.

How to properly decorate a house for the New 2018

After decorating the tree, the question arises of how to properly decorate the house in order to please the new patroness. In fact, this is not difficult to do, it is important to take into account the preferences of the new mistress and avoid things that she does not like.
Any pet should have its own place in the house, where he can just sleep or be alone. To make the new patroness feel that she is a welcome guest in your home, make a small house out of cardboard or buy a dog bed in the store. On New Year's Eve, next to such a decoration, you must put a plate with meat treats. After the New Year, it can be removed, but the house must be left so that the hostess will always help you and provide support throughout the year.

Avoid the cat theme and in no case use toys in the form of cats as decorations, otherwise their hostile relationship with the new owner will affect your well-being.
DIY jewelry will never go out of style. Therefore, you can cut out snowflakes and decorate walls or windows with them. Don't forget about traditional new year characters... Figures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman or deer will also create a cozy atmosphere in your home.
The dog is a family animal and will love it if you decorate the house. family photos... Pictures can also be given festive look using tinsel or garland.
Do not forget to transform the table at which all your loved ones will gather on New Year's Eve, and first of all, get a new tablecloth. It should not be conspicuous and attract attention, so choose lighter ones, preferably pastel shades... Don't forget to place a large plate of tangerines in the middle of the table.

In the winter frosty days we can often see patterns on our windows. You can do exactly the same in your home. To do this, you only need a blue or White paint and brushes. Your children may like this activity, because, perhaps, it will be the beginning of their creative success.
Doors are decorated much less often than windows or walls. You can use rain as their decoration, or hang a Christmas wreath from spruce branches which can be decorated with bows or small Christmas balls.

It's nice to prepare for the New Year and wait for some bright changes in fate. The year 2018 will be held under the sign of the Earthy Yellow Dog - the kindest and true friend person. Maybe it is in 2018 that the world will finally find a real patron and everything will be just fine. No eccentric grimaces of the Monkey, Dragon fire or sly antics of the Rat. The dog is not capable of harming a person - it is so focused on its Great Friend that prosperity awaits all of us. It is only important to love your patron - sincerely, from the bottom of your heart and understand that it is difficult to find the best companion - remember the words of Rosenbaum:

The more I get to know people

The more tenderness for dogs

Various types and colors,

Tailless, bobbed, shaggy ...

It is not simple sincere words love for our very friends and companions, and a real song is a panegyric in their honor. So, looking forward to 2018, we will think together how to repay these kind and loyal creatures who are ready to stand up for us at any moment.

Generous Yellow Earth Dog promises wonderful year- a little noisy, but very cheerful and kind, so it is worth meeting him in the circle of his bosom friends. Let the party be great meeting like-minded people, let everyone rejoice, sing and have fun. Remember your childhood, when you with great pleasure rushed into the street with your beloved dog and could spend hours there playing noisy catch-up. New Year's program rest, let it be just the same nostalgia - bright, cheerful and intense.

The mood of all your guests will be as upbeat and carefree as your pets, to whom you sincerely give the happiness of satiety and care. It is also worth planning a very rich table - Dogs love sweets much more than other signs, they know how to appreciate not only excellent brain bones, but also a variety of sweets. So let your table burst with food as never before, let it be a lot great drinks- the heady ones will also come in handy, your patron will not refuse wine!

Now a few words on how to arrange all this. Since the Yellow Earth Dog is waiting for us, decorate the room with greenery and gold. These colors go well with each other, it is in this style that you should choose an outfit. Forget about flashy reds for a while, we are all already a little tired of bright shades, it is more comfortable for eyes to look at green and yellow colors.

On this page we will tell you how to meet and what to cook for the New Year of the Dog 2018.

Horoscope for the year of the Dog 2018 for all signs.

Good calm year for those who sincerely understand and feel Dogs. Conflicts can arise only if you yourself want them. So get ready for a peaceful and comfortable coexistence with all the people around you. By the way, as claims chinese horoscope, in 2018, many feuds and disputes will subside. People will be more inclined to mutual understanding and problem solving, crises will die out. Even Nature will try not to present trouble. We are waiting for a peaceful and happy year for all signs of the zodiac. This year you can successfully start a family, become successful at work and generally be active in all respects.

This year will be successful for those who dream of getting rid of bad habits and is willing to work well. All conditions will be created for you - a lot positive emotions and tranquility in everything. Work with pleasure and you will receive decent result... It is also interesting that despite the striking difference between the characters of all the signs of the zodiac, everyone is guaranteed a brilliant future only with your only desire to work.

Aries needs to prepare for changes in life, you will be energetic and adventurous. Success awaits you in the spring, then it is in your power to consolidate it.

Taurus, set realistic plans for yourself, the year is busy and difficult, try to reassess your values.

Gemini, get busy family affairs, put them in order, set yourself a goal to do everything before May of this year, because later your energy will decline.

Cancers will be very careful and prudent, they burned a little in milk and are now blowing into the water. Offers pleasant meeting with the past.

The lions have planned big changes in life, you will have many very useful meetings and acquaintances. Feel free to embark on a new path, success awaits you.

Virgo who know how to calculate and save everything will do an excellent job with doubts and will be able to accept correct solution... By the way, in personal life everything is fine!

The Libra will handle all the tasks this year, even if the goals are quite lofty. Feel free to buy real estate and work.

The year for Scorpios will begin with a reorganization of personal time. Just start new life and everything will work out.

Sagittarius in the Year of the Dog will be able to captivate many followers, maybe you should start a new business or get into politics? Fantastic success awaits you.

Capricorns will set too high standards, whether they can succeed - now depends only on their performance. In the spring, a romantic hobby awaits you, so maybe this is love?

A very good year for Aquarius, do not try to work all the time, it's time to rest. By the end of the year, you can start something new, you are guaranteed success.

Pisces awaits a slightly dangerous romance adventure on the side, in all other respects everything is stable and almost flawless.

Ended up too active years held under the auspices of an aggressive red color, calmness and serenity await us. No conflicts and worries, it's time to put your feelings, relationships in order and just take a break from the crisis that reigned not only in politics and the world, but also in the hearts of people. At some point, calm must come. So the Year of the Earth Dog will bring such a peaceful coexistence to all previously conflicting parties.

After shocks and hardships, everyone will want to become a little more tender and caring, wipe away tears and seek compromises instead of swearing and arguing, proving their innocence with foaming at the mouth. And if the beginning of the year is still under the influence of an ambitious and purposeful Red Rooster, which has not yet faded away, then from May everything becomes completely calm and peaceful.

The Year of the Dog 2018 guarantees you excellent family relationships, fall in love and have children, the families created this year will live happily and for a long time, everything will be perfect for them.

All zodiac signs are guaranteed career if you are hardworking and know how to find wise decisions. You will be able to get along even with your former opponents, there is something magical in this combination of the warmth of the Dog's color and its binding to the ground. We are confident that the year is unique in all respects, use the opportunities that have fallen to you and receive long-deserved awards.

An interesting fact is that in the year of the Dog there can be small shocks and "tests of strength", and yet the year promises well-being and success in everything. An amazing year for all of us, inhabitants of the Earth, be active and enterprising and get satisfaction in everything, no matter what sign of the zodiac you were born under.

And to make the year especially successful and favorable for you, it is worth meeting it in the appropriate outfit for the Dog. Don't forget about a bottle of champagne, the cork of which should be sent up in the air at midnight.

There is no need to talk about the table - Dogs love to eat well and tasty, let them be like meat dishes, after all, fish delicacies. If last year it was advised not to get carried away with chicken dishes, today everything is allowed.

We wish to use one of the signs, without exception - try to make a change of dishes and drinks exactly at midnight, luck will favor you all next year.

If you could not completely change your outfit, then let you have at least one piece of a completely new toilet - this will bring you wealth.

As soon as the Chimes struck, and you bring a glass of champagne to your lips, make a mental guess cherished desire this year - it will definitely come true!

The Yellow Earth Dog requires special attention to the choice of clothing colors. All gold and sunny shades... Shades from the Earth are brown, beige, a little orange, but by no means flashy, but muffled, just warm. You can choose black as a contrast. But in minimal quantities.

Now everything to do with in green... This is a very dangerous shade, the wrong palette can spoil your complexion so much that you do not recognize yourself. No cold shades, everything is as warm and full of the sun as possible. In a suit or dress of this color, you can appear at the celebration of the change of years.

Jewelry can be contrasting - gold, ceramics, metal. Choose stylish and not very pretentious items to decorate your festive costume... The dog does not recognize tinsel and too bright things, even in jewelry. Everything is modest, very stylish and well thought out. By the way, consider a boho dress. If fashion designers are of the opinion that it is best to wear formal suit or dress with not too short skirt midi, then you can afford a well-styled suit with a vest, plaid shirt and numerous lace ornaments, they are inexpensive, but the colors and style are perfect for the Dog.

Photo: New Year of the Dog 2018: how to meet, what to cook?

How to decorate a house and what can be added besides a Christmas tree - a traditional New Year tree. It is clear that this year will have to buy new tinsel- yellow, white, beige. So the style sets, again, the shade of the earth. And since everything is connected with the earth, then install large floor vases and place Christmas tree paws in them, such floor containers will look very rich and fashionable. You can also place ceramic dogs here or Stuffed Toys- original, unusual, beautiful. Let the friends of a person sit and lie under the tree this year, they can take quite a lot of space and not only on the floor.

Put a yellow tablecloth on the table or combine two or three contrasting color(green + yellow), (green + brown + yellow).

Place dogs around the house different sizes and color do not forget about the fact that they need to tie beautiful collars, bows.

What to wear for New Year of the Dog 2018?

It's so nice that you need to celebrate the new 2018 in dresses and suits of a color dear to your heart, which is absolutely this. Nothing screaming, too accented and bright, the Rooster got his mouth shut, the Monkey made a noise and galloped away, with you strong and clever dog... Only natural fabrics, no synthetics, forget about unpleasant metallic fabrics, choose silk, velvet, wool.

Now in shades - not all burning blondes will be happy pastel colors in clothes, but do not forget about the fact that a dog can be beautiful bright shade... So you are offered all the colors of the rainbow except blue and red, they can be used as a small bright decoration, ate well, I really want to put on an emerald necklace or a ruby ​​necklace. May topaz and diamonds sparkle on you this year, jewelry made of gold will do, and we will postpone the rest until next year.

Let's remember our first beloved dog and try to create the style of your home just for her, let everything remind you of that friend who once sincerely gave you love and happiness.

A room decorated warmly and beautifully, but in your new dress, you shouldn't go missing in this muted color. So against the backdrop of greenery and yellow jewelry choose something more contrasting. We asked too much difficult task you say? But there are so many shades of yellow and green that it will be enough for decorating a room for receiving guests, and for a costume in which you will look stunning.

The only condition is to try to forget about the drawings and prints on the dress, reminiscent of the obvious enemies of the Dog. Let all representatives of the cat family be with you in a year, but for now, preferences are only for Dogs and their habits. This is not at all difficult, because the Dog allows you to use fabrics for dresses and suits not only in plain colors, but also with any patterns, except for cats.

The nature of the dress can be anything. Just forget a little about your desire to show off. It is fashionable to be stylish and independent this year. The dog is ready to play if there is a corresponding disorder. So try to imagine yourself “in the skin of a Dog - and you will be the center of attention of the guests.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Graceful style
  • The nature of the dress that perfectly reflects your attitude
  • Very few awards (decorations)

The suit or dress that you chose for the New Year should be comfortable, no fluffy skirts and corsets. Unless you intend to appear in the cutest poodle costume - these items can be somewhat extravagant, but in no case interfere with movement and you should try to make your costume for the New Year's meeting exquisitely simple, minimalism has a lot of attractiveness.

We do not forget about what in any case - we will try to refuse corsets, trains and all kinds of frills. The dress should be well thought out, simple enough, and yet very stylish. A dog is an earthly and open creature, so you shouldn't hide in brocade and lurex. Stop your choice on modern environmentally friendly fabrics and the symbol of the year will welcome you with open arms.

And it will be easy and pleasant for you to move in a noisy crowd of guests if the suit is comfortable and does not interfere with games and entertainment. Here are the fabrics you can use this year

  • silk,
  • satin stretch,
  • thin gabardine,
  • jersey.

How to decorate your new outfit? Lace, embroidery, beautiful prints. The dress for the New Year can be either long or short, choose a trouser suit if you so desire. The color and quality of the fabric are important, remember everything about nature and walking. Where can you go with your friend:

  • Swamp - gray-green and brown tones
  • Our sky is blue, and against its background there are wonderful herbs
  • Summer meadow is generally a play of colors in a huge amount
  • Well, against the backdrop of all this splendor - your unique image

We have already talked about felines and their symbols on clothes. This topic has been discussed and everything is clear that we will not use the "true enemies" of the Dogs in any form - neither in jewelry, nor in designs on clothes. Save your wonderful clothes of the feline year, and now we use the services and influence on your spirit of the Dog's aura.

Photo: New Year 2018. How to meet, what to cook?

Fashion does not dictate strict dresses and suits to the owners of the year. The only thing you can afford is bolder models - with deep neckline and dossier. With one sleeve - that's it, it seems. What mod has to offer you - original costumes and dresses, so this is to diversify and decorate a new one holiday outfit chic accessories. By the way, this is great, because sometimes with the help of unusual accessories you can make any outfit unique. So choose jewelry carefully and with deep meaning, then your diligence will notice the symbol of the year and will be especially supportive to you. Shoes are made only from natural materials, you should forget about very high heels for a while. Preferred shoes from:

  • Suede
  • Textiles
  • Patent leather

You can hold a clutch bag or a small accessory over your shoulder in your hands. You shouldn't add anything else to the outfit.

A few words about jewelry and jewelry. Choose only quality and expensive jewelry:

  • Gold
  • Amber
  • Gemstones in warm colors
  • Wood
  • Bone

Now you immediately understand why the boho style has already been mentioned. The safari style will also look good, as if it exactly matches the mood of the Year of the Dog.

The costume will tell you what to do with makeup and hair. No fancy structures on the head, the makeup is calm and dim. Matte powder and a little blush, as if you are returning from a suburban walk. The lips shimmer slightly and are half open, as if you are still a little out of breath. Earth Dog will appreciate your look, let it be natural and light. You can leave some dramatic high slits on the skirt in your outfit, but still try to look less provocative.

By the way, a small addition to jewelry - try not to use chains, the Dog has a negative attitude towards them. Have enough rings, brooches, beads, even hairpins, are welcome beautiful earrings and bracelets. And keep in mind that this time there should be an even number of decorations.

What to cook for New Year of the Dog 2018?

A responsible task is to choose the right dishes for New Year's feast... It's good that the Dog is omnivorous and there are no restrictions, as, for example, in the previous year, when it was not recommended to use poultry meat in any way. It's good that you could put a Christmas goose or Peking duck on the table. Although the Rooster is a suspicious bird, so almost all housewives have excluded treats from their festive menu, dishes made from poultry meat.

The dog will accept absolutely everything, choose any meat, fish and vegetables. It will be quite easy for you to compose good list dishes even from those dishes that you prepare for your household every day. Let your favorite dishes and delicacies stand in the center of the table, add more decorations and everything will look great.

Cooking pork, lamb and beef for a long time, you can not fry the meat, but cook something in the form of a stew. Such dishes are perfectly heated in portions, so that a late guest will also learn his portion of hot.

Perfect for a holiday rabbit or chicken, this meat is prepared quickly, the result is always excellent, even a novice young housewife will be able to cook a wonderful hot dish from such meat. Pay attention to the suggestions of nearby restaurants, why not take advantage of the hot food of restaurant preparation for the New Year's celebration, the courier will bring everything to the table at the exact time specified.

Fish dishes will look great on the table - they can be placed in any quantity. So let you have hot fish snacks, newfangled rolls and sushi and even aspic. Fish cooks quickly special efforts you will not find in cooking, except to remove all small bones. So it is imperative to diversify the menu with fish.

What to cook for New Year of the Dog 2018? How to celebrate New Year 2018?

Vegetables and fruits in any quantity and any preparation. The Earth Dog is very fond of vegetables, and will not come from fruits. So you can diversify the table and include wonderful snacks from any vegetables in the menu. If going big company, then let there be a lot of salads, they are easy to prepare, look beautiful and you can put them not in large salad bowls, but in bowls for each guest individually or in small canapes.

Now about desserts and sweets. Be sure to cook a few sweet dishes, believe that the mascot of the year can eat a lot of sweets - all dogs have a terrible sweet tooth. You can bake a lot of cookies and cakes yourself, you can order a special beautiful cake with mastic - such cakes are in vogue today. Don't forget about creams, jellies, and sweets with whipped cream. And pay attention to the fact that there are a lot of different fruits.

Drinks for the New Year 2018: How to meet, what to cook for the New Year 2018?

Drinks, this is what you should pay attention to - it is advisable to serve a new drink for each dish. Everyone already knows that it is worth starting a party with entre - small canapes with something light and appetizing. Later, a little later, you will be served good white wine with the fish, and red wine will be served with the meat - viscous, slightly heavy, but very tasty and aromatic.

And to end the party is worth sweet liqueurs or cognac for coffee. Here the hostess can show her talent in all its glory - a lot of small cakes "for one bite" or a big cake, or homemade pies. The main thing is that everything is so tasty, appetizing and varied.

Photo: how to meet, what to cook for the New Year of the Dog 2018?

The apotheosis of the holiday is champagne to the chimes. Do not forget that our lesser friends cannot stand the sound of firecrackers. Try to save their nervous ears, and this year do not waste time and money on fireworks and explosions. Let the year begin very calmly and quietly, family-wise. And how you continue the celebration is up to you. Let there be lots of games and fun. Let there be dancing and music. You can organize multiple contests and turn your party into a real talent show.

As soon as you go from home to the street (in case of fine weather), then you can spend several fun fortune-telling and get signs for next year. For example, if you see a man behind a gate or fence, a wonderful year awaits you.

So, try to discreetly put a bill under the tablecloth (so that money all year round... Also, at least one thing from the serving must be new.

And now we unpack the gifts that your friends have prepared for you, which you have also already put under the Christmas tree for guests.

What not to give - chains soft cat toys... Do not buy perfumes with a pungent smell as a gift. We certainly congratulate everyone on the New Year, the more kind words you say to people, the kinder the coming year will be.

Wish everyone good and fulfillment of all desires, try to be kinder and more joyful, your smiles will pay off a hundredfold and return to you during the year as many times as you wish. May the coming year of the Earth Dog completely turn your life around, may all your dreams come true and you will succeed. Kind symbol years is able to work miracles, the dog is the most best friend person, so that in 2018 we will only wait for good deeds and do the same ourselves.

Tips for decorating a home for the New Year 2018 - the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

On New Year's Eve, each family strives to decorate the interior of their home, creating the most comfortable and fabulous atmosphere. But do not forget that the atmosphere in the apartment / house should not only be cozy and festive, but also correspond to the New Year'ssubject. We are talking specifically about the New Year 2018, which will be hosted by the Yellow Earth Dog. By waking up your inexhaustible imagination and showing creativity, you, for sure, can create unique decorations for the interior.

In order for the Yellow Earth Dog to be supportive of you and help you in everything, follow some recommendations in the process of decorating your home for the New Year.
1. Make a small booth from cardboard or plasticine - a house for the hostess of the year. In other words, make her an impromptu place to sleep. Completely copy a real dog shelter. Inside the booth, you can lay a soft mattress, put a plate with treats for the dog next to it. As a rule, it is a fragrant bone with pieces of meat.
2. Since the Dog is the defender of its territory, decorative (or real barn) locks can be hung on the doors (entrance and interior). Thus, you will show the Dog that all the doors are locked and ill-wishers will not be able to get into the house.
3. Decorate the windows with drawings of dogs. Images can be drawn directly on glass using gouache or on a sheet of paper watercolors and attach to the window.
4. In 2018, do not use figurines of cats as decorations. Dogs, as you know, are not friends with these representatives of the fauna. The patroness of the year can take great offense at you and will not protect you from failure.
5. Do not forget that in 2018 it will be the Yellow Earth Dog that will rule. The element of the earth in New Year's decorations for the interior can be displayed in the use of a kind of stand, with which it is supposed to fix a natural spruce. Use not the usual "sacrum" stand, but a container (bucket, basin) filled with earth and sand.

6. Pull the ropes around the perimeter of the ceilings, on which you fasten decorations in the form of fir branches with cones. To add creativity and make these decorations the most suitable for celebrating the Year of the Dog, paint some of the branches golden and / or yellow colors... This can be done using regular paint or special graffiti sprays.
7. You can also please the patroness of the year in a radical way. If you are sure that one of your family members has long dreamed of a four-legged friend, give him a puppy. For this, of course, you need to know what breed and color the pet should be. Provided that you know all the specified parameters, feel free to give a live puppy. The Dog will definitely note such self-respect and will become the real guardian of your home.

What is the first thing to remember?

A mix of styles, decorating the room for the New Year 2018, is unlikely to be done, since the Dog honors traditions, including family and collective ones. And every family, collective has relics (memorabilia). These can be old photographs and portraits shrouded in a haze of warmmemories, coin collections, jewelry and even household items. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the main attributes for interior decoration from the listed things.
For example, household appliances can be placed on pedestals and window sills, and photographs and portraits can be hung on the walls. Concerning jewelry, they can be put in beautiful boxes, which can be placed in prominent places in the room where thecelebration. Vintage jewelry is a great idea.

You can decorate a house / apartment with rare gizmos or just objects that were used during the existence of the USSR:
... pioneer horns and ties;
... badges (Komsomol members and Octobrists);
... old-style alarm clocks and kitchen utensils;
... radio receivers;
... gramophone records and tape cassettes.

What colors and materials should you use?

To appease the hostess of 2018, the use of following colors:
... yellow;
... golden;
... brown;
... white;
... green;
... coffee;
... olive;
... ocher;
... beige.

When decorating your interior, give preference to one, two or at most three primary colors. Firstly, the jewelry will look stylish, and secondly, you will pay tribute to European fashion, in which it is customary to use one, two or three colors.
Make sure that the primary colors do not "compete" with each other, as well as with other colors and their shades. For crafts, try to use natural materials- clay, paper, wood, minerals, stones, etc.

How without New Year's beauty- Christmas trees ?!You should not install an artificial spruce in the house. After all, the coming year is protected by the elements of the earth. And this means that the interior should contain as many objects as possible, one way or another personifying nature. Moreover,a real tree will spread an incredible coniferous aroma throughout the premises, which is able to tone up and improve the mood.

Additional decorations

In addition to the relics listed above that make up family traditions, you can and should use other attributes of the holiday. Strange as it may sound, but in the Year of the Dog, traditional New Year's decorations will be endowed with the status of "additional".
The main thing here is to withstand a certain color range... The following are suitable as such decorations:
... figurines and drawings of dogs and puppies;
... Garlands;
... Christmas tree toys (old can be used);
... pine twigs and cones;
... tinsel;
... confetti;
... serpentine;
... rain;
. artificial snow for decorating a Christmas tree (pastes, powders, aerosols) or ordinary cotton wool, as in the good old days.

Imagine, experiment, and then feel free to start decorating the interior for the New Year's festivities. Show creativity and non-standard ideas hostess the coming year will certainly be delighted and fulfill your most cherished dreams!

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2018 a year will pass under the auspices of a dog. This means that an attribute of the coming year must be present in the apartment. How to decorate your apartment for the New Year 2018 will be discussed in this review.

The predominant shades in jewelry should be gold and yellow, because this will be the year of the Yellow Dog. Of course, when celebrating the new year, you cannot do without a Christmas tree.

Try to install a living tree, not an artificial substitute. This will give the owner of the house prosperity along with good mood... Decorate Christmas tree bright toys gold, orange and yellow shades... Let it have a lot of lights and be sure to have a dog figurine.

How to decorate an apartment yourself?

Pay special attention to window decoration. Designers recommend sticking on them not only standard white snowflakes, but diluting them with purple and gold.

There is non-standard way jewelry for which you will need:

- Toothpaste;

- New Year stencils;

Dilute toothpaste with water and, using stencils, paint the resulting mixture on the window. Connect the children to the process, it will give them unprecedented joy and pleasure. If you don't want to waste time painting, buy ready-made stickers for windows, adding artificial snow sprayed from a spray can on the glass to the decoration.

See also:

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018

Candles for the new year 2018

The use of designer candles creates a unique atmosphere in the house. They breathe with mystery and a fairy tale. Place the candles in the pine branches on the shelves. You can make your own candlesticks by decorating them in the colors of the coming year. However, the use of candles in a home with children is problematic from a safety point of view.

How to decorate the kitchen for the new 2018?

Every room needs to be dressed up for the main holiday of the year, and the kitchen is no exception. As a rule, in the kitchen, most people see off the outgoing year with a gala dinner and meet the coming one.

Walls, ceilings and windows are in need of decoration. You can make a festive patch for chairs and tablecloths. You can use a red tablecloth with beige or gold edging.

Place a statuette with the symbol of the coming year and a composition of pine branches in the middle of the table. In general, you can decorate the whole room with branches with cones. Try not to overdo it with tinsel and furnishings that can impede movement.

Room decoration for the new year

In the independent decoration of apartments and houses for the celebration of the New Year, the Christmas tree takes the leading position. Every person associates this holiday with the smell of spruce and tangerines. If your room is not able to accommodate a New Year's tree, you can always replace it with branches, which can be easily purchased at softwood sales points.

See also:

Decorations on paper windows for the New Year 2018. Stencils, templates

Great help with creation New Year's atmosphere snowflakes, garlands and candles. You can make snowflakes with your own hands, or you can buy ready-made ones in stores. There are countless garlands and candles on sale before the holiday. These days, the design of these jewelry does not stand still. Every year there are different options: garlands in the form of balls, angels and hearts.

Bedroom decoration

With the decoration of this room, you need to be as delicate as possible so that the festive atmosphere does not drown out the feelings of calm and tranquility. Do not use "flashy" and shiny elements. Try to exclude tinsel, rain. Take advantage of dim light bulbs, scented candles, decorative figurines, and large Christmas balls. By the way, the balls can be hung directly on the chandelier, which will give it expressiveness.

Living room with a festive atmosphere

The days of advice on decorating a living room are long gone. Nowadays, everything is decorated in its own way. However, the unchanged attribute is still holiday tree... Some prefer artificial trees, others buy natural ones every year. The inclination towards the artificial tree is explained by the fact that it does not crumble and does not smell (some simply do not tolerate the coniferous smell).