Fun in kindergarten is our friendly family. Fun for Family Day in kindergarten. Scenario. Competition "Tell a proverb about the family"


Introduction of parents to joint activities with children in a preschool educational institution;

Strengthening parent-child relationships;

Contribute to the education of mutual understanding, a benevolent attitude towards each other;

To help the formation of moral ideas about intrafamily relations, to unite children and parents.

Location: music hall.

Participants: presenter, children and parents.

Parents with children enter the hall and take tickets: red and green, with which they are divided into teams

Leading: good evening, dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers!

Good evening guys!

I am glad to welcome you with our family fun"Our friendly family"

Today our program is dedicated to all of you: old and young, adults and children!

We are gathered here to once again tell everyone what friendly families our children have and how friendly we are all together with you.

A. To confirm this, we will hold several competitions.

We have two teams, I suggest you come up with names for them.

(the host calls the team members and selects the captains)

So we met. Now I want to introduce you to a jury that will evaluate all competitions and determine the winners.

1. Kandalintseva Tatiana Alexandrovna.

2. Deryazhnaya Tatiana Alexandrovna

3. Kletneva Maria Yurievna.

The game is a fun companion of our whole life. After all, any new life role, any difficult actions, it is best to begin to master "playfully", thanks to this, the result is better.

I invite everyone to play the game. This is our first competition

To the music, both teams play a game of "who is the first to sit on the chair"?

The jury evaluates.

Competition "Tell a proverb about the family"

When the family is together, and…. (soul in place)

House to lead - not…. (shake hands)

Children are not a burden, but…. (in joy)

Family is not okay…. (will lead to trouble)

Presenter: the jury will evaluate the performance, and we will play with the audience.

Active viewers receive points, which they can then present to their favorite team.

(the presenter names negative words, the children replace with positive ones)

Game "Change the word"

Evil (good)

Cheating (true)

Rudeness (politeness)

Hate (love)

Well done boys! These words are magic.

When goodness reigns in a family, truth, politeness and love for each other, it is strong and prosperous.

(The presenter offers 1-2 points to the teams)

3 competition

Each team is offered two proverbs (text on the card)

You need to show your proverb with a pantomime.

Seven don't wait for one.

Don't dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it.

The one who laughs last laughs.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

Leading. The jury counts the points, and we watch the dance performed by our children "Bow sponges".

Dance "Lips with a bow"

The next competition "What should we build a house"

Before you are easels. On clear sheet paper.

And there are markers near you. At the signal, you must take a marker, run to the easel and draw one detail of the house, then run to your team and pass the marker to the next player. And so on until your house is drawn. The team that draws it quickly and as beautifully as possible will win. All team members participate.

The host praises the participants.

In the meantime, the jury sums up our musical pause.

Summing up.

The next competition is very simple, it is called "Guess the Fairy Tale"

The description of the fairy tale is read out in the competition. And the participants must guess its name. Each team responds in turn. If the team does not know, the question goes to the opponents.

I listened to the fox's advice

Sat on the river until dawn.

I really didn't catch the fish

Only the tail, the poor fellow has lost.

("The Wolf and the Fox")

In what Russian folk tale did the brother disobey his sister, once violated the sanitary and hygienic rules and paid dearly for it?

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

What is the name of the boy who needed to put together the word "forever" from pieces of ice? (kai)

What is the name of the tale in which, thanks to friendly work the whole family managed to harvest a large crop ("Turnip")

In what Russian folk tale are the problems of housing solved or, speaking in a clever adult language, the problems of housing and communal services?


You have coped very well with the tasks! Well done!

And now the children will play.

"A Lesson in Courtesy" The participants are children. We answer in chorus.

You need to continue:

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word…. (thanks)

The old tree stump will turn green

When he hears ... (good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore

Let's tell mom we ... (thanks)

The boy is polite and development

Speaks when meeting…. (Hello)

When we are scolded for pranks

We say ... (forgive me please)

Both in France and in Denmark

Say goodbye ... (goodbye)

Well done!

And now the last one competition "My dancing family"

Guys invite their parents to dance in a circle.

Everyone is doing the dance of the little ducklings.

Leading. So our meeting has come to an end! The game was attended by the most daring, dexterous skillful!

According to the jury, friendship won.

Well done who played.

Today you learned about the main family treasures.

This is joint work, rest, sports.

The main thing is that whatever you do, you have always been together.

As in every fairy tale, a reward awaits us at the end of the journey. Reward your knowledge and good mood... Now you know a lot of games, proverbs that will help you at home with your family not only train attention, but also pay more attention to each other!

And now I invite the participants to the group where a festive table awaits us.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Zelenogorsk kindergarten No. 6 of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the social and personal direction of development of pupils"
Senior educator
Yantsen Olga Alexandrovna;
Musical director
Zimina Irina Vladimirovna
Entertainment "We are together" together with the family for older children.

Software content:
1. Form an idea of ​​the family world as people living together: dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister; trusting parent-child relationship.
2. Promote the development of understanding, mutual assistance in family life.
3. Create conditions for the development of free communication between adults and children in the course of joint activities.

Download abstract

4. evoke interest, emotional response, a sense of pride and respect for their loved ones.

Equipment: chest, ropes, colored cubes, 2 bags, scissors according to the number of participants, colored paper, tables, projector, Cat costume, musical accompaniment(piano, CDs)

Children with their parents go into the hall to a song about the family, sit on the chairs.
Hello dear dad and mom, grandmother and grandfather! We are glad to see you at our family holiday. It's good that we met today. Everyone had a lot of important things to do, but you took the time to visit us for a light. Let's forget about household chores and try to have a good time.
- Who did you come with today? (children's answers)
- This is your family. Do you live amicably with your family? (answers)
- Tell us how you take care of your loved ones? (answers of children and adults)
I would like to make sure whether this is so. And a magic screen will help us with this, which, like in a fairy tale, will show every family.

(viewing family slides)

How wonderful and wonderful everything was. We have already visited the photo fairy tale, and I invite you to Lukomorye.
I know the path to a fairy tale is not a short one,
But we’re not the first time to go on the road.
And you, my guys, moms, dads
Would you like to come with me?
So, I invite you to Lukomorye!

To get us into the fabulous curvature of the sea, we need to walk a difficult path, be attentive, understand and trust each other. You, dear children, need to wear magic glasses. Trust your parents and they will guide you along the cherished path. And you, parents, help the children, suggest how to overcome obstacles.
Let's go around the stumps along the narrow path,
Quietly across the river we will get into a fairy tale!

(Children close their eyes, and adults, holding the hand of children, lead them through obstacles)

- Is it nice to know that there is a reliable and close person?
- Children, was it difficult for you to go with closed eyes?
- Why?
(Enter the Cat from Lukomorye.)
And here I am - a learned Cat,
I walk along the chain.
Magic chest in Lukomorye for the watchman.
And what is so interesting there that you are guarding him?
And if you want to know, you need to pass my tests. But for this you need friendship and mutual assistance. Are you ready to work together? Then let's get started!
I am a fun entertaining cat
And I love to play
All together, get up after me,
I will catch up with my tail.

(Game "Catch the Tail")

- Was it interesting to you? (answers of children and adults)
- Children, was it pleasant for you to play with your relatives?
A start! What good fellows! Together they ran after the tail, like a needle - after a thread!
Children and parents, tell me, do you dance at home? Are you singing? Then you can easily cope with my musical test. Get up all in a circle and repeat after me. But be very careful.

(Singing game "One-two")

Dear adults, you can take note of this game and use it during family holidays... And now I want to test you for strength and dexterity. Who will take apart the cubes faster.
You need to split into 2 teams. I have 2 bags of colored cubes. They must be disassembled by color. Whose team will cope with the task faster, the very friendly and fast. Your team collects… .. cubes, and yours ……….

(Competition "Disassemble the cubes by color")

Ved: Dear Cat. Maybe the chest will open already?
Cat: No, it won't open. Your love, warmth and cordiality are missing.
Ved: What do we need to do?
Cat: I have a magic workshop of hot hearts. Each of you must invent your own heart. There are tools and materials there.

(Children and adults go to the "workshop", cut out the hearts under the guidance of the presenter and the Cat. Then they stand in a circle with the hearts)

Ved: Look what a big, friendly family we have.
Cat: What is a family?

(Children and parents recite a verse about the family, each family line by line)
The family is us. Family is me
The family is my dad and my mom.
Family is ……., Dear brother
Family is my fluffy cat
Family is two dear grandmothers
Family - and my sisters are naughty
The family is a godmother, aunt and uncles
Family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit
Family is a celebration at the round table
Family is happiness, family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember about evil

Cat: Now give your love to each other, exchange your hearts and hug!
(Parents and children exchange hearts, hug) Children and adults sit on high chairs.
Magic music sounds, the Cat opens the chest and gives everyone treats!
Veda: Take care of your families, take care of each other, love your children and parents, help your family and friends in need!
Cat and Veda:
May everyone be healthy and happy!
Entertainment "We are together", together with parents

Development of Prototype in Lesson Notes section and posted on 9th December, 2016
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International family day. Kindergarten script

Fun game for older children preschool age"How Luntik found a family"

Work description:
The material will be useful for both final lesson and for the holiday "International Day of the Family", which is celebrated around the world on May 15.
Family in every person's life takes huge place... For kids, the family is mom and dad, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Instill love and respect for family values you need from childhood to grow up in your family worthy person... One of good ways showing the importance of the family to the child is a family holiday that can be prepared. At such an event, the presence of parents is highly desirable, who can also participate with the children in performances or simply be gracious spectators.

Objectives and goals:

1. Form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together and care for each other.
2. Develop a coherent speech of children, develop the ability to tell and answer questions, develop thinking and memory.
3. Promote the development of benevolence, understanding.
4. Develop a sense of pride in your family, foster a desire to take care of loved ones.

Vocabulary work:

Family, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, relatives.


"Luntik" - a doll or costume;
laptop and projector with screen;
children's drawings on the theme "My family";
family photos with stories from the life of a family of children;
attributes for the game "Who needs what for work":
1). Subject pictures: mom cooks dinner, grandma knits, grandfather catches fish, dad makes a birdhouse.
2). a set of items: for mom (frying pan, spoon, saucepan), for dad (saw, hammer, nail), for grandmother (knitting needles, glasses, a skein of knitting thread), for grandfather (fishing line, float, fish hook).
(All household items for the game must be toys in order to avoid an accident)

Preliminary work:

Reading Russians folk tales"Turnip", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", L. Tolstoy " old grandfather and granddaughters ", a poem by Y. Akim" My relatives "; drawing with children on the theme" My family "; learning poems about mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother; learning a song with a group of girls" About my family ".

Musical row:

1. Song "About my family" (free and free download from the Internet + lyrics)
2. Background music screensavers for games and physical minutes (at your discretion).
Hello my friends!
I am glad to meet our.
We got together this time
To listen to your story,
Do you have many relatives?
Children, I know for sure
everyone has a family!
At a mouse and a kitten,
The elephant and the piglet ...
What should I list them all?
You should be aware of this.
On the whole planet "Earth"
Everybody has a family!

(sobbing and crying are heard outside the door)

What happened? I don’t understand!
Children, didn’t it seem to me?
Someone is crying outside the door.
We need to help him!

(Luntik enters, he is crying)

Luntik! Hello, what's the matter with you?
Are you so very sad?
Tell us quickly
You are among your friends!

After all, I came to you from the moon
And I didn’t see my family.
I have no one.
Children, where is my family?
What a dear word
Say "family"?
Maybe she will be found
Is that family for me too?
(Poetry own composition, author S. Yagunova)

Don't cry, dear Luntik! Of course, we will tell you what it means. dear word- "a family". Tell me, children, what is a family? What do you think?

(Children answer something like this: Family is when everyone lives in the same house. Family is when there is a mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister. They live together, everyone in the family takes care of each other.)

Family photos.

Today the children brought family photographs for the holiday and now they will tell what is shown in these photographs.

(Photos are reproduced by the projector on the screen. Three children are enough to talk about their family photos)

For example:

1. In my photo my family is in the evening. Mom sets dinner on the table, dad reads the newspaper, and my sister and I play. Grandparents are watching TV.
2. In my photo, our family is working. Mom washes the window, I dust off, and Dad and his brother are fixing toys.
3. In my photo, our family is on vacation. On Sunday, we rested on the lake. Dad and brother set up a tent. Grandpa is going fishing, and mom and grandmother are making a fire and going to cook porridge.

Well done, children, you talked very interestingly about the family. Now, let's play. Luntik, you, too, come play with us.

Physical minute.

(They perform movements along the text. The teacher is given the opportunity to come up with the movements accompanying the text himself)
I live in my family.
I help as much as I can.
Mom cooked cabbage soup in the morning,
And the father was chopping wood,
Grandma knitted socks.
Grandfather caught fish in the morning.
Although I am very small,
But, as he could, he helped.
Mom cook cabbage soup in the morning,
And to chop wood for my father.
Grandma knit socks.
Grandpa to dig worms.
The whole family is very happy
What a glorious helper I am!
(Own composition, author S. Yagunov)

Bravo! We moved a little. Take your seats. The children have prepared poems about their relatives, let's listen.

1 child:
Mom and Dad are my relatives,
No dearer than relatives I have.
And a sister and a brother.
And a lop-eared puppy "Tishka".
I love my relatives very much! ..
And I also have a friend
My friend Seryozhka is also related to me.
I run to him in the morning,
Without him, the game is not a game for me ...
(Author Ya.Akim)

2 child:
There are many mothers in this world.
Children love them all with their souls.
Only mom is one
She is dearer to me than everyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy!
(Author V.Russu)

3 child:
My very grandmother
Mommy, I love
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead a gray strand.
I just want to touch
And then kiss.
(E. Blaginina)

4 child:
We are with you, grandfather, friends,
Where are you, there I am.
We go fishing together
I’m running, and you’re on the roll.
We collect raspberries:
You are from the bush, I am from the basket.
Only you have no doubts
The best grandfather in the world!
(A. Gromova)

5 child:
My brother was born.
I am, of course, very happy.
Only this brother
Doesn't get out of bed.
Time goes by slowly.
For a long time my brother grows
But I already know -
I do not have tea in it!
I'm not rushing him!
I love him anyway!
He is so good.
He's a little bit on me ...
Like me.
(G. Solomatin)

Thanks guys! You read very good poems to us. Now let's do finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
But this finger is me,
A friendly family together!

Game "Who needs what for work"

Let's play with you the game "Who needs what they need for work."
(4 children take part in the game. They come up to the teacher and choose one picture with a plot image.
1. Mom is making dinner.
2. Dad makes a birdhouse.
3. Grandma knits.
4. Grandpa is fishing.
There are household items on the table: a frying pan, a spoon, a saucepan, a saw, a hammer, a nail, knitting needles, glasses, a skein of knitting thread, fishing line, a float, a fish hook).

Purpose of the game: each of the players must collect a set of items for their picture:
For cooking - for mom, for making a birdhouse - for dad, for fishing - for grandfather, for knitting - for grandmother.

Leading: Well done children, they tried, they collected all the items correctly.

Children's drawings on the theme "My family"

Leading: And now we will see how you performed homework... You were asked to draw a picture about your family and come up with short story according to the picture.
We look at the screen, we recognize our drawing and tell what is drawn.
(about 3 - 4 pictures will be enough)
Thank you children, you have very good drawings and you told us wonderful about your family.

Municipal preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten combined type

No. 96 "Sosenka" of the city of Arkhangelsk

Entertainment "Family Day or Family Day"

Held by: educator

Mitkina Evgeniya Pavlovna




To form in children a belief about the importance of the family, about the role of the family in human life, an idea of ​​the importance of each family member;

Expand children's understanding of the responsibilities of family members, family traditions and values;

To form in children the idea of ​​the family as people who love each other, care about each other;

Promote the development of close emotional contacts in families of pupils through development family creativity and joint activities;

Development of cooperation between kindergarten and family;

To foster in children a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family.

Preliminary work with children and parents: to give task for each family to make a computer presentation “My family tree"And a poster on the theme" Family leisure"; distribute poetry to children to memorize.

Equipment: multimedia installation, laptop; Balloons; music center, CDs with children's songs; posters with the statements “Parents are the first educators”, “It's great that we are all gathered here today”, “When the family is together, the soul is in place”; vegetables for test No. 3; Whatman A1, felt-tip pens, gouache, brushes, pencils - for test No. 5.

Course of the lesson:

Parents are sitting in the hall. To the music "I, you, he, she - together the whole country ..." children rush in. They stand facing their parents and dance. Zlyuka Mazyuka runs in next.

Malice-Mazyuka: What are you all gathered here? A-ah-ah? ( We have a holiday)

Malice-Mazyuka: What a holiday? ( Family day )

Malice-Mazyuka: And what is there to celebrate? What kind of holiday is this? What is so important and festive about a family? ( Answers of children)

Malice-Mazyuka: But I think that there is nothing to even talk about, let alone arrange a holiday! Tell me about the family!

Children recite verses about the family:

We will tell you about the family ...

Mine! Mine! Mine!

There is no sweeter on earth

More expensive, closer and dearer.

My dad is the best!

He is very friendly with his mom!

Yes, and I confess to everyone

Almost no problem!

And my mom is just great!

I will not tear off my eyes in love!

She is gentle and affectionate

Day and night I need it!

You, my grandmother, are the best!

You used to be your usual mom.

But a young family has grown

This, I confess, is my merit!

Now you have become a "double mom":

Mom is a mother to me!

My grandfather is the best in the whole earth!

He hurries at the first call to me.

It will always warm, always cheer you up,

Our house will light up with a heartfelt smile.

Malice-Mazyuka: Well, yes, the poems are good! Sit down, guys, on the chairs, and I will stay at your holiday and prove to you that you can live wonderfully without a family. (Children sit on chairs)

Malice-Mazyuka: Do you know what? I will arrange for you, my dear children and adults, trials! This is when I’ll check if you’re all so family ?!

Malice-Mazyuka: Here is my first test: tell me kids, girls and boys about your relatives. What are their names? What are they to you?

Test number 1 "Family tree"

(Families need to present their family through the use of information computer technology, show the peculiarity, the "zest" of your family).

Malice-Mazyuka: Well, well done! You really know everything about your relatives! And tell me, guys, who is doing what at your house?(Answers of children)

Malice-Mazyuka: Now for you the second test "Obligation Questions". I will ask you questions about household chores, and you answer who is doing this!

Test number 2 "Obligatory questions"

(Children need to answer questions, thereby showing knowledge about the distribution of responsibilities in the family).

Sample questions:

Who washes the dishes?

Who is fixing the chair?

Who knits socks?

Who listens to fairy tales? etc.

Malice-Mazyuka: So! I understand everything! All responsibilities in your home are clearly assigned! OK!

Malice-Mazyuka: And what are these parents sitting with us? Probably too late? I have a test for you and me. It's called Role Switching. Now our moms will become dads and will fix the chair, and our dads will become moms and will make salad!

Test number 3 "Change roles"

(Parents need to complete tasks: moms have to fix a broken chair, and dads have to make a vegetable salad).

Malice-Mazyuka: Did a good job! Well done! And they coped with this test! Now I will check if you know anything about other families, for example, about families fairytale heroes! The test is called "Family Fairy Reading".

Test number 4 "Family fairy tale reading»

(Children should answer questions about the plots of fairy tales).

Sample questions:

What was the name of Pope Pinocchio?

What was the name of Kai's sister?

How many family members did Little Red Riding Hood have?

What is the name of the grandmother who has a bone leg?

Girl made elderly parents from winter precipitation? etc.

Malice-Mazyuka: And you have coped with this test! You read, I see, a lot of fairy tales! But I still don’t believe that your families are friendly. Now I'll check it out! Test for the whole family - "Family portrait". You need to paint a portrait of your family. All family members must draw together!

Test number 5 "Family portrait"

(All family members need to work together to draw a portrait of their family on A1 Whatman paper, using paint, pencils, felt-tip pens).

Malice-Mazyuka: Well, your portraits turned out to be very interesting and funny! Well done!

Malice-Mazyuka: You are all so friendly and caring, but I still really want to know if there are traditions in your families. And for this my next test is "Family Leisure". Tell and show me how you spend your free time.

Test number 6 "Family leisure"

(According to the posters prepared in advance, each child needs to be told about the leisure of his family).

Malice-Mazyuka: Great! I really liked it! It turns out that when you have a family it is so interesting and fun! And now I have only one question left. I want to know, when moms and dads are at work and grandparents are busy, what are you kids doing? And aren't you bored alone? ( No )

Malice-Mazyuka: Why is that? ( Because we are not alone, we come to D / s)

Malice-Mazyuka: And that Kindergarten is also like your second family? ( Yes )

Malice-Mazyuka: Then tell me something about Kindergarten!

The child reads a poem about kindergarten:

Children live in the kindergarten
they play and sing here,
They find friends here,
go for a walk with them.
Together they argue and dream
- grow up imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is our second home
- how warm, cozy it is!
His children love him very much,
Most kind home in the world!

Malice-Mazyuka: Everything is neat with you, okay! Now I understand that it is very good when you have a family and it is better to live in a family than alone! I invite everyone to a fun family dance! ( Everyone is dancing )

Malice-Mazyuka: And now - tea party! We are all going to drink tea with delicious homemade pies!

Larisa Polyakova

On the topic: "My Friendly family»

(2-4 years)

Prepared by the teacher:

Polyakova L.V.

Entertainment in the younger age group

on the topic: "My Friendly family»


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about family: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers and sisters.

2. Expand children's understanding of the responsibilities of members families.

3. To form in children ideas about family as people who love each other, care about each other.

4. To foster in children a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family.

Equipment: projector, photos of mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, child, a basket of vegetables and fruits, balls of red and yellow color, tape recorder with recordings of songs "Dad can", « A family» , dance « Family of hedgehogs» .

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on high chairs.

Leading: Hello guys! Once I was little too, I had a dad and a mom. I live in family... Now I also have a son. That's mine a family... And do you have a family? Let's take a look at your family.

Show presentation « A family» .

Several children talk about their families.

A bear comes in.

bear: Hello children. My name is Mishutka. I accidentally heard your stories about family... What is a family?

Leading: And you stay with us and find out.

bear: Yes, I will stay because I am very interested.

Finger gymnastics « A family»

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

Well, and this finger - I -

Together Friendly family!

Leading: The oldest in family is grandfather... He is very wise and kind.

Now Masha will tell a poem about her grandfather.

I have a grandfather

Like a gray winter.

I have a grandfather

With a white beard ...

Leading: And also in our families have a grandmother... Grandma cooks and bakes delicious pies.

Game "Sort out the balls by color (pies)»


Guess kids a riddle:

He drives a car dexterously

He will hammer a carnation into the wall.

Mom at home helps

And plays with the kids.

Children's answers: Dad

That's right - it's dad.

Song "Dad can".

Leading: Who gets up very early, in the house with her good, warm. Does he dress his daughter, his son, and even escorts him to the kindergarten?

Children's answers: Mama

That's right, it's mom. Do you help your mothers?

Bogdan G:

I keep my mother's work.

I help as much as I can.

Mom brings me

Toys, candy,

But I love my mother

Not at all for that.

Leading: Mom cooks both soup and compote. Now let's play a game with you.

The game "Compote and soup"

Leading: Everyone in the world has a bear a family... The guys will show now beautiful dance O family of hedgehogs.

Dance "Hedgehogs"

Leading: You understand, Mishka, what is a family? In order to check if you understood correctly - listen the song:

Song « A family»

bear: And I, it turns out, also have a family: father Mikhailo Potapych and mother Nastasya Petrovna. They care and love me. They are mine a family... I’ll run to them as soon as possible and tell them how much I love them. Goodbye guys!


Family is work, caring for each other,

A family- that's a lot of homework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Children leave the hall to the music.

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Project "My family" (second junior group) Relevance of the project Contents moral education preschoolers include solving many problems, including education.

Development of speech "Family". First junior group Educational activity "Family". Development of speech. Purpose: Repeat with the children the names of their closest relatives (parents, grandmothers, grandfathers ,.

There are many wonderful holidays... But only two of them are associated with the strong and weak half of humanity - this is February 23rd.

Abstract of the GCD for social and communicative development "My friendly family" (second junior group) Completed by: Sukhareva Tatyana Sergeevna educator MBDOU d. Kindergarten No. 4 G. Vyazemsky Social and communicative development. "My friendly family."