Summaries of role-playing games taking into account gender socialization for children of the middle group of kindergarten. Presentation and outline of the event "Socialization: joint activities of children and parents" My Family. Synopsis of the lesson on socialization "Good to the family

This program will help children acquire social experience, namely: to feel comfortable with others, to understand, love and forgive them, to contact, to express their opinion, to show their life position, come to the rescue, have an optimistic attitude.

Purpose: the acquisition of social experience by children.

Subject: the level of social development of children of middle and senior preschool age.

Object: preschool children with low level social development.


1. Development of socially oriented skills of children of middle and senior preschool age.

2. Providing emotional comfort.

3. Correction of unwanted personality traits behavior, mood of children.

4. Development of children's communication skills, as well as thinking, memory, attention.

5. Increasing the level of self-esteem of the child.

6. Rendering psychological assistance pedagogical workers in organizing the life of children in age groups.

7. Attracting parents to cooperation, supporting their interest in the life of a child in a preschool educational institution.

8. Development of psychological, pedagogical and teaching materials.

Stages of the program:

Conducting individual psychodiagnostics of children. The results obtained are recorded in the summary table of input diagnostics (September-October).

Correctional and developmental program "Socialization of preschoolers" :

Acquaintance with the results of diagnostics of pedagogical preschool workers with the aim of developing a plan of joint action for conducting the sessions (October).

Individual consultations for parents based on the results of diagnostics;

Selection of children for conducting classes according to the program (September).

Conducting classes (October-April).

Re-diagnosing children in order to track the dynamics of their development and the effectiveness of classes (May). Classes are held with a group of children (5-6 children) once a week.

Duration of the lesson:

Average Preschool Age - 20 minutes

Senior Preschool Age - 25 minutes.

They are based on communicative, role, imitation and outdoor games, exercises, drawings, tasks, elements of group discussion, works fiction, relaxation exercises and relaxation music pieces.

The proposed program is a course of special classes aimed at developing and acquiring the child's social experience, which will give him the opportunity in the future to correctly relate to any changes in life while maintaining physical and mental health.

The program is of practical importance, since the information contained in it is useful for practical psychologists, teachers, parents.

Social competence of preschoolers

Senior Preschool Age

The child understands intra-family relationships, the relationship of family members to each other. Knows his ancestry, realizes that the honor of the family depends on each person. Participates in honoring the memory of ancestors, in family relationships with relatives who live near and far. Shows interest in family heirlooms, participates in the maintenance family traditions... Has established ideas about kindness, humanity, sincerity-like important qualities human and human relations; about justice, as the ability to correctly assess the actions of people; about honesty - as a requirement to meet certain criteria by one's own behavior, applies, evaluates the actions of other people. Shows self-respect based on awareness of his individuality, the right to self-expression, on own feelings and independent behavior, does not create problems for other people, depending on their age and gender.

Knows how to prevent conflicts and resolve them. Understands the attitude of people towards themselves. Feels natural in the company of acquaintances and strangers... Knows how to react to manifestations unfair treatment to himself, understands the reason for this and tries to eliminate it. He wants the relationship to be correct, tolerant. Knows the concept of "friend" and "friendship", behaves respectfully with peers.

Has an idea about the state, its symbols, about his people, about the Russians national characteristics... Knows national monuments, shows respect for heroes, honors national shrines. Understands the concept of "humanity", honors the customs of other peoples.

Socialization class summary

for children 6-7 years old

"Welcome to the family"

Direction: socialization.

Age: 6-7 years old


Form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe world of the family;

To actualize the emotional experience of children in family relationships;

Foster the need to please your loved ones good deeds and caring attitude towards them.

Equipment: tree, leaves, flowers, Maple Leaf with riddles, flannelegraph.

The course of the lesson.


Hello guys! Yesterday I read a story about a child who lived alone. And it began like this: “There was a boy who was alone - alone in this world. And he had no one - only he ... ". But then, I stopped at this place and thought: "Does it happen that a person has no one?"

How do you think? (Children: "No")

Do you have any relatives? (Children: "Yes", "mom, dad")

How do we call our relatives in one word? (Children: "Family"

What is family? (Children: "parents", "grandmothers, grandfathers", "people who live together", "where everyone loves each other", "parents and children")

Does everyone have parents, family? (Children: "Yes", "and some do not have a dad")

How do parents relate to their children? (Children: "They love them", "take care of the children", "make sure that nothing happens to the children")

How should children treat their parents? I will help you…

Look, I have a seed in my hands, let's imagine that this is a child (attached to a flannelegraph).

For a seed, that is, a child, to grow, what do you think is necessary? (Children: "Water")

Right. Or rather, care is needed.

What is the concern? (warmth, help, tenderness, caress of parents).

Do they give it to you? (children: "Yes!")

And here is the seed, that is, the child, and even his parents with care and warmth - we get a family, which we represent in the form of what? (a trunk with branches is attached)

Tree view. A tree, like a family, needs care.

I think the tree is missing something. What? (leaves). The tree needs leaves, as your parents need your love and care.

How can you express your love for your parents? (Children offer their own options: "Help, regret", "Say I love you" ..).

For example, yesterday I helped my mother wash the windows, and my mother felt pleased, she smiled, and now a leaf appeared on our tree (the leaf is attached to the tree branches).

Let's remember what good did you do for your parents?

How did you express your love?

You will name and attach the leaves to the tree in turn (cheered, cheered up dad or mom, helped clean the room, watered flowers, presented something you did yourself, wished Good night, good morning, said thanks for the cooked lunch).

What can you do to avoid upsetting your parents? (obey your parents, don't throw your clothes around, be polite, don't be rude, feel sorry)

See how our tree turned green, how attractive it became.

Mom needs your help. Have you noticed how tiredness appears in your mother's eyes when she sees things, toys, and dirty clothes thrown by you in a mess?

In the evening I told my mother that I love her - and now a flower appears on the tree (I attach a flower to the tree). Imagine that a flower is an affectionate and gentle word for our parents.

And what sweet words who can make mom and dad happy, you know? (naming words, children attach flowers to a tree in turn).

See how many good words you can say to your mom: “beautiful, kind, intelligent, gentle, caring, neat, dad is strong, smart, kind, brave, courageous”

The more you help your mother, the less upset you are, the longer she will be young, beautiful and healthy. And your family will be strong, cheerful, happy.

See how beautiful and flowering our tree has become. Leaves are your good deeds, flowers are yours tender words mom and dad, this will be your family, if all family members help each other, do nice friend friend.

But, please tell me, are we always right, do we always behave correctly? What if we were capricious, or offended our parents in some way. It happens? (Yes)

What wrong things to do with your parents do you remember? What shouldn't be done? What kind hurtful words did you tell your parents? (while the children name 2-3 options, I remove the leaves and flowers from the tree).

Oh, look what happens to the tree? (It becomes sad, boring, weak) This is a magic tree.

No, we cannot offend our parents (I return the leaves to their place), we will not say bad words to mom and dad (I return the flowers to the tree). After all, this is our family, it is impossible for the family to begin to perish like our tree.

Are we going to return the leaves and flowers to the tree? (Yes)

Now you understand that in order for the family to be strong and friendly, a lot depends on you, and not only on dad and mom, and then your family will be as beautiful as our tree.

Physical minute:

Let's play. Let's break up in pairs. One of you will be the "gardener" and the other will be the "seed."

The teacher pronounces the words, and the children perform actions.

- "Seed" sits down. The "gardener" is very careful about the "seeds", watering them, caring for them. - We stroke our "Seed" on the head and body (one child strokes another);

The sun warms the earth and our "seed" begins to grow (the "seed" rises);

His "leaves" open up (the "gardener" pulls the hands of the "seed" up);

A "stalk" grows (the "gardener" strokes another child on the back);

“Twigs” with “buds” appear (hands are spread apart, the “gardener” strokes his fingers on the “stem”);

- “Sprout” turns into a beautiful strong “tree”. The "gardener" wipes his forehead - shows how tired he is.

Children switch roles. Actions are repeated.

At the end, the children sit on the carpet.


Look, a leaf flew into our window. (A maple leaf with riddles is removed from the window).

Here are the riddles. Let's try to solve them! (The teacher reads. The children answer in unison)

1. There are many of them in this world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

Who with a smile in the morning early

Will he wake us up? It …. (Mother)

2. He does not tolerate idleness and boredom,

He has skillful, strong hands.

How are you? Taking off my hat

Ask us in the evening ... (dad).

3. Vera goes to kindergarten

Leads Faith to the kindergarten ... (brother).

4. I have been friends with her for a long time

We are in ventures with her for one thing,

He bakes pancakes for all of us

I love my ... (grandmother)

5. He is with his grandmother next to

Has been living for many years

I want to be so smart

As my beloved ... (grandfather)

Well done, they quickly solved the riddles.

Guys, help me choose the right proverb from the two. Think and tell me which one best suits our lesson.

"An old friend is better than two new ones"

"The whole family is together, and the soul is in place"

That's right, the second proverb fits more with our lesson. Because it talks about family.

How do you understand this proverb? (the children's answers are summarized: “When everyone gets together at home, or does one thing together, then everyone is happy and happy).


Now, each one, remove the flower from the tree. On everyone, on back side, an affectionate word is written. Try to tell Dad and Mom tonight the word that you got. And tomorrow, tell your caregiver whether you succeeded in doing it or not.


Write with your dads in your albums where you do your homework after our classes, all the affectionate words that you often say to your mom. Goodbye!

List of used literature

1. "Correctional and developmental classes for senior preschool children" Toolkit, Creative Center, Moscow 2002

2., "We teach children to communicate", Yaroslavl "Academy of Development" 1996.

"What is socialization of a preschooler?
The importance of play in the socialization of a preschooler. "
(Speech at the teachers' council 2015 - 2016)

Educator-psychologist MBDOU No. 31, Apatit
Khristyuk Valentina Pavlovna

Positive socialization of the preschooler
the path of its successful development!

From the first days of its existence, a person is surrounded by other people. From the very beginning of his life, he is included in social interaction... A person acquires the first experience of communication even before he learns to speak. Man is a social being, his progress depends not only on biological, but, above all, on social laws. Therefore, it is formed only in the presence of social conditions of life. In the process of interacting with other people, he receives a certain social experience, which, being subjectively assimilated, becomes an integral part of his personality. The personality develops and improves under the influence of other people, adapts to the fulfillment of specific duties in society, bears a certain responsibility for its behavior, actions and deeds. This process is called socialization, the main content of which is the transfer by society of socio-historical experience, culture, rules and norms of behavior, value orientations, in addition, their assimilation by the individual.
Socialization (from Lat. Socialis - social) is the development and self-realization of a person throughout his life in the process of assimilating and reproducing the culture of society.
Successful socialization presupposes effective adaptation of a person to society and, at the same time, the ability to resist him in those life collisions that impede self-development, self-determination, and self-realization.
Positive socialization is the child's ability to interact with the people around him, to build his behavior and activities, taking into account the needs and interests of others.
Target positive socialization mastering by preschoolers of initial ideas of a social nature and their inclusion in the system social relations society.
Elements of positive socialization
emotional well-being of the child; positive attitude towards people around; communicative competence of a preschooler; development of children's social skills.

The main directions in the work on the positive socialization of preschool children:
1. Actualization of the priority tasks of personality education
2. Compliance with the principles of developmental education. 3. Pedagogical activities by complementarity educational areas.
Special attention should be directed to the formation of a humanistic orientation of the child's personality, which involves the establishment of a balance of personal and social needs, moral regulation of their behavior, taking into account the interests and rights of another person. an unconditional component of the surrounding world. And it is very important to form precisely humane ideas in children about friendship, kindness, honesty, and justice. This problem should be solved taking into account age and individual characteristics preschoolers.
Today, the task of child development is put forward in the first place; this is the modern strategy of Russian pedagogy. The teacher must organize joint activities with preschoolers in such a way that it is aimed at forming their cognitive activity and independence, development of abilities. The process of positive socialization of the child's personality is organically combined with such types of children's activities as motor, play, cognitive research, productive, artistic and aesthetic. It is important that in the process of joint activities with the teacher, the child assimilates not only moral, ethical ideas, but also masters the methods of action, learns to manage his activities.
Since the social development of the child's personality is an integral component of communicative communication, cognitive activity, moral education, then the solution of the main pedagogical problems in this direction is carried out in all areas of educational activity. This approach provides diversified development. Thus, modern approaches to the problem of positive socialization of preschoolers are aimed not only at the formation of a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also presuppose the development of the basic qualities of the child's personality, the formation of his general culture and social adaptation in society.
Play acts as a means of socialization of preschoolers, it is the leading activity of preschool children.
Play is the only central activity of a child that takes place at all times and among all peoples. Play is the practice of a child's development, in play, a child develops as a person, he has those aspects of his psyche that will subsequently determine the success of his educational and work activities, the success of his relationships with people. In the game, the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, emotionality, activity, the need for communication, a sense of collectivism, dedication, humanity, and so on are manifested. In addition, play is a way of assimilating social experience, peculiar to preschool age. NK Krupskaya wrote: “For children of preschool age, games are of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is serious form education. Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about the environment. " Through play, the child enters the world of adults, mastering spiritual values, assimilates previous social experience. V early age children receive initial ideas of a social nature and are included in the system of social relations through solving the following tasks:
development of gaming activities,
familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults,
the formation of family, citizenship.
Play is a source of development of the child's consciousness, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form of modeling the relationship between a child and an adult.
Thus, play at an early age is a means of social and personal development of a child, it presupposes the formation of positive attitude to oneself, social skills, development of play activities, communication with peers. Preschool age (from 3 to 7 years old) is the period of mastering the social space of human relations through communication with close adults, as well as through play and real relationships with peers. At the age of three to seven years, the child's self-awareness develops so much that it gives rise to talk about the child's personality. And at this age, the child begins to master "a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society," which means he is involved in the process of socialization.
The game - essential tool socialization of preschoolers.
Currently specialists preschool pedagogy They unanimously admit that play, as the most important specific activity of a child, should perform broad general educational social functions.
Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world. In the game, the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication are clearly manifested. The game is the first school public education child, "the arithmetic of social relations", as LS Vygotsky described it.
Already at the early and junior age stages, it is in the game that children have the greatest opportunity to be independent, to communicate with their peers at will, to realize and deepen their knowledge and skills. The older the children get, the higher their level is. overall development, the more valuable is the game (especially pedagogically guided) for the formation of amateur forms of behavior: children have the opportunity to outline the plot themselves or organize games with rules (didactic, mobile, find partners, set a goal and choose the means of realizing their ideas. more in the conditions of preschool education, it requires the child to be able to establish relationships with comrades.In these informal children's associations, different character traits of the child, his habits, interests, ideas about the environment, various skills are manifested, for example, the ability to independently find a way out of those arising in the game problem situations, guided by well-known norms and rules of behavior, or the ability to independently organize a real (and not imaginary) labor activity for solving game problems. In the game, the child's need to interact with the world is formed and manifested, intellectual, moral and volitional qualities develop, and the personality as a whole is formed. For example, in the game, such a quality of the child's personality is formed as self-regulation of actions, taking into account the tasks collective action. The most important achievement is a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral character of the child, but also rebuilds his intellectual sphere in essential ways, since in a collective game there is an interaction of various ideas, the development of event content and the achievement of a common game goal. It has been proven that in play, children get their first experience of collective thinking. Play is a true social practice of a child, his real life in the society of peers. For example, a game in which children reproduce in a visual-figurative, effective form, the work and relationships of people, not only makes it possible to better understand and experience this reality more deeply, but is also a powerful factor in the development of thinking and creative imagination, education of high human qualities.
Quite often the game serves as a pretext for communicating new knowledge to preschoolers, for expanding their horizons. Games guided by adults teach children to correctly evaluate social phenomena, to foster a certain attitude towards these phenomena and positive features character. The game enables the child to actively participate in the affairs of adults. The game has social basis... And children's games previous years, and modern games convince us that they are connected with the world of adults.
The reality surrounding the child is diverse, and only certain aspects of it are reflected in the game, namely: the sphere of human activity, labor, relations between people. As studies by A. N. Leontyev, D. B. Elkonin, R. I. Zhukovskaya show, the development of play during preschool age occurs in the direction from object play, which recreates the actions of adults, to role play, which recreates relationships between people. In the first years of a child's life, interest in objects, things that others use prevails. Therefore, in the games of children of this age, the actions of an adult are recreated with something, with some object (a child prepares food on a toy stove, bathes a doll in a basin). A. A. Lyublinskaya very aptly called the play of kids "half-play-half-work."
In the expanded form of role play, which is observed in children from 4-5 years of age, relationships between people come to the fore, which are carried out through actions with objects, and sometimes without them. Thus, play becomes a way of isolating and modeling (re-creating in specially created conditions) relations between people, and therefore begins to serve the assimilation of social experience.
The game is social and in the way it is carried out. Play activity, as proved by A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V.Davydov, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, is not invented by a child, but is asked by an adult who teaches the child to play, introduces socially established methods of play actions (how to use a toy, substitute items , other means of embodying the image; perform conditional actions, build a plot, obey the rules, etc.). In any case, play represents an attempt by children to organize their experience, and perhaps play is associated with those moments in children's lives when they feel safer and more in control of their own lives.
Observing the play of children, you will notice that not all children know how to play. It sounds incredible, but it is. The main obstacle to the development of self-reliant creative play is an wrong upbringing in young years. Unaccustomed to acting independently, the child needs the help of adults when faced with the smallest difficulties. The second obstacle to the development of games is unfavorable living conditions when the child is isolated from others. The games of such children will be miserable in content, "monotonous", fragmentary. If the provider finds out why the children are not playing, they may try individual approach gradually include the child in general games... Mainly when such children constitute a minority in the team, it is very good if the teacher in the group of playing children includes such an unsociable child so that he merges with this group and accepts Active participation in Game. In this way, antisocial manifestations in the behavior of the child can be eliminated. At the preschool educational institution we use the following children's games:
folk games... Folk game, performing various educational functions (developing, cognitive, entertaining, diagnostic, corrective) serves as a means of introducing children to folk culture... The teachers use folk games in combination with play situations and additional play techniques. This allows the child to:
- master the experience correct behavior in the game and organizational skills;
- to cope with negative experiences (anxiety, fear, self-doubt), constraint and indecision in communication, with the inability to stand up for oneself;
- as we have already said, activity - important condition involving children in social reality... In folk games, the child has a great opportunity to actively act, learning the world mastering relationships between people. While participating in folk games, it is impossible to remain passive. Folk games are based on plots familiar to children. They ignite, have children, awaken the imagination. Children, passing games to each other, master them, make their own changes. Here takes place children's creativity... Children are all different in character, temperament. For example, the leading girl in the game "Yablonka" will depict the content of the song with her movements as she imagines it. Thus, she conveys her attitude towards what she portrays. It can be various emotions, and expressive movements corresponding to the lyrics of the song. In folk games, each child has the opportunity to show their individuality, to express themselves. Almost all folk games are figurative. And in the game, the image is almost never static. In the game "Geese and the Wolf" according to the plot, the geese try to run home, and the wolf catches them. The actions of the wolf and geese are opposite to each other, they constitute the whole essence of the game. Children learn to be careful, attentive. Each child fulfills his assigned role. Thus, he is active in the game, he himself is a participant.
Round dance games.
Round dance games have a positive effect on the development of children's communication skills. A round dance is an amazing type of communication, it is inseparably made up of play, dance, song, elements of dramatic action. A round dance game is a collective action created by the reincarnation of each participant in own image... During emotional communication in a round dance, we help children to portray different emotions and feelings: upset, crying - rub their eyes; fun - jumping for joy; offense - turn away. V round dance games, which are an effective means of developing the expressiveness of facial expressions and pantomime in communication, we contribute to the cohesion of children. In the process of a round dance game, we teach children to follow the sequence in the performance of actions, to play the role that fell by lot, and not the one they would like. " We regulate the behavior of children in round dance games due to the presence of clear rules of the game and invariable principles of behavior in a play situation
Role-playing games ("hospital", hairdresser, shop, etc., which in turn develop potential opportunities children; is crucial for the mental development of the child; is a form of modeling by a child of social relations; possesses unique features, a kind of structure, specific features that distinguish it from other types of games.
Theatrical games are one of effective means socialization of a preschooler in the process of comprehending the moral implication of a literary work, participation in a game that creates favorable conditions for the development of a sense of partnership, the development of ways of positive interaction. ("Turnip", "KR. Cap) Due to the fact that each literary work or a fairy tale has a moral orientation, theatrical games contribute to the enrichment of social experience. Insofar as positive traits encouraged and negative ones condemned, our children, in most cases, imitate kind, honest characters, thus expressing their attitude towards good and evil. We help the child see the world through the eyes of the character, understand the motives of his actions and empathize with him. we teach to coordinate our actions with the actions of our partner: listen without interrupting, respect each other and conduct a dialogue correctly. Through theatrical games, we develop creative potential, attention, imagination, thinking and memory of children.
Outdoor games act as a condition for the development of a child's culture. In them, the child comprehends and learns the world around him, his intellect, fantasy, imagination develops in them, social qualities are formed.
Didactic games contribute to the social and moral development of the preschool child: in such a game, cognition of the relationship between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature, in it, the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to yield if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc. (Magicians, call tenderly).
Thus, play as a means of social and communicative development of children contributes to the formation of a full-fledged personality capable of living and working in modern society.

Synopsis of organized educational activities on socialization for children of middle preschool age "My Friendly family»

The author of the work: Chalova Tatiana Anatolyevna, educator MADOU kindergarten "Sun", town. Kamensk.
Description: This synopsis was developed for conducting organized educational activities with children of middle preschool age, the lesson is based on the Russian folk tale "The Turnip".
Target: to form in children an idea of ​​the family as people who live together.
Tasks: consolidate knowledge about your family; to form an idea of ​​elementary family ties; develop thinking, logic, reasoning skills; foster a loving, caring attitude towards members of your family, a sense of pride in your family.
Dictionary activation: family, grandmother, grandfather;
Enrichment of the vocabulary: relatives;
Materials and equipment: EOR: presentation;
ICT:] projector, screen;
Handout: houses, pictures - family members.
Preliminary work: acquaintance and discussion of proverbs about the family, reading stories by N. Nosov "Grandma Dina", L. Tolstoy "Grandfather and Granddaughter", E. Blagina "Poems about Mom". Reading the fairy tale "Three Bears", dramatization based on the fairy tale; viewing family photo albums; conversations: "My family and friends"; "My family"; examination of illustrations and drawings on the topic "Family";
1.Organizational moment:
(teacher and children stand in a circle)
- the guys have a good omen to give greetings to everyone in the morning. Let's do it too.
To the red sun ...
- clear sky ...
- Hey!
- people, adults and kids ...
- Hello to you from the bottom of my heart!
- and so that we have good mood smile at each other and our guests.
children sit down
- guys, today you and I were invited to visit the heroes of one fairy tale. You will find out its name if you guess the riddle:
There is noise and din in the garden!
What happened there?
The whole family is friendly
Grandfather is a grumbler and a grandmother with a granddaughter,
mouse-noorushka, a cat with a bug
Clinging tightly to the ponytail
Drag from the garden ... (turnip)

children's answers
- that's right, this is the familiar to us fairy tale "Turnip", where the heroes of the fairy tale are one friendly family.

Name the members of this family.
(children call: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse)
- the turnip invites us to remember in the place with her fairy tales about the family.

(children call "Three Bears", "Kolobok", "Geese - Swans", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids")
educator: guys tell me, what do you think family is?

Conversation about the concept of "Family".

(children express their assumptions, then the teacher combines all the answers and draws a conclusion)
- that's right, mom and dad, their children (son or daughter), grandparents are family members, all together they are a family. People can live in a family different ages, as from a small child to an elderly person. These are the dearest and closest people. All family members love, respect, care for each other.
And now Repka wants you to remember the fairy tale and meet with the family that raised it.
Grandfather planted a turnip, a big, big turnip grew.

My grandfather went to pick a turnip. It pulls, pulls, but cannot pull.
Then the grandfather called for the help of the grandmother.

- and the grandmother says: "I will definitely help to pull the turnip, but first I want to ask the guys what kind of families there are?"
(children express their assumptions that families are strong, friendly, big, small, kind, inseparable ....)
- guys, grandma asks if you help in your family at home? And he wants to play a game with you:

Good Deeds game

Grandma has sent you a basket for good deeds.

- To whom I put a basket in the palm of my hand, he must put in it a good deed, which he does in his family.
(children stand in a circle, the teacher walks in a circle to the music, puts a basket in the child's palm, and he calls a good deed: watering flowers, washing dishes, making his bed, folding his things, clearing the table ...)
educator: grandma thanks you for the full basket of good deeds,
- The grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip, they pull - they pull, but they cannot pull. Grandma called her granddaughter

- and the granddaughter says: “I will gladly help you, but first I invite the guys for a fun warm-up

And now the granddaughter invites you to play a game with her:

"Who is superfluous"

The task is:
- need to find who in the pictures is not a family member? Raise your hand to answer
* Grandmother, luntik, grandfather.
* grandma, Winnie the Pooh, dad, grandfather, mom.
* mom, grandmother. Son, Cheburashka, grandfather.
* son, grandmother, dad, Pinocchio, daughter.

educator: the fellows answered correctly, pleased the granddaughter for this you with one more smiley.
- the tale continues: “The granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip. They pull, pull, they cannot pull.
Granddaughter called Bug ... "

The bug will help to pull out the turnip, but first he wants to know what else can be called, those who live in the family.
(children's answers)
- Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters, we call a family. And you can call it in another way - relatives. Relatives are closely related people.
- let's repeat together a new word for you - relatives (choral and individual responses of children).
- remember: that mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers are your close relatives, your relatives, your family.
- get a bug emoticon.
educator: the tale continues and the turnip must be pulled further:
Beetle called the cat.

The cat will also help to pull the turnip, but first he wants to ask the guys:
-where each family lives. Children's answers (in the house, in the apartment)
- the cat brought you guys houses, now we will go to the tables and play a game:

Speech play"Name who lives in the house."

- guys look, the windows are closed in the houses, and it's already morning. To find out who lives in the houses, you need to open them, you will open those windows that I will name, Listen carefully:
- open the window in the upper right corner. (children perform, open a window in it - dad)
- is it an adult or a child? (children's answers)
is dad or mom
(children's answers)
- open the window in the upper left corner (children do it, open the window in it - mom)
- is it an adult or a child? (children's answers)
- who is this? (children's answers)
- open the window in the lower left corner (children do it, open a window in it - son)
- is it an adult or a child? (children's answers)
- is it a son or a daughter?
(children's answers)
- open the window in the lower right corner (children perform, open a window in it - daughter)
- is it an adult or a child? (children's answers)
- who is this? (children's answers)
- who is in the upper windows? (children's answers - dad, mom)
(children's answers - parents)
- who is in the lower windows? (answers son - daughter)
- how can they be called, in one word? (children's answers - children)
- who they are to each other (children's answers - brother and sister)
- open the window in the center of the house (children perform, open an empty window)
- guys whom we can still settle in your houses (answers of children - grandmother, grandfather)
- select from the pictures whom you want to accommodate and insert into an empty window.
- well done, who settled in your houses? (children's answers)
- Friendly family
- well done, get a smiley face from the cat.
educator: further the cat called the mouse.

And the mouse says: “I will definitely help, but first I want to ask the guys if they know how to be affectionate and play with them a game called:

Game: "Say it kindly"

It is necessary to name the family members affectionately, tenderly, lovingly. Listen to me carefully, I will call you a word, and you must call the same word, but only kindly:
For example: "Mom - mommy ... (mommy)";
Daddy - daddy, daddy, daddy;
Daughter-daughter, daughter;
Son - son, son;
Sister - little sister;
Brother is brother;
Grandmother - granny grandmother;
Grandfather - grandfather, grandpa "
- the mouse really liked your affectionate words, and she gives you such a funny smiley
educator: we will continue the fairy tale, the mouse for the cat, the cat for the bug, the bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather - they pull, pull and stretch the turnip.

- guys, tell me why the heroes of the fairy tale pulled out a turnip?
Answers of children (They pulled all together, amicably with the whole family).
educator: and now let's count the emoticons that you received from the heroes of the fairy tale.
(children count)

“The game is important and effective form socialization of the child "

Educator Nemkova Natalya Viktorovna MBDOU "TsRR-d / s" Dream ", Abakan

Preschool age is the period of familiarizing the child with knowledge of the world around him, the period of his initial socialization. High susceptibility of preschool children, easy learning, due to the plasticity of the nervous system, create favorable opportunities for successful moral education and social development of the individual. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude to people, to work, skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, character is formed. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of a preschooler. Play is the leading type of activity, the most effective form of child's socialization. The game lays the foundations future personality... Playing together, children begin to build their relationships, learn to communicate, not always smoothly and peacefully, but this is the way of learning, there is no other way. In addition, in the process joint games with peers, the child develops the most important communicative qualities that he needs in the field of communication and interpersonal interaction... It is generally accepted that play is an imaginary or conditional activity purposefully organized among children for their rest, entertainment and learning. Play is not fun, but a special method of involving children in creative activity, a method of stimulating their activity. Therefore, a detailed consideration of the resources of children's play and the study of those conditions that allow it to most effectively influence successful socialization is necessary. Childhood without play and outside of play is abnormal.

Depriving a child of play practice means depriving him of his main source of development: impulses of creativity, signs and signs of social practice, wealth and microclimate of collective relations, activation of the process of cognition of the world. According to psychologists, it is in play that the child builds his first models of the world around him, learns the rules of communication between people, develops his abilities and character.

Play is the only central activity of a child that takes place at all times and among all peoples, where an active activity of the imagination takes place, under the influence of which existing knowledge is combined, real, real ideas are combined with fiction, fantasy.

By playing together, children begin to build their relationships, learn to communicate, not always smoothly and peacefully, but this is a learning path. Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community. The most effective form of socialization of a child, where the foundations of the future personality are laid.

The socialization process in early preschool age should perform the following tasks:

1. To teach pupils to be “productive members of society”;

2. Attach them to social roles, rights and responsibilities;

3. Adapt to the social environment;

4. Integrate into the life of society.

Task harmonious development preschool children presupposes not only a certain level of development wide range knowledge and skills, ways of mastering various content, but also necessarily a sufficiently high level of development of his emotional sphere and moral position, which has not only narrowly pedagogical, but also public importance... Regular joint games will enrich preschoolers with new experiences, contribute to the formation of social competence skills, and give them new social experience, which is so important for the development of their personality.

According to S. A. Shmakov, the child's play performs the following functions:

1. The function of socialization. Play is the strongest means of including a child in the system of social and interpersonal relationships, assimilation of the riches of culture.

2. The function of international communication. The game allows the child to assimilate universal human values, the culture of various nationalities, since "games are national and at the same time international, interethnic, universal."

3. The function of the child's self-realization in play as a "testing ground for human practice." The game allows, on the one hand, to build and test a project for the removal of specific life difficulties in the child's practice, on the other, to identify the shortcomings of the experience.

4. The communicative function of the game - (mastering the skills of interaction) vividly illustrates the fact that the game implements communicative activity, allowing the child to enter the real context of the most complex human communications.

5. The diagnostic function of the game - (identifying the individual and personal characteristics of children, self-knowledge during the game) provides an opportunity for the teacher to recognize and fix the various manifestations of the child (intellectual, creative, emotional, etc.). At the same time, play is a “field of self-expression” in which a child tests his strengths, possibilities in free actions, expresses himself and asserts himself.

6. The play therapy function of the game is to use the game as a means of overcoming various difficulties arising in the child's behavior, communication, learning.

7. Correction function - involves the introduction of positive changes, additions to the structure of the child's personality indicators. In the game, this process occurs naturally, softly.

8. Entertaining - aimed at achieving pleasure and awakening interest, inspiration.

The main components of the game

The game includes: state (motive) positions

3. game situations

4.playing roles and actions

5. the result of the game.

For children, the result of the game, victory, success is not always important. They like the process itself, those roles, those relationships that change the status of the child in the team.

Types of games

    Yard games (street)

    "Hide and Seek", "Salochki", "Burners", "Cossacks-Robbers", etc.

    Sitting games

    Hideous, verbal, kissing. “I was born a gardener. "," Ring, ring "," Broken phone ", etc.

    Round dance games

    (these are folk games, the movement of people in a circle with singing and some kind of dance, game) Game "Stream"

    The wattle game


    Dance games

    (dance dominates, and play is a decoration detail) "Bazaar of flowers"

    "Three circles"

    Cognitive games

    "The Wise Raven"

    A quiz is a game of answering questions, usually related to a topic.


    (drawing of any items for tickets) It can be: "Search" lottery, "Your chair is your luck", "Dance".

    Game - song

    Any song must be sung

    Games - five minutes

    Any finger games

    Communication games

    Games of this type play a diagnostic, corrective, psychotherapeutic role. The main condition for these games is benevolence, game dialogue.



    Dating games


    "Tell about yourself in three words"

    "Ball in a circle"

    "Hey! "

    Competition games

    is a competition designed to highlight the best participants

    "Learn the song"


    Erudite - games "Sea Battle", "Intellectual Hockey", "55", "Burglar"

    Games - jokes

    "Wild monkey"


Play is a product of activity through which a person transforms reality and changes the world. The essence of the game is in the ability to display and transform reality. In the game, for the first time, the child's need to influence the world is formed and manifested - this is the main, central and most total value games. It helps psychological relaxation, harmonious entry into the world of human relations. Play is especially important for children who are learning surrounding reality through the reproduction in the game process of the actions of adults and the relationship between them. Play is essential for the physical, mental and moral education of children.

Game classification

By area of ​​activity






By the nature of the pedagogical process, teaching










By game technique subject

    plot - role-playing


    By gaming environment without items

    with items



    street (yard)

    on the ground


By subject area, mathematical








    economic and others

Games for preschool children are very diverse. Traditionally, there are mobile games, role-playing games, board games and didactic games.

1. Outdoor games. They are very beneficial to health. A growing child's body cannot sit in one place for a long time, it needs movement, the release of accumulated energy. And outdoor games are an irreplaceable way of this energy release and development. physical qualities junior schoolchildren... In many of them, there is a struggle for individual or collective championship. In addition to physical qualities, they develop personality traits such as courage, endurance, perseverance.

2. Role-playing games. They reflect the phenomena and processes that children observe or hear about from the world of adults. In these games, each child takes on a specific role, for example, a doctor, teacher, firefighter, and depicts the corresponding activity. Sometimes the plot of the game is planned in advance, events and actions unfold in a certain plan ( story games) .

3. Board games. Some of them are very useful for extension cognitive interests and for mental development... These games include picture bingo, word games with all kinds of riddles, charades, puzzles, puzzle games, etc.

4. Didactic game... It is active learning activities on simulation modeling of the studied systems, phenomena, processes. Since preschoolers are very fond of play, the process of transferring the system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the form of play is the most effective. These types of games help the child learn better educational material... In addition, they promote active interaction between the participants in these games.

The game allows the child to receive and generalize knowledge about the world around him, to develop in him a sense of collectivism, desire and ability to help others. Play is the most powerful means of including a child in the system of relations of the society to which he belongs, assimilation of cultural and spiritual riches by him. In the game, intellectual, personal qualities and physical abilities are developed.

Regular joint games will enrich preschoolers with new experiences, contribute to the formation of social competence skills, and give them new social experience, which is so important for the development of their personality.

For the social development of preschoolers great value has not only the game. Classes, conversations, exercises, acquaintance with music, reading books, observation, discussion different situations, encouragement of mutual assistance and cooperation of children, their moral actions - all this becomes the building blocks from which a person's personality is formed. A child perceives beauty very deeply - which means that he needs to be introduced to the best creations of a person, to show reproductions of paintings or to visit an exhibition, museum, gallery with him. You should prepare for such a trip, because the child will certainly ask many questions that the adult will have to answer. Social development personality is no less necessary than the development of intellectual, creative, physical abilities. Modern world is so arranged that one of the conditions for success is the ability to work fruitfully in a team, to find ways of interaction, mutual understanding with the people with whom you work. And, of course, spiritual comfort, emotional satisfaction of your child will directly depend on how his relationships with other people will develop, what role he will play in the team in which he will be, and who he will feel himself to be. And our task is to correctly and skillfully help him acquire social skills.

Thus, we can conclude that such an organization educational process promotes socially with children personal development every child. Children become more relaxed and independent, purposeful and self-confident, sociable, more attentive and caring in relation to their peers and adults; capable of mutual understanding and cooperation. Children develop the ability to jointly make decisions and follow their implementation.