Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary. How to congratulate spouses for children, grandchildren, relatives - tips

Vika Dee March 31, 2018

Marriage anniversary is a significant event in life loving spouses. For many years to be faithful, love for each other is not possible for everyone. wedding anniversariesoccasion for celebration family holiday , in splendor and scope sometimes not inferior to a wedding.

At the beginning life together a young family celebrates an anniversary every year, but having crossed the 15th anniversary of marriage, it is customary to celebrate only round dates. Each of these dates has its own name with which the traditions and themes of gifts are associated. The more the spouses lived together in harmony and love, the more beautiful name gets an anniversary. Turquoise, garnet, silver, pearl, emerald - most often anniversaries are named after precious stone, personifying the beauty and strength of the union.

What wedding is called golden and after how many years is the golden wedding celebrated?

The golden anniversary of marriage is 50 years of marriage. Half a century of marriage is no joke.

Why is the 50th wedding anniversary called golden? This means that the couple, who went through all the difficulties hand in hand, overcame all the hardships, were able to live together for so long thanks to the softness and compliance, because gold is one of the softest metals.

Also, this metal is attributed to the tradition of buying new wedding rings, since the old ones have already worn out, the coating on them has darkened and worn off.

It is customary to give old rings to unmarried grandchildren as a family heirloom, parting words for a successful marriage

50-summer anniversary they always celebrate, with the exception of those cases when the anniversaries themselves do not want a special celebration. In all other cases, it must be a special day, should prepare for it. Since the age of the spouses is already respectable, then most often the worries about the holiday fall on the shoulders of adult children or other relatives.

How to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary?

There are no special traditions associated with the celebration of the anniversary, but quite a few scenarios. You can mark the date as you want the anniversaries themselves.

One of creative ideas for the parents' 50th wedding anniversary is a repeat wedding ceremony, especially if previous dates were celebrated without using such an idea.

Children and grandchildren can act as witnesses, bridesmaids and groomsmen. You can choose the location of the ceremony Wedding Palace in which the anniversaries got married. The dress and costume of the newlyweds must be identical to those that were 50 years ago. A veil for a golden wedding is not required, but this attribute of the ceremony is quite acceptable if the "bride" so desires.

This variant of the celebration goes well with the tradition of exchanging new wedding rings.

Gold ring ; Golden ring with diamonds all SL (link prices)

You can also celebrate the celebration in a quiet circle of the closest people. But that's no reason to give up holiday table. A golden wedding dress for a grandmother or mother should be elegant, preferably in golden color or with splashes of this color. Grandfather or father will suit a non-strict suit.

You can familiarize yourself with other options and scenarios for celebrating an anniversary.

Whatever the celebration, magnificent or modest, it Not without a birthday cake. Therefore, do not forget to look at the recipes and. If you do not want to make it yourself, then you can order sweetness in a pastry shop or from a private pastry chef. But do not forget that a hand-made cake can be a good gift for anniversaries, made with love and care.

Golden Wedding Anniversary Cake

50th anniversary invitation text married life can be issued as an invitation to real wedding, only with the amendment that the wedding is golden. Guests will understand everything by appreciating this way of inviting friends.

An invitation template can be found on the Internet on sites with congratulations by entering the option you like. It's better if he written in golden letters on white or cream paper, in an envelope to match the letters.

What can you give for 50 years of marriage?

Fifty years family life a reason to give special gift married couple.

According to tradition, it is customary for spouses to give jewelry and everything that is somehow made of gold: figurines, candlesticks, dishes, etc.

This is an optional condition for a gift, but if you decide to present just such a present, it must correspond to the level of celebration. For example, it could be jewelry from precious metal for the wife, paired with wrist watch or cufflinks for a spouse.

Gold earrings, SOKOLOV(price link)

Gold cufflinks with enamel, EFREMOV(price link)

You can also choose something useful for the home or a gold-colored luxury item.

Cutlery gift for golden wedding anniversary

Read about what spouses can give each other.

Separately, it is worth mentioning from children. It is believed that on the day of the anniversary, the son gives his mother scarf embroidered with gold and the woman covers her shoulders with it. Now it is important to give a warm Pavloposad shawl embroidered with patterns and flowers.

An unusual gift option can be a presentation of photographs from the family archive made by the children and grandchildren of the couple or a family photo album with the history of the family from its very foundation and memorable moments. You can also make footage for a golden wedding, with a short film dedicated to the spouses and their family. Or record a video greeting for memory. Such a gift will be pleasant to the anniversaries and will be a great memory about the memorable date.

Flowers for a golden wedding should also be in the colors of celebration - yellow, orange or white. A bouquet of lilies or roses will do. Yellow should not embarrass the donor, because in the first place it is the color of joy and the sun. If you don't want to donate bright yellow flowers, you can choose a less saturated yellow or dark shade. Do not forget about small details: balloons, tablecloths and other paraphernalia.

Jewelry for a golden wedding anniversary

A serious date is the 50th anniversary of marriage, in Once again proving the power of love and fidelity of spouses. The strength of their union is undeniable, and the tenderness of the relationship does not need proof. The years spent together flew by unnoticed. Now you can wish the married couple for long years living together and family happiness as well as health and longevity.

Golden wedding - magical takeoff of feelings,
True happiness is a fabulous flight,
When life is beautiful, no trouble
And no longer have power over the fate of the year.
Together you lived so many glorious years,
Sorrows shared and the fruits of victories,
You sowed grain in the souls of joy -
Harvest wonderful, troubles all for evil.
So live in happiness for many more years,
May the light of beautiful souls not fade,
We wish you clear days, how can you be without them,
Good health and love of relatives!

Congratulations on the Golden Wedding (on the 50th anniversary of marriage) in verse

Together lived half a century of gold,
But the soul and heart do not grow old,
We set you as an example for the young,
Let them see how they know how to love.
Your souls have been united for a long time,
You are wrapped in a single ribbon,
Your feelings are strong like wine,
The best years have been lived together.
Times got in the way
Sometimes it's scary to remember them
But love
saves only
who loves,
Must survive!
Feelings your years will not destroy,
You appreciate each other
What they knew how to hear, listen more often,
Your union brought you gold.
Age, so many waters carried away,
But half a century, together, is a miracle,
In our faces for you there is such one question,
Strength, faith and love where?
Tell us how to live better
Do not lose feelings, at least a couple of words,
It looks like you really need to love
To keep love for half a century?
Happiness to you
Health for centuries
Stay young
Let happiness not be broken - years,
And love like you used to love!

Wonderful congratulations on the golden wedding (happy 50th wedding anniversary) in verse

Half a century for two: here are miracles
Able to create earthly love!
Eyes shine with sincere light,
And the day plays magic music.

Now there's so much to say
What an amazing couple
How do you understand each other
Taking every moment of life as a gift.

So many trials and worries
You have been through together.
How many roads have you walked
And how many joyful events there were!

You divided everything in life in half,
Warming each other with care
And never work and deeds
They did not darken the little paradise.

You built it with all your heart,
You always have enough power for everything.
So let's continue to be good
Good luck to you, beloved, kind, sweet!

May fate give you warmth
Fill every moment with happiness.
Life spoils with goodness and beauty,
And fresh spring mood!

Anniversary (anniversary) of the wedding - golden wedding - 50 years of marriage

golden wedding celebrated through 50 years lived together.
For a golden wedding, wedding rings are replaced with new ones.

A significant date - the fiftieth anniversary of married life - is called the golden wedding. Gold, no doubt, was considered and is considered one of the most expensive metals. It has always symbolized something significant, even great, achieved by hard work. So the golden wedding is the fruit of hard joint work for many years. 50th wedding anniversary speaks of Great love spouses, carried by them through the years, so on this day they give each other gold jewelry as a sign of love and sincere devotion. Close relatives are invited to visit: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, best friends and, of course, witnesses. You can give a variety of things, the main thing is that they be made of gold or with brilliant gilding. It can be a picture in a gilded frame, Wall Clock or a service with gilding, a dish painted with gold paints. Children should definitely give their parents a golden item as a sign of respect for their strength. family union. The golden wedding should be celebrated in the most solemn way, with a rich table at which the spouses will remember the years they lived together.

Congratulations-toast on the golden wedding - wedding anniversary 50 years

On this happy and significant day, we have gathered to celebrate a happy and rare anniversary- golden wedding.
Our golden anniversaries lived together in love and harmony for half a century.
Their life path was not strewn with roses and lilies, they went through all the trials and difficulties that fell to the lot of the whole people, but they retained mutual love and devotion, raised worthy children.
We heartily congratulate you on this glorious anniversary. May every day of your life be as bright as this one. holiday. We sincerely wish you good health and many, many more happy years.
I invite all those present to raise their glasses to the health of dear anniversaries and exclaim in unison: "Many years! Many years! Many years!"

Congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding, on the anniversary of 50 years - with a golden wedding

You walked together for half a century,
Giving people labor and thought,
The best impulses of a man
Intertwined with your destiny.
Let the sun shine even brighter
On this day, on a happy anniversary.
Good, long, joyful life to you
Surrounded by family and friends!

Congratulations on the anniversary, wedding anniversary 50 years

You spent half a century together
On the steep roads of life,
Everyone shared: joy and sorrow.
Heat and cold, pain and spring smoke.
May for all the remaining years
Yours will be warm cozy house.
Happiness to you
Love of high shoots,
Long life, sunny in everything!

SMS congratulations on the golden wedding - anniversary of 50 years from the date of the wedding

Years fly and rush like an avalanche,
But is it worth it to grieve about the past.
Fifty together - only half,
We wish the couple to live to a hundred years.

Congratulations on a golden wedding - wedding anniversary - anniversary of 50 years of marriage

Yes ... the years don't even run - they fly ...
How long has it been since the groom gave flowers to the bride?
And now it's not twenty - fifty
Godkov one family live together!
We wish you no frills
To share another hundred years salt, honey and a bed,
And so that grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children
Love and life combined too!

Congratulations on the golden wedding - 50th wedding anniversary

twenty five and twenty five
Golden wonder!
How nice to congratulate
Two happy people!
What a nice update
Gold rings!
And, of course, repeat:
Peace be with you, folks!
And, of course, warmth.
And with might and main - health,
For life to always be
Full of love.

Who has a holiday today?
Whose eyes are on fire?
These are our young
Congratulations are accepted!

Embraced with bright joy
Our couple is young!
After all, they have not just a date,
This is a golden wedding!

This holiday is the most important
For yourself and for your loved ones.
Congratulations on a glorious date!
Well done! Bow to you low.

You have been together for half a century -
It's a miracle, and nothing more!
You have another two hundred years to live!
Happy golden wedding! Bitterly!

Long ago you put on rings,
And it seemed to you that they are simply not brighter.
But they don't really have gold in them.
It is in love, which is five decades old.

Hand in hand you go through life.
Today we sincerely wish you all
So that the feelings were all in the same flight.
In spite of the rapidly rushing years

Our dear anniversaries, today we congratulate you on your anniversary - a golden wedding! Few people are blessed with the happiness of celebrating this anniversary date together. You are a true exception, you are a worthy continuation of each other. You side by side, hand in hand, walked these years, built your destiny together, created a family, equipped a cozy home. After 50 years, you are as happy and beautiful as on the first day. Let your family idyll does not end until the end of your days, and love burns brighter and more fiery. Bitterly!

Whiskey silvered the years
And your souls are golden.
Both of you are of the golden breed,
The look is full of goodness and light.

There are people of the highest order
That through the glory of copper passed,
Through fire great love
In the hands of reliable carried.

Let me have a golden wedding
Congratulations dear ones!
Your experience is valuable to learn...
You teach life to us!

So young, dear...
Fate, lead them to the centenary!
You lived together for half a century,
Half a century together!

A wedding of gold is an achievement
Most sincere feelings creation,
This is strength, family reward,
This is our pride, joy!

We wish everyone to live in understanding,
Respect, patience, attention,
Live in kindness, warmth and love,
Rejoice with grandchildren and children!

Together for five decades
After all, most of them never even dreamed of it!
Through copper pipes of all troubles
Love has passed and so it was kept!

Crazy joy is not melting,
We wish you only happiness.
Let it go to distant lands
Sadness, sickness, bad weather are leaving!

Years fly furiously like birds -
Love was only young yesterday;
And now it remains to be surprised:
It's time to walk at the golden wedding.

You have been through a lot over the years.
But there was no talk of separation at all;
The dawn shone in the soul and the birds sang,
The road of trust led you.

Leave your worries behind
Love for you has always been everything;
How many have tried to knock you off the road -
With the right one that leads away from problems ...

Today is your golden date -
May a bright day and hour be with you;
Once upon a time there was love as a girl -
And don't let this one leave you.

Half a century - the path of great love
We passed without any regrets.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
With such a great anniversary!

We wish this path
You continued for a long time.
And let sadness go around your house,
Lots of love and happiness!

So that there were no worries at all!
So that you stay cheerful, steadfast!
Accept this congratulations
We shout loudly to the couple: “Bitter!”.

Golden wedding - you've been together for half a century!
Two different people became one whole,
Fifty years nearby, soul to soul
This is happiness, nothing else is needed.
Children congratulate, grandchildren congratulate,
Loving eyes shine with joy
With trepidation and tenderness in the hand of the hand.
We wish you happiness and many more years,
Let the hearth not smolder and there will be no troubles.

Golden wedding - very touching,
Great-grandchildren and grandchildren, sons and daughters,
Together for half a century they lived for glory,
You look great, very youthful!

I wish you, newlyweds, happiness,
And I confess honestly - I adore you,
I respect and appreciate immensely,
For me, you will always be an example!

I wish wisdom and love to last,
Pray to God for your health
May he bless you to live up to a hundred years,
Happiness is only knowing and not knowing troubles!

Half a century of your life behind
Love in the family blossomed, fragrant.
And how much more is ahead of you
Fate appointed and predicted!

Such a date to believe in miracles,
It helps in love, goodness and happiness.
Your marriage was made in heaven
And everyone who is here knows about it!

May every day your eyes shine
When you look into each other's eyes.
May hearts always burn with fire
Tenderness flows, warming your hands.

From happiness, everything inside strives upward,
The soul bathes in love and affection.
Let your life shine with gold
Like a solar fairy tale!

It was after fifty years of living together in legal marriage celebrating a golden wedding. The wife and their relatives have been waiting for this anniversary for half a century. But what a pleasure it is to come.

The golden wedding occurs when the spouses are about 70 years old. This is a respectable age. But their feelings deserve even more honor and respect: love and respect for each other, as well as marital fidelity carried through half a century.

They say that married couple, who celebrated her golden jubilee, is a real blessing for all her descendants. They are an example of how to live a family life.

Gold was named exactly 50 years of marriage after the wedding for a reason: gold is noble a precious metal, and it is he who symbolizes this so significant anniversary.

Golden wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary of 50 years

wedding anniversary 50 years celebrate necessarily - how not to celebrate so many years of family life together. Anniversaries celebrate this holiday surrounded by their already rather big family and dear friends. And for such long period time there are already children, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren, and, of course, friends close to the heart.

There are customs of celebrating the golden wedding. Golden "newlyweds" need to be sprinkled, as on the day of the wedding, with a "rain" of coins and grain, so that the spouses live for at least another 50 years in love, peace and harmony.

There is also a tradition to give a wife a golden handkerchief. This should be done by children as a token of gratitude for the love and affection of their parents, for their good upbringing.

A touching sight at the anniversary of the golden wedding is a slow dance of the spouses in the circle of relatives with lit candles. Also have old tradition, as on the day of the holiday, throw the bride's bouquet, and who from married women he will be caught - he will also celebrate the golden wedding, and the unmarried will soon marry successfully.

Therefore, why not remember your youth and repeat everything wedding customs. It will be very exciting. But, most importantly, at the celebration of the anniversary of the golden wedding, already elderly spouses feel love and care surrounded by their family. This will be the best gift for them.

What to give your spouse for a golden wedding?

What to give a husband or wife for an anniversary? On the golden wedding anniversary, accordingly, it would be best to present new wedding rings to each other, especially since 50 years have passed since the wedding and the fingers could change, so it happens that the spouses do not wear the previous rings.

And the old wedding rings of happy golden anniversaries become valuable family heirloom and are passed down from generation to generation.

What to give for a golden wedding if you are a guest

There should be gifts for a golden wedding, even if they are small modest gifts, but the main thing is that they be gilded, well, or made of gold - but children give a golden gift to their parents as a symbol of their anniversary and as a sign of respect and gratitude for everything. But still, the biggest gift will be attention and care from loved ones, especially since age requires it.

Perhaps the most significant date of married life. Behind already half a century, lived in marriage. A long time, one might say, a lifetime. And gold is the most suitable material to commemorate this anniversary. They invite relatives and friends, necessarily children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and colleagues. The main gift for a golden wedding is new wedding rings to replace those that were donated 50 years ago. After all, gold could wear out over the years, so old rings are transmitted as family value unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the day of the 50th wedding anniversary, you can arrange a second marriage ceremony and celebrate it solemnly and magnificently. The evening can end with the throwing of the bride's bouquet. If a young woman catches him, then she will soon get married, and if she is married, she will live in marriage as long as the spouses of the anniversary.

Golden wedding is a miracle
Marriage exactly fifty,
Young as ever
All dressed up are sitting
Husband with his wife in an embrace,
Reminiscing about the past
This glorious picture
We will take note
Be always healthy
Let your eyes burn with happiness
Your marriage has become as if new,
Hearts beat with trepidation!

Anniversary of a woman with a grandfather wedding -
There is no kinder, warmer and whiter ...
You, too, old ones, would be called
At least for my centenary!
Do not rush to live - lie down:
Let's do what needs to be done...
You yourself will live to a hundred years
We are happy - young grandchildren!
Great-grandchildren "look" without getting sick,
And suddenly you will understand in a moment
golden jubilee weddings,
How you are in love to death with them!

Was there ever a boy
Very timidly said: “I love!” -
And a girl with a flirtatious haircut
Did you give him your hand?
And now they've been together for half a century
They share shelter and raise offspring,
And there is no happier person
These two inseparable guys!

golden wedding today
Happened to the family
And the spouses in this pair,
Hopelessly in love
These two are one force
Together they will cope with everything
There is a strong man in the house
And the wife is happy with everything
Happy anniversary, happy anniversary
Be happy in everything
Congratulations, as far as we can
And we drink wine for you!

You all become whiter
But age makes a man!
A huge anniversary is coming:
You have been married for half a century!
Forget about cheating pharmacies,
IN lovemaking get angrier:
Not half after all, but a century
From the wedding - the date is rounder!
Live for many more years
(Our bow before you!)
Bringing comfort, peace and light
Through time and generations!

Silence is golden
Our talkative people.
But how to be silent when it comes,
Is the golden wedding walking?
And of course I won't shut up
Silver words ringing with passion:
Think what happiness -
Half a century of bright, warm feelings!
About this every person
Dreaming loftily with his soul.
Walk, golden wedding!
Half a century is just one of the milestones.

Congratulations today couple
With a golden brilliant wedding.
Appreciate the beauty of love
Together so much lived not in vain.
Learned to accept myself
With flaws and mood.
Together we managed to create so much
But it's not just luck!
We congratulate you today
From the heart, accept gifts.
May your marriage stay like this
Cheerful, light and bright.

You have lived in the world for many years,
Don't get discouraged by problems.
You always loved each other
Everyone helped each other.
Forgiving small mistakes
And the nerves were very guarded.
Giving warm smiles
Gave joyful days.
Let everything continue as before
Love is a wonderful gift!
For this trembling hope
Nobody gets too old.

We wish you an anniversary
More sunshine in the family.
And never get cold in winter
And think about love in a dream.
Don't forget your years
That lived together and in love.
In any weather, rejoice
Cherish your feelings.
We want to think about the good
We wish you not to know about the bad.
And it gets better every year
Celebrate this holiday!

Fifty years - no more, no less
Your love lives on.
Reliability and fidelity, tenderness and glory -
That's why your feeling blossoms!
You do not swear, do not part,
Happy together every day.
You always keep your feelings
Heal your soul with feelings!
We congratulate you, wish you happiness,
We also wish you not to get sick.
And every time in any weather
Feelings to warm the heart of another!

Do not rush, man, speak passionately:
“You can’t live for a whole century for two! »
Look better yourself to the anniversaries in the face:
Let us learn from these young people!
And now, as then, fifty years ago,
And the wife - at least where, and the husband pleases the eye.
And good luck to ring you with golden rain ...
Keep it up in the future, and "cheers" - to the young!

Fifty years is a very long date.
You've been together all your life.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts today
So that every day was like a new surprise.
You do not swear and do not scandal,
Live together for a long time.
And accept your shortcomings -
There is nothing scary about them anymore.
And be happy for a hundred years
This is such a rarity now!
And celebrate your holiday in a year,
To congratulate you together.

This golden wedding
Warmed by the warmth of the soul,
And love and attention
And everlasting understanding!
You have no patience,
You for that - praise and honor!
You, relatives, do not get sick,
And stay healthy all the time!
God will always keep you on the path
The heart will be like a magnet
What attracts happiness
Drives away bad weather!

Fifty years of your marriage -
This is not a joke, but a big holiday!
Together you lived for eternity,
How satisfied you are with your fate!
There were sometimes disagreements in love,
But you are not afraid of them in life.
You knew so much wonderful happiness!
How we envy this!
A strong couple is a huge rarity.
We wish you good health.
Don't be sad and don't be sad
The best is yet to come!

Golden wedding walks -
Amazing, no matter how you twist it!
After all, such love inspires,
Putting all troubles out of the way.
You inspire us by example
We wanted to equal you.
To be happier together
So that only love grows every hour.
Congratulations, we wish you success
In every case, and do not know grief.
And of course all anniversaries
It's good to celebrate every year!

The fairy tale ends with a wedding feast,
And this is just the beginning for you!
Let all the best in life happen
So that your happiness crowns your fate.
May your love be
What shines over the years, not melting,
Walk the straight path
To the wedding with the name of gold!

Your marriage is not so little
He is known to be retired.
How happy are you with each other,
This is a great example for all of us.
Everyone should imitate you.
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
And wish you all the best, no doubt
May the best be ahead.
Let you pass any adversity,
Let the years pass without problems.
Well, at the moment of sadness and bad weather,
You will always have to warm each other!