What to go to the new year for a man. How to dress a man depending on his age. Christmas decorations and accessories

Some mushroom pickers prefer to hunt quietly exclusively in supermarkets. Their hearts are warmed by the fact that only edible mushrooms are sold in stores. True lovers of forest walks can hardly be satisfied with Champignons or Oyster mushrooms grown under artificial sun never bathed in morning dew, not saturated with the smell of needles. Anyone who has participated in a mushroom hunt at least once will definitely strive to the forest not only for the culinary purpose - to collect and eat. Every mushroom picker knows the unforgettable feeling when an inconspicuous mound, all covered with last year's foliage, turns out to be a family of strong Butterlets with brown hats. Silent hunting does not imply loud chases with shooting, but it brings no less gambling pleasure from the finds.

Vegetable meat for your table

The list of edible and inedible mushrooms that grow in our forests is not that long and is quite accessible for study. To learn how to distinguish edible from poisonous mushrooms, check out our encyclopedia. Supplement the theoretical lessons with entertaining practice in the forest - and all the experience of previous generations will be learned. Edible mushrooms photo and name are presented on the site and described in as much detail as possible. We have collected a wealth of information designed to teach anyone who wants to correct behavior in the forest. A little patience - and wonderful food product high protein so-called "vegetable meat" will be on your table.

All edible mushrooms are assigned separate classes. The best mushrooms are traditionally considered to belong to the first category: White, Milk and Ryzhiki. They are the most delicious, any type of culinary treatment is suitable for them. Fried, boiled, pickled, salted, dried, they are the pride of a mushroom picker and a real table decoration. The second class includes Champignons, Aspen, Volnushki, Boletus, Butter, Duboviki. Many mushroom pickers love them no less than the first-class ones. The third category is the less well-known, but also tasty and beloved Mokhoviks, Valui, Russula, Honey mushrooms, Morechki, Chanterelles. Fourth - Violinists, Oyster mushrooms, Umbrellas, Rows, Raincoats.

An important rule for beginners

Everyone, even an inexperienced mushroom picker, knows that the only Pale toadstool can spoil all the mushrooms in a basket. There is an indisputable rule: if at least one poisonous mushroom is found among the collected mushrooms, the entire crop is sent to the trash can. This is an axiom, confirmed by the numerous experiments of collectors who regretted throwing away the fruits of their labors and, as a result, went to a hospital bed with severe intoxication. Do not risk your health, and even more so the health of loved ones, especially children. They tolerate mushroom poisoning very hard.

For mushrooms - confidently and without fear

All types of edible mushrooms that can be found in your area are collected on the virtual pages of our site. Useful information useful about them:

  • experienced mushroom pickers to refresh already known knowledge and get new ones;
  • those who are going on a mushroom hunt for the first time and have no idea what edible mushrooms are;
  • amateurs who have not been in the forest for a long time and have forgotten the differences between suitable and unsuitable mushrooms.

The section includes edible mushrooms photo and title as well detailed description of each species, indicating the individual varieties and the differences between them. Even one type of mushroom can be eaten without restrictions, and can be consumed only after repeated digestion or soaking.

Rows, which are ubiquitous in our forests, belong to different categories, they are both edible and conventionally edible. Accordingly, they have different taste qualities. Not all mushroom pickers take their colored varieties, for example, Red and Purple, because of the specific flour smell and rather average taste. To help amateurs to distinguish the Rows, photos and names of these mushrooms have been collected. Pepper oiler unlike others delicious species Butter fully justifies its name and is good for food only as a seasoning.

The best qualities of a mushroom picker are attentiveness and caution

What kind of mushrooms does absolutely everyone like to collect - adults and children? Cute long-legged Honey mushrooms! They grow in large colonies in the same well-visible places for many years in a row. Before rushing with a knife to the next friendly family, crowded together on a stump or a fallen tree, remember some of their features. Almost any species of honey agaric has a poisonous twin. You can distinguish them only by having a photo and description of each. Also, the quite edible Ryadovka grown together is very similar to the poisonous Govorushka. Even experienced connoisseurs can make mistakes in the collection.

Before putting the find in the basket, specify its name and description, be sure to compare your mushroom with its counterpart in the photo. These simple actions will reliably protect you from oversight. Do not try to carry home everything in the forest, it can be dangerous. Some collectors rely on folk beliefs and put all the mushrooms they find in the basket, hoping to deal with them at home.

To this day, among mushroom pickers, erroneous statements are in use that poisonous mushrooms do not eat slugs and insects. People sometimes try to determine which mushrooms have fallen into the basket by changing the color of the onion, clove of garlic, and silverware. Dipped in a boiling broth with inedible mushrooms, they supposedly should darken. All these statements are groundless. Confidence in the quality of forestry can only be given by the names of edible mushrooms presented on the site with descriptions and photographs.

Most often, women begin to think a few weeks before the holiday about their New Year's outfit... But more and more modern men understand the relevance of the phrase about how to meet New Year, so you will spend it. Moreover, this saying covers all aspects of the holiday, including the outfit.

The symbol of 2017 will be the red Fire Rooster. Many people believe that the symbol of the year is a talisman that brings good luck. Therefore, in new year's eve it is best to wear exactly the clothes that the Rooster will like. Depending on this, it is already decided in what way for a man to celebrate the New Year 2017.

Note! The rooster symbolizes strength, courage, intelligence and speed. Therefore, do not neglect fashion trends described in this article. Because they can actually bring good luck.

The most important thing when answering the question of what to wear for a man for the New Year is restraint in colors and elegance. However, let's talk about everything in order.

Colors of men's clothing for the New Year 2017

The choice of how to meet the year of the Rooster for a man begins with color. Most men in their Everyday life preference is given to restrained colors and dark tones... But, the red Rooster proposes to make its own adjustments to the everyday suit. It is worth picking up burgundy, purple or green clothes for New Year's Eve. At the extreme, it can also use brown or black wardrobe items.

Those representatives of the stronger sex who love classics can wear their beloved formal suit blue or dark gray. But it is very important to choose the right shirt, because White collar will not work. All the same, you are planning to celebrate the New Year, and not work out your eight hours in the office! So consider a pink or purple shirt. Do not be afraid of some kind of pattern on the shirt, even if it is banal and barely noticeable stripes... The rooster will definitely appreciate such an attempt to dream up.

If you love sporty style in clothes, then this is only beneficial in talking about how to celebrate the New Year 2017 for a man. Here you can wear your favorite blue jeans or blue, and also pick up some original shirt for them that will match the colors of the year. Remember to wear jeans classic style, no scuffs or cuts are allowed - the Rooster, for some reason, does not like this.

When thinking about what for a man to celebrate the New Year 2017, it is very important to take into account the format of the holiday and party. Remember that in holiday dress you should feel as comfortable and confident as possible. Even if your strong nature does not tend to believe in omens chinese horoscope try to diversify your holiday appearance... We wish you a happy new year and nothing more good days in 2017!

Kilometers of Word pages have been written about exactly how girls should look in magic night meeting the New Year. But what about men? They also need a little inspiration to dress up on New Year's Eve. Introducing 5 stylish images to celebrate the new year.


The classic combination of a snow-white shirt and a blazer will not go unnoticed on New Year's Eve. But if you still want something new, move away from the monochrome scale and add color to the image. Let it be red boots, a bright scarf or black "skinny" jeans instead of trousers.

Punk rock

An insanely beautiful print on a T-shirt and chic expensive sneakers give this not very identical image a dressiness. By the way, stylish sneakers in modern image- this is, perhaps, as recognized expensive watch... Instead of the usual leather rock 'n' roll jacket, you can use a stylish vest, and to complement the image of the jewelry - bracelets and pendants in large quantities.


Guys in love the golden mean in style will probably appreciate this look. He is not boring, but at the same time and not loudly screaming. To good winter sweater with patterns, matched shirt in color, the image is complemented by win-win red accessories. As a result, it creates an image of a responsible guy, not only with a sense of humor, but also with a sense of style.


This image is somewhat similar to the previous one, however, the difference is in the greater severity of the latter. If the drawing is on a sweater, then one, not a whole print. If a tie, then a one-color "herring". But all the boringness in the image kills (in good sense) original shoes and plain jeans instead of pants. The look will be complemented by a stylish, even a little vintage frame of glasses.

Unusual romance

The image is very strong, bright and elegant. Having a shirt with a plain print is already a must-have for anyone modern man, especially since such a shirt will save any event. Dark trousers / jeans will help to balance the image, and, on the contrary, trousers will add spice. bright color... Rough loafers and a nice watch will complete the look.

New Year's costume for a man depends on where the man will celebrate this holiday! It can be both a formal event and a celebration with family and friends.

And naturally mens clothes for the new 2017 year and will depend on the format of the event.

Features of New Year's style 2017

Next year on eastern calendar- year Fire Rooster, but since I am not an astrologer, but a stylist, then my recommendations will be based on where and how you will celebrate this holiday.

  • Event with black tie dress code. Here you need to comply with all the formalities: classic tuxedo, shoes, bow tie.
  • For a less formal evening, you can wear a textured suede or corduroy blazer paired with jeans or trousers. Accessories can be flashy.
  • Event in home environment: You can wear jeans and a shirt, and take a bow tie or tie in a bright color as accessories.
  • New year in country house: here the best and most appropriate image is comfortable jeans and shoes, as well as a bright New Year's sweater.

Trendy colors for the New Year

Restrictions on colors on new year holidays missing! If I tell you that red is fashionable, but green and purple are not, will this affect your choice? And rightly so!
The main thing is that you feel confident in the clothes you have chosen for the event!

I propose to deal with this issue.

When choosing an outfit for the New Year, we are usually guided by common sense, we take into account the recommendations of astrologers and try to stay in trend. Well, let's try to please everyone. The animal, the patron saint of 2014 is a horse. And not just, but blue and wooden.

To please her, we choose outfits in blue, green and natural colors. It can be beige, white, black, green and gray.

New Year in the style of James Bond.

Are you sure you are superman? Well, or, at least, do you want to appear to them? Then an offer from Tom Ford, Gucci or Valentino is for you.

The fun is in full swing.

Want to have some fun? Are all these suits, shoes and bow ties alien to you? Surely you will love the looks from Emporio Armani or Etro.

Creative person.

You are the soul of the company, a confident man and a conqueror female hearts? Your creative person requires self-expression and demonstration of their individuality. Check out the Canali and Diesel Black Gold outfits. pay attention to unusual combination colors, elongated coat options, fur and silk.

Minimalism or nothing more.

If you don't like the very idea of ​​thinking through images, turn your attention to minimalistic outfits. Pants plus thin silky knitwear, jeans plus a fitted shirt are your best friends.

Pay attention to the fashionable details that male image play a leading role. It could be shoes with funny applique, shirt with an ornament, fashionable tie or stripes on trousers.

Whichever outfit you choose, remember to be appropriate and individual. Let the clothes speak for you and let them be only worthy things.

Good luck in the new year!

If you need help choosing an image or buying clothes, please contact me, I will be glad to see you among my clients.

© Imagemaker Elena Ashmarina.