White collar belongs. Blue and blue minerals. Egyptian "White Collars"

Very often among employees there is an expression "White collars and blue collars"What do these expressions mean. In our note, you will learn that they denote these expressions, as well as what the difference between them.

Any average or large firm And the organization can share their team on two conditional camps, they are distinguished by the generation of activities, as well as the amount of wages.

Blue Collars (Blue Collars) - These are employees who usually go to work in a special uniform. This term took its beginning in America, where employees went to the blue uniform.

All employees calling blue collars can be attributed to working specialties. They perform severe physical work and usually work on a piece of remuneration system. Very often such employees get small wages And spend a huge amount of strength and energy.

Blue color uniform for hired workers was not chosen by chance. On clothing of blue color Almost noticeable traces of dirt and machine oil. That is why the leadership of most enterprises stopped on this color.

In this way "Blue collars" Can look neat and clean for a long time. And this means that the uniform will need to be less excited, and she will continue to serve her owner longer. So the company will be able to significantly save at the expense of funds, to buy a uniform to its employees.

White and blue collars are very different in the nature of the work performed. Blue collar for work does not require certain knowledge, very often their work is associated with the use of force. Very often, such people occupy positions in the field of service personnel, as well as they include some work specialties.

White Collars (White Collars) - These are specialists who occupy senior positions, as well as professionals of a narrow profile that work under the contract and receive a fixed wage.

White and blue collars are very different and their main difference in uniform. White collars are required to observe the dress code, most often this is a business suit with a porch and a tie.

White collars are obliged to follow their external species, in their work is not allowed free and allowed only business styleboth in communication and clothing.

For their work, white collar needs luggage knowledge and skills. Very often, such workers have a higher education, as it is not possible to occupy senior positions without certain skills.

White collars got their name because of the bright tones of classic shirts. The usual representatives of this type of workers are the director, top managers, deputies and engineering and technical workers.

What is the difference between white and blue collars?

White and blue collars perform different rod Works, white collars are engaged only by mental work, while blue collars are only physical. because of different species Activities, distinguished and place of work. White mainly work in office space, and blue in enterprises and factories.

Also, white collars wear only business suits, and blue collars go only in a special blue uniform, on which dirt and stains are not visible.

White and blue collars have different salary, white collars get higher wages, while blue collars have a piece of pay for their work.

At the end, I would like to note that blue collars are a working class, while white collars are managerial frames that occupy high positions In firms and enterprises.

terms used by Western political economy and sociology to designate different persons hired labor. "White collars" - engineering and technical staff and office employees; "Gray" - employees of the sectors of social infrastructure; "Blue, Blue" - workers engaged in physical labor, as a rule, those who work in the workshops, unlike the office workers known as " white collar". The name" Blue, Blue Collar "originated from the fact that the workers usually wear blue clothes, and the name" White Collar "is associated with the fact that clothes office workersAs a rule, consists of a white shirt and tie.

  • - "" Employees, officials, employees of the Office of the Office, firms, engineering and technical workers, workers of mental labor, which are part of the so-called non-productive personnel of enterprises, organizations, ...

    Economic Dictionary

  • - "" White, gray, blue-carts, used to designate certain categories of female labor, as applied to their professional affiliation: White collars - engineering and technical staff and office ...

    Economic Dictionary

  • - Qualified workers ...

    Economic Dictionary

  • - employees, officials, employees of the Office of the Office, firms, engineering and technical workers, workers of mental labor, which are part of the so-called "non-productive staff" of enterprises, ...
  • - Terms in international economic practices and sociology to designate certain categories of hired labor. Blue collars - workers engaged in physical labor; Gray - employees of the service sector ...

    Terminology Dictionary Librarian on socio-economic topics

  • - The term that has entered many foreign countries To designate a new category of personnel with high computer literacy ...

    Terminology Dictionary Librarian on socio-economic topics

  • - employees, officials, employees of the management apparatus, managers, engineering and technical workers, mental workers who are part of the so-called "non-production staff" of enterprises ...
  • - Terms used to designate certain categories of female labor, as applied to their professional affiliation: White collars - engineering and technical staff and office employees, officials, ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - Terms used to designate certain categories of female labor, as applied to their professional affiliation: White ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - I MN. Details of clothing, sewn or fastening to the collar. II MN. Name used in names different categories Female work ...

    Dictionary Efremova

  • - Puber. About facial labor engaged in mental activity. NSZ-70; BTS, 150. / I\u003e from English. White Collar Worker. Mokienko 2003, 16 ...
  • - Zharg. bush. Firm staff with high computer literacy. BS, 77 ...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. Like. Jelly To have sex. Maximov, 69 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Puber. On the faces of the womb engaged physical work. NSZ-70. / I\u003e from English. Blue-collar is a worker. Mokienko 2003, 16 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - but other -...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - Workers, working hands, working ...

    Synonym dictionary

"White collars, gray, blue, blue" in books

Blue Koni.

From the book of the Planet Dato Author Mironov Georgy Efimovich

Blue jet

From the book everything is possible? Author Buzinovsky Sergey Borisovich

The blue jet disappears and the aircraft appears, the ship disappears and appears ... The correlation of events is obvious. Or - Correlation of mystifications? .. The fact of the test "invisible aircraft" confirms the historian of Soviet aviation professor V. B. Shavrov in the first volume "Design History

White and blue

From the book Balzac without a mask author Siprio Pierre

White and blue settling on Cassini Street, Balzac built plans and read a lot. Very soon, he again took up the pen: "It is necessary that a prompt rose or goose wing will revive me to life and helped pay to the mother." He thought to create several novels on

Chapter Eighteenth Blue and Gray Agents

From the book Essays of the Secret Service. From the history of intelligence Author Rouan Richard Wilmer

The head of the eighteenth blue and gray agents of the failure of the Baltimore conspiracy are interesting and important not only to the fact that Lincoln's life managed to preserve, which was destined to save the Union of the US states, but also that he demonstrated excellent coordination of actions

Blue, white, red ...

From the book Upgrades: from Elizabeth Tuddo to Egor Gaidar The author of Marring Otar

Blue, white, red ... budget expenditures of the predestariat of the Soviet government ten with even once Exceeded its income. Therefore, the authorities to reduce the ends meet, urgently had to make money literally from nothing. Poor when cash

White and gray

From the book The history of humanoid civilizations of the Earth Author Biazyrev Georgy.

White and gray newspaper "True" ripped his palm, two semi-"truth" received. He twist from the first goat legs, smoked, washed and studied. I read about the socialization to the aliens two of the UFO. But the multiplying Poznan only multiplied his sorrowfully ... Lil in a glass of tears carefully: "Aliens!

4. Blue and gray

From the book an unknown war. Secret history of the USA Author Bushkov Alexander

4. Blue and gray in the north there were dozens of major powder mills - in the south there were only four. For the production of gunpowder, as is known, in addition to coal and sulfur, it is also necessary for the Selith, but it was just squeezed in the blockade of the south. To somehow fix

"Collars without shirts"

From book Everyday life noble class in the golden age of Catherine Author Eliseeva Olga Igorevna

"Collars without shirts" "Each of them is characterized by prejudice against other nations and the contamination of their customs," Dr. Dimsdale did at the end of his notes, "therefore many of the British ... have a bad opinion about the nobility and the people in Russia and even believe that between them

Egyptian "White Collars"

From the book of the Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids Author Popov Alexander

Egyptian "White Collars" literacy in those times meant quite a lot, and a person who could not write, could not become an officer or a high rank official. Therefore, another preferred layer of society was formed - scribes. They became over time

Chapter 2. "Steel Collars" at the Future Factories

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Chapter 2. "Steel Collars" at the "Future Future Factories" people dreamed of creating an ideal car that could perform any work and be free from weaknesses inherent human organism. This dream was embodied in fantastic images of gold,

Blue and Blue Minerals

From the book Directory of Crosswordist Author Kolosova Svetlana

Blue I. blue minerals 5 Galit6 AzuritapatiTDISTENKURUD7 Amethyst Calcitlazrit


From the book all about pigeons Author Bondarenko Svetlana Petrovna

Blue is one of the old rocks, which in 1888 described as Dubovsky M. Vasilyev in the article "Wolf pigeons". For many years of breeding of blue birds with a south drawing in different ranges, depending on the tastes of local barebovels, a number of new breeds have been created, different from

Golden collar

From the book Wisdom leader Author Plyowich Andrey

Gold collars G. I. Deep for a long time Worked in the research institutes of a major research and production association. IN different time He led the scientific group, laboratory, department, sector. In his article in the newspaper "Russian Bulletin" for 08/16/2007 he writes: "Quartet century ago

3. Castings: White, gray, high-strength, macked

From the book Materials Science: Abstract of lectures Author Alekseev Viktor Sergeevich

3. Castings: White, gray, high-strength, forging cast iron - Primary product processing of iron ore by smelting in blast furnaces. In the structure of castors, there may be different components depending on which part of carbon is in a structural-free state.

29. White, gray, Half, high-strength and macked cast iron Formation of microstructure, properties, marking and application

From the book Materials Science. Crib Author Buslaeva Elena Mikhailovna

29. White, gray, half, high-strength and macked cast iron The formation of the microstructure, properties, marking and the use of cast iron is an alloy of iron with carbon. Cast iron contains carbon - 2.14% and cheaper material than steel. It has a reduced temperature

It turns out that there are not only "blue collars", but also "white", "gray", "pink", "blue". Such an expression, of course, wears a shape. It is not literally about this element of clothing, but in general about the dress code of certain categories of workers, depending on their professional duties. Also, the expression "blue (white, blue) collar" is used to indicate the status of a person.

We'll figure it out what lies in these "multicolored" concepts.

So, "blue collars".

So called workers who are mainly physically labor, often at large enterprises. The concept came to us from the West (from the UK), where it sounds like "Blue-Collar Worker". Traditionally (historically it happened) is a working class. Such an expression denote qualified workers or workers engaged in the field physical Labor At the factories, in the shops, on construction sites. Uniform these people literally most often dark blue or blue color To avoid rapid pollution, which served as a reason for the title.

In contrast, the concept of "blue collars" exist "white collars". They represent the custa of employees, officials, employees of the Office of the Office, managers, engineering and technical workers, staff employed mental labor. This category of workers prevails in developed countries over the number of production workers.

Social scientists (for example, E. Giddens in the textbook "Sociology"), considering the structure of society, namely class systems, offers such a division of large-scale groups of people:

The highest class (his representatives are rich people, major businessmen, industrialists);

Middle class (presented mainly by "white collar" and specialists);

The working class (includes "blue collars", people engaged in physical labor).

Peasants (people who provide their livelihoods in agricultural production).

In addition to these two main gradations, there are also such:

- "Pink collars" are in the main mass of women working in the office by secretaries, typistics, telephones, etc.

- « gray collar"- so called industry workers as well as service sector;

- "Brown collars" - so called service workers.

Similar fashionable expressionsdenoting professional activityHowever, they determine the class affiliation, since their status depends on the well-being of people and the genus of their classes.

Currently, there is a tendency to reduce the number of working class and an increase in the category of "White Collars". This is explained by democratization in developed countries of the world, the availability of higher education, the development of foreign economic relations.

COLLAR. Collars of costumes, dresses, blouses, men's shirts, etc. Can be a wide variety of styles. male shirt It may be double and single. Double collar Made by trimming or sewn to the shirt, consists of a rack and ... ... Brief Encyclopedia

Collar, collar, husband. Piece of clothing, sewn or fastened to the door (see gates1). Fur collar. Standing collar. Turning collar. ❖ Spanish collar (honey) paraphomy. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

collar - Collar, A, collar, chka, m. Neck (usually thick). What, told the collar then Zhabotinsky? Strip the collar to beat someone See also: Now, only the ears are starchy (collar starch) ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

collar - Detail or assembly of the sewing product for processing and decoring the neckline. Note The collar can consist of the upper and lower collar. 9 Collar [GOST 22977 89] Topic Details sewing productsTechnical translator directory

Fasten, gates, collar, collar, jabs, balls, rack, pelterine, claw, colts, shawl of Russian synonyms. Collar SUM., Number of synonyms: 16 balls (1) ... Synonym dictionary

Collar, a, husband. Part of the clothing, sewn or fastened to the collar 1. Fur in. Standing, postponed in. | Reduce. Collar, chka, husband. Starch in. White collars everyday name of the institutional employees in some countries; Admission ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

O-ring with tensions (bent outer edges). It is used to compact the pistons of air and hydraulic. Pumps, brake cylinders, air distributors, etc., as well as for packing seals hydraulic. pumps; in the last… … Technical Railway Dictionary

Collar - Detail of clothing, which in a modern understanding of this word was absent on clothes up to middle ages. Only in the 13th century. In the neck cut, a narrow strip of fabric appeared, which over time turned into a collar rack. Collars ... ... Encyclopedia of Fashion and Clothes

SUB., M., Upatr. compared. Often morphology: (no) what? Collar, what? collar, (see) What? Collar than? Collar, what? About collar; MN. what? Collars, (no) what? Collars, what? Collars, (see) What? Collars than? Collars, o ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

Take / take for the collar who. Volga. 1. Submit to himself 2. persistently demand that l. from whom Glukhov 1988, 5. Layout / lay (pour, pour / fill) for the collar. Simple. Drink alcohol. BTS, 150; Maximov, 69; Glukhov 1988, 81; ... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

Surprisingly, such a detail on clothes as a collar appeared only in the Middle Ages, representing a narrow strip on male shubah. But today collars are important detailswhich are distinguished by a huge variety of sizes and shapes. Per centuries-old history The collar had time to visit both wide, and huge, and miniature, and soft, and solid, and lace, and even frame. And only a few decades ago, he became such as we can observe him today on the male and women's clothing. Modern fashion Actively uses the main types of women's collars, which we will talk about.

"Peter Pen". Most often, a postponed adjacent collar with soft rounded ends decorate clothes, the fasteners on which are closed by planks. Such collars look very elegant and feminine. With a character of a well-known fairy tale, his name is indirectly, since in the same name of the actress mod Adams participated in the dress precisely with such a collar. John White Alexander sewed the outfit for her, which is considered the "parent" of this collar.

Sailor collar. Easily recognizable formreminiscent of a gyus. It is absolutely optionally to use blue-white coloring. Quite a big triangle with deep V-neck Can have any color. Used usually for decoration summer tops and dresses. Such a view women's collar Today it is very popular, as it is a trend summer season. It is worth noting that the traditional Gyus in the interpretation modern designers Looks very stylish!

Welded collar. If we consider the most common types of collars on a dress or blouse, then this, perhaps the most popular. This collar received its name because of the possibility of beating the edges. From the classic shirt, it is distinguished by the lack of hard rack. Turn-down collars Often use designers creating clothes in vintage and.

Rack. The easiest, elegant basic viewcharacterized by a dense adjacent to the neck and associated with the strip sewn to the neck. Most often, such types of collars are sewn on a coat, blouses and uniforms.

Halter. Incredibly spectacular detail that on evening outfit Looks excellent! It is an elongated loop, barrel shields and emphasizing the length of the neck.

Postponed with buttons and rack. From the usual shirt, the presence of buttons, which the ends of the collar are fastened to the shelves of the product. Invented his brothers Brooks for sports T-shirts Polo, and on women's clothing such a type of collar appeared only at the beginning of the sixties of the last century. It is worth noting that buttons or buttons do not execute a practical function.

Mandarin. A very stylish collar, characterized by compactness and elegance. It looks great on blouses and dresses. In fact, it is a modified "counter", but without a closure and closure of the ends.

Jab. Removable or sewn - no matter! On blouses, dresses and even coat collar Jably, associated with exquisite vertical waist, it looks spectacular by adding femininity.

Ascot. A wide "rack" with elongated ends, which can be tied with a tie or bow, in the center or side. Ideal to create an image in an office or business style.

Golf. We are accustomed to the way to call the turtlenecks, but the word "golf" indicates that their collar. This is an elongated "rack", which is touched down and tightly tight neck. In warm knitwear and knitted things Such a collar is indispensable!

Now and you know what kinds of collars are on women's clothing.