Chinese lunar gender calendar. Determination of the sex of the unborn child according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Reasons to Use the Chinese Horoscope

Every expectant mother looks forward to the day when she will be called the gender of her unborn baby. For this purpose, ultrasound is traditionally used in obstetrics to examine the genitals of the fetus. In addition to this, there are indirect signs, helping to figure out who to expect parents. However, it is difficult to consider them reliable, since they rather depend on individual features than from the floor of the crumbs. Some mothers try to calculate the sex of the child according to the Chinese calendar of pregnancy, but in this case it is necessary to understand that the technique can also give errors.

History of the Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

The Chinese are a unique nation. For thousands of years they have been developing and improving a variety of teachings relating to almost all aspects of life. Historians say that most scientific papers was written in ancient times, and modern inhabitants states only adapt these teachings to real existence.

The works of some scientists are related to obstetrics and gynecology. In particular, several hundred years ago, it was in China that a calendar was developed that made it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child as accurately as possible.

This technique in ancient China was developed specifically for the dynasty of emperors and had deep meaning, since in the family of rulers power passed exclusively through male line. That is why the birth of a boy was more preferable, and the pregnant women themselves wanted to quickly find out the gender of the unborn baby.

In ancient times, there were no modern diagnostic machines, so the table of the Chinese pregnancy calendar remained the only way find out the gender of the unborn baby. However, even now, when medical technologies make it possible to obtain the necessary data already at early dates, this method of calculation remains relevant.

So, the Chinese still believe that special tables help to calculate the sex of the baby with an accuracy of 98%.

What is the Chinese calendar?

The classic version of the calendar is a table for finding out the sex of the baby, knowing the month of fertilization and the age of the mother herself. Wherein possible periods conceptions form columns, and data on how old a woman is, rows. If you find a square located at the intersection of the corresponding cells of the table, you can see a symbol indicating who will be born in the family: ♀ - a girl and ♂ - a boy.

Age / month of conception 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12




























The Chinese are convinced of the reliability of this method of calculating sex, therefore, they are actively using it at the present time, however, to obtain the most reliable results some nuances need to be taken into account.

Calculating the true month of a woman's birth is not easy, since for this you need to use not the usual calendar for Europeans, but the eastern one. Difficulties are connected with the fact that the Chinese countdown of the new year does not begin exactly on the first of January. This date may vary from year to year, but usually falls at the end of winter. Nevertheless, it is quite realistic to obtain reliable data on the month in which the expectant mother was born. This requires a series of sequential steps.

  1. It is customary for the Chinese to consider the day of immediate conception as the time of birth, so the number 9 is added to the calendar date. This calculation method is correct if the woman was born in any month except January or February.
  2. If the date of birth future mother falls at the beginning of winter, an additional calculation is required. First of all, you need to find out what date the countdown of the new calendar year began.
  3. If this does not happen, then exactly one year is subtracted from the actual date and after nine months are added.
  4. If a woman was born after the arrival of the new year, then you do not need to subtract one. You just need to add nine months.

If you strictly follow all the rules, then the sex of the child can actually be calculated quite accurately.

Many expectant mothers were surprised to learn about the accuracy of the data obtained from the table only during an ultrasound scan in the second trimester of pregnancy.

How to use the Chinese table when planning a pregnancy

To use the sex determination method developed by the Chinese, some data should be prepared in advance. In particular, you need to know not only your own date of birth, but also the month when the baby was conceived. Having received all necessary information, you need to refer to the table. Among the column headings look for desired month conception, and in the lines they find the true age of the expectant mother. Then draw a line to the intersection. In the right cell, the gender of the baby will be indicated - a boy or a girl.

This ancient method is suitable not only for finding out the sex after conception, but before the ultrasound procedure. You can resort to his help if a couple wants to conceive a particular boy or girl. For this purpose, the table is used in a different way. Initially, it is required to calculate the woman's age, and then in the desired line to find those months in which pregnancy is most likely either a boy or a girl.

Lunar age calculation

It will be easier to determine the true month of birth if you first consider an example of calculations. So, if, according to the traditional European calendar, a woman was born on 04/02/1989, it turns out that in June 2017 she is 28 full years and 2 months, but adding nine months, we get a different figure - 28 years and 11 months.

In this case, the age matches, which means that determining the sex of the baby will not be difficult. But if the expectant mother was born, for example, on 10/01/1990, then her age from conception will be greater. So, in June 2017, a woman is 26 years and 8 months old. By adding nine, we get an increase to 27 years and 5 months. It is this figure that should be used when determining the sex of the child according to the Chinese table.

The date of birth can also change if the woman was born in January, and New Year on Eastern calendar hasn't arrived yet. For example, in 1974 this happened on January 23, therefore, if the expectant mother was born on the 15th, then 1973 will be taken as the basis for the calculation. These dates are constantly changing, so it is important to keep track of the arrival of the new year according to the Chinese calendar. For example, in 1995 it fell on January 31, and in 2000 it fell on February 5.

The basis for determining the correct date of birth is to determine the age by lunar calendar.

The fact is that the Chinese have long used the cycles of movement of the natural satellite of the Earth when compiling calendars. In European calculations, the rotation of the Earth around the central point of the system, the Sun, is usually taken into account.

According to the Chinese calendar, full moon month consists of 28 days, and the countdown of the new year begins only when the new moon phase begins before the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius in the zodiac belt of the constellations. It is for this reason that this date is always different.

Reliably? The attitude of modern medicine to this method

Traditionally, the gender of the unborn child is determined using ultrasound. It is possible to do this already at the sixteenth week of pregnancy, but the planned ultrasound this period no, therefore, most often they learn about who will be born in the family at the 20th week. Up to this point, you can use any non-traditional methods sex determination, but modern medicine often skeptical.

So, some experts are convinced that not a single table that requires searching for the intersection of the mother's age and the month of conception will be able to give an exact answer to the question of who will be born to the couple - a boy or a girl.

Geneticists explain that the sex of the unborn child is laid at the stage of the fusion of male and female germ cells, and it will depend solely on the sperm. This is due to the fact that the female egg contains two identical X chromosomes. The sperm involved in the process of fertilization can carry both X and Y cells. The first combination option assumes that the couple will have a girl. If two different chromosomes join in the zygote, then a boy will be conceived.

Experts are convinced that the listed types of spermatozoa have peculiar properties. Thus, male germ cells carrying the Y-chromosome have maximum mobility and are able to develop a high speed of movement, while their life span is short. Sperm with the X chromosome, on the contrary, retain their activity for a long time in fallopian tubes women, but moving towards the egg rather slowly.

These features underlie most reliable definition gender of the unborn child. So, if sexual intercourse occurred strictly on the day of ovulation, that is, the release of a mature egg from the ovary, then there is a high probability of conceiving a boy. If sex happened a few days before the maturation of the oocyte, then most likely the couple will have a girl, since it is the spermatozoa with the X chromosome that remain viable longer.

There are other methods for calculating gender.

So, one of the most popular is a technique that takes into account:

  • mother's blood type;
  • father's blood type
  • number of blood renewals.

Under updates, experts assume all major losses of biological fluid, including injuries, accidents, operations, donation. This technique can also be used when choosing optimal time to conceive a child of a certain gender, but no specialist can guarantee the result.

The calculation method for determining the sex of the unborn child according to the Chinese table has many opponents, since there are situations when it is impossible to obtain data. So, it makes no sense to use it if the pregnancy is multiple.

However, the table should not be abandoned completely. This technique can satisfy curiosity if a woman already knows about the conception that has occurred, but the period is still too short for an ultrasound. The method does not imply any interference in the development of the baby, so it is considered absolutely safe. It also allows planning future pregnancy, but you should not rely entirely on the table. Parents should understand that, whatever the gender of the child, he will in any case become desirable and loved.

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In China, all men use this calendar (table) to plan the gender of the baby, as the famous Institute of Sciences of Beijing says that this simple calendar (table) makes it possible to know gender of the child With maximum precision, which is about 98%. Wonderful? Then we recommend using Chinese calendar (table) for determining the sex of the child.

This method makes it possible not only to gender of the child before birth, but also allows predict the gender of your baby while still in the preparation stage.

A plus Chinese calendar (table) planning the sex of the unborn child in that it allows early determine gender future baby, calculate the date conception and approach it correctly. So use this method floor planning future baby.

"Who will nature give me?" - this is a question often asked by pregnant women. For families who are just planning to have child, this question is also of great importance. It is known that 100% accuracy in sex determination the baby now can give only ultrasound.

However, various folk remedies are good too. They helped their parents different countries for many centuries. Take, for example, Chinese calendar (table) of conception.

How to determine the gender of the child using this calendar (table)?

To find out floor future child, you need to know the month in which you are expecting a baby and the age of the woman.

Applying this calendar (table), You can plan the desired floor baby in advance. If this was not possible, then at least you will find the answer to this burning question after conception.

Calendar (table) based on maternal age at time conception, as well as the month itself conception. According to the Chinese sages, whose advice was listened to in antiquity, only a woman has an influence on gender of future baby.
At the top tables(horizontally) numbers from 1 to 12 are located. These are the months that correspond to Chinese lunar year. The vertical lines show numbers from 18 to 45. This is the age of the woman at the time conception.

Cell with color that shows gender of the child, is at the intersection of the horizontal value (mother's age at conception) and vertical value (months conception). If the color is blue, then it will be born boy if pink then girl. In fact, color shading is a European invention. In the original Chinese table there were hieroglyphs that meant " male gender" and " female».

Using this method, it should be remembered that the Chinese consider the age of a woman differently. At the same time, many sites publishing the presented table, forget to point to this the most important detail. Inaccurate forecasts in most cases take place precisely because of this.

How to correctly determine the age of the mother?

In China, babies are born as early as 9 months old. Thus, children who were born on the same day in China and in Russia have different age. Our one year old baby in China would be called a 2 year old. To use correctly Chinese table, you need to know your Chinese" age.

Thus, when calculating your age, simply add 1 year. The figure that turned out should be looked for in the "Age" column.

The Chinese Birth Calendar is a table found at an emperor's burial site near Beijing, China, about 700 years ago. Legend claims that Ba Gua and Wu Xing helped develop the Chinese Gender Table during the Oing Dynasty. The ancient artifact is now on public display at the Beijing Institute of Science.

What gender do the Chinese prefer?

Since boys have always been physically stronger than girls, the ancient Chinese preferred more boys in their families. They could help with farming, which is essential for a traditionally agricultural country. Parents often looked at newborn girls mainly as a source of embezzlement. Girls stayed with families until they were 17 years old, then they got married and joined their husbands' families. The choice of sex was also important for emperors. ancient China. So it is not surprising that such a table was found in their burial places.

How to use the table?

Next you will find good example Chinese calendar for sex determination. It has an age column from 18 to 45 on the left side of the table. It also has a row of months from January to December - the head of the table. The table is easy to use, but You need to add 9 months to the mother's age to find out what age she is according to the Chinese calendar.

  1. Set the mother's age according to the Chinese calendar when she was conceived.
  2. Write this number in the left column.
  3. Find the month when the child was conceived in the top row.
  4. Draw a straight line horizontal line in the table, starting with her age.
  5. Draw another line vertically on the chart starting from the month of conception.
  6. At the point where the 2 lines intersect, you will see an M or D.

M indicates that the mother conceived a boy, D indicates that a girl can be expected.












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Calculation example: The expectant mother was born on August 7, 1983, which means that according to the Chinese calendar we add 9 months to her age, it turns out that her age is 30 years old (at the time of 2012), suppose the conception of a child was in August, at the intersection of age and month of conception there is a letter M - i.e. boy. Everything is clearly shown below.


The table is based on the Chinese lunar calendar and is more than 90% accurate, according to those who have tried to determine the sex of their unborn child. However, there are no scientific evidence that the table guarantees accurate predictions. Most people agree that the main function of the table is to provide some sort of entertainment and food for thought.

Determine the gender of your baby

Some people use the Chinese birth calendar to or according to their wishes. Use the table to determine future age mother and current month. Draw a horizontal line along the row of months until you reach your desired gender. This will determine the month when conception should occur if you want to choose the gender of your baby.

Physicians are now using scientific techniques such as an ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. And these methods usually give accurate results. However, future parents still enjoy using the Chinese birth calendar as well. While most people don't take it seriously, the accuracy of the calendar is staggering.

Zodiac signs

Although astrology is not directly related to gender calendars, the Chinese are also attached to it. Astrology has its origins in the Zu and Han dynasties. They also added the concepts of the elements (or their changes) along with Yin and Yang.

12 signs of the zodiac

  • Aries: March 21 - April 20, ram ♈
  • Taurus: April 21 - May 21, Ox ♉
  • Gemini: May 22 - June 21 Gemini ♊
  • Cancer: June 22 - July 23, Cancer ♋
  • Leo: July 24 - August 23, Leo ♌
  • Virgo: August 24 - September 23, Virgo ♍
  • Libra: September 24 - October 23, Libra ♎
  • Scorpio: October 24 - November 22, Scorpio ♏
  • Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22, centaur ♐
  • Capricorn: December 23 - January 20, goat ♑
  • Aquarius: Jan 21 - Feb 19, carrying water ♒
  • Pisces: February 20 - March 20, Pisces ♓

Chinese astrology

Wu Hing/Wu Ying phase change

Rather than relying solely on the 12 signs of the zodiac, the Chinese have a 12 year animal cycle which creates a 60 year calendar based on a combination of the 5 elements (or phase changes).

Chinese zodiac signs

  • Rat
  • Rabbit
  • The Dragon
  • Horse
  • Goat (ram or sheep)
  • Monkey
  • Hen
  • Dog
  • Pig

In addition to the 12 year old Chinese animals, they also have animals for each month (internal animals), animals for the day (true animals) and for the hour (secret animal).

Yes, it's something that can be used before an ultrasound and well before birth. But how accurate is this? Have you tried it? Ancient chinese table Did the gender of the newborn work for you? Share your experience.

Almost all future parents are curious - what gender will their baby be? In most cases, such information is obtained on the basis of the results of ultrasound, but in the early stages the help from it is small.

The Chinese claim that their horoscope works by 95%. Is it so?

Determination of the sex of the unborn baby

The so-called Chinese calendar- this is a table compiled in a certain way, based on which, the ancient Chinese could determine the gender with great accuracy born child. Such a document was found in one of the temples near Beijing. Even if the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child is very, very ancient, it continues to be used to recognize the sex of a child even now, when there is and modern facilities(ultrasound, for example). Such a calendar is also used at the stage of pregnancy planning. To date, the Chinese calendar is kept in China - at the Institute of Sciences.

The ancient Chinese calendar, also called the "Chinese horoscope", is a regular table made up of horizontal and vertical graphs. 12 horizontal graphs are indicated by months - from January to December. Vertical graphs indicate age - from 18 to 45 years, that is, suitable age for pregnancy. The gender of the baby is determined depending on where these values ​​intersect. As you can see, the calculation method is extremely simple - it will take about a minute in time. At the same time, the accuracy of the results obtained is amazingly high.

Pros and cons of the method

In ancient times in China, it was believed that the birth more boys is good, because physically they stronger girls. The opportunity to apply their work in agriculture for the state was extremely useful. Chinese parents believed that newborn babies bring nothing but unnecessary costs. As a rule, they were kept in their parents' house until the age of 17, after which they were given in marriage and gladly shifted all the expenses onto the husband's shoulders. The choice of the sex of the child was extremely important in imperial families. It was this circumstance that was the reason that the table was found in the burial places of such families.

The table, which determines the sex of the future baby, allows you not only to find out whether it will be a boy or a girl, but also to make a high-precision forecast at the planning stage. This method is often used by those future parents who would very much like a child of a certain gender. Therefore, at birth, this is no longer a surprise for them.

Many couples Having decided to have a baby, they use the Chinese horoscope in order to be able to properly prepare for the long-awaited event.

The ancient Chinese calendar also has some drawbacks. Of course, this method does not give a 100% guarantee (like any other). Some of the sources claim that the horoscope is only 60% reliable, according to other sources - 90%.
At multiple pregnancy the calendar, alas, is powerless in the matter of determining the sex of children.

Features of calculations

Scientists are not able to explain exactly how this table works. The methodology is based on in large numbers intricate mathematical calculations and primary data. The result - based on the initial data, either parent can determine the sex of the baby.

The ancient Chinese calendar is based on the age range of 18-45. You also need to know the month in which the child is conceived. Modern women believe that the accuracy of this method is not very good - the explanation for this lies in the features of the use of the table. It's all about calculating the age of a woman - it must be calculated according to the Chinese method. In order not to complicate the calculations, you can simply add a year to the woman's age.

Application of the method

First, according to the above method, the age of the woman is selected - in the top row of the table.

  1. In the column on the side, which lists the months from January to December, choose the month when the baby was conceived
  2. The next step is to draw a vertical line from the age of the mother
  3. A horizontal line is drawn from the month of conception
  4. The cell where both lines intersect is the result.

If the letter “D” appears at the intersection, a girl will be born, if “M” - respectively, a boy. "pM" - a large error% for a boy. "pD" - a large error% for a girl.

Despite the fact that, according to many, the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child gives a result of high accuracy, it should be used only in the form of recommendations. This does not mean that his predictions are inaccurate - it simply means that one should not be completely sure of the result.

Chinese pregnancy calendar - the oldest method for calculating the sex of a child

The opportunity to find out the sex of the child from the expectant mother also appears for a period of 12-13 weeks - at the planned first screening, which includes ultrasound. However, the results of the study can sometimes be incorrect. It happens when future baby does not allow itself to be seen.

There are several ways to find out the gender of the future crumbs: traditional -, according to the lunar calendar of pregnancy, and even by the date of conception. In all this diversity, the most effective of them, of course, with the exception of ultrasound, is the method of calculating the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar.

The Chinese calendar for determining pregnancy was invented in ancient times. It has survived to this day thanks to an archaeological find - the Chinese calendar of pregnancy was discovered in the grave of one of the sages.

It is believed that the Chinese pregnancy calendar, which helps to calculate the sex of the child, was originally known only to members royal family. So they planned the birth of only boys - to continue the royal dynasty. The original of the unique archaeological find is now kept at the Beijing Institute of Science and Technology.

Modern medicine already has in practice laboratory methods which can determine the sex of the child by the mother's blood. This became possible after scientists learned how to isolate fetal chromosomes from maternal blood, which in small quantities get to the mother from the baby through the placenta. It is possible to determine the sex of the baby by the blood of the expectant mother with a certainty of 97-98% in almost any modern laboratory from the 10th week of pregnancy.

Child gender calculation table

The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar is a chart that can be used to calculate the gender of the baby. How to do it: find the intersection of your age at the time of conception and the month of conception - in this cell the sex of the long-awaited baby will be indicated.