How to paint jeans in solid blue. How to dye jeans at home to refresh their color. Coloring products

Jeans are stylish and practical clothes that will never go out of style. Striking denim trousers - solid foundation everyday, sports, business and even romantic image... As a rule, a quality product lasts for more than one year. But from frequent washings, friction and sun rays the fabric loses color. Fortunately, it is quite easy to bring back the brightness and breathe a second life into the product. How to dye jeans at home?

Until a few centuries ago, dyeing fabrics was a venerable craft. Not everyone could afford to use the services of dyers. Today, such services are provided in dry cleaning and some ateliers. But why overpay if the hostesses are available wide range of traditional and alternative means.

Choosing a store drug

Can I dye my jeans myself? Of course, this does not require any special skills. The main thing is to decide on the color and type of dye.
If you are unsure of which paint to paint your jeans, head to a specialty store. Depending on the desired effect, you can find the right product.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages different types dyes

Dye typeAdvantagesdisadvantagesAppointment
Blue- Affordable price;
- ease of use;
- security
- Low durability ( blue color washed out after two washes)- To give freshness to blue or light blue
Aniline paint- Ease of use;
- the ability to mix colors with each other
- Low durability;
- burns out in the sun
- To create color streaks and other original effects
Acrylic paint- Color fastness;
- a wide palette of shades;
- ease of use
- High price- For artistic painting of fabric
Powder dye- Low price;
- ease of use
- Low durability;
- a small selection of shades
- For painting faded jeans

Features of using acrylic products

How to dye jeans, if you want to get an original thing at the exit, which no one else has analogues? Perfect option- bright and durable acrylic paints that will not fade or fade. They are used for artistic painting - a good option to freshen up an item or hide a stain. The use of this type of paint has seven features.

  1. Preparation . Before starting work, jeans are washed and completely dried and ironed. This will allow the paint to adhere better between the fibers.
  2. Ease of application... The area to which the drawing will be applied must be placed on a flat surface and fixed (for example, with paper clips or double-sided tape).
  3. Sketch the outline. This can be done with a soft pencil or carbon paper.
  4. Amount of paint... The acrylic layer should be as thin as possible. Otherwise, he may start to climb.
  5. Correct brushes... Soft bristles will work for a crisp pattern that implies a tight overlap. For semi-transparent patterns, it is better to use hard brushes.
  6. Drying. Acrylic paint sets instantly. But for it to dry completely, it will take at least 15 hours.
  7. Fixing the result... To keep the paint firmly on the jeans, iron the garment from the wrong side or through a sheet of paper.

Despite the fact that acrylic is highly durable, it is not recommended to expose a thing painted with such paint to high temperatures. Machine wash and strong friction should also be avoided.

How to dye jeans with powder dye: 2 ways

Powder dyes are the most common. They are easy to use and inexpensive. There are two ways to use this kind of remedy.

In the washing machine

Jeans painting in washing machinethe best option for those who value their time. The procedure is carried out in six stages.

  1. Jeans preparation. Wash, rinse and dry your jeans well. If stains or particles remain on the fabric detergent, the dye is not evenly distributed.
  2. Dye preparation. Prepare the coloring composition according to the instructions. If using a powder, stir well to avoid lumps. Otherwise, the fabric will be colored unevenly. You may have to strain the composition through several layers of gauze.
  3. Load the jeans into the drum, pour the prepared dye composition into the same place. Go to the next step immediately so that the pigment does not have time to sink into the fabric.
  4. Mode selection. Jeans should be in the washing machine for at least two hours, and therefore the longest wash cycle should be selected. The water temperature must be at the maximum permissible, according to the label.
  5. Fixing the result. When the dyeing process is complete, place the jeans in a basin of acidified water for a quarter of an hour. For every liter of liquid, there should be two tablespoons of vinegar.
  6. Final wash. To remove dye residues from the fabric and eliminate the vinegar smell, machine wash your jeans again without any detergent. This time, the water temperature should not exceed 40 ° C.

Modern fabric dyes do not harm the washing machine. The only vulnerable element is the rubber gasket on the door. If at the end of the wash you notice that the surface is stained, immediately wipe it with a sponge and soap.

In an enameled basin

If you want to control the staining process, you will have to do everything manually. An enamel basin is ideal for these purposes. Follow the seven step instructions.

  1. Preparation of paint. Dilute the dye in water according to the instructions. If there are undissolved lumps, the mixture must be filtered through cheesecloth.
  2. Preparing a container with water. Pour about 7 liters of water into a large enamel bowl. Place a container of water on a fire.
  3. Immersion of the product. When the water warms up well, dissolve the dye in it and immerse the jeans. The liquid should be hot enough, but not boiling.
  4. Cooking. Boil the jeans in the dye composition for 40-60 minutes.
  5. Rinsing. At the end of cooking, rinse the product first in hot and then in cold water.
  6. Color pinning. Dip your jeans in vinegar solution(two tablespoons per liter of water) for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Final wash. Wash your jeans in warm water and a little powder or laundry soap.

During digestion, you will have to constantly monitor that the product is completely immersed in water. If some parts of the fabric float to the surface, they will not stain and light spots will appear on the jeans.

Alternative solutions

If you like experimenting, buying a dye and then applying it according to the instructions is too trivial and boring. A number of alternative products will help you achieve the desired color and original effects.

Chlorine bleach

Peculiarities. "Varenki" are legendary jeans. More than one generation of fashionistas has sought to own this thing. The technique came to us from Japan. There, nodular staining was elevated to the rank of art. If you want to show off in jeans with beautiful white stains, you have to do some magic on the thing.


  1. Fill a metal bucket with water and add a glass of chlorine bleach.
  2. Crumple the jeans into a ball, or twist and tie tightly with a string to lock in place.
  3. Submerge the item in the liquid and place the bucket on the hotplate.
  4. Boil jeans over medium heat for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Rinse the product thoroughly in cold water.

If you're unsure of how to properly dye old jeans that have faded, try bleaching them completely for a stylish new outfit. The technology is the same as in the manufacture of "boiled", but you do not need to twist and tie the product.

Potassium permanganate

Peculiarities. Potassium permanganate is another means with which you can make fashionable "dumplings". it great way how to partially dye jeans by hand without boiling or any other heat treatment.


  1. Mix a heaping tablespoon of manganese with half a glass of vinegar and two tablespoons of peroxide.
  2. Dilute the resulting composition with water (3 l).
  3. Roll the jeans tightly and secure them with ropes or elastic bands.
  4. Place the product in the solution for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse your jeans several times in cold water and wash them with powder.


Peculiarities. If you want to dye your jeans in green color, ideal remedy- brilliant green. With some simple manipulations, you can turn it into an excellent dye for clothes.


  1. If you want to dye your white jeans, just wash and iron them. If the product is of a different color, it must first be soaked in whiteness.
  2. Dissolve the contents of a standard bottle of brilliant green in 5 liters of water.
  3. Submerge wet jeans in the solution for half an hour.
  4. Rinse the product in cold water and soak in water with vinegar for a quarter of an hour.

Hair dye

Peculiarities. Hair dye is one of the alternatives for dyeing jeans. It gives the fabric a rich color and holds well. It is usually used to dye tight jeans or corduroy jeans.


  1. Pour warm water into a bowl or bucket and add paint of the chosen shade. If you are using a tonic, then you will need two bottles for the brightness of the color.
  2. Immerse the washed and dried jeans in the solution for one and a half to two hours.
  3. Rinse the garment several times to remove any staining residue. Alternate between warm and cold water.
  4. Pour water into the container. For each liter, add two tablespoons of vinegar and one spoonful of salt. Soak the thing for 15 minutes.
  5. Powder wash and hang to dry away from sunlight and heating appliances.

If you want to freshen up the black color of your jeans, use basma. It is a natural dye that will not harm skin or fabric.

Vegetables, berries, herbs

Peculiarities. You can dye light-colored jeans at home using food products... Natural dyes in all colors of the rainbow from the table will help you experiment with style. The process includes four stages.


  1. Squeeze juice from berries or vegetables and dilute it hot water... Pour boiling water over dry herbs or spices and let it brew until it cools. The proportions of dye and water are determined "by eye". The more pigment, the brighter the color will be.
  2. Place the product in a container with a solution. The liquid should completely cover it.
  3. For three to five hours, constantly turn the thing over to evenly distribute the dye.
  4. Rinse the product in water acidified with vinegar or mild saline solution.

Table - Natural dyes for jeans

Desired shadeNatural dye
Orange color- Carrot;
- onion husks
Yellow- Bay leaf;
- dry flowers of calendula;
- turmeric
Brown color- Oak bark;
- walnut shell;
- Black tea
Green color- Sorrel root;
- spinach
Pink color- Cherry;
- raspberries
Grey colour- Blackberry
Blue- Red cabbage
Blue color- Cauliflower;
- dry cornflower petals;
- blueberry;
- dark grapes
Red color- Garnet;
- beet

The highest color intensity is observed after staining berry juices... Vegetables and dry dyes have a much paler pigment.

  1. Water temperature... Dyed items should only be washed in cold or lukewarm water. Heat will help wash out the dye.
  2. Detergent. It is better to replace washing powder with laundry soap.
  3. Washing type. Ideal is a friction-free hand wash. It is permissible to use the machine only in delicate mode.

Do not use fabric softener when washing dyed jeans. It can change the shade of a thing beyond recognition.

If you want to revive old jeans that have lost their color, synthetic and natural dyes will come to your aid. But by putting one thing in order, it is important not to spoil the others. If you decide to dye your jeans with dye with your own hands, remember that you need to wash them separately from other clothes. After washing, thoroughly wipe the basin or drum of the washing machine to remove the dye particles.


Both soluble and water-insoluble substances act as blue. To paint jeans, you need to purchase a soluble dye. It can be indigo carmine, Prussian blue, soluble Parisian blue, blue aniline dyes. Prussian blue dissolves in water only in the presence of oxalic acid... Aniline dyes are usually the most expensive. They have good coloring power, but they can discolor in the sun. Some aniline dyes turn red after using the iron. Among the aniline dyes that are suitable for the production of blue: methyl, methylene and wool blue.

Ultramarine is an insoluble type of blue. This is a fairly cheap product. You should be aware that soluble dyes color the fabric much more evenly than insoluble dyes.

You need to make a blue solution in accordance with the instructions on the package. After all, some things get stained during washing in blue, and some during rinsing. The approximate consumption of blue is as follows: 0.3 grams per 1. Stir the powder in cold water and then pour the mixture into warm water. When painting, the following rule works: the richer you want the shade, the less water should be.

To dye jeans, soak them in the solution for at least two hours. After that, simply dry.

Before painting, be sure to wash your jeans: they must be absolutely clean. Immerse the jeans in the blue container in a flattened state. If they don't fit, fold them in half. In this case, make sure the water soaks the jeans evenly, as there is a risk that they will become unevenly stained. Jeans should not protrude from the pelvis.

Try to dissolve all blue clots in water. If they do not diverge, pour on them warm water(+ 30 ° C). If you want your jeans to appear more saturated, leave them in the basin for not two hours, but overnight.

If you want the paint to firmly set, add a couple of tablespoons to the blue solution. table salt with a slide. You can fix the paint by rinsing your jeans in a vinegar solution. This should be done after the blue jeans have been soaked. Pour in 5 tablespoons. vinegar in 10 liters of water. If the fixing power is insufficient, increase the amount of vinegar. Note that blue fades very quickly. Most likely, after a couple of washings, the painting will need to be repeated.

The most resistant are acrylic paints on water based... They can be easily diluted with water. But they are washed off until the moment of the first drying. After that, it will be difficult to wash the thing. Acrylic paints come in a very wide range of shades.

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  • painting jeans

Jeans have long been an important part of the wardrobe and it's hard to imagine modern family without this practical and comfortable clothes. Quality product usually does not lose its visual appeal for one, and sometimes two years. A new item can stain your underwear with dye; over time, any denim fabric fades more and more. To make your favorite jeans last as long as possible, take proper care of them. Fix the dye to the fabric during each wash.

You will need

  • - warm water;
  • - vinegar;
  • - salt;
  • - laundry soap;
  • - a brush with a bristle of medium hardness;
  • - automatic washing machine (optional).


Be sure to wash new dyed ones before use. Some items, especially dark-colored ones, can be treated with a special double dyeing. It is because of this that, when rubbed, the dye remains on the surface in contact with clothing.

Read the information on the trade tag - self-respecting manufacturers stipulate this point, offering recommendations for care. Usually, after one or two washes in salted water or with the addition of vinegar, traces of paint on the body and linen no longer appear.

Try to soak your jeans as little as possible, especially if you have a large number metal fittings. If the need arises, leave the clothes in warm water for no more than one hour. Add some salt or vinegar to the soapy solution to keep the jeans smaller. Never leave the product wet and crumpled!

Arrange hand wash soiled with a not too hard brush and laundry soap - this is the best way to care for your jeans. Detergent will discolor denim more, especially if you use it regularly.

Do not rub the stains too hard to avoid creating a whitish halo on the dyed fabric. Lay out the product in the bath, carefully straightening and smoothing all the folds with the palm of your hand. After that, thoroughly lather the bristles of the brush with laundry soap and clean the dirt with light movements.

When washing jeans in an automatic washing machine, you will need a regular wash program. Do not forget to pre-zip and turn the product wrong side top. Optimal temperature regime when soaking, manual and machine washable jeans +40 degrees. In hotter water, they shed heavily.

Whichever method you choose to clean your clothes, you need to cure the paint during the last rinse. Dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water and add the resulting solution to cool water. Rinse the item thoroughly. Repeat this procedure after every wash of your jeans.


Helpful advice

Even if you regularly set the dye on your jeans, these clothes will gradually fade. Try to renew an item (originally painted blue!) With blue, after which you can rinse it in acidified vinegar clean water.

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  • jeans shed

If a stain appears on your jeans, do not immediately throw the item into the trash can. Try to clean the material yourself with the help of available tools.

You will need

  • Kerosene, refined gasoline, acetone, White clay, turpentine, glycerin, dishwashing liquid, white spirit, stain remover.


Fresh stain wipe cotton pad dipped in refined gasoline or kerosene, from the edges to the middle. Then wash your jeans in warm water with washing powder for stubborn stains. In addition, with light spots paint can be removed with acetone or nail polish remover. Test the solvent on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product before use. If the color of the material has changed, discard this product.

Take equal proportions of refined gasoline and clay. Stir well until smooth. Apply the paste to the paint stain and leave until the gasoline has completely evaporated. Then brush off the clay with a brush. Wash your jeans warm soap solution.

For removing old stain use turpentine. Wipe the dirt off with a cotton pad soaked in solvent. To avoid streaks, work from the edges to the middle. Then wipe off the stain with dishwashing liquid or stain remover. Rinse under running water and wash as usual.

The paint stain can be removed as follows. Wipe the stained area with warm water and soap or stain remover. Rinse the fabric and wash as usual. If the stain is old, soak your jeans in hot water and detergent before washing.

Heat the glycerin in a water bath or oven. Apply it to the damaged area and leave it on for a while. Then wash your jeans in warm water with tough-to-remove powder.


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Some people sometimes have situations when it suddenly starts to rain, and literally in a few hours they have to go to a meeting, and it is in jeans. Here you either throw your jeans into the wash and go damp, or choose something else.


In this case, several drying methods come to the rescue at once. But you need to remember that high-speed drying cannot be used too often - it can significantly spoil. The first way to dry quickly is to use a hair dryer. Take a large dry towel, place it over your jeans, and roll it together in a tight tourniquet as tightly as you can. If the towel gets wet, take a second one and repeat the folding several times. To enhance the effect, sit on top of rolled jeans and a towel for a couple of minutes. After that, take a hair dryer, turn it on at high power and keep it at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from your jeans. Direct a jet of hot air onto wet elements and dry for about one hour.

Try drying your jeans with. To do this, dry the clothes on the battery coil for about two hours, periodically turn the jeans over to dry evenly. Then spread out ironing board, turn on the steam iron and iron the jeans for an hour until they dry completely.

The most effective remedy for drying jeans that are suddenly wet

Many people remember the times when jeans came into fashion - so modern and relevant. Every second teenager, in the event of abrasion of the paint, ran to the store for blueprints and in the evening, as they say, he cooked his trousers to give color. This procedure took a lot of time and created additional troubles, but the result obtained justified all efforts and expectations. Many years have passed, and the popularity of jeans is still at the height of fashion. Men's, women's, children's models, varied in color and cut method, are full of on the shelves of clothing rows and stores. They say that only high-quality material for trousers is not capable of fading and shedding, so many try to try on more expensive options, so as not to put too much effort into painting faded trousers afterwards. In this article, you will find the answer to main question on how to dye jeans.

How to dye black jeans at home?

If a wardrobe item underwent pigmentation during the production process, then over time, no matter how reverent the care is for it, the material of manufacture will fade and lose its original shine and saturated color... This phenomenon most often occurs with black clothes, especially trousers. You can use a well-known method to bring denim back to black.

  1. First you need to purchase a dye of the appropriate shade.
  2. Dissolve the pigment in lukewarm water until the crystals disappear. This action should be carried out according to the instructions on the package, since the compatibility of a particular type of paint may differ from the fiber structure of the trousers.
  3. Put the resulting solution on the stove to heat up. Previously, you need to lower jeans that require updating into it.
  4. Wait until the solution boils and "boil" the trousers for 60 minutes. In order for the paint to be evenly distributed throughout the fabric, the jeans must be turned over from one side to the other.
  5. At the end of the allotted time, drain the coloring liquid and dry the jeans.
  6. The last step is to wash your trousers at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. This is done in order to wash off excess paint from the product.

How to dye jeans black in a washing machine?

The next way to update black jeans is less troublesome but just as effective. To do this, you need a pack of paint, an automatic machine and the "hero of the occasion" thing itself. Check trouser pockets for presence small items, money, garbage. After that, look at the icon on the label of the product indicating the temperature at which it can be washed. Expose desired mode on the washing machine, only without rinsing and spinning. The next step is to immerse the jeans in the drum and pour the required amount of the dye composition on top. Put your pants on washable maximum amount the time that the machine mode provides. Usually, it is 2-2.5 hours. At the end of the time, take out the item and rinse in the previously prepared solution. To dilute the rinse liquid, use 20 ml. vinegar per liter cold water... As soon as you complete this step, reload the item into the machine and wash as usual with a rinse and spin. Use a powder for colored fabrics as a powder.

Hair dye method

The next way from the category of "what can you dye black jeans"? Very original, previously unknown, but effective, it will be able to give the fabric the same original look.

  • "Gut" the pockets of the thing.
  • Dilute hair dye in warm water.
  • Place the jeans in the resulting liquid for 3 hours.
  • After processing, rinse the trousers in water with a color fixer.
  • Leave to dry completely on a clothesline.

This method has one drawback - after dyeing, jeans may begin to fade, so in the future they should not be washed with other things.

Can I dye black jeans with a felt-tip pen?

Surely many have heard that there is such a way to give clothes a black color. This is possible and appropriate if there are no other pigments at hand for this purpose.
So, take a few markers and take everything out of the rods. Dissolve the dye composition of the stationery in warm water and soak the jeans in the resulting liquid. After 4 hours, they can be taken out of the water, squeezed out and dried.

Acrylic paint

You can paint jeans black at home with acrylic paint, which is considered a fairly practical tool for painting faded things. The special quality of such paint is that water is added to its base. That is why the dye is perfectly diluted.

The algorithm for painting jeans with acrylic is simple. To do this, you need to dilute the paint in water and keep the thing in it for some time. After one to two hours, the jeans must be removed from the container and dried. When using this method, you need to remember that after the paint has dried on jeans, it cannot be washed off in any way, therefore it is important to ensure the material is evenly stained.

The advantage of this method is that after acrylic the trousers acquire a rich, bright color and will not burn out for a long time. To give the pigment special durability on denim, the dyed item can be ironed from the inside out with an iron.

Dyeing black jeans at home will help paint for textiles

All the components of such a recipe are within walking distance from you, and they can be purchased at any store. household chemicals... What do you need:

  • Black textile pigment.
  • Ammonia.
  • Color fixer.
  • Jeans.
  • Water.

Before you start dyeing your favorite trousers, get everything you need from the store. Probably, fabric dye will not be sold in an ordinary supermarket of household chemicals. Therefore, you have to walk to the nearest textile store. There you can definitely find what you need.

When choosing paint for clothes, check the instructions on the packaging on site. This must be done due to the fact that some types of pigment may not be suitable for the structure of the denim fiber. So, for example, for thin, natural materials, a dye designed for processing viscose, silk and woolen products... To pick up the paint, it is better to bring jeans directly to the store, and consultants will help you make the right choice on the spot.

When dyeing jeans that have recently been purchased or worn a couple of times, before the procedure, you must first prepare them: soak in diluted water with ammonia... The tool needs to be taken 25%, fifty milliliters will be enough for 10 liters of water.

The second preparation option is a regular wash with synthetic powder.

Why do you need to perform these actions, because the thing has just been bought and did not have time to fade. The fact is that jeans are treated with an antistatic agent before getting on store shelves. The manufacturer thus improves the presentation of the trousers, especially if they are of poor quality. Because of this approach, having washed new jeans once or twice, their owner notices with chagrin that the fabric has faded and has begun to fade. We have to resort to staining.

After washing or soaking in ammonia solution, the jeans should be rinsed in clean water. The next step is to thin the paint as recommended. Usually, the amount of pigment and water depends on the volume of dry material. Before dissolving the dye, you need to compare these values.

After completing the main procedure, you should thoroughly rinse your trousers in a five-liter basin with water diluted with half a glass of vinegar. Then treat the thing with a color fixer. The jeans should be dried naturally without wringing out.

How to choose paint?

In order to maximize the aesthetic appeal of your favorite jeans, at the first signs of fading, you need to return things to their former brightness and saturation as soon as possible. The choice of paint must be approached responsibly, because an illiterate choice of a pigment substance can spoil the fabric from the inside and send the thing to the trash bin. To avoid making the mistake, buy textile dye from a licensed home or textile store.

Today, distributors of dye formulations provide wide choose options. The most optimal paint is sold with a color fixer. Having bought such a composition, you will not be able to experience the adage “a miser pays twice”. When dyeing jeans with such a substance, follow the recommendations, otherwise, as a result, you can get a badly dyed thing or ruin it altogether.

How to dye jeans black so that after it does not leave marks on the skin?

No matter how positive the final result was, everyone who dyed jeans at least once faced one problem - paint marks on the skin, hands and nails. To avoid such consequences, pigment for coloring should be bought only in trusted stores and is of high quality. Such paint, of course, will make itself felt in the first days after the "update" and can leave a little pale - gray spots on underwear, but it will stop literally after one or two washings.

Of course, you can dye your jeans black at home. Only first you should heed some recommendations. The most important ones are:

  1. Jeans must be pre-washed and dried before dyeing.
  2. The use of fabric softener and other synthetic products is strictly prohibited.
  3. When the color of the trousers is revived, Special attention should be given to the places where the paint wears off first. V this case it's knees. Therefore, before the main work, you need to conduct a small test by applying a small amount of pigment on a separate area. So, you can understand what the original paint color looks like.
  4. Pronounced dark spots on the body after dyeing jeans, they always talk about the low quality of the pigment, so next time you should avoid such a purchase.
  5. After updating the item, it is necessary to wash it in the future only with washing powder. Using bleach or powder for white garments can cause instant fading of denim.

As you can see, you can easily give your favorite jeans a pristine, rich black color without resorting to outside help. But in order not to bother afterwards, not to waste time and energy on this kind of work, it is better to buy jeans High Quality and in good stores.

Every year, fashion designers create a certain design of trousers, which instantly flies around most of the world. Blue or "boiled" jeans, decorated with rhinestones, sequins, beads are approved by the majority of the fair sex. The pricing policy varies depending on the decor and the original shade, as a rule, it is quite high. In order not to spend hard-earned money, many girls resort to home staining which helps to restore the original color of the jeans.

Jeans dyeing methods

  1. Blue. The first place is rightfully taken by blue, it belongs to the more affordable drugs and fits perfectly on the fabric. Short-term durability is considered a negative characteristic of staining. The composition is washed out of the fiber structure almost after the first wash. If you prefer this method, be prepared for the fact that the color of the trousers will have to be updated regularly.
  2. Powder. Free-flowing dyes are very popular because they can be poured directly into the washing machine. During wet processing the color of the fabric is updated. A negative feature is that powder dyes have a fairly small range of colors.
  3. Potassium permanganate. Dyeing technology requires attention to detail, the method is not considered simple. However, in the end you will be able to get everyone's favorite "dumplings", which occupies a leading position in the fashion world.
  4. Acrylic. Paints on a similar basis are considered ultra-resistant, thanks to the unique composition of jeans, you can wash them in a household machine and even boil them. After final drying, the drawing with acrylic paints ceases to react to external factors, which is an undeniable plus.
  5. Special composition. You can purchase a gel or suspension from a hardware store to change original color denim... The disadvantage of this method is the high pricing policy, the advantage is the long-term effect. An analogy of the technology is the use of hair dye as a means of renewing the color of trousers.

How to dye jeans in a washing machine

  1. Pick up your coloring powder the desired shade, dilute it according to the instructions. As a rule, 45 grams. the product accounts for 0.5 liters of water.
  2. After dilution, stir the solution with a spatula to completely dissolve the granules, make sure there are no lumps.
  3. Next, add 15 grams to the solution. chopped salt and 10 gr. soda, mix again. Such components are needed to maintain color; they are added to the powder if the manufacturer's recommendations are available.
  4. Send the jeans to the machine, set the longest wash (about 2 hours). Usually, the function of processing cotton and linen is suitable, the main thing is that the temperature regime is at least 90 degrees.
  5. Pour the dye solution into the special compartment, wait until the cycle is complete. After that, take out the jeans, start preparing the soaking compound.
  6. Pour 5 liters of water into a basin, add 325-350 ml. table vinegar(concentration 6-9%). Place the pants in a container, wait a quarter of an hour.
  7. Rinse the jeans with your hands, then send them back to the machine, set the shortest wash (20-30 minutes) at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Be sure to add powder to wash off excess paint.

Treat jeans separately from light-colored laundry for subsequent washings. After washing the trousers, set the machine to double rinse, add bleach or bleach to rinse the pigment from the drum cavity.

  1. Choose the optimal container in which the jeans will be dyed. An enamel saucepan with a thick bottom and sides or a bucket will do.
  2. Dilute the powder dye according to the manufacturer's recommendations, stir until the crystals dissolve. Add soda and salt, if required by the instructions, then proceed with the procedure.
  3. Pour 8 liters of water into a previously selected container, add the prepared pigment there, mix thoroughly again. Place the bucket / saucepan over medium heat, bring the solution to the first bubbles, then reduce the power to minimum.
  4. Place jeans in a container, drown them with tongs or a wooden spatula, boil for 1 hour. Stir the solution periodically, turn the trousers over so that they are colored evenly.
  5. After expiration the specified period wait for the solution to cool down when room temperature, then use the tongs to remove the jeans from the container. Rinse them by hand.
  6. Prepare a solution by mixing 5 liters of water with 300 ml. vinegar, soak in jeans, wait 20 minutes. After that, machine wash them at 40 degrees, add conditioner and powder.

How to dye jeans blue

  1. It is important to understand that blue is suitable for short-term staining. She does not give jeans at all new color, but only makes them an order of magnitude blue. The pigment is washed off after 2-3 washes.
  2. The ineffectiveness of the method is easily overshadowed by the relative simplicity of the procedure. Prepare the blue solution strictly according to the instructions, soak the pants in the resulting mixture, leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Do not forget to stir the composition periodically so that the trousers are dyed evenly. After the specified time has elapsed, start preparing the soaking solution.
  4. Dilute table vinegar in a basin, rinse jeans in it. Repeat the procedure until the water is light. Replace the old vinegar solution with new one as you use it.

  1. Every year, the so-called "boiled jeans", which came to us from the 80s, are gaining more and more popularity. A similar effect can be done using the well-known potassium permanganate.
  2. A positive feature of the technology is considered to be complete absence boiling, coloring is performed without heat treatment.
  3. To create a "boiled pot" cook 80 gr. potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and 135 ml. table vinegar with a concentration of 6 to 9%. You will also need a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in an amount of 30 ml.
  4. Mix the listed components into one composition, dilute with water in a 2: 1 ratio. Twist the jeans with a tourniquet, fix with white hair ties.
  5. Place the pants in the solution, let sit for 20 minutes. Every 5 minutes "heat" the product in the mixture so that it does not float. After the specified period, remove the jeans.
  6. Rinse them with your hands, then send them to the machine for a double rinse. Add gel powder and fabric softener.

It is not difficult to dye jeans if you have sufficient knowledge of the available methods. Carry out potassium permanganate technology, purchase from a hardware store special powder to change the color of the fabric. Decorate the trousers with acrylic paints, giving them the desired pattern. Consider dyeing with special gel pigments that are designed for denim.

Video: how to dye jeans

Denim is a very durable material! About 20 years ago, in order to return the saturation to the shade, the pants were soaked in a basin with blue diluted in water. Or even cooler - boiled in a saucepan to get an unpredictable print. Fortunately modern methods simpler, safer and more effective. I will tell you how and how to dye jeans at home.

Powder dyes for jeans - painting in a typewriter automatically or by hand

An interesting and fashionable solution is partial coloring. For example, the bottom or top of light-colored trousers is painted in black, crimson, gray, or in several colors at once. Beautiful tonal transitions are obtained.

Powder dyes can be used both in a washing machine and in enameled dishes over a fire. In principle, no hassle - the main thing is to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

They speak well of the Priboy powder dye. It is a versatile home fabric paint suitable for artificial and natural products(cotton, nylon, wool, etc.). The palette includes ten colors. One sachet is designed for dyeing 0.5 kg of fabric. This is if you choose from cheaper options.

If the price doesn't really matter, and only quality is a priority, it is better to pay attention to the paint of the Simplicol brand. It is intended for dyeing natural and semi-synthetic fabrics by hand or in a typewriter. It contains a dye fixer - this guarantees color saturation and long-lasting effect.

The instructions warn that Simplicol jeans dye is not suitable for cashmere, silk, wool, polyamide and polyurethane coated materials. There is a separate paint of the same brand marked “for silk and wool”.

Method 1. Coloring in a typewriter machine

We paint jeans in an automatic machine using powder dye:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Before the procedure, it is advisable to wash your trousers (even if they are clean) in order to make sure there are no greasy stains.

Step 2

Take everything out of your pockets and turn your pants inside out.

Step 3

For even coloring, without streaks and stains, I advise you to pre-dilute the powder dye in 0.5 liters of water. Make sure that it completely dissolves - lumps and grains of sand can ruin the case.

The dye package may say add baking soda and / or salt. Do not disregard the manufacturer's recommendations! These ingredients are often needed to consolidate the color effect.

Step 4

Pour the resulting solution into the drum washing machine... Load your jeans there. Set the mode to cotton or linen, and the temperature is 90-95 ºC. Longest wash cycle is preferable.

Step 5

This step is required if the jeans colorant does not contain any color-fixing components! While the machine is washing, pour cool water into a basin and add vinegar - for 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

As soon as the technique finishes its work, take out the jeans and soak them in this liquid for about half an hour.

Step 6

Dry this time is better naturally, away from batteries and direct sunlight.

After the procedure, it would be good to start the wash "dry" in order to exclude accidental staining of the laundry. In general, powder dyes are harmless to a machine, but their traces can remain on rubber parts. This plaque can be easily removed with a damp sponge.

Method 2. Staining in an enamel bowl

A bit outdated way, but there is nothing complicated here:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Before dyeing, dilute the powder dye in 1 liter hot water... Make sure it dissolves completely. Lumps and grains of sand can leave streaks or brighter stains on jeans.

If it says on the pack that you need to add soda and / or salt, then add the indicated amount and stir.

Step 2

Pour the solution into the prepared enamel bowl, add another 5-7 liters of water and load jeans there as evenly as possible.

Step 3

Put the cookware on gas and “cook” for about an hour at 90-95 ºC, stirring occasionally.

Step 4

An hour has passed! Remove the pants from the solution (just not with your bare hands, you will burn yourself) and let them cool slightly.

Step 5

Step 6

Soak the product for 20-30 minutes in warm water with the addition of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) to fix the color.

Hand wash using powder.


Alternative dyes + staining techniques

Method 3. Old, proven blue

Perhaps one of the most affordable and cheapest options for dyeing jeans blue. To the pluses of blue, I would attribute the ease of use and harmlessness to the skin.

But, alas, she cannot boast of color fastness - it begins to slowly wash out from the very first wash. So regular touch-ups will be required. Although blue for jeans is short-lived, it requires a minimum of money, effort and time.

For sale denim blue at hardware stores as a powder or concentrated liquid. I think it's much more convenient to use a ready-made dye than to mess with dry matter.

Jeans dyeing technology blue:

Image Procedure
Step 1

Dissolve the blue in warm water (no higher than 30 ºC). Adjust the color saturation yourself, "by eye".

The blue color will last longer on jeans if you add 2-3 tablespoons of table salt to the dyeing composition and stir well.

Step 2

Soak the product in the prepared composition for several hours, turning it over from time to time.

Step 3

Rinse your jeans in cool water with vinegar (1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water).

The vinegar will help set the blue color for a while. But this still will not save the dye from washing out from the fabric structure.

Method 4. Hair dye is also suitable for jeans

The paint adheres to the fabric quite firmly and gives beautiful shades. But I still advise using it in extreme cases or exclusively on old jeans that you do not mind ruining.

The procedure for dyeing trousers with hair dye looks like this:

  1. Buy paint in the shade you want... For large sizes it is better to take two packs of trousers.
  2. Dilute it enough amount of water, so that you can completely submerge the product there. Stir the paint thoroughly!
  3. Soak your pants in the resulting solution for 1.5 hours.

  1. When the time is up, rinse your jeans first, just in warm water, and then in cool water with the addition of vinegar and salt.
  2. Do it yourself using washing powder.
  3. Then dry the product naturally, away from batteries and the sun.

Method 5. Jeans-boiled with whiteness

Of course, the market today is full of all sorts of different models with scuffs, transitions, patterns, etc. But when you try to dye jeans yourself at home, you get something unique, original, and therefore valuable.

All you need is whiteness, an enamel pot and a gas stove.:

  1. Dissolve 1 cup of regular whiteness in a bucket of water.
  2. Twist the jeans thoroughly and fix in such position with threads or better with rubber bands.

  1. Immerse the product in this solution and simmer for at least 15 minutes on the stove. Make sure that the jeans do not float to the surface.
  2. You should get an interesting large pattern..

Method 6. Aniline dyes for color transitions on jeans

Aniline powder paints were used for a variety of purposes by our great-grandmothers. You can buy them today, and in an improved form.

If earlier aniline dyes were quickly washed out or faded in the sun, now they are more resistant to water and light. You can find them in business departments, art shops or on the Internet. Better to buy liquid.

Aniline paints are most conveniently applied with soft brushes - squirrel, kolinsky or ferret.

Aniline spreads strongly, which allows you to get an interesting fusion of colors and all kinds of smooth transitions... In this case, nothing can be added to the paint.

If you do not want the smudge effect, use tragacanth glue in combination with liquid aniline paint (in a ratio of 1: 3).

Another way to avoid smudges on fabric Is a gelatin primer. For 1 liter of hot water, take 2-3 grams of gelatin. After its complete dissolution, soak the product in the resulting solution, dry and smooth.

Method 7. Acrylic paint on jeans

Don't want to change the color of your pants, but just crave something “not like everyone else's”? Acrylic paints are ideal for this purpose! I would advise drawing on those jeans that you put on "out". Casual pants are often washed, so a beauty patiently drawn with your own hand will quickly fade or crack.

Acrylic paint penetrates well deep into natural fibers and firmly fixed in them. Such paints can be mixed with each other in any ratio and get unique shades.

  • Before drawing wash, dry and iron your jeans thoroughly.
  • The area on which the image will be applied, can be stretched or simply spread out on a flat surface.
  • To avoid staining the back of your jeans, insulate it from the front with cardboard or heavy paper.
  • To simplify your work, secure the product to the table with adhesive tape.

  • To make the drawing more durable, avoid overlapping the fabric in dense layers.
  • Use hard and soft brushes different sizes with synthetic bristles.

  • Draw the drawing first with a pencil or special copy paper for tailors (does not stain jeans).
  • The outline of the picture is outlined light paint and a soft thin brush.
  • Working with shades remember that it is more convenient to start with lighter tones and gradually move on to darker ones.

  • Keep a piece of similar cloth close at hand to do color proofing.
  • Try to brush as quickly as possible: so, the paints that have not yet penetrated deep into the fabric will mix, leaving no clear boundaries between the tones.
  • When you finish drawing - wait 15 hours, and then secure the image by ironing the jeans with a hot iron from the wrong side for 2-3 minutes. You need to iron slowly and continuously, without stopping for a long time in one place. When finished, check the product, cover the drawing with material and iron it quickly.

  • Acrylic paint for jeans is quite resistant to washout and fade, but still the products painted by her need careful care... Washing in a typewriter on a gentle program at a temperature not exceeding 40 ºC without bleaching agents. Short spin at low speeds. Jeans decorated in this way are best washed by hand.


We figured out how to dye jeans in the desired color using powder dyes, blue, whiteness, aniline and acrylic paints! You can first practice on old home pants, and then boldly paint those that are "on the way out."

Experiment and share your discoveries in the comments. Be sure to watch the video in this article!